Immunology Lab

1. ABO Blood Grouping.
2. Differential leukocyte count.
3. Widal – Agglutination test.
4. Radial Immunodiffusion.
5. Ouchterlony Double Immuno Diffusion – Antibody titration.
6. Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis.
7. Immunoelectrophoresis.
8. ELISA – Quantification of Immunoglobulins.
1. A documented, laboratory-specific procedural (safety) manual must be available for all
staff, and its requirements followed; it must be reviewed and updated regularly. It
should be posted in the culture area and signed by all workers.
2. Personnel must receive training on the potential hazards associated with the work
involved and the necessary precautions to prevent exposure to infectious agents and
release of contained material; personnel must show evidence that they understood the
training provided; training must be documented and signed by both the employee and
supervisor; retraining programs should also be implemented.
3. Eating, drinking, smoking, storing of either food, personal belongings, or utensils,
applying cosmetics, and inserting or removing contact lenses are not permitted in any
laboratory; the wearing of contact lenses is permitted only when other forms of
corrective eyewear are not suitable; wearing jewelry is not recommended in the
4. Oral pipetting of any substance is prohibited in any laboratory.
5. Long hair is to be tied back or restrained so that it cannot come into contact with
hands, specimens, containers or equipment.
6. Access to laboratory and support areas is limited to authorized personnel. **No
children allowed.**
7. Open wounds, cuts, scratches and grazes should be covered with waterproof dressings.
8. Laboratories are to be kept clean and tidy. Storage of materials that are not pertinent to
the work and cannot be easily decontaminated (e.g., journals, books, correspondence)
should be minimized; paperwork and report writing should be kept separate from such
biohazardous material work areas. No scientific equipment or materials in student
carrel areas as these areas are also used for coffee breaks or lunches.
9. Protective laboratory clothing, properly fastened, must be worn by all personnel,
including visitors, trainees and others entering or working in the laboratory; suitable
footwear with closed toes and heels must be worn in all laboratory areas. Lab coasts
**must** be worn for all BSC1 work.
10. Where there is a known or potential risk of exposure to splashes or flying objects,
whether during routine operations or under unusual circumstances (e.g., accidents),
eye and face protection must be used. Careful consideration should be given to the
identification of procedures requiring eye and face protection, and selection should be
appropriate to the hazard.
11. Gloves (e.g., latex, vinyl, co-polymer) must be worn for all procedures that might
involve direct skin contact with biohazardous material or infected animals; gloves are
to be removed when leaving the laboratory and decontaminated with other laboratory
wastes before disposal.
12. Protective laboratory clothing must not be worn in nonlaboratory areas (student
carrels, library); laboratory clothing must not be stored in contact with street clothing.
13. If a known or suspected exposure occurs, contaminated clothing must be
decontaminated before laundering (unless laundering facilities are within the
containment laboratory and have been proven to be effective in decontamination.)
14. The use of needles, syringes and other sharp objects should be strictly limited; needles
and syringes should be used only for parenteral injection and aspiration of fluids from
laboratory animals and diaphragm bottles; caution should be used when handling
needles and syringes to avoid auto-inoculation and the generation of aerosols during
use and disposal; where appropriate, procedures should be performed in a BSCa>;
needles should not be bent, sheared, recapped or removed from the syringes; they
should be promptly placed in a puncture-resistant sharps container (in accordance with
Canadian Standards Association [CSA] standard Z316.6-95(R2000)) before disposal.
15. Hands must be washed after gloves have been removed, before leaving the laboratory
and at any time after handling materials known or suspected to be contaminated.
16. Work surfaces must be cleaned and decontaminated with a suitable disinfectant (i.e.,
70% ethanol) at the end of the day and after any spill of potentially biohazardous
material; work surfaces that have become permeable (i.e., cracked, chipped, loose) to
biohazardous material must be replaced or repaired. Do **not** use bleach in hoods
except in the case of spills - highly corrosive.
17. Contaminated materials and equipment leaving the laboratory for servicing or disposal
must be appropriately decontaminated and labelled or tagged-out as such. It is your
responsibility to autoclave and discard all potentially biohazardous waste.
18. Efficacy monitoring of autoclaves used for decontamination with biological indicators
must be done regularly (i.e., consider weekly, depending on the frequency of use of
the autoclave), and the records of these results and cycle logs (i.e., time, temperature
and pressure) must also be kept on file.
19. All contaminated materials, solid or liquid, must be decontaminated before disposal or
reuse; the material must be contained in such a way as to prevent the release of the
contaminated contents during removal; centralized autoclaving facilities are to follow
the applicable containment level 2 requirements.
20. Disinfectants effective against the agents in use must be available at all times within
the areas where the biohazardous material is handled or stored (i.e., 10% bleach, 1%
SDS in water).
