1 Knee muscle strength at varying angular velocities and 2 associations with gross motor function in ambulatory children 3 with cerebral palsy 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wei-Hsien Hong,a PhD; Hseih-Ching Chen,b PhD; I-Hsuan Shen,c PhD; Chung-Yao Chen,d,e MD; Chia-Ling Chen,f,g MD, PhD; Chia-Ying Chung,e,f MD 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Technology, 1, Sec. 3, Chung-Hsiao E. Rd, Taipei, 10608, Taiwan. c Department of Occupational Therapy, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd, Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 333, Taiwan. d Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Keelung, 222 Maijin Rd, Keelung 204, Taiwan. e School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd, Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 333, Taiwan. f Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chang Gung Memorial hospital, 5 Fu-Hsing St. Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 333, Taiwan. 17 18 19 a Department of Sports Medicine, China Medical University, 91 Hsueh-Shih Road, Taichung 40402, Taiwan. b g Graduate Institute of Early Intervention, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Taipei University of Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 333, Taiwan. * Address correspondence to: Chia-ling Chen, MD, PhD Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 5 Fu-Hsing St. Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 333, Taiwan E-mail: clingchen@gmail.com Phone number: +886-3-3281200 ext 3846 Fax number: +886-3-3281320 31 32 Running title: Muscle strength & gross motor function in CP 33 34 Word count of the text: 4257 35 36 The number of figures and tables in the article: one figure and 4 tables 1 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE/CONFLICT OF INTEREST All funding sources supporting the work and all institutional or corporate affiliations of mine are acknowledged in an acknowledgement section. I assert that there are no conflicts of interest (both personal and institutional) regarding specific financial interests that are relevant to the work conducted or reported in this manuscript. There are no potential conflicts of interest related to individual authors' commitments, no potential conflicts of interest related to project support, and no potential conflicts of interest related to commitments of editors, journal staff, or reviewers. 2 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationships of muscle strength at different angular velocities and gross motor functions in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy (CP). Thirty-three ambulatory children with spastic CP aged 6–15 years who were categorized by the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) as having either with level I (n=17) or level II (n=16) and 15 children with normal development. All children underwent cur-up test and isokinetic tests of the knee extensor and flexor muscle. Children with CP underwent the gross motor function assessments, including the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66) and the gross motor subtests of Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP). The hamstring-quadriceps ratio (HQ ratio) was calculated as 100% × (isokinetic peak torque of hamstring (knee flexor)/isokinetic peak 57 58 59 torque of quadriceps (knee extensor)). Children with GMFCS level II had lower BOTMP and GMFM-66 scores, curl-up scores, HQ ratio, and knee muscle strength, especially knee flexor, compared to those with GMFCS level I. The regression analysis showed that knee 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 flexor torques at 60 and 90/s are mainly related to balance (r2=0.167, p=0.011) and strength (r2=0.243, p=0.002) while knee flexor torques at 120/s mainly contribute to running speed and agility (r2=0.372, p<0.001). These findings suggest that children with CP had knee strength deficits, especially knee flexor. Postural muscle (knee flexor) strength dominated gross motor function than antigravity muscle strength (knee extensor). The knee flexor strength at different angular velocities was associated with various gross motor tasks. The HQ ratio may be used as a potential biomarker to probe the therapeutic effectiveness for 67 68 69 muscle strengthening in these children. These data may allow clinician for formulating effective muscle strengthening strategies for these children. 70 71 72 Keywords: cerebral palsy; postural muscle; gross motor function; muscle strength; isokinetic strength. 