CPAN 320 COBOL Lecture 6 Editing and producing printed output Editing functions: When you process input data and produce a printed report you would like it to be clearer, neater and easy to read by the users. Editing symbols are used for this purpose. Editing symbols may be used with report items, which may be defined as part of the output record or in a WORKING-STORAGE area that will be moved to the output record. The Editing function is accomplished by moving data from an elementary sending field to an elementary receiving field that has edit symbol in its PIC clause. Report items can’t be used in arithmetic operation other than as a receiving field. We will discuss the following seven Editing functions, the first six editing functions may be used with numeric fields only, and the last one can be used with any type of field. 1. Printing (or displaying) decimal points where decimal alignment is implied. A decimal point (.) is used in the report item PIC clause when it receives data from sending field with implied decimal point. For example if we have an elementary item defined as AMNT-IN PIC 99V9 The corresponding report item that will display a decimal point should be AMNT-OUT PIC 99.9 More examples: The first line of each filed specify the field name, type and size where as the second line show the field content. Sending Field TAX-IN PIC V99 15 Report item receiving field TAX-OUT PIC .99 .15 AMT-IN PIC 999V99 32495 AMT-OUT PIC 999.99 324.95 PRICE-IN PIC 999V99 00325 PRICE-OUT PIC 999.99 003.25 TOT-IN PIC 99V99 0003 TOT-OUT PIC 99.99 00.03 Represent implied decimal point. 1 2. Suppression of leading zeros. A leading zeros are the zeros appears on the leftmost side of a numeric field, for example 00543 has two leading zeros. The edit symbol(Z) is used to suppress the leading zeros and to replace them with blanks or spaces. Zeros may be suppressed only if they precede a significant digit. Since numeric positions to the right of decimal point are significant even when they are zeros, we will not perform suppression on them. One exception to this rule is the use of the edit symbol Z for the whole decimal number, for example PIC ZZZ.ZZ is allowed in COBOL and this will suppress zeros to the right of a decimal point only if the entire field is zero. Each Z represents one storage position that may accept data from the sending field. If the number has no leading zeros then it will be printed as is. You have the choice to suppress any amount of leading zeros. The use of Z’s must precede the use of 9’s when both are combined. For example using PIC ZZ9Z.99 is incorrect. Examples Sending Field UNIT-IN PIC 9999 0015 Report item receiving field UNIT-OUT PIC ZZZZ bb15 UNIT-IN PIC 9999 5412 UNIT-OUT PIC ZZZZ 5412 AMT-IN PIC 999V99 02495 AMT-OUT PIC ZZZ.99 b24.95 AMT-IN PIC 999V99 52433 AMT-OUT PIC ZZZ.99 524.33 PRICE-IN PIC 999V99 45302 PRICE-OUT PIC ZZZ.99 453.02 TOT-IN PIC 999V99 00303 TOT-OUT PIC Z99.99 b03.03 TOT-IN PIC 999V99 45225 TOT-OUT PIC Z99.99 452.25 SUBTOT-IN PIC 999V99 45200 SUBTOT-OUT PIC ZZZ.ZZ 452.00 SUBTOT-IN PIC 999V99 00000 SUBTOT-OUT PIC ZZZ.ZZ bbbbbb 2 3. Printing (or displaying ) dollar sings and commas. The editing symbols Dollar sign ($) and comma (,) are placed in the place where they are desired. Comma will automatically revert to a space if it is not required in the printed report item. Examples: Sending Field Report item receiving field AMNT-IN PIC 9999 AMNT-OUT PIC $9999 0015 $0015 TOT-TAX-IN PIC 9999 5412 TOT-TAX-OUT PIC $Z,ZZZ $5,412 TOT-TAX-IN PIC 9999 0512 TOT-TAX-OUT PIC $ZZZZ $b512 AMT-IN PIC 9999V99 312495 AMT-OUT PIC $Z,ZZZ.99 $3,124.95 AMT-IN PIC 9999V99 002433 AMT-OUT PIC $Z,ZZZ.99 $b bb24.33 PRICE-IN PIC 9999V99 145302 PRICE-OUT PIC $Z,ZZZ.99 $1,453.02 SUBTOT-IN PIC 9999V99 845200 SUBTOT-OUT PIC $Z,ZZZ.ZZ $8,452.00 4. Printing (or displaying) an asterisks for check protection. An asterisks is called check protection symbol that is used in place of blanks when leading zeros are to be