21. Leak-proof containers are to be used for the transport of infectious materials within
facilities (e.g., between laboratories in the same facility or clinic to lab).
22. Spills, accidents or exposures to infectious materials and losses of containment must
be reported immediately to the laboratory supervisor and Administrative Assistant,
Karen Morrow; written records of such incidents must be maintained by the
Department, and the results of incident investigations should be used for continuing
23. An effective rodent and insect control program must be maintained.
Containment Level :
In addition to the general practices required for all laboratories handling infectious substances,
the following describe the minimum operation practices required for containment level 2.
1. Good microbiological laboratory practices intended to avoid the release of infectious
agents are to be employed.
2. BSCs must be used for procedures that may produce infectious aerosols and that
involve high concentrations or large volumes of biohazardous material. Laboratory
Officer/Institutional Biosafety Committee, should perform a risk assessment to
determine which procedures and what concentrations and volumes necessitate the use
of a BSC.
3. Appropriate signage indicating the nature of the hazard being used (e.g., biohazard
sign, containment level) must be signed by all workers and posted outside each
laboratory; if infectious agents used in the laboratory require special provisions for
entry, the relevant information must be included on the sign; the contact information
of the laboratory supervisor or other responsible person(s) must also be listed.
4. Entry must be restricted to laboratory staff, animal handlers, maintenance staff and
others on official business. **No children.**
5. All people working in the containment area must be trained in and follow the
operational protocols for the project in process. Trainees must be accompanied by a
trained staff member. Visitors, maintenance staff, janitorial staff and others, as deemed
appropriate, must also be provided with training and/or supervision commensurate
with their anticipated activities in the containment area.
6. Emergency procedures for spill clean-up, BSC failure, fire, animal escape and other
emergencies must be written, easily accessible and followed. A record must be made
of other people entering the facility during an emergency.
Handle blood and blood by-products with care because they can transmit infectious
All students must wear latex gloves.
 If you have any open cuts on your hands, do not handle blood.
 Never pipette blood or blood by-products by mouth.
 Work over your enamel tray to avoid spilling chemicals and blood on the bench.
If you spill blood on your tray or on the bench wipe it immediately with detergent and rinse with tap
At the end of the lab:
Wipe your bench, your microscope and your tray to remove any blood stains
Wash the glassware with detergent and rinse it thoroughly with tap water. Let it dry on paper
towels on your tray on your bench. Make sure that you leave clean glassware for students in the
next section;
Remove your gloves and wash your hands.
Aim: To determine the blood group of the given blood sample by ABO blood grouping system
human immunological blood groups. They are A, B, AB and O. These blood groups are genetically
controlled. Type A blood has antigen A on the RBC. Type B has B antigens on the RBC. Type AB has
both A and B antigens while O type blood has no antigens but only antibodies A and B.through the
agglutination reaction.
ABC blood grouping was described by Karl Landsteiner. He reported 4 different types of
It has been determined that type O individuals have RBCs that contain unmodified substance
on their surface of their cells, type B individuals have substance H that has been modified by the
addition of the simple sugar galactose, type A individuals have substance H, that has been modified by
the addition of N-acetyl galactosamine and type AB individuals have substance H modified with the
addition of galactose on some molecules and N-acety galactosamine on others.
Agglutination reactions occur when antibodies react with particulate antigens (agglutinogen)
on a cell surface. The antigen-antibody reaction causes the cells to clump or agglutinate. When
agglutination reactions involve the clumping of red blood cells, they are termed haemagglutination,
human red blood cells (RBCs) have glycoprotein and glycolipid components on their cell membrane
surfaces that have antigenic properties. A red blood may have many surface antigens and no two
individuals with the exception of identical twins, may have the identical set of antigens. However there
are some abundant antigens present on RBC surfaces that appear to be common to most people. One
example of these glycolipids is substance H, which gives rise to the ABO system of blood types
present in all humans.
The presence of antigenic determinants on the surface of red blood cells itself is not the cause of
incompatibility between individuals with different blood types. Agglutination requires the presence of
antibodies in the serum that are capable of recognizing the antigens and reacting with them, The
antibodies have at least two antigen binding sites and are frequently able to bind antigens that are
present on different cells. When this occurs, the cells are bound together by means of the antibodies
and they tend to clump or agglutinate, thus causing the cells to precipitate.
The antibodies are specific for the antigen that is missing on the cells of a particular
individual. Thus type A individuals have antigen A and antibodies directed against antigen B. Type B
individuals have antigen B and antibodies directed against antigen A. Type AB individuals have both
antigen A and B therefore do not have antibodies against either antigen. These individuals are termed
“Universal recipients” because they can receive blood with A or B antigens present on the cells.
