1. Prepare for success! Before the first day of school you should do the following: a. Arrange your classroom for effectiveness and efficiency. b. Become familiar with your school’s rules, guidelines, and regulations. (These should be spelled out in the school handbook.) c. Plan and post classroom rules. (3-5 is the ideal number.) d. Develop course requirements and produce a class policy sheet for each class. (A class policy sheet is attached.) e. Generate and have copies made of student profile sheets for each class. (A sample student profile is attached.) f. Prepare lesson plans for the first week. (A sample lesson plan is attached.) g. Become familiar with the school’s physical layout. h. Check all computer equipment and software to be used in your classroom. i. Locate the curriculum frameworks for business/marketing education: http://dwe.arkansas.gov/CurriculumFrameworks/CGBusinessandMarketing.htm You will most likely be asked to tie your lesson plans in with the state frameworks for each class. (An actual lesson plan with framework notations is attached.) 2. On the first day of school: a. Dress appropriately. If you want to be treated as a professional, you must dress like one. (See attachment.) b. Write your name, room number, and class on the board at the front of the class. c. Stand outside the door and welcome students into your classroom. Be enthusiastic and smile! d. Tell students where to sit. Don’t do a seating chart the first day, but explain to students that you will have a seating chart soon. e. Introduce yourself. Tell students your name, college attended, your degree, past work experience related to what you are teaching, that you are excited to be here and how much you love teaching! f. Pass out student profiles for students to fill out. When students have completed these, check the class roster and note if a student wants to be called by a different name. g. Pass out the class policy sheet and carefully go over it so the students know exactly what is expected of them. h. Do a mixer activity. (For example, a human scavenger hunt.) i. 3. Make a note of the special problems that come to you during the first day. Discuss these with another teacher. What students want to know on the first day (in order): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Am I in the right room? Where am I supposed to sit? What are the rules of this teacher? What will I be doing in this class? How will I be evaluated? Who is the teacher as a person? Is this teacher going to be interested in me as an individual? Miscellaneous information: 1. Once you are hired, you will most likely receive your first check in August. Many vocational teachers are hired on a 9 ½ or 10 month contract and receive a check every month over 12 months. 2. As quickly as possible after you are hired, go look over your classroom. Take home textbooks to help in your planning. It is never too early to begin! 3. Talk to the other teachers in the business department and see if one will serve as a mentor to help you throughout the year. If you are the only business teacher, consult with another vocational teacher. 4. To keep track of traffic in and out of your room, consider using a checkin/check-out sheet (attached). Impress upon students that they must sign in and out on this sheet every time they leave your classroom for any reason. Post this at the door in your classroom along with a pen on a chain. 5. Post your class objective on the board or at the front of the class EVERYDAY. This will help end the question, “What are we doing today?”. 6. Have a “bell activity” for students to do each day when they enter the room. (See attached lesson plan.) Get your students into the habit of entering class and starting work on the bell activity each day without your prompting them. CLASS POLICY SHEET Course: CT: Business Applications Teacher: Mrs. Hotsenpiller Business Department Course Number: VEBT 15 Grade Levels: 9 - 12 Course Description: CT: Business Applications is an 18-week course designed to prepare students with an introduction to business applications that are necessary to live and work in a technological society. Emphasis is given to hardware, concepts, and business uses of applications. The business applications covered are: word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphics, integrated software, electronic mail, web page design, and image processing. Prerequisite: Keyboarding Texts: Microsoft Office XP Introductory, Pasewark and Pasewark Requirements: Homework: Because this is a hands-on class, work in this class will consist mainly of computer assignments. All activities to be done on the computer will be assigned and completed during