The Cay Span Chapter 1-6 Vocabulary v. to extend across *a bridge spans a river Mutiny n. an organized rebellion *a crew’s revolt is mutiny Distilled v. purified by boiling and condensing the vapor Irritating adj. annoying, frustrating Wrench v. twist, tug, or pull *you have to wrench away the candy from the toddler n. a type of white mineral used in carvings Alabaster Ebony n. a brownish black color *Timothy’s ebony skin Fare v. manage in doing something *you might not fare well if you were stranded adj. extremely dried out *a person who is parched is thirsty Parched Drone n. a continuous low, dull hum Lull v. to cause to sleep; to soothe *the music seemed to lull the baby The Cay Navigation Chapter 7-11 Vocabulary n. the art or science of planning a ship’s course Fret v. to worry, fuss, or bother *you shouldn’t fret over thing you can’t control Fronds n. a large palm leaf *we built a shelter with palm fronds Anguish n. suffering, agony, pain *the tragedy caused my brother anguish Murmur v. to speak in an unclear or quiet voice; whisper, mumble, or mutter *if you want to be heard, don’t murmur Abruptly adv. suddenly, unexpectedly Conniving adj. Secret, sneaky, and dishonest by plan Rancid adj. Having the disagreeable odor of rotten oils or fats Salvage v. to save from loss or destruction * the album was all I could salvage after the tornado n. torn and hanging in pieces Tatters The Cay Badger Chapter 12- 19 Vocabulary v. to pester or annoy Debris n. the scattered remains of something that is broken *we searched for survivors among the debris Hone v. to sharpen or hive an edge to *we honed the knife Sparingly adv. done without wasting, frugally *we used the water sparingly Treacherous adj. Dangerous, not dependable, deceitful *the path was treacherous n. a point or pointed part projecting backward from a main point, as of a fishhook or arrowhead Barb Legacy n. something that is handed down from one generation to the next Wheeze n. a short, difficult breath that makes a whistling sound *I was worried when I heard the child wheeze.