3 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 1. Introduction 84 85 86 (Elder et al., 2003; Wiley & Damiano, 1998). The muscle weakness showed a stronger association with mobility limitations in children with CP than spasticity (Ross & Engsberg, 2007). Muscle weakness can cause further loss of function and further limitation of 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 participation in daily life (Givon, 2009). Children with CP exhibit weakness not only in limb muscles (Larsson, Karlsson, & Gerdle, 2008; Chen, Lin, et al., 2012a), but also in trunk muscles (Prosser, Lee, VanSant, Barbe, & Lauer, 2010; Rosenbaum et al., 2007). Muscle strength and endurance must be accurately measured for effective treatment of children with CP who show muscle weakness. Limb muscles are typically measured by manual muscle testing and isokinetic testing (Chmielewski, Mizner, Padamonsky, & Snyder-Mackler, 2003). Although manual muscle 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 testing is relatively easier to administer, its results are less objective in subjects associated with spasticity, such as CP. In contrast, isokinetic testing is an objective measurement of muscle strength (Nicholas, 1989; Esselman, de Lateur, Alquist, Questad, & Giaconi, 1991). Previous studies showed that the knee extensor and flexor muscle strength were decreased with increasing angular velocity in normal children (Chan, Maffulli, Korkia, & Li, 1996; Kannus & Beynnon, 1993; Alangari & Al-Hazzaa, 2004). The studies by Engsberg, Olree, Ross, & Park (1998) showed children with CP were not only weaker than normal children at slow isokinetic velocities but had increasingly greater decrements in torque with increasing velocity. The isokinetic strength tests of the knee flexor and extensor are reportedly highly 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 reliable for different angular velocities (Perrin, 1993). Muscle endurance, can be defined as the capability of a muscle group to execute repeated contractions sufficient to cause muscular fatigue within a given time or as its capability to maintain a maximal voluntary contraction for a prolonged period (Ruiz et al., 2006). The curl-up test is widely used to assess trunk muscle endurance (Ruiz et al., 2006). Thus, the curl-up test and isokinetic measurements were used to measure the trunk muscular endurance and knee muscle strength in this study. The Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) is a standardized and well-validated observational instrument for measuring change in gross motor function in children with CP (Russell, The reported incidence of cerebral palsy (CP), the most common motor disability in childhood, is 1.5–2.5 per 1000 live born children (Himmelman, Hagberg, Beckung, Hagberg, & Uvebrant, 2005). The term CP describes a group of movement and posture disorders that limit activity and participation (Rosenbaum, et al., 2007). The typical motor manifestations include various neuromuscular and musculoskeletal problems such as spasticity, dystonia, contractures, abnormal bone growth, poor balance, loss of selective motor control, and muscle weakness (Giuliani, 1991; Gormley, 2001). Muscle weakness, which is a common impairment in children with CP (Damiano, Vaughan, & Abel, 1995; Wiley & Damiano, 1998), is attributable to incomplete recruitment or decreased motor unit discharge rate (Elder et al., 2003; Rose & McGill, 2005) and to inappropriate coactivation of antagonist muscle groups 4 111 Rosenbaum, Avery, & Lane, 2002). Reports of moderate to high correlations between muscle 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 strength and GMFM scores (Kramer & MacPhail ,1994; Damiano, Martellotta, Quinlivan, & Abel, 2001; Eek & Beckung, 2008) indicate that muscle strength has an important role in gross motor abilities. The GMFM-66 has superior scoring, interpretation, and overall clinical and research utility compared to the original GMFM-88 (Avery, Russell, Raina, Walter, & Rosenbaum, 2003). The GMFM-66 is more responsive than the GMFM-88 in terms of consistency with the subjective clinical judgment of the therapist (Wang & Yang, 2006). However, the GMFM-66 scores may achieve the ceiling levels for CP children with high motor ability. Therefore, the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) (Bruininks, 1978), another well-validated measure for evaluating motor coordination in children with CP (Chen et al., 2011; Gordon, Schneider, Chinnan, & Charles, 2007), was also 122 123 124 used to measure gross motor function and coordination in this study. To date, however, no studies have examined relationships between muscle strength and muscle endurance and gross motor function during different motor tasks in ambulatory 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 children with CP. This study tested three hypotheses: muscle strength and endurance are associated with gross motor functions in children with CP; the knee flexor (postural muscle) has a stronger association with gross motor functions compared to the knee extensor (antigravity muscle); and isokinetic knee strength at different angular velocities is associated with different motor tasks. This work explores how gross motor function during different motor tasks is affected by muscle strength of the knee extensor and flexor at varying angular velocities in these children. Muscle strength, muscular endurance and gross motor functions 132 133 134 were also compared in children with varying severity of motor impairment. More importantly, this study attempts to identify a potential biomarker to probe the therapeutic effectiveness for muscle strengthening in these children. 