Prefix Suffix Tic-Tac-Toe Board Using your spelling words- write the definition of each word Write your spelling words plus 10 more of the “Additional Skill Words”. Then write the letters of each word in alphabetical order. Ex: school chloos Using your spelling Using your spelling words and the words, create a poem scrabble tile resource, that rhymes! find the value of all your spelling words. REQUIRED make flashcards for the prefixes, root words, and suffixes. Use one color for suffix, one color for prefix, and one color for root word. Using 10 of this week’s “Additional Skill Words” and your spelling words, sort the words into nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Using the boggle Using the prefixes, board, see how many suffixes, and root words you can make. words from your word Then try to guess the study, create 5 more secret word! All the words. Use the words, put together, dictionary to check to make one of your see if it is correct. word study words Using 10 of this week’s “Additional Skill Words” and your spelling words, create a word search on graph paper.