Grade (7) handouts final

Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
(2011 – 2012 )
3rd Period
UNIT ( 7 )
Lessons 1&2
Date :
/ 2012
A)Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
{ engine / designer/ flight / invitation / astronaut/ probably }
1.Christian Dior is a famous clothes……………………
2. My car…………………….is very hot. I must stop to cool it.
3. Thanks for the……………………… your birthday party.
4. Armstrong is the first ……………………….to walk on the moon.
5. I'm…………………..going camping. It depends on the weather.
B) Match the following words with their correct definitions:
6. engine (
) used to say that something is likely to happen .
7. probably (
) The part of a vehicle that produces power to make it move .
8. flight
) someone whose job is to make plans for clothes or furniture.
9. astronaut (
) a journey in a plane or space vehicle or the plane that is making the journey
)a person who travels to space
C) Choose the correct answer fro a , b, c and d:
10. Graham Bell………………………..the telephone in 1876.
a) invent
b) invents
c) invented
d) inventing
11. I ………………………at the park yesterday.
a) is
b) are
c) were
d) was
12. The mechanic…………………… car two days ago.
a) repair
b) repaired
c) repairing
d) repairs
13.We………………………on the beach last Friday.
a) was
b) are
c) were
d) is
14. I was born………………………16 January, 2000.
a) at
b) on
c) of
d) in
15. Hani was born……………………..1999.
a) at
b) on
c) in
d) of
D) Do as shown between brackets:
16. Tim Berners-Lee ( study ) ……………….at Oxford University in 1972. ( Correct the verb )
17. I was born on 5th March , 2002.
( Ask a question )
18. My brother stayed up late last night.
( Make negative )
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
(2011 – 2012 )
3rd Period
E) Match the following situation to their suitable responses:
19. Tomorrow is my birthday.
) Let's go to the sea .
20. I am bored .
) You must be tall enough to do that .
21. Leonardo da Vinci is a great scientist. (
) Thanks to him for easy communication.
22. Tim Berners- Lee invented the WWW. (
) Yes, and an artist too.
) Have you sent the invitation cards?
F) Write the missing parts in the following dialogues:
23. A: Today is my birthday.
24. A: You're welcome to my birthday party tonight.
25. A: We'll meet then. Bye.
Lessons 3&4
Date :
/ 2012
A) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
{ issue / filmed / cultural/ quite / palace / relatives }
26 A king usually lives in a ……………………….
27. All The Titanic scenes were……………………..on the ship.
28. I went to the ………………………centre and read rare books and manuscripts.
29. My grandpa was………………………tired so he went to bed too early.
30. Did you buy the latest…………………………of Al Arabi magazine?
B) Match the following words with their definitions:
32. quite
34. palace
) fairly or very, but not extremely
) magazine or newspaper printed for a particular day ,week or month
) someone who has invented something
) a member of your family
) the official home of a person of very high rank especially a king or queen
C) Choose the correct answer from a ,b, c and d:
35. Hamad is the first friend………………………..I sent an invitation.
a) when
b) which
c) whom
d) where
36………………………did you stay when you were in Lebanon?
a) When
b) Which
c) What
d) Where
37. ……………………..did you stay in London?
a) How much
b) How many
c) How often
d) How long
38………………………did you play with at the park?
a) Where
b) When
c) Which
d) Whom
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
(2011 – 2012 )
3rd Period
D) Do as shown between brackets:
39. Yes, I travelled to Spain.
( Ask a question )
40.I sent an e-mail to my friend.
( Make negative )
41. We( spend )…………………….. a nice time in Bahrain last mid-year vacation. ( Correct)
E) Write the missing parts in the following dialogues:
42. A: Guess where I went yesterday?
B: …………………………………………………………………………………………
43. A: We have a month holiday ,where can we go?
44. A: The Red Palace ,in Al-Jahraa ,is a very impressive building.
Lessons 5&6
Date :
/ 2012
A) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
{mausoleum / concert / wonders / ruins / declared / familiar }
45. The Taj Mahal is one of the world 's seven…………………………..
46. I enjoyed the classical music played at the………………………..last night.
47. The exam results will be ………………………….in two days.
48. Your face is very……………………… me. I think I met you somewhere.
49. Ikarus temple ,which is in Failaka, is one of the Greek……………………….
B) Match the following words with their correct definitions:
50. mausoleum( ) something that makes you feel surprise and admiration
51. e-card
( ) something or someone that is well known to you or easy to recognize.