class. There will be assignments that will be expected to be completed outside of class, including homework. Class homework will be worth approximately 10 and 100 points for each assignment. Notebook: Each student will maintain a notebook of work completed in this course. The notebook should include notes, handouts, and completed computer assignments. A three-ring binder is suggested for this use. The reason for keeping this notebook is so you will be able to keep all you work in one place. (See “Business Report” below.) Quizzes: Quizzes will be given occasionally at the discretion of the teacher and will be worth between 10 and 50 points. Tests: Tests will be given periodically after and will be worth 100 points. A cumulative test will be given at the end of each term and will be worth 20% of your final grade. Tests will consist of mostly hands-on computer demonstration problems and class-specific questions. Business Report: By the end of the term, students will create and submit a business report for a fictional company of their own creation. The different sections of the business report will include 3 examples each of word processing, database, spreadsheet, integrated software, desktop publishing, Power Point, and web page design. This report will be similar to an actual company’s annual business report in form. This project will be worth 288 points. A complete criteria sheet for this project will be given to each student at a later time. Basic Class Rules: 1. All work completed in and for this class must be keyed using a computer or neatly handwritten using a pen (no pencils). 2. Any misspelled words on any assignment will result in automatic half credit for the assignment until you come to Encore immediately to compete a writing assignment. 3. Zeros are not permitted! If you do not turn in an assignment you will be assigned Encore to come in and complete the assignment for half credit. Cheating: Cheating on any work in this class will result in a “0” for that work, a discipline notice and notification of your parents that night. Do your own work! Make-up Work: 1. Make-up work will only be accepted for excused absences. 2. Make-up work assignments can only be gotten at the end of class and during Encore time. No class interruptions will be allowed for this purpose. 3. Make-up tests, quizzes and projects can only be made up during Encore time. If this is not possible, see the teacher to arrange another time. 4. The number of days you are absent is the time given to complete make-up work. (Example, if you are absent 2 days, you have 2 days to complete the work missed.) Tardies and Absences: Tardies and absences will be handled as described in the 2004-2005 Rules and Procedures Book (Student Handbook) for Siloam Springs High School. Classroom Rules: 1. Be in your seat and start your work before the tardy bell rings. (You must be in the room before the tardy bell starts ringing. After this, you are considered tardy and will receive a discipline notice.) 2. Act as a professional at all times. 3. Food or gum is not permitted in the computer classroom. Drinks are allowed as long as they are kept on the center tables. Encore/Lunch Rules: 1. The room is closed EVERYDAY during Encore for everyone unless: a. You have an assigned Encore from me for work in this class. b. There is an FBLA meeting. c. Any other situation that Mrs. Hotsenpiller deems necessary. PLEASE NOTE: Every Tuesday there will be no assigned Encore because I have courtyard duty on that day. 2. The room is open for lunch if: a. You are CURRENTLY enrolled in a business or computer class b. You need to work on an assignment or project for this class or another class. My room will not be used during Encore and lunch for students to come in and check e-mail, surf the Internet, listen to music, use the computers for personal use, burn CD’s, copy disks, eat lunch, etc. It is for schoolwork only! Class Needs: Pen (you will need one every day) Three-ring binder Teacher’s Schedule: Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Enterprise Management I and II CT: Business Applications Encore CT: Business Applications Prep 8:00 - 9:25 a.m. 9:33 -10:58 a.m. 11:05 -11:30 a.m. 12:02 - 1:27 p.m. 1:35 - 3:00 p.m. I am happy to have you in my class and look forward to your success in CT: Business Applications! Find class information online at: http://web.sssd.k12.ar.us/highschool/staff/Hotsenpl/ Actual Lesson Plan with Curriculum Framework Notations CLASS: CHAPTER(S): DATES: TEACHER: Objective(s): Bell Activity: Activity: Activity: Assignment: Assignment: Objective(s): Bell Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: Assignment: Assignment: Objective(s): Bell Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: Assignment: Assignment: Enterprise Management I Ch. 1: Should You Become An Entrepreneur? 