Ms. Sowin
Defining Success
OBJECTIVE. What will your students be able to do by the end of class?
ASSESSMENT. How will you know concretely
that all of your students have mastered the
KEY POINTS. What three to five main ideas or
steps will you emphasize in your lesson?
Unit Test next class
Lesson Cycle
OPENING. How will you focus, prepare and engage students for the lesson’s
Do Now; Answer questions 1-5.
INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIAL. How will you convey the knowledge
and/or skills of the lesson? What will your students be doing to process this
REVIEW BIG IDEAS-1.Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring, and
the DNA inside your cells’ nuclei helps determine nearly everything your body is and does.
2. Mitosis is the process where 1 nucleus of a body cells divides to form 2 identical nuclei
used for repair and growth.
3. Meiosis is the process where 1 nucleus of a fertilized cell divides twice to form four sex
cells with half as many chromosomes so that when organisms sexually reproduce, the
offspring won’t have double the chromosomes.
4. Some plants and animals can reproduce asexually which produce genetically identical
organisms, while some plants and animals can reproduce sexually to make genetically
different organisms.
5. Organisms with helpful adaptations are more likely to survive and reproduce which
eventually may become a separate species over time.
GUIDED PRACTICE. In what ways will your learners attempt to explain or do what
you have outlined? How will you monitor and coach their performance?
We do review sheet together Think Pair Share Style
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE. In what ways will your different learners attempt the
objective on their own? How will you gauge mastery?
Students work in groups to finish Unit 4 Review Sheet using notes…
CLOSING. How will you have students summarize what they’ve learned? How will
reinforce the objective’s importance and its link to past and future learning?
Students get extra credit for raising hand and answer questions. Finish Review Sheet
for extra credit.
DIFFERENTIATION: How will you differentiate your instruction to reach the diversity of learners in your
Aim: How can review for the Unit 4 Test?
Do Now: Answer questions 1- 5.
1.Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring,
and the DNA inside your cells’ nuclei helps determine nearly
everything your body is and does.
2. Mitosis is the process where 1 nucleus of a body cells divides
to form 2 identical nuclei used for repair and growth.
3. Meiosis is the process where 1 nucleus of a fertilized cell
divides twice to form four sex cells with half as many
chromosomes so that when organisms sexually reproduce, the
offspring won’t have double the chromosomes.
4. Some plants and animals can reproduce asexually which
produce genetically identical organisms, while some plants and
animals can reproduce sexually to make genetically different
5. Organisms with helpful adaptations are more likely to survive
and reproduce which eventually may become a separate species
over time
Aim: How can review for the Unit 4 Test?
Do Now: Go to
http://science339.wikispaces.com, Unit 4, and
Download Unit 4 Key Terms Review Sheet
Name: ________________________
Date: _________________________
CIS 339, Class _______
Science- Ms. Sowin
AIM 2 1. Which cell organelle contains the genetic information for plant and animal cells?
(1) chloroplast (2) nucleus (3) cell membrane
(4) cytoplasm
2. What are the bundles of DNA called?
(1) chloroplasts
(2) chromosomes (3) cytoplasm
(4) cell wall
AIM 3 3. Another word for cloning cells is called
(a) mitosis (b) meiosis (c) fertilization
(d) sexual reproduction
4. A cell with 30 chromosomes undergoes mitosis. How many chromosomes are in the new body
cells after mitosis is completely over?
(a) 30
(b) 60
© 120
(d) 15
# of cell divisions
# of cells produced
Types of cells
Functions in body
Mitosis in Humans
All body cells except
sperm and egg cells
Growth, repair,
Meiosis in Humans
Sperm and egg cells
AIM 4- 5. A cell with 50 chromosomes undergoes meiosis to produce an egg cell. How many
chromosomes are in the egg cell?
(a) 25
(b) 2
© 100
(d) 4
6. What kind of cells are produced by meiosis?
(a) nerve cells
(b) skin cells
(c) sperm cells
(d) muscle cells
7, How does the genetic material of a new asexual reproduction organism compare to that of
the parent organism?