52. familiar ( ) to receive a particular amount of money
53. wonder ( ) a card with pictures and information that is sent and read on a computer
( ) stone building made especially to a house or a tomb ,often of an important
person or family
C) DO as shown between brackets:
54.No, I didn't meet Hassan.
(Ask a question )
55. Hassan likes kebabs. He doesn't like curry.
( Join the two sentences)
56. I was in the fun city.
(Ask a question )
57. Jaber ( watch ) ……………………… the last night’s film.
( Correct the verb )
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
D) Match the following situation with their suitable responses:
58.The concert was wonderful.
) Delicious. I like the spicy food.
59.How did you like the Indian food?
) Who sent it?
60. I received a fantastic e-card on my e-mail.
) It's dangerous. Don't do it.
61. Machu Picchu ruins are fantastic.
) Yes, especially the classical music.
) They are a symbol of the Inca Empire.
E) Write what you would say in the following situations:
62. Your father wants you to suggest a place for spending the summer holiday.
63. Your brother surfs the Interet for a long time.
F) Answer the following questions:
1. What is the achievement of the Wright Brothers ?
They invented the first plane.
2.What was Leonado da Vinici?
He was an artist and an inventor.
3. How do you spend your holiday ?
I spend my holiday travelling to other countries.
4. What are the achievements of Al Idrisi ?
He wrote Roger's Book and collected plants to make medicine.
6. What is Taj Mahal ?
It is an amazing mausoleum.
7. Mention two of the seven wonders.
a) The Taj Mahal
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
(2011 – 2012 )
3rd Period
Date :
/ 2012
Write an e-mail of 6 sentences to your friend Hassan about your last summer holiday
in India. You may use the following guide words or phrases:
( travelled /family/ plane / stayed / hotel/ weeks / saw/ enjoyed/ favourite moment/visited/
Taj Mahal / enjoyed / spicy food/climbed/ Himalayas/ really/ fantastic)
Date :
/ 2012
A) Rewrite the wrongly spelt words correctly:
1.They deklered on TV that there will be a konsert on the National Day.
B) Combine the following:
1.Cultre+ al =……………………………………`
2. Invite +tion =……………………………………..
C) Write the long/short form of the following:
1. Doctor of philosophy =………………………2. E-card
3. did + not
=………………………4. 17 century =…………………………………….
Punctuation and handwriting
Date :
/ 2012
B) Punctuate the following:
1) they aren t coming to the part are they
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
(2011 – 2012 )
3rd Period
Date :
/ 2012
Read the following passage ,then do as required below:
Modern inventions have made life easier and more comfortable these days.In summer,
when it is too hot people use air conditioners to make the air in their houses cool and fresh.In
the past, it was very hard to live in very hot countries.Nowadays, people can travel very easily
and very fast from one country to another. They can travel by plane,car,ship or train.It takes
only few hours to travel to very far places by plane. You can eat, drink and even watch a movie
while the plane is flying.People enjoy travelling very much these days. In the past, it took them
weeks or even months to travel to another country.Life was slow and boring in the past but the
invention of the television has made life more enjoyable. You can see wonderful films and
watch the news. You can also learn about sea life while you are sitting at home and drinkinga
cup of tea.
A) Choose the correct answer from a , b ,c and d :
1. The passage above is about ……………………
a) Modern inventions
b) sea life
2. The underlined word "their" refers to ………………….
a) people
b) places
3. The underlined word "boring" means:
a) interesting
b) uninteresting
c) watching TV
d) hot countries
c) films
d) inventions
c) beautiful
d) hard
B) Mark with a (√ ) if true or an ( X ) if false:
( 3x½= 1½ ) marks
4. People can use the air conditioner to make the air fresh and cool.
5. Watching TV has made life boring.
6. You can eat and watch a movie on a plane.
C) Answer the following questions in reference to the passage: ( 3x½= 1½ ) marks
7. What have modern inventions done to our modern life?
8. How was life in the past?
9) How long does it take to travel to far countries by plane?
