NATIONAL BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. 330 COMMISSION ON AUDIT CIRCULAR NO. 80-136 TO : The Minister of Justice, Director of Prisons, Penal Superintendents, Resident/Regional Auditors, Chief Accountant/Colony Accountants, Budget Officer of the Bureau of Prisons and Others Concerned SUBJECT : Implementing Guidelines and Procedures on the Use of Income Derived from the Operations of Prison Agro-Industries of the Bureau Of Prisons 1.0 2.0 Purposes. This Circular is issued to: 1.1 Identify the various income derived from prisons' agro-industries specified in the special provisions of Batas Pambansa Blg. 40; 1.2 Provide proper guidelines/procedures to be followed availment, utilization and accounting of such income. in the collection, Background Information 2.1 Legal Basis 2.1.1 Section 3, Special Provisions for the Pambansa Bldg. 40 Bureau of Prisons, Batas Income of the Bureau of Prisons derived from the operation of prison agro-industries shall be deposited in an authorized government depository bank as a trust liability and shall be made available for additional supplies and materials, for expansion and development of its facilities, for other operating expenses of the agro-industries, and for payment of allowance to prisoners working in said projects at a rate not exceeding P100 a month after deducting amounts paid from the regular appropriations of the bureau for the same purpose. The Director of Prisons is authorized to charge up to 70% of the market price of agro-industries products either issued for institutional use or for prisoners' subsistence against its general fund regular allotment for maintenance and other operating expenses to the credit of its Trust Liability Account for as long as the said regular allotments can absorb such charges. 2.2 Sources of Income 2.2.1 The Bureau of Prisons derives income from its regular business operation such as sales of manufactured articles; farm and dairy products; royalties derived from export of bananas in a joint venture. 2.3 2.2.2 Reimbursement from the regular allotment for maintenance and other operating expenses, for agro-industries products either issued for institutional use or for prisoners subsistence. 2.2.3 Agency share in prisoners' wages from private entities. Uses of Income Income derived from the operation of prisons' agro-industries and sale of agro-industries products shall be made available in whole for agro-industries expenditures such as: 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 3.0 purchase of additional supplies and materials; expansion and development of its facilities; other operating expenses; and payment of allowance to prisoners working in said projects at a rate not exceeding P100 a month after deducting amount paid from the regular appropriations of the Bureau for the same purpose. Procedural Guidelines 3.1 Collections The collecting officer shall issue separate set of official receipts for all types of income collected under the Trust Liability Account. 3.2 Deposit All collections in respect of the produce of agro-industries shall be deposited in authorized government depository bank and shall be treated as Trust Liability (84-000). 3.3 Availment/Utilization 3.3.1 The agency shall prepare a special budget for one year, broken down into quarters, covering the projected expenditures for which availment of income is necessary. It shall be based on the estimate of realizable income for the year, likewise, broken down into quarters. Said special budget shall be submitted to the Ministry of the Budget not later than 30 days before the end of the fiscal year. The approved special budget shall be the basis for the comprehensive release of allotment under the Trust Liability Account. 3.3.2 The quarterly amount covered by the special budget shall not be more than the projected income for that particular quarter. 3.3.3 The National Accounting Office shall review such special budget to determine the reasonableness of the amount of income realizable as reflected on the special budget. 3.4 4.0 3.3.4 Expenditures out of the trust liabilities shall be limited to the income actually collected duly certified by the Chief Accountant and verified and found correct by the Resident Auditor. 