Finally type O individuals have neither antigen on their cells and therefore produce antibodies against
both antigens. These individuals are termed as “Universal donors” because their cells will not be
agglutinated by any individual since there are no antigens with which the antibodies may react. These
individuals produce antibodies against both antigens and can only receive blood from other type O
Materials required:
Microscopic slide; Sterile Lancet; Anti-A; 70% Alcohol; Disposable mixing sticks
1. Take a clean glass slide and wipe it with 70% alcohol.
2. Divide the slide into two halves and write A and B on each side using a marker. Draw two
separate circles (about 1 .5 cm in diameter) next to the letters.
3. Place a drop of the antiserum (commercially prepared antibody) solutions to a particular
blood type within the circle.
4, To obtain blood, rub the tip of finger with alcohol saturated cotton swab, Prick the finger
using a new, clean, sterile lancet and massage the finger for several drops of blood. Discard the first
two drops of blood, since they represent mostly tissue fluid. Allow the third and fourth drop of blood
to fall into the antiserum A on the slide and the next two drops into the antiserum B circle.
5. Immediately stir antiserum and blood in each circle with clean toothpicks in a rotary motion,
6. Observe the mixtures against a high background for the appearance of red granules,
indicating the agglutination or clumping of red blood cells and record the results.
Result and Observation:
Using slide agglutination reaction, the blood group of an individual can be identified. Based
on the agglutination reaction, blood group is grouped into A or B or AB and no agglutination indicate
O group.
Experiment No: 1(A)
Aim: To determine the Rh factor of the given blood sample.
Land Steiner and Wiener in 1940 discovered a specific factor named Rhesus factor (Rh factor)
present on erythrocytes in the monkey, Macaca rhesus. When erythrocytes from Macaca rhesus were
injected into rabbits, an antiserum thus produced agglutinated not only the monkey’s red blood cells
but also the RBC of about 85% of human beings.
Rh factor is a complex of many antigens. Rhesus antigens are lipid dependent proteins
sparsely distributed on the cell surface and are generated by three closely linked genes of rhesus D
locus. This antigen is of great importance due to its high immunogenicity.
These three pairs of allelic genes (CDE) are sited closely on the same chromosome, persons
possessing dominant Rh antigen are called Rh positive while those possessing recessive Rh antigens
are called Rh negative. The Rh factor discovery provided logical explanation of the disease called
erythroblastosis foetalis in newborn children. This is known as Haemolytic disease of newborn.
The fetus developing from Rh negative mother and Rh positive father genetically can have Rh
positive RBCs. These Rh positive foetal RBC may pass through the placenta into maternal circulation
stimulating the formation of Rh antibodies by the mother. The Rh factor antibodies can reenter the
placenta of the foetus resulting in antigen-antibody reactions. This reaction results in anemia, jaundice
and some times death to the newborn.
The titer of such antibodies in the Rh-negative mother rises higher in subsequent pregnancies
resulting in the haemolysis of newborn. This disorder in the newborn requires immediate “Exchange
blood transfusion” to prevent disastrous consequences.
In the ABO blood system, respective agglutinins are antibodies occur naturally but in Rh
system, the Rh antibodies appear only after immunization or sensitization.
Materials required:
Microscopic slides; Sterile Lancet; Anti-D; 70% alcohol; Disposable mixing sticks
1. Place a drop of anti-D typing serum on a clean glass slide.
2. Add 4 drops of blood sample to the drop of anti-D.
3. Thoroughly mix the blood sample and anti-D using a clean glass rod or toothpick.
4. Rock the slide back and forth for 2 minutes and observe agglutination.
Result and Observation:
If an individual’s blood agglutinates with anti-Rh serum, then the person is said to be Rh positive and
no agglutination with anti-Rh serum is said to be Rh negative. This is because the Rh antigens on the
red blood cells react with Rh serum
Experiment No: 2
Aim: To do the differential leukocyte count in the given blood sample.
Principle :
The white cell (WBC) is the total number of leukocytes in a volume of blood, expressed as
thousands/µl. As with the RBC, the WBC can be done by manual methods or by automated cell
counters. The WBC count by any method is a count of nuclei or total nucleated cell count. If
nucleated red blood cells (nRBC) are circulating in blood, they will be included in the nucleated cell
count whether the count is done by manual methods or by automated analyzers. In such cases, the
WBC represents the leukocyte count only after it has been corrected for the nucleated red cells
(nRBCs). The number of nRBCs per 100 leukocytes is recorded during the differential leukocyte
count. The manual procedure, using a diluting chamber and a hemocytometer, is no longer used except
for white cell counts in body fluids with extremely few cells (< 1,000 cells/µL), e.g. cerebrospinal
fluid. It involves diluting blood in a diluent that lyses the red cells to remove them from view. A
hemocytometer is charged with the diluted blood, and nuclei are counted in the appropriate areas of the
grid using a light microscope. The manual WBC count is a reasonable test to do in-office since it is not
terribly time- and labor-intensive and gives acceptably accurate results.
