Colonial Economics - Midland Independent School District


Grade 5

Social Studies

Unit: 02

Lesson: 02

Suggested Duration: 4 Days

Economía de las colonias

Lesson Synopsis:

In this lesson students examine economic patterns of colonial America. Students make connections between industries, available resources in the area, and their impact on how people make a living. The development of a free enterprise market economy is also explored.


5.10 Economics. The student understands the basic economic patterns of early societies in the United States. The student is expected to:

5.10A Explain the economic patterns of early European colonists.

5.10B Identify major industries of colonial America.

5.11 Economics. The student understands the development, characteristics and benefits of the free enterprise system in the United States. The student is expected to:

5.11A Describe the development of the free enterprise system in colonial America and the United States.

5.13 Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in the United States. The student is expected to:

5.13A Analyze how people in different parts of the United States earn a living, past and present.

5.13B Identify and explain how geographic factors have influenced the location of economic activities in the United


Social Studies Skills TEKS:

5.24 Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid sources, including electronic technology. The student is expected to:

5.24A Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual material; documents; and artifacts to acquire information about the United States

5.25 Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to:

5.25B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication

5.25D Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies.







Performance Indicator(s):

Design a quilt square that illustrates a colonial industry. Write a paragraph describing the relationship between the industry’s geographic factors including availability of resources and the free enterprise system. (5.10B; 5.13A,

5.13B; 5.24A; 5.25B, 5.25D)

1E; 2I; 5F

Key Understandings and Guiding Questions:

 La industria se desarrolla en regiones en dónde los recursos naturales y humanos están disponibles.

— ¿Por qué las industrias se desarrollan en áreas que tienen recursos naturales y humanos?

— ¿Qué ocurre cuando los recursos cambian?

— ¿Por qué se desarrolló el sistema de libre empresa en la América Colonial?

Vocabulary of Instruction:

 industria

 economía

 patrón económico

 factores geográficos

 recursos

 libre empresa


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Grade 5

Social Studies

Unit: 02 Lesson: 02

Refer to the Notes for Teacher section for materials.


Handout: Colonial Jobs (cut apart, 1 set per group)

Handout: Colonial Jobs Definitions (cut apart, 1 set per group)

Teacher Resource: Colonial Jobs KEY

Handout: Colonial Industries (1 per student)

Teacher Resource: Colonial Industries KEY

Teacher Resource: Free Enterprise in Colonial America

Advance Preparation:

1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson, including colonial industries.

2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.

3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.

4. Preview available resources and websites according to district guidelines.

5. Prepare materials and handouts as needed.

Background Information:

This lesson provides information for the students on some of the important colonial industries that developed in the different regions of Colonial America. The industries were closely connected to the geographical and human resources that were available in that area of the colonies. The differences in the regions later lead to conflict.













Instructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the

Instructional Focus Document for this unit.

Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools

Tab located at the top of the page. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.





Instructional Procedures


Free Enterprise

1. Facilitate a brief discussion to assess student prior knowledge about the free enterprise system.

2. Place students in groups of three.

3. Introduce a scenario such as the following:

You and your team members must think of a fundraiser for a trip to a theme park for the end of the school year. The problem is that your team must produce what you will sell; it cannot be something you buy at a store and resell. Your team must produce it. Your profit from sales of your product will fund the class trip.

What will you produce?

How will you produce it?

How much will you produce?

For whom will you produce?

4. Groups brainstorm for about 15 minutes and write a proposal for their fundraising endeavor. Encourage teams to compete with the other teams by not divulging their plan for profit.

5. Each group shares their proposal with other class members and explains how and why they decided to produce their selected product.

6. Script team ideas on the board and reach a consensus as to which

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Notes for Teacher

NOTE: 1 Day = 50 minutes

Suggested Day 1 – 20 minutes


Teacher Resource: Free

Enterprise in Colonial America


This activity is designed to introduce students to the four important economic questions that must be considered in a free enterprise system.

TEKS: 5.10A, 5.11A

Instructional Note:

In earlier grades, students were introduced to economic concepts including: wants and needs, selfproducing, trade, purchase, jobs, work, goods and services, markets, exchange, choice, supply and demand, earn, spend, save, producer, consumer, product, scarcity, price, profit, entrepreneur, economic activity, patterns of work, free enterprise, free market, interdependence. page 2 of 5

Grade 5

Social Studies

Unit: 02 Lesson: 02

Instructional Procedures

product would likely make the most profit/money.

7. Facilitate a discussion about decisions that have to be made before producing and selling a product. Include economic vocabulary and review economic ideas from earlier grades.

Is there a market (buyers)? How do you know if there is a market?

(there has to be a demand)


Free Enterprise in Colonial America

1. Write the words “Economics” and “Industry” on the board and provide a brief definition for each word.

2. Facilitate a discussion about industry and the economy in colonial

America. Ask questions such as:

What did colonists need when they moved to the colonies?

Where did they get these goods? (originally, from England, but that took a long time and was very expensive, so people in the colonies started producing goods and providing services themselves)

3. Group students into three or four and provide each group with the

Handout: Colonial Jobs and the Handout: Colonial Jobs Definitions (cut apart, 1 set per group) .

4. Groups read the colonial jobs, speculate on what the job was and what need it filled, and match the job with the definition. Groups also discuss and speculate as to what colony in colonial America this job or service might be found in (and why).

