UNCONFIRMED MINUTES MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THURSDAY 20TH MAY 2010 1. OPENING 1.1 DECLARATION OF OPENING The Shire President welcomed all in attendance and declared the meeting open at 1.2 RECORDING OF THOSE PRESENT Cr K J Chappel Cr D J Coaker Cr G R North Cr K P Stokes Cr P A Duke Mr GR Treasure Mr D G Williams President Deputy President Chief Executive Officer Deputy Chief Executive Officer 1.3 RECORDING OF APOLOGIES 1.4 LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil 1.5 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY PRESIDENT WITHOUT DISCUSSION 1.6 VISITORS TO THE MEETING Nil 2. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Nil 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Nil Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES 4. 4.1 PREVIOUS MINUTES CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING Confirmation of Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 15th April 2010 Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr CARRIED 5/0 4.2 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Nil Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: Signature of CEO: File Number: Voting Requirements: 5.1 Status Report Chief Executive Officer Various Simple Majority INTRODUCTION A status report on progress of items requested by Council from previous meetings will be provided each month for Councillor’s information. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that: The Status Report submitted to the 20th May 2010, Ordinary Meeting be received. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr The Status Report submitted to the 20th May 2010, Ordinary Meeting be received. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: Signature of CEO: File No: Voting Requirements: Meeting Date: 6.1 Accounts Due for Payment Finance Officer ADM 0135 Simple Majority 20th May 2010 INTRODUCTION A list of accounts is attached for all payments made for the month of April 2010. COMMENT Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS As per list of accounts hereunder. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Nil OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the list of accounts paid by the Chief Executive Officer under designated authority, represented by: - Municipal EFT Payment Numbers EFT1348 to EFT1416 inclusive, EFT1418 to EFT1423 inclusive, amounting to $168,494.05; - Municipal Direct Debit Payment Numbers DD918.1, DD959.1, DD972.1, DD985.1 amounting to $6,512.95; - Municipal Cheque Payments numbered 9821 to 9848 inclusive amounting to $36,232.08; - Trust EFT Payments numbered EFT1417 inclusive amounting to $381.20; - Trust Cheque Payments numbered 80 inclusive amounting to $570.00; be endorsed. Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr That the list of accounts paid by the Chief Executive Officer under designated authority, represented by: - Municipal EFT Payment Numbers EFT1348 to EFT1416 inclusive, EFT1418 to EFT1423 inclusive, amounting to $168,494.05; - Municipal Direct Debit Payment Numbers DD918.1, DD959.1, DD972.1, DD985.1 amounting to $6,512.95; - Municipal Cheque Payments numbered 9821 to 9848 inclusive amounting to $36,232.08; - Trust EFT Payments numbered EFT1417 inclusive amounting to $381.20; - Trust Cheque Payments numbered 80 inclusive amounting to $570.00; be endorsed. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: Signature of CEO File No: Voting Requirements: Meeting Date: 6.2 Reconciliations Finance Officer ADM 0189 Simple Majority 20th May, 2010 INTRODUCTION Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 34 (1)(a) states that a Local Government must prepare financial statements monthly. COMMENT The Shire of Morawa’s financial position is as follows: BANK BALANCES The Bank Balances as at 30th April 2010: - Municipal Account Trust Account Gold Cash Management Account (Reserve) Business Telenet Saver (Reserve) Land & Building Term Deposit (Reserve) $318,174.90 $291,512.41 $92,141.43 $1,488,765.70 $114,683.09 BANK RECONCILIATION BALANCES The Bank Reconciliation Balances for 30th April 2010 with a comparison for 30th April 2009 is as follows: 2010 2009 Municipal Account * $319,055.14 $406,538.10 Trust Account $290,897.41 $115,585.56 $1,695,590.22 $1,413,057.51 Reserve Account * Notes for Municipal Account: - Includes Restricted Cash for Incubator Project ($216,237.39) - Transfer from Plant Reserve still to be carried out ($90,000.00) - RRG Funds still to be claimed ($162,400.00) - R2R Funds still to be claimed ($149,213.00) Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES RESERVE ACCOUNT Reserve Funds of $1,695,590.22 as at 30th April 2010 were invested with Bank of Western Australia in the Gold Cash Management Account ($92,141.43), Business Telenet Saver Account ($1,488,765.70) and the Term Deposit No 024-0127153 ($114,683.09) maturing 10th May 2010. Breakdown for April 2010 with a comparison for April 2009 is as follows: 2010 2009 31,883.09 62,891.88 Land & Building Reserve 314,366.36 361,112.33 Plant Reserve 107,952.22 100,958.52 Leave Reserve 58,826.92 56,702.32 759,563.15 727,318.42 0.00 94,000.00 Unspent Grants & Contributions Reserve 296,515.74 10,074.04 Community Development Reserve 126,482.74 0.00 Sports Reserve Economic Development Reserve Sewerage Reserve RATES 09/10 Total Rates/Charges Outstanding as of 30th April 2010 $223,692.28 Total Current Rates/Charges Outstanding as of 30th April 2010 $139,272.29 Total Arrears Rates/Charges Outstanding as of 30th April 2010 $84,419.99 A detailed Rates Report will be presented as a separate item for the June 2010 meeting. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS As presented Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Nil OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the bank reconciliation, rates report and credit card reconciliations for April 2010 statements be received. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr That the bank reconciliation, rates report and credit card reconciliations for April 2010 statements be received. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: Signature of CEO: Voting Requirement: Meeting Date: 6.3 Annual Report Manager of Finance & Accounting Simple Majority 20th May, 2010 INTRODUCTION The 2008/2009 Annual Report is presented to Council for adoption. A copy of the 2008/2009 Annual Report has been provided separately to all Councillors. BACKGROUND Council has an obligation under the Local Government Act 1995 to prepare an Annual Report and to present the report to the Community within 56 days of accepting the Annual Report. There is a requirement to give 14 days’ public notice of the Annual Electors Meeting. Council has advertised the meeting in the Geraldton Guardian on the 7th May, 2010 for the Electors Meeting to be held on Thursday, 20th May, 2010 at 5.30 pm. OFFICER’S COMMENTS The Annual Report includes: Shire President’s Report Chief Executive Officers Report Statutory Reports Freedom of Information Statement Audited Financial Statements Audit Report The reports outline activities undertaken during 2008/09 together with the financial position of the Shire of Morawa as at 30th June, 2009. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Government Act 1995 Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Nil OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that:1. Council adopt the 2008/2009 Annual Report for the Shire of Morawa. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr 1. Council adopt the 2008/2009 Annual Report for the Shire of Morawa. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: Signature of CEO Voting Requirements: Meeting Date: 6.4 Monthly Financial Statements Manager Accounting & Finance Fred Gledhill Simple Majority 20th May, 2010 INTRODUCTION Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 34(1)(a) states that a Local Government must prepare financial statements monthly. COMMENT The Monthly Statement of Financial Activity report and the Variance Report for the month ending 30th April, 2010 is presented to Council for adoption as a separate attachment. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Government Act 1995 Section 6.4 and Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 Section 34 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS As presented STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS No strategic implications OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Statement of Financial Activity and the Variance Report for the month ending 30th April, 2010. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr That Council adopt the Statement of Financial Activity and the Variance Report for the month ending 30th April, 2010. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: Signature of CEO: Voting Requirements: Meeting Date: 6.5 Fund Transfers Manager Accounting & Finance Absolute Majority 20th May, 2010 INTRODUCTION The Morawa Tennis Club Inc received funding through the Department of Sport and Recreation Grant Scheme to resurface the six (6) tennis courts located at the Morawa Recreation Centre facility. BACKGROUND INFORMATION As part of the grant application Council did support the application by the Morawa Tennis Club and did agree to release funds from the Morawa Sport and Recreation Reserve Funds for the purposes of providing a one third financial contribution towards the cost of resurfacing the six tennis courts. (Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council, held Thursday 23 October, 2008) The cost of the project was $127270 (GST exclusive) and the CSRFF grant ($45067) has been acquitted. The transfer of $28600 from the Sport and Recreation Reserve was carried in March 2010, and the $24000 from the Morawa Community Trust has been accounted for against that project. As the $28600 was not included in the Budget process for 09/10 and the actual transfer has been carried out, Council endorsement of the transfer is required for Audit purposes. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT The Local Government Act 1995 Section 6.20(3) POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Nil Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended:That Council endorse the CEO’s actions of transferring $28600 from the Sport & Recreation Reserve Account as part of the contributions for the resurfacing of the six tennis courts located at the Morawa Recreation Centre facility. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr That Council endorse the CEO’s actions of transferring $28600 from the Sport & Recreation Reserve Account as part of the contributions for the resurfacing of the six tennis courts located at the Morawa Recreation Centre facility. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of CEO: File Number: Voting Requirements: 7.1 Strategic Plan Update and Progress Report Chief Executive Officer Various Simple Majority INTRODUCTION A Strategic Plan Update and Progress Report is provided each month for Councillors information. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that: The Strategic Plan Update and Progress Report for the 20th May 2010, Ordinary Meeting be received. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Cr Seconded: Cr The Strategic Plan Update and Progress Report for the 20th May 2010, Ordinary Meeting be received. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: File Number: Voting Requirement: 8.1.1. Shire Administration Building Chief Executive Officer Absolute Majority INTRODUCTION Cr Carslake has requested that Council again give consideration to the preferred location of providing Shire administration services in Morawa. The purpose of this report is for Council to give due consideration to Cr Carslake’s request. ATTACHMENT Cr Carslake Briefing Note Copies of Building Plans / Designs for the Shire of Perenjori BACKGROUND INFORMATION Council has considered a variety of options in relation to the future location of administration services in Morawa. The various options include: Remaining at the original Prater / Dreghorn Street location, with modifications Establishing a new location at a green-fields site within the main (Winfield) street Refurbishing the ‘old Wesfarmers Building’ into a permanent location After much deliberation, including extensive community consultation, Council resolved to refurbish the ‘old Wesfarmers Building’ into a permanent Shire of Morawa location. Work on this refurbishment has been delayed pending second round funding through the State Government Royalties for Regions Program. OFFICER’S COMMENT The preferred location to provide Shire administrative services has been the subject of many discussions and much Council deliberation over a significant period in time. There are strong supporters from all sections of the community, including Council, to move into a new (or refurbished) main street location or alternatively stay at the original site. The final Council vote to determine the preferred location was not unanimous given the strong views from both sides of the debate. The Shire administration team have enjoyed the working environment created by the current location, particularly following the cramp conditions experienced at the old Prater Street building. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Nil Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The financial costs vary dependant on the preferred option adopted. For refurbishing and extending the original Shire administration building and Council Chambers to an optimum design, an indicative (2007) cost has been assessed at $1.5 million. A similar price tag of $1.5 million was also estimated to establish a new building in a (to be determined) main (Winfield) street location. The cheaper option of $0.6 million (2009) has been assessed to refurbish and upgrade the ‘old Wesfarmers Building’. No borrowings are required for this option, with all funds sourced from the State Government Royalties for Regions (R4R) Program together with internal Shire building labour support. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The adopted Shire of Morawa Strategic Plan / Plan for the Future (as updated) includes the following strategy:“Finalise plans and complete refurbishment of Shire Administration Building in Morawa”. RISK MANAGEMENT The major risk in relation to this matter is inaction. Although recognising the community ownership and strong views attached to the issue, it important that Council determines an agreed position and moves forward in relation to the same. Failure to act to date has resulted in high uncertainty, functional difficulties and cost increases. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that:1. Council recommit to refurbishing the existing ‘old Wesfarmers Building’ at a previously estimated cost of $0.6 million. 2. Royalties for Regions (R4R) funding and Shire labour costs be utilised to complete this refurbishment during the 2010/11 financial year. Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr 1. Council recommit to refurbishing the existing ‘old Wesfarmers Building’ at a previously estimated cost of $0.6 million. 2. Royalties for Regions (R4R) funding and Shire labour costs be utilised to complete this refurbishment during the 2010/11 financial year. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: File Number: Voting Requirement: 8.1.2 Mid West Regional Council Minutes – April / May Chief Executive Officer Absolute Majority INTRODUCTION Minutes taken from the most recent Mid West Regional Council Meetings and Council Discussion Sessions are attached for Council’s reference and information. There are some matters contained within the Minutes that require Council’s specific reference. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Mid West Regional Council includes the representative Shires of Morawa, Mullewa, Mingenew, Perenjori, Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs. The respective Shires of both Coorow and Carnamah have issued formal notice of their intention to withdraw from the Mid West Regional Council to take effect from 30th June 2010. The respective Shires of Mullewa, Mingenew and Three Springs have also issued formal notice of withdrawal from the Mid West Regional Council to take effect from 30th June 2011. OFFICER’S COMMENT The attached information is provided to permit Council the opportunity to gain a level of information and understanding on the projects and items being considered from a regional perspective and its implications for each of the seven representative Shires, including Morawa. Minutes of each future monthly Mid West Regional Council meeting will be provided to Council on a similar basis. The important issues requiring Morawa Shire Council consideration resulting from the April/May 2010 meetings of the Mid West Regional Council (MWRC) relates to:1. Withdrawal of Shires of Coorow & Carnamah – Division of Assets (April) The respective Shires of Carnamah and Coorow have confirmed their Councils intent to withdraw from the MWRC as of 30th June 2010. Legal advice has been received by the MWRC indicating that a ‘notional winding up’ of the MWRC is required through a valuation of assets and liabilities of the regional council to determine final amounts payable or refundable (if any) to or from the Shires of Carnamah and Coorow. The MWRC requires each of its member Councils to endorse this ‘notional winding up’ process for this valuation assessment to take place. 2. Future of Mid West Regional Council (May) A Notice of Motion was considered and endorsed by the MWRC that the Shire of Mullewa be permitted to withdraw from the regional council on 30th June 2010 on the condition that the Shire of Mullewa fund all financial obligations due to 30th June 2011. This notice of motion will be considered as a full Council agenda item by the MWRC at its next regional council meeting. Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Government Act 1995 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Nil RISK MANAGEMENT Nil OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that:1. The April and May 2010 Meeting Minutes of the Mid West Regional Council be noted. 2. Approval is given for a ‘Notional Winding Up’ of the Mid West Regional Council to take place at 30th June 2010 to enable disbursements or recoups to be determined for the withdrawing Shires of Carnamah and Coorow. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr 1. The April and May 2010 Meeting Minutes of the Mid West Regional Council be noted. 2. Approval is given for a ‘Notional Winding Up’ of the Mid West Regional Council to take place at 30th June 2010 to enable disbursements or recoups to be determined for the withdrawing Shires of Carnamah and Coorow. CARRIED 7-0 Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: Signature of CEO: File Number: Voting Requirements: 9.1 Shire Correspondence Requiring Council Attention Chief Executive Officer Various Simple Majority INTRODUCTION Information that is requiring Councils Attention is provided each month. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION For Council’s consideration. Item No: Subject: Proponent: Signature of Officer: Signature of CEO: File Number: Voting Requirements: 10.1 Information Bulletin Chief Executive Officer Various Simple Majority INTRODUCTION An information bulletin is provided each month for Councillors information. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that: The Information Bulletin submitted for the 20th May 2010, Ordinary Meeting be received. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Moved: Seconded: Cr Cr The Information Bulletin submitted for the 20th May 2010, Ordinary Meeting be received. CARRIED Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES 11 NEW BUSINESS OF URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING COUNCIL RESOLUTION 12 GENERAL BUSINESS Nil 13 APPLICATION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil 14 NEXT MEETING The next Ordinary Meeting of the Morawa Shire Council will be held on 17th June 2010. 15 MEETING CLOSURE There being no further business for discussion the Shire President thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at I certify that the Minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Council Meeting held on Thursday, 17th June 2010. …………………………………Presiding Person Shire of Morawa: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday 20th May 2010