Book IIUnit 5

Book II
Unit 5
__________1. The beautiful p______s married the king and became a queen.
__________2. The government (政府) has d______ed that tomorrow will be a day off
because of a big typhoon.
__________3. Many warriors died in the b______e. It was a bloody war.
__________4. In the story of the novel, Harry Potter is b______e enough to fight
against the devil.
__________5. Sam p______yed to God to help him escape death.
__________6. Lisa and her sister reached an a______t that they shared this room.
__________7. Ann's h______ls were hurt, so she couldn't wear shoes.
__________8. He is one of the c______ts who passed the first round of game.
__________9. To graduate from college earlier, Daisy made an effort to c______e her
__________10. Helen is so attractive that almost everyone thinks her a b______y.
__________11. Ron r______ts your gift because he is still angry with you.
__________12. Tina likes p______e instead of war and wants to get along with
__________13. Frank is a h______o to the boy's family because he saved the boy's
__________14. My father is a s______r who works on the ship.
__________15. Warriors in the a______y were trained to fight for their country.
__________16. The famous singer's ______ (marry) that ended after only one month
surprised us.
__________17. Breathing in second-hand smoke is very ______ (harm) to our health.
__________18. The continuous wars led to the ______ (destroy) of the country.
__________19. My father gave me a ______ (warn) against dating Tom.
__________20. Many proverbs show great ______ (wise) and truth.
1. princess
2. declared
3. battle
4. brave
5. prayed
9. complete
13. hero
17. harmful
6. agreement
10. beauty
14. sailor
18. destruction
7. heels
11. rejects
15. army
19. warning
8. contestants
12. peace
16. marriage
20. wisdom
as a result of... 由於…
‧As a result of her disease, Pamela had to drop out of school.
1. 由於天氣不好,我們取消(cancel)了旅程。
2. 由於 Jack 的努力工作,我們的生意變好很多。
so...that... 如此…以致於…
‧The Greek king was so angry that he didn't want to see anyone.
3. 乘客(passenger)如此之多,以致於我無法搭上公車。
4. James 是如此善良,所以大家都很喜歡他。
except for 除了…之外
‧Except for Sunday, Kathy goes to work every day.
5. 除了黑色之外,May 有許多不同顏色的洋裝。
6. 除了 Ella,班上每一位同學昨天都有去看電影。
be able/unable to 能夠/無法
‧Frank is able to speak both English and Chinese well.
7. 我無法參加你今晚的生日派對。
8. Candy 能夠處理自己所面臨的問題。
take...over 佔領,接收
‧The city was attacked and taken over by the German Army in 1940.
9. Bob 承諾接管他父親的事業。
10. 這間電腦公司已經被政府(government)接收。
even though + S + V 即使…
‧I won't get angry even though you reject me.
11. 即使過了很多年,Paul 仍然記得你。
12. 即使 David 很用功,他的英文還是不及格。
turn to sb. 求助於某人
‧I turned to my mom for advice when I didn't know what to do.
13. 當我妹妹有困難時,她總是求助於我的幫忙。
14. 當 Mark 有數學問題時,他通常求助於他的老師。
lead to 導致
‧Betty's laziness led to a poor life.
15. 這司機的粗心導致這場車禍。
16. John 的智慧和勇氣導致他成功的事業。
set...on fire 使…著火,縱火
‧The bad guy set his girlfriend's house on fire only because she left him.
17. Peter 故意放火燒了狗屋。
18. 這些人放火燒了五輛警車。
in spite of + N 儘管,即使
‧They decided to go mountain climbing in spite of the heavy rain.
19. 儘管我們盡了一切努力,這個計畫還是無法完成。
20. 儘管有颱風,Jerry 還是去上班。
...N, who/which/whom/whose...
‧My father, who works in the U.S., will come back for the Chinese New Year.
21. 瑪麗九十歲的爺爺昨晚過世了。
22. 這些陳列在美術館的畫作很受歡迎。
...N(P), V-ing/V-en...
‧Mr. Smith, hired to work for the company, became known as a good manager.