Materials Required:
Blood Sample In Eppendorf Tube
Hemocytometer And Its Cover
Box Of Wipes
Hand Counter
Figures Of Hemocytometer Grid
1) Obtain a plastic box containing a hemocytometer (blood cell counting microscope slide) and a
cover slip.
2) On the front desk are three test tubes (A, B, and C) containing synthetic blood diluted 1:20.
Note that a special diluent was used that lyses (bursts) all the RBCs in these blood samples. This
means that only WBCs are present in these samples. Using the dropper, place one drop on one of
the silver regions of the hemocytometer. Then place the cover slip on top and let the cells settle for
a few minutes.
3) Put the hemocytometer on your microscope stage. The counting grid is difficult to focus on
unless you first adjust the light properly. Turn the rheostat (the bulb voltage) to maximum but
adjust the condenser iris diaphragm to as dim as possible.
4) Start with the 4X objective lens above the silver region. The lens should be focused as close to
the slide as possible. Locate the grid by turning the course focus knob slowly until the grid comes
into focus. When it comes into focus, it should look like the one below (without the letters). If you
are not able to see the grid, ask your instructor for assistance.
5) Move counting square A to the center of your field of view, then switch to the 10X objective lens.
The square should now look
like this (without the letter). Note that
square A is made up of 16 single-lined
smaller squares.
6) Write the results in the results section of this handout. Although each member of your lab group
should count only one of the blood samples, be sure that your group counts all three samples. (You
will need all three counts to fill in the results section and answer some of the review questions).
Experiment No: 3
To diagnose the suspected case of enteric fever serologically (Typhoid fever) and to determine
the titre value of antibody (Patient’s serum)
WIDAL Test is a serological method used in the diagnosis of enteric fever, which is caused by
the organisms of the genus Salmonella. They are Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi A, B and C.
Enteric fevers due to S. typhi and S. paratyphi A, B and C are common in India. Antigens specifically
prepared from this organism are used in the agglutination test to detect the presence of antibodies in
patient’s sera, which are elucidated in response to infection by these bacteria.
The organisms causing enteric fever possesses two major antigens namely somatic ‘O’ antigen
and a flagellar ‘H’ antigen along with another ‘Vi’ surface antigen. During infection antibodies are
produced in patients sera against these ‘O’, ‘H’ Salmonella typhi, ‘AH’ and ‘BH’ Salmonella
paratyphi antigens.
Materials Required:
Salmonella typhi ‘O’, Salmonella typhi ‘H’, Salmonella paratyphi ‘AH’, Salmonella paratyphi
‘BH’, Positive patients serum, 6 circle glass slide, Disposable mixing sticks and Normal saline.
1. Take a set of 8 clean dry 10 X 75 mm test tubes for each serum under test.
2. Dilute each serum sample and set up the test as follows.
3.Mix well and incubate at 37oC for 16- 20 hours examine for agglutination.
4.The antibody titre is the highest dilution of serum showing clear cut agglutination.
Note: ‘ O’ antigen shows granular agglutination whereas ‘H’ show the characterstic floccular
appearance in negative reactions and in saline control, the appearance of suspension remains
unchanged with a minute button of deposit at the bottom of the which show a typical swirl when the
tube is flicked.
1: 20
1: 40
1: 80
1: 160
1: 320
1: 640
1: 1280
----1.0 ml ---
Agglutinin titre greater than 1: 80 is considered significant and usually suggestive of infection,
where as low titres are often found in normal individuals. A single positive result has less significant
than the rising agglutinin titre, since titre is considered as a definitive evidence of infection. A more
moderate simultaneous rise in the tire of all three ‘H’ agglutinins is suggestive of recent TAB
Result and Observation
The titre value of the antibody in the given antiserum is ---------------for ---------- of antigen.
Experiment No: 4
Aim: To perform immunodiffusion test
Ouchterlony double diffusion technique is widely used for characterized and quantification of
antigens or antibodies. This technique is based on the ability of antibody to form complexes with
specific antigens.
In Ouchterlony double diffusion technique a free diffusion of antigen and antibody takes place
in the gel, resulting in the formatting of precipitin band. Precipitation band forms based on the
antigenic determinants with specific antibody. While immunodiffusion tests are among the difficult
serological tests to perform.