1.1 August 22-26, 2005 Lisa Hotsenpiller Define entrepreneurship, discuss the importance of entrepreneurship in history, and identify the impact of entrepreneurs and small business today. (pp. 4-8) Define: entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, employees, manufacturing businesses, wholesaling businesses, retailing businesses, service businesses, agricultural businesses, mining and extracting businesses. Class discussion over today’s objective. In-class newspaper activity over 4 types of entrepreneurial businesses Turn in at end of class today—p. 8 Think Critically and Make Connections HOMEWORK DUE AT BEGINNING OF CLASS TOMORROW: Lesson 1.1 WS-“Entrepreneurs: Present and Past”/50 points possible. Identify the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and determine whether you have what it takes to succeed in your own business. (pp. 9-13) Open up your bell activity document from Friday. Make a section for today. Define: self-assessment, aptitude Turn in homework—Lesson 1.1 Worksheet. Hand back p. 8 Think Critically and Make Connections (yesterday’s in-class assign) Class discussion/presentation over today’s objective Turn in at end of class today—p. 13 Think Critically and Make Connections HOMEWORK DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS TOMORROW: Lesson 1.2 WS“Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?”/34 points possible Explain different businesses you could start and identify your own personal goals. (pp. 14-17) Define: trade shows Turn in homework—Lesson 1.2 Worksheet. Hand back p. 13 Think Critically and Make Connections (yesterday’s in-class assign) Discussion over today’s objective Turn in at end of class today—p. 17 Think Critically and Make Connections HOMEWORK DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS TOMORROW: Lesson 1.3 WS “Identify Business Opportunities and Set Goals”/34 points possible. Objective(s): Bell Activity: Activity: Assignment: Activity: Assignment: Review for Ch. 1 Test tomorrow. Make up 5 multiple choice questions from Ch. 1 and answer. Turn in homework—Lesson 1.3 Worksheet. . Do in class—Chapter 1 Review worksheet. Review for Ch. 1 Test tomorrow. Study for Ch. 1 Test tomorrow. Objective(s): Bell Activity: Activity: Assignment: Activity: Assignment: Complete Ch. 1 Test What are the 3 most important concepts in Chapter 1? Turn in weekly bell activities Complete Ch. 1 Test After test, p. 21 This is Your Business. Due Monday at the beginning of class. Discuss weekly current events assignment. Curriculum Content Frameworks Reference 1.1—1.1.1 MONDAY, August 22 1.1—1.1.2 TUESDAY, August 23 1.1—1.1.3 WEDNESDAY, August 24 1.1—1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 THURSDAY, August 25 1.1—1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 FRIDAY, August 26 Fall 2004 Student Profile CT: Business Applications Name__________________________________________ Student ID #_____________________________ Age________ Birthdate___________________ Grade________ Counselor________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number___________________________ Work Phone Number_______________________ Below please list the class and teacher you have each hour: Zero Hour First Hour Second Hour Third Hour Fourth Hour Class Teacher Father_____________________________________ Mother____________________________________ Father’s Occupation________________________ Mother’s Occupation______________________ Father’s Employer__________________________ Mother’s Employer____________________ Father’s Work Phone____________________ Mother’s Work Phone__________________ Names and ages of brothers and sisters:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Why did you decide to enroll in this class?___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ The most interesting school subject to me is_________________. The least interesting school subject to me is_________________. What school activities do you participate in?__________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ After high school, I plan to (circle one): Enter college Enter the armed services Enter technical school Seek other skilled training Find a job without training Other:____________________ What college, university, or technical school would you like to attend? 1st choice:__________________ 2nd Choice:__________________ What would you like to be doing 5 years from now?______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Are you working now?_____________________ Employer:___________________________ What are your daily working hours?