
Circulatory, Respiratory, Excretory, and Digestive System Test
Friday April 29th
Directions: Create a study guide that lists all important information for each
checkmark. This may be typed or handwritten. Due April 28th
Circulatory System
Heart Diagram: Label all parts
ORDER of blood Flow through the heart and body
Blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries)
Blood (white blood cells, red blood cells, plasma, platelets)
Blood Types (A, B, AB, and O)
o Which is the universal recipient?
o Which is the universal donor?
 Safe blood transfusions
Respiratory System
Lung Diagram: Label all parts
Function of Diaphragm
Order of oxygen flow
Order of carbon dioxide flow
Gas exchange and alveoli/diffusion
Respiratory Lab
Excretory System
Urinary system diagram: label all parts
Cellular Wastes: urine, urea, salt, CO2, water
Function of liver
Excretory wastes chart (what organs excrete which wastes)
Friday April 29th is the
last day to receive extra
credit for singing the
“Pump Your Blood” song.
Digestive System
Digestive diagram: Label all parts
Mechanical and chemical digestion
Final digestion and absorption
All enzymes and what they break down
Helper organs and their jobs
Systems working together
 Be able to explain how the following systems work together to maintain homeostasis.
Circulatory (blood) and Respiratory
Circulatory (blood) and Digestive
Circulatory (blood) and Excretory
 What is the difference between cellular waste (excretory) and solid waste
Make sure you have these handouts in your binder to study:
Circulatory Notes
Circulatory Quiz
*Circulatory foldable study guide
Respiratory notes
Respiratory quiz
Lung Lab (bottle and the balloons)
Excretory notes
Digestive system notes
*Digestive graphic organizer (there are 2 of these)
Digestive system square puzzle
ALL do now’s