23. 坐在咖啡館窗邊的那個女士是我媽媽的朋友。
24. 這間在六十年前被摧毀的戲院於 1990 年被重建。
1. As a result of the bad weather, we canceled the trip.
2. As a result of Jack's hard work, our business became much better.
3. There were so many passengers that I couldn't get on the bus.
4. James is so kind that everyone likes him.
5. Except for black, May has many dresses in different colors.
6. Except for Ella, every student in the class went to a movie yesterday.
7. I am unable to go to/take part in your birthday party tonight.
8. Candy is able to deal with/take care of the problems that she faces.
9. Bob promised to take over his father's business.
10. This computer company has been taken over by the government.
11. Even though many years have passed, Paul still remembers you.
12. Even though David studied hard, he still failed in English.
13. When my sister is in trouble, she always turns to me for help.
14. When Mark has math problems, he usually turns to his teacher.
15. The driver's carelessness led to the car crash/accident.
16. John's wisdom and courage led to his successful career/business.
17. Peter set the dog's house on fire on purpose.
18. These people set five police cars on fire.
19. In spite of (all) our effort, this plan still couldn't be finished/completed.
20. In spite of the typhoon, Jerry still went to work.
21. Mary's grandfather, who was ninety years old, passed away last night.
22. These paintings, which are presented in the museum, are popular.
23. The lady, sitting by the window of the coffee shop, is my mother's friend.
24. The theater, destroyed sixty years ago, was rebuilt in 1990.
The Trojan War began as a result
a contest among three goddesses
fighting over a golden apple. Paris, a prince of Troy, was asked to decide who the
winner was. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, won the apple because she promised
Paris the chance to marry Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world.
Helen was already married
3 a Greek king. It was said that if Paris took Helen
away, Troy would be surely destroyed. However, Paris,
the warning, still took
Helen with him. This made the Greek king so angry that he declared war on Troy.
Many other kings, princes, and heroes joined the war because they all had
the man who married Helen would receive help from them.
many brave warriors and heroes won many battles, the Greeks were still
unable to take over Troy because of the huge walls around Troy. To win the final
victory, they turned
Athena, the goddess of wisdom,
8 told them that
what began with an apple must end with a horse. Then the Greeks built a giant
wooden horse and left it in front of the city of Troy. The Trojans thought that the
wooden horse was a gift of peace even though the king was warned that it might
the destruction of the city. The king allowed the wooden horse to be rolled into the
city. When the whole city fell asleep, the Greek army crept out of the horse and
quietly opened the city gate. It was a successful attack and finally Troy was set on fire
and 10
to the ground.
)1. (A) from
(B) with
(C) of
(D) in
)2. (A) Misfortune (B) Unlucky
(C) Luckily
(D) Unfortunately
)3. (A) for
(B) at
(C) with
(D) to
)4. (A) reject
(B) accept
(C) rejecting
(D) accepting
)5. (A) made the agreement
(B) agree
(C) agreement
)6. (A) But
)7. (A) with
(B) Although
(B) to
(D) make an agreement
(C) Even
(D) In spite of
(C) from
(D) in
)8. (A) who
)9. (A) owing to
)10. (A) burning
(B) whose
(B) result from
(B) was burning
(C) which
(C) due to
(C) burned
(D) that
(D) lead to
(D) burn
2.D 3.D 4.C
5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A
9.D 10.C
1. 儘管他的運氣不好,Henry 還是努力工作。
__________ __________ __________ his bad luck, Henry still works very hard.
2. 這個小偷放火把這棟房子燒了。
The thief __________ this house __________ __________.
3. 這間在一夜之間被燒個精光的旅館是王先生的。
The hotel, __________ __________ __________ to the ground overnight, is Mr.
4. 那個彈鋼琴的女孩是我妹妹。
The girl, __________ the piano, is my sister.
5. 這場豪雨導致了嚴重的水災。
The heavy rain __________ __________ a serious flood.
6. 他的成績差到無法準時畢業。
His grades are __________ bad __________ he can't graduate on time.