5. Display the Teacher Resource: Colonial Jobs KEY

6. Facilitate a discussion including questions such as:

How many jobs did you accurately match? Are any of these jobs in existence today?

What do these jobs have in common?

Why do you think these jobs developed? (Lead students to the conclusion that all of these jobs developed in order to meet the colonists’ basis needs)

When a person performed one of these jobs, what do you think he did with the money he made?

Notes for Teacher

Suggested Day 1 (cont’d) – 30 minutes


 scissors (two pairs per group)


Handout: Colonial Jobs (cut apart,

1 set per group)

Handout: Colonial Jobs

Definitions (cut apart, 1 set per group)

Teacher Resource: Colonial Jobs



Pre-assess prior information students possess about why jobs are important, why jobs are created in order to lead students to explore the growth of the free enterprise system during colonial times

When the colonists engaged in free enterprise through cottage industries, they were able to keep their profits, a benefit that changed as various acts, such as the Stamp

Act, were imposed by Great Britain which required all materials be purchased from Great Britain.

Student understanding can lead to their making connections in upcoming units, noting that to the colonists, loss of profits were equal to their being taxed without representation.

TEKS: 5.10A, 5.10B, 5.11A, 5.13A,


Instructional Note:

It may be necessary to briefly introduce mercantilism and free enterprise, summarizing the difference between the two

(including individual choice, profit motives, creation of wealth, and extraction of wealth

Economics – wealth-producing system of society, measured in

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Instructional Procedures


Economics and Industry

1. Students sketch a map of the thirteen colonies (and note the regions).

2. Distribute the Handout: Colonial Industries to students in groups of 4 or fewer.

3. Using their textbooks and other classroom resources, students investigate locations of key industries in colonial America and note any reasons for those patterns of work (geographic factors such as natural resources and climate).

4. Student glue the cutouts on the area where the industry was located.

5. Students prepare answers using the following sentence stem:

This industry developed in this location because ____________.


Industry and Location T-Chart

1. To check for understanding, create a T-chart on the board (See

Instructional Note.) or display a map of the colonies and create a classroom version as students explain where the industry was found and provide support for their thinking. (See the Teacher Resource: Colonial

Industries KEY )

2. Facilitate a discussion where students share their ideas and explain why that industry occurred at that location. Encourage use of academic language including natural resources, economic system, industry, and geographic factors.

©2012, TESCCC


Grade 5

Social Studies

Unit: 02 Lesson: 02

Notes for Teacher

money, concerned with production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

Industry – productive, profit-making enterprises that make use of systematic labor, especially for some useful purpose or the creation of something of value

Cottage Industry – industries that are home based. Examples were sewing, weaving, shoemaking, etc.

Mercantilism – Government controls businesses and makes decisions, extracting wealth from the colonies by exploiting its resources

Free Enterprise – Individual owners make decisions, government plays a more limited role

Suggested Day 2 – 50 minutes


 map, regions of the 13 colonies –

New England Middle, Southern (1 per student)

 scissors (if students will cut apart the cards from the Handout:

Colonial Industries )

 glue sticks

Information on industries of colonial



Handout: Colonial Industries (cut apart, 1 per student)

TEKS: 5.10A, 5.10B, 5.13A, 5.13B

Purpose: Students understand that jobs

(economic activities) are connected to the natural and human resources around them.

Suggested Day 3 – 25 minutes

TEKS: 5.10A, 5.10B, 5.11A, 5.13A,


Instructional Note:

Be sure to address the fact that some of the industries were in all three regions.

Industry Location Reason page 4 of 5

Grade 5

Social Studies

Unit: 02 Lesson: 02

Instructional Procedures

3. Continue the discussion, prompting students by using questions such as:

Why do you think these jobs/industries occurred at these locations?

Do you think there is a connection between locations and where the industry develops or where jobs are located? Why?

What can we say about industries/jobs and location? Students reach consensus and jointly write a summary statement.


1. Distribute one sheet of colored or white paper to each student.

2. Students create a 2-tab organizer by folding the paper to form two narrow sections and then use scissors to cut the paper from the center of one edge to the fold to create the tabs.

3. Close the tabs and lay the folded paper landscape style on the desk with the open side down so the tabs can be opened. On the left tab of the front, students write, “Colonial Times.”

4. On the right tab of the front, students write, “Today.”

5. Folding back the flaps, students write a list of colonial industries, a list of why they were created, and how they can be linked to free enterprise.

6. On the right side, students write today’s industries that were created for a need, and how they are a part of the free enterprise system.


Colonial Jobs Quilt

Design a quilt square that illustrates a colonial industry. Write a paragraph describing the relationship between the industry’s geographic factors including availability of resources and the free enterprise system. (5.10B;

5.13A, 5.13B; 5.24A; 5.25B, 5.25D)

1E; 2I; 5F

Notes for Teacher

Suggested Day 3 (cont’d) – 25 min


 paper, colored or white paper (1 per student)

 scissors (1 per student)

TEKS: 5.10A, 5.10B, 5.11A, 5.13A,



Students need to connect to the idea that industries and jobs are still created to meet people’s basic and not so basic needs.

Instructional Note: Students need to construct a handout that they will fill in with information.

Suggested Day 4 – 50 minutes


 drawing paper

 markers or colored pencils

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