___________________ Total Weekly Hours:___________ List jobs that you have had before your current one:____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ What are your hobbies?__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ OVER, PLEASE Tell me in detail about the BEST teacher you ever had. (In your opinion, what made them a great teacher? Give specific examples and details about what they did in class and their attitude towards their subject and their students.)___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Tell me about the WORST teacher you’ve ever had (no names, please!). (What did they do that you thought was not good?) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ What can I do to help you succeed in this class? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Dress for Power! FOR THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL: Day one—black suit, white shirt Day two—navy blue suit, coordinated shirt Day three—purple jacket or shirt (“you are the king or queen”) Day four—black, beige, brown, or tweed Day five—wear a fun outfit to test your “control” REMEMBER TO ALWAYS DRESS THE PART To be in control, wear black with a white shirt. Wear bright red if you want to be the center of attention. To be in control and the center of attention, wear black pants, a black shirt, and a red jacket or red tie. Always wear a jacket if you are in charge of a meeting. Take the jacket off during the meeting and put it back on at the end. “I wish all teachers would . . . “ Don’t choose favorites in the classroom. Meet individual needs. Don’t “smart off” to students or be sarcastic. Treat students with respect and patience. Be consistent. Be firm but fair. Encourage and compliment us. Remember my name. (and use it often!) Smile and be friendly. Don’t take anger out in the class. Admit you are wrong if you are. Don’t embarrass students and don’t encourage them to put each other down. Don’t assume we already know something. Listen to your students. Do not let a student treat you disrespectfully. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with us. Be a real person—the real you. Print rules for the class and explain what types of tests you give. Stand up when you teach. Don’t chew gum or drink cokes or coffee in front of students. Dress appropriately for class. --Compiled from ACTE Journals and others SSHS CLASSROOM CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT SHEET Student Name Date Class Teacher Period Reason Time Out Time In 2006-2007 Conferences SBEA Convention Atlanta, Georgia October 19-21, 2006 NBEA Convention New York, New York April 4-7, 2007 FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference Denver, Colorado November 3-4, 2006 FBLA State Conference Little Rock, Arkansas March 30-31, 2007 ACTE National Convention Atlanta, Georgia November 30-December 2, 2006 FBLA National Conference Chicago, Illinois June 28-July 1, 2007 SBEA 2007 October 24-26 Little Rock, Arkansas Peabody Hotel Important Websites ABEA http://sssd.k12.ar.us/abea NBEA www.nbea.org Arkansas Dept. Of Workforce Education http://dwe.arkansas.gov/ Arkansas ACTE www.arkansas-acte.org ACTE www.acteonline.org Arkansas FBLA www.arfbla.org National FBLA www.fbla-pbl.org Holly Balducci’s Web Site http://bigelow.afsc.k12.ar.us/balducci.htm Tonya Skinner’s Web Site http://lessonplans.btskinner.com/ APSCN Arkansas Schools/Coops Online http://www.k12.ar.us/coops.htm Classroom Activity Resources http://www.pa-academy.org/pt3/portal/1All_educators/resources/activities.htm Important Organizations Organization Dues Deadline ABEA-Arkansas Business Education Association NBEA-National Business Education Association includes SBEA ACTE-National Association for Career and Tech Education includes ArACTE Future Business Leaders of America Professional Division ($20) ($70) July 1 Anniversary ($80) Anniversary ($23) April 1 LONOKE HIGH SCHOOL Future Business Leaders of America 2005-2006 Project Calendar Fletcher Bennett, President August Welcome Back Faculty Breakfast (Officers) FBLA Recruitment Days September Open Arms Shelter Drive Fundraiser Installation & Recognition Dinner October District VIII Fall Conference, Sherwood Red Cross Blood Drive ARORA November FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference American Enterprise Project Merry Thanks Partnership Faculty Appreciation Project December Angel Tree Project American Enterprise Awards January March of Dimes Chamber Chili Supper February District VIII Spring Leadership Conference and Competition, Little Rock Valentines for Veterans March Competitive Events Study Sessions State Leadership Conference and Competition, Little Rock April Prep for