COASTAL MARSH PLANTS FIELD DAY PROGRAM Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Rice Research Station 1373 Caffey Road, Rayne, LA 70578 Tel. 337/788-7531 9:00 Introduction/Opening Remarks Dr. Steve Linscombe, Director, Southwest Region Dr. David Boethel, Vice Chancellor and Director, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station 9:15 Coastal Plant Field Tour Dr. Herry Utomo, Assistant Professor, Rice Research Station 10:15 Overview of LSU AgCenter Coastal Plant Development Programs and Virtual Tours Dr. Carrie Knott, Assistant Professor, School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences Dr. Herry Utomo, Assistant Professor, Rice Research Station Mr. Mike Materne, Instructor, School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences 11:15 Plant Development, NRCS Plant Material Center Mr. Garret Thomassie, Golden Meadow NRCS Plant Material Center 11:35 Developing a Tool to Map Factors Limiting Growth of Coastal Wetland Vegetation Dr. Andy Nyman, Professor, School of Renewable Natural Resources 11:55 Coastal Restoration and Conservation in Louisiana Mr. Steve Carmichael, State Resource Conservationist, NRCS Mr. Morris Houck, Plant Material Specialist, NRCS 12:15 Lunch – Guest Speaker Coastal Planning Overview: Mr. Jerome "Zee" Zeringue, Director of Planning and Programs, Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities 1:30 Physiological and Molecular Characteristics of Smooth Cordgrass Seed Dr. Marc Cohn, Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology 1:50 Development and Interspecific Transferability of Genic Microsatellite Markers from Expressed Sequence Tags Generated from Salt Stressed smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) Dr. Niranjan Baisakh, Assistant Professor; Dr. Prasanta Subudhi, Associate Professor, School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences 2:10 Wetland Ecosystem Forecasting Dr. Gregory D. Steyer, U.S. Geological Survey/National Wetlands Research Center 2:30 Discussion and Recommendations Mr. Mark Shirley, Agent, Vermilion Parish Mr. Kevin Savoie, Agent, Calcasieu Parish Topics: Linking Plant Developing Programs into Marsh Re-creation and Engineering Reconstruction Projects Increasing Roles of Coastal Plant Nurseries, Coastal Land Owners, and Managers Ecosystem Forecasting, Vegetation Mapping Tool, Plant Development Programs, Coastal Planning, and Restoration Policies: How Will We Put Them Together For Better Progress? 4:00 Adjourn The LSU Agricultural Center is a campus of the LSU System and provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.