Antigen A (-20oC), Antigen B (-20oC), Antigen C (-20oC), Antibody I (-20oC), Antibody II (20oC), Antibody III (-20oC) , Agarose , Normal Saline, Glass Slide, Gel Punch, Template, Distilled
water, Glassware’s (Conical flask, measuring cylinder, pipette), micropipette and tips
Preparation of Agarose Gel Plates
Prepare a 1% solution of agarose in the normal saline provided. Heat the solution in a boiling
water bath until the agarose is completely dissolved and no obvious particles of agarose remain in
suspension. Cool the agarose solution to around 50oC. By using Glass pipette, add about 4.5 ml of
molten agarose on to a glass microscopic slide kept on a leveled surface. The agarose would be about
3-4 mm thick. Avoid spillage, even a little spillage cause the whole agarose get drawn from the slide
due to capillary action. The agarose slides can be stored at 4oC unless it is used immediately.
Cutting Wells in the Agarose
Using the template provided cut three sets of wells in agarose with gel punch, after the agarose has
hardened sufficiently. Before cutting the wells keep the slides at 2-8 oC for a short period, so that the
cut edges of the wells do not break when the agarose
plugs are removed. Label the wells (first set) with marker as Antibody I top well and Antigen
A and Antigen A in the bottom two wells. In second set Antibody II in the top, Antigen A and Antigen
B in the bottom wells. In third set antibody III in the top Antigen A and Antigen C in the bottom wells.
Agarose plugs can be removed from the wells using a fine gauge glass or metal cannula attached to a
vaccum line. Alternatively 20 gauge hypodermic needle can be inserted in to the plug to lift free of the
agarose. Optimal results are obtained if reagents are added to the wells just after the plugs are
Filling wells and incubation of agarose slides
Add 10 microlitre of antibody I and 10 microlitre of Antigen A to their respective wells in the
first set. Add 10 microlitre of antibody II and 10 microlitre of Antigen A and 10 microlitre of Antigen
B in to their respective wells in the second set. Add 10 microlitre of antibody III and 10 microlitre of
Antigen A and 10 microlitre of Antigen C to their respective wells in the third set. Each well should be
filled with 10 microlitre of reagent. This amount will fill the well without overflowing into the
adjacent well. After the wells are filled keep the slide in a flat bottomed container such as plastic
breadbox with a tight fitting cover. The interior of the container should be kept moist by keeping a
damp paper towel. The slides can be held at room temperature for 18- 24 hours. Lower temperatures
may slow the formation of precipitation lines and prolong the test.
Reading the immunodiffusion test
The slides can be examined after 24 hrs. In most of the cases the reaction would have reached
a point where the results can be recorded by this time. In some cases, when weak positive samples are
involved it is recommended that the slides can be held for an additional 24 hrs and reexamined
A high intensity light source (or) narrow beam of light is used to examine the precipitation
reaction. Also it is useful to view the reaction against dark back ground. There are three basic patterns
of precipitation as shown in figure.
Results and interpretation
1. Reaction of identity:
This occurs between identical antigenic determinants, the lines of precipitation use to give one
continuous arc.
Reaction of partial identity:
This has two components those antigenic determinants which are common to both antigens
give a continuous line of identity. The unique determinants are recognized on one of the antigens
given. In addition, a line of non-identity as like a spur is formed.
3. Reaction of Non Identity:
In this two antigens do not contain any common antigenic determinants. The two lines are
formed independently and cross without any interaction.
To learn the techniques of Radial immunodiffusion.
Single radial immunodiffusion (RID) is used extensively for the quantitative estimation of
antigens. The antigen-antibody precipitation is made more sensitive by the incorporation of antiserum
in the agarose. Antigen (Ag) is then allowed to diffuse from wells cut in the gel in which the antiserum
is uniformly distributed. Initially, as the antigen diffuses out of the well, its concentration is relatively
high and soluble antigen-antibody adducts are formed. However, as Ag diffuses farther from the well,
the Ag-Ab complex reacts with more amount of antibody resulting in a lattice that precipitates to form
a precipitin ring. Thus, by running a range of known antigen concentrations on the gel and by
measuring the diameters of their precipitin rings, a calibration graph is plotted.Antigen concentrations
of unknown samples, run on the same gel can be found by measuring the diameter of precipitin rings
and extrapolating this value on the calibration graph.
2.10x assay buffer
3.Standard Antigens (A,B,C &D)
4.Test Antigen(1 &2)
6.Gel punch with syringe
7.Glass plate
1.10ml of 1.0% Agarose (0.1g/10ml) in 1x Assay buffer was prepared and heated slowly till Agarose
dissolves completely. Take care not to scorch or froth the solution.
2.Molten Agarose was allowed to cool to 55°C.
3.120 μl of antiserum to 6ml of Agarose solution was added. Mix by gentle
Swirling for a uniform distribution of antibody.
4.Agarose solution containing the Antiserum was poured onto a grease free glass plate and set on a
horizontal surface. Leave it undisturbed to form a gel.
5.Cut wells using a Gel Puncher using the template provided.
6.20 μl of the given Standard Antigens and Test Antigens were added to the wells.
