Renaissance Projects

Projects – Early Modern Times 1300 – 1650
If you pick a choose to work with a partner you will receive the same grade so make sure you pick a
reliable partner.
Select one of the following partner or individual projects. Follow directions carefully and complete
all of the requirements for your project. All work must be in your own words
for credit. Do not copy and paste information or you will receive a zero.
1. Explorers (individual): Make a poster comparing and contrasting an explorer of the
Renaissance with an explorer of today. Include a minimum of 10 facts for each explorer.
Design your poster to look like a facebook page (Must be school appropriate).
Include all of the following on the poster:
a. A short Biography for each explorer
b. Areas explored
c. Types of technology used
d. Reasons for exploration
e. Daily challenges each explorer might have faced
f. Create a compare and contrast chart with at least 5 similarities and 5 differences
2. Artist (individual): choose one of the following art projects and prepare a detailed sketch
in the style of a Renaissance artist. Any pictures used for inspiration must be attached to
your finished work. Include a 2 paragraph typed description of the scene, time period, or
person you have selected. Attach an index card describing the painting technique
used during the Renaissance time period and the original artist of your chosen work.
Please be able to draw or paint reasonably well if you choose the project. You will be graded
on the effort put into the project.
a. Landscape- draw any town or country scene which shows an aspect of life during the
Renaissance. Your picture must be from the correct time period.
b. Everyday scene- Prepare a sketch showing people of the Renaissance involved in an activity
typical of life in the 1300s, 1400s, or 1500s.
c. Portrait- choose a famous person of the Renaissance and do a drawing of that person.
Architecture before the Renaissance centered on the design of
churches, but during the 1300s, 1400s, and 1500s attention was also given to the design
of palaces, public buildings, and homes. As an architect it is your job to design and build one of the
following: church, palace, public building, home, or sailing ship. Give a 2 paragraph typed
description of how the architecture would have been created during the Renaissance. Print a copy of
the building or ship that you are reproducing to put on display with your project. Attach a list of job
duties for your project and the responsible person for each, if you worked with a partner.
4. Writer (partner) design a two page newspaper including each of the following:
a. A obituary for one of the following- Copernicus, Galileo, Joan of Arc, Shakespeare,
Machiavelli, Gutenberg, Columbus, da Vinci, or Michelangelo.
b. An editorial
c. A news story about a Renaissance sailor describing his round trip voyage from Europe to
India. Include information about his duties on board ship, goods transported, and experiences
while under attack by pirates.
d. A cartoon
e. Classified adds
f. A review of a Renaissance play, poem, or piece of art work (choose one)
g. An advice column
Each partner is responsible for a page of the newspaper.
5. Scientist (individual): Create a scientific journal for a Renaissance scientist.
The journal should be designed as a diary with at least dated entries and detailed descriptions of the
discovery process.
Include the following in your journal:
a. Discovery Process of Invention
c. Time Period
d. Location
e. 3 or more pictures
f. 10 additional facts
6. Playwright (partners): plays, especially those by England’s William Shakespeare, were
enjoyed by the people of Western Europe. Choose one of the following topics – a, b, or c
and write a short, one act play that has 4 to 6 characters ( You may play multiple characters or
recruit helpers). People you might want to put in your play are suggested below. f you choose this
topic I will give you more details for each of the choices. Give names to your characters and make
up a title for your play. You may write a comedy or tragedy. All plays need teacher review before
they are presented. Your play must include at least 10 historical facts per scene. Each person is
responsible for creating one scene. Plays must be in print with your facts highlighted. Actors
should be in time period attire with appropriate props. (NO WEAPONS)
Play Choices:
a. Columbus Discovers a New World. Scene:
b. A Machiavellian King.
c. Defeat of the Spanish Armada. Scene:
7. Reformation Movement:(individual)-design a 2 sided church pamphlet promoting a
Renaissance time period religion ( Protestant, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anabaptist or Anglican).
The information for your pamphlet should be created for the 1500’s not today.
Include in your Pamphlet:
a. Founder(s) of the religion
b. Beliefs of the church for the time period(2 paragraphs min.)
c. Church structure
d. Religious practices and rituals
e. Why this should be your religion of choice think about the positives that would attract
people to this religion(sales pitch).
Information for Plays
a. Columbus Discovers a New World. Scene: Columbus’ three ships have been at sea
for many weeks and are now approaching San Salvador Island off the coast of
Florida. San Salvador is the first land area that will be discovered be the crew sent
by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to find a route to the Indies. The
time is October, 1492. Some suggested characters: Columbus, the first mate, a
lookout hoping to sight land, other crew members.
b. A Machiavellian King. Scene: the famous Italian writer Machiavelli wrote The
Prince which said rulers should use any means – no matter how wicked – to
oppose their enemies and force the people to obey. A European king has just
finished reading the book and agrees with Machiavelli. The king is presently
meeting with his friends and advisers to discuss what should be done to those who
might oppose his leadership. The time is 1540. Some suggested characters: king,
queen, army commander, nobles (rich friends of the king)
c. Defeat of the Spanish Armada. Scene: The year is 1588. More than 100 warships
have sailed into the English Channel north of France. This fleet – known as the
Spanish Armada – has been sent by Philip II of Spain to attack England. Philip as
angry because of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots and because of England’s
break from the Catholic Church. The proud Armada is about to be defeated by the
English. The English victory will reduce Spain’s sea power and open the way for
England to start colonies in America. Some suggested characters: Spanish
commander, Spanish sailors, English commander, and English sailors.