Notice of vacancies Date of issue: 26 May 2006 Closing date for applications: 9 June 2006 * General information The notice of vacancies provides a list of public sector job vacancies. It is published weekly and should be made available to public sector employees at their usual place of work. For enquiries regarding placement of vacancies and other advertisements in this notice, please phone 8226 2893. For distribution enquiries, please phone Government Publishing SA on 8207 0910. If you are interested in any of the jobs listed, contact the person identified for a copy of the job & person specification or to discuss the position. From time to time information about matters that may affect your employment will be published in this Notice. If you are employed under the Public Sector Management Act, please check any Public Service Notices from the Commissioner for Public Employment. In relation to any commercial advertising in the notice, the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Commissioner for Public Employment. Applications for vacancies To be considered for jobs listed in this notice you must send your application to the address at the end of each advertisement, ensuring that it is received by the correct person AND by the closing date. All applications are treated in confidence. Interpreting services Those who need help to understand the contents of this notice can phone the Interpreting and Translating Centre on 8226 1990. * Unless shown otherwise THE NOTICE OF VACANCIES CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: Eligibility to apply for vacancies contained in this Notice Public Service Notices (published when required) Public Sector Management Act (PSM Act) salaried vacancies South Australian Health Commission Act (SAHC Act) vacancies Other Public Sector salaried vacancies Weekly Paid vacancies ELIGIBILITY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT In addition to Public Sector Management Act employees, only applications received from persons either employed by the following organisations or in the arrangements specified below will also be accepted for all vacancies listed unless marked (Advt) which are also being advertised in the public press. Public Sector Management Act employees of administrative units (includes those employees appointed subject to the provisions of the Act (ie ongoing) and those employees appointed on a contract basis (ie temporary, casual and longer term contract employees)) Hourly, daily and weekly paid employees of administrative units Employees of administrative units employed under the Children’s Services Act, 1985, the Education Act, 1972 or the Technical and Further Education Act, 1975 Police Officers employed in the Police Department who are Legal Officers, Engineers, Psychologists and Research Officers to whom Clause 29(f) of the Police Officers Award applies Participants of equal employment opportunity programs gazetted by the Minister under Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, in line with processes approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment. Further details on specific programs are provided in Commissioner’s Standard No 1 – A Planned Workforce Persons currently employed by South Australian Public Sector agencies through the South Australian Public Sector Graduate Recruitment Program for the first 12 months of employment under that Program Presiding Officer, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal persons employed in the following public sector agencies and other organisations: 1 Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Adelaide Festival Centre Trust Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resources Management Board Carclew Youth Performing Arts Centre Incorporated Chiropractors Board of South Australia Courts Administration Authority, but only those appointed pursuant to the Courts Administration Act, 1993 including those appointed pursuant to Section 6(3) of the Sheriff’s Act, 1978 Country Arts SA Country Fire Services Board Dairy Authority of South Australia Education Adelaide Elliston Le Hunte Animal and Plant Control Board Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Essential Services Commission of South Australia Government House Grant Animal and Plant Control Board History Trust of South Australia PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT (Continued) Homestart Finance, but only those employees who were formerly employees of the South Australian Housing Trust and who were transferred to Homestart Finance by proclamation of the Governor on 21 December 1995. Hospitals and Health Centres incorporated under the South Australian Health Commission Act, 1976 Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board Land Management Corporation, but only employees who: were transferred from the Department for Administrative and Information Services by proclamation of the Governor on 21 May 1998 or 18 December 2003; or were transferred from the Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs by the Commissioner for Public Employment on 11 October 1999; or were previously employed as greenkeepers in the MFP Development Corporation; and who have maintained such rights since their transfer Legal Services Commission of South Australia Lucindale Naracoorte Animal and Plant Control Board Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board Northern Yorke Peninsula Animal and Plant Control Board Nurses Board of South Australia Parliament, Officers of either House or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly Police Complaints Authority Rangelands Integrated Natural Resources Management Group SA Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia South Australian Forestry Corporation South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service, but not operational firefighters South Australian Tourism Commission South Australian Water Corporation South East Natural Resources Management Board Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Tandanya - National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Incorporated TransAdelaide, excluding AN employees made available to operate metropolitan railways West Beach Trust WorkCover Corporation of South Australia, but only those employees who were formerly members of the staff of the South Australian Occupational Health and Safety Commission as employees of the Department for Industrial Affairs and who transferred to WorkCover Corporation of South Australia by proclamation of the Governor pursuant to the Clause 2 of the Schedule of the WorkCover Corporation Act, 1994 and only in relation to Public Sector Management Act vacancies DISCLAIMER The State of South Australia does not sponsor, endorse or necessarily approve of any products or services advertised in the Notice of Vacancies by private sector entities and makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of those products or services. PLEASE VIEW THIS ADVERTISEMENT IN PRINT/PAGE LAYOUT Training Outlines on our You can book any of these courses to Website be conducted for your team, on site, for only $1695 per day for up to 16 people. That’s less than $110 per person, per day. Adelaide CBD Satisfying difficult clients $295 19 June Time management tools $295 13 July Writing clear procedures $295 8 June Writing better letters and emails $295 23 June Excellent customer service $165 30 June $595 21 & 22 August $595 6 & 7 July The skilled negotiator Managing people effectively Developing Potential (Australia) Pty Ltd Email: Phone: 1300 88 44 86 Website: Please view this advertisement in Print/Page layout IPAA Learning & Development Workshops Courses for June, 2006 A practical program of workshops tailored for public sector employees and designed to broaden skills and increase confidence and effectiveness. Project Management – an introduction A one-day program for those with little or no experience of project management, incorporating: An understanding of the basis of project management in the public sector including scoping, design, risk management An illustration of how and when to apply tools, systems and processes of project management in PS projects Governance and ethics, communication, evaluation and reporting of projects Numerous case study examples. This course is designed for those who have little or no experience of project management but want to improve their knowledge or learn some systems to do things in a more efficient or thorough way. One full-day workshop, Tuesday 2nd June, 9.00am – 4.30pm, Education Development Centre, Milner Street, Hindmarsh Presented for IPAA by Bob Molloy, University of South Australia. Successful Financial Management for the Public Sector A series of 2 half day workshops, this course provides participants with the fundamental accrual accounting skills and knowledge within the context of the public sector environment. Part 1 –Provides an introduction to public sector financial management. The basics of cash v accrual accounting, and the budget accrual and financial system. Part 2 –Looks at reading financial information & reporting, controlling expenditure against the budget, how to build a budget & presenting a budget bid. Part 1 - Tuesday 6 t h June 2006 Part 2 - Thursday 22 n d June 2006 Venue - Education Development Centre, M ilner Street, Hindmarsh Presented for IPAA by M ark Priadko (ABFA Pty Ltd). Team Building for Flexibility and Performance This course encompasses a one and a half day workshop with an intervening month designed to allow participants to employ their new skills in the workplace. This course aims to foster clear purpose, productive human dynamics and good team process to allow teams to obtain results. It will cover the 5 basics of team performance, the major roles of the effective team leader, how to identify current team performance and then develop strategies to improve it. This program is designed for team leaders interested in realising the benefits teams can deliver – better customer service, quicker time to market, better decisions, synergy, and personal and professional development of team members. The course will incorporate an action learning project of participants’ choosing during the month break between workshops. Part 1 – Wednesday 21 June 2006, 8.30am registration, 9am to 4.30pm Part 2 – Thursday 20 July, 8.30am registration, 9am to 12.30pm Venue: Education Development Centre, M ilner St, Hindmarsh Presented for IPAA by Josie M cLean. July courses now also online Visit to register. PSM ACT VACANCY INFORMATION PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Please contact the Human Resources Section for details of the relevant agency’s conditions of employment. APPEAL RIGHTS Public Sector Management Act vacancies to be filled on an ongoing basis are subject to appeal pursuant to Section 43 of the Act, unless shown otherwise. With effect from 17/07/95 appeal rights exist for all ongoing positions at or below Executive Level 1 ie for positions with a salary or maximum salary limit less than $84,354 pa. No appeal rights exist for vacancies designated contract (including casual, temporary and longer term contracts). Appeal rights are only available to all employees of administrative units under the Public Sector Management Act with the exception of those employees employed on temporary, casual or longer term contracts who have 12 months or less continuous employment within the Public Service. Appeal rights are also available to: officers appointed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act, 1985, including officers of either House of Parliament or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly; employees of the MFP Development Corporation to whom such rights have been extended by a proclamation of the Governor under Section 71 of the Public Sector Management Act and who retain such rights. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T3845/2006 Duties: Provide a range of administrative services to support the operations of the Government Employee Housing section. Assist with the publication of a quarterly newsletter to tenants and agencies and undertake minor project work as required. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 15 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Administrative and Information Services (Building Management Accommodation Services) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Mr C Bittoto, Manager Housing Services, Accommodation Services, telephone 8226 5419, email Applications to: Mrs S Pfitzner, Administrative Services Officer, HR, Accommodation Services, Level 18 30 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 5537, email Note: Please note this position involves a job-sharing arrangement working Thursday and Friday of each week - 15 hours per week. An appropriate trial arrangement and regular monitoring of the job-sharing arrangement will be undertaken with all parties. Job and Person Specifications are available from Sue Pfitzner, telephone 8226 5537. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO2 Admin Serv Off Housing 06.doc 4 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 5 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER, WHYALLA (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3622/2006 Duties: Deliver a comprehensive range of high quality, integrated Government Agency services to customers in a defined geographical region, ensuring service excellence. Including payment of any Government bills, obtaining and lodging applications for any Government licence, approval, permit, grant or assistance, making bookings or appointments with any Government Agency, notifying change of address or contact details, purchasing Government products, obtaining Government information. Special Conditions: Proven understanding of and commitment to the principles of effective customer service and to the customer service ethic that underpins Service SA is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 6 months with the possibility of an extension. Position is located at Whyalla. Location: Whyalla Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (PPCS - Service SA - Whyalla CSC) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Rebekah Lynch, Service SA, Whyalla, telephone 8648 8703, email Applications to: Naomi Appleton, Manager, Service SA, Whyalla, PO Box 2196, Whyalla Norrie , 5608, telephone 8648 8704, email Note: For enquiries and to obtain a Job Description and application requirements please contact: Rebekah Lynch, Whyalla Customer Service Centre, telephone: 8648 8703 or e-mail Applications to: Naomi Appleton, Service SA, 171 Nicolson Ave, Whyalla Norrie SA 5608, tele: 8648 8704, Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Customer Service Officer:\060406_ASO2 CSC Officer.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 CLIENT SERVICES OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 3975/2006 Duties: The Client Services Officer - Projects undertakes minor project work that contributes to the operation of the court and also performs registry functions as required, including the provision of a comprehensive advisory service to clients. The incumbent provides administrative, secretarial and clerical service to the part-time Commissioners of the ERD Court and the Deputy Registrar. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Appointment is under the Courts Administration Act, 1993 and terms and conditions of employment are governed by the Public Sector Management Act, 1995. The incumbent must be prepared to undertake the responsibilities of all positions within the Registry with the same classification level. Risk Management and Safety is a core business value for the Courts Administration Authority. Must be able to attend on country circuits requiring overnight absences, as required. Eligible for appointment as a Justice of the Peace. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Courts Administration Authority (Environment Resources and Development Court) Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs Debbie Ryan, Administrative and HR Officer, Environment Resources and Development Court, GPO Box 2465, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 0189, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mrs Debbie Ryan, telephone 8204 0189, or email Please forward three copies of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: job profile:\2006Cl Srv.Off.doc Guide fo applicants:\Guide For Applicants.doc ASO2 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 4027/2006 Duties: The Accounts Receivable Officer is accountable to the Accounts Receivable Supervisor for ensuring the performance of accounts receivable duties that support the achievement of Accounts Receivable Section goals. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of Business Improvement and Strategic Financial Management - Accounting Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr R Foran, Manager, Accounting Services, DECS, 16th Floor, Education Centre, 31 Flinders St, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 3324, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr R Foran, telephone 8226 3324, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Word doc:\Accounts Receivable Officer - J&P.doc 6 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 7 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3953/2006 Duties: The Finance and Administration Officer is a member of the Wiltja Residential Program team and is responsible to the Manager, Wiltja Residential Program for the provision of comprehensive financial, administrative, personnel and program related services which support the effective and efficient functioning of the Wiltja Residential Program. The Officer will: monitor, coordinate and liaise with officers from a range of provider groups, including numerous private contractors; support the financial management of budgets, plan and manage site information and communications technology and attend to matters relating to physical assets; provide a range of complex/specialised financial and administrative duties to support one or more functions of the Wiltja Residential Program and contribute to meeting directorate objectives through the provision of appropriate financial and administrative support services to clients and stakeholders. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Intrastate and interstate travel may be required, including travel to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northgate) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of Service Delivery - Wiltja Residential Program) Enquiries and Applications to: Anthony Bennett, Wiltja Residential Program, 111-125 Folland Avenue, Northgate, 5085, telephone 8359 4620, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sarah Brooksby, telephone 8359 4620, or email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: ASO2 Fin & Admn:\Finance Admin Officer July 05.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 REGIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 3791/2006 Duties: The Regional Customer Service Officer is responsible to the Office Administrator whilst undertaking administrative duties. The Regional Customer Service Officer works closely with the Service Delivery Manager for the provision of first point of contact service at the front counter and within the Regional Office. This position provides a quality service to members of the public by providing routine information regarding eligibility for Housing Trust services including public and private housing assistance. The position is also responsible for the day to day provision and maintenance of the counter services and public waiting area. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific outcomes. The incumbent will initially be assigned to a specific region however may be required to move to another regional office within SA depending on organisational needs in line with the PSM Act. The incumbent will be required to attend training and development courses relevant to their professional growth. The successful applicant will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (South Australian Housing Trust - Regional Services South - Parks Regional Office) Further Information: Enquiries to: Marina Pandelis, Office Administrator, South Australian Housing Trust (The Parks), telephone 8348 0404, email Applications to: Mrs Beth Mackie, Regional Secretary, South Australian Housing Trust (The Parks Region), PO Box 2337, Regency Park, 5942, telephone 8348 0483, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies marked 'Confidential'. Applicants must meet the essential minimal requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P spec:\ASO2 CSO.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf AMENDMENT ASO2 SENIOR DATA OPERATOR (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. TO 22/03/2007) T3757/2006 Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Adelaide South -English Language Services (ELS/ELICOS) -Adelaide City Campus) Applicants and intending applicants are advised that the position advertised in the Notice of Vacancies dated 19 May 2006 has been withdrawn from call 8 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 PROGRAM SUPPORT OFFICER - CUSTOMER SERVICES (TEMPORARY UP TO 22/12/2006) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. (Advt-Recirc) T1516/2006 Duties: The Program Support Officer, Customer Services is responsible for the provision of an effective administrative and confidential clerical support service to the Educational Managers, Business Administration Studies, Management Studies, Property Services and Financial Services, and an administrative support role to the Office Manager, Business Services. The incumbent assists in the coordination of the finances of the workgroup including payment of invoices, journal transactions and FASMIS financial reports. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. There is a requirement to travel between campuses and/or be located at any of the campuses as the need arises. Located at the Panorama Campus but may be required to work at Noarlunga and Adelaide City Campuses on an as needs basis. May be relocated within the Institute & Department. This is a temporary position up to 22/12/2006 in the first instance. A flexible approach to on duty hours and the taking of recreation leave is essential. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment wil be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Panorama) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA Adelaide South Panorama Campus - Business Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Debra Warcup, Business Services, TAFE SA 621 Goodwood Road, PANORAMA, 5041, telephone 8207 2944, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Debra Warcup, telephone 8207 2944, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Application Guide:\NOV - P&W -Must Read.doc job and speci:\T1516.doc ASO2 RECEPTIONIST ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 3878/2006 Duties: Responsible for providing a professional, responsive and confidential reception service with adherence to best practice customer service standards. The provision of accurate and timely correspondence, and providing support to the Ministerial team, which contributes to the efficient and effective operation of the Minister’s Office Special Conditions: Some out-of-hours work may be required.Required to participate in a roster system, as the Office is open between 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Office of the Minister for Health - Corporate Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sophie Adlaf, Ministerial Coordinator, Office of the Minister for Health, GPO Box 2555, Adelaide , 5001, telephone 82071855, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Sophie Adlaf, telephone 82071855, or email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 9 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 CLIENT SERVICES OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3963/2006 Duties: The Client Services Officer is one of a number of multi skilled Administration Officers in Local Service Areas. The Client Services Officer will be responsible for undertaking a range of keyboard and administrative tasks which contribute to the provision of clerical support to their area of accountability and to the Local Service Area generally and which provides enhanced customer service to SAPOL clients. Special Conditions: May involve shift/public holiday/weekend work. The incumbent will be required to actively participate in multi-skilling and job rotation. Location: Adelaide Metro (Holden Hill) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police (Northern Operations Service) Enquiries to: Doris Andrew, Admin Manager, telephone 8207 6028, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.doc Job and Person Specification:\Client Services Officer (ASO-2).doc ASO2 10 ($37253.00/40321.00) ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3965/2006 Duties: The Administrative Assistant is accountable to the Administration Manager for the provision of an effective and efficient management support service to the Local Service Area (LSA) which includes financial accounting, administration, human resources, supply and property. Special Conditions: Initial appointment will be to a specified LSA but may be required to transfer to other LSA's as required. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required Location: Eyre Peninsula (Port Lincoln) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police (West Coast Local Service Area) Enquiries to: Jill Fiebig, Admin Manager, Port Augusta, telephone 08 8648 5042, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.doc Job and Person Specification:\Admin Assistant ASO2.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 CORRESPONDENCE OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T3906/2006 Duties: This Correspondence Officer reports to the Office Manager and is responsible for the provision of quality support services through the effective and efficient management of Ministerial correspondence, including maintaining the integrity of the office’s computerised records management system and a variety of administration duties. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Required to participate in a roster system for staffing the office between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources Enquiries and Applications to: Ms L Bitzios, Acting Office Manager, Minister Rankine's Office, Level 11, 50 Pirie Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8463 6609, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO-2 Correspondence Officer.doc How to apply:\Guidelines Howtoapply(Jan05).doc 11 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 MARINE QUALIFICATIONS OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T3961/2006 Duties: The Marine Qualifications Officer is accountable to the Coordinator, Marine Qualifications for contributing to the provision of responsive customer service and operational programs associated with the Marine Qualifications Team; contributing to operational activities that facilitate the efficient and effective purpose of the team, which contributes to the efficient and effective management of the Directorate and the achievement of Corporate and Directorate objectives. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by South Australia Police. Work outside normal hours may be required. A current drivers licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regulation Division Transport Safety Regulation Directorate) Enquiries to: Ms Judith Jones, Coordinator, Marine Qualifications, Commercial Marine Services, telephone 8348 9610 Applications to: Mr Nic Cudarans, Assistant Human Resource Officer, PO Box 1, Walkerville, 5081, telephone 8343 2374, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Marine Qualifications Officer.doc Guide to Applicants:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc 12 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 CLIENT SUPPORT OFFICER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3782/2006 Duties: The Client Support Officer is responsible for undertaking a diverse range of tasks which contribute to meeting the business needs and objectives including: researching and investigating documentation and background information to assist in progressing projects; establishing systems and procedures, assisting in the review of existing systems, practices, policies and procedures and making recommendations for improvement as required; providing accurate information to stakeholders, developing and maintaining positive relationships with Support Services clients and providing administrative support to the Senior Account Managers. Special Conditions: DAIS Employment Conditions: Employment conditions will be governed by the PSM Act, 1995 and the incumbent will be expected to work in a manner consistent with the DAIS Code of Conduct.The incumbent must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. OHS & EEO: The incumbent is responsible and accountable for working in an equitable manner and taking reasonable care to protect his/her own health, safety and welfare and avoiding adversely affecting the health and safety of others at work by complying with OHS&W and EEO policies, practices and legislation. Customer Service: The incumbent will provide the highest standards of customer service to clients at all levels by modelling service excellence that meets the needs of customers and enhances the corporate profile of the organisation. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Administrative and Information Services (State Procurement and Business Development - Business Support - Business Development) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Deborah Holdsworth, Senior Account Manager, DAIS Support Services, Business Development, Level 1, 12 Victoria Place, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 82265040, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: ASO3Client Support Officer:\aso3clientsptofficer.doc 13 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 FINANCE OFFICER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3890/2006 Duties: The Finance Officer: Provides a range of complex/specialised financial and administrative duties to support the Directorate within the Office of People and Culture; Contributes to meeting the objectives through the provision of a comprehensive financial service; Assists in preparing, monitoring and reporting on finances and resources managed by the Directorate and provide financial advice and services to the Director, Managers and staff; Contributes to ensuring the Government’s policy on financial services and efficiency and integrity of work practices are maintained within the Directorate. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location is at the Education Development Centre. May be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of People & Culture - Workforce Recruitment & Development) Enquiries to: Dianne Ferris, telephone 8463 5820, email Applications to: April Ellis, Education Development Centre, Milner Street, Hindmarsh, 5007, telephone 8463 5822, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from April Ellis, telephone 8463 5822, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO3 Finance Off WR&D OPC.doc 14 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PROPERTY OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3959/2006 Duties: The Property Officer is accountable to the Senior Property Officer to provide timely and appropriate property services in the region. This includes the provision of services and policy advice to clients and land holders, the assessment and allocation of land, the sale of surplus properties, and administration of Crown tenures in accordance with legislation and policy. Special Conditions: The position is located in the Berri office. Some out of hours work and travel requiring overnight absences may be necessary. Travel may be to remote locations and involve off-road driving. A current driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential.The incumbent of this position will be required to undertake emergency operations including bush fire suppression activities, commensurate with their fitness and training levels. This may require at times, some out of hours work including participation in an ‘on call’ roster. Location: Riverland (Berri) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Trevor Lock, telephone (08) 8595 2121, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Services, Department for Environment Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number 3959/2006 when applying. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\aso3_prop_offi_berri_jp.doc Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf 15 ($43385.00/46453.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T4002/2006 Duties: The Business Support Officer is accountable to the Service Business Manager, for contributing to the provision of financial planning, financial reporting and financial control across the operations Support Service. The incumbent will provide administrative and business support to Branch managers within the Service and will be required to undertake special projects and reviews as directed. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate tertiary qualification in Accounting, Commerce, Economics or Business Management Special Conditions: Initial appointment will be to the Operational Services Support Branch, Police Headquarters, but may be assigned to other Service areas as required. The occupant may be required to work outside of normal hours. Must be licensed and willing to drive a motor vehicle. Some interstate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Operations Support Service) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Police Enquiries to: Gianni Polisena, Business Manager, telephone 8204 2941, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.doc Job and Person Specification:\Business Support Officer ASO3.doc ASO3 ($43385.00/46453.00) COMPLIANCE OFFICER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3821/2006 Duties: The Compliance Officer is accountable to the Payroll Manager for the Testing and modifications of the Payroll system, which results in the provision of efficient and timely payroll services and payment to all Departmental employees. Special Conditions: Some overtime and out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Shared Services Branch) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Police (Business Service) Enquiries to: Mr Luke Mulcahy, Payroll Manager, telephone 8204 2772, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.doc Job and Person Specification:\Compliance officer ASO-3.doc 16 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PURCHASING OFFICER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3919/2006 Duties: The Purchasing Officer is responsible to the Principal Contract Manager, Procurement & Contract Management Services Branch for the provision of a purchasing processing service. The service includes the provision of advice to internal customers on purchasing procedures and / or product information and provision of purchasing services for goods and services with a total contract value of less than $50,000 (including GST). Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be licensed to drive a car. The incumbent must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level, or equivalent. The incumbent will participate in special projects, as required. The incumbent must be prepared to commit to South Australia Police Code of Conduct. Location: Adelaide CBD (Procurement and Contract Management Services Branch) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Police (Business Service) Enquiries to: Mark Peterson, Principal Contract Manager, telephone 820 42405, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Moira O'Neil, telephone 820 42754, or email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.doc Job and Person Specification:\Purchasing Officer ASO3.doc ASO3 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T3917/2006 Duties: The provision of confidential secretarial, clerical, administrative and project related support to the Commissioner for Social Inclusion. Administration of the office budget. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be expected Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Premier and Cabinet Further Information: Enquiries to: Dorothy Clift, Office of the Commissioner for Social Inclusion, telephone 08 8226 0916, email Applications to: Dianne Wilson, Senior Project Officer, Office of the Commissioner for Social Inclusion, GPO Box 2343, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 08 8226 2291, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications must address the criteria in the Position Description. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO3 Exec Assistant Com for Soc Inc.doc Guide to how to apply for positions:\Applying for positions in DPC.doc 17 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 MARKETING AND ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3899/2006 Duties: The Marketing and Administrative Assistant is accountable to the Manager, Customer Information & Business Development for providing assistance to the Manager in developing and implementing marketing projects. Provides an efficient and effective administrative support service to the Customer Information & Business Development Unit, including a secretarial service to the Manager and undertake minor project work. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence is required. Some intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Public Transport Division - Customer Information & Business Development) Further Information: Enquiries to: Bob Tonkin, Customer Information & Business Development, telephone 8303 0851, email Applications to: Mrs Jo Turner, Human Resource Officer, Public Transport Division, PO Box 1, WALKERVILLE, 5081, telephone 8303 0903, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the Notice of Vacancies website (Quick Search, Vac No 3899, Search). Alternatively telephone Jo Turner on 8303 0903, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Marketing Admin Assistant ASO3.doc How to apply for a position:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc 18 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 4001/2006 Duties: The Assistant Human Resource Consultant is accountable to the Principal Human Resource Consultant for the efficient coordination of human resource administrative processes, and the provision of a human resources advisory service to staff of the Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, which contribute to the effective and efficient implementation of best human resource practice in the Department. Special Conditions: Out of hours work may be required. The incumbent is required to actively participate in the Department’s performance development program. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Corporate Services Directorate Corporate Services Division - Human Resources Group) Further Information: Enquiries to: Felicity Lunn, telephone 8463 7949, email Applications to: Ross Osmon, Human Resources Officer, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 6750, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ross Osmon, telephone 8463 6750, or email Please forward three copies of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the essential and desirable minimum requirements listed in the job and person specification, in your application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P:\ASO3 Assistant HR Cons.doc How to apply:\How to apply_J&P.pdf ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER IR PROGRAMS (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/01/2007) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T3718/2006 Duties: Working under limited direction: Providing support for the conduct of various discrete projects and for components of major projects which contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of occupational health, safety and welfare issues, or other industrial relations and public safety issues; and supporting the provision of quality, accurate and timely advice and information to the Minister, Chief Executive, and the Executive Director and others in SafeWork SA. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Keswick) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Administrative and Information Services (SafeWork SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Tony MacHarper, Chief Officer, Policy & Legislation, SafeWork SA, GPO Box 465, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 0276, email Note: Position descriptions are available from Sue Quin, telephone 8463 4998, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position description:\ASO4 Project Officer IR Programs.doc 19 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE MINISTER ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 3987/2006 Duties: The Minister’s Personal Assistant is accountable to the Office Manager and is responsible for the provision of a comprehensive, confidential personal assistant service to the Minister, including coordination of the Minister’s appointments, deputations, official engagements and functions. Responsible for the coordination of briefings, speeches, travel requests and accommodation arrangements. Special Conditions: Significant out of hours work may be required. The incumbent may be required to act in other positions within the Minister’s office (or to provide assistance) to cover the absence of fellow staff members. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Attorney-General's (Minister Zollo's Office) Enquiries and Applications to: Nikki Farquhar, A/Office Manager, Minister Zollo's Office, GPO Box 464, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 3388, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 02 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P:\ASO4 pa to minister MAY 06.doc Guidelines on Writing Applications:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc ASO4 CONTRACTS OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T4005/2006 Duties: The Contracts Officer: Contributes to the continual improvement, and implements processes to support, the management of all existing ICT contracts within Technology and Knowledge Management Services. Contributes to the development of new contracts that support Technology and Knowledge Management Services policy. Provides advice and support on a range of Information Technology contracts, which supports policy development/directorate objectives. Undertakes minor projects within broadly defined guidelines. Administer software license arrangements. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of Business Improvement and Strategic Financial Management - Technology and Knowledge Management Services) Enquiries to: Mr D Plant, DECS, telephone 8226 2369, email Applications to: Ms K Johns, Personal Assistant, DECS, Level 17, Education Centre 31 Flinders St, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 2619, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms K Johns, telephone 8226 2619, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Word doc:\JP Contracts Officer ASO4.doc 20 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 21 BUSINESS ANALYST (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt-Recirc) C3168/2006 Duties: The Business Analyst, mytafeSA Project is to take a proactive approach to the gathering and analysis of a user requirements by employing analytical techniques, interview techniques, data gathering techniques, current system documentation, business modelling methods, business process, rules and logic, data gathering to solve complex issues, development of implementation plans, development of requirements and key analytical troubleshooting. Special Conditions: This position is a 1-5 year contract appointment for an initial period of 12 months with the possibility of an extension. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel may be required. Required to participate in DFEEST Performance Management Program. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Shared Business Services ICT Services ) Enquiries and Applications to: Julie Harris, Project Manager, mytafeSA, ICT Services, Level 2 West, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide , 5000, telephone 8226 0898, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Julie Harris, Project Manager, telephone 8226 0898, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies including the name and contact details of three referees including a current line manager. Applicants are also required to address the criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. DFEEST promotes safety as a core business value. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines Feb 2006.doc J&P:\ASO4 BusinessAnalyst mytafeSA.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER – DEMAND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 3885/2006 Duties: The Project Officer – Demand Management Strategies is responsible for contributing to the implementation of strategic plans and policies relating to demand management strategies which result in the achievement of agreed outcomes; assisting in identifying needs, determining priorities and analysing applications in relation to demand management strategies in South Australia; contributing to the design, conduct and management of complex projects; participating in data collection and analysis; and preparation of project reports. Special Conditions: The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific, service or program outcomes. Out of hours work and intrastate and interstate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Health System Management - Strategy and Integration) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Malcolm Ellis, Principal Project Officer, Demand Management Strategies, PO Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 6341, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available from Anthea Santrac, telephone 8226 6744, or email Closing Date: 05 Jun 2006 22 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3962/2006 Duties: The Project Officer is accountable to the Coordinator, Marine Qualifications for participating, or leading a small work team in projects relating to continuous improvement in business systems and processes and to the development of business rules to enable the implementation of legislation, which contributes to the achievement of Corporate and Directorate business objectives. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by South Australia Police. Some work outside normal hours and inter / intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regulation Division Transport Safety Regulation Directorate) Enquiries to: Ms Judith Jones, Coordinator, Marine Qualifications, Commercial Marine Services, telephone 8348 9610 Applications to: Mr Nic Cudarans, Assistant Human Resource Officer, PO Box 1, Walkerville, 5081, telephone 8343 2374, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Project Officer.doc Guide to Applicants:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc 23 ($49584.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 24 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3834/2006 Duties: The incumbent will be required to: Provide high quality project work concerning occupational health and safety and safe return to work issues impacting on the SA mining and quarrying industries; Conduct projects that contribute to the research, development, implementation and evaluation of OHS initiatives, programs or publications proposed or promoted by the Mining and Quarrying Occupational Health and Safety Committee (MAQOHSC); Assess and report on the OHS implications of grant applications and funding requests for the provision of services received by MAQOHSC for the mining and quarrying industries; Consult with stakeholders and representatives of the mining and quarrying industries on occupational health and safety or safe return to work issues. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (SafeWork SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Mick Gallant, Chief Adviser OHS Skills, SafeWork SA, GPO Box 465, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 9822, email Note: Position descriptions are available from Renea Everett, telephone 8463 4949, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. External applicants to government are required to complete the ‘Declaration on Application for Employment in the South Australian Public Sector’ and submit the original as a component of their written application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: position description:\ASO5 Project Officer MAQOHSC.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 25 COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. TO 4 YEARS) (Advt) C3977/2006 Duties: The Urban Biodiversity Unit, within the Adelaide Region of the Regional Conservation Directorate, develops and delivers programs and projects aimed at conserving biodiversity throughout Metropolitan Adelaide. Key initiatives include the SA Urban Forests Million Trees Program and the Urban Forest Biodiversity Program.The Communications Coordinator will contribute to promoting awareness and understanding within the wider community and amongst stakeholders in relation to Unit programs and initiatives for the conservation of biodiversity throughout Greater Adelaide. This will include the effective development, implementation and strategic management of Unit communications plans, products and activities. Special Conditions: A current drivers’ licence and willingness to drive is essential. The position is based at Wittunga House, Blackwood. May be required to work from another unit within the Region or may be asked to serve within other regions across the State. Refer to the Job and Person Specification for further conditions. Location: Adelaide Metro (Blackwood) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Ross Oke, telephone (08) 8278 0611, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Services, Department for Environment Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number C3977/2006 when applying. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf Job and Person Specification:\aso5_comm_coord_blkwd_jp.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 26 PROJECT DELIVERY COORDINATOR (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. TO 4 YEARS) (Advt) C3893/2006 Duties: The Urban Biodiversity Unit, within the Adelaide Region of the Regional Conservation Directorate, develops and delivers programs and projects aimed at conserving the biodiversity of Metropolitan Adelaide. Key initiatives include the SA Urban Forests Million Trees Program and the Urban Forest Biodiversity Program. The Project Delivery Coordinator will contribute to the effective delivery of biodiversity conservation initiatives throughout Greater Adelaide by implementing, controlling and coordinating a range of biodiversity conservation projects. This will involve negotiating service delivery agreements, managing business and project risk and ensuring achievement of agreed contract outcomes in consultation with stakeholders. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A tertiary qualification in natural resources management, national parks and wildlife, project management or equivalent industry experience. Special Conditions: The position is based at Wittunga House, Blackwood. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The incumbent may be required to work from another unit within the Region or may be asked to serve within other regions across the State.· The incumbent of this position will be required to undertake emergency operations including bush fire suppression activities, commensurate with their fitness and training levels. This may require at times some out of hours work including participation in an ‘on call’ roster. Location: Adelaide Metro (Blackwood) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Ross Oke, telephone 08 8278 0611, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Please note that the Job and Person Specification is now available on the online version of the Notice of Vacancies at (under "Search"). Job and Person Specifications are also available from department website or the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 5 copies of application and current curriculum vitae. Applicants should include the names, contact details of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number C3893/2006 when applying. NO FOLDERS PLEASE Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specifications:\aso5_proj_deliv_coor_jp.doc Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO5 SENIOR POLICY OFFICER ($55298.00/61944.00) Amended To: ASO5 SENIOR POLICY OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3331/2006 Duties: The Senior Policy Officer is responsible for assisting in the provision of a comprehensive range of strategic planning strategies and policies which support the ongoing development, refinement and implementation of the whole of Government disability strategy - Promoting Independence: Disability Action Plans for SA and the DFC Disability Action Plan. These strategies focus on the promotion of improved quality of life, access and inclusion outcomes for people with disabilities in South Australia, in particular State-wide policy development, implementation, evaluation and reporting.With DFC as the lead agency for the development, implementation and reporting on the whole of government policy in SA, the Senior Policy Officer will contribute to the coordination, implementation and annual reporting on strategic Disability Action Plans and policy priorities across the SA Government. Special Conditions: Some inter/intra state travel may be required, Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Office for Disability and Client Services - Disability Access and Inclusion) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms B Oldland, Coordinator, Business Support, Office for Disability and Client Services, GPO Box 292, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 82266894, Amended Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. "Please note change to duration" Closing Date: 26 May 2006 27 ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 3331/2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 IT TECHNICAL CONSULTANT ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 3951/2006 Duties: The IT Technical Consultant is responsible for the provision of timely and accurate consulting advice for IT services, utilising a variety of research techniques to ensure effective decisions can be made regarding the use of IT within PIRSA. Responsibilities of the position include research and prototype new technologies and contribute to technical projects, development of policies and procedures, development and maintenance of technical documentation, quality assurance functions, participation in security awareness and IT support strategies, ensuring PIRSA comply with Whole of Government standards and progress reporting on all work undertaken. The incumbent will have a strong customer focus, good leadership skills and be able to work closely with a diverse range of staff and contractors, be strongly aware of risk management and quality of service issues and be pro-active in identifying opportunities for the capture and retention of knowledge on the PIRSA ICT environment to maximise the benefits of change and configuration management in the current and future provision of services to our customers. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Corporate - ICT) Enquiries to: Mr Brayden Leckie, PIRSA Information Management, telephone 08 82260253, email Applications to: Ms Renee Mattner, Admin Officer, PIRSA, GPO BOX 1671, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 08 84633011, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO5 IT Tech Cons May 06.doc How to Apply:\Guidelines%20for%20Applicants.pdf 28 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 APPLICATIONS & SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 4032/2006 Duties: The position has been created to ensure the ongoing implementation and maintenance of best practice systems and processes within the AFF Portfolio. The purpose of Strategic & Information Services is to contribute to the strategic and information success of various Divisions by delivering services, which underpin effective resource management in the Cost Recovery, Document and Record Management, other Information Services, Annual Reporting requirements, functions required under the Primary Industries Funding Scheme Act and various PIRSA Special Projects determined from time to time to meet the changing requirements of the Department. Special Conditions: The position will be located in the metropolitan area. Some intrastate travel will be required and a current driver’s licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Portfolio Services Group - Strategic & Information Services - Information & Data Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Leon Stacey, Manager Strategic & Information Services, GPO Box 1671, ADELAIDE , 5001, telephone 8226 0303 or 0421 054 513 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees and also include a completed and signed 'Declaration of Application of Employment in the South Australian Public Sector'. Applications should be marked confidential. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Applications Systems ASO5:\ASO5l PD.doc guidelines on how to apply:\Guideline on How to Apply.doc declaration:\declaration_.doc 29 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 30 SENIOR ANALYST/PROGRAMMER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) C3931/2006 Duties: The Senior Analyst/Programmer will have substantial experience with ASP.NET and C# applications and is accountable to the Project Team Leader for: undertaking the more challenging and complex programming tasks and/or technical investigations; providing expert technical advice on efficient information related business solutions based on a sound working experience. Special Conditions: Some work outside normal hours and inter/intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Richard Ferme, Corporate Services Division, telephone 8343 2842, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33-37 Warwick St, (Po Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (Quick Search, Vacancy No. C3931/2006, Search), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guide to Apply:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc ASO5 Snr Analyst Prog:\ASO5 Snr Analyst Programmer.DOC PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 31 PROJECT OFFICER, RENEWABLE REMOTE POWER GENERATION PROGRAM (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) C3910/2006 Duties: The Project Officer, RRPGP is accountable to Energy Programs Manager for: administering South Australian aspects of the Australian Government’s Renewable Remote Power Generation Program (RRPGP); developing and implementing new programs applicable within the RRPGP; providing backup and support to other programs within the group; which contributes to the achievement of effective and efficient energy program development, application and delivery. Special Conditions: This is a contract position until July 2007 that may or may not be extended and is subject to continual financial support from the Australian Government under the RRGP Program.Some work outside normal hours and some intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Energy Division) Enquiries to: Mr John Clark, Energy Division, telephone 8226 7515, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33-37 Warwick St, (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Gina Reardon on telephone 08 8226 5842, email: Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please forward an original application plus three copies. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guide to Apply:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc Job and Person Specification:\3910ASO5ProjOffRRPGPEnergy.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARCHITECT ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 3932/2006 Duties: The Information Systems Architect is accountable to the Manager, InfoServices, Monitoring and Reporting for identifying requirements for information systems, determining the appropriate methodologies and technologies for implementing the system and delivering the solution to the end user. Providing expert technical advice to clients and project teams across the organisation on efficient information related business solutions and providing administration and training services for existing systems. Pro-actively recognising opportunities for enhancements and implementing as possible. Special Conditions: Initial location will be in the InfoServices, Monitoring and Reporting Unit. Some out of hours work and intrastate and interstate travel may be required. A current drivers licence is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Public Transport Division - InfoServices, Monitoring and Reporting) Further Information: Enquiries to: Andrew Homburg, Manager, InfoServices, Monitoring and Reporting, telephone 8218 2121, email Applications to: Jo Turner, Human Resource Officer, Public Transport Division, PO Box 1, WALKERVILLE, 5081, telephone 8303 0903, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the Notice of Vacancies website (Quick Search, Vac No 3932, Search). Alternatively contract Jo Turner on 8303 0903 or Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Information Systems Architect ASO5.doc How to apply for a position:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc 32 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4/ ASO5 HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($49584.00/51874.00) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. T3993/2006 Duties: The Human Resource Consultant is accountable to the Manager Human Resources for the provision of HR advisory and consultancy services, contributing to the development, implementation and review of human resources practices and policies and undertaking project activities that contribute to the provision of strategically oriented human resource services. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Corporate Services Directorate Corporate Services Division - Human Resources Group) Further Information: Enquiries to: Lynette Coster, Principal HR Consultant, telephone 8463 6670, email Applications to: Ross Osmon, Human Resources Officer, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 6750, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ross Osmon, telephone 8463 6750, or email Please forward three copies of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the essential and desirable minimum requirements listed in the job and person specification, in your application. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P:\ASO5 HR Consultant May 2006.doc How to apply:\How to apply_J&P.pdf 33 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO6 SENOR POLICY OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3753/2006 Amended To: ASO6 SENOR POLICY OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 9 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3753/2006 Duties: This position is responsible for the provision of high quality policy options, strategies and advice, the management of projects and the conduct of research on State and National issues relevant to legislation administered by the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate tertiary qualification in economics and/or law or related discipline. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work, Intra and Inter-state travel may be required. The Office of Consumer and Business Affairs is a smoke free work environment. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Office of Consumer and Business Affairs - Legal, Enforcement and Policy Branch) Enquiries to: Rachel Abbott, Policy and Legal, telephone 8204 9816, Applications to: Ms Katherine O'Neil, Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Legal, GPO Box 1719, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 9616, emailo' Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Rachel Abbott, telephone 8204 9816, or email Closing Date: 02 Jun 2006 ASO6 MEDIA ADVISER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3859/2006 Duties: The Media Adviser is accountable to the Senior Media and Communications Adviser, Media and Communications Unit for promoting the Department through the development of proactive and reactive public relations and media related strategies, processes, procedures and liaison with the media. Special Conditions: The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Department for Families and Communities Units/Divisions as required. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific outcomes. After hours on call work will be required. Intrastate and interstate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Media and Communications Unit) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms D Gordon, Senior Media and Communications Adviser, Media and Communications, GPO Box 292, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 84139052, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Nicole Mobius, telephone 841 39048, or email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: ASO6 Media Adviser J&P:\ASO6 Media Adviser May06.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 34 ($64060.00/67989.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 35 PROJECT MANAGER - ASSET STRATEGY (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) (Advt) T3765/2006 Duties: The Project Manager, Asset Strategy is accountable to the Manager, Capital Asset Strategy for encouraging and supporting a strategic approach to the management of the Department of Health’s property, building and equipment assets through improving the availability, quality and use of asset information systems, and participating in the development of asset management policies and procedures within the Department. As part of the Asset Strategy team, the incumbent will be expected to be proficient in all aspects of the teams operations and capable of performing to a high level in those areas. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 45 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 12 months with the possibility of an extension. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Management - Asset Services - Asset Strategy) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Maggie Bell, Project Manager, SAMIS, Asset Services, Department of Health, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, ADELAIDE SA , 5000, telephone 8226 6221, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Job and Person Specifications are available from Melissa Brockenbrow, telephone 8226 6650, or email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\job-application-guidelines.doc job and person speci:\Project Manager, Asset Strategy.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT (Advt) Vacancy No. 3820/2006 Duties: The Divisional Accountant is accountable to the Deputy Director, Financial Services, for the development and management of efficient and effective financial systems, a rolling five year divisional revenue and expenditure budget model, monthly monitoring of actual vs budget results, financial management processes and accrual reporting and accounting services in order to achieve the effective financial goals and functions of the Public Health and Clinical Coordination (PHCC) Division. The role of Divisional Accountant also has a reporting responsibility to the Executive Director, PHCC, and other senior officers of that division. The position is also responsible for the preparation of information for a range of requirements including the Portfolio’s State Budget papers and ensuring Financial Services comply with accurate month and period end accrual reporting processes, reconciliations with Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) budgetary databases and the provision of other financial reports to Senior Divisional and Departmental Executive, DTF and Financial Services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Accounting or Economics. Special Conditions: Out of hours work and some interstate and intrastate travel may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Management - Finance, Assets & Procurement) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr C Bernardi, Deputy Director, Financial Services, PO Box 287, Rundle Mall , ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8226 6701, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Joanne Harrison, telephone 8226 6082, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: JPS:\JPS Div Accountant.doc 36 ($64060.00/67989.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3904/2006 Duties: Responsible for managing or undertaking a range of public health programs and complex projects requiring leadership of, or contribution to the design, conduct and management of projects, and participation in data collection, analysis and the preparation of associated reports including the Public Health Outcomes Funding Agreement, the National Public Health Expenditure report, and the Public & Environmental Health annual report. The position will also be responsible for editing, liaising, coordinating and producing the Public Health Bulletin. This will result in significant contribution to the management of issues and programs critical to the optimal performance of the Public Health Directorate. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Intra and Interstate travel requiring overnight absences may be required. A current motor vehicle driver’s licence and a willingness to drive are essential. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of DH as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within DH subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Public Health & Clinical Coordination - Public Health) Enquiries to: Dr Kevin Buckett, Director, Public Health, telephone 8226 7106, email Applications to: Ms Kath Thomas, Senior Project Officer, Public Health, PO Box 6, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7141, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Tonia Keeley, telephone 8226 7386, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P DH ASO6:\ASO6 SNR PRO OFF PHOFA PH (RD).doc 37 ($64060.00/67989.