7. 即使我爸爸每天都很忙,他還是會回家吃晚飯。
8. 當我有問題時,我會求助於 Mr. Chang 的幫忙。
9. 由於他的謹慎,我們不必浪費更多的錢。
10. Steven 同意接管這間網路公司。
11. 除了這隻寵物貓,這位老人一無所有。
12. 昨夜我無法入眠。
1. In; spite; of
2. set; on; fire
3. which; was; burned
4. playing
5. led; to
6. so; that
7. Even though my father is very busy every day, he still comes/goes home for dinner.
8. When I have any question, I will turn to Mr. Chang for help.
9. As a result of his carefulness, we don't have to waste more money.
10. Steven agreed to take over this internet company.
11. Except for the pet cat, the old man has nothing.
12. I was unable to sleep last night.
1. Why did the Trojan War begin?
(paragraph 1)
2. Who promised Paris the opportunity to marry Helen and won the apple?
(paragraph 1)
3. What did fortune-tellers warn Paris if he took Helen away?
(paragraph 2)
4. Why did many other kings, princes, and heroes join the Greek king in the Trojan
(paragraph 2)
5. Who was known as the greatest Greek warrior?
(paragraph 3)
6. How did Paris bring Achilles down?
(paragraph 3)
7. Why were the Greeks unable to take over Troy?
(paragraph 4)
8. How did the Greeks realize that they should build a giant wooden horse?
(paragraph 4)
9. What did the Trojans think about the wooden horse?
(paragraph 5)
10. What happened to the city of Troy finally?
(paragraph 6)
1. It began as a result of a contest among three goddesses who fought over a golden
2. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, promised Paris the opportunity to marry Helen.
3. They warned him that Troy would certainly be destroyed.
4. Because they had all made the agreement that the man who married Helen would
receive help from them if he ever needed it.
5. Achilles was known as the greatest Greek warrior.
6. Paris brought Achilles down with an arrow to his heel.
7. Because the huge walls surrounded Troy.
8. They turned to Athena and she answered, "What began with an apple must end with
a horse."
9. They thought that it was a gift of peace from the Greeks.
10. The city was burned to the ground finally.
In the story of the Trojan War, there is perhaps no person as sad and troubled as
Cassandra. As the most beautiful daughter of Troy's King Priam, Cassandra should
have lived a life of comfort and pleasure. Instead, she suffered nothing but misery and
Cassandra was such a beautiful woman that the god Apollo hoped to win her love.
He tried to do this by giving her the special gift of being able to see the future.
Cassandra accepted the gift, but did not love Apollo in return. Angered by this, Apollo
cursed (詛咒) Cassandra by making everyone disbelieve what she said about the
future, even though it was sure to be true.
Cassandra was able to see many terrible events that were going to happen to the
Trojans. However, when she tried to warn people, they thought she had gone crazy
and refused to believe her. She was helpless to prevent both the fall of Troy and the
deaths of her family members.
After the Greeks defeated the Trojans, Cassandra was taken to the home of the
Greek king, Agamemnon. She knew that Agamemnon's wife planned to kill him and
Cassandra when they returned from the war. She tried to explain to Agamemnon the
danger they were in, but he refused to listen. Upon returning home, both of them were
killed, just as Cassandra had said. The gift of Apollo was really not a gift at all, but
rather a terrible curse.
)1. Who is Cassandra?
(A) The wife of Troy's King Priam. (B) The daughter of Troy's King Priam.
(C) Apollo's wife.
(D) Agamemnon's daughter.
)2. The gift Apollo gave to Cassandra was .
(A) the ability to win people's love
(B) the ability to see the past
(C) the ability to see the future
(D) none of the above
)3. According to the article, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Cassandra led a miserable life.
(B) Cassandra gave Apollo her love in return.
(C) Priam gave Cassandra the ability of being able to see the future.
(D) Apollo gave Cassandra the ability of being able to see the past.
)4. Apollo's gift became a curse because .
(A) Cassandra was unable to see many terrible evernts
(B) Cassandra couldn't see the danger
(C) Cassandra didn't accept the gift
(D) Apollo made everyone disbelieve what she said about the future
)5. Which character did NOT appear in this article?
(A) Apollo.
(B) Priam.
(C) Achilles.
(D) Cassandra.
1. B 2. C
3. A 4. D
5. C
Part I
Answer the following questions according to the above pictures.
Picture One
1. How did the old king standing on the golden castle (城堡) wall look?
2. Did the king care about his people's poor life?
Picture Two
3. What did the prince from another country give the old king?
4. How did the old king feel when receiving the gift?
Picture Three
5. What happened to the old king?
6. What did the people do when the prince from another country took over the castle?
Part II
Write a 100-word composition based on your answers to the questions.
