hw ch 11 sec 1

Homework Ch 11 – Sec 1
Chapter 11 – Section 1: The Rise of Islam
Directions: On a separate piece of paper, with the proper heading, write the correct
answer next to the appropriate number. Please retain this handout and bring it to class
to use as a guide for notes.
1. Muhammad’s followers would carry the message of Islam to people on 2///3///4///5
2. ___ What peninsula did Islam emerge on?
A. Italian
B. Arabian
C. Middle Eastern
D. Floridian
3. ___ What TWO things helped shape the early life of Muhammad?
A. deserts
B. trade centers
C. religion
D. politics
4. ___ A fertile area in a desert watered by a natural well or spring
A. desert
B. Mesopotamia
C. Mecca
D. oasis
5. ___ What made farming possible in Saudi Arabia?
A. lots of rain B. flooding rivers
C. fertile soil
D. irrigation
6. ___ Which group would eventually form the backbone of the Islamic army?
A. Muslims
B. Oasis
C. Bedouins
D. Meccans
7. ___ What is the name of an oasis town the Bedouins traded in?
A. Mecca
B. Muslim
C. Medina
D. Muhammad
8. Mecca was a market town at the crossroads of 1///2///3 main caravan routes.
9. ___ The Kaaba is an ancient shrine in Mecca that today’s Muslims believe was built
by the prophet _______.
10. In Muhammad’s time, the Kaaba was the site of monotheistic///polytheistic
11. ___ How did pilgrims economically benefit the people of Mecca.
A. They brought new ideas.
B. They brought religious freedom.
C. They brought profit to merchants.
D. They brought new politics.
12. ___ Muhammad was born about _________.
A. 570 BC
B. AD 570
C. 57 BC
D. AD 57
13. ___ Muhammad held all the following jobs EXCEPT
A. merchant
B. led caravans
C. priest
D. shepherd
14. TRUE or FALSE? Muhammad married a wealthy widow when he was twenty five
and became a devoted husband and loving father.
Homework Ch 11 – Sec 1
15. ___ Who encouraged Muhammad to answer the call of the angel Gabriel and
become a messenger of God?
A. his wife
B. his daughter
C. his son
D. his God
16. ___ What does Islam mean in Arabic?
A. God
B. religion
C. messenger
D. submission
17. ___ What were the merchants afraid that Muhammad’s actions would cause?
A. Mecca to close
B. their profits to be damaged
C. the Kaaba to close
D. a new religion to be created
18. ___ In 622, Muhammad fled Mecca for Yathrib later called ________.
A. Medina
B. Mecca
C. Muslim
D. Bedouins
19. ___ Muhammad’s flight from Mecca is known as the _______.
A. Khadija
B. Yathrib
C. Kaaba
D. Hijra
20. ___ In his new home Muhammad was viewed by Muslim converts as all of the
following EXCEPT
A. God
B. God’s Prophet
C. ruler
D. lawgiver
21. ___ The caravans and people of what city became the recipients of attacks by
A. Medina
B. Arabia
C. Mecca
D. Kaaba
22. ___ Upon his triumphant return to Mecca in 630, Muhammad
A. became a god.
B. died.
C. was chased out again.
D. destroyed the idols in the Kaaba.
23. ___ What did Muhammad spend two years uniting Arabs under?
A. Judaism
B. Islam
C. Christianity
D. Quran
24. Muhammad died in 620///630///622///632.
25. ___ Which religion is NOT monotheistic?
A. Islam
B. Christianity
C. Hinduism
26. ___What is the sacred test of Islam?
A. The Tripitka
B. The Bible
D. Judaism
C. The Quran
27. Like Buddhists///Hindus Muslims rely///do not rely
speak to God.
D. The Torah
on priests to help them
28. ___ What is the Islamic code of moral behavior?
A. Four Noble Truths
B. Five Pillars
C. Ten Commandments
D. Eightfold Path
29. TRUE or FALSE? A jihad is only a holy war.
Homework Ch 11 – Sec 1
30. The Kaaba///Dome of the Rock, one of the holiest Muslim sites is built in
31. ___ According to Muslims, what is the final authority on all matters?
A. The Bible
B. The Sharia
C. The Torah
D. The Quran
32. TRUE or FALSE? The Quran teaches Muslims about God and is also a complete
guide to life.
33. ___ What Islamic mandate helped unite Muslims of many regions?
A. That they believe in only one god
B. That they follow the Five Pillars
C. That they learn Arabic
D. That they read the Quran
34. ___ What is the sacred duty that physically and financially sound Muslims must of at
least once in their life?
A. undertake the hijra
B. undertake the hajj
C. visit a mosque
D. read the Quran
35. ___ Which group is NOT considered one of the “People of the Book?”
A. Jews
B. Muslims
C. Christians
D. Hindus
36. TRUE or FALSE? Islam is both a religion and a way of life.
37. ___ The ____ is the Islamic system of law which comes from the Quran and
regulates all aspects of life in a Muslim community.
A. Quran
B. Sharia
C. Bible
D. Hajj
38. The Sharia does not///does separate religious matters from criminal or
Civil law.
39. TRUE or FALSE? Before Islam, in some tribes unwanted daughters could be killed
at birth.
40. Islam declared the spiritual///legal equality of all men and women and therefore
women gained///lost protection under the law.
41. The early days of Islam brought many changes to the lives of women. Circle all that apply.
A. Unwanted daughters could still be killed.
B. Inheritance laws guaranteed her share of her husband’s or parents’ property.
C. Women could be forced into marriage.
D. Women had the right to an education.
E. Women could participate in public life.
F. It was as easy for a woman to get a divorce as a man.
G. Parent’s inheritance was equally shared between sons and daughters.
41. TRUE or FALSE? One of the ways in which cultural diffusion affected the lives of
Islamic women is that all women had to be veiled as they were in the Persian and
Byzantine lands.