7.The gel plate were kept in a moist chamber (box containing wet cotton) and incubate overnight at
room temperature.
8.Mark the edges of the circle and measure the diameter of the ring.
9.Plot a graph of diameter of ring (on Y-axis) versus concentration of antigen (on
X-axis) on a semi-log graph sheet.
10.Determine the concentration of unknown by reading the concentration against
the ring diameter from the graph.
The Concentration of antigen of the test samples were found to be -----------
Aim: To separate antigens by immunoelectrophoresis method
It is based on the principle of electrophoresis of antigens in agarose gels, antigens get
separated according to their acquired charge, size and shape by migrating to different positions.
Antibody (antiserum) is then placed in trough cut parallel to the direction of the antigen migration.
Antigens thus resolved are subjected to immunodiffusion with antiserum added in a trough cut in the
agarose gel. The formation of a precipitin line indicates the presence of antibody specific to that
antigenic component. The formation of only one precipitin line indicates the homogenecity of
antibody. Presence of more than one precipitin line indicates the heterogenecity of antibody while the
absence of precipitin line indicates that the antiserum does not have antibody to any of the antigenic
components separated by electrophoresis.
The immunoelectrophoresis technique combines electrophoresis and immunodiffusion. It is
Immunoelectrophoresis is a powerful technique with great resolving power as it combines prior
separation of antigen by electrophoresis followed by immunodiffusion against antiserum.
Material required:
Antigen (-20oC); Antibody A(-20oC); Antibody B (-20oC); Agarose (High Electro Endo
osmosis); Running buffer 5 X (RT) (Make it as 1 X with distilled water); Glass slide; Gel Punch;
Trough cutter; Template; Electrophoretic apparatus with power pack; Distilled water; Glasswares
(conical flask, pipette, measuring cylinder); Micropipette, tips; Wicks (filter paper).
Procedure A: Preparation of agarose gel plates
1. Prepare 1.0% agarose solution with the buffer provided (1X running buffer). Heat the
solution in a boiling water bath till agarose dissolves completely and no obvious particles of agarose
should remain in suspension. Cool the agarose solution to around 50oC.
. By using glass pipette, add about 4.5 ml of molten agarose onto a glass microscopic slide that
kept on a leveled surface. The agarose would be about 3-4 mm thick. Avoid spillage, even a little
spillage cause the whole agarose get drawn from the slide due to capillary action.
3. The agarose slides can be stored at 4oC until it is used immediately.
Procedure B: Cutting wells in the agarose.
1. Using the template provided, cut a well on the slide with the gel punch. The well is 3 mm in
diameter and should be at the negative end. Cut two troughs on either slides with trough cutter but do
not remove the agarose plug from it.
2. Cut the well in agarose after it has hardened sufficiently. Before cutting the well keep the
slides at 2-8o C for a short period, so that the cut edges of the wells do not break down when the
agarose plugs are removed.
3. The agarose plugs can be removed from the well using a fine gauge glass or metal cannula
attached to a vacuum line. Alternatively 20-gauge hypodermic needle can be inserted in to the plug to
lift it free of the agarose.
4. Optimal results are obtained if reagents are added to the wells just after the plugs are
Procedure C. Filling wells and electrophoresis.
1. Add 10 µl of antigen to the respective well, with a micropipptte.
2. Place the slide on the bridges of the electrophoresis tank that has been filled with the buffer
provided (1X). The antigen well should be paced at the anode/negative electrode of the electrophoresis
tank (black terminal).
3. Connect the slide to the running buffer using filter paper (wicks) to the respective chamber
of the tank.
4. Electrophoresis at 10-12 mA or 50 to 100 volts for about 2-3 hours. This would aid in the
separation of different antigenic components in the antigen sample. Make sure that heat is not
generated during the run, as it would denature the antigens used. Wet the wicks with the buffer in the
tank frequently after every 10 minutes.
Procedure D Immunodiffusion
Remove the agarose plugs from the troughs and equilibrate the plates at room temperature for
about 10 minutes. Add 100µl of antiserum A and B provided to the respective troughs.
2. Place the slide in a flat-bottomed container such as plastic breadbox with a tight fitting
cover. The interior of the container should be kept moist by keeping a damp paper towel or wet cotton.
3. Allow diffusion to occur at room temperature for overnight.
4. Observer for the precipitin lines between the antiserum (antibody) troughs and the antigen
well after 24 hours.
Result and Interpretation:
The formation of one precipitin line indicates the homogenicity of antibody. Presence of more
than one precipitin line indicates the heterogenecity of antibody while the absence of precipitin line
indicates that the antiserum does not have antibody to any of the antigenic components separated by
To perform rocket immuno-electrophoresis (RIEP) for the determination of various
concentration of antigen in given unknown sample.
Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis (RIEP) also known, as electro-immuno diffusion is a
simple, quick and reproducible method for determining the concentration of antigen (Ag) in
an unknown sample. Various concentrations of antigen are loaded side by side in small
circular wells along the edge of an agarose gel that contains the specific antibody (Ab). On
electrophoresis, the antigen begins to migrate towards the anode and interacts with antibody
molecules to form a soluble antigen-antibody complex. However, as the samples
electrophorese farther through the gel, more antibody molecules are encountered that interact
with the antigen and when the "equivalence point" is reached, the Ag-Ab complex
precipitates. This precipitin line is seen in the form of a rocket.
Higher the amount of antigen loaded in the well, farther the antigen will travel through the
gel. Hence, with increasing antigen concentration, a series of rockets of increasing heights are
seen that is proportional to amount of antigen in the well. Therefore, a direct measurement of
the height of rocket will reflect upon the antigen concentration. A standard graph of antigen
concentration versus peak height is then constructed and from the peak height of the unknown
Material Required:
Conical flask,
measuring cylinder,
distilled water,
micro pipette,
micro tips,
Standard antigen
Test Antigen
PBS buffer
1. Prepare 10 ml of 1.0% agarose (0.1 g/10 ml) in 1X electrophoresis buffer by heating slowly
till agarose dissolves completely. Take care not to scorch or front the solution.
2. Allow the molten agarose to cool to 55°C.
3. Add 1 ml of antiserum to 10 ml of agarose solution. Mix gently, ensure uniform distribution
of antiserum.
4. Pour the mix onto a glass plate placed on a horizontal surface and allow it to gel/solidify.
5. Place the glass plate on the template holder provided (in ETS-2) and fixes the RIEP
6. Punch 3 mm wells with gel puncher towards one edge of the plate.
7. Place the glass plate in the electrophoresis tank; ensure that the wells are towards the
8. Fill the tank with 1X electrophoresis buffer till it covers the gel.
9. Connect the power cord to the electrophoretic power supply according to the convention:
Red: anode and Black: cathode.
10. Add 10/71 each of the given standard antigen and test antigen to the wells. Loading of
wells should be carried out quickly to minimize diffusion from the well.
11. Electrophoreses the samples at 100 volts, till the rockets are visible or the dye front
reaches the edge. This generally takes 1 to 11/^ hours. Electrophoresis can be continued for an
additional 15 minutes after the dye has run out of the gel. This ensures better visibility of the
precipitation peaks.
12. Stop electrophoresis; remove the glass plate from the electrophoresis tank.
13. Observe the precipitation peak or rocket formed against a dark background. If the rockets
are still not clear; incubate the plate in a moist chamber at room temperature for 1 hour to
14. Measure the rocket height from the upper edge of the well to the tip of the rocket. Record
your observations as in table 1.
15. Construct a standard graph by plotting the height of the rocket on Y-axis (linear scale)
against the concentration of antigen on X-axis (log scale) on a semi-log graph sheet.
16. Determine the concentration of antigen in the test sample by reading the concentration
against the rocket height from the standard graph.
Result and discussion:
Initially the gel is prepared in given 1xPBS buffer add and adequate amount of anti serum to
that and spread it on a plate and allow it to settle than make wells and to each well add
theadequate quantity of the standard and test antigen then allow the gel to run
throughelectrophoresis at 100 Volts up to 1 hour. A pattern of rocket is observed. Put the
result in the table and plot the graph using the observed result. From the graph calculate the
concentration of unknown. From the graph concentration of unknown test sample 1 and2 is
found to be 0.81 and 0.75 mg/ml respectively.
Experiment No: 8
Aim: To detect antibodies by doing Enzyme Linked Immuno sorbent assay
ELISA, also called Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, employs antigens or antibodies
conjugated to enzymes in such a way that the immunological and enzymatic activity of each
component is maintained. These assays are very sensitive and give accurate results. The estimation of
results can be made either visually or spectrophotometrically. This method is used for quantitation of
Antigen capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (AC-ELISA) involves the attachment of
a constant dilution of antibody to the solid phase. After incubation, un-adsorbed antibodies are washed
away. Following that, un-adsorbed reactive sites are blocked on the plate. To that, antigen at a single
dilution or as a dilution range is then added. After incubation unbound antigens are washed away.
Bound antigen is then detected by the addition of enzyme labeled antibody specific for the trapped or
captured antigen. After incubation and washing away of unreacted conjugate, substrate is added and
the colour formed is measured.