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
UNIT (8)
Date : / / 2012
A)Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
( governor / golden / bow / stuck / tear )
1. Each American state has a ………………….
2. Don't pull the letter like this, you'll …………………it.
3. I was ……………… the lift for an hour when the electricity went out.
4. Muslims kneel and……………… prayer.
5. Did you buy a………………..or silver necklace ?
B) Match the following words with their suitable definitions:
1. tear
) having a bright yellow colour like gold
3.governor (
) to damage something such as paper or cloth by pulling it hard
2. golden (
) to bend the top part of the body to show respect for someone important
4. bow
) the person with the power or authority to control a country or a state
5. stuck
) unable to move from a particular position
) a deep hole in the ground
C) Make negative:
3. She saw a film in the cinema last night.
4. I heard the news.
5. They watched TV.
D)Correct the verbs between brackets:
1. My little brother ( tear ) ……………………… my book yesterday.
2. I ( take ) ………………………the medicine five days ago.
3. My father ( buy ) ……………………… a new house last year.
E) :Match each situation with its suitable response:
1. Let's climb that tree.
) Don't worry. I'll get it for you.
2. Look! The king is coming.
) Why?Aren't we people like them?
3. Oh, no. My ball stuck in the tree.
) Be careful of the sharp branches.
4. Only important people wear clothes like these. (
) You must go to prison.
) We have to bow to him.
F) Write what you would say or do in the following situations:
1. Your friend couldn't find clothes that suit his size.
2. Your friend tore your shirt by mistake.
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
Date :
A)-Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
daily / astronomy / philosopher /gladiator/ chariot /raced
1.Ship captains had to learn …………………….to guide their ships across seas.
2. IbnKhaldoun was an Arab……………………..
3. Why don't you do some…………………..exercise to keep fit?
4. …………………are brave men who used to fight with wild animals.
5. My brother …………………….in the long jump and won a medal.
/ 2012
B) Match the following words with their suitable definitions:
1. baths
) a soldier who fought against other men or wild animals
3. chariot
) a public building where people in the past went to wash themselves
2. astronomy
) a vehicle with two wheels pulled by a horse
4. race
) the scientific study of the moon and the planets.
5. gladiator
) unable to move from a particular position
) a competition between runners, or cars to see which is the fastest
C) Do as shown between brackets:
1. They used to send e-mails in the past.
( Make negative )
2. He ( go ) …………………………… bed late last night.
( Correct the verb)
3. Yes, I ate my meal.
( Ask a question )
4. There were computers in the past.
( Make negative )
D) E) :Match each stimuli with its suitable response:
1. The Roman houses were very big. (
) Yes, but it was ruled by the Romans in the past.
2. The gladiators were brave fighters. (
) You're right. They used to fight wild animals.
3. Jerash is in Joradan.
) You have to study well.
) But they didn't have much furniture.
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
Date :
/ 2012
A) Choose the correct answers from a , b, c and d :
1. Al Sabah……………………rules Kuwait.
a) gladiator
b) tailor
c) dynasty
d) manuscript
2. The …………………period is the years between 600AD to 1500AD in the European history.
a) medieval
b) daily
c) stuck
d) golden
3. The Islamic…………………in Spain lasted for about 800 years.
a) astronomy
b) rule
c) bath
d) calligraphy
4. The Islamic Calendar was first………………… in the time of the Calif Omar Bin AKhattab.
a) raced
b) introduced
c) bowed
d) bowed
B) Match the following words with their definitions:
1. glassmaking
2. manuscript
3. calligraphy
) not liking work or physical activity
) the art of producing beautiful handwriting using special pens
) the process of making glass which is a transparent solid substance
) a book or document written by hand before printing was invented
C) Choose the correct answer from a , b, c and d :
1.Aljahra Reserve………………………in 2004.
a) opened
b) was opened
c) opening
d) opens
2. The letter…………………………yesterday.
a) wrote
b) writes
c) was written
d) was writing
3. The rooms…………………… the housemaid.
a) cleans
b) was cleaned
c) were cleaned d) are cleaning
D) Make Passive:
1. Ali sent the e-mail to his friend two days ago.
2. The mechanic repaired the car yesterday.
B)Punctuate the following:
- i wont travel to germany next june
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
3rd Period
Grade 7
(2011 – 2012 )
F) Write what you would say in the following situations:
1.Your friend said Muslims made Spain the cultural centre of Europe.
2. Your brother said the flute and the oud are European instruments.
1. What did students learn in Jerash in the past ?
They studied history, geography, astronomy and philosophy.
2. How were homes in Jerash in the past ?
They didn't have a lot of furniture .People sat on beds during day and slept on them at night.
3. Who ruled Spain in the Medieval Period ?
The Umayyad Dynasty ruled Spain in the Medieval period.
