Bow Valley Goals

Bow Valley High School TPGP 2013-2014
Name: Shannon Booth
Goal 1: PLC Goal - Social and Emotional Well Being Group.
Focus Question: How do we facilitate connections of target student groups to increase engagement at school through the use of small
interest groups.
Person(s) involved: Tracy Lambie, Mike Dang, Marsha Williams Day, Laura Negard, Terri Marchand, Jodi Hogan, Shannon Booth,
Amanda Peacy, Lana Allen, Monty Smith, Gina Young, Debbie Johnson, Jan Higgins.
Alignment with BVHS Guiding Principles: A sense of community amongst staff and students is intentionally fostered and purposefully
Alignment with RVS 3YP: Goal One: Learners have their individual needs met.
21st Century Competencies: Communicator, Innovator, Callaborator
Desired Outcomes - What do we want to achieve? What will it look like when we get to where we want to be?
 We want the students to feel connected and have a sense of belonging in our school culture.
 Students will feel connected to their peer group and an adult(s) in the building.
Learning Plan Supports & Resources – What do we need to achieve this?:
 We need planning time during PL days
 We need financial support to fund our activities.
Setting the Direction for the Plan:
Action Steps/Strategies – How will I achieve my goal(s)? How will we get there?
(Some suggested strategies for PL are as follows: job-related reading, book clubs,
workshops, conferences, in-services, safety courses, seminars, webinars, guest speakers,
mentoring and being mentored or any other related activity which suits the goal and focus)
 Identify target groups.
 Start small groups
 Start linking small groups to the larger school community
 Evaluation
The Proof – will we measure our success?:
Indicators - How will I know I have achieved my
goal(s)? & Evidence - What data or information will
help me to reflect on the achievement of my goal?
(Qualitative/Quantitative Analysis/Process Evaluation)
 Post a student reflection
Actualizing the Plan (the living part of the document): What WE DO over the course of the year to make plan viable
Reflection & Analysis – How is this impacting student wellness? How is this impacting student achievement? What changes have been noted? Is
the goal being achieved? What have we learned? What revisions and adjustments do we need to make? Other questions regarding the strategies
and the proof indicators and evidence information above. Please provide any Qualitative and Quantitative data information where possible.
Goal 2: Professional Goal (e.g. department, CofP, curricular, etc.): Create a method for students to explore the elective components of the
choral music curriculum by exploring their personal interests and utilizing their creative skills to present the final product.
Person(s) involved: BVHS Choir, Miss Booth
Alignment with BVHS Guiding Principles:
-Student directed learning will create increased engagement and relevance to the learning process
-Effective instruction employs as many strategies as possible to facilitate the individual learning styles of students; exploration of a broad and diverse
range of educational activities.
Guiding Assessment Principles:
-Assessment practices are transparent and consistent
-Assessment practices give students a variety of opportunities to learn and develop through ongoing feedback
Alignment with RVS 3YP:
This goal aligns well with RVS 3YP goal no 2: Learners are self-directed, innovative, ecologically intelligent and entrepreneurial. The flexibility for
students to design their own elective topic speaks to Outcome 1: ensuring learners become self-directed and take personal ownership of their learning.
As the elective will speak to their own interest, it is my goal that their level of engagement and independence will increase.
2.1 no. 2 Percentage of teachers, parents and students who feel students have strong sense of ownership for their learning
2.2 no 2 Percentage of staff and parents who agree that students are critical, creative and complex thinkers
21st Century Competencies:
Engaged Thinker: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
-Students will develop a critical thinking question in order to guide the topic of their choice; this will direct their research.
Engaged Thinker: Creativity and Innovation
-In giving students the opportunity to develop their own topic as well as method of presenting their final product, the allowance for their personal
creativity and self directed innovation is targeted.
Entrepreneurial Spirit: Lifelong Learning, Self-Direction and Personal Management
-The majority of the assignment will be designed by the student. They will need to set personal milestones and develop a number of steps that must be
taken in order to complete the final product.
-In exploring a topic of their choice, the spark for intrinsic motivation should be ignited in order to promote further life-long learning.
Desired Outcomes - What do we want to achieve? What will it look like when we get to where we want to be?
 Increased intrinsic motivation and engagement of students in musical concepts
 When achieved, students will have developed a product that encompasses a guiding critical thinking question to present information on a topic
of their choice
Learning Plan Supports & Resources – What do we need to achieve this?:
-Student feedback
-Alberta Program of Studies
-University Consultant/Cohorts
-Exemplars for students
-Guiding questions/structure for product
-Assignment assessment
Setting the Direction for the Plan:
Action Steps/Strategies – How will I achieve my goal(s)? How will we get there?
(Some suggested strategies for PL are as follows: job-related reading, book clubs,
workshops, conferences, in-services, safety courses, seminars, webinars, guest speakers,
mentoring and being mentored or any other related activity which suits the goal and focus)
Job-related reading: how to infuse this method of differentiated instruction into the music
Being mentored: University Consultant, Teaching Mentor at BVHS
Seminar: Run a seminar with my University cohorts regarding this method of differentiated
instruction in the music classroom.
The Proof – how will we measure our success?:
Indicators - How will I know I have achieved my
goal(s)? & Evidence - What data or information will
help me to reflect on the achievement of my goal?
(Qualitative/Quantitative Analysis/Process Evaluation)
As the product of the goal is primarily seen through the
work of the students, the majority of my goal’s
assessment will be qualitative. Has student intrinsic
motivation increased in the curriculum? Students will
complete an assessment of the assignment with
questions guiding it’s success. (What did you like? What
didn’t you like? What was the most difficult step in the
process? Etc.)
Actualizing the Plan (the living part of the document): What WE DO over the course of the year to make plan viable
 Create/distribute assignment
 Formative assessment of critical question topic
 Second draft/revision of critical thinking question & rough product complete
 Product complete/student assessment of product
Reflection & Analysis – How is this impacting student wellness? How is this impacting student achievement? What changes have been noted? Is
the goal being achieved? What have we learned? What revisions and adjustments do we need to make? Other questions regarding the strategies
and the proof indicators and evidence information above. Please provide any Qualitative and Quantitative data information where possible.