1 TROY UNIVERSITY GLOBAL CAMPUS – AUGUSTA 2743 Perimeter Parkway Augusta, Georgia 30909 Tel: 706-210-3800 Fax 706-210-3803 Course Name: Course Number: Term: Instructor: Class Dates and times: Counseling Practicum CP 6650 Term 2/12 Dr. Frank Browning, LPC, NCC (See Schedule) CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone: 706-210-2808 E-Mail: browning@troy.edu Contact: Anytime via E-mail Advising Hours: By appointment [Monday/Tuesday 9:30 AM-2:30 PM] Course Pre-requisites: In order to register for this course, each student must have completed CP 6600, CP6610, CP 6642, CP 6649, PSY 6669 or PSY 6670. The student must obtain permission from the instructor to register for this course. The student must also have professional liability insurance coverage for the practicum site placement before enrolling in the course. Course Description: This course is required for all students pursuing a Master of Science degree program in the Department of Counseling and Psychology. Each student is expected to make his/ her own arrangements for placement at a practicum site consistent with his/ her interests and career goals. This course is designed to provide the student with “hands-on” experience, under supervision, in a counseling related work setting. Supervised individual and group counseling experiences are an integral part of the course requirements. Course Objectives: 1. The counseling practicum experience includes a total of 100 hours of experience in a counseling environment. 2. The primary objective of practicum is to provide hands-on experience in the counseling field with supervision from Site professionals as well as supervision from qualified program faculty members. Required Text Baird B.N. (2011) the Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook. Sixth Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780205804962. 2 Highly Recommended Manual: American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 1557988102 Attendance: Attendance is required at group supervision meetings in order to meet hour requirements. You are required to have 1.5 hours of group supervision per week for CACREP, the accrediting body of graduate counselor education programs. If you miss class, you will be short supervision hours. It is imperative that each student be in touch with supervisors should any time need to be missed do to circumstances beyond the student’s control. All necessary absences should be documented (.e.g. doctor’s excuse, etc.) Honor Code: The awarding of the university degree attests that an individual has demonstrated mastery of a significant body of knowledge and skills of substantive value to society. Any type of dishonesty in securing those credentials therefore invites serious sanctions, up to and including suspension and expulsion (cf. Standards of Conduct in each TU Bulletin). Examples of dishonesty include actual or attempted cheating, plagiarism*, or knowingly furnishing false information to any university employee. *Plagiarism is defined as submitting anything for credit in one course that has already been submitted for credit in another course, or copying any part of someone else’s intellectual work, published or unpublished, including that of other students, and portraying it as one’s own. Proper quoting, using strict APA guidelines (as specified by your instructor), is required at all times. Troy University uses plagiarism-detection software to identify instances of full or partial plagiarism. ON-LINE LIBRARY: Troy University’s on-line library services are available to all currently registered students and may be accessed through TU libraries web site. When you get to Troy University Libraries home page, click on the word "Remote Services" and follow the instructions. Problems with accessing the TU on-line library should be referred to the Distance Learning Coordinator at, 334-685-9555 or 334-687-4744. In addition to what is available at local libraries, all TU registered students may access on-line journal databases— ie.UMI ProQuest Direct and IAC SearchBank--through the TU Web Site. Troy University Augusta students may also use the library facilities of the state college where you reside. South Carolina residents may use the library at University of South Carolina in Aiken. Georgia residents may use the library at Augusta State University. Corporate reports can be found in “EDGAR” at http://www.freeedgar.com 3 Helpful links and addresses: Augusta website – http://www.augusta.troy.edu Troy Main website – http://www.troy.edu Troy online Library - https://uclibrary.troy.edu Blackboard – http://troy.blackboard.com Blackboard User manual - http://www.tulearn.net/bbstudent/studentguide_bb.htm MBS Books - http://mbsdirect.net Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Troy University supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that postsecondary students with disabilities have equal access to all academic programs, physical access to all buildings, facilities and events, and are not discriminated against on the basis of disability. Eligible students, with appropriate documentation, will be provided equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and potential through the provision of academic adaptations and reasonable accommodations. Further information, including appropriate contact information, can be found at the following link: http://www.troy.edu/humanresources/ADAPolicy2003.htm. Student whose disabilities fall within the ADA must inform their instructor at the beginning of the term of any special needs or equipment necessary to accomplish the requirements of the course. Communications: Beepers in class will be put on vibration or turned off. Cell phones will be turned off in the classroom. Method of Evaluation: Each student’s grade (Pass/ Fail) will be based on successful completion of the course requirements listed below. For incomplete work, a grade of In-Progress (IP) may be assigned for a one year time period after which the IP is changed to a “Fail” grade if course requirements have not been satisfied. Course Requirements: I. Personal Philosophy of Counseling Paper A 6-8 page paper reflecting each student’s personal counseling philosophy or approach to counseling. {This is a Philosophy of Counseling Paper—not a Theories of Counseling Paper}. The paper should include your view of human nature, what brings people to counseling, the therapeutic process, your theoretical 4 approach to counseling and techniques you might utilize. The paper must be typewritten utilizing APA style. [Due date: 12/4/12: Bring hardcopy to class.] APA Style Resources: http://www.psywww.com/resource/apacrib.htm Tips, examples, questions: http://www.apastyle.org/previoustips.html Electronic references: http://www.apastyle.org/elecgeneral.html II. Weekly Activities Journal: Students will maintain a weekly activity journal for documentation of the 100 required hours. Journals must be submitted for review upon completion of the practicum. IV. Group Class Supervision: Students are required to attend all Troy CP 6650 class supervision meetings toward meeting the 100 hours practicum requirement. You are required to get approximately 15 hours of group supervision over the course of the term. This means we will be meeting approximately 3 hours per meeting. [A 4 page typed summary of each of the following textbook chapters should be brought to class for group discussion: Chapter 7 due 10/30/12; Chapter 3 due 11/13/12; Chapter 5 due 11/27/12.] V. Individual Site Supervision You are required to receive a minimum of 8 clock hours of individual supervision, over the period of the academic term, by a site supervisor (1 hour for each week of practicum you participate in) VI. Practicum Site Requirements At the Practicum Site, you will be required to participate as though you were an employee of that Site. You will be expected to participate in meetings, assist with administrative tasks, observe intakes, individuals, family, and group therapy sessions, and under very supervised guidance (such as in co-therapy or co-lead group), you may participate directly in limited work with clients, write therapy notes, etc. NOTE: A Memorandum of Agreement [Contract] must be completed in the first two weeks of your Practicum. Additionally, you must purchase malpractice insurance for your Practicum. Call 1-800-982-9491 to order as a Student Counselor. 5 CLASS SCHEDULE AND ASSIGNMENTS Dates 10/16 Time 6PM Topic Intro/Overview/Practicum Site Grp Sharing 10/30 6 PM Chapter 7: Stress & Self-Care 11/13 6 PM Chapter 3: Ethical & Legal Issues 11/27 6PM Chapter 5: Working with Diversity 12/4 6PM Assignments due; Wrap-up; Q & A NOTE: ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY FOR ALL CLASSES. INCOMPLETE GRADES WILL BE GIVEN FOR NON-ATTENDANCE.