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 38 DIESEL NEPM PROJECT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 2 YEARS) (Advt) C3997/2006 Duties: The Diesel NEPM Project Officer is accountable to the Diesel NEPM Project Manager for implementing Memorandums of Understanding and Commercial Service Agreements with TAFE SA and University of South Australia for the provision of Training; Quality Assurance, Data Analysis and reporting, including the upgrade of laboratory equipment; implementing and adhering to project methodologies, schedules and monitoring and negotiating with Contractors and project participants as required to ensure that the repair and demonstration test program meets specified time requirements; responding to correspondence and enquiries and providing expert advice into the development and implementation of policy for Diesel NEPM in South Australia, which contribute to the achievement of the Agency’s strategic environmental objectives and organisational efficiency and effectiveness goals. Special Conditions: Some work outside normal hours and inter/intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required.Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by South Australia Police Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regulation Division Transport Safety Regulation Directorate) Enquiries to: Mr Carmelo Rositano, Diesel NEPM Project Manager, telephone 8343 2595 Applications to: Mr Nic Cudarans, Assistant Human Resource Officer, PO Box 1, Walkerville, 5081, telephone 8343 2374, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Diesel NEPM Project Officer.doc Guide to Applicants:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 39 PROJECT MANAGER (STATE OF ENVIRONMENT REPORT) (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2009) (Advt) C3918/2006 Duties: The Project Manager, State of Environment Report (SoE) is accountable to the Manager Strategic Policy for providing leadership to the development of the 2008 State of Environment Report. The position will develop a significant project plan and provide leadership to its implementation including coordinating input from other Agencies. The Project Manager will facilitate the work of the SoE Steering Committee and provide specialist research/analytical capabilities/services and expert advice to a wide range of stakeholders. Special Conditions: The position is offered as a contract for up to three years. Out of hours work and attendance at public meetings is likely as is occasional intra and inter-State travel. A current drivers licence is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment Protection Authority Further Information: Enquiries to: Dr Phil Morgan, Environment Protection Authority, telephone (08) 8204 2345, email Applications to: Anna Millqvist, HR Client Service Officer, Environment Protection Authority, GPO Box 2607, Adelaide, SA, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 9437, email Note: IMPORTANT: Your application will be assessed on the Job and Person Specification criteria. Please address this criteria in your application. Guidelines for applicants are available at Job and Person Specifications are available from or by contacting Bernice Brady, telephone (08) 8226 8863, email Please quote the vacancy number of the position when applying. Please forward one original application plus three copies. If emailing your application, please be aware, for the application to be considered it must be received by the closing date and hard copies need to be provided by Tuesday 13th June 2006. The EPA is an equal opportunities employer and safety is a core value. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: JPS Project Mgr (SoE):\JPS Project Manager SoE Report ASO7.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO7 PROJECT MANAGER - HEALTHCONNECT PROJECT (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2008) (Advt-Recirc) C8030/2005 Duties: Responsible for the coordination of project activities which lead to the analysis and resolution of matters affecting the implementation of the SA HealthConnect project. Required to support and, in some cases, manage the activities of others contributing to these objectives. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required to meet demands and deadlines. Some intra and interstate travel requiring overnight absences may be required. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. This is a contract appointment up to 30/6/2008 and the incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Improvement & Reform - HealthConnect) Amended Enquiries and Applications to: Di Francis , Tanner Menzies, or telephone (08) 8461 4430, , Amended Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Tanner Menzies website: or telephone (08) 8461 4430. Please quote reference no. 35-710903 Amended Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 02 Jun 2006 AMENDMENT ASO7 FLEET MANAGER (Advt) Vacancy No. 2945/2006 Duties: The Fleet Manager is accountable to the Manager Fleet Management & Mechanical Services Section for providing technical & fleet management services for the Agency’s Plant fleet. Managing the fleet on an ongoing basis, which contributes to the efficient and effective operation of the Section and achievement of Section and Agency objectives. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at Walkley Heights. Some out of hours work and intrastate and interstate travel including overnight absences will be required. A current Driver’s Licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkley Heights) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Statewide Operations and Programs Fleet Management and Mechanical Services) Enquiries to: Mr M Bollella, Manager, Fleet Management, telephone 8260 0377, Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33 - 37 Warwick St, (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, Amended Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the “Quick Search” section of the website), or email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are requested to address each of the essential and desirable criteria from the Job and Person Specification. Please quote the job vacancy number in your application. This position is also being advertised under Vacancy 2946/2006 at the PSO4 level. Please note there is only one position. Please note that the closing date for applications is now extended to Friday 9th June 2006. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 40 ($70714.00/76759.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 41 MANAGER, OPERATIONS & CUSTOMER SERVICE (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($79691.00/82849.00) Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C2820/2006 Duties: Required to ensure customer relationships are effectively managed, including developing, monitoring and review of service standards and performance agreements. To implement and review the Service Management Framework within the Service Delivery function of Government ICTS. To ensure that the customer and user operational relationship is effectively administered and maintained, through establishing and managing operational procedures and practices. To provide leadership, expert advice and management for services critical to the efficiency and accountability of the Unit and customer groups. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and Inter/intrastate travel may be required. Must be available to participate in a 24 hour roster to meet operational requirements and for out of hours duty at short notice. Must be available to be deployed to regional headquarters at short notice. Must be willing to undertake Liaison Officer Training, Agency Representative and Duty Officer Training. This position will be filled as a contract appointment for up to 5 years. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (Government ICT Services - Service Delivery) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Phil McMahon, Government ICT Services, telephone 8463 4004, email Applications to: Jim Young, Manager, Business Assurance & Operations, Government ICT Services, GPO Box 1484, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8226 1926, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jim Young, telephone 8226 1926, or email - please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 05 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO8 Mngr Ops & CS.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 42 MANAGER - CLINICAL SERVICE IMPROVEMENT (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($79691.00/82849.00) Vacancy No. 3 YEARS) (Advt) C3912/2006 Duties: Accountable for the policy and strategic framework to support effective implementation and evaluation of strategic mental health clinical improvement initiatives and clinical system redesign across the state to improve the quality and performance of state funded mental health services and mental health outcomes of S.A., especially in the areas of safety and quality, clinical governance and planning. Special Conditions: Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Management - Mental Health Unit) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sue Johnson, Business Manager, Mental Health Unit, PO Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 08 8226 6182, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sue Johnson, telephone 08-82266182, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) MAS2 MANAGER, RELATIVE, KINSHIP & COMMUNITY CARE (Advt) ($78263.00) Vacancy No. 3511/2006 Duties: The Manager is accountable to the Director, Guardianship & Alternative Care for the effective operation of Relative, Kinship & Community Care through implementation, monitoring and reporting on service plans, policies, strategies, procedures and programs. The Manager will also support & promote a continuous service improvement framework & culture which enables the provision of innovative programs & services. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Guardianship and Alternative Care - Relative, Kinship and Community Care) Further Information: Enquiries to: Terase Woodward, Office Administrator, Guardianship and Alternative Care, telephone 82266467, email Applications to: Ms J Paull, Director, Guardianship and Alternative Care, Level 1 11 Hindmarsh Square, Citi Centre, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8266467, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Terase Woodward, telephone 8226 6467, or email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 02 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P:\MAS2 Manager RKCC.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 43 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) MAS2/ MAS3 MANAGER, SECURE CARE (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($78263.00) ($84354.00) Vacancy No. T3825/2006 Duties: Responsible for the efficient and effective operation of a Departmental secure care facility by providing leadership, management and direction to staff. Ensure the delivery of programs and services which facilitate the development and rehabilitation of young people in secure care, and their re-integration into the community. Contribute to the development of juvenile justice policies and programs. Special Conditions: The position will initially be up to 6 months. Some out of hours work may be required. Initial appointment will be to Cavan Secure Care Centre but the appointee may be re-assigned to any other location to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification. The appointee will be offered salary renumerate with knowledge and experience relevant to the requirements of the position. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide Metro (Cavan) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Youth Justice Directorate - Cavan Secure Care Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Julie Gunn, Director, Youth Justice, Department for Families and Communities, Level 1, Citi Centre, 11 Hindmarsh Square, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8226 6009, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jo Harris, telephone 8226 6009, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P:\MAS-2 Manager.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 44 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS RN3 Band A 45 SURVEILLANCE COORDINATOR (Advt) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 3146/2006 Duties: The Surveillance Coordinator is responsible for the design, creation and supervision of a system that enables the central collection and analysis of nosocomial (healthcare associated) infection surveillance data and the production and interpretation of regular surveillance reports. They may be required to assist with the investigation of cases of possible nosocomial transmission of blood borne viruses and other notifiable diseases, and will contribute to the development of policy that supports the provision of written and verbal advice on the management of nosocomial infections. The Surveillance Coordinator will provide an expert professional opinion on infection surveillance and prevention to the public, other government departments and infection control and health professionals at both State and National level. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some out-of-hours work may be required. Occasional intra- and inter-state travel is required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Public Health and Clinical Coordination - Communicable Disease Control Branch - Infection Control Service) Enquiries to: Ms I Wilkinson, Manager, ICS, Communicable Disease Control Branch, telephone 8226 6348, email Applications to: Ms M Stephens, Manager, ASU, Communicable Disease Control Branch, PO Box 6, Rundle Mall, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8226 7182, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms M Stephens, telephone 8226 7196, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.doc job and person speci:\Surveillance Coordinator RN3 3146.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS1 46 TRAINEE CORRECTIONAL OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($18794.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3924/2006 (Advt) Duties: Correctional Officers interact directly with prisoners to provide a positive role model and to support the security, well-being and rehabilitation of prisoners to minimise the risk of re-offending. Special Conditions: Applicants will be required to undergo selection screening and pre-employment testing. Successful applicants will be required to undertake a 12 month Traineeship and achieve Certificate 111 in Correctional Practice. Vacancies are located at country and metropolitan prisons. Hours of duty involve rotating 24/7 shift roster averaging 38 hours per week. Possess a current driver's licence and either possess or be prepared to obtain a Senior First Aid Certificate. Location: Various Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Correctional Services (Human Resources - Employee Relations Branch) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Jaimee Cammarano, Human Resources Consultant, Employee Relations Branch, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 82269044, email Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job Information Package:\Information Kit 2005.doc Application Kit:\Application Form March 2006.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS1 QUARANTINE STATION INSPECTORS (CASUAL POOL) (CASUAL UP TO 30/06/2007) (Advt) ($18794.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. 4040/2006 Duties: The Plant Health Program is a program, which exists within the broader PIRSA Agriculture and Wine Division. The Program is a plant protection program, which underpins all plant-based industries within South Australia. The legislative basis for the Program is the Fruit and Plant Protection Act 1992, which provides for the protection of fruit and plants within the State from declared and quarantinable diseases and pests. The Plant Health Program conducts roadblocks in its country locations to control the illegal entry of fruit and vegetables and plant material into South Australia. From time to time we have a need to employ people on a casual or short-term basis at our Yamba, Pinnaroo, Ceduna and Oodla Wirra roadblocks.Inspect vehicles to ensure that uncertified host fruit, produce and products are redirected for inspection, retained for destruction or returned to the State of origin. Maintain, record, and promote good public relations. Special Conditions: Work outside normal hours and weekend work will be required.The Quarantine Stations at Ceduna and Yamba operate 7 days per week/24 hours per day, and staff are rostered on 8 hour shifts. The hours of duty average 37.5 hours per week.The Quarantine Station at Oodla Wirra normally operates 7 days per week/16 hours per day however, a 24-hour operation is implemented for the period of October to March each season. The hours of duty average 37.5 hours per week.The Quarantine Station at Pinnaroo operates 7 days per week/14 hours per day, and staff are rostered on 7 hour shifts. The hours of duty average 35 hours per week. Location: Various Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Agriculture & Wine - Plant and Food Standards Program) Enquiries and Applications to: Please see details below for information, Quarantine Station Supervisor Note: Enquiries and provision of Position Descriptions can be made by contacting: Kevin Brown, Primary Industries and Resources of SA, 117 Ral Ral Avenue, Renmark 5341, telephone 0408 899 640. Ceduna Roadblock: Peter Lowe, Primary Industries and Resources of SA, PO Box 183, Ceduna, 5690, telephone (08) 8625 2108. Pinnaroo Roadblock: Jolanda Edwards, Primary Industries and Resources of SA, PO Box 128, Pinnaroo, 5304, telephone (08) 8577 8321. Oodla Wirra Roadblock: Neville Duncan, Primary Industries and Resources of SA, PO Box 80, Peterborough, 5422, telephone (08) 8650 5930Please forward an original application plus two copies to the Quarantine Station Supervisor of the location you preference. Applicants should include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees and also include a completed and signed 'Declaration of Application of Employment in the South Australian Public Sector'. Applications should be marked confidential. Details will be kept on file for period of 12 months and you may be contacted if a suitable position arises. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: guidelines:\Capabilities Guidelines ST.doc declaration:\declaration_.doc job and person speci:\PD Quarantine Inspectors.doc 47 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 ALCOHOL & DRUGS MANAGEMENT OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 3561/2006 Duties: The incumbent is responsible for the provision of a high quality, sample collection service for the purpose of alcohol and drug testing offenders and bailees who are subject to the conditions of release set by a Court, Parole Board, or Prisoner Assessment Committee. The incumbent is responsible for ensuring that all collection processes are undertaken in strict accordance with an established Systems Operation Procedure (SOP 35) and that a legal “chain of evidence” is maintained to meet the requirements of key stakeholders. Special Conditions: Normal hours of duty are thirty seven point five (37.5) per week to be worked Monday to Friday. The incumbent may be required to undertake some out of hours work which may include weekend work, to permit the random collection of samples for drug testing purposes from offenders and bailees. Penalty rates are applicable to compensate for the irregular hours, weekend and public holiday work. The AoDMU manages urine sampling for both DCS’ Community Corrections division and for the Drug Court. The incumbent may be required to accommodate fluctuating demand for services from these sources, from week to week, and to manage aggression and non-cooperation from individuals and groups of offenders and bailees. The position requires the incumbent to undertake duties from the Alcohol and Other Drugs Management Unit (AODMU) located at either 181 Flinders Street, Adelaide or 938 South Road, Edwardstown, and upon request, at any metropolitan-based Community Correctional Centre.The incumbent must hold a current SA Driver’s Licence (“Class C” minimum requirement) and will be required to drive a government vehicle. Use of a government vehicle will be made available from the incumbent’s assigned location for use when on duty. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Alcohol & Other Drugs Management Unit - Community Corrections Directorate) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms L Sheridan, PA to Director Community Corrections, Community Corrections Directorate, telephone 8226 9094, email Applications to: Mr Bill Muchan, A/Program Manager, Community Corrections Directorate, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 9007, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Louise Sheridan, telephone 8226 9094, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please note closing date for applications is 2 June 2006. Closing Date: 02 Jun 2006 Downloads: Application Package:\Applicant package Info.doc Job & Person Specification:\AoDMU M'Ment Officer OPS-2.doc 48 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 YOUTH SUPPORT WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3854/2006 Duties: The Youth Support worker provides assistance and support to youth workers and other professionals in the delivery of programs and services to young people in residential care and performs routine security and admissions duties. When on night duty and escort duty, the Youth Support Worker is accountable for the safety and supervision of young people and also for the security of residential care facilities during night shift. Full-time employees will work 152 hours rostered over a four week period. Penalty payments for public holidays, weekends and shift work will apply Special Conditions: This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 12 months with the possibility of an extension. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. More than one position available. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Location: Adelaide Metro (Magill) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Children Youth and Family Services - Youth Justice Magill Secure Care Centre) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Corinna Grunow, Unit Supervisor, Magill Secure Care Centre, telephone 8130 4418, email Applications to: Daree Cannons, Business Support Officer, Magill Secure Care Centre, Glen Stuart Road, Magill, 5072, telephone 8130 4405, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf J&P:\OPS2 YSW.doc OPS3 SUPERVISOR OPERATIONS ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3758/2006 Duties: Ensure that Correctional Officers are given appropriate support to perform their roles. Provide administrative support to Unit Managers and Case Management Co-ordinators. Supervise small work groups to ensure that the current Departmental policies and procedures are complied with. Assist Unit Managers and Case Management Co-ordinators to promote a commitment to service excellence and professionalism. Supervise Correctional Officers in specific areas. Perform the duties of Officer in Charge of the institution if/as required. Special Conditions: Proven ability to carry out duties of a Correctional Officer is essential. Will be rostered over 7 days, averaging 38 hours per week. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. May be rostered Officer in Charge of the Institution as required. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries and Applications to: Ms R Forth, Business Manager, Adelaide Women's Prison, PO Box 2042, REGENCY PARK, 5490, telephone 83430105, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Supervisor Operations:\Supervisor Operations.doc 49 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 YOUTH WORKER (TEMPORARY FOR 3 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3695/2006 Duties: The Youth Worker is responsible for enhancing the social and living skills of young people, and ensuring the delivery of programs, services or case plans which facilitate the development of young people who are clients of the team. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to uphold the values of the division and participate in a regular performance management process for the achievement of outcomes. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. The incumbent may be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Frequent out of hours work will be required. Holds current driver's licence. Successful applications will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Country Region - Murray Bridge District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Gayl Gogel, A/Senior Youth Worker, Murray Bridge District Centre, PO Box 721, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8535 6200, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should address the Job and Person Specification. Applications should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\OPS3 Youth Worker.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 50 ($43385.00/46453.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 COMMUNITY WORK PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3805/2006 Duties: Responsible individually, or as a member of a team for the development and implementation of community based work programs in accordance with statutory and Departmental requirements. The Community Work Program Co-ordinator is responsible for the assessment, placement and management of juvenile offenders placed on Community Service Orders and Fine Options. As a member of a team, provide support and supervision to volunteers and contract workers. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 18.75 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent will be required to uphold the values of the division and participate in a regular performance management process for the achievement of outcomes. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. The incumbent may be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver’s licence is essential. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Country Region - South East District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Jill Rowley, Snr Youth Worker, South East District Centre, P O Box 1160, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 87244844 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Irene Higgs, telephone 87244844 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian public sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 51 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 YOUTH WORKER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3905/2006 Duties: The Youth Worker is responsible for enhancing the social and living skills of young people, and ensuring the delivery of programs, services or case plans which facilitate the development, assist in rehabilitation and re-integration into the community, of young Aboriginal people who are clients of the team. Special Conditions: Initial appointment will be to the Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth Team but the appointee may be transferred to any other location to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification. Some out of hours work will be required. A first aid certificate and current driver’s licence are essential. Some extended periods on programs with 24 hour client contact may apply. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide Metro (ADELAIDE) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth Team) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs C Axleby, Manager, MAYT, Parks Community Centre, Trafford Street, Athol Park, 5012, telephone 8243 5733, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: JOB & PERSON SPEC.:\OPS3 YOUTH WORKER - MAYT.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 52 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 53 SENIOR AGRICULTURAL OFFICER (PULSE BREEDING) (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 5 YEARS) (Recirc) C2577/2006 Duties: The incumbent will work closely alongside the Research Officer (Pulse Breeding) to ensure the outcomes of this project are met and will possess well-developed communication skills to oversee the successful management of breeding trials conducted by staff based at the Minnipa Research Centre, Minnipa and the Port Lincoln PIRSA Regional Office. The incumbent is also responsible for an agricultural officer employed on this project and for organising, overseeing and training of casual staff on a seasonal basis. Special Conditions: This position is located at Clare. Intra and inter-state travel is required. The incumbent is required to work off-site at other regional locations such as Waite Precinct, Turretfield Research Centre and private farms in the Northern and Yorke Peninsula agricultural regions. Work outside normal office hours, weekends, public holidays, overnight stays and additional hours during seasonal demands are required. This is a physically demanding position that requires an above average level of Physical Fitness and involves exposure to dust and pollen, which may cause an allergic reaction in some people. A pre-employment medical may be required. A current “car” driver’s licence is essential. and a current Chemcert Certificate is required. Location: York Peninsula & Mid North (Clare) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Mr Larn McMurray, Snr Research Agronomist, telephone 08 8842 6265, email Applications to: Mrs Claudia O'Loughlin, Administration Officer, Crops, GPO Box 397, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 9605, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Mrs Claudia O'Loughlin, telephone 8303 9605, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Preparing your application:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Position Description:\OPS-3 Pulse Breeding Clare 2006.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 54 VEHICLE INSPECTOR (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 4016/2006 Duties: The Vehicle Inspector is accountable to a Senior Inspector for undertaking detailed vehicle inspections and a range of activities relating to prosecutions; auditing mandatory maintenance schedules and other accreditation systems reporting non-compliance to relevant authority; addressing specific transport and vehicle industry groups and the general public on vehicle regulation and compliance; providing technical advice to other areas of DTEI, SAPOL, other Government Agencies and private sector transport industry operators, both light and heavy vehicles which contribute to the achievement of Section and Agency goals and objectives for operational safety of all vehicles on roads in South Australia, protection of the community, the environment and the State’s road system. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Qualified Light or Heavy Vehicle Mechanic or any other professional mechanical qualification with appropriate vehicular experience. Special Conditions: Initial location will be DTEI, Kateena Street, Regency Park. Interstate and intrastate travel involving overnight absences and work outside of normal hours and at weekends will be required. A current driver's licence for class CAR is required and hold or be prepared to obtain a HR licence. Hours of work are 152 hours over a four week period, which may be worked on an irregular shift basis over the 24 hour day, seven days per week including public holidays. Required to wear Agency uniform. Required to undergo a Prior Offender History Check by South Australia Police. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regulation Division Transport Safety Regulation Directorate) Enquiries to: Mr Mick Carmody or Mr Brian Boettcher, Senior Inspector, telephone 8348 9652 Applications to: Mr Nic Cudarans, Assistant Human Resource Officer, PO Box 1, Walkerville, 5081, telephone 8343 2374, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Vehicle Inspector.doc Guide to Applicants:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS4 SENIOR YOUTH WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 27/04/2007) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3697/2006 Duties: As a member of the Youth Team, assist in meeting departmental responsibilities in relation to adolescents, young offenders, child protection, substitute care, domestic violence and family counselling. Plan, develop and implement services and programs for adolescents and young offenders and their families. Work with communities and groups in defining and meeting community needs. Special Conditions: Initial assignment will be to a CYFS District Centre but the Senior Youth Worker will be required to work in any Departmental location (country or metropolitan) as directed, to perform work appropriate to the remuneration level. Intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Some out of hours will be required. Current drivers licence is essential. Employment is subject to a satisfactory Police check. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Pirie) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth & Family Services - Country Region - Port Pirie District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Glenys Petagna, Business Manager, Children, Youth & Family Services, 75 Gertrude Street, PORT PIRIE, 5540, telephone 86384390, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Glenys Petagna, telephone 86384390, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf OPS4 SENIOR YOUTH WORKER (TEMPORARY FOR 3 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3692/2006 Duties: As a member of the a team, assist in meeting departmental responsibilities in relation to adolescents, young offenders, child protection, substitute care, domestic violence and family counselling. Plan, develop and implement services and programs for adolescents and young offenders and their families. Work with communities and groups in defining and meeting community needs. Special Conditions: Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Frequent out of hours work will be required. Holds current driver's licence. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Country Region - Murray Bridge District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Helen Kay, A/Manager, Murray Bridge District Centre, PO Box 721, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8535 6200, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should address the Job and Person Specification. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\OPS4 Senior Youth Worker.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 55 ($49584.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS6 UNIT MANAGER - OPERATIONS UNIT (TEMPORARY UP TO 3/01/2007) ($58622.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. T3719/2006 Duties: The Unit Manager is accountable for ensuring the provision of a high quality, cost effective customer focussed service within an institutional environment, promoting a commitment to service excellence and professionalism amongst staff and ensuring the provision of appropriate training and development of staff and prisoners. The Unit Manager is responsible for the financial performance of the unit and contributes to the development and implementation of institutional policy. Special Conditions: Hours of work will be 37.5 hours per week Monday to Friday. Some out of hours work may be necessary. The Unit Manager will be required to perform on call duties. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries to: Mr Chris Kennett, DCS - Port Augusta Prison, telephone (08) 86 485400, email Applications to: Ms Cheryl Kite, Supervisor Support Services, DCS - Port Augusta Prison, PO Box 6, PORT AUGUSTA SA, 5700, telephone (08) 86 485406, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P:\JP-OPS6 UNIT MANAGER.doc Info Pack:\info pack - Jan 06.doc 56 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM PSO1 57 PROJECT OFFICER, CENTRAL ADELAIDE (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 4 YEARS) (Advt) C3907/2006 Duties: The Urban Biodiversity Unit, within the Adelaide Region of the Regional Conservation Directorate, develops and delivers programs and projects aimed at conserving the biodiversity of Metropolitan Adelaide. Key initiatives include the SA Urban Forests Million Trees Program and the Urban Forest Biodiversity Program. The Project Officer will contribute to the effective delivery of biodiversity conservation initiatives throughout Greater Adelaide by coordinating the implementation of biodiversity conservation projects with a diverse range of stakeholders across the central Adelaide area. This will include the implementation of management plans, facilitating best practice management, capacity building and monitoring of on-ground works.. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree qualification in Environmental Management, Natural Resource Management or equivalent. Special Conditions: The position is based at Wittunga House, Blackwood. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. ·The incumbent of this position will be required to undertake emergency operations including bush fire suppression activities, commensurate with their fitness and training levels. This may require at times some out of hours work including participation in an ‘on call’ roster. Location: Adelaide Metro (Blackwood) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Ross Oke, telephone 08 8278 0611, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Please note that the Job and Person Specification is now available on the online version of the Notice of Vacancies at (under "Search"). Job and Person Specifications are also available from department website or the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 5 copies of application and current curriculum vitae. Applicants should include the names, contact details of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number C3907/2006 when applying. NO FOLDERS PLEASE Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specifications:\pso1_proj_off_central_jp.doc Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 58 SOCIAL WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T3704/2006 (Advt) Duties: As a Social Worker your role is to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with children and young people requiring care and protection and their families, communities and carers. The ultimate aim of your job is to support and empower children and young people to assume a meaningful role in society when they reach adulthood. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. However, pursuant to Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, 1995, persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who consider they have the appropriate background, knowledge and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Successful applicants are required to undergo a criminal history and background check prior to being employed. Some intra/interstate travel may also be required Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Country Region - South East District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sheila Holloway, Supervisor, South East District Centre, PO Box 1160, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 87244844, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Irene Higgs, telephone 87244844 , or email Please forward an original plus 3 copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Service. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J & P:\Social Worker DC & CRU.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 59 SOCIAL WORKER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) (Advt) T3707/2006 Duties: As a Social Worker your role is to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with children and young people requiring care and protection and their families, communities and carers. The ultimate aim of your job is to support and empower children and young people to assume a meaningful role in society when they reach adulthood. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. However, pursuant to Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, 1995, persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who consider they have the appropriate background, knowledge and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Successful applicants are required to undergo a criminal history and background check prior to being employed. Some intra/interstate travel may also be required This is a part-time position working 30 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Country Region - South East District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sheila Holloway, Supervisor, South East District Centre, PO Box 1160, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 87244844, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Irene Higgs, telephone 87244844 , or email Please forward an original plus 3 copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Service. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J & P:\Social Worker DC & CRU.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER (SCIENTIFIC OFFICER) (Advt) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 3836/2006 Duties: Responsible for the review, assessment, provision of advice and reporting on public and environmental health matters. Undertake research into environmental health issues and participate, using scientific measures, in programs that ensure the maintenance of a clean, comfortable and healthy environment. In addition the appointee will be required to provide routine public and environmental health services and administer legislation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree in Science i.e Bachelor of Environmental Health or Bachelor of Science with a major in either Chemistry or Microbiology. Special Conditions: Some out of hours and country work that necessitate overnight stays may be required. The appointee will be required to assist with the provision of public and environmental health services to communities throughout South Australia including those located in the more remote parts. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Public Health & Clinical Coordination - Applied Environmental Health Environmental Services) Enquiries to: Ms Viv Greaves, A/Manager Environmental Surveillance, Applied Environmental Health, telephone 8226 7165, email Applications to: Ms T Keeley, Senior Administration Officer, Environmental Health Service, PO Box 6, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7386, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Tonia Keeley, telephone 8226 7386, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P DHxxxx PSO1:\JP BaBO PSO1 ES.doc 60 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3830/2006 Duties: Responsible for the review, assessment and reporting of public and environmental health matters. Undertake research into environmental health issues and participate, using technical/scientific measures, in programs that ensure the safe and proper management of hazardous substances and a clean, comfortable and healthy environment. Assess and manage the contamination of environmental media and review the use and management of hazardous substances including pesticides. May also participate in inspectorial and licensing functions under the Controlled Substances Act, 1984. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Science (eg. environmental health, chemistry, public health science or equivalent). Special Conditions: Appointment will be to the Public Health Toxicology Section, but work may also be undertaken within Controlled Substances Licensing section. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intrastate (particularly to regional country areas) and interstate work requiring overnight stays may be required. A current South Australian Drivers Licence and a willingness to drive is essential. May be appointed to the Pesticide Licensing Unit. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Public Health & Clinical Coordination - Scientific Services - Public Health Toxicology) Enquiries to: Dr Jim Fitzgerald, Principal Toxicologist, Scientific Services, telephone 8226 7134, email Applications to: Ms T Keeley, Senior Administration Officer, Environmental Health Service, PO Box 6, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82267386, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Tonia Keeley, telephone 8226 7386, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P DH2308 PSO1:\JP DH2308 PSO1 vacant.doc 61 ($40626.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 62 RESEARCH OFFICER - COMPOST (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 31/12/2008) (Advt) C3990/2006 Duties: The Research Officer will be required to contribute to project planning and design and conduct appropriate glasshouse and field experiments. This will require the preparation of experimental materials and micro-biological cultures. Data collation, analysis and interpretation will be an important feature of the position. The incumbent will be required to make verbal and written presentations of results and provide advice to growers on the strategic application of composted materials. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Agricultural Science or other relevant discipline. Special Conditions: This is a contract position, initially until 31 December 2008, located at the Plant Research Centre, Waite Campus. Some out-of-hours work will be required. A driver’s licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Urrbrae) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Mrs Annette Hutson, Field Crops, telephone 8303 9668, email Applications to: Mr Ross Ballard, Research Scientist, Sustainable Systems, GPO Box 397, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 9388, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Mrs A Hutson, telephone 8303 9668, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Preparing your application:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Position Description:\PSO-1 RO Compost 2006 final.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 63 PSYCHOLOGIST CLINICAL / FORENSIC (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3889/2006 Duties: The Department for Correctional Services (DCS) is looking for qualified Psychologists to provide comprehensive psychological assessment and specialist psychological interventions to prisoners and offenders in Institutions and across Community Correctional Centres in SA. Due to the over-representation of Aboriginal prisoners within DCS, there is an expectation that the client work load will include a significant number of Aboriginal prisoners and offenders. Positions are both full time and part time. Various locations including Adelaide metro region and Mobilong Prison. Duties: Provide a range of effective scientifically based clinical and forensic psychological interventions to prisoners and offenders within DCS. The position(s) will provide therapeutic psychological interventions focused on offending behaviours and on needs that contribute to criminal offending; conduct comprehensive psychological assessments including risk and needs rating assessments; and where appropriate, provide crisis intervention, and specialised individual and / or group interventions in response to referrals from within DCS (including the Prisoner Assessment Committee) and from the Parole Board. The Clinical / Forensic Psychologist will contribute as a member of the Offender Development Unit / Intervention Unit in relation to the development and evaluation of therapeutic programs for prisoners and offenders, and undertake other projects as required. Contribute to the safe management and rehabilitative needs of prisoners and offenders. Provide an expert resource to the functioning and further development of Case Management within the Department. Identify needs and assist in the training and development of other Departmental staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Masters Degree in Clinical or Forensic Psychology and registered or eligible for registration in South Australia under the provisions of the Psychological Practices Act 1973. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required for which time off in lieu is available. A current South Australian Driver’s Licence is essential. Assignment to other locations is possible. The Clinical / Forensic Psychologist must maintain registration with the South Australian Psychological Board. The position(s) requires regular contact with prisoners and / or offenders. A probationary period may apply. Location: Various Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Correctional Services Enquiries and Applications to: Jacqui Casey, Psychology Unit, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08+82269393, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from J.Casey, telephone 08-82269393, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P PS02:\J&P PS02 Jun06.doc Applicant Package:\ApplicantPackage.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 64 BIOSECURITY OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2007) (Advt) C3936/2006 Duties: The Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH) is seeking the services of a Biosecurity Officer to be located in the DEH Kingscote office on beautiful Kangaroo Island (KI).The Biosecurity Officer is accountable to the Manager Conservation Programs, Kangaroo Island, and is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to protect the island’s biodiversity and primary industry assets from unwanted introduced species. The Biosecurity Officer’s duties include: developing and implementing incursion response plans for priority pests, coordination of monitoring and surveillance activities, development of improved communication measures, and the ongoing identification and assessment of unwanted species. The position requires considerable liaison with the region’s key stakeholders involved with environmental conservation and primary production. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Science, Natural Resource Management Special Conditions: Out of hours work, including intrastate and interstate travel in a light aircraft, with overnight absences is required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The incumbent of this position will be required to undertake emergency operations including bush fire suppression activities, commensurate with their fitness and training levels. This may require at times, some out of hours work including participation in an ‘on call’ roster. Location: Kangaroo Island Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Bill Haddrill, telephone 08 8553 2381 Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Please note that the Job and Person Specification is now available on the online version of the Notice of Vacancies at (under "Search"). Job and Person Specifications are also available from department website or the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies of application and current curriculum vitae. Applicants should include the names, contact details of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number C3936/2006 when applying. NO FOLDERS PLEASE Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specifications:\PSO2 Biosecurity Off JP.doc Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 65 SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 5 YEARS) (Advt) C3835/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Principal Scientific Officer, Special Programs, for conducting a broad range of statistical analyses, data management and reporting for a variety of projects on lead sources and pathways of contamination and for contributing to the incorporation of investigation findings into the Lead Implementation Program, for contributing to the formulation and conduction of an integrated series of studies to understand the mechanisms of indoor contamination from contaminated dust. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree in Science. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to conduct considerable field work duties in Port Pirie. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intrastate (particularly to regional country areas) and interstate work requiring overnight stays may be required. A current South Australian Drivers Licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Public Health & Clinical Coordination - Public Health - Environmental Health Centre) Enquiries to: Dr David Simon, A/Manager Scientific Services, telephone 8226 7154, email Applications to: Ms T Keeley, Senior Administration Officer, Environmental Health Service, PO Box 6, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7386, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Tonia Keeley, telephone 8226 7386, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P DH2283 PSO2:\DH2283 JP PSO21.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2/ PSO3 ECOLOGIST - ABORIGINAL LANDS (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($55298.00/61944.00) (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. T3868/2006 Duties: The high level objectives to be met by the incumbent are to: facilitate integration of Aboriginal traditional knowledge of land management with contemporary science and to ensure implementation of effective and integrated research, and monitoring programs that allow the shared biodiversity conservation objectives of traditional owners and government to be met on Aboriginal lands. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in the field of ecology, biodiversity management, natural resource management (or equivalent). Special Conditions: The position will be based in and around remote Aboriginal lands communities on a frequent basis. The incumbent may be required to undertake emergency operations including fire fighting. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage (Science and Conservation) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Peter Copley, telephone (08) 82229417, email Applications to: The Recruitment & Selection Team, HR Services, Department for Environment & Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment and Selection Team by email or telephone 8204 1898. Please forward four (4) copies of your application. NO FOLDERS PLEASE. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please quote vacancy no T3868/2006 when applying. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: DEH Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Job and Person Specification:\ps02_ecologist_abor_ lands_ j&p.doc 66 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO3 SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 3902/2006 Duties: The Senior Watershed Protection Officer (Monitoring) is accountable to the Manager, Mount Lofty Ranges Watershed Protection Office and is responsible for the development, coordination and implementation of projects and programs designed to protect and improve the water resources in the Mount Lofty Ranges Watershed. In particular the position oversees a strategic water quality monitoring and reporting program and significant modelling program. The position will contribute considerably to the development and implementation of a catchment risk assessment process. The incumbent will work collaboratively with other EPA staff and community stakeholders in developing a catchment risk assessment approach to water quality issues in the Mount Lofty Ranges Watershed. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Science, Natural Resource Management or similar relevant discipline. Special Conditions: The position is based at Stirling, in the Adelaide Hills. Occasional performance of duties outside of normal working hours may be required. Intrastate and interstate travel, including overnight absences, may be required. The maintenance of a current driver’s license is essential. Location: Adelaide Hills (Stirling) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment Protection Authority Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Lyndall Rodella, EPA, telephone (08) 8139 9900, email Applications to: Miss Dannielle Davis, HR Client Services Officer, EPA, GPO Box 2607 ADELAIDE, SA, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 2089, email Note: IMPORTANT: Your application will be assessed on the Job and Person Specification criteria. Please address this criteria in your application. Guidelines for applicants are available at Job and Person Specifications are available from or by contacting Sophie Giorgines, telephone 8204 2063, email Please quote the vacancy number of the position when applying. Please forward one original application plus three copies. If emailing your application, please be aware, for the application to be considered it must be received by the closing date and hard copies need to be provided by 13th June 2006. The EPA is an equal opportunities employer and safety is a core value. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: JPS Snr Sci:\JPS Snr Env Sci PS03.doc 67 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO3 COORDINATOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 3833/2006 Duties: Responsible for the effective and efficient functioning and management of the Environmental Services Section. Responsible for administration and enforcement of legislation and allied policies in relation to public and environmental health, provision of educational and advisory services and review, assessment and reporting on public and environmental health matters. Undertake research into environmental health issues and participate, using scientific measures, in programs that ensure the maintenance of a clean, comfortable and healthy environment. In addition the appointee will be required to provide routine public and environmental health services, and provide input and support in relation to Health Impact Assessments. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree in Science i.e Bachelor of Environmental Health or Bachelor of Science or equivalent. Special Conditions: Some out of hours and country / remote areas work which will necessitate overnight stays will be required. The incumbent will be required to participate in special projects. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Public Health & Clinical Coordination - Applied Environmental Health Environmental Services) Enquiries to: Ms Viv Greaves, A/Manager Environmental Surveillance, Applied Environmental Health, telephone 8226 7165, email Applications to: Ms T Keeley, Senior Administration Officer, Environmental Health Service, PO Box 6, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7386, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Tonia Keeley, telephone 8226 7386, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P DH2317 PSO3:\JP BaBO PSO3 ES.doc 68 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT PSO4 FLEET MANAGER (Advt) Vacancy No. 2946/2006 Duties: The Fleet Manager is accountable to the Manager Fleet Management & Mechanical Services Section for providing technical & fleet management services for the Agency’s Plant fleet. Managing the fleet on an ongoing basis, which contributes to the efficient and effective operation of the Section and achievement of Section and Agency objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional Mechanical Engineer. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at Walkley Heights. Some out of hours work and interstate and interstate travel including overnight absences will be required. A current Driver’s Licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkley Heights) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Statewide Operations and Programs Fleet Management and Mechanical Services) Enquiries to: Mr M Bollella, Manager, Fleet Management, telephone 8260 0377, Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33 - 37 Warwick St, (PO Box 1), Walkerville , 5081, Amended Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the “Quick Search” section of the website), or email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are requested to address each of the essential and desirable criteria from the Job and Person Specification. Please quote the job vacancy number in your application. This position is also being advertised under Vacancy 2945/2006 at the ASO7 level. Please note there is only one position. Please note that the closing date for applications is now extended to Friday 9th June 2006. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 69 ($70714.00/76759.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO4 PRINCIPAL ADVISOR LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT (Advt) ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. 3896/2006 Duties: The Principal Advisor, Landscape Management provides leadership and high level professional support to the Land Management and Revegetation Group in the development and implementation of national and South Australian landscape management initiatives, and on other initiatives, investigations and projects of a more complex and creative type. The Principal Advisor provides leadership to teams of multi-disciplinary professionals from different organisations, undertaking complex investigation, development and implementation work. The Principal Advisor will contribute to developing appropriate enterprise architecture within DWLBC to support major ecological restoration programs in the future. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree in Agricultural Science, Science, Natural Resource Science or equivalent. Special Conditions: The position is initially located at the Waite Campus, Urrbrae. The incumbent may be required to relocate to other locations within the State. Location: Adelaide Metro (Urrbrae) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Land & Biodiversity Services Directorate - Land & Biodiversity Services Division - Land Management and Revegetation Group) Further Information: Enquiries to: Peter Butler, Manager, Land Management and Revegetation, telephone 8303 9618, email Applications to: Ligita Bligzna, Senior Resource Officer, Land Management and Revegetation, GPO Box, 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 9486, email Note: Position Descriptions are available from Ligita Bligzna, telephone 8303 9486, or email Please forward three copies of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the essential and desirable minimum requirements listed in the Position Description, in your application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\PSO-4 Principal Advisor Land. Man.doc How to apply:\How to apply _Position Descriptions.pdf 70 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO4 71 PRINCIPAL TECHNICAL ADVISOR, NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Advt) ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. 3898/2006 Duties: The Principal Technical Advisor, NRM provides leadership and high level professional support to the Land Management and Revegetation Group in the development of technical and scientific projects to implement the land management components of the State NRM Plan, regional NRM plans and other key government plans and strategies. This will involve investigations and projects of a more complex and creative type. The Principal Technical Advisor provides leadership to teams of multi-disciplinary professionals from different organisations, undertaking complex investigation, development and implementation projects and contributing to land management policy development. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree in Agricultural Science, Science, Natural Resource Science or equivalent. Special Conditions: The position is initially located at the Waite Campus, Urrbrae. The incumbent may be required to relocate to other locations within the State. Location: Adelaide Metro (Urrbrae) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Land & Biodiversity Services Directorate - Land & Biodiversity Services Division - Land Management and Revegetation Group) Further Information: Enquiries to: Peter Butler, Manager, Land Management and Revegetation, telephone 8303 9618, email Applications to: Ligita Bligzna, Senior Resource Officer, Land Management and Revegetation Group, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 9486, email Note: Position Descriptions are available from Ligita Bligzna, telephone 8303 9486, or email Please forward three copies of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please address the essential and desirable minimum requirements listed in the position description, in your application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\PSO-4 Principal Tech. Adv. NRM.doc How to apply:\How to apply _Position Descriptions.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM TGO5 MARINE RADIO NETWORK TECHNICAL OFFICER ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 4013/2006 Duties: The Principal Technical Officer, Marine Radio Network is accountable to the Manager, Commercial Marine for leading and coordinating complex, innovative and sensitive high level investigations and research projects to identify, develop and assess alternative and feasible operation options for the State’s Emergency Marine Radio Network; establishing and developing partnerships with a broad range of other, Government and non-Government organisations to identify opportunities for collaborative work and projects; managing complex technical systems and standards for marine radio installation on vessels to ensure compliance with vessel survey requirements and coordinating audits for certificates of operation; managing the State’s marine navigational aides including developing and maintaining a data base and managing service providers for maintenance and installation of asset; providing expert advisory and specialist consultancy services on complex technical marine radio operation matters to Agency and external stakeholders; ensuring compliance with, and monitoring Marine Radio Networks and distress systems for consistency with National technical and operational standards which contributes to the achievement of the Corporate and Government objectives. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regulation Division Transport Safety Regulation Directorate) Enquiries to: Mr Peter Hale, Manager, Policy and Projects, telephone 8343 2941 Applications to: Mr Nic Cudarans, Assistant HR Officer, PO Box 1, Walkerville, 5081, telephone 8343 2374, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr Nic Cudarans, telephone 8343 2374, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\ c Employee Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guide to Applicants:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc 72 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NOMINATIONS Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated AD1/2006 Industrial Relations Adviser, Administrative and Information Services CHRIS SHATTOCK, Business Manager, CYFS, Families and Communities 10172/2005 Business and Data Analyst, Treasury and Finance JOANNA HENDERSON, Business and Data Analyst, Treasury and Finance 73 339/2006 Customer Contact Centre Manager, Administrative and Information Services CHRIS POOLE-STONEMAN, Call Centre Manager, Administrative and Information Services 1695/2006 Administrative Support Officer, Attorney-General's TAMMY CONNELLY, Acting Administrative Support Officer, Attorney-General's 1804/2006 Information Support Officer, Administrative and Information Services HELEN KORBIS, Information Support Officer, Administrative and Information Services RASMUS ATLER, Information Support Officer, Administrative and Information Services 1948/2006 Registry Clerk - Tribunal Support, Courts Administration Authority EDEN MACHADO, Registry Clerk, District Court, Courts Administration Authority 1949/2006 Principal Advisor, Management Accounting, Attorney-General’s DAVID MAZZONE, Senior Project Manager, Attorney-General’s 1951/2006 Principal Advisor, Budgeting, Attorney-General’s PHUONG CHAU, Senior Financial Adviser, Attorney-General’s 2031/2006 Principal Clinical Psychologist, Families and Communities PATRICIA RAYMENT, Clinical Psychologist, Families and Communities CLAIRE SIMMONS, Clinical Psychologist, Families and Communities LORREN AREZIO, Clinical Psychologist, Families and Communities TRISH MAHONEY, Clinical Psychologist, Families and Communities 2069/2006 Regional Secretary, Families and Communities REBECCA FARRELL, Regional Customer Service Officer, Families and Communities PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NOMINATIONS (Continued) Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 2101/2006 Registry Clerk - Enquiries, Courts Administration CARLY WILLIAMS, Trainee, ERD Authority Court, Courts Administration Authority 2339/2006 Property Leasing Consultant, Health NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 2364/2006 Senior Planning Officer, Primary Industries and Resources DORNA DARAB-ISFAHANI, Planning Officer, Primary Industries and Resources MARTIN RUTT, Planning Officer, Primary Industries and Resources SIMON NELDNER, Planning Officer, Primary Industries and Resources 2428/2006 Tenancy Officer, Attorney-General’s JOSIE SHIMMIN, Tenancy Officer, Office of Consumer and Business Affairs, Attorney-General’s 2530/2006 Institutional Social Worker, Correctional Services MARIAM ARMANIOUS, Senior Assessment Social Worker, Courts Administration Authority 2617/2006 Finance Analyst, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure NICK RUOTOLO, Finance Officer, Police 2637/2006 Arts Development Officer, Premier and Cabinet SANDRA NAULTY, Public Art & Design Officer, Premier and Cabinet 2798/2006 Client Services Officer, Courts Administration Authority RHIANNA TOOLAN, Registry Clerk, District Court, Courts Administration Authority 2819/2006 Office Coordinator , Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology JENNIFER BOYCE, A/Office Coordinator, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology 3111/2006 Team Leader Post Retirement Services, Treasury and Finance JANINE HEMPEREK, Project Officer, Treasury and Finance APPEAL INFORMATION Whilst it is recognised that practices in relation to handling enquiries regarding nominations may vary between Administrative Units, it is recommended that such enquiries should in the first instance be directed to the chairperson of the selection panel or, if that person is not known or available the enquiry person named under the appropriate vacancy description as contained in the Notice of Vacancies. Appeals pursuant to Section 43 of the Public Sector Management Act against the above nominations must be lodged on the prescribed form and with the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, 3 rd Floor, AON House, 63 Pirie Street, Adelaide, within seven days after the publication of the notice of nominations. It should be noted that “late” appeals cannot be considered by the Tribunal. Consequently, it might be preferable to forward appeals using the facsimile service ((08) 8226 2801). 