Joseph B

Joseph Brewster Dreher
Yawata-cho 521-1-401,Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu, Japan 600-8455
Japanese Translation/ Subtitling Experience
 Translated/subtitled director’s cut and bonus interviews for the movie “Yurusarezaru mono” (“Unforgiven” Japanese re-make of
Clint Eastwood film) for Deluxe Digital Studios June 2014.
 Translated pharmaceutical/ medical documents, legal contracts, clinical trial patient informed consent forms, clinical trial principal
investigator explanation forms, hospital forms, and patient assessments, for Global Language Solutions, Irvine, CA, (Fall 2012 –
 Translated journal articles about reported outcomes of a clinical trial for a particular anti-depressant for Linguistic Systems, Inc.
Cambridge, MA (Spring 2012 – February 2014).
 Translated pharmaceutical/ medical documents, legal contracts, experiment results, patents for Linguistic Systems, Inc. Cambridge,
MA (Spring 2012 – present).
 Translated/Subtitled Tokyo Avant-Garde 1955-1970, Hayabusa, The Secret World of Arietty, Death Game, Admiral Yamamoto,
Tales of Vesperia, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (series) and Castle of Cagliostro for Deluxe Digital Studios (Spring 2012 –
 Edited/ Proofed Ninja Scroll, Princess Mononoke, Christianity Explored (series) (Spring 2012 – present).
 Proofed and Subtitled new version of Shall We Dansu? For Digital Deluxe Studios Spring 2012.
 Translated legal, automotive, business and medical/pharmaceutical documents for Linguistic Systems, Inc. Cambridge, MA
(Winter 2011- present).
 Subtitled and edited episodes Marvel/ Madhouse T.V. anime collaboration for X-Men, Iron Man, Wolverine, and Blade for Digital
Deluxe Studios, Montreal, Canada (Winter 2011- present).
 Subtitled new edition of Mizoguchi Kenji’s Naniwa Elegy (1936) for Digital Deluxe Studios, (Winter 2011).
 Proofed subtitling for Battle Royale 2 for Digital Deluxe Studios, (Winter 2011).
 Co-subtitled Samurai Warrior, subtitled trailer for Japanese version of Jackie Chan’s movie 1911 for Digital Deluxe Studios (Fall
 Translated petroleum industry, automotive, pharmaceutical, and legal related documents for Linguistic Systems, Inc., Cambridge,
MA (Summer/Fall 2011).
 Translated insurance and nuclear power industry related documents for Communicators, Inc., Tokyo, Japan (Spring/Summer /Fall
 Translated medical, academic documents/webpage for HC Language Solutions, Foster City (San Francisco), CA Winter 2011.
 Translated legal, automotive, business documents for Linguistic Systems, Inc. Cambridge, MA (Winter 2010-2011).
 Translated medical experiment results for Linguistic Systems Inc. Cambridge, MA (Fall, 2010).
 Translated legal contracts and memoranda between 2 global telecommunications companies for Linguistic Systems Inc.
Cambridge, MA (Summer, 2010).
 Translated academic journal articles (Kansai U.) relating to Buddhist temple gods and Japanese folk songs for Naiway, Inc.
(Spring 2010.)
 Translated and edited interviews with former Japanese soldiers concerning war crimes and atrocities committed in Manchuria
during World War II for a scholarly project for Macalester College, MN (2010).
 Translated battery technology and general business materials for Linguistic Systems, Inc. Cambridge, MA. (2009).
 Co-translated half of the bilingual book titled, The Bridge of Hope: The Road Traveled by Japanese-Americans, published by The
Japanese Executive Women’s League, J&L Press, Glendale, CA November 2007.
 Translated various works of classical and modern Japanese literature and history for translation courses at Washington University
in St. Louis during 6 year Ph.D. program.
 Translated promotional materials and interpreted for Hanah Mountain Resort & Country Club from 01/2006-06/2008.
 Translated pharmaceutical patents for Reliable Biopharmaceutical, St. Louis, MO in Fall 2004.
 Translated and interpreted electrical engineering materials for LEM DynAmp, Inc., Grove City, OH in summer of 2004.
 Translated blogs and general medical materials for NAIway, Inc., Yokohama, Japan in summer of 2004.
 Translated material dealing with computer viruses for Micro Trend in summer of 2002.
Proofreading Editing Experience
 Proofread and copy-edited journal articles, presentations, dissertations, and scientific findings for the National Biological Research
Laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan, for non-native English speakers.
 As a Teaching Assistant (T.A.) for Japanese History classes at Washington University in St. Louis, a top 15 national university, I
proofread, copy-edited, and graded 5-7 page research papers and exams for classes of 45-50 undergraduate students.
Joseph Brewster Dreher
Yawata-cho 521-1-401,Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu, Japan 600-8455
 Proofread and copy-edited Ph.D. dissertations in the sciences and humanities written in English for Ph.D. candidates of Tsukuba
University on a freelance basis.
 Corrected Papers and Exams as a T.A. for International Relations Classes at Elmira College.
 Informally proofread and copy-edited essays and term papers at Elmira College for 20 Japanese students.
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
2001 -2005
Ph.D. Candidate, Japanese Language & Comparative Literature. GPA: 3.6.
Awarded Full Scholarship & Stipend.
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Masters, East Asian Studies. GPA: 3.82. Concentration in Japanese Literature & Japanese History. Awarded Full Scholarship.
Inter-University Center for Japanese Studies, Yokohama, Japan
("The Stanford Center"), Yokohama, Japan. Certificate, Japanese Language & Literature. GPA: 3.7. Studied professional/academic
advanced Japanese in the renowned 10-month intensive program. U.S. Dept. Education Grant.
Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan
Certificate, Japanese Language & Literature. GPA: N/A. Won AIEJ Award (Assoc. for International Education Japan) for 1 year
study abroad. Studied Japanese and Korean, researched Japanese historical fiction. Awarded Full Scholarship & Stipend.
Middlebury Language School, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT 2000
Certificate, Japanese Language. GPA: 3.7. Studied intermediate level Japanese at the renowned summer intensive language program.
Awarded partial scholarship (80%).
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Certificate, Japanese Language. GPA: 4.0. Awarded FLAS Grant (Foreign Language Area Studies - U.S. Dept. Education) in
summer 1999. Full Scholarship & Stipend. - The Ohio State University SPEAC Program in Japanese. Studied beginning to
intermediate level Japanese.
Elmira College, Elmira, NY
B.A., International Studies, Asia Specialization. GPA: 3.33
Skills/ Qualifications
 Associate Member of the American Translators Association (ATA) – Japanese & Literary Divisions
 Member of the Mid-America Chapter of the American Translators Association (MICATA) – Japanese
 Accepted by and Volunteer for the U.S. National Language Service Corps. (from Winter 2011-present)
 Japanese Ability: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Level N1
 Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT), Lower Level, Japanese, Score 3.0
 GRE Scores: Verbal 700 (97%), Analytic (97%), Qualitative (Math) 550
 Proficient with WordPerfect, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, CorelDraw!, Corel Photo-Paint, Adobe Photo
Shop, Lotus 1-2-3, Adobe Acrobat, I.R.I.S. Pro. InDesign CS6, Desktop publishing experience
 Proficient with Atlas 14.0 (Japanese Translation Memory Software) & PerfectIt (Editing software)
 Proficient with movie subtitling and timing software: Eddie, EddiePlus, UNSTools, TetatePlus
 Read German, Latin, Classical Japanese.