Honors Summer Reading Assignment

A.P. Literature Summer Reading Assignment
Bohemia Manor High School
A. P. English students will read How to Read Literature Like a Professor first. You do not need
to complete vocabulary or a reading log for Foster’s book; instead, you will apply the principles
that Foster discusses to the other two novels. For each novel, complete the following assignment:
1. Note at least 5 examples of the points that Foster discusses. Write what is happening,
how it relates to what you learned in the How to Read Literature Like a Professor, and
what the significance is in the text. (For example: In Poisonwood Bible, the family is
welcomed to the Congo with a meal. Explain the significance of meals and what we learn
about the family and the Congo people from that meal.) (50 points)
2. Write down any words that you do not know or that are used in an unfamiliar way. Write
the word and the sentence in which it is used. Look the word up in a dictionary and
record the definition. If you feel that the words in your book are not challenging enough,
include new words you learned this summer.
You must have a minimum of 10 words. (20 points)
3. Complete the Reading Log (format is attached). Your answers should reflect your best
thinking. If you are unfamiliar with the terms or concepts, you can refer to
http://www.gale.cengage.com/free_resources/glossary/ (30 points)
Please note that all summer reading assignments are due the first day of school. The assignments
should reflect your best thinking and work. We are interested in what you can do and what you
Academic integrity is paramount. Please do your own work; do not copy another student’s work
or cut and paste from the Internet.
If you have questions about your summer reading assignment, you may leave a message in the
guidance office at 410-885-2077 or e-mail Ms. Copson at jcopson@ccps.org.
Remember, start your assignment early. Do not wait until the last minute!
AP Literature Summer Reading Materials
Everyone reads:
How to Read Literature Like a Professor
The Poisonwood Bible
Thomas Foster
Barbara Kingsolver
Choose one:
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley
George Orwell
AP English12
Reading Log
For every novel or play we read, you will fill out the following information and keep it in a
reading notebook. These journals will be used to review for writing assignments and tests
throughout the year. They will be checked for completeness and insight. (30 points)
Original publication date of the work (not necessarily the copyright date):
Kind of writing (i.e. narrative, expository, persuasive, descriptive, satire):
Explain the writer’s purpose AND who the intended audience is.
List major characters with brief descriptions.
Point of view/speaker.
Tone/attitude of the writer or speaker.
Theme/universal truth (In a complete sentence, answer the question “What is the author
trying to say about the topic of the story?”).
10. Brief plot synopsis/summary, including brief description of setting (physical and
11. Major symbols and/or allusions (references to other people, stories, works of art) in the
12. Distinguishing characteristic of the work (What makes this text different from all others?)
13. Select 3 phrases or short sentences that are particularly effective; they may be significant
to the meaning of the text or particularly well written. These quotes should be important
enough and short enough to memorize.
14. Why is the author’s choice of form/development/overall organization effective?
15. Write a brief reaction to the piece. Think about how this novel connects to your life.