74 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NOMINATIONS (Continued) If using postal services please address your appeal to the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, Office of Public Employment, GPO Box 1651, Adelaide, 5001. As Chief Executives may now attempt to resolve by conciliation issues relevant to an appeal, prior to its hearing, a copy of the appeal form must also be sent by the due date to the relevant Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will decide if conciliation is to be attempted and advise the Tribunal Secretary of that decision within one week of receiving a copy of the appeal. Please note that in respect of the nominations, there is no right of appeal on the basis of superior merit. An appeal against a nomination may only be made on one or more of the following grounds: that the employee nominated is not eligible for appointment to the position: or that the selection processes leading to the nomination were affected by nepotism or patronage or were otherwise not properly based on assessment of the respective merits of the applicants: or that there was some other serious irregularity in the selection processes, and may not be made merely on the basis that the Tribunal should redetermine the respective merits of the appellant and the employee nominated. Chief Executives must ensure that the Notice of Vacancies is distributed within their organisation as quickly as possible to enable applicants wishing to appeal, to do so within the prescribed 7 day limit. A list of the members of the Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal and Disciplinary Appeals Tribunal panels is included in the issue of the Notice of Vacancies dated 8 August 2003. Enquiries relating to the appeal process should be directed to Jenny Schahinger, Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, C/- Office of Public Employment, telephone (08) 8226 2881, email: Jeff Walsh COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT 75 SAHC ACT VACANCY INFORMATION SA HEALTH COMMISSION ACT VACANCIES AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCE ACT Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the provisions of the South Australian Health Commission Act, 1976 and in the case of IMVS positions the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act, 1982. In addition to South Australian Health Commission Act employees, applications received from persons employed by the organisations contained on pages 1 and 2 of the Notice will also be accepted for vacancies listed in this section. Applicants are encouraged to obtain further details of the position and conditions of the vacancy from the contact officer nominated in the advertisement. Applicants should relate their application to the Person Specification for the position and include a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume to maximise their chances of being considered further by a Selection Panel. GRIEVANCE PROVISIONS If you believe that your application for promotion has received unfair treatment relating to the selection process, you may have the right to seek a review of the decision. The right of review ONLY applies to employees under the South Australian Health Commission Act and employees under the Public Sector Management Act who were seconded to the SA Health Commission prior to 1st September, 1987. This Grievance Procedure is explained in more detail in Part 3-1 of the SAHC Act Human Resources Manual. Initial enquiries should be directed to the Chairperson of the Selection Panel. REQUEST TO CIRCULARISE SA HEALTH COMMISSION ACT AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCE ACT VACANCIES ALL requisitions for filling SA Health Commission Act and Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act Vacancies should be forwarded to the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Consulting Team, Workforce Management Branch) by close of business Tuesdays prior to the date of issue of the following week's Notice of Vacancy. Every effort will be made to ensure vacancies are advertised as soon as possible. However, Health Units and Hospitals are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. Enquiries may be directed to the Consulting Team, telephone number (08) 8226 6196 or facsimile number (08) 8226 6935, and E-Mail 76 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM .ASO1 WARD CLERK (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. T3595/2006 Duties: The Ward Clerk is accountable to the Administrative Manager through the Senior Clinical Unit Secretary for the provision of general clerical duties which contribute to effective patient care, bed management and ward administration. Special Conditions: May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service.May be required to work in other clerical areas of the hospital and to participate in job rotation programmes. May be required to work in other clerical areas within the Service. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required and to participate in the staff appraisal process. Will be required to wear a uniform. May be required to transfer to positions at this level classification within Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Royal Adelaide Hospital) Enquiries to: Ms Su White, Nursing Director, Orthopaedic & Trauma Service, telephone 8222 5567, email Applications to: Mr Scott Nyskohus, Administrative Manager, Orthopaedic & Trauma Service, Level 4 Bice Building, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8222 4532, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Su White, telephone 8222 5567 or email The Royal Adelaide Hospital offers attractive Salary Packaging benefits to all staff. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Microsoft Word:\Job Description.doc AMENDMENT ASO1 ACCOUNTING SERVICES CLERK (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. TO 10/11/2006) T3641/2006 Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre -Business and Financial Services -Accounting Services) Applicants and intending applicants are advised that the position advertised in the Notice of Vacancies dated 19 May 2006 has been withdrawn from call 77 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 78 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 18/08/2006) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3717/2006 Duties: As a member of the administrative team, the General Administrative Officer is responsible for the provision of an administrative service as coordinated by the Site Administrative Manager, undertaking a range of keyboard and administrative tasks that contribute to the provision of effective administrative support. Special Conditions: In accordance with the Premiers Safety Commitment statement, safety is a core value of the South Australian public sector. Some out of hours work may be required. Will be required to participate in the performance management review process. The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Metropolitan Domiciliary Care location. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Current Drivers Licence is essential. This position is temporary until 18/8/06 with a possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Metropolitan Domiciliary Care - Woodville Site) Enquiries to: Diane Cross, Site Administrative Manager, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, telephone 8440 6819, email Applications to: Maria Trimboli, HR Administrative Officer, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, 21A Belmore Terrace, Woodville Park SA, 5011, telephone 8440 6722 Note: To obtain a copy of the Job & Person Specification refer to the employment opportunities section on our website Applicants are required to address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. Please quote vacancy number T3717/2006 in your application and forward an original application plus two copies, including the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants may be required to undergo a criminal history check and/or medical examination. Closing Date: 05 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guide to applying for positions at MDC:\Applying for Positions at MDC.doc Job & Person Specification:\General Administrative Officer.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 79 TEAM RESOURCE OFFICER - CLIENT SERVICES AREA - CHARLES STURT TEAM (TEMPORARY UP TO 7/07/2006) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. T3713/2006 Duties: As a member of the Administrative Team, the Team Resource Officer is responsible for the provision of an administrative service as coordinated by the Site Administration Manager, undertaking a range of keyboard and administrative tasks which contribute to the provision of effective administrative support. Special Conditions: In accordance with the Premiers Safety Commitment statement, safety is a core value of the South Australian public sector. Some out of hours work may be required. Will be required to participate in the performance management review process. The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Metropolitan Domiciliary Care location. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Current Drivers Licence is essential. This position is temporary up to 7/07/2006 with the possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Metropolitan Domiciliary Care - Woodville Site) Enquiries to: Diane Cross, Site Administrative Manager, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, telephone 8440 6819, email Applications to: Maria Trimboli, HR Administration Officer, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, 21A Belmore Terrace, Woodville Park SA, 5011, telephone 8440 6722 Note: To obtain a copy of the Job & Person Specification refer to the employment opportunities section on our website Applicants are required to address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. Please quote vacancy number T3713/2006 in your application and forward an original application plus two copies, including the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants may be required to undergo a criminal history check and/or medical examination. Closing Date: 05 Jun 2006 Downloads: Applying for positions at MDC:\Applying for Positions at MDC.doc Job & Person Specification:\Team Resource Officer.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 80 TELEPHONIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2007) T3496/2006 Duties: The Repat Clinic Telephonist provides professional, a customer-focused telephone enquiry service, acting as the principal point of telephone contact for external and internal customers of the Repat Clinics. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 25 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. At times will be required to provide relief at the ASO1 or ASO2 level. Will be required to participate in staff rotation. May be required to work in other areas of the hospital from time to time. The position is 25 hours per week worked from 12noon to 5 pm daily. The Repat Clinics is closed for two weeks over the Christmas, annual leave will be required for this period. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Nursing and Patient Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Janine Neate, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1512, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park, 5041 Note: Please quote vacancy number T3496 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. JOB AND PERSON SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\ASO1 TELEPHONIST VAC T3496 MAY 06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 OUTPATIENTS RECEPTIONIST ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. 3841/2006 Duties: The Outpatient Receptionist contributes to the general administration of the clinic by providing a wide range of functions including reception and switchboard service to clients, staff and the public and provision of a word processing /data capture, records management and general administrative support function to multi-disciplinary teams. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to relocate to other areas of DASSA, or in the case of staff absences, assist with the duties associated with other positions within the Warinilla/AUP. Must be prepared to participate on a rostered basis with other staff to provide clerical support on the weekly Evening Clinic (one evening a week finishing between 6.30pm and 9.00pm) at Warinilla Clinic. Some work outside of normal office hours may be involved. Must be prepared to undertake an annual performance appraisal. Location: Adelaide Metro (Norwood) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Service - Drug and Alcohol Services SA Business Services) Enquiries to: Ms Chris Burgess, Admin Coordinator, Drug and Alcohol Services SA, telephone 8130 7524, email Applications to: Mr Bob Ball, Manager, Human Resources, Drug and Alcohol Services SA, 161 Greenhill Road, PARKSIDE SA, 5063, telephone 8274 3334, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Chris Burgess, telephone 8130 7524, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 ASO2 81 FINANCE OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 6 MONTHS) T3385/2006 Duties: The Finance Officer is responsible to the Office Manager for the provision of a comprehensive accounting service for Adult Physical Neurological (APN) and Brain Injury Options Co-ordination (BIOC). The role includes maintaining financial systems and procedures, activities associated with accounts payable, quality assurance and process improvement (including GST assessment): answering enquiries and assisting in problem resolution with service suppliers and staff. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Person History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Gilles Plains) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Julia Farr ) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr John Konieczny, Office Manager, telephone 8366 7333 Applications to: Ms Josie Callisto, A/Manager Employee Services, 103 Fisher Street, Fullarton, 5063 Note: Visit our web site where you will find lots of information about JFS including the position Job & Person Specification. Alternatively, telephone 8372 1411 and we will gladly send you an information pack. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER - HUMAN RESOURCES (TEMPORARY UP TO 13/07/2007) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T3866/2006 Duties: The Administration Officer - Human Resources is accountable to the Chief Executive Officer through the Manager, Risk and Administration Services for contributing to the provision of efficient human resource services to management and staff of Barossa Health. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 12 months. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Barossa Valley (Angaston) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Barossa Health) Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs Michelle Pentland, Administration Officer - Human Resources, Barossa Health, PO Box 270, ANGASTON, 5353, telephone 85 638 506, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Michelle Pentland, telephone 85 638 506, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Applicants are required to address the Job & Person criteria when lodging an Application. Closing Date: 02 Jun 2006 ASO2 HR ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 3894/2006 Duties: The HR Administration Officer contributes to the effective and efficient management of the CNAHS Complete Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) by undertaking the processing of appointment contracts and related administrative inputs required to ensure the CHRIS database and related human resources records are accurate and up to date. The HR Administration Officer also provides a range administrative supports to the HR team in the Mental Health Directorate. This entails using a teamwork approach, coordinating day-to-day work schedules within the group, ensuring that all work is completed in a timely and accurate manner, completing small projects with minimal supervision, handling more complex work tasks and problems, liaising with other health units across the region and office organisation. Special Conditions: Participate in any performance development system required by the Region. Some out of hours work may be required. Have a flexible approach to working hours. Undertake staff rotation within the region as required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Mental Health Directorate) Enquiries and Applications to: Sam Contarino, Senior HR Adviser, CNAHS, Mental Health Directorate, PO Box 17, Fullarton, 5063, telephone 08 83031213, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: ASO-2 HR Admin Officer:\HR Admin Officer MH Directorate.doc 82 ($37253.00/40321.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 TEAM SUPPORT OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 3848/2006 Duties: The Team Support Officer as a pivotal member of a multi-disciplinary team within the Northern Campus, Mental Health Directorate, is professionally responsible to the Business Consultant and functionally responsible to the Team Leader to ensure an effective and efficient Administration service is provided for the Team. This will incorporate the provision of a broad range of clerical and administrative services. When located in the Triage/ACIS area of the Service, the Team Support Officer is the principal contact between the ACIS Team and members of the public accessing the Service. Special Conditions: In the ACIS setting, required to work on roster over 7 days, 152 hours per month, over a variety of shift configurations. Preparedness to participate in a job rotation program and to relocate to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification either on a permanent or temporary nature. Preparedness to participate in performance management processes. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Mental Health Division Northern) Enquiries to: Mr Paul Della, Business Consultant, Mental Health Division Northern, Central Northern Adelaide Health Service, telephone 8282 0414, email Applications to: Mrs Mandy Palumbo, Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources Department, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, 5112 Note: Please provide an original and three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 83 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT - PORT PIRIE ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 3858/2006 Duties: The Administrative Assistant will effectively provide a comprehensive administrative, financial and personnel support service that enhances the effective and efficient provision of services to the CAMHS Regional Office Special Conditions: This permanent position may be offered on a part-time or fulltime basis. Located at Port Pirie. Some out of hours work may be required. Preparedness to travel to country areas of South Australia or interstate / or intrastate by air or motor vehicle, including overnight stay is essential. Must be prepared to relocate within the Division of Mental Health Location: York Peninsula & Mid North (Port Pirie) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Division of Mental Health CAMHS Country Services ) Enquiries to: Ms Monica McEvoy, Regional Director, CAMHS Country Service, telephone 86325304, email Applications to: Ms Cynthia Lawson, Assistant Director of Nursing, CAMHS Executive Unit, 72 King William Road, NORTH ADELAIDE, 5006 Note: Applicants must forward an original application (+ 3 copies) and the name, address and contact number of three referees, and must address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. The WCH requires that applicants clearly state their employee status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 05 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P Description:\WC1129ASO2AdminAssistant.doc 84 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (CASUAL RELIEVER), DIVISIONS OF PAEDIATRIC SURGERY/DATS (CASUAL) (Advt) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 3677/2006 Duties: The Administrative Assistant is accountable to the Business Support Officer, Division of Paediatric Surgery and DATS, for the provision of efficient and confidential administrative services and may be required to work in a variety of positions within the Department. Special Conditions: This position is offered on a casual 'as and when' needed basis covering staff shortages and/or any leave of absences within departments of the Division of Anaesthesia and Theatre Services and Division of Paediatric Surgery. A 20% casual loading will apply to the base rate of pay in lieu of accruing annual and sick leave entitlements. Must be prepared to work a variety of shifts including roles such as Ward Clerks where shift times may vary. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required, and to participate in the staff appraisal process.May be expected to work out of hours on occasion. Must be prepared to undertake and complete any other administrative duty as directed by the Business Support Officer, Business Manager and/or Divisional Chiefs. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Divisions of Anaesthesia and Theatre Services and Paediatric Surgery ) Enquiries to: Gwenda Owbridge, Divisional Business Support Officer, telephone 8161 8308, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 ASO2 MEDICAL RECORDS CO-ORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 7 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T3676/2006 Duties: The Medical Records Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the provision of patient services. Submitting accurate monthly statistics as required by the Department of Human Services and the Board of Directors. To process all customer debts and follow through with health funds as required.Experience in Harmony, CME, Chiron, general debtors and ability to reconcile on a monthly basis and provide support to Medical Records Officers across 3 centres. Aged Care knowledge is desirable for this position. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 7 months with the possibility of an extension, due to maternity leave. Location: Lower North (Clare) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Lower North Health) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms L Carter, Executive Assistant, Lower North Health, PO Box 239 , Clare , 5453, telephone 88426500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Linda Carter, telephone 88426500, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 85 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 86 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER - ONKAPARINGA TEAM - CLIENT SERVICES AREA (TEMPORARY UP TO 20/04/2007) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T3712/2006 Duties: The Administrative Officer is accountable to the Site Manager for the co-ordination of administrative activities and the provision of support services to the Client Service Area team. Tasks will include the allocation of duties to Team Resource Officers and monitoring workloads and the quality of work practices. The incumbent will develop and implement efficient administrative systems that will contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the team. A personal support service will be provided to the Team Leader and other members of the Client Service Area team. Special Conditions: In accordance with the Premiers Safety Commitment statement, safety is a core value of the South Australian public sector. Some out of hours work may be required. Will be required to participate in the performance management review process. The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Metropolitan Domiciliary Care locations. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Metropolitan Domiciliary Care - Parkholme Site) Enquiries to: Karina Coleman, Site Administrative Manager, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, telephone 8372 0892, email Applications to: Maria Trimboli, HR Administration Officer, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, 21A Belmore Terrace, Woodville Park SA, 5011, telephone 8440 6722 Note: To obtain a copy of the Job & Person Specification refer to the employment opportunities section on our website Applicants are required to address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. Please quote vacancy number T3712/2006 in your application and forward an original application plus two copies, including the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants may be required to undergo a criminal history check and/or medical examination. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Applying for positions at MDC:\Applying for Positions at MDC.doc Job & Person Specification:\ASO-2 Administrative Officer - CSA.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 HOSPITAL LIAISON OFFICER (RECIRC) (PART-TIME) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 3686/2006 Duties: The Surgical Centre Administration/Liaison Officer provides an efficient, comprehensive, customer orientated service to staff and clients within the Surgical Centre. This includes ensuring patient medical records and x-rays from Flinders Medical Centre and other hospitals are available for patient clinics and admissions. Special Conditions: Please note this is a readvertising of vacancy number 3172 advertised in NOVA 28 April 2006 with some alterations. Some out of hours work may be required. This is a part time position working 67.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Procedural and Related Services Division) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Michelle Hefford, Administration Coordinator, telephone 82751834, email Applications to: Mrs Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park SA, 5041, telephone 82751676 Note: Please quote Vacancy No. 3686 in your application. Applicants should forward an original application plus three copies, and include the names, addresses and contact numbers of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available on line at and applicants are required to clarify their suitability in terms of the Person Specification criteria. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. The RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Hosp Liaison Off ASO2 3686 May06.doc 87 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3840/2006 Duties: The Human Resources Consultant is accountable to the Manager, Divisional Operations, for providing human resources advice and consultancy to the Division. This includes the promotion and application of effective human resources policies throughout the Division, providing consultancy services to management and employees on performance management, delegation advice, classification advice and general human resource matters such as recruitment and selection, disciplinary matters and grievances. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Preparedness to travel to country areas of South Australia by air or motor vehicle, including overnight stay is essential. Must be prepared to act as required. Must be prepared to relocate within the metropolitan area of the Division of Mental Health . Preparedness to travel to community units of the Division as required Location: North Adelaide Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Division of Mental Health CAMHS Executive Unit) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Cynthia Lawson, Acting Divisional Operations Manager, CAMHS Executive Unit, 72 King William Road, NORTH ADELAIDE, 5006, telephone 81617389, email Note: Applicants must forward an original application (+ 3 copies) and the name, address and contact number of three referees, and must address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. The WCH requires that applicants clearly state their employee status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 88 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (ORGANISATIONAL IMPROVEMENT) (TEMPORARY UP TO 29/12/2006) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T3888/2006 Duties: The Administrative Officer (Organisational Improvement) reports to the Coordinator (Organisational Improvement) to assist Metropolitan Domiciliary Care (MDC) to implement a strategic and systematic approach to continuous improvement and organisational learning in all its activities.The incumbent works in a team environment to assist with the implementation of the MDC continuous improvement systems. The incumbent is responsible for the administration and coordination of the Units Policy and Procedure database, including liaison with relevant staff. The position involves, reporting associated with a wide range of continuous improvement activities. Special Conditions: In accordance with the Premiers Safety Commitment statement, safety is a core value of the South Australian public sector. Current drivers licence essential and a willingness to regularly travel across the metropolitan area. The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Metropolitan Domiciliary Care location. Some work may have to be performed outside normal working hours. Will be required to participate in the performance management review process. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Metropolitan Domiciliary Care) Enquiries to: Fiona McDonald, Coordinator, Organisational Improvement, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, telephone 8132 6020, email Applications to: Maria Trimboli, HR Administration Officer, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, 21A Belmore Terrace, Woodville Park SA, 5011, telephone 8440 6722 Note: To obtain a copy of the Job & Person Specification refer to the employment opportunities section on our website Applicants are required to address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. Please quote vacancy number T3888/2006 in your application and forward an original application plus two copies, including the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants may be required to undergo a criminal history check and/or medical examination. Closing Date: 05 Jun 2006 Downloads: Applying for positions at MDC:\Applying for Positions at MDC.doc Job & Person Specification:\AS03.doc 89 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 CLIENT SUPPORT/FRONT OFFICE MANAGER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 3865/2006 Duties: Within a Primary Health Care setting, the Client Support/Office Coordinator is responsible for managing the provision of a timely, responsive, customer focused health information and client support service including referrals for service into Murray Mallee Community Health Service (MMCHS), ensuring a confidential and reliable records management system, ensuring a timely and accurate database and client reporting system and coordinating administrative support services to staff of the Health Service. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Murray Mallee Community Health Service) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Lee-Anne Davis, Manager, Health Information & Business Support, telephone 8535 6720, email Applications to: Ms Linda Thompson, Human Resources Consultant, Murray Bridge Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc, PO Box 346 , Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8535 6777, email Note: Applicants should obtain the Job and Person Specification and address the Person Specification. Applicants should also include the name, address and contact number of three (3) current work referees. Please forward an original application plus three copies and note the vacancy number on each copy of the application letter. Job and Person Specifications are available from Lee-Anne Davis, telephone 8535 6720 or email : Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J & P Specification:\Client Sup-Front Office Mger ASO3.doc Guidelines for Job Applicants:\Guidelines for Job Applicants.doc ASO3 SENIOR SALARIES OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 3827/2006 Duties: Responsible for providing a payroll service that results in the timely and accurate payment of salaries and wages, of a more complex nature, by ensuring the integrity of data processed via the hospital's HR/Payroll system, and by ensuring it is compliant with appropriate awards, agreements, policies and procedures employed at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Special Conditions: There are 2 permanent full-time positions available. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Must be prepared to work flexibly and undertake out of hours work as required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Corporate - HR Systems & Payroll Services) Enquiries to: Rex Mead, HR Systems & Payroll Services Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7313, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 90 ($43385.00/46453.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTANT ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 3895/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of an effective Human Resource support function to the Mental Health Directorate. To assist with the delivery of an advisory service on a range of human resource matters, issues, policies, practices and procedures. To work closely with the Senior Human Resources Adviser, Mental Health Directorate and other Human Resources staff in the effective application of human resource and industrial relations functions and practices across the Directorate. Special Conditions: Participate in any performance development system required by the Region and any associated development activities. Some out of hours work may be required, especially during peak periods or periods of leave. Have a flexible approach to working hours. Undertake staff rotation within the region as required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Mental Health Directorate) Enquiries and Applications to: Sam Contarino, Senior HR Adviser, CNAHS, Mental Health Directorate, PO Box 17, Fullarton, 5063, telephone 08 83031213, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: ASO-4 HR Consultant:\HR Consultant MHD ASO4.doc ASO4 91 COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 15/11/2006) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3815/2006 Duties: Provision of health services that contribute to the improvement of the health status of young people and their families by utilising the principles of Primary Health Care and Health Promotion. Responsible for a range of functions that can include undertaking research into the health needs of young people, for developing, implementing and evaluating programs that enhance health and well-being, for providing assessment, counselling and referral options for young people, and for participating in the development of policies and practices for the organisation. Special Conditions: This appointment will be subject to a satisfactory offender history check; possession of a current driver’s licence and the willingness to drive; flexibility in working hours, including being rostered to work on the Youth Healthline outside of ordinary working hours; participation in the organisations performance management process; to work in a number of locations and to relocate (as required) to meet service delivery and or organisational requirements; to travel intra or interstate, which may involve overnight absences (as required). Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service - Child and Youth Health) Further Information: http://www.\, Enquiries to: Ms Kim Holmes, Regional Manager, The Second Story, Central, telephone 8232 0233, email Applications to: Ms Kim Veal, Administration Officer, The Second Story - Central, 57 Hyde Street, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8232 0233, email Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification (available from Child and Youth Health employment link), job number and include details of three current referees. Please note that eligibility for Salary Sacrifice at CYH is an attractive advantage to the position. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PAYROLL SUPERVISOR ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 3826/2006 Duties: Responsible for all aspects of payroll functions for employees of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. This entails the coordination, processing and balancing of a weekly payroll and providing supervision, leadership and direction to a team of payroll staff. Participating in the maintenance of appropriate systems and procedures, identifying and conducting training requirements for staff and dealing with complex payroll issues. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Must be prepared to work flexibly and undertake out of hours work as required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Corporate - HR Systems & Payroll Services) Enquiries to: Rex Mead, HR Systems & Payroll Services Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7313, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 ASO5 92 MANAGER - DESKTOP SERVICES, INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 3771/2006 Duties: The Manager – Desktop Services is accountable to the Manager, Information Services – Technical, for the management and provision of Desktop Services. This includes all desktop related issues within the Hospital, specifically; resolution of all desktop related helpdesk calls, technical and advisory support, installation and asset management of desktop hardware, patch management, Zenworks – application deployment and policies, SOE’s and support of Hospital specific applications. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required. Some travel intra and interstate may be required. Attendance at relevant meetings and staff development/education as required. Participation in a yearly staff appraisal process. Work may be required in patient treatment, laboratories and other Hospital facilities. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Information Services Department (Corporate Services) Enquiries to: Michael Weeks, Manager, ICT Services, telephone 8161 7237, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King Wiliam Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: JD:\AS05DESKTOPMGR.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 BUSINESS MANAGER ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 3822/2006 Duties: The Business Manager is responsible to the Head of Division and Deputy Heads for the provision of business services within the Division including management and financial accounting, budgeting, human resources, administration, supply and materials management which results in the effective operation of the Division consistent with the policies and objectives of the IMVS. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree, Diploma or Associate Diploma qualification in Accounting, Economics, Commerce, Business Health Administration or related discipline is desirable. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Infectious Diseases Laboratories) Enquiries to: Ms Elizabeth Packer or Dr Geoff Higgins, telephone 8222 3160 or 8222 3378 Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road , Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Christine Nikolaou, telephone 8222 3540, or email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&PS:\ASO-5 BusinessManagerIDL.doc ASO5 93 PROGRAM COORDINATOR REHABILITATION AND RECOVERY (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. TO 28/02/2008) (Advt) C3860/2006 Duties: The Program Coordinator will continue the development of the “Swanport House Community Program” including the management of the project towards intended outcomes, eg supporting service users to achieve optimal health outcomes within the community. The Program Coordinator will continue to update documentation of the model of the program for presentation to service users, service providers, and the funding body. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Travel within the Region is necessary. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Murray Mallee Community Health Service) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Judith Fairlamb, Acting Program Coordinator Rehabilitation and Recovery, telephone 85356800, email Applications to: Ms Linda Thompson, Human Resources Consultant, Murray Bridge Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc, PO Box 346, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8535 6777, email Note: Applicants should obtain the Job and Person Specification and address the Person Specification. Applicants should also include the name, address and contact number of three (3) current work referees. Please forward an original application plus three copies and note the vacancy number on each copy of the application letter. Job and Person Specifications are available from Melissa Detchon, telephone 85356944 or email : Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guidelines for Job Applicants:\Guidelines for Job Applicants.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO6 OHS&W TEAM LEADER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 6 MONTHS) (Advt) C3437/2006 Amended To: ASO6 OHS&W TEAM LEADER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) C3437/2006 Duties: The Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Team Leader is responsible to drive the effective planning, implementation, management and review of Occupational Health, Safety & Injury Management Systems throughout JFS and ensure compliance with legislation and Work Cover performance standards. Amended Special Conditions: This position will be filled as a contract appointment for 12 months. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Person History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Fullarton) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Julia Farr Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Deb Guscott, A/Director of Business Services, telephone 8372 1412 Applications to: Ms Josie Callisto, A/Manager Employee Services, 103 Fisher Street, Fullarton, 5063 Amended Note: Visit our web site where you will find lots of information about JFS as well as the position Job and Person Specification. Alternatively, telephone 8372 1411 and we will gladly send you an information pack. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. " Please note change to duration." Closing date for applications is 26 June 2006. Closing Date: 26 Jun 2006 ASO6 94 MANAGER COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2008) (Advt) C3452/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of appropriate and focused community service that optimises client/patient outcomes by promoting primary health care initiatives and support services. Responsible for the effective operation and management of the Activity Centre, Allied Health professionals, Community Nursing services and Home Services. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and intra-state travel may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police Records check. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Ceduna) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Ceduna District Health Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Ray Matthews, Chief Executive Officer, Ceduna District Health Services, PO Box 178, Ceduna, 5690, telephone 86262 110, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Marie Liddle, telephone 86262 110, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the criteria listed in the Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 02 Jun 2006 Downloads: job description:\CDHS CHS Manager_1.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 PRODUCT MANAGER, COUNTRY CME (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 3802/2006 Duties: The Product Manager, Country CME is responsible for the development and implementation of strategies that will maximise the effective use of information for the Country Health Units. The role will have a particular focus on improved communication services, access to and use of information across Community Health and its stakeholders and take a key role in the development of an information strategy for the division. An integral component will also be the effective management of the Country CME to ensure it continues to support the information and service delivery needs of the division. The role will require strong and effective relationships, interaction and consultation with key stakeholders involved with the provision of health services. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Out of hours work and intrastate and interstate travel may be required. Participate in Performance Review and Development Process. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Riverland Regional Health Service Inc) Enquiries to: Mr N DiSisto, Chief Executive Officer/ Regional General Manager, telephone 85802 450, email Applications to: Ms J Farrent, Human Resource Officer, Riverland Regional Health Service Inc, Maddern Street, Berri, 5343, telephone 8580 2423, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements of the Job and Person Specification. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: ASO6_ProductManagerCountryCME.doc:\ASO6_ProductManagerCountryCME.d oc 95 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 MEDICAL OFFICERS MD2 Level CONSULTANT RHEUMATOLOGIST 1-9/ (PART-TIME) ($99170.00/130490.00) Vacancy No. MD2 Level ($116811.00/130490.00) 3886/2006 5-9/ ($118333.00/155706.00) MD2G Level 1-9 Duties: Responsible for delivery of high quality Rheumatology inpatient/outpatient care and participation in the Rheumatology Department medical responsibilities. Required to undertake undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and to participate in quality assurance activities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate Specialist Qualifications for Consultant/Senior Consultant registrable as a Specialist with the Medical Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30.4 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Organisation of and/or delivery of research projects and training. Participation in a roster for General Medicine inpatient and Rheumatology consultations of five sessions per week. One or more Outpatient sessions per week as directed. 0.25fte is seconded to work with the University of Adelaide at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital worksite. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Medicine - Rheumatology) Enquiries to: Dr Maureen Rischmueller, Head of Unit, Rheumatology, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6688, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 96 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 MEDICAL OFFICERS (Continued) MD2 Level MEDICAL HEAD, INTENSIVE CARE UNIT 1-9/ (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($99170.00/130490.00) MD2G (Advt) ($118333.00/155706.00) Vacancy No. T3839/2006 Duties: Responsible for the delivery of a high quality, Level III Intensive Care service and is required to undertake clinical duties in Intensive Care Medicine. Required to undertake undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, research and to participate in quality assurance activities of the Intensive Care Unit. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate Specialist Qualifications for Consultant/Senior Consultant registrable as a Specialist with the Medical Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Participation in a 24/7 roster for the Intensive Care Unit. Work outside normal hours and on-call duties will be required. Required to participate in research, teaching and administrative activities. Participation in the Patient Retrieval Service, Home and Hospital Parenteral Nutrition Service. Appropriate academic status at the University of Adelaide may be available. This position is temporary from 1/7/06 until 30/6/07. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Critical Care - Intensive Care Unit) Enquiries to: Professor Don Moyes, Co-Director Critical Care, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6640, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Irene Beatty, Executive Secretary, Anaesthesia, telephone 8222 6640, or email Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 97 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 MEDICAL OFFICERS (Continued) MD2 Level 5-9/ MD2G Level 5-9 98 DIRECTOR OF CLINICAL SERVICES (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($116811.00/130490.00) Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (MORE THAN ONE ($139384.00/155706.00) C3740/2006 POSITION) (Advt) Duties: It is envisaged that the incumbents achieve devolution of authority and responsibility as near as practicable to the point of service delivery, establish clear lines of accountability and open the organisation to external scrutiny, facilitate and promote a team approach on the part of staff to facilitate optimal service outcomes and greater patient satisfaction, and provide the opportunity for staff and customers to participate in the on-going evaluation of organisational performance and the determination of future directions. In the provision of clinical services it requires that such services are,based on evidence based practice, benchmarked for best practice, provided in a manner that is patient focused. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate Specialist Qualification for a Consultant/Senior Consultant registrable as a Specialist with the Medical Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: This is a contract position for up to 5 years. More than one position available. Must participate in the Service’s after hours on-call emergency roster. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required. Intra and inter state travel may be required.A formal review of performance/appraisal will be conducted annually. May be required to work at any site within Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. A limited right of private practice may be granted. Location: Adelaide Metro (Adelaide) Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS - Mental Health Directorate - Eastern Community Mental Health Service) Enquiries to: Dr Darryl Watson or Ms Barbara Wieland, GM Early Intervention and Acute Services, GM Rehabilitation & Recovery Services, telephone 0414 638 750 or 0419 200 002 Applications to: Ms Janet Aguilera, HRC/Administrative Manager, ECMHS, 25 Payneham Road, College Park, 5069, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ardys Craggs, telephone 8130-1300 or email forward an original signed application plus three copies, applicants should include the name, address and contact numbers of three current work related referees. Applicants are requested to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the job and person specification. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 MEDICAL OFFICERS (Continued) MDP2/ MDP2G RESIDENT MEDICAL OFFICER/ REGISTRAR (NON-TRAINING POSITIONS) INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/01/2007) ($50319.00/75066.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) ($54159.00/86743.00) T3824/2006 Duties: Provide medical services in the ICU to ensure the highest standard of patient care. Liaise with other relevant departments in matters pertaining to the provision of clinical care in the ICU. Ensure co-ordinated provision of acute services by liaising with the ambulance service, general practitioners, community health nurses, domiciliary care services, etc as required. Ensure that every patient admitted to the ICU has a thorough formal assessment and management plan fashioned in consultation with the ICU specialists. Comply with clinical protocols, standards of care and treatment strategies as directed by the Medical Head of Unit. Essential Minimum Qualifications: MBBS (Medical Bachelor/Bachelor of Surgery) or equivalent acceptable for full registration with the Medical Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: this is a temporary position up to 30/01/07. Participation in rosters covering night and weekend work. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Intensive Care Unit) Enquiries to: Cathy Bedford, Administrative Assistant, Intensive Care Unit, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 8282 0890, email Applications to: Kirsteen Knevitt, Medical Administration, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, 5112 Note: NB. Closing date for this position is Friday, 02 June 2006. The successful applicant will have at least two years clinical experience (ie PGY3 or above). Please provide an original and three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 02 Jun 2006 99 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 MEDICAL OFFICERS (Continued) MDP4/ MDP4G SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER (PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) (Advt) ($90382.00/102864.00) ($104965.00/119462.00) Vacancy No. 3786/2006 Duties: As a member of a multi-disciplinary team, the Senior Medical Practitioner will promote the health and wellbeing of the community by providing responsive primary health care services, programs and activities which are based on social justice and a social view of health. This will be achieved through the ongoing development, provision and evaluation of clinical and non-clinical medical services within a primary health care and public health framework. The position has a focus on women’s health, including youth, indigenous and newly arrived migrant communities. It requires working in collaboration with diverse communities and organisations. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Medical Bachelor and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) registrable with the Medical Board of South Australia as a Medical Practitioner Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 45.6 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. More than one position available. Some out of hours work may be required. Must possess a current driver's licence and be willing to drive. Required to work from any location within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Required to work within the administrative policies and procedures of CNAHS and DHS. May be required to provide clinical services in community locations (for example home visits and outreach locations). Location: Adelaide Metro (Angle Park/Port Adelaide) Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS Western Primary Health Care Services) Enquiries to: Ms Michelle Hogan, Team Manager, Primary Health Care Western, telephone 8444 0700, email Applications to: Human Resource Team, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern Western, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: (Full-time and Part-time applications will be considered). Contact - Dale St Women's Health Michelle Hogan 8444 0700, email Parks Community Health Charlie Murray 8243 5611, email Job and Person Specifications are available from the Human Resource Team on 8342 8600 or email Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specifications and address the criteria. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 100 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS EN ENROLLED NURSE MENTAL HEALTH (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($35107.00/41235.00) Vacancy No. 3870/2006 Duties: The incumbent is responsible to the TL Community Mental Health for assisting in the provision of a range of mental health care services, based on primary health care principles with the Northern & Far Western Regional Health Service. Teamwork with the other providers, both within the health service and others in the region, is essential. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Enrolled or eligible for enrolment as a Nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 64 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Initially rostered over 5 days, Monday to Friday. The position serves the Port Augusta and Far North region, based at Port Augusta. Must possess a current drivers licence and be willing to travel substantial distances in the course of duties by car and/or light plane. Some out of hours work, intrastate travel and occasional absences from Port Augusta will be required. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. The incumbent will be required to participate in appropriate mental health workforce development as directed by their supervisor. Location: Port Augusta Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc.) Enquiries to: Ms Ruth Klee, Team Leader CMH, telephone (08) 8648 5800, email Applications to: Ms Denise Grantham, Human Resource Officer, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc, Hospital Road, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone (08) 8648 5697, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 EN 101 ENROLLED NURSE - ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMA SERVICE (TEMPORARY) (MORE THAN ONE ($35107.00/41235.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) T3778/2006 Duties: Delivers high quality nursing care to individuals and groups of patients under the supervision of a Registered Nurse. Participates in the processes of nursing care delivery, and participates in the maintenance of a physically safe and culturally sensitive environment for customers and staff. Demonstrates a level of performance that meets the professional, legal and ethical requirements of the nursing profession. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Enrolled or eligible for enrolment as a Nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Full time, part time, weekends and night duty positions (including 10 hour night shifts) are available in various areas. Salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Orthopaedic & Trauma Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Su White, Nursing Director, Orthopaedic & Trauma Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8222 5567 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Ph: 82225125. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) EN ENROLLED NURSE - SURGICAL SPECIALTIES SERVICE (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($35107.00/41235.00) Vacancy No. 3780/2006 Duties: Delivers high quality nursing care to individuals and groups of patients under the supervision of a Registered Nurse. Participates in the processes of nursing care delivery, and participates in the maintenance of a physically safe and culturally sensitive environment for customers and staff. Demonstrates a level of performance that meets the professional, legal and ethical requirements of the nursing profession. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Enrolled or eligible for enrolment as a Nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Full time, part time, weekends and night duty positions (including 10 hour night shifts) are available. Salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Surgical Specialties Service) Enquiries to: Ms Lyn Murfitt, Nurse Manager, Surgical Specialties Service, telephone 8222 4564 Applications to: Ms Lyn Green, Nursing Director, Surgical Specialties Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide , 5000 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Ph: 8222 5125. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 EN 102 ENROLLED NURSES (FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($35107.00/41235.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3887/2006 Duties: Works under the direction and supervision of the Registered Nurse to provide nursing care within the specified limits of preparation, knowledge, skills and competence. As a member of the nursing team, is familiar with the hospital policy relating to the role of the Enrolled Nurse and functions within its clearly defined parameters and scope of practice for the Operating Theatres. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Enrolled or eligible for enrolment as a Nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: There are multiple full-time and part-time positions available with salary adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Surgery - Operating Theatres) Enquiries to: Carol Saniotis, Operating Theatres Clinical Nurse Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6000, pager 3407, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M1 MENTAL HEALTH NURSE (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 3842/2006 Duties: The Registered Nurse Mental Health (RNMH) who in collaboration with the Clinical Nurse Manager/Clinical Nurse delivers comprehensive nursing care for groups of patients. The RNMH contributes to maintaining a collaborative relationship with medical, allied health, administrative and ancillary staff in providing a safe environment and quality patient care. Provides support to peers, students and others. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Initial appointment is to the Morier Ward, however there may be a requirement to change location to meet organisational need. Hours rostered over a 28 day roster cycle. Location: Adelaide Metro (Noarlunga Centre) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Noarlunga Health Services - Southern Adelaide Health Services) Enquiries to: Jan Ball or Jane Sabey, Clinical Nurse Managers, Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8384 9619, email Applications to: Fran Beard, Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, NOARLUNGA CENTRE, 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9672, email Note: Applicants are requested to address both the 'essential' and 'desirable' components of the Person Specification as outlined in the Job & Person Specification, which are available from Jan Ball or Jane Sabey, Morier Ward, telephone (08) 8384 9619 or email: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please do not email or fax your application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 103 ($40413.00/54309.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 REGISTERED NURSE ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 3863/2006 Duties: The Mental Health Nurse Level 1 works within a multi disciplinary team designed to provide assertive, intensive, clinical case management to a discrete group of clients whose severity of mental disorder and/or level of disability, high level of service needs and reluctance to engage with services, necessitates pro-active, frequent interventions and follow-up to facilitate improved functioning and community tenure. The Mental Health Nurse Level 1 is involved in the provision of direct and comprehensive nursing care to clients and is responsible, as a practitioner in a multidisciplinary team, for the provisions of clinical case management of a designated group of clients. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and/or Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Initially appointed to Mobile Assertive Team within Community Rehabilitation And Recovery Services in the Outer South, but may be required to move to another team/location within the region. Initially rostered over 7 days. Will be required to travel between locations and work within the client’s own environment within metropolitan region. Interstate travel may be required. A current drivers licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Noarlunga Health Services - Community Mental Health Services Southern Adelaide Health Services) Enquiries to: John Strachan, Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8384 9599, email Applications to: Jodie Pollard, Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, P.O. Box 437, NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA , 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9515, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from John Strachan, telephone (08) 8384 9599, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please do not email or fax your application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 104 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 REGISTERED NURSE - ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMA SERVICE (TEMPORARY) (MORE THAN ONE ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) T3777/2006 Duties: Accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing care to patients. Demonstrates clinical nursing knowledge and skill relevant to the area of practice and utilises evidence-based practice to achieve quality patient outcomes. Contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for patients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Full time, part time, weekends and night duty positions (including 10 hour night shifts) are available in various areas. Salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Orthopaedic & Trauma Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Su White, Nursing Director, Orthopaedic & Trauma Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8222 5567 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Ph: 8222 5125. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 RN1 REGISTERED NURSE - SURGICAL SPECIALTIES SERVICE (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 3779/2006 Duties: Demonstrates a level of performance that meets the professional, legal and ethical obligations of the nursing profession. Demonstrates clinical nursing knowledge and skill relevant to the area of practice and utilises evidence-based practice to achieve quality patient outcomes. Contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for patients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Full time, part time, weekends and night duty positions (including 10 hour night shifts) are available. Salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Surgical Specialties Service) Enquiries to: Ms Lyn Murfitt, Nursing Director, Surgical Specialties Service, telephone 8222 4564, email Applications to: Ms Lyn Green, Nursing Director, Surgical Specialties Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide , 5000 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Ph: 8222 5125. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 105 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 REGISTERED NURSE LEVEL 1 (FULL-TIME, PART-TIME OR CASUAL) (Advt) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 3798/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of direct and comprehensive nursing care to patients/resident within the practice setting. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: The position is offered on a full-time, part-time or casual basis and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked, with a 20% loading applied to casual positions in lieu of sick and annual leave. Accommodation is provided in the Nurses Home, both for singles and short term for couples. Initially rostered over 7 days. Location: South East Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service inc - Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc) Enquiries to: Ms L Southall, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc, telephone 8767 0222, email Applications to: Ms L Siegloff, Executive officer/Director of Nursing, Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc, Young Street , Kingston SE, 5275, telephone 8767 0222, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Liz Southall, telephone 8767 0222, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN1 Registered Nurse Kingston Sep04.doc 106 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 CLINICAL NURSE - NURSING INFORMATION SYSTEMS (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 3818/2006 Duties: The Clinical Nurse is accountable to the Nurse Manager, Nursing Information Systems, for providing transformational leadership to assist with the efficient management and effective co-ordination of the nursing automated systems, including nursing clinical information systems, nurse rostering systems and other related systems in addition to maintaining software. Participates in the ongoing development of nursing care delivery through managing and supporting clinical information systems that assists nurses to provide evidence based care that is consumer focused.. Contributes in developing processes and reports to assist in identifying risks and to enable nurses to monitor financial and clinical outcomes. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 48 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Will be required to undertake 360° Performance Review annually. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Nursing Information Systems) Enquiries to: Jo Robertson, Nursing Information Systems, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 818 29415, email Applications to: Peter Bedford, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA , 5112, email Note: Please provide an original and three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 107 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 108 RESEARCH NURSE, CENTRE FOR PAEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT GASTROENTEROLOGY (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 6 MONTHS) T3725/2006 Duties: Involved in clinical research conducted at the Centre for Paediatric and Adolescent Gastroenterology (CPAG) and assists in ensuring the successful outcome of all project(s) as determined by the all site staff and CPAG. Works in collaboration with the Director, CPAG, the Chief Medical Scientist, the Clinical Trials CO-ordinator, Staff Gastroenterologists, the Designate Nurse, other Clinical Nurses, other Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses and members of the Allied Health care team within a multi-disciplinary environment. Is an active member of the Clinical Research Team and may be associated with several projects concurrently. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position available for 6 months, working 0.6 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Possession of a current drivers licence and willingness to drive is required. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Centre for Paediatric and Adolescent Gastroenterology (Division of Paediatric Medicine) Enquiries to: Carmela Sergi, Business Support Officer, telephone 8161 7496, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: jd:\RN2GASTROMAY06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 109 COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINICAL NURSE (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3783/2006 Duties: As a member of a multidisciplinary team, the Community Health Clinical Nurse will promote the health and wellbeing of newly arrived refugees, humanitarian entrants and asylum seekers in a manner consistent with the Ottawa Charter in the context of the CNPHCS Strategic Plan. This will be achieved by providing culturally responsive primary health care services, programs and activities which are based on social justice and a social view of health whilst working in collaboration with communities and relevant organisations within government and other sectors. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS Central Eastern Primary Health Care) Enquiries to: Ms Terry Stewart, Community Nurse Consultant, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern, telephone 8237 3900, email Applications to: Human Resource Team, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern Western, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the Human Resource Team on 8342 8600 or email Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specifications and address the criteria. Applicants should include the name, Address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 CLINICAL NURSE - NURSING QUALITY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 3724/2006 Duties: The Clinical Nurse (NQIS) is required to work in collaboration with NQIS Manager to provide a customer focused service and to ensure the efficient and effective management of NQIS. Using their expertise in nursing and information technology, the Clinical Nurse will plan and coordinate services related to Nursing Quality and Information Systems (NQIS). The Clinical Nurse will be required to carry out the system administrations for staffing and patient care programs such as Excelcare and ProAct and their related interfaces. The Clinical Nurse will also identify clinical nursing practices that may need investigation through quality improvement or research activities and carry out designated quality management activities/recommend and implement appropriate practice. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Will be required to undertake a Health Assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Must be available for on-call roster with out-of-hours remote modem sessions and call-in required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Nursing Quality and Information Systems) Enquiries to: Ms Virginia McMillan, Manager, Nursing Quality and Information Systems, telephone 8204 5757, email Applications to: Ms Tania Corr, Client Service Officer, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 3724/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 110 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE NURSE (PART-TIME) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 3844/2006 Duties: A registered nurse who is a member of a multi-disciplinary team. Utilising a Primary Health Care (PHC) approach, is responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating PHC nursing initiatives. Provides assessment and counselling for individuals and families, group education and health promotion activities, and community development initiatives for the community. In collaboration with team members, other agencies and the community, participates in the planning and delivery of services responsive to identified community needs Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.6 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health service. May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to engagement. Appointment may be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Noarlunga Health Services - Community Health Services - Southern Adelaide Health Services) Enquiries to: Mary Morriss, Assistant Director Primary Health Care, Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8384 9272, email Applications to: Jodie Pollard, Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, P.O. Box 437, NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA, 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9515, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mary Morriss, telephone (08) 8384 9272, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please do not email or fax your application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 111 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 112 CLINICAL NURSE - ACUTE & AGED CARE (FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 3800/2006 Duties: Assist with the coordination of patient/resident care activities and organisation of the acute, emergency and aged care areas. Delivers direct comprehensive nursing care and individual case management to patients within the organisation. Provide leadership and direction to other nursing staff and other health professionals. Contributes to maintaining the quality of care within the hospital by assisting the Clinical Nurse Consultant to create an environment conducive to learning, by ensuring that a team approach is adopted, and by meeting the standards for nursing practice, professional behaviours, and standards relating to the manner in which staff interact with each other, patients/residents and their families. As a member of the clinical leadership team, assist with activities to action research, continuous improvement and staff and patient education as well as being involved in processes associated with staff development and appraisal. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: The position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis including job share and flexible working arrangements. Salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Initially rostered over 5 days. A current driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. May be required to work at other health units within the Region under the staff sharing agreement and may also be required to work in other health units as part of an ongoing professional development program for which support will be given. May be required to backfill for leave in the Clinical Nurse Consultants position. Location: South East (Kingston SE) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms L Siegloff, Executive Officer/Director of Nursing, Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc, Young Street, Kingston SE, 5275, telephone 8767 0222, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Lesley Siegloff, telephone 8767 0222, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN2 Aged Care Kingston Nov05.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 CLINICAL NURSE RELIEVER - SURGICAL UNIT ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 3823/2006 Duties: He/she will take delegated responsibility from the Clinical Nurse Consultant. The Clinical Nurse Reliever gives and assists other nurses to give care to patients/clients/residents and facilitates staff development, patient/client/resident teaching and nursing research. The Clinical Nurse Reliever monitors, promotes and fosters a culture centred around customer services, and a multi disciplinary team approach to work practices and work operations. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a permanent position relieving the Clinical Nurse in his/her absence. Up to 38 hours per week over a 7-day roster. Some travel within the region or state may be required. May be required to provide nurse relief in other units within the Service and/or region. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - Mount Gambier & Districts Health Service Inc) Enquiries to: Ms S Bryan, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Mount Gambier & Districts Health Service Inc, telephone 8721 1268, email Applications to: Ms A Nitschke, Personnel Consultant, Mount Gambier & Districts Health Service Inc, PO Box 267, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 8721 1528, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Susan Bryan, telephone 8721 1268, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN2 Clinical Nurse Rel Su May06.doc 113 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN3 Band A 114 CLINICAL NURSE MANAGER - CLINICAL TRIAL UNIT - DIVISION OF MEDICINE (Advt) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 3817/2006 Duties: The Clinical Nurse Manager is responsible and accountable for the standards of care and services provided ensuring that the management of clinical activities is effective, professional and caring. The Clinical Nurse Manager acts as the Coordinator of the Clinical Trials Unit in all matters pertaining to patient/client care and trials management in consultation with other health care providers and researchers. The Clinical Nurse Manager acts as a role model in respects of care management and expected leadership behaviours The Clinical Nurse Manager provides transformational leadership and acts as an expert nursing consultant within the department, to other nursing staff and other health professionals. The Clinical Nurse Manager maintains high standards of patient care by creating an environment conducive to learning, establishing a team approach, setting and meeting the standards for nursing practice and standards relating to the manner in which staff interact with others. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some intrastate, interstate and overseas travel may be required. Some out of hours work may be required. Will be required to undertake a Performance Review annually, based on set objectives and key performance indicators. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Division of Medicine) Enquiries and Applications to: Lesley Attrill, Nursing Director, Medicine & Imaging, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, 5112, telephone 818 29315, email Note: Please provide an original and three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN3 Band A 115 CLINICAL NURSE CONSULTANT, WARD 5C, ORTHOPAEDICS & PLASTICS (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3787/2006 Duties: Responsible for the effective management of Nursing care and Patient service functions, as well as human, material and financial resource issues at unit level in liaison with the Nursing Director, Nurse Manager and Business manager. Responsible for providing high quality leadership to all staff within the unit to ensure satisfaction and staff retention is maintained. He/She will ensure patient care and services are continually evaluated and improved by maximizing the participation of staff and consumers. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to have a health assessment. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. May be required to work at any site within Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Surgical & Specialty Services Division - Ward 5C - Orthopaedics & Plastics) Enquiries to: Annette Boonen, Nursing Director, Surgical & Specialty Services Division, telephone 8204 4464, email Applications to: Ms Tania Corr, Client Service Officer, Human Resources, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: FMC offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a job and person specification please download a copy or contact the enquiry person. Applicants are requested to quote job number in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Job Spec CNC 5C.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN3 Band A 116 CLINICAL NURSE MANAGER - ENDOSCOPY (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3768/2006 Duties: The Clinical Nurse Manager of the Endoscopy Unit is responsible for the effective management and coordination of services for patients in the Endoscopy suite at Flinders Medical Centre. The Clinical Nurse Manager is responsible for the management of human, material and financial resources within the unit, as well as ensuring optimal patient care outcomes. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Will be required to undertake a Health Assessment prior to commencement. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Surgical and Specialty Services Division Endoscopy Unit) Enquiries to: Ms Annette Boonen, Nursing Director, Surgical and Specialty Services, telephone 8204 4464, email Applications to: Ms Tania Corr, Client Service Officer, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number T3768/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN3 Band A 117 CLINICAL NURSE CONSULTANT - SURGICAL SPECIALTIES SERVICE ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 3781/2006 Duties: Responsible for providing an expert case management and liaison service for patients, their carers and their health service providers. Coordinates, facilitates implementation of and evaluates care management plans for patients with complex health needs in collaboration with other members of the health care team. The CNC Neurosurgery Case Manager promotes the improvement of patient outcomes by initiating and participating in research, development and evaluation of policy and practice guidelines, and by providing information, education and direction in relation to neurosurgical nursing practices and ongoing care to the wider community. The CNC Neurosurgery Case Manager demonstrates leadership capacity in achieving optimal department performance, including the coordination of appropriate data collation to monitor outcomes. Communicates effectively across a multi-disciplinary team, ensuring seamless care is achieved and is adept in conflict resolution, and problem solving within the framework of their practice area. The CNC Neurosurgery Case Manager has a commitment to quality improvement through critical reflective processes with the aim to achieve a link between theory, research and clinical practice. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Permanent, full time position, initially rostered over 5 days. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Surgical Specialties Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Lyn Green, Nursing Director, Surgical Specialties Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide , 5000, telephone 8222 4508, email Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact numbers of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Ph: 8222 5125. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\CNC-Neuro-May06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN3 Band A 118 INPATIENT CNC - MENTAL HEALTH (Advt) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 3794/2006 Duties: Responsible for the development and implementation of mental health policy and procedures and improving modes of mental health service delivery within the Whyalla Hospital. This will involve consulting with the Director of Nursing, Regional Mental Health Coordinator, Nurse Unit Managers, nursing staff and other key stakeholders, and developing strategies to assist in their implementation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Initially rostered over 5 days, Monday - Friday. Willingness to undertake inservice training in locations as required. Some overtime and on-call duties may be required. A current South Australian driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Whyalla Hospital and Health Services Inc.) Enquiries to: Marlene Kenny, Nurse Unit Manager, telephone 86488300 Applications to: Ms K Burns, Human Resource Assistant, The Whyalla Hospital and Health Services Inc., PO Box 267, Whyalla, 5600, telephone 86488524, email Note: Applicants are required to address the criteria listed in the Person Specification in their application. A detailed Job and Person Specification is available from the Human Resource Department, telephone 86488524, or email Applications will not be accepted via email or fax, please forward four complete sets of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information and all vacant listings for the Region can be obtained from our Website Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: j&p:\MH CNC June 06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS6 119 SNR OPTIONS CO-ORDINATOR - ADULT PHYSICAL AND NEUROLOIGICAL (APN) (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($58622.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. T3828/2006 Duties: The Senior Options Co-ordinator is responsible for the leadership, support, direction and supervision of a team that provides services to individuals with disability and their significant others. The Senior Options Co-ordinator, in consultation with the APN Manager, will take leadership in the planning, development and support of community based services and consumer groups. The Senior Options Co-ordinator, as an active member of the APN Management Team, is responsible for communication between the Intake teams and APN Management. Special Conditions: This position is temporary with the Intake and Assessment Team for up to 6 months. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Person History Check. JFS employees are required to commit to and contribute to organisational Strategic Direction and Strategic Goals. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Julia Farr Services) Further Information: http:/ Enquiries to: Ms Ged Nicholas, A/Manager APN, telephone 8272 1988 Applications to: Ms Josie Callisto, A/Director of Business Services, 103 Fisher Street, Fullarton, 5063 Note: Visit our web site where you will find lots of information about JFS including the position Job and Person Specification or telephone 8372 1411 and we will gladly send you an information pack. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM PSO1 SOCIAL WORKER (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 3804/2006 Duties: The Social Worker is responsible to the Team Leader, Children and Families Team, Adelaide Hills community for the provision of a professional social work service to identified paediatric clients of the E.I. program and their families within the Adelaide Hills region. As a member of the social work team, the Social Worker is responsible for contributing to achievement of organisation goals, including response to community needs, with a particular focus on children and families.The Social Worker using a primary health care and social justice approach is response for providing a case management service, education and community programs to individuals and groups. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of office hours may be required. Willingness to work in any location within the service region. Current Drivers licence and willingness to drive is essential. Home visiting and working within community settings may be required. The incumbent will be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific or service program outcomes. The incumbent will participate in special projects as required. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Police Record Check. Location: Adelaide Hills (Mount Barker) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Adelaide Hills Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Ms Jolie Thomas, Team Leader, Children and Families Team - Adelaide Hills Community Health Service, telephone 83931833, email Applications to: Ms Jane Tassie, Director, Adelaide Hills Community Health Service, PO Box 42, Mount Barker, 5251, telephone 8393 1833, email Note: Applicants should obtain the Job & Person Specification and address the Person Specification. Applicants should also include the name, address and contact number of three current work referees. Job & Person Specifications are available from Ms Heather Warnett, telephone 8393 1833 or Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: How to Apply:\How to apply.doc Job Description:\Copy Paediatric Social Worker PSO1.DOC 120 ($40626.00/51874.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 121 COUNSELLOR (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT FOR 2 YEARS) C3857/2006 Duties: As a member of a multi-disciplinary team, the counsellor will promote the health and wellbeing of the community by providing responsive primary health care services, programs and activities which are based on social justice and a social view of health whilst working in collaboration with communities and relevant organisations within government and other sectors. This position will focus primarily on the provision of individual and group assessment and therapy services to men who use violence towards their family members. Current Domestic Violence competency and accountability standards for working with men inform the mode and intervention and the philosophy underpinning this position. The counsellor is required to contribute to the planning, development and evaluation of services which address social and emotional health issues. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate qualification from a recognised tertiary institution giving eligibility for membership with the relevant professional association where appropriate (ie. social work or Psychology). Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work will be required. Must possess a current driver's licence and be willing to drive. Required to work from any location within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Required to work within the administrative policies and procedures of CNAHS and DHS Location: Adelaide Metro (Sefton Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS Central Eastern Primary Health Care) Enquiries to: Ms Kay Johnston, Senior Social Worker, Primary Health Care Central Eastern, telephone 8342 8600, email Applications to: Human Resource Team, Primary Health Care Services Central Eastern Western, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the Human Resource Team on 8342 8600 or email Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specifications and address the criteria. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST - DOMICILIARY CARE/ACAT (Advt) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 3806/2006 Duties: The incumbent is a member of a multidisciplinary team and is responsible to the Team Leader Dom Care for the provision of occupational therapy services to communities served by the Flinders and Far North Community Health Service (a division of the Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc. Occupational Therapy services to be provided include case management, assessment, review, rehabilitation, education and health promotion activities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as an Occupational Therapist with the Occupational Therapists Board of SA. Special Conditions: Hours of duty - 37.5 hours per week Monday to Friday. Some out of hours work will be required. Will be required to travel extensively throughout the region either by car or plane, resulting in overnight stays away from Port Augusta. A SA Drivers licence is essential. Maybe required to relieve other Occupational Therapists working within the Community Health Service. Hours negotiable. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. Location: Port Augusta Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc.) Enquiries to: Ms Heather Franklin, Team Leader Dom Care, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc., telephone (08) 8648 5706, email Applications to: Ms Denise Grantham, Human Resource Officer, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Services Inc., Hospital Road, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone (08) 8648 5697, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 PSO1 122 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST - COMMUNITY & ALLIED HEALTH SERVICES (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3851/2006 Duties: Develop, provide and evaluate occupational therapy services for patients of Noarlunga Hospital and Health. Services are provided across the continuum of hospital and community and often within multi-disciplinary teams. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as a Occupational Therapist. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to work at various Noarlunga Health Service locations or community locations. Location: Adelaide Metro (Noarlunga Centre) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Services - Noarlunga Health Services) Enquiries to: Sandra Mortimer, A/Chief Occupational Therapist, Allied Health, telephone (08) 8392 4500, email Applications to: Fran Beard, Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, NOARLUNGA CENTRE, 5168, telephone 8384 9672, email Note: Applicants are required to address both 'essential' and 'desirable' components of the person specification as outlined in the Job & Person Specification which are available from Sandra Mortimer, A/Chief Occupational Therapist, Southern Vales Community Health Centre, (08) 8392 4500 or email: Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are requested not to email or fax their applicants. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) 123 PSO1 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, WESTERN MOBILE ASSERTIVE CARE TEAM (Advt) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 3864/2006 Duties: Working within a multidisciplinary Mobile Assertive Care Team, provides assertive, intensive clinical case management to a discrete group of clients whose severity of mental disorder and/or level of disability, high level of service needs and reluctance to engage with services, necessitates proactive, frequent interventions and follow-up, in order to facilitate improved functioning and community tenure. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree or other qualification which gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Will be required to travel between locations and work within clients' own environment within the metropolitan region. Intrastate travel may be required. Current unrestricted driver's licence is essential. Rostered over 7 days. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Mental Health - Western Mobile Assertive Care Team) Enquiries to: Dermot McNeill, Team Leader, Western Mobile Assertive Care Team, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 8929, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 PSO1 PHYSIOTHERAPIST (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3801/2006 Duties: Provides professional physiotherapy services to patients of TQEH and participates in departmental administration, education and continuous quality improvement projects, as appropriate, that contribute to improved clinical outcomes. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree or other qualification which entitles registration as a Physiotherapist. Special Conditions: There is 1 permanent and 1 temporary (26/06/06 to 13/08/07) full-time positions available. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Nursing, Patient Care & Support Services - Physiotherapy) Enquiries to: Lynne Wakefield, Physiotherapy Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7320, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Judy Barker or Karla Jones, telephone 8222 7320, or email or Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (PART-TIME) (Advt-Recirc) Vacancy No. 3028/2006 Duties: The focus of this position will be working with children (particularly young boys) and families who have been affected by domestic violence. The Occupational Therapist is responsible for the development, coordination, implementation and maintenance of an appropriate Occupational Therapy service within the Northern Violence Intervention Program Team. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.50 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Central Northern Primary Health Care Services - North/North East - Northern Violence Intervention Program) Enquiries to: Liz Teesdale-Smith, Manager, Northern Violence Intervention Program, telephone 8396 1345, email Applications to: Susan Stringer, Human Resource Officer, Central Northern Primary Health Care Services - North/North East, 77 Smart Road, Modbury, 5092, telephone 8263 1155, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Maxine Nicks, telephone 8396 1345, or Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 PSO2 124 ($55298.00/61944.00) SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. TO 8/06/2007) T3578/2006 Duties: The occupant is responsible for developing and implementing clinical Occupational Therapy services for allocated clients of the RAH Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit. In collaboration with other team members, their contribution will result in maximum development of potential and minimisation of the affects of disabilities and/or disease. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 52.50 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - RAH - Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre) Enquiries to: Wendy Forster, Manager, Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit, telephone 8222 1965, email Applications to: Mary Staunton, A/Manager, Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-255 Hampstead Road, Northfield, 5085 Note: Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the Job & Person Specification in their application. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Human Resources, telephone 8222 1621, or email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P Specification:\PSO2 Senior Occ Ther.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 125 SOCIAL WORKER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3812/2006 Duties: Provision of social work services specifically related to complex parenting and parent child relationships through individual case work, group work, community development activities and the provision of resources. The Social Worker will also be expected to take part in program development and evaluation, supporting other Children, Youth and Women's Health Service staff in their provision of services and in the development of Best Practice standards within the organisation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: This appointment will be subject to a satisfactory offender history check; possession of a current driver’s licence and the willingness to drive; flexibility in working hours (including some out of hours work); participation in the organisations performance management process; to relocate (as required) to meet service delivery and or organisational requirements; and to travel intra or interstate, which may involve overnight absences (as required). Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service - Child and Youth Health) Further Information: http://www.\, Enquiries to: Dr Mark McCarthy, Senior Social Worker, Centre for Parenting, telephone 8303 1684, email Applications to: Ms Cindy Choua, Administrative Assistant, Centre for Parenting, Child and Youth Health, 295 South Terrace, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8303 1580, email Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification (available from Child and Youth Health employment link), job number and include details of three current referees. Please note that eligibility for Salary Sacrifice at CYH is an attractive advantage to the position. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR RESEARCH OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T3776/2006 Duties: The position is responsible for providing scientific expertise to the Cardiovascular Research Unit of the Royal Adelaide Hospital. the incumbent is responsible for planning and execution of experiments focusing on research into the role of platelets and the endothelium in Cardiovascular Disease. The particular initial focus of this position will be in Atrial Fibrillation with a view to contributing to the understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease and identifying potential therapeutic options for its treatment. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree in Science (PhD) relevant to cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology plus a minimum of 5 years postdoctoral experience. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 12 months with the possibility of an extension. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Cardiovascular Service - Cardiology Unit) Enquiries to: Professor P Sanders, Director, Electrophysiology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, telephone 8222 2723, email Applications to: Mr M Tsaousoglou, Administration Manager, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Cardiovascular Service, Level 4, East Wing, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace , Adelaide , 5000, telephone 8222 5212, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 126 ($55298.00/61944.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO3 PERINATAL & INFANT MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST (PART-TIME) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 3877/2006 Duties: The PIMHS specialist is responsible for the development and implementation of the PIMHS perinatal and infant mental health therapy service in the provision of specialized perinatal and infant mental health services to families referred to either campus of PIMHS. The specialist will be responsible for the provision of consultation-liaison services to other units within the Division of Mental Health in relation to perinatal and infant mental health, and elsewhere within and outside the Child, Youth and Women’s Health Service (CYWHS) in relation to the assessment and management of families where mentally ill parents and/or their distressed infants are referred following organic workup. The incumbent will be expected to assume a leadership role in the planning, promotion and maintenance of research and ongoing planning and evaluation of perinatal and infant mental health services within CYWHS. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive or; An appropriate Degree in Speech Pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Membership of the Speech Pathology Association of Australia or; A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as an Occupational Therapist or; A Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and registered under the provisions of the Psychological Practices Act, 1973. A relevant undergraduate degree with a post graduate qualification which provides eligibility for membership of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia. Special Conditions: An appropriate Degree in Social Work or an equivalent qualification approved by the Chief Executive or; An appropriate Degree in Speech Pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Membership of the Speech Pathology Association of Australia or; A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as an Occupational Therapist or; A Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and registered under the provisions of the Psychological Practices Act, 1973. A relevant undergraduate degree with a post graduate qualification which provides eligibility for membership of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia. Location: Adelaide CBD (Eastwood) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Division of Mental Health Helen Mayo House) Enquiries to: Ms Sue Ellershaw, Nursing Unit Head , Helen Mayo House, telephone 83031426, email Applications to: Ms Cynthia Lawson, Acting Divisional Operations Manager, CAMHS Executive Unit, 72 King William Road, NORTH ADELAIDE, 5006, telephone 81617389, email Note: Applicants must forward an original application (+ 3 copies) and the name, address and contact number of three referees, and must address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. The WCH requires that applicants clearly state their employee status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&P Description:\WC1036PSO3PIMHSpecialist.doc 127 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM /PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM/ NURSING OFFICERS ASO6/ PSO3/ RN3 Band B PRIMARY HEALTH CARE MANAGER (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) ($64060.00/67989.00) ($70589.00) Vacancy No. 3873/2006 Duties: Responsible for providing leadership and management to the Primary Health Care Team, leading planning processes, facilitating workforce effectiveness, managing physical, human and financial resources, and in conjunction with Community and Allied Health Management Team, developing and implementing strategies to deal with change. The position is also responsible for working with the Regional Director of Community Health and Primary Health Care Programs in service policy development, building and maintaining collaborative relationships with a range of service providers, promoting and achieving quality outcomes for clients and providing a vision for the Community and Allied Health Services Division. Required to contribute to the overall leadership and management of the Community and Allied Health Services Division as an active team member of the Community Health Management team. Will be responsible for ensuring services are planned and implemented according to the Generational Health Review, Health Promotion Policy and the Health promotion and Prevention framework. Responsible for the direct supervision of a number of health promotion related positions that may have regional responsibilities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment to PSO classification: Appropriate qualification from a recognised tertiary institution giving eligibility for membership with the relevant professional association where appropriate. For appointment to RN classification: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Based at Port Pirie. A current drivers licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hours work may be required for which TOIL may be available. Some travel may be required. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Lisa Cockington, Regional Director Community Health & Primary Health Care Program, telephone 86384437, email Applications to: Mr Bill Slattery, Director Human Resources and Risk Management, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384636, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 128 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM TGO0/ TGO1 TECHNICAL OFFICER ($16284.00/40029.00) ($30828.00/45072.00) Vacancy No. 3811/2006 Duties: The Technical Officer will be required to perform routine automated and manual diagnostic Biochemistry, Immunoassay and Haematology investigations in the Express Laboratory. Tasks include operating a variety of automated analysers including maintenance, quality control, evaluation/reporting of associated results and specimen reception. The incumbent may rotate through several Sections of SouthPath in order to acquire and maintain the expertise required for participation in a 24-hour pathology service. Recent working experience in diagnostic Biochemistry and Haematology is desirable. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at the TGO-0: The educational standards required for entry to an appropriate Technical study course (Year 12 Chemistry and/or Biology). For appointment at the TGO-1: Diploma or Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science or equivalent. Competency based training is available for successful applicants enabling progression from TGO-1 to TGO-2. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment may be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Some out-of-hours work will be required at short notice, and willingness to participate in an on-call roster subject to operational requirements. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - SouthPath) Enquiries to: Ms Mandy Coombs, SouthPath, telephone 8204 5247, email Applications to: Ms Shivorn Barker, Client Service Officer, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 3811/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\SouthPath TGO.doc 129 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) TGO2 SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ($48671.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 3772/2006 Duties: To provide technology support with a keen customer focus for the CYWHS (Women’s and Children’s Hospital) through the safe, effective and timely practice of technical and clinical engineering procedures. As a committed member of a multidisciplinary team, the incumbent will provide broad engineering skills in a disciplined and methodical fashion to meet the criteria of this position. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A recognised qualification or equivalent, in an appropriate Technical discipline. Special Conditions: Work in patient treatment areas, laboratory and hospital plant areas as required. Work within a multi disciplined environment. Some out of hours work may be required. The role may involve maintenance of equipment capable of generating ionising or non-ionising radiation. Local, interstate and overseas travel may be required. Will be required to participate in a rotating On-Call Roster. Location: Adelaide CBD (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Biomedical Engineering (Corporate Services) Enquiries to: Roger Lynch, Manager, Biomedical Engineering, telephone 8161 6796, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 130 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) TGO3 SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER ($54391.00/57413.00) Vacancy No. 3855/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of Biomedical Engineering support to technologies of significant complexity. This is by way of the application of specialised knowledge and skills in an autonomous manner in the areas of technology procurement, management, maintenance and support. These activities to be primarily focussed towards the team's support of medical imaging devices and systems. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant technical discipline. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital however will be required to carry out work at other sites under the responsibility of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Lyell McEwin Hospital, Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Participation in an on-call roster providing 24x7 coverage with associated out of hours work as required. Out of hours work will be required, sometimes at short notice. This will, indicatively, occur on a monthly basis. Work will involve equipment generating radiations or containing hazardous substance. Work areas will include client departments in which a range of patient treatments and/or assessments is being undertaken. Involvement in the Department's commercial activities will be required, these may take place outside of the hospital or its annexes. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Corporate - Biomedical Engineering Services) Enquiries to: Larry Covino, Biomedical Engineering Services Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6831, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Maureen Devine, telephone 8222 6724, or email Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 131 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) TGO4 CO-ORDINATOR, DENTAL TECHNICIAN (SPECIALIST) (Advt) ($59076.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 3764/2006 Duties: The Co-ordinator, Dental Technician (Specialist) is responsible to the Manager for assisting in the operational management of the Adelaide Dental Hospital Laboratories, ensuring that technical standards of excellence are fostered and maintained, whilst working as part of a team that contribute to the delivery of quality oral health care to patients of the SA Dental Service. The Co-ordinator, Dental Technician (Specialist) can be called upon to provide teaching for the Dental School, to co-ordinate workflow, to perform the most difficult and technically complex work and is a recognised expert in one or more of the disciplines in dental technology and is able to develop practices and procedure to be used for technical tasks. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate qualification in Dental Technology (Specialist). Registered as a Dental Technician with the Dental Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must have a current and valid driver's licence. Must be prepared to work at any SA Dental Service location when required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (SA Dental Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Greg Natt, Manager, Laboratory Services, SA Dental Service, GPO Box 864, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8222 8345, email Note: Please quote job number 3764/06 in your application and forward an original plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. To obtain a job description, contact Jenny Simcock on 8222 9036 or email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 132 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR VACANCY INFORMATION OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the conditions applicable to each public sector organisation. Appeal provisions may apply to vacancies advertised in this section. Intending applicants are encouraged to clarify appointment conditions and appeal provisions (if any) from the enquiries person named in each advertisement. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 133 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES ASO1 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. 3981/2006 Duties: The Administration Officer is the first point of contact for customers, in person and by telephone to the SA Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) Training Centre. Provides clerical, administrative support and keyboard services to staff of the Training Department. Maintains the flow and recording of correspondence and documents coming in and out of the Training Centre. Assists with bookings, recording and preparation of facilities and resources at the Centre. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. The position is located at the MFS Training Centre at Angle Park. Location: Angle Park Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission Enquiries to: Ms Sue Williams , SAFECOM, telephone 08 8243 6555, email Applications to: Ms Cristina Pisanelli, Human Resources Branch, SAFECOM, GPO Box 2706, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 08 8463 4184, email Note: Position Descriptions are available from Julie Millar or Liz Quinn, telephone 08 8463 4050 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, postal/ email address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Intending applicants must address the criteria in the Position Description and Employee Declaration. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 ASO2/ ASO3 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP TO 3 YEARS) ($37253.00/40321.00) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. C4029/2006 Duties: The Administrative Assistant reports to the Executive Officer of the Chief Executive and the Director Corporate Services. The primary purpose of the position is to provide effective administrative and clerical support service, which contributes to the efficient operation of the Corporation. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. The incumbent must be prepared to be flexible with the required shifts. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Port Adelaide Maritime Corporation Enquiries and Applications to: Mr C McSporran, Director, Corporate Services, Port Adelaide Maritime Corporation, Ground Floor, 99 Frome Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8463 7176, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of capability and experience of the successful applicant. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants should provide their cv and include no more than a 3 page response to the essential knowledge, skills and experience as outlined in the position description. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\JP Administrative Assistant.doc 134 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 1 YEAR) (Advt) C3891/2006 Duties: The Project Officer is responsible for continuing development of community-based plans for the allocation and management of water for the Tintinara Coonalpyn area of the South East. The position also assists with the development of new projects and maintenance of existing projects across a range of natural resource management issues. This may include assisting with the review and implementation of the Blue Lake Management plan and identifying and developing projects to protect Water Dependent Ecosystems. Key Challenges: Coordinate the design, review and development of water allocation plans and policy for the Tintinara-Coonalpyn region; Ensure effective consultation and engagement of the community and key stakeholders in the development and implementation of water allocation plans; Design and implement natural resource management projects in association with the community and key stakeholders; and Assist with the development and delivery of an integrated regional natural resources management approach. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. This position will be filled as a contract appointment for 1 year. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Natural Resources Management Boards Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: South East Natural Resources Management Board Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Grace McNally, Gramac Solutions, Box 413, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 08 8724 8577, email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Project Officer.doc How to Apply:\How to Apply.doc Position Background:\Position Background Project Officer.doc ASO4/ASO RESEARCH OFFICER, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 6 (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($49584.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. TO 2 YEARS) C3941/2006 Duties: The Social Development Committee has been established under the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991 and comprises Members of both Houses of the Parliament. This Committee has the task of enquiring into, considering and reporting to the Parliament on any matters concerning: the health, welfare or education of the people of the State; occupational safety or industrial relations; the arts, recreation or sport or the cultural or physical development of the people of the State; the quality of life of communities, families or individuals in the State or how that quality of life might be improved. The Research Officer will conduct research projects in areas of relevance to the Committee. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate tertiary qualifications. Special Conditions: An understanding of the issues involved in the Committee’s inquiry will be required together with appropriate research, analytical and report writing skills. The provisions of the Public Sector Management Act do not apply to this position. However, general Public Service conditions apply. Located at Parliamentary Committees' Office, Old Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Parliament of SA (Legislative Council) Enquiries to: Ms R Schutte, telephone 8237 9416 Applications to: Clerk of the Legislative Council, Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 135 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) n/a MEDIA MONITOR (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 31/03/2010) (Advt) C3946/2006 Duties: Undertake high volumes of word processing to produce accurate typed summaries of government and political issues monitored while listening to radio and television broadcast audio. Provide timely notification of items monitored to clients. Special Conditions: Starting salary of $43,395pa, rising to $47,619pa - $51,844pa pending satisfactory performance. Ministerial Contract for the life of the current Government (expected to be until March 2010). Required to participate in a rotating shift roster to ensure the hours 7am to 8.30pm Monday to Friday and 7am-1pm Saturday and Sunday are covered by live monitoring. Location: Adelaide Metro (Adelaide) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (SA Government Media Monitoring Service) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr P Green, Manager, SA Govt Media Monitoring Service, GPO Box 1072, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 2384, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Peter Green, telephone 8303 2384, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\Media Monitor1.doc PSO2 LAND MANAGEMENT PROJECT OFFICER (Advt) ($57286.00/64021.00) Vacancy No. 3849/2006 Duties: The Land Management Project Officer provides technical support to the Land Management Unit in the form of policy, guideline and planning services. The LMO Project officer is responsible for assisting with the development and review of land management policy, guidelines and plans for land management assets across the state. This position will also provide support in the resolution of land management issues, lease assessments and special projects. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate degree qualification Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Water Enquiries to: Monique Blason or Richard Munn, telephone 0419835200, email Applications to: Monique Blason, Land Management Manager, SA Water, GPO Box 1751, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 0419 835 200, email Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 136 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) TGO1 SAMPLING SUPPORT OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 3933/2006 Duties: This position is located at the Australian Water Quality Centre and is within the Sampling Unit which provides sampling services & field testing. Summary of duties: Deliver & maintain a reliable & efficient Dispatch program & maintain stocks. Collect & preserve samples & conduct insitu analyses in accordance with AS/NZS 5667:1998. & report data. Utilise & maintain required technology. Maintain a personal commitment to work regarding QA, customer service, OHS&W. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Associate Diploma in Applied Science or equivalent. Water sampling & field testing standards & procedures. Knowledge of WQ systems. QA principles & practice. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Water Enquiries to: Jodie Wiseman, telephone 0428 108 026 Applications to: Mr Darryl Neil, SA Water, Private Mail Bag 3, SALISBURY, 5108, telephone 8259 0212, email Note: A position description may be obtained by telephoning Darryl Neil 08 8259 0212 Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 137 ($32113.00/46503.00) WEEKLY PAID VACANCY INFORMATION WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES If you are applying for a weekly paid job in this Notice, your application should include this information: the title and number of the job you are applying for; your name; the name of the Agency or Statutory Authority where you are working and your work telephone number; a description of your work experience. If you have any problems or questions about your application you should talk to your supervisor, or you may want to talk to the Office of Public Employment. This Office is located on the 12th Floor, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide. The telephone number is 8226 2893. If you have any questions about your rights to apply for other government jobs you should ask the Office of Public Employment (telephone 8226 2893). In this Notice there are also vacancies for promotional salaried positions. Weekly paid employees who are determined to be ‘relevant public employees’ under Regulation 11 of the Public Sector Management Act who wish to apply for any of these positions are welcome to do so. If you want to discuss any of the positions before putting in an application, you should contact the person whose name and telephone number is listed for enquiries for the position. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 138 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES Weekly Paid 139 CMW4 CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE WORKER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. (Advt) 3908/2006 Duties: The Construction and Maintenance Worker (CMW4) is responsible for providing support to the Senior Ranger for the provision of a range of Park related functions, including responsibility for the maintenance of park assets and facilities within the Kangaroo Island Region, road and carpark maintenance, fencing, minor building repairs and general maintenance, removal of rubbish, weed and vermin control, fire management and emergency response. Operating and maintaining vehicles, plant and equipment is also required. Special Conditions: Positions located at Flinders Chase National Park and Murray Lagoon on Kangaroo Island. Refer to the Job and Person Specification for further conditions. Location: Kangaroo Island Rate of Pay: $660.00 (1st Increment) $670.10 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Anthony Maguire, telephone (08) 8553 2381 Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Services, Department for Environment Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number 3908/2006 when applying. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf Flinders Chase Job and Person Specification:\cmw4_Cons_maint_flin_chase_jp.doc Murray Lagoon Job and Person Specification:\cmw4_cons_maint__murr_lag_jp.doc WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 140 ENGINEERING TRADESPERSON (TEMPORARY UP TO 31/12/2006) Vacancy No. (Advt-Recirc) T1522/2006 Duties: The Engineering Tradesperson is responsible for the provision of a general maintenance and minor works service to trade standard to the Port Augusta Campus of TAFE SA Regional. The incumbent may be required to provide similar support at other campuses within the region. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate trade papers in Fitting and Machining. Special Conditions: This position is located at the Port Augusta Campus, but may be required to provide similar support at other campuses within the region. A current driver's licence and fork lift licence is desirable. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Port Augusta) Award: Metal Trades Award, 2005 Rate of Pay: $706.60 (1st Increment) $717.80 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA) Enquiries to: Mr P Strike, telephone (08) 8648 9956 Applications to: Ms D Bray, Assistant HR Consultant, PO Box 208, Nuriootpa, 5355, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the HR Unit, telephone 8562 0506, or email Applications via email are preferred. If posting, please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Application Cover Sheet:\Application Cover Sheet_ EmpDec.doc Application Guide:\PSM Act-WP Info to Applicants_SE.DOC Job and Person Specification:\1522P12241 Eng Tradesperson.DOC WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) 141 Weekly Paid GENERAL HAND (CLEANER) (PART-TIME) (Advt) Weekly Paid CANTEEN ASSISTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T3901/2006 Duties: The Canteen Assistant is responsible to the Canteen Manager to provide a food and clothing service which results in the efficient operation of the Canteen and the provision of a quality service to the Hospital clients, staff and visitors. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence is essential. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 12 months with the possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $620.40 (1st Increment) $630.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Specialist Statewide Mental Health Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Michelle Osmond, A/Manager, Catering Services, PO Box 17, Fullarton, 5063, telephone 08 83031222, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Vacancy No. 3980/2006 Duties: The General Hand is accountable to the Operations Coordinator based in Port Augusta for the provision of a complete general hand function including cleaning and grounds maintenance which will ensure the efficient and effective delivery of the educational and administrative services of the TAFE SA Regional, Roxby Downs Campus. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 20 hours per week, to be worked 4 hours per day, 5 days per week, and Rate of Pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Located at the Roxby Downs Campus. A current SA drivers licence is required. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Roxby Downs Award: SA Government Services Award Rate of Pay: $590.60 (1st Increment) $600.60 (2nd Increment) $610.50 (3rd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Roxby Downs Campus) Enquiries to: Mr B Harvey, telephone 8671 9074 Applications to: Ms D Bray, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA Barossa Valley Campus, PO Box 208, Nuriootpa, 5355, telephone 8562 0506, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from the HR Unit, telephone 8562 0506, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications can also be emailed to Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\TAR1229 GSE1 GenHand_Roxby_0506.doc Application Cover Sheet:\Application Cover Sheet_ EmpDec.doc Application Guide:\Job App Guide (all Acts).doc WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) 142 Weekly Paid PATIENT SERVICES ASSISTANT, FLINDERS EYE CENTRE (PART-TIME) Weekly Paid SUPPORT SERVICES ASSISTANT - PATHOLOGY COURIER (HAW-4) Vacancy No. 3770/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Clinical Nurse Consultant/Manager of the Flinders Eye Centre for the performance of range of ancillary duties associated with the general servicing of the Unit. He/She works as an effective team member under general direction and is able to maintain confidentiality, communicate effectively and demonstrate empathy and courtesy to patients and staff at all times. Able to contribute to the maintenance of a safe working environment for patients, visitors and staff. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 24 hours per week and Rate of Pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to have a health assessment. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. May be required to work at any site with Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $463.80 (1st Increment) $472.40 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Flinders Eye Centre) Enquiries to: Ms Christine McCloud, Clinical Nurse Manager, Flinders Eye Centre, telephone 8204 5355, email Applications to: Ms Tania Corr, Client Service Officer, Human Resources, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: FMC offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a job and person specification please contact the enquiry person. Applicants are required to quote job number in their application and to forward an original plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Vacancy No. 2881/2006 Duties: Provide a specimen collection, transport, report and mail delivery service to doctors' surgeries, hospitals and pathology laboratories within the Adelaide metropolitan and outer metropolitan area. Special Conditions: Hours of duty are 76 per fortnight, initially rostered over 24 hours, 7 days per week. May be required to work overtime which may include weekend and public holidays. Ongoing employment is subject to the maintenance of a current class 1 Drivers' licence. Location: Adelaide CBD Rate of Pay: $660.00 (1st Increment) $670.10 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Division of Clinical Pathology) Enquiries to: Mr David Stojko, Supervisor Courier Operations, telephone 8222 3377, email Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Human Resources Manager, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Downloads: J&PS:\JPS HAW4.doc WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) 143 Weekly Paid HEALTH ANCILLARY EMPLOYEE (WHA-2) (PART-TIME) Weekly Paid DOMESTIC (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 3856/2006 Duties: The Health Ancillary Employee is accountable to Manager, Accommodation and is required to carry out efficiently and in a safe manner, cleaning tasks within the Torrens Valley International Residence and Education Centre, ensuring an appropriate standard of work practice and cleanliness. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 40 hours per fortnight and Rate of Pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Additional hours and weekend/public holiday work will be required on occasions. Will be subject to a criminal history check. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Modbury) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $620.40 (1st Increment) $630.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Modbury Hospital) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Angela McLeod, Manager, TVIR, Modbury Hospital, Smart Road, Modbury SA, 5092, telephone 81612724 Note: Please provide the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Vacancy No. 3869/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Manager Client Support Services for the provision of a range of cleaning services, in support of the treatment and care of patients, that meets the standards required by the Health Service. Assist with the provision of higher level duties within the General Services Department. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 12 hours per week and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Commencement time normally 7.00 am, however in special circumstances, varied shift times of 6.00 am, 11.00 pm and 6.00 pm. Will be required to operate cleaning machines as necessary and use a stepladder. May be required to sort clean patient clothes and linen. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $620.40 (1st Increment) $630.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Denise Lane, Team Leader - Client Support Services, telephone 86384622, email Applications to: Mr Bill Slattery, Director Human Resources & Risk Management, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86386363, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) 144 Weekly Paid DOMESTIC (PART-TIME) Weekly Paid ENGINEERING TRADESPERSON - ELECTRICAL (M8-M6) (Advt) Vacancy No. 3871/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Manager Client Support Services for the provision of a range of cleaning services, in support of the treatment and care of patients, that meets the standards required by the Health Service. Assist with the provision of higher level duties within the General Services Department. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 24 hours per week and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Commencement time normally 7.00 am, however in special circumstances, varied shift times of 6.00 am, 11.00 pm and 6.00 pm. Will be required to operate cleaning machines as necessary and use a stepladder. May be required to sort clean patient clothes and linen. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $620.40 (1st Increment) $630.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Denise Lane, Team Leader - Client Support Services, telephone 86384622, email Applications to: Mr Bill Slattery, Director Human Resources & Risk Management, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384636, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 09 Jun 2006 Vacancy No. 4017/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Electrical Supervisor for the construction, installation, maintenance and repairs to work associated with irrigation drainage, water supply, salinity control and other WET activities. Being able to work unsupervised and possessing a high degree of fault finding ability. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Must have served an approved electrical trade apprenticeship and hold an Unrestricted electrical Workers Registration (PGE), formally known as an A Class electrical Licence, with preferably at extensive Industrial experience. Additional qualifications in instrumentation/industrial electronics or telemetry will be highly regarded. Special Conditions: The appointee will be located at the Crystal Brook Workshops, but must be prepared to work in any area of the State as directed, some being in remote locations. This position involves working for both private external, as well as internal customers of SA Water’s Northern Region. This is a ongoing position with a contract being offered to the successful applicant. A willingness to work overtime and share in ‘on-call’ roster duties is a requirement. A current driver’s licence is essential.The ability to undertake further training opportunities when required. Location: (Not Specified) Rate of Pay: $762.30 (1st Increment) $868.25 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Water Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Paul Palmer, Electrical Supervisor, PO Box 118, CRYSTAL BROOK, 5523, telephone 08 8638 5461, email Closing Date: 05 Jun 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 26/05/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 145 ENGINEERING TRADESPERSON - MECHANICAL (FITTING & TURNING) - M10-M8 (Advt) Vacancy No. 4014/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Team Leader and Workshop Supervisor for the maintenance and repairs to a wide range of pumps, associated equipment and pressure reducing valves. The work also includes the construction, installation and maintenance repairs to a range of other water and wastewater operational infrastructure. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Approved Trade Certificate. Able to work un-supervised and possess a high degree of fault finding ability. Possessing any or all of a dogging licence, a heavy vehicle licence, a fork lift licence and a crane operator’s licence and having undertaken confined space training will be well regarded. Special Conditions: The appointee will be located at the Crystal Brook Workshops, but must be prepared to work in any area of the State as directed, some being in remote locations. This position involves working for both private external, as well as internal customers of SA Water’s Northern Region.This is an ongoing position with a contract being offered to the successful applicant.A willingness to work overtime and share in ‘on-call’ roster duties is a requirement. A current driver’s licence is essential. The willingness and ability to undertake further training opportunities when required. Location: (Not Specified) Rate of Pay: $704.00 (1st Increment) $774.05 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Water Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Kelvin Bowman, Workshops Coordinator, PO Box 118, CRYSTAL BROOK, 5523, telephone 08 8638 5462; mobile: 0429 677 836, email Closing Date: 05 Jun 2006