135 136 137 138 139 140 2. Material and Methods 2.1. Participants Children with spastic CP from the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of a tertiary hospital were recruited for this study. The inclusion criteria were comprised a diagnosis of CP with spastic diplegia, spastic hemiplegia, or mild spastic quadriplegia, an age 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 of 6–15 years, ability to walk independently, ability to undergo a motor function and isokinetic muscle test, and ability to comprehend commands and cooperate during an examination. Exclusion criteria were as follows: 1) children with recognized chromosomal abnormalities; 2) children with a progressive neurological disorder or severe concurrent illness or disease that is not typically associated with CP; 3) children with active medical conditions such as pneumonia; 4) children who had undergone any major surgery or nerve block in the preceding 3 months; 5) children with hormonal disturbance; and, 6) children with poor tolerance for performing the isokinetic test or a poor ability to cooperate during 5 149 assessment. Ultimately, 33 children with spastic CP enrolled in this study were categorized 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 into two groups according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) (Palisano, et al., 1997): level I (n=17) and level II (n=16) groups. An additional 15 age- and gender-matched children with normal development (ND) were selected as the control group. The exclusion criteria for the ND children included any diagnosis of developmental delay, growth failure, or neurological disorder; or any active medical problems (e.g., congenital heart disease) or other physical disabilities. The Institutional Review Board for Human Studies at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital approved this protocol, and caregivers of all participants or participants gave informed consent. 160 161 162 All participants underwent a series of examinations, including characteristics, and knee muscle strength assessments. The gross motor function (including GMFM-66 and BOTMP assessments) were performed only in children with CP. A physical therapist was trained to 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 use an isokinetic dynamometer and gross motor function assessments as a precondition of study participation. Motor severities, GMFCS scores, were graded by the same physiatrist. Participant characteristics, including demographic, growth, and clinical data were also recorded. 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 weight, and body mass index (BMI). Weight was assessed with an ACME seated weight scale (Model ACSMIN). Height was defined as the maximum distance from the feet to the highest point on the head with the subject standing with the heels, knees, buttocks, and back in contact with a wall with the help of assistants. The BMI was calculated by dividing weight by height squared (kg/m2). Abdominal muscle endurance was measured by a curl-up test. With the subject lying on the floor with knees flexed, the test required the participant to “curl up” the trunk and then lower it to the floor as many times as possible within 1 minute. The curl-up score was calculated as the maximum number of curl-ups correctly performed in one minute. 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 2.2.2. Gross motor function In both clinical practice and international rehabilitation research, the GMFM is the recognized gold standard for evaluating quantitative changes in gross motor function. The GMFM scores are known to remain stable over a 2-year period in children aged 9 to 15 years (Voorman, Dallmeijer, Knol, Lankhorst, & Becher, 2007). The 66 items in the GMFM-66 subset have been graded for difficulty using Rasch analysis, with a maximum score of 100. (Russell, et al., 2002). The GMFM-66 score was obtained by using Gross Motor Ability Estimator software (Russell, et al., 2002). Each item on the GMFM is graded on a 4-point 2.2. Procedures 2.2.1. Demographic and growth data Collection of demographic and growth data included age, gender, body height, body 6 187 scale (0= child unable to initiate the task, 1= child initiates the task, 2= child partially 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 completes the task, 3= child completes the task); these scores are then converted into a total