Minutes of PAP01 face to face meeting July 22, 2010, Detroit, Michigan Attendees Name David Su Bruce Kraemer Steve Holmgrin Gary Stuebing Tom Herbst Matt Gillmore Name Ken Holbrook John Buffington Frances Cleveland Mitsuru Kanda Joe Hughes Kuor Hsin Chang Company ITRON ITRON XANTHUS TOSHIBA EPRI ELSTER Mike Corbett Paul Duffy Fred Baker Company NIST MARVELL SENSUS DUKE ENERGY SSN CONSUMER ENERGY BGA CISCO CISCO Michael Northern David Meyer Phil Roberts Gordon Blackwell Klaus Bender ITRON UTC Kelly Flowers Dileep Rudran Michael Stuber Jorjeta Jetcheva DTE ENERGY ACCENTURE ITRON ITRON Nada Golmie Margaret Wasserman Quan Wang Ron Cunningham Called in Mehmet Ersue DELOITTE CISCO INTERNET SOCIETY NIST BELKIRE Jerry Armes MICRONET Ted Fsher David Goseh IAP SOLUTIONS Doug Montgomery CQOPT AEP Nokia Siemens Networks NUARI, Norwich Univ. NIST Summary of Meeting David Su opened with an overview of the tasks for PAP01 and reviewed the proposed agenda that was sent prior to the meeting. 1. Core IP Protocol Suite Fred Baker gave an overview of his draft document “Internet protocols for the Smart Grid.” He then presented a slide deck on additional issues that might need further discussions in his document - IP security, IPv6, and Home Area Networks. Fred asked for comments on this document. David Su asked what is the final format of this document, will it be just informational RFC, or any other type of RFC as it might have other implications as a final deliverable for PAP01 to SGIP and possibly FERC. Joe Hughes expressed the concept of developing a report similar to what NIST developed as Special Report 500-267, USG V6 profiles. Joe described that there may be several different types of networks for the Smart Grid that may each have its own set of requirements pertinent to the domain or environment. Several standardized profiles may be needed. 2. Mapping of RFCs to satisfy requirements in NISTIR 7628 Ted Fisher presented his mapping of security requirements from the NISTIR 7628. It was agreed that a detailed description of security mapping is needed for each specific scenario. A team is formed to continue the work. 3. IPv6 for Smart Grid Phil Roberts, from the Internet Society presented information on his organization to promote the migration to Internet Protocol V6. The main concern is the exhaustion of Internet V4 address space, which may happen as early as end of 2010. It was mentioned that some utilities would like to move to IPv6, but are facing a problem that vendors are not offering IPv6 implementations. A testing and certification. Program would help. David Su mentioned that NIST’ IPv6 program has established a testing infrastructure to help U.S. Government Agencies in procuring IPv6 network equipments. Doug Montgomery from NIST presented additional information about the program. David asked for volunteers to work with NIST for IPv6 profile for SG, if interested please contact David Su or Doug Montgomery at NIST. 4. IP Network Architecture David Su noted that several architecture documents are being developed at IEEE P2030, IEC TC57, ITU-T G.hnem, and others. SEP2.0 also specifies the use of IP. Therefore PAP01 needs to address the architecture of IP networks. Fred Baker indicated that George Arnold had asked him to develop an architecture document as well. Fred Baker will take action on this. There were questions concerning routing infrastructure and how multi-homing is currently handled. No specific action time was developed. 5. IP Network Management David Su: Given that Smart Grid applications will use IP networks, is there a need for PAP01 to develop a guideline for IP network management? Furthermore, currently the NIST Roadmap document lists several standards related to network management, mixing OSI and IP protocols such as CMIP and SNMP, how do we clean up the list. Fred Baker: Three major initiatives for network management. SNMP used for monitoring. Netconf was developed largely for managing configurations. Capwep used in wireless environments. Suggested to look at Netconf to adopt for Smart Grid. Netconf is also useful for modeling data. There is no implementation of CMIP and is not being used, it should be deleted from the list. Francis Cleveland: 62351-7 IEC document includes abstract objects and reflects what utilities. 6. Gap Analysis Participants from OpenSG noted that there are gaps has been identified for HAN and work on new RFC has been initiated. An action item is created for the group to provide the list. 7. NIST SG Roadmap V2.0 What to say about IP protocols in the list of standards? It is necessary to recommend a set of RFCs for FERC’s rule making? The group agreed that listing Fred’s core protocol suite is sufficient. The group also agreed that recommendation to FERC is not needed. Action Items 1. OpendSG to provide a list of gaps and issues found in HAN for work in the IETF. Issues include service discovery, security, mess routing. 2. Team lead by Ted Fisher to develop document describing how to achieve security with IP suite of protocols based on SG requirements (current team members: Joe and Francis, additional volunteers requested). 3. Fred Baker to post revision 06 of http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-baker-ietf-core and PAP01 group to provide feed back. 4. Doug Montgomery to provide information of USGv6 program links, email lists and POCs. PAP01 group to provide feedback on the applicability of the USGv6 profile to smart grid networking requirements. 5. Fred Baker and others to develop an IP architecture document. Future Meetings A PAP01 F2F meeting will be scheduled at the next SGIP plenary meeting September 14-16 in St Louis.