Materials required:
Antigen (-20oC); Antibody (-20oC); Sample I (-20oC); Sample II (-20oC); Wash Buffer;
Blocker (4oC) (Dissolve 100 mg in 5 ml of 1X PBS); Substrate (4oC) (Prepare substrate solution
before each test); Substrate Buffer (4oC); Conjugate(4oC); Coating buffer(4oC); Stopping solution;
Hydrogen peroxide(4oC); 1X PBS; ELISA plate; ELISA reader; Distilled water ; Glassware – Conical
flask, Measuring cylinder, pipette; Micropipette, tips.
Working solution preparation
Procedure A: Blocking solution preparation
1. To prepare 2 % blocking solution, take 5 ml of 1 X PBS and add 100 mg of blocker
provided and mix well.
Note: Prepare freshly every time before each experiment.
Procedure B: Preparation of substrate.
. With the given substrate quantity adds 1 ml of substrate buffer and mix well by repeat
pipetting. To this 1ml add 69 m of substrate buffer. Aliquot this 70 ml of stock solution into 7 separate
10 ml storage tubes and wrap it with aluminium foil and store at -20oC for subsequent usage.
2. Before each test prepare this step freshly. Take 10 ml of the substrate stock solution and mix
with 40µl of hydrogen peroxide.
Procedure A: Coating of the antibody
Dilute the antibody with coating buffer provided at 1:100 dilutions and add 100 µl to each well
on an ELISA plate. Leave it overnight at 4 oC for passive adsorption of the antibody to the ELISA
plates. Use 2 strips/rows (16 wells) for each test for which you would require 1600 µl of diluted
antibody. Make at least 1800 µl of diluted antibody to account for minor pipetting errors.
Procedure B: Washing
The content of ELISA involves separation of bound and free reagents with the washing step.
The un-adsorbed antibody molecules need to be removed by washing thrice. Washing is done by
adding at least 300µl of washing buffer to each well, shaking it mildly and then discarding it
vigorously in to the sink. This procedure should be repeated thrice during each washing step. After
washing, flick the plate dry on a stack of dry filter papers to avoid any bubble formation that would
interfere in subsequently reagent additions.
Procedure C: Blocking
After coating and removal of unbound antibody, the remaining sites on the ELISA plates has
to be blocked to avoid direct binding of antigen or conjugate which would lead to false colour
reactions. Hence add 300 µl of the block solution to all the wells and incubate the plate at 37 oC for 45
Note: Use higher volumes (300 µl) of blocker for more efficient blocking of the reactive sites on the
sides of the wells also.
Procedure D: Washing
As before.
Procedure E: Antigen addition
After washing the strips, add 100 µl of the antigen provided at a series of double dilutions
starting from 1:100 to 1: 1600 in phosphate buffered saline (1X PBS), into the duplicate wells as
shown in the template.
Antigen 1:100
Antigen 1:100
Antigen 1:200
Antigen 1:200
Antigen 1:400
Antigen 1:400
Antigen 1:800
Antigen 1:800
Antigen 1:1600
Antigen 1:1600
Negative control
Negative control
Sample 1 (1:100)
Sample 1 (1:100)
Sample 2 (1:100)
Sample 2 (1: 100)
Blocking buffer (100 µl) can be added to wells F1 and F2 wells instead of antigen that would
serve as negative control.
Two samples can be used at a dilution of 1:100 to wells G1 and G2 and H1 and H2 to
determine the antigen content in those sample using the standard curve generated from the standards
(wells A to E- 1 and 2).
Incubate the plate at 37oC for 45 mintues.
Procedure F: Washing
As before
Procedure G: Conjugate incubation
After washing the wells, add 100 µ l of the diluted conjugate provided (1:1000 in phosphate
buffered saline) in to all the 16 wells of the ELISA plate.
Incubate the plate at 37 C for 45 minutes.
Procedure H: Washing
As before.
Procedure I: Substrate Addition
Add 100 µl of the substrate solution in to the 16 wells of the ELISA plate and incubate the
strips in dark at room temperature for 10 minutes.
Note: After preparing the substrate solution, mix equal volumes (say 50 µl each) of the
substrate solution with the diluted conjugate just to ensure that the substrate is working well. There
should be a very quick colour appearance in such mixture.
Procedure J: Stop the reaction and reading optical density.
The appearance of yellowish brown colour indicates that the antigen antibody reaction has
occurred. Stop the reaction by adding 25 µl of the stopping solution.
Read the optical density (OD) values of the plate in an ELISA reader or spectrophotometer at 490 nm
Results and Interpretation:
The optical density of the standard antigen added wells should be decreasing as the dilution of
antigen increases.
The well in which blocker was added instead of antigen should give minimum colour and less
OD value.
Find the mean OD value at each antigen concentration and reduce the mean background OD
value i.e mean of F1 and F2 wells from each mean. The draw a graph using the mean OD value in the
Y axis and the concentration of the antigen present in each dilution along the X axis. Then using the
mean OD value of the samples, determine the concentrations of the antigen present in the sample from
the standard curve generated.