score. The GMFM-66 is best suited for children who can walk and has shown good validity and reliability (Russell, et al. 2002). The BOTMP (Bruininks, 1978) is an individually administered test that assesses the motor function of children. The complete battery consisting of 46 items grouped into eight subtests provides a comprehensive index of motor proficiency along with separate measures of gross and fine motor skills. The four gross motor subtests of the BOTMP are running speed and agility (RSA), balance (BAL), bilateral coordination (BCO), and strength (STR). The standard score for the gross motor composite (GMC) is calculated by summing the standard scores for the four subtests. The raw score for each subtest is calculated after administering the test. By 198 199 200 using the scale provided, the raw score can be converted into a point score for each subtest. By comparisons with the norm, the point score can then be converted to a standard score for each subtest (where a higher standard score indicates a better subtest performance). In this 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 study, the standard scores for the gross motor subtests and gross motor composite were used for comparison. The content and construct validity and the test-retest reliability of the BOTMP have been confirmed previously (Bruininks, 1978). 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 NORM®, Humac, CA, USA). Participants were positioned on the Cybex testing chair with a trunk-to-thigh angle of approximately 95°. The dynamometer input shaft was aligned with the knee and the dynamometer lever arm was strapped just above the malleoli of the tested leg. Straps were used to stabilize each participant’s involved thigh, pelvis, and trunk. Each participant performed warm-up contractions and practiced concentric knee extension and flexion twice before the test. After resting for 10 seconds, a participant performed five consecutive cycles of concentric knee extension and flexion. Knee extension-flexion comprised a maximal voluntary knee extension, followed immediately by a maximal voluntary knee flexion. Testing velocity was set to 60°/s, 90°/s, and 120°/s, and range of 217 218 219 220 221 222 motion was 70°, starting with the knee flexed at 80° and ending in an extension at -10°. Measured variables were isokinetic peak torque of the knee extensor and knee flexor. High intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values (range, 0.93–0.98) existed for peak torque of absolute isokinetic muscle strength of the knee extensor and flexor at different angular velocities using Cybex (Impellizzeri, Bizzini, Rampinini, Cereda, & Maffiuletti, 2008). The isokinetic peak torque of the knee extensor and knee flexor was normalized by body weight 223 224 (Nm/kg). The hamstring-quadriceps ratio (HQ ratio) was calculated as 100% (isokinetic peak torque of hamstring (knee flexor)/ isokinetic peak torque of quadriceps (knee extensor)). 2.2.3. Muscle strength The knee extension and flexion torque of the more-affected lower limb that was generated during repeated extension-flexion was measured using an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex 7 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 2.3. Statistical Analyses Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 12.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Group differences in gender were determined by Fisher exact test. Group comparisons of demographic data (i.e., age, body height, body weight, and BMI) and curl-up score were performed by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post hoc Tukey multiple comparisons. Student t-test was used to determine the gross motor function scores (GMFM-66, the subtests and gross motor composite of the BOTMP) differences between CP groups. Repeated measure ANOVA was used to determine the knee muscle strength with 234 235 group denoting the between factor and angular velocity (60, 90, and 120/s) denoting the within factor. First, Pearson correlation was used to choose the related variables by testing 236 237 238 demographic data, muscle strength and curl-up scores for relationships with gross motor function scores. Multiple stepwise linear regression analysis was then performed to characterize the relationship of gross motor function scores with related variables. In 239 240 241 correlation testing, an r of 0.9 to 1.0 was considered very high, 0.7 to 0.89 was considered high, 0.5 to 0.69 was considered moderate, 0.26 to 0.49 was considered mild, and 0.0 to 0.25 was considered negligible (Munro, 2005). A p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. 