suppressed. In this situation we will use the editing symbol (*) instead of (Z). Examples: Sending Field AMNT-IN PIC 9999 0015 Report item receiving field AMNT-OUT PIC $**** $**15 TOT-TAX-IN PIC 9999 5412 TOT-TAX-OUT PIC $*,*** $5,412 TOT-TAX-IN PIC 9999 0512 TOT-TAX-OUT PIC $*,*** $**512 AMT-IN PIC 9999V99 002495 AMT-OUT PIC $*,***.99 $***24.95 3 PRICE-IN PIC 9999V99 145302 PRICE-OUT PIC $*,***.99 $1,453.02 SUBTOT-IN PIC 9999V99 845200 SUBTOT-OUT PIC $*,***.99 $8,452.00 5. Printing (or displaying) plus or minus signs. When an elementary sending field may be negative the PIC clause must be leaded with (S), otherwise the complier will consider it as unsigned. In order to print a minus sign in an edit item when the sending field is negative we use the edit symbol (-), this symbol may be placed to the right or to the left of a report item. However if the sending filed is positive a blank will be placed instead. When a sign is required for both negative and positive report items, then the edit symbol (+) is used. The sending field still must have PIC clause with leading (S). The computer use the rightmost position for storing the sign along with low order digit. Examples: Sending Field AMNT-IN PIC S9999 Report item receiving field AMNT-OUT PIC Z,ZZZ- 2543 2,543 - AMNT-IN PIC S9999 AMNT-OUT PIC -Z,ZZZ 2543 -2,543 TOT-TAX-IN PIC S9999 TOT-TAX-OUT PIC $Z,ZZZ- 2543 $2,543- TOT-TAX-IN PIC S9999 TOT-TAX-OUT PIC Z,ZZZ- 2543 2,542b AMT-IN PIC S9999V99 AMT-OUT PIC $*,***.99- 0 555 4 3 $**555.43b 4 6. Printing (or displaying) debit or credit symbols for accounting applications. The edit symbols (DB) for debit or (CR) for credit may be used in place of the minus sign for accounting applications; they must be placed to the right of the report item. If an amount is to be debited form a negative account DB will be used, if an amount is to be credited to an account then CR will be used. If the field is either unsigned or positive then neither will be used and each will be replaced with two blanks. Remember that each of CR and DB are presented in two positions, where as a minus is represented in one position. Sending Field AMNT-IN PIC S9999 Report item receiving field AMNT-OUT PIC Z,ZZZCR 2543 AMNT-IN PIC S9999 2,543CR AMNT-OUT PIC Z,ZZZDB 2543 TOT-TAX-IN PIC S9999 -,543 DB TOT-TAX-OUT PIC Z,ZZZCR 2543 TOT-TAX-IN PIC S9999 $2,543bb TOT-TAX-OUT PIC Z,ZZZDB 2543 2,542bb 7. Printing (or displaying) spaces zeros or slashes as separators within fields. Any field whether numeric or nonnumeric may be edited by placing blanks, zeros and/or slashes as separators within the report item. The edit symbols (B for blank), (0 for zero) and (/ for slash) are used for this purpose by placing them in the desired position. 5 Examples: Sending Field SIN-IN PIC 9(9) 123456789 Report item receiving field SIN-OUT PIC 999B999B999 123b456b789 NAME-IN PIC X(8) RSJOHN NAME-OUT PIC XBXBx(8) RbSbJOHNbb DATE-IN PIC 9(8) 01022002 AMT-IN100S PIC 999 495 DATE-OUT PIC 99/99/9999 01/02/2002 AMT-OUT100S PIC 99900 49500 Editing using floating Strings: Using floating stings a leading editing character such as plus, minus or dollar sign may appears in the position directly preceding the first significant digit of a report printed item. The use of floating string will cause the suppression of leading zeros and comma and in the same time force the respective floating character to appear in the position adjacent to the first significant digit. Only one floating character is allowed in any report item. Examples Sending Field AMNT-IN PIC 9(5)V99 0000400 Report item receiving field AMNT-OUT PIC $$$$$$.99 $4.00 DEBT-IN PIC S9(4) DEBT-OUT PIC ----- 0003 DEBT-IN PIC S9(4) -3 DEBT-OUT PIC +++++ 0003 +3 AMT-IN PIC 999V99 00000 AMT-OUT PIC $$$.99 $.00 AMT-IN PIC 999 000 AMT-OUT PIC ++++ + There is an option that can be used to display (or print ) spaces when the entire sending field consist of zeros. COBOL expression BLANK WHEN ZERO is used for such reason. When this option is