Nationals Community Service Record Future Business Leaders of America Lonoke High School Name: Grade: Hours Earned Service Project/Activity Year: Date Sponsor Total Hours must be approved by project sponsor. After obtaining sponsor signature, turn form in to Mrs. Graham. Future Business Leaders of America Competitive Events Chapter Events Team Events American Enterprise Project Community Service Project Local Chapter Annual Business Report Partnership with Business Project Business Plan Desktop Publishing Emerging Business Issues Business Ethics Entrepreneurship Multimedia Presentation Network Design Parliamentary Procedure Website Development National Awards/Recognition Chapter 100% Class Participation Membership Achievement Award Gold Seal and Outstanding Chapter Market Share Award Individual Events Local Recruitment of Chapters Accounting I Accounting II Banking and Financial Systems Business Calculations Business Communication Business Law Business Math (9th or 10th) Business Procedures Computer Applications Computer Concepts (9th or 10th) Economics FBLA Principles and Procedures (9th or 10th) Future Business Leader Impromptu Speaking International Business Introduction to Business (9th or 10th) Introduction to Business Communication (9th or 10th) Individual Membership Madness Award Business Achievement Award Scholarships Adviser Service Award Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure (9 th or 10th) Job Interview Marketing Networking Concepts Public Speaking I (9th or 10th) Public Speaking II Technology Concepts Who’s Who in FBLA Word Processing I (9th or 10th) Word Processing II How to Survive Your First Year And . . . Come Out Smiling! Lesson Plans Stay ahead of the game. Life is so much easier with lesson plans! (See example) Use a lesson plan folder with copies of frameworks, lesson plans, handouts etc. Keep copies of extra projects, class related puzzles, worksheets etc. for those times students finish work early. Grading Start taking grades from day one! Use a printout of your roster if necessary to keep up with them. Two ways to grade, give credit for turning it in or actually check and deduct points for incorrect answers. Even high school students love stickers or happy notes on their papers! Keep an answer key folder. I actually complete each assignment and print it out for my key. Future Business Leaders of America Use the national website, especially the adviser section. The entire handbook is online! Start off easy. Pick projects or activities that you are comfortable with then expand or add to them. Other tips Keep a folder with all meeting agendas, programs, and certificates of completion. It comes in handy at the end of the year and when creating resumes or portfolios. Keep copies of all documents sent to your principal, central office, workforce education etc. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Use the list serve. Lesson Plan for Angela McCallie Class: Word Processing I Framework Skill/ Objective: Academic Objective: Materials: "Mastering and Using Word 2002" Activities: Notes: Lesson Plan Class: Word Processing I Framework Skill/ Objective: 8.4 Define table 8.5 Identify terminolgy associated with a table: column, row, cell 8.5.1 Create a basic table using columns, rows, and cells Academic Objective: Materials: Thinking-comprehends ideas and concepts related to tables Activities: Chapter 10 1. Creating and Formatting Tables, p. WI 214-219. 2. Modifying Tables, p. WI 219-222. 3. Positioning Tables, p. WI 222-223. 4. Applying AutoFormats to Tables, p. WI 224-225. Assessment: Observation Notes: Demonstrate on smartboard "Mastering and Using Word 2002" Student Chapter Guide--Word Chapter 10 MANAGING A PRODUCTIVE CHAPTER Presented by Angela McCallie Lonoke High School, Lonoke, Arkansas 1. Plan Ahead 2. Prepare Member Folder 3. Elect Officers in the Spring Study Chapter Management Handbook Have Preschool Officer Meeting Schedule Calendar of Events Appoint Committee Chairs Business Achievement/Chapter Awards Completed Early FBLA Goals and Creed Officers Important Dates Calendar of Events Program of Work LHS Membership Card Competitive Events LHS Award Recipients Point System and Recruitment Incentives Business Achievement Award Form Membership Madness Form FBLA Websites and Links (New) Community Service Form Any others? Keep Organized Plan Deadlines Well in Advance Keep Folders on Desk Keep Dated Copies of all Correspondence 4. Time Savers Delegate Duties Use a Database Program Allow Members to Use Class Time National FBLA-PBL Website: www.fbla-pbl.org It’s excellent! Check it out! LONOKE HIGH SCHOOL Future Business Leaders of America Point System Points will be given for each FBLA