3.3.5 Total allowance paid to prisoners working in industrial or agricultural projects out of the regular appropriations (Sec. 2 of Special Provisions, B.P. Blg. 40) must first be deducted from the maximum allowance of P100.00 allowed in Sec. 3 of the Special Provisions before determining the allowance to be paid out of the income from agro-industries. 3.3.6 Withdrawals from the bank account shall be made by commercial checks to be signed jointly by the authorized representative of the agency and the COA Resident Auditor. 3.3.7 The unexpended balance, if any, of amounts deposited with the bank shall be retained under the same fund and may be made available for the succeeding year for authorized expenditures subject to a special budget. Accounting 3.4.1 A separate set of books of accounts under the General Fund with fund code "102" shall be kept wherein all income collections, releases of allotment and expenditures shall be recorded. 3.4.2 The agency shall prepare separate trial balance for the fund and other accountability reports as required under existing regulations. Sample Journal Entries 4.1 To take up income from agency share in prisoners' wages and royalties derived from export of bananas. Fund 101 No entry Fund 102 70-400 xxx 84-000 4.2 xxx To record income from manufactured articles No entry 1. Receipt of Advice of Allotment per approved Special Budget 84-000 90-000 1,000 1,000 2. Obligation 90-000 82-000 1,000 1,000 3. To take up inventory for work in process 72-200 86-900 1,000 1,000 4. Liquidation 83-000 70-300 1,000 1,000 5. To take up finished products for sale 72-360 72-200 900 900 6. To record sale 6.1 To the public a. Collection 70-400 600 84-000 600 b. Dropping from inventory 86-900 500 72-360 500 6.2 For agency use a. To obligate agency purchase 90-000 82-000 280 280 b. To take up liquidation 83-000 280 81-100 (102) a. To take up receivable 280 c. To take up payment (at the end of the month) 81-100(102) 70-703 71-100(101) 280 84-000 280 b. To take up payment 280 70-400 280 280 71-100 (101) 280 c. Dropping from inventory 86-900 400 72-360 400 7. To record deposit 70-300 70-400 4.3 880 880 Sample journal entries for income from production 4.3.1 Production/sale of agro-industry produce Fund 101 Fund 102 1. Purchase of seedlings No entry 90-000 82-000 10,000 10,000 2. To take up liquidation 83-000 70-703 10,000 10,000 3. To take up production of agro-industry 72-360 86-900 40,000 40,000 4. To drop sale of production from inventory 86-900 72-360 1. To take up collection from income from sale 30,000 30,000 70-400 30,000 84-000 30,000 2. Deposit 70-300 30,000 70-400 30,000 3. Receipt of Advice of Allotment 84-000 20,000 90-000 20,000 4. Obligation 90-000 10,000 82-000 10,000 5. Liquidation 83-000 5,000 70-300 5,000 4.3.2 Agency produce either issued for institutional use subsistence at 30% below market price. Fund 101 Fund 102 1. To obligate prisoners consumption No entry 90-000 82-000 or for prisoners' 7,000 7,000 2. To take up issues for prisoners consumption 86-900 72-360 10,000 10,000 3. To take up liquidation 83-000 7,000 81-100 (102) 7,000 4. To take up payments (at the end of the month) 81-100(102) 7,000 70-703 7,000 1. To take up receivable 8-71-100(101) 7,000 84-000 7,000 2. To take up payment 70-400 7,000 71-100(101) 7,000 3. To take up deposit 70-300 70-400 7,000 7,000 4. Proceed as in No. 3 under Fund 102 in 4.3.1 4.4 Closing entries at the end of the year Fund 102 1. Closing entries at the end of the year 84-000 (xxx) 90-000 (xxx) 2. Closure of obligation and liquidation accounts 82-000 xxx 83-000 81-400 5.0 xxx xxx Valuation of Agro-Industry Produce The value of agro-industry produce shall be based on the prevailing market price of the locality where the prison colony is located as determined by a committee composed of the representative of the COA Regional Office, Chief Accountant/Colony Accountant and Supply Officer and approved by the Penal Superintendent of the colony concerned. 6.0 Reporting Requirements Strict compliance with reporting requirements under Budget Circulars Nos. 263 and 284 dated September 15, 1976 and March 6, 1978, respectively, as well as National Budget Circular No. 317 dated November 21, 1979 is hereby reiterated. 7.0 Repealing Clause The provisions of all circulars or instructions which are in conflict with this Circular are hereby rescinded and/or modified accordingly. 8.0 Effectivity This Circular shall take effect January 1, 1980. (SGD.) SILVESTRE D. SARMIENTO Commissioner Commission on Audit (SGD.) JAIME C. LAYA Minister of the Budget