used with a report item, the normal rules of editing will be followed depending on the editing symbols in the PIC clause, if the sending field 6 is zero then spaces will be placed in the report item. The only restriction is that we don’t use this option with the editing symbol (*). For example Sending Field AMNT-IN PIC S9(2) 04 Report item receiving field AMNT-OUT PIC +++ BLANK WHEN ZERO +4 AMNT-IN PIC S9(2) 00 AMNT-OUT PIC +++ BLANK WHEN ZERO bbb Printing reports and record description entry : A record is a unit of information that consists of related data items called fields. If all the records in a file have the same length and format, the records are called fixed length records. One record description entity will be defined in the file description entry of the FILE SECTION. If a file may consist of records of deferent length and format then a record description will be needed for each one. When printing or displaying reports, the report may contain items like report header, pages header, column headers, detail lines, and footers. In such situation the output record is no longer of fixed length, so in the FILE SECTION we define the input file as follow: FD 01 OUTPUT-FILE. OUTPUT-REC PIC X(132). And all the required records format then is defined in the WORKINGSTORAGE SECTION. In the PROCEDRUE DIVISION records will be moved from the WORKING-STORAGE area to the output record after been formatted in the desired way. The record layout forms are used to describe the format of input and output data, where as printer spacing charts help to format printed output. Data stored in the WORKING-STORAGE area must be transmitted to the print area and then either printed or saved on a file, MOVE statement is used for this purpose as follow : MOVE HEADING-1 TO OUTPUT-REC WRITE OUTPUT-REC Or we can use WRITE… FROM statement as follow: WRITE OUTPUT-REC FROM HEADING-1 7 Some other Options: JUSTIFIED RIGHT Used as part of PIC clause of alphanumeric field to right justify the filed contents instead of left justifying. ADVANCING Printing or displaying quotation marks Summary: The following symbols are used with each specified field type Alphanumeric X Numeric 9 V S Alphanumeric-edited X / B Numeric-edited 9 Z * , / . + $ B 0 CR DB Displaying the date in a report: You can use the keyword DATE in COBOL to access the current date. It stores the current date as a six digits field as yymmdd. So if we want to display the current day in our report, we can code the following in the procedure division: ACCEPT WS-DATE FROM DATE Where WS-DATE can be defined as follows in the WORKING-STORAHE SECTION: 01 WS-PAGE-HEAD. 05 WS_DATE. 10 WS-YEAR 10 WS-MONTH PIC 99. PIC 99. 8 10 WS-DAY 05 05 WS-TITLE PIC 99. PIC X(5). PIC X(12) VALUE ‘Report title’. If you want to display the date as dd/mm/yy for example you will need to defined another working area 01 WS-PAGE-HEAD. 05 WS_DATE-OUT. 10 WS-DAY-OUT PIC 99. 10 PIC X VALUE ‘/’. 10 WS-MONTH-OUT PIC 99. 10 PIC X VALUE ‘/’. 10 WS-YEAR-OUT PIC 99. 05 PIC X(5). 05 WS-TITLE PIC X(12) VALUE ‘Report title’. 01 WS_DATE. 05 WS-YEAR 05 WS-MONTH 05 WS-DAY Then in the procedure division PIC 99. PIC 99. PIC 99. ACCEPT WS-DATE FROM DATE MOVE WS-YEAR TO WS-YEAR-OUT MOVE WS-MONTH TO WS-MONTH-OUT MOVE WS-DAY TO WS-DAY-OUT If our output record is OUTPUT-REC we can code: WRITE OUTPUT-REC FROM WS-PAGE-HEAD Through the revision of COBOL standard in 1989 , an enhancements was added to enable storing the date in 8 digits to allow 4 digits for the year. FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE is an intrinsic function added to COBOL 85 compilers to make them Y2k compliant. The field that will store the date must be a group item subdivided into elementary fields for year, month and day as shown bellow: 01 WS_DATE. 05 WS-YEAR PIC 9999. 05 WS-MONTH PIC 99. 05 WS-DAY PIC 99. In the PROCEDURE DIVOSION we code: MOVE FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE TO WS_DATE. Reference: Textbook Ch6 pg202-225. 9