4. How did Europe benefit from the Islamic period in Spain ?
It became the central centre of Europe and a lot of farming techniques, arts, and industries
were introduced to Spain.
5. Muslims introduced musical instruments to Europe. Mention two.
a) the flute b) the oud
6. Why did The Amir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad open a new nature reserve?
To promote the cultivation of many plants and to restore the local system.
I) Rewrite the wrongly spelled words correctly:
1. I rase with my friends deily in the club.
2. I read a manyscript from the medeival period .(1)………………….(2)…………………..
J)Combine the following:
1. govern +er
=…………………………2. race + ing
A)Write the long/short form of the following:
1. USA =………………………
2. Seventeenth
3.Doctor of philosophy=……………….. 4. Mustn't
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
M) Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Muhammad Ali was born in 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky with the name Cassius
Marcellus Clay . When Muhammad Ali was 12 years old, a thief stole his shiny new bike, which
was a birthday present. Ali was very angry and told a police officer he wanted to hit the person
who stole it. The officer suggested that he should learn how to box before saying those
fighting words. Mohammed Ali trained very hard and soon became one of the top athletes and
best boxers .He got his first gold medal at the Olympic Games in Rome 1960. Then he turned
professional and went on to win his first world heavyweight boxing champion title after
knocking out Sonny Liston. Then he became a Muslim and took his new name Mohammad Ali.
He won the world heavyweight boxing championship three times. In 1967, Ali was called on to
join the United States Army to take part in the Vietnam War, but he refused to go and said his
religion taught him to disagree to all wars. So he was sent to prison .He was also not allowed
to fight professionally for 3½ years. Ali retired in 1981 winning the fame "The greatest boxer
A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c and d: ( 4 x1= 4) marks
1. The best title for this passage is……………………………………
a) The greatest boxer
b) A birthday present
c) Vietnam War
d) The Olympic Games
2. Ali was called on to join the United States Army to Vietnam War.
a) learn
c) box
d) disagree
3. The underlined word' he’ refers to:
a) Mohammad Ali
b) The police officer
c) Sony Liston
d) the thief
4. The underlined word “ professional” means ……………………………………
a) with a profession
b) with a hobby
c) famous
B) Mark with a (√ ) if true or an ( X ) if false :
( 5 X 1 = 5 ) Marks
5. Islam is for all wars.
6. Mohammad Ali got this gold medal at the Olympics of the United States. (
7. Mohammad Ali wasn’t allowed to fight professionally for 3½ years.
8. Mohammad Ali retired in 1967.
C) Answer the following questions:
( 3X1 = 3 ) Marks
9. When was Mohammad Ali called to join the USA army?
10. Why was Ali sent to prison?
11. How many times did Mohammad Ali win the world heavyweight boxing championship?
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
UNIT (9)
A)Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
( lazy / reward / earn / coin / throw/ complain )
(2011 – 2012 )
3rd Period
Date :
/ 2012
1. If the services are bad in the restaurant , you can ……………………to the manager.
2.The police offered a …………….……...for any information about the robbery.
3. Jack is so ……………………...that he doesn't want to do anything.
4. Let's ………………..…...away all unnecessary papers.
B) Do as shown between brackets:
1. You must run in the corridors.
( Make negative)
2. If you go to bed early, you……………………………………………..................( complete)
3. If you don't study hard, you (not pass ) ………..…………….. the exam. ( Correct the verb)
4. I’ll send the e-mail before I go to bed.
( Ask a question)
D) Write what you would say or do in the following situations:
1. Your friend chews gum in the classroom.
2. One of your friends doesn't work and always asks for money.
A)-Punctuate the following:
ahmad speaks English Spanish and French doesn t he
B) Rewrite the wrongly spelled words:
1) You can insert a 100 flis coyn in this machine and get a tin of Pepsi.
2) I komblained to the newspaper about the problem of pollution in my own.(………………...)