242 243 244 245 3. Results 3.1. Demographic, muscle endurance, and gross motor function Comparisons among the three groups showed no significant differences in age, gender, 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 height, weight, and BMI (Table 1). Comparisons of gross motor function showed that children with GMFCS level I had higher scores for the GMFM-66, the four BOTMP subtests, and the GMC compared to those with GMFCS level II (p < 0.05) (Table 1). In muscle endurance, ANOVA results showed that curl-up scores significantly differed among the three groups (p < 0.001). Post hoc comparisons showed that the curl-up score was highest in the ND children, followed by children with GMFCS level I , and lowest with GMFCS level II (Table 2). (本來和前一段一起, 分段後 table1 改成 table 2) 253 254 3.2. Muscle strength 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 There were significant differences in peak torques of knee extensor and flexor within varying angular velocities (extensor: p < 0.001; flexors: p = 0.045) and among groups (extensor: p = 0.047; flexors: p < 0.001). Significant interaction between groups and velocities in knee flexor strength (p < 0.001) were noticed (Table 2). Post hoc comparisons showed that the children with GMFCS level II had lower knee extensor strength than ND children. Additionally, knee flexor strength was highest in the ND children, followed by children with GMFCS level I, and lowest with GMFCS level II. Velocity comparisons showed that knee 262 extensor strength was greatest at 60/s followed by 90/s and lowest at 120/s for children 8 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 with CP and ND children. Knee flexor was greater at 60/s than at 120/s. Tests of interacting effects showed that knee flexor strength in ND children significantly decreased with increasing velocities; conversely, it significantly increased with increasing velocities in children at GMFCS level II (Table 2). Children at GMFCS level II had 67–77% of normal knee extensor torque and only 24–39% of normal knee flexor torque as compared with ND children. Children with GMFCS level I had 84.8–97.8% of normal knee extensor torque and only 66.2–76.6% of normal knee flexor torque as compared with ND children. There were significant differences in HQ ratio within angular velocities (p < 0.001) and among groups (p < 0.001) (Table 2). Post hoc comparisons showed that the ND children had the highest HQ ratio followed by children with GMFCS level I, and lowest with GMFCS level II. Velocity 273 comparisons showed the HQ ratios at 60/s and 90/s were significantly lower than those at 274 275 276 120/s for all three groups (Table 2). 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 Figure 1 showed that the knee flexor strength was significantly associated with the GMFM-66, and the BOTMP GMC, RSA, and STR sub-scores. Age correlated negatively with BOTMP BCO and STR sub-scores (r = -.731 and -.353, respectively; p < 0.05, Table 3). The GMFM-66 scores had stronger correlations with knee flexor strength and with curl-up score (r = 0.643–0.723, p < 0.01) than with knee extensor strength (r = 0.373–0.416, p < 0.05). Except for BCO, all BOTMP sub-scores correlated with curl-up scores (r = 0.361–0.634, p < 0.05) and peak torques of knee flexor at all angular velocities (r = 284 285 286 287 0.388–0.630, p < 0.05) but correlated with peak torques of knee extensor only at 120/s (r = 0.363–0.466, p < 0.05). The regression analysis results showed the different variables related to motor function during various motor tasks (adjusted r2 = 0.167–0.581, p < 0.05, Table 4). The knee flexor 288 289 290 291 292 strength at 60/s was positively associated with the GMFM-66 score and with the BOTMP STR sub-score (Table 4). The knee flexor strength at 120/s was positively related to the BOTMP GMC scores and RSA sub-scores. Additionally, the knee flexor strength at 90/s was positively related to the BOTMP BAL sub-scores. The curl-up scores were positively related to the GMFM-66 score and BOTMP RSA sub-score. Knee flexor strength was the 293 294 295 296 main contributor to the GMFM-66 score (i.e., 50.7% of the variance). Knee flexor strength was also the main contributor to the BOTMP GMC and all sub-scores other than BCO sub-score (i.e., 16.7–37.2% of the variance). 297 298 299 300 4. Discussion This study is the first to investigate the relationships between muscle strength at varying angular velocities and gross motor functions during different motor tasks in children with CP. This research demonstrates children with CP had lower trunk muscular endurance (measured 3.3. Muscle strength and gross motor functions 9 301 by curl-up scores), HQ ratio and lower limb muscle strength (measured by isokinetic peak 302 303 304 305 torques of knee muscle), especially knee flexor, than ND children. Children with GMFCS level I had greater gross motor function (measured by BOTMP and GMFM-66), trunk muscular endurance, HQ ratio, and knee muscle strength, especially knee flexor, compared to those with GMFCS level II. The regression analysis showed that knee flexor muscle strength 306 307 308 