JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION OF REMOTE STORAGE FOR MOBILE DEVICE 1PROF 1 H K SAWANT, 2PROF. R G PAWAR Professor, Information Technology Dept, Bharati Vidyapeeth University COE, Pune. 2 Assistant Professor, Information Technology Dept., MITCOE. Pune, ABSTRACT : To provide the file storage space on remote server and to access the file from mobile device when ever required is one of the challenging task. The ability to access remote file storage from mobile devices enables a number of new use cases for storing and sharing data. We describe the design and implementation of a Remote Storage Client framework on Symbian OS, the leading smart phone OS on the market. Implementation of remote storage from mobile device is inspired and studied from implantation of this with Coda. As we are not considered Coda directly in our target scenarios and environments. We know how we adapted the Coda concepts to suit our needs. The advanced features supported by the framework include disconnected operation with whole- file caching and immediate file access i.e. adapting whole-file caching principle to multimedia centric smart phones. Using this framework, we have implemented Symbian OS remote file systems based on WebDAV and FTP. Keywords: Enhanced file browser, remote file systems, Symbian OS, WebDAV 1. INTRODUCTION Remote storage for mobile device can mean different things to different individuals. The grand vision is often presented as an analogy to remote storage where users get access to data objects like images and videos are typically stored as files in a file system. Applications access files using a standard file system API. Therefore it is logical to integrate remote storage access into the file system. Files could either be transferred directly from device to device or by using a network server. We have developed a framework for accessing remote file systems with Symbian OS and Java, GPRS enables phones. We will use a framework to implement file systems based on WebDAV and FTP. Also firewalls usually allow HTTP packets to pass through, so WebDAV can immediately be used in many environments. In remote access, a storage server exports a part of its file system, which the phone mounts. The file system appears as a new drive on the phone. The storage server can be on a centralized network server. Any person with Mobile having Symbian Operating System and Java. Mobile computing involves an evolving set of open standards for Web services and interfaces that make services, or computing resources, available over the Internet. 2. REMOTE STORAGE CLIENT FRAMEWORK: Symbian OS uses micro-kernel architecture. The file systems in Symbian OS are managed by the Symbian OS File Server, which is a user level process. Our Remote Storage Client (RSC) framework integrates remote file storages into the File Server. The framework uses cache in a local file system, so that disconnected operation can be supported. The framework consists of platform components and applications. Fig. 1 Remote Components Storage Client Framework The platform components include a remote file system extension to Symbian OS File Server and a Remote File Engine. Remote file access protocols attach to the engine through protocol plug-ins (WebDAV and FTP in the figure). For mounting and remote file management we have implemented a separate Mounter application and an enhanced File browser. 2.1. RSC File System File systems in Symbian OS operate within the File Server. Typically, FAT or LFFS file system is used for local media, like the phone’s flash memory or a removable memory card. Each file system is mounted on a drive letter. Requests for different drives are ISSN: 0975 – 6698| NOV 10 TO OCT 11 | VOLUME – 01, ISSUE - 02 Page 69 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY handled by different File Server threads. The File Server also offers an interface for dynamically installable file systems to support access to other media, like remote file storages over a network. Remote file system code is also run in a dedicated thread, which makes it possible to recur to the services of the local file systems from the remote file system code. This makes it possible to easily cache remote files. Our RSC File System attaches to the above-mentioned File Server’s interface for dynamically installable file systems. Its design was originally inspired by Coda. In Symbian micro-kernel architecture File Server is also a user-level process. However, this separation also has a security benefit in that the Remote File Engine does not need all the privileges of the File Server. 2.2 Remote File Engine The Remote File Engine takes care of remote file fetching and caching. It has been implemented as a Symbian OS server, i.e., as a separate process. This solution adds the process switching overhead related to client-server communication but, on the other hand, it is flexible by allowing specification of new APIs to the engine’s remote access functions that could not be reachable through the Symbian OS File Server API. For example, the engine provides a dedicated API for controlling mounting operations. This API is used by our Mounter application (as indicated in Figure 1). When remote file storage is to be mounted the engine receives connection parameters in the form of a URI, which, by definition, can convey all information that is needed for attaching to a storage server: file access protocol (service name), server name, TCP/IP port number, username, password, and root directory. For each new mount, the