Water Cycle Water Up Evaporation: Transpiration: Water then condenses in the air to form clouds. Further condensation takes place until forms. Water Down Precipitation: Examples include: Water then moves around the earth by Condensation . Examples Pic Pic Pic Pic Runoff and Groundwater Carbon Cycle Carbon out of the atmosphere Carbon is drawn out by in the process of . Carbon returned to atmosphere Respiration: It is also returned through open and combustion of Decaying matter provides material for fossil fuels and releases into the atmosphere. CO2 in Atmosphere Pic Pic Pic Death & Decomposition Combustion Open Burning Respiration Pic Pic Fossil Fuels Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen out of atmosphere Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert N2 into NH3 also called . or liquid animal waste and decaying material also release ammonia into the soil. Carbon returned to atmosphere NH3 can be assimilated by to take nitrogen out of the soil. NH3 can be converted to NO3 then go through back into the atmosphere. to make N2 and be released Atmospheric Nitrogen (N2) N2 Pic Animal Waste Ground (aka Dead Organisms ) by plants Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria (Denitrification) Nitrates (N3) Ammonia (NH3)