Español 4, Segundo Semestre The Imperfect Subjunctive--H.O.#19 Use the Imperfect Subjunctive when the context of the sentence is in the past! Remember that the imperfect tense is considered a past tense. Compare the following Present Subjunctive Imperfect Subjunctive Los padrinos quieren que felicitemos al graduando. Los padrinos querían que felicitáramos al graduando. La madre de la graduanda sugiere que hagamos el brindis. La madre de la graduanda sugirió que hiciéramos el brindis. To form the Imperfect Subjunctive, begin with the preterite tense, specifically the « ellos/ellas/ustedes » form. Drop the –ron and add the following endings: -ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, ran. These endings are the same for all three types of infinitives: -ar,-er, & -ir and for the irregular verbs as well. If a verb is irregular in the ellos/ellas/uds form of the preterite, like the verb ir (fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron), it will also be irregular in the Imperfect Subjunctive (fuera, fueras, fuera, fuéramos, fueran). Be sure to use an accent mark on the “we” form before adding -ramos. I. Conjugate the following verbs in the Imperfect Subjunctive. Remember, only –ir verbs stem-change in the preterite tense and therefore these same verbs will continue to stemchange in the imperfect subjunctive--stem-change to a single vowel only (i or u). Sacar sacara Llegar Entender Repetir entendieras llegara repitiera sacaran Servir Pedir Vestirse me vistiera Seguir siguiera se vistieran siguieran pidieras sirvieran Preferir prefiriera Despedirse me despidiera Morir Dormir murieras nos despidiéramos prefirieran durmieran II. Conjugate the following irregulars in the imperfect subjunctive. ( These are the same as the preterite! Remember to start off with the they form of the preterite irregular form before adding –ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -ran!) Ser/Ir Dar Ver viera Querer quisieras fuéramos *fueron Hacer hiciera diéramos dieron Venir viniera vieron Poner quisieron Poder pusieras pudiéramos hicieran hicieron Saber vinieran vinieron *Decir pusieron pudieron *Traer *Conducir condujeras trajera supiéramos supieron Tener dijéramos * *dijeron Estar * *trajeron * *condujeron Andar anduvieras estuviera tuviéramos tuvieron estuvieron anduvieron Fui Di Vi Quise, Hice, Vine yo Puse, Pude, Supe yo *Dije, Traje, Conduje yo Tuve, Estuve, Anduve yo Pretérito, Irregular All: ¡Ya yo se los verbos, olé! III. Translate the following sentences using the Preterite or Imperfect in the first clause and the Imperfect Subjunctive in the second clause. This mood is for actions that you hope would be completed in the past. 1st Subject + 1st Verb Preterite / Imperfect + que *Me alegré de que él tomara su píldora. + 2nd Subject + Different than 1st Subj 2nd Verb Imperfect Subjunctive I was glad he would take his pill. (Imperfect Subj.) 1. I doubted that he would cry during his doctor appointment (appointment with the doctor). _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. She hoped that I would not brake my arm. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. It was a shame that he would have a stomach ache. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. It was improbable that she would sneeze in his thermometer. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. It was impossible that the patient would bleed so much. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. The doctor doubted that I would chew (masticar) my pills. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. It was rare that the child would cough all night. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. It was bad that she would take out (sacar) her own stitches. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. I was sorry that Ramón would have surgery. _____________________________________________________________________________ Español 4 The Subjunctives Distinguished—H.O.#21 Following are triggers for the subjunctives. It is the same triggers that trigger all of the subjunctives (present subjunctive, present perfect subjunctive, imperfect subjunctive and pluperfect subjunctive). IV. Define the following triggers that trigger all of the subjunctives. You can define most by memory but I’ve helped you get started. Impersonal Expressions Emotion Exp. Hope, wish, want, recommend Exp Doubt Expressions Subjunctive w/relative clauses It’s good that Es bueno que It’s important that Es importante que It’s logical that Es lógico que It’s bad that It’s ridiculous that To allow Continued *I doubt that No hay…que… It’s sad that To demand To want *I don’t think that It’s a shame that To insist on To recommend It’s not certain that No hay nadie que… There’s no one that… No hay nada que… *I hope that To oppose It’s not sure that No hay ningún/a …que… It’s better that *I’m happy that To prohibit To suggest Sugerir (ie/i) To permit It’s not true that ¿Hay alguién que…? It’s necessary that Hopefully **Maybe Buscar It’s dangerous that *I’m sorry that **Perhaps Necesitar It’s possible that *I’m afraid that To beg Rogar To plead Suplicar To advise It’s probable that It’s a pity that Es una lástima que It’s rare that To want To hope, wait To order, send To request ¿Conocer…? The Subjunctives Distinguished In the context of the present tense Present Subjunctive I hope that he studies. Espero que él estudie. *Present Perfect Subjunctive I hope that he has studied. Espero que él haya estudiado. In the context of the past tense Imperfect Subjunctive I hoped that he would study. Esperé que él estudiara. *Past Perfect (Pluperfect) Subjunctive I hoped that he had studied. Esperé que él hubiera estudiado. *The action has been completed in both the present perfect and past perfect subjunctives. The difference between the two is the context of time in which the actions were completed—present or past! (Remember that the “perfect”/compound tenses are for completed actions. Also, remember that the subjunctives disguise themselves as different tenses.) V. Translate the following sentences using the correct subjunctive mood depending both on the context of time and completed actions. 1. It’s necessary that I finish my homework on (a) time. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. It’s possible that he has finished his homework on (a) time. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. It was a pity that she did not finish her homework on (a) time. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. It was a pity that she had not finished her homework on (a) time ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. She advised that I speak only (solamente) Spanish. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. It was rare (as in strange) that he bathed at school. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. It’s not true that he has graduated from college (universidad). ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. I recommend that we relax (relajarse). ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. It wasn’t certain that the store had closed. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. ¿Is there someone here that can play (tocar) the piano? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. We are looking for a secretary that can type (escribir) eighty words a minute. ____________________________________________________________________________________