Latin I- Week of February 22-26 -- Week 3.8 Objectives: Syntax: identify relative clauses; and relative pronouns in context, with their gender, number and case; identify or apply adjectives in the correct form in context – Vocabulary and derivatives: identify or translate vocabulary related to stories about England, and recognize derivatives as well as their Latin base. Culture: explain Roman influence in England; identify historical characters, such as Cogidubnus, Queen Boudica, and evidence of their life, such as Fishbourne. Stage 14 exercises: Stage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14 exercises: stapled, corrected, in order Syllabus 3.6; Syllabus 3.7 ; Model sentences 14, corrected; ex. C page 34; ex. E page 35, ex. G page 35; ex. C page 38; ex. B page 43; Rufilla questions page 30; in tablino questions page 31; Quintus advenit page 39 questions in worksheet; Prepositional phrases pages 40-41 (do not include the list! Keep the list for yourself)— = 12 items Workbook: 14.3; 14.5; 14.7; Culture bullets = 25 points each Study for Major Test (see study guide online) Monday 22 Lesson or Activity: Lesson or Activity: Turn in workbook-turn in exercises . --Major Test 14--Assignment(s): Copy and translate model sentences 15—skip 2 lines after every line of written Latin. THAT IS: YOU NEED TO HAVE TWO LINES ON TOP OF THE LATIN. Tuesday 23 Lesson or Activity: Stage 15: w/ teacher, read, check translation, and analyze model sentences 15, pages 44-45: identify relative clauses and relative pronouns w/ gender, number, case; circle antecedent --—both in Latin sentences and in English clauses Assignment(s): Make sure Model Sentences are completed with annotations; Check chart on relative pronouns ( online). Bring and colors to draw; bring decorations Print chart!!! Wednesday 24 Lesson or Activity: With relative pronoun chart, write workbook 15.3 Start Boudica 9 see Thursday Thursday 25 Lesson or Activity. Make Boudica (quiz grade) is due on Friday-decorate PICTURE APPROPRIATELY: Follow directions (see handouts and workbook 15.1) Assignment(s): Finish Boudica; print pronoun chart Friday 26 Lesson or Activity: Last day for Stage 14 workbook and exercises for points off- -Boudica is due -–Boudica project is a Quiz grade (will be accepted for points off through Wednesday)—Review relative pronouns (online)--—Assignments: Print syllabus and bring it to class with you!