309 310 311 dominated gross motor function. Knee flexor torques at low velocity (60–90/s) are mainly related to static gross motor function such as balance and strength while knee flexor torques at high velocity may contribute to dynamic gross motor function such as running agility. These findings suggest that, in children with CP, postural muscle (knee flexor) strength is lower than antigravity muscle (knee extensor) strength. Postural muscle strength had a stronger correlation with gross motor function than with antigravity muscle strength in ambulatory 312 313 314 children with CP. The knee flexor strength at different angular velocities was associated with various gross motor tasks. More importantly, the HQ ratio may be used as a potential biomarker to probe the therapeutic effectiveness for muscle strengthening in these children. 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 These data may allow clinician for formulating effective muscle strengthening strategies for these children. Compared to antigravity muscle strength, postural muscle strength of the lower limbs is more important in determining gross motor function, balance and strength in ambulatory children with CP. Additionally, muscular endurance also contributes to the gross motor function and running agility. Stepwise linear regression showed that knee flexor strength was associated with GMFM-66 score and all BOTMP sub-scores except BCO by 17-51% of 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 variance. The curl-up score was associated with GMFM-66 score and BOTMP RSA sub-score by 7% of variance. Previous studies also showed that peak torque of knee flexor and extensor was moderately related to the GMFM-88 (Damiano et al., 2001), and knee flexor were more correlated with GMFM-66 for children with ambulatory CP than knee flexor (Chen et al., 2012a). The core muscles, i.e., the abdominal muscle group and the back extensors, are considered important postural muscles for trunk control (Hrysomallis & Goodman, 2001). Studies show that the core stability of trunk control is highly related to lower extremity function in normal subjects (Willson, Dougherty, Ireland, & Davis, 2005). The poor control of trunk postural muscles is also a major impairment in CP (Prosser et al., 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 2010; Rosenbaum et al., 2007). These findings suggest that the knee flexor muscle should be prioritized in treatment for enhancing gross motor function in children with CP. Muscular endurance training can also modulate gross motor function, especially running agility, in children with CP. Compared to muscular endurance and knee muscle strength, age had a stronger association with BOTMP BCO sub-score. The reason may be that bilateral coordination involves not only the lower limb, but also the upper limb coordination. Furthermore, the bilateral coordination could not catch up the expected developmental with increasing age in 10 339 children with CP. The knee flexor strength at different angular velocities was associated 340 341 with various gross motor tasks. Regression analysis showed that knee flexor torques of different angular velocities were related to GMFM-66 score and to some of BOTMP 342 343 sub-scores. For example, knee flexor torques at low velocity (60–90/s) were mainly associated with GFMF-66 score and with the strength and balance sub-scores of the 344 345 BOTMP while knee flexor torques at high velocity (120/s) were mainly associated with BOTMP RSA sub-score. These findings suggest that knee flexor torques at low velocity 346 347 348 349 (60–90/s) are mainly related to static gross motor function such as balance and strength while knee flexor torques at high velocity may contribute to dynamic gross motor function such as running agility. Children with CP had lower knee flexor strength than knee extensor strength. This result 350 351 352 is consistent with previous studies (Chen et al., 2012a; Larsson et al., 2008; Fowler, et al., 2010). Furthermore, the reduced knee flexor strength is exaggerated between children with GMFCS level II and those with GMFCS level I. The reason may be that tradition 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 rehabilitation programs focus more on the strengthening antigravity muscles (e.g. knee extensors) than postural muscles (e.g. knee flexors). For example, a strength increase of more than 50% in quadriceps with no significant change in hamstring was found after a quadriceps strengthening program in children with CP (Damiano et al., 1995). The results strongly suggested the hamstring strengthening was needed at the same time when the quadriceps was developed (Damiano et al., 1995). A randomized controlled trial showed a novel home-based virtual cycling training program induced larger gains in the knee flexor 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 