Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti Facultatea de Administrarea Afacerilor (cu predare in limbi straine) Master de Aprofundare - Administrarea Afacerilor, sectia engleza Teme propuse pentru lucrarea de disertatie An universitar 2015-2016 Business Economics (Economia Afacerilor) Conf. univ. dr. Agapie Adriana The Impact of Governance on Wellbeing Challenging the traditional assumptions regarding managerial objectives and the firm Resource-based theory and the value chain in the framework of competitive strategy Behavioral Theories in the Framework of Managerial Objectives and the Firm Theory and Experiment in the Analysis of Strategic Interaction Behavioral Game Theory: Predicting Human Behavior in Strategic Situations Business Cycle and Interpretation of New Information Informatics for Business Administration (Informatica pentru administrarea afacerilor) Prof. univ. dr. Vasile Avram Cloud Computing – as Foundation for a New Organizational Model of Virtual Organizations Cloud Computing – The Impact on Business Models for Extensive Knowledge Management Towards Virtual Organizations Comparative Analysis of ERP Applications Using ERP Solutions to Re-model Business Benefits and Limitations of Todays ERP Applications Impacts on ROI of Enterprise Application Integration CRM Application Impact on Optimizing ROI Challengies in Adopting BI Applications Characteristics of Managing Marketing Campains by CRM Applications Contract Law (Dreptul contractelor) Prof. univ. dr. Cornelia Lefter Specific clauses within commercial contracts; The nullity within commercial contracts; The obligations of the seller within the sale-purchase contract; The liability of the parties within the sale-purchase contract; The agency contract; The advertising contract; The payment within commercial contracts. Financial Management of Business (Management financiar in afaceri) Prof.univ.dr. Maria Pascu Cost of capital estimation for emerging markets Analysis of companies’ risk determinants. Analysis of companies’ performance determinants. The optimal capital structure for a listed company. Study of financial indicators that better reflect the companies’ performance. Financial planning of a company – constraints and solutions Business valuation in emerging markets Valuation of brands and intellectual capital Comparative analysis of business valuation multiples Market based valuation: challenges in adjusting the multiples Strategic Management (Management Strategic) Knowledge Management (Managementul cunoștințelor) Lect. univ. dr. Violeta Dinca The analysis of the internal environment in order to determine competitive advantage. The analysis of the competitive external environment using the Porter method. Elaborating and implementing innovation strategies. Elaborating and implementing development strategies. Strategic thinking dimensions. Organizational knowledge dynamics. Knowledge transfer. Case study. Knowledge creation. Case study. Knowledge strategies development. Intergenerational learning within organizations. Financial Reporting and analysis (Raportare si analiza financiara) Prof. univ. dr. Adriana Dutescu An integrated analysis of the finacial crisis: causes, effects and perspectives The financial crisis and statutory disclosure of financial information: future developments Financial information disclosure impact on stock exchange prices Business Globalisation impact on corporate reporting Financial information impact on management strategy design Reporting business performances and the nature of corporate citizenship Environmental impact on corporate reporting: a study case Scorecards in business strategy: pro's and con's Quantitative Methods for Decision Processes in Business (Metode cantitative pentru asistarea deciziei in afaceri) Conf. univ. dr. Agapie Adriana Decision Making in Recessionary Events. Nowcast of recession event probabilities for the Romanian business environment Computer intelligent techniques for investment strategies Bounded rationality in design decisions:generality versus discrimination Bounded rationality for designing a model of policymakers' learning Data Mining and the failure of traditional econometrics Non stationary series, integrated processes and spurious regressions. Strategic Human Resource Management (Managementul Strategic al Resurselor Umane) Conf. univ. dr. Valentina Ghinea From strategy to implementation. Seeking alignment Aligning the HR strategy The architecture of implementation. Action plans Sensing and responding to deviations from plan The people side of implementation Implementing human capital initiatives Strategy as work in progress Strategic Marketing (Marketing strategic) Prof. univ. dr. Iacob Catoiu Elaborating the strategic marketing plan for the company.... Marketing program for launching a new product / service on a market Elaborating the marketing mix of the company Elaborating the brand strategy of the company Elaborating the global communication strategy of the company Strategic planning of the company The marketing strategy of the company Product strategies of the company Media and Business Comunication in English (Comunicare de afaceri si media în limba engleză) Conf. univ. dr. Simona Vasilache Media's pet companies. Strategies for staying in the news Media coverage influence on the share price of company X Ethical approaches to PR Brand simplification strategies New media effects on corporate identity E-mail negociations analysis The changing world of recruiting and the resume rethorics The relationship between e-mail use and job burnout Story-telling in business Entrepreneurship (Antreprenoriat) Prof.univ.dr. Carmen Păunescu Determinants of entrepreneurial engagement levels in Romania vs. other countries from Europe Pre-entry knowledge, learning, and the survival of new firms The entrepreneurial process. Firms? entry, survival, growth, and exit The two-way relationship between entrepreneurship and economic performance Opportunity identification and pursuit. The role of an entrepreneur?s human capital Education for entrepreneurship. The role of the entrepreneurial university Enacting entrepreneurship as social value creation Conceptualization of for-profit and non-profit social entrepreneurship Women entrepreneurship in Romania. Insights, policies, and contribution The entrepreneurial manager: motivations, values, skills and visioning International Business (Afaceri Internationale) Prof. univ. dr. Alina Mihaela Dima Conf. univ. dr. Valentina Ghinea The anti-competitive side of marketing innovation. The case of MNEs. The effects of national culture on the choice of entry mode. The case of... Measuring the degree of internationalization of a firm. The case of... Foreign investment location and institutional development in transition economies. The case of... Cross-border acquisitions vs. Greenfield investment: A comparative performance analysis. The case of... Licensing and Franchising Across Borders: Management and Strategies. The case of... The impact of Internationalization/Regionalization of studies in higher education The effects of the Bologna process on the free movement of people Higher Education in Europe/Romania (e.g. assessement and evaluation) Women in Business Leadership Roles in Romania Conflict management and international negotiations (Mangementul conflictelor si negocieri internationale) Prof. univ. dr. Alina Mihaela Dima Conf. univ. dr. Valentina Ghinea The impact of cultural dimension in business negotiation. The case of... Negotatiating licensing/franchising contract. The case of... Ethical aspects in business negotiation. The case of... Negotiating Mergers and Aquisitions. The case of... Negotiating Trade Conflicts. The case of... On-line Business Administration (Administrarea Afacerilor in mediul on-line) Asist.univ.dr. Catalin-Valeriu Curmei Marketing planning within the enterprise ….. Marketing management within the enterprise …. Entrepreneurial marketing management in online business Customer Relationship Management within the enterprise …. Elaborating strategic marketing plan within enterprise …. Marketing mix within enterprise …. Marketing segmentation in online business Strategic planning within enterprise …. Marketing planning within SMEs Marketing mix within SMEs Nota: Temele propuse sunt orientative. Pentru majoritatea disciplinelor, profesorii coordonatori pot accepta teme originale, interdisciplinare propuse de catre studenti cu conditia sa se incadreze in tematica disciplinelor studiate in cadrul programului.