Part I
1. The old king looked rich, proud, and happy.
2. No. He didn't care about his people's poor life at all.
3. He gave the old king a giant/huge gold(en) horse.
4. The old king felt very glad/happy.
5. He was captured by the warriors that had hidden in the horse.
6. They welcomed the prince from another country with open arms.
Part II
Once upon a time, there was a rich and proud king. He didn't care about whether
his people lived a good life. His people wandered with sadness and sat on the ground
without hope. One day, a rich and kind prince from another country gave the king a
giant gold(en) horse. The old king gladly received it. That night, the warriors who had
hidden in the gold(en) horse went out to capture the old king. When the people found
this, they welcomed the prince from another country, who would be their future king,
with open arms.
1. princess
2. declared
3. battle
4. brave
5. prayed
6. agreement
7. heels
8. contestants
9. complete
10. beauty
11. rejects
12. peace
13. hero
17. harmful
14. sailor
18. destruction
15. army
19. warning
16. marriage
20. wisdom
1. As a result of the bad weather, we canceled the trip.
2. As a result of Jack's hard work, our business became much better.
3. There were so many passengers that I couldn't get on the bus.
4. James is so kind that everyone likes him.
5. Except for black, May has many dresses in different colors.
6. Except for Ella, every student in the class went to a movie yesterday.
7. I am unable to go to/take part in your birthday party tonight.
8. Candy is able to deal with/take care of the problems that she faces.
9. Bob promised to take over his father's business.
10. This computer company has been taken over by the government.
11. Even though many years have passed, Paul still remembers you.
12. Even though David studied hard, he still failed in English.
13. When my sister is in trouble, she always turns to me for help.
14. When Mark has math problems, he usually turns to his teacher.
15. The driver's carelessness led to the car crash/accident.
16. John's wisdom and courage led to his successful career/business.
17. Peter set the dog's house on fire on purpose.
18. These people set five police cars on fire.
19. In spite of (all) our effort, this plan still couldn't be finished/completed.
20. In spite of the typhoon, Jerry still went to work.
21. Mary's grandfather, who was ninety years old, passed away last night.
22. These paintings, which are presented in the museum, are popular.
23. The lady, sitting by the window of the coffee shop, is my mother's friend.
24. The theater, destroyed sixty years ago, was rebuilt in 1990.
2.D 3.D 4.C
5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A
9.D 10.C
1. In; spite; of
2. set; on; fire
3. which; was; burned
4. playing
5. led; to
6. so; that
7. Even though my father is very busy every day, he still comes/goes home for dinner.
8. When I have any question, I will turn to Mr. Chang for help.
9. As a result of his carefulness, we don't have to waste more money.
10. Steven agreed to take over this internet company.
11. Except for the pet cat, the old man has nothing.
12. I was unable to sleep last night.
1. It began as a result of a contest among three goddesses who fought over a golden
2. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, promised Paris the opportunity to marry Helen.
3. They warned him that Troy would certainly be destroyed.
4. Because they had all made the agreement that the man who married Helen would
receive help from them if he ever needed it.
5. Achilles was known as the greatest Greek warrior.
6. Paris brought Achilles down with an arrow to his heel.
7. Because the huge walls surrounded Troy.
8. They turned to Athena and she answered, "What began with an apple must end with
a horse."
9. They thought that it was a gift of peace from the Greeks.
10. The city was burned to the ground finally.
1. B 2. C
3. A 4. D
5. C
Part I
1. The old king looked rich, proud, and happy.
2. No. He didn't care about his people's poor life at all.
3. He gave the old king a giant/huge gold(en) horse.
4. The old king felt very glad/happy.
5. He was captured by the warriors that had hidden in the horse.
6. They welcomed the prince from another country with open arms.
Part II
Once upon a time, there was a rich and proud king. He didn't care about whether
his people lived a good life. His people wandered with sadness and sat on the ground
without hope. One day, a rich and kind prince from another country gave the king a
giant gold(en) horse. The old king gladly received it. That night, the warriors who had
hidden in the gold(en) horse went out to capture the old king. When the people found
this, they welcomed the prince from another country, who would be their future king,
with open arms.