(a) It is a little different
(b) It is exactly the same
© It is completely different
(d) It is haploid
9. Which organism can have exactly the same genes as its parent?
(a) a starfish
(b)a shark
(c) a human
(d) a dog
10. A large colony of bacteria has grown from a single individual that landed on a kitchen cutting
board. What do you know about all the individuals in the colony?
(a) They came from the refrigerator (b) They reproduced sexually
© They have the same genes
(d) They have different traits
AIM 6- 11. Which organism reproduces both sexually and asexually?
(a) goldfish (b) black bear
(c) strawberry plant
(d) rattlesnake
12. Which of the following occurs during sexual reproduction?
(a) Both parents split in half
(b) Only one parent splits in half
© An egg joins with a zygote (d) An egg cell joins with a sperm cell
13. A baby receives genes from each of its parents. About how many of its genes come from its
(a) all of its genes
(b) half of its genes
(c) most of its genes
(d) none of its genes
AIM 7 (REVIEW) AIM 8- Quiz, AIM 9: 14. Which of the following is NOT an inherited trait?
(a) blood type
(b) a broken leg
© hair color
(d) leaf shape
15. Order from biggest to smallest: DNA, gene, cell, chromosomes, nucleus
(a) DNA, gene, cell, chromosomes, nucleus
(b) gene, DNA, chromosomes, nucleus, cell
(c) cell, nucleus, chromosomes, DNA, gene
(d) chromosomes, DNA, gene, nucleus, cell
AIM 10- 16. Imagine a person with Cystic Fibrosis (cc) reproduced with someone who did not
have the gene at all (CC) use a punnett square to show the likely traits of the offspring.
17) Considering Cystic Fibrosis is a recessive trait, what percentage of the offspring would
definitely have Cystic Fibrosis (cc)?
(a) 0
(d) 100%
18) What percentage of the offspring would carry the gene for cystic fibrosis (Cc)?
a) 0
(d) 100%
19. Imagine a mom has brown eyes but carries the gene for blue so she would be Bb reproduces
with a dad that has with blue eyes. Use a punnett square to show the likely traits of the
20) What percentage of their offspring would have blue eyes (bb)?
(a) 25 %
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 0%
21) What percentage of their offspring would have brown eyes (BB or Bb)?
(a) 25%
(b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 0%
22. Construct a Punnett square to show the results of crossing two pea plants with the
combination Tt.
23. What percentage of the offspring would be tall plants (TT or Tt)?
(a) 25%
(c) 75%
(d) 100%
24. If the allele for brown eyes, B, is dominant, and the allele for blue eyes, b, is recessive,
which combination could produce a child with blue eyes?
(a) Bb
(b) BB
(c) bb
(d) bB
AIM 11- 25. Some harmless species imitate or mimic a poisonous species as a means for
increased survival. What is this an example of?
(a) acquired characteristics
(b) adaptation
© variation
(d) geographic isolation
26. Which of the following is not an adaptation?
(1) weak legs
(2) powerful muscles
(3) camouflage
(4) wings
AIM 12- 27. A species is a group of organisms
(a) that lives together with similar characteristics
(b) that shares similar characteristics and can reproduce among themselves to produce fertile
© across a wide area that cannot reproduce
(d) that chooses mates from among themselves
28. Which is a mutation?
(a) a change in a gene which is harmful, beneficial, or has no effect at all
(b) a change in a gene which is only beneficial
© a change in a gene which is only harmful
(d) no change in a gene
29. Which describes the transfer of genes into the DNA of another organism?
a) genetic engineering
b) selective breeding
c) natural selection
d) mutation
Aim 13- 30. Look at the light and dark-colored moths shown below. According to the theory of
natural selection, what is most likely to happen to the moths in this environment?
a) The dark moth will be more likely to be eaten by a bird.
b) The dark moth will be more likely to survive and reproduce.
c) The light moth will be more likely to survive and reproduce.
d)The light moth will become darker in color.
31. What, besides competition for food, contributed to the evolution of species of Darwin’s
(a) predation
(b) natural disaster
(d) variation in beak shapes