than in the knee extensor (Chen, Hong, et al., 2012b). These findings suggest that cycling programs may be a choice for postural muscle strengthening for children with CP, especially for those with severe motor impairment. Knee flexor peak torques remained unchanged or even increased with increasing velocity in children with CP, especially in those with GMFCS level II. However, the knee extensor decreased with increasing angular velocity. In ND children, strength in the knee extensor and flexor muscle was decreased with increasing angular velocity, which was consistent with previous studies (Kannus & Beynnon, 1993; Chan et al., 1996; Alangari & 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 Al-Hazzaa, 2004). The knee flexor peak torque increased from 60/s to 120/s in children with GMFCS level II. These findings imply that muscle strengthening at high angular velocity may be included in the training programs under safety condition when designing interventions targeting the knee flexor in children with CP. The HQ ratio was reduced in children with CP, especially in those with severe motor impairment. The HQ ratio was also increased with increasing angular velocities, which was consistent with the literature (Chen et al., 2012b). In normal children, the HQ ratio correlated with angular velocities, which concurs with previous works (Gaul, 1996; Hewett, Myer, & Zazulak, 2008). In this study, the HQ ratios in children with CP were only 20-49%, which was 11 377 markedly lower than the 50-80% reported for healthy subjects in Chan et al. (1996). The 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 reason is that the knee flexor strength is more obvious affected by CP as compared with knee extensor. A previous work also revealed strength deficit between the knee flexor and knee extensor joint moment is larger in children with CP than in ND children (Damiano et al., 1995). Therefore, the findings suggest that strengthening knee flexor muscles in individuals with CP should be a treatment priority. Moreover, the HQ ratio may be used as a potential biomarker for muscle strengthening effectiveness in children with CP. Muscle strength and motor function were associated with GMFCS levels in children with CP. In this study, children with GMFCS level II had lower gross motor function, trunk muscular endurance, and knee muscle strength, and especially knee flexor, compared to those with GMFCS level I. These results were compatible with previous studies (Chen et al., 388 389 390 2012a; Chen et al., 2012b). The muscle weakness associated with CP may be the direct result of an upper motor neuron lesion impairing neural output and neuromotor control (Rose & McGill, 1998; Moreau, Jolicoeur, & Peretz, 2009). Muscle contraction force is 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 generally determined by both firing rate and the motor unit recruitment (De Luca & Erim, 1994). Children with CP have hamstring and quadriceps impairments (i.e., co-contraction, spasticity, weakness) that can impair motor unit recruitment and rate modulation (Rose & McGill, 2005; Stackhouse, Binder-Macleod, & Lee, 2005). These findings suggested that muscle strength and muscular endurance training should be included in treatment strategies even for children with mild motor severities (GMFCS levels I-II). The findings of this study are limited by its design. This work selectively analyzed 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 characteristics of interest in the participants. The focus was on independent ambulatory children with CP; those with limited ambulatory capability were excluded. Only the knee muscle strength was assessed, the other lower limb muscle strength, such as hip or ankle muscle strengths, was not measured in this study. Hence, the study results cannot be generalized to all CP cases or to all lower limb muscles. Despite this limitation, this study established the relationships of muscle strength and gross motor functions in ambulatory children with CP. 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 5. Conclusions This study showed that gross motor function, trunk muscular endurance and HQ ratio were lower in children with GMFCS level II than in those with GMFCS level I. Postural muscle strength (knee flexor) was also lower than antigravity muscle strength (knee extensor) and had a relatively stronger correlation with gross motor functions in ambulatory children with CP. Moreover, knee flexor strength at different angular velocities was associated with various gross motor tasks. These findings suggest that muscle training for children with CP should target postural muscles, especially at high angular velocity. The HQ ratio may be used as a potential biomarker to probe the therapeutic effectiveness for muscle strengthening in 12 415 children with CP. 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