UNIT (9)
LESSONS 3&4 Date : / / 2012
A) Choose the correct word from a , b, c and d :
1. If you don't know anything about the zoo animals ,you can ask the………………….
a) park ranger b) marine biologist
c) zookeeper
d) controller
2. We need a holiday to relax and to come back to work more…………………….
a) lazy
b) flexible
c) energetic
d) peaceful
3. Rashid is very.. ……………………about his new job. He goes to his job very early.
a) enthusiastic
b) flexible
c) lazy
4.A/An …………………….works in the sea and has to be a good swimmer.
a) zookeeper
b) marine biologist
c) park ranger
d) animal trainer
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
3rd Period
Grade 7
(2011 – 2012 )
B) Match the following words with their definitions:
1. coin
) feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
2. flexible
) something that you get because you have done something good
3. reward
) a person or plan that can be changed easily to suit any new situation
4. enthusiastic
) not liking work and physical activity or not making any effort
) a piece of flat round metal used as money
C) Choose the correct answer from a , b, c and d :
1.) On Friday, I…………………….go to the Friday Prayers.
a) mustn't
b) have to
c) had to
d) don't have to
2) I'm too late .I…………………….go home now because my father will be angry.
a) have to
b) must
c) mustn't
d) don't have to
D)Do as shown between brackets:
1. I must talk in the library.
( Make negative)
3. Nasser has to play the football match.
(Ask a question )
E) Match the following utterances with their suitable situations:
1. You mustn't smoke. It's a non-smoking area.(
2. Oh! I lost my passport at home.
3. I'd like to be a park ranger.
4. You mustn't talk in the classroom, Hamad. (
) You should phone someone to get it.
) I'm sorry. I didn't see the sign.
) It is dangerous to train animals.
)You have to be physically strong.
)Sorry, Sir.I won't do it again.
A)Fill in the spaces with words from the list:
( gate / reward / destination / luggage / staff )
1. Your ………………… very heavy. Can I help you?
2. My…………………….is Rome and not Paris.
3. Passengers travelling to Cairo must go to…………………No 4.
4. Only members of the……………………..are allowed to enter here.
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
B) Complete the missing parts of the following dialogues:
A: Our flight is delayed by one hour.
A: Oh no! I lost my luggage.
A: .I surf the internet for a long time.
C) Match the following utterances with their suitable responses:
1. We usually travel by car.
) Actually, it's a runway.
2. You've got three pieces of luggage. (
) Enjoy your trip.
3. England is my destination.
) But a plane is faster and more comfortable.
4. That a big road.
) Yes, I've got a visa.
) Shall I label them?
H) Answer the following questions :
1. Why should people work ?
People should work hard to earn money.
2. What does an animal trainer do ?
He trains animals for work or sport.
3. How should an animal trainer be ?
He should be physically strong and fit.
4. Where does a park ranger work ?
He works in a national park.
5. Who looks after animals in the zoo ?
The zookeeper looks after animals in the zoo.
6. What does a marine biologist study ?
He studies marine plants and animals.
7. How should a marine biologist be ? Why ?
He has to be a good swimmer because he works in the sea.
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
8. Where do planes always land and take off ?
They always land and take off on the runway.
9. Where do people ask for information at an airport ?
They ask for information at the information office.
E) Write a short paragraph of (8) sentences about "The Airport" with the help of the
following guide words:
{ very big / modern / building /people / go / travel /see/ plane / runway/ passengers/ wait/
departure lounge /show / passports / passport control / boarding gates / arrivals / collect/
luggage reclaim/people/ get a drink/ cafể }
A) Rewrite the wrongly spelt words correctly:
1.Pleins take off and land on the ranway.
(…………………....) (………………….)
2. Ask the staf about the gete you should go to.(…………………….)(…………………..)
B) Combine the following:
3.controle + er =…………………….. 4.biology +st=……………………
B) Punctuate the following sentence:
i don t know where mexico is
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
3rd Period
Grade 7
(2011 – 2012 )
‫وزارة التربية‬
Ministry of Education
‫اإلدارة العامة لمنطقة الجهراء التعليمية‬
Jahra Educational Zone
1st = first
Feb. = February
USA= United States of America
13th =thirteenth
WWW = World Wide Web
AD = Anno domini
e-card = electronic card
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Definitions 3rd Period
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
‫كلمات التعريف – الفترة الدراسية الثالثة‬
No Word
the part of a vehicle that produces power to make it move
bring a plan ,system or product into use for the first time
someone who travels and works in a spacecraft
used to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true
belonging or relating to a particular society and its way of life
impossible or unable to move from a particular position
get rid of something that you don't want or need
connected with the Middle Ages
the scientific study of the stars and planets
the study of the nature and meaning of existence , truth , good and evil.etc
the people who work for an organisation or company
feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do
marine biologist
someone who studies the sea and the creatures that live there
a piece of metal, usually flat and round , that is used as money
‫ يشمل امتحان الفترة الدراسية الثالثة كلمات التهجئة و التعاريف المخصصة للفترة الدراسية الثالثة‬
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
(2011 – 2012 )
Unit 7
Engine (N)
the part of a vehicle which makes it move
Inventor (N)
some one who invented something
Flight (N)
a journey in a plane
a written or spoken request
Astronaut (N)
someone who travels and works in a spacecraft
Designer (N)
someone who makes plans or patterns for clothes.