activity according to the following chart. Dues Paid Attend Meeting Attend Conference Service Projects Per Hour Per Item Fundraiser Minimum Sold $100 or More Sold Officer Committee Chair Committee Member Competitive Event Placed at District Placed at State Placed at Nationals Membership Madness Award Business Achievement Award Future Level Business Level Leader Level America Level 1 point 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 At the end of the first semester, FBLA’ers with over 25 points will have their spring conference fee paid. Membership Recruitment Incentives 1. FBLA Recruitment Days—August 23-September 2 Monday—“We’re sweet on you” Get SweetTarts when pay dues on this day Tuesday—“Once you pop, the fun don’t stop” Get chips Wednesday—“Unwrap a Smile in FBLA” Get Laffy Taffy Thursday—“Quench your thirst for FBLA” Get a coke Friday—“Be a Star in FBLA” Get Starbursts 2. Recruit five NEW members by September 13 (Membership Madness) get pizza party. Pizza party participants will also be eligible for a drawing with a great prize. 4. Sell over $100 for fundraiser and fall conference fee is paid. 5. Class membership competition—first grade that reaches 50% membership –pizza party. Pizza party participants will also be eligible for a drawing with a great prize. LONOKE HIGH SCHOOL Future Business Leaders of America 2005-2006 PROGRAM OF WORK Fletcher Bennett, President I. RECRUITMENT OF MEMBERS a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. II. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT FOR OFFICERS AND MEMBERS a. b. c. d. e. III. Take field trips to businesses Invite business owners/community leaders to chapter activities Continue Student Advisory Board for First State Bank Sponsor Business Plan Competition Continue membership in Lonoke Chamber of Commerce Encourage enrollment in business courses Participate in competitive events at district, state, and national levels SERVICE TO THE SCHOOL a. b. c. d. e. f. V. Require district and state officers to attend officer training session Attend District VIII Fall and Spring Conferences Attend State Leadership Conference Encourage officers and members to attend National Leadership Conferences by providing financial assistance Run a local member for district and/or state office PREPARATION FOR CAREERS IN BUSINESS a. b. c. d. e. f. g. IV. Put up posters throughout the school to begin membership recruitment Distribute invitations for membership to all business students Conduct FBLA Recruitment Days Prepare and distribute FBLA member packet to new members Participate in Membership Madness/Mania Awards Assist at 9th grade orientation Have installation dinner Assist Lonoke Middle Level Chapter Maintain FBLA board for school and FBLA announcements Provide a Welcome Back breakfast for school faculty Make cash donation to ACE program Recognize faculty on Teacher Appreciation Day Assist in preparation of Orientation packets Sponsor Angel Tree at high school COOPERATION WITH BUSINESS, PROFESSIONAL, AND SERVICE GROUPS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY a. b. c. Members speak to civic organizations Encourage membership in professional division Continue partnership with Lonoke Chamber of Commerce d. e. f. g. h. i. VI. PARTICIPATE IN PUBLIC RELATIONS ACTIVITIES a. b. c. d. VII. Report chapter activities to the Lonoke Democrat for publication Submit articles to Tomorrow’s Business Leader Submit articles to state and district newsletters Submit articles to FBLA National Website SUPPORT OF FBLA NATIONAL AND STATE PROJECTS a. b. c. d. e. VIII. Complete keyboarding, desktop publishing and graphics activities for community organizations Set up a mentor program for competitive events Work with local businesses for annual Merry Thanks event Sponsor collection drive for Open Arms Shelter Sponsor a Red Cross blood drive Participate in Valentines for Veterans Sponsor a March of Dimes project-goal: $3,000 Raise money for Arkansas Children’s Hospital-goal: $500 Contribute to the Arkansas FBLA-PBL Foundation-goal: $1,000 Donate to the Heather Stocks Memorial Scholarship fund Encourage members to participate in Business Achievement Awards ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION AT CONFERENCES SPONSORED BY THE STATE CHAPTER AND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Attend District VIII Fall and Spring Leadership Conferences Enter and provide study sessions for competitive events Run a local member for a district and/or state office Send officers and members to the National Fall Leadership Conference Attend the Arkansas State Leadership Conference Attend the National Leadership Conference Send officers to Arkansas Officer Training