Directions. Answer the following questions with short responses. If

name _____________________
(Refer to the textbook, Bulliet, et. al. pp. 297-320)
Due date: ______________
Directions. Answer the following questions with short responses. If [CS] is indicated,
please use a complete sentence. Page numbers are included for your convenience.
Classical –Era Culture and Society in Mesoamerica, 200CE-900CE
1) Which previous Mesoamerican civilization influenced classic-period civilizations?
How? (299) _______________________________________________________
2) What was the largest city in the Americas from 450-600? ____________________
3) When did this city begin and end? ______________________ (300)
4) What type of architecture was prevalent in Teotihuacan? ____________________
What was it dedicated to? _______________________________
5) What was Quetzalcoatl? Describe. [CS] ________________________________
______________________________________________________________ (301)
6) Why did Mesoamericans perform human sacrifices? [CS] __________________
_______________________________________________________________ (301)
7) What were chinampas? What were they used for? (301) [CS] __________________
8) From a political standpoint, how was Teotihuacan different from other classical
civilizations? (301) [CS] ________________________________________________
9) Which present day countries did the Maya inhabit? (302, also see map 300)
10) When was the Maya classic period? ____________________________
11) Describe the picture on page 303. What was it? Where was it? Why was it
significant? [CS] _____________________________________________________
12) Give two reasons why the Maya declined between 800 and 900CE. (304)
The Postclassic Period in Mesoamerica 900-1500
13) Which civilization influenced the development of the Toltecs? (305) ____________
In turn, which great Mesoamerican civilization did the Toltecs influence?
14) When did the Toltecs establish their capital? __________________________
Where? __________________________ What happened in 1156?
15) The Aztecs. (First refer to map on page 300) What was Tenochtitlan? When was it
constructed? (305) [CS] _____________________________________________
16) What type of political system did the Aztecs have? Did these rulers have absolute
power? (306) [CS] __________________________________________________
17) What is primogeniture? Look it up in a dictionary. [CS] ______________________
18) As part of their tribute system, which products did the Aztecs demand from
conquered peoples? (307) ____________________________________________
19) How did the Aztecs facilitate their barter system? Which products were traded? (307)
[CS} ______________________________________________________________
20) Aztec polytheism (307). Why was the hummingbird god, Huitzilpochtli, important?
[CS] ______________________________________________________________
Northern Peoples
21) Around 900 CE, where did important cultural centers emerge in North America? (308)
(Locate them on the map on page 309). __________________________________
22) Describe what kivas were. (308) [CS] ___________________________________
23) Refer to the map on page 310. In this Colorado location, where did the Anasazi
dwell? _________________ What was their population in 1250? _______________
24) What did the Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippian cultures have in common?
(Refer to the subtitle on page 311 ; locate them on the map on page309).
25) Refer to the map on page 312. Locate the Chimu, Moche, and Incan civilizations.
Refer to the map’s caption. Which technological adaptations were made by these
Andean civilizations? _______________________________________________
26) What were the khipu, and what were they used for? (312) [CS]
27) What was the ayllu? What function did it serve? (312) [CS]
28) What was the mit’a system? [CS] _______________________________________
29) Name the two pre-Incan civilizations located on the map on page 312.
The Inca. Refer to the chart on page 299. When did Incan expansion begin?
_____________________ When did they conquer the Chimu? ___________________
When did they conquer Ecuador? (299) _____________________________________
What allowed the Inca to conquer huge territories? (316) ________________________
Refer to the map on page 312. Which parts of present day countries were included
in the Incan Empire. Refer to the inside back cover of the textbook if you can’t do
this from memory. __________________________________________________
Who did the Inca’s royal family claim to be descended from? (316)
Give examples and describe the cultural achievements of the Inca. (318) [CS]