engine instantiates a management object, which then on demand loads a protocol plugin module that implements the file access protocol specified in the URI. A protocol plug-in module in our framework is a polymorphic DLL that implements our access interface. The interface consists of primitive file system operations. If a remote storage can be accessed in a meaningful way using this interface, it can be presented as a remote drive in Symbian File Server using this framework 2.3 Enhanced File browser Typical user interface applications for such system as described here include a mount management application, which allows the user to define mount configurations and mount and unmount remote storages, as well as applications used to access the mounted remote storages. The basic application is a File Browser. A guiding principle in Coda was location transparency: the user does not have to know whether she is accessing a file directly from the server, or from the local cache. We argue that this is not a reasonable assumption when the communication bearer has low-bandwidth or has volume-based charging. Exposing caching via the user interface is a somewhat controversial issue.. Fig.2 Enhanced file browser However, usage of remote files involves first downloading them from the network. In mobile networks, this can be a time consuming and relatively expensive operation. Therefore, it is important to point out to the users that the file in question actually resides on the network. We have enhanced a file browser for Symbian based S60 smart phones with features that make the user aware of the caching state of files and, to some extent, allow the user to control caching. Our enhanced File browser indicates which files or directories are remote and which have already been fetched and locally cached. 3. REMOTE STORAGE FOR MOBILE ARCHITECTURE: Mobile Device Apache Server Web-Application With Web-service Database storage Fig.3: Remote storage for mobile Architecture As drawn above the architecture consist of three components. ISSN: 0975 – 6698| NOV 10 TO OCT 11 | VOLUME – 01, ISSUE - 02 Page 70 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1. Mobile device as a client- By using we are accessing and then we are reading files which are remotely stored on the server. 2. Middle tier Tomcat server in which the web application developed and deployed which is the heart of the project. 3. Database as a storage component like image files, document files. For more security and more robustness we can create this application in multi-tier environment. We can also use clustering, mirroring etc for more reliability and commercial use. 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF REMOTE STORAGE FOR MOBILE DEVICE: At first we connect modem (e.g. Belkin router) to power supply and switch on the power supply. A Belkin router is connected to PC through wireless local area network. Middle tier Tomcat server in which the web application is deployed is executed by clicking on eclipse icon. Whereas mobile device can acts as client. Any Nokia mobile device supporting symbian operating system where we are actually accessing application from remotely stored server. In Nokia mobile in menu there is application option where in install application our explo. file is deployed. Here we have image file like .png, document file like .doc, audio-video files are stored. We can easily access these files from remotely stored machine. In implementation of remote storage for mobile device generation of access point is very important. Here request from client about access point is given to web service manager which is forwarded to server through HTTP engine. Again server through HTTP engine give response to request from client with access point. At client side access point is generated at specific location. From the client side SOAP HTTP request about required data is given to server through web service manager. Server is giving response to this request by sending appropriate data to client. Before sending data first error handling is done at server side. From client side suppose an request for wrong file is given to server then at server side it will first check type of file if not available in database then invalid data error is send to the client. At server side network error also checked. 5. REFERENCES: [1] M. Satyanarayanan, “Coda: A highly available file system for a distributed workstation environment”, [2] coda/Web/docs-coda.html [3] Y. Goland, E. Whitehead, A. Faizi, S. Carter, and D. Jensen, "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV", [4] J. Postel, J. Reynolds, “File Transfer Protocol”, [5] Trevor Jim, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Jérôme Vouillon, “How to Build a File Synchronizer”. Manuscript, [6] nimpl.pdf [7] Puneet Kumar and Mahadev Satyanarayanan, “Log-based directory resolution in the Coda file system”, [8] Peter Reiher, John S. Heidemann, David Ratner, Gregory Skinner, and Gerald J. Popek, “Resolving File Conflicts in the Ficus File System [9] L. B. Huston and P. Honeyman, “Disconnected Operation for AFS”. [10] Benjamin C. Pierce and Jérôme Vouillon., “What's in Unison? A formal specification and reference implementation of a file synchronizer”. [11] WEB-DAV Linux File System (davfs2), [12] G. Clemm, J. Reschke, E. Sedlar, J. Whitehead, “Web Distributed [13] Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Access Control Protocol” Fig. 4 downloading application from server ISSN: 0975 – 6698| NOV 10 TO OCT 11 | VOLUME – 01, ISSUE - 02 Page 71