Probably (adv.)
something is likely to happen
Issue (N)
magazine or newspaper printed for a particular day
Film (V.)
to use a camera to record a story or an event
Cultural ( adj.)
relating to relating to a society and its life.
Quite (adv.)
Fairly or very.
Relative ( N)
a member of your family.
Palace (N)
the official home of a king or queen.
a stone building to house a tomb.
Concert (N)
a performance by musicians or singers.
‫حفلة موسيقية‬
Wonder (N)
something that makes you feel surprise.
Ruins ( N)
the part of building that is left after it is destroyed.
Declare (V.)
to state publicly that something is true.
Familiar (Adj.)
something or someone that is well-known.
‫رحلة طيران‬
‫رائد فضاء‬
‫من الممكن‬-‫ربما‬
‫ إصدار‬-‫جريدة دورية‬
‫ تماما‬-‫جدآ‬
‫ قريب‬-‫من األقارب‬
‫ قبر‬-‫ضريح‬
‫ يصرح‬-‫يعلن‬
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Grade 7
3rd Period
electronic card: a card with pictures and information
e-card (N.)
(2011 – 2012 )
‫بطاقة بريد الكترونية‬
on a computer
Unit 8
Governor ( N.)
the person with the power to control a country
Golden (Adj.)
having a bright yellow colour
Bow ( v )
to bend the top part of your body forward
Tailor ( N.)
someone who makes men's clothes
Stuck (Adj.)
unable to move.
Tear ( v )
to damage something by pulling hard
Daily (Adv.)
done every day
Astronomy( N.)
the study of the stars and planets
Philosophy( N.)
the study of nature and meaning of existence
Gladiator ( N.)
a soldier who fought against men or animals
Chariot ( N.)
a vehicle with two wheels pulled by a horse
Race ( N.)
a competition between runners
Baths ( N.)
a public building where people wash themselves
Medieval ( N.)
connected with the middle ages
Dynasty ( N.)
a period when a family ruled a country
Rule ( N.)
the government of a country by some people
Introduce ( v )
to bring a plan into use for the first time
a book written by hand
the art of producing beautiful writing
‫ذهبي اللون‬
‫ينحني للتحية‬
‫علم الفلك‬
‫علم الفلسفة‬
‫مصارع روماني‬
‫العصور الوسطى‬
‫أسرة حاكمة‬
‫فن الخط اليدوي‬
Al-Mutanaby Inter. School
Glass making ( n)
Grade 7
3rd Period
the process of making glass
(2011 – 2012 )
‫صناعة الزجاج‬
Unit 9
‫م كاف أة‬
Reward ( n)
something you get because you did something good.
Lazy (adj. )
not liking work and physical activity or not making any effort
to receive money for the work that you do
Throw ( v )
to get rid of something that you don't want or need .
‫يرمي – يلقي‬
Coin ( n )
a piece of metal that is used as money
‫عملة معدنية‬
Complain (v)
to say that you are annoyed or unhappy about something or
Animal trainer(n)
someone who trains animals for sport or work.
Park ranger (n)
someone who looks after a forest or a national park.
Zookeeper (n)
a person who looks after animals in a zoo.
Marine biologist
someone who studies the sea and creatures that live there.
Energetic (adj)
having a lot of energy.
feeling a lot of interest about something.
Flexible (adj)
a person or a plan that can be changed easily.
Runway (n)
a long road on which planes land and take off.
‫مدرج لهبوط وإقالع طائرات‬
Gate (n)
a part of wall that you can open and close.
Controller (n)
someone who is in charge of a system or an organization.
Staff (n)
people who work for an organization or a company.
Plane (n)
a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings.
Luggage (n)
bags which you carry when you are travelling.
‫أمتعة السفر‬
Destination (n)
the place you are going to.
‫جهة السفر‬
‫مدرب حيوانات‬
‫حارس غابة أو حديقة‬
‫حارس في حديقة حيوان‬
‫عالم أحياء بحرية‬
‫مليء بالطاقة‬
‫مراقب النظام في العمل‬
‫ موظفين‬-‫فريق عمل‬