Westminster City Council – Children and Community Services Research Application Form - Project Plan Before any research is undertaken you should discuss the research idea with the manager responsible for the service area that the research relates to. You must complete this application form/project plan providing as much detailed information as possible about your proposal. On the form are points that your proposal should address. This should help you to think through your research project. Your completed application form should be submitted to Phillip Berechree, Strategy & Performance Division, CSSD who will register it and forward it to the Research Steering Group for an initial assessment of the research proposal and provide advice on the plan, following which Phillip Berechree will endorse it before the research can take place. This process aims to ensure that research meets ethical standards and that those participating in the research are protected from the risk of physical, emotional and psychological harm. Your Research Proposal Title of the proposed research: Unplanned hospital admissions of older people (75+): the impact of governance and incentives. Phase 2 Aims of the proposed research: The study will look at the ways in which local authorities and NHS bodies work together to finance, organise and deliver services in order to reduce the utilisation of unplanned inpatient bed days Name of research project leader: Professor Martin Knapp Designation: Director, Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) Address: PSSRU, LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE Telephone no: 020 7955 6225 E-mail: m.knapp@lse.ac.uk 1 Name of research supervisor: ___N/A not research that forms part of a qualification Designation: _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ Telephone no: _______________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Names of other research project staff: Catherine Henderson Designation: Research Officer _______________________________ Address: PSSRU, LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE _______________________________ Telephone no: 020 7955 7247 ____________________ E-mail: s.henderson@lse.ac.uk Details of the WCC Manager who has agreed to the research project: Name: Marian Harrington Designation: Director of Social Services Address: Westminster City Council Social & Community Services City Hall (7th Floor) 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP Telephone no: 0207 641 2174 Who commissioned the research? NHS Service Delivery Organisation Who will fund your project? NHS Service Delivery Organisation E-mail: mharrington@westminster.gov.uk - £303,340 2 Background (What is the main question to be answered by this research study?) (Please note that RGF approval was obtained for Phase 1 of the study and that this application only pertains to Phase 2) Phase 2 of the study will address the following questions. 1. How have professionals conceptualised changes in governance and incentives? 2. How do professionals interpret and integrate policy concerning governance and incentive arrangements into their daily practice? 3. Are there particular aspects of governance and incentives that are perceived by professionals as more appropriate to the values and culture of their organisation? 4. Do professionals perceive governance and incentive arrangements as driving patient choice and quality of care? 5. What are the perceived facilitators and barriers to reducing unscheduled hospital bed use at each point of the patient journey within the identified conditions (falls, COPD and stroke)? 6. What factors do patients perceive to contribute to preventing unplanned hospital admissions and minimising hospital stay? Please see attached document, giving details on methodology, including ethical considerations Plan Phase 2 - within 3 sites of the 9 sites that participated in the Innovation Forum initiative. Non−participant observation of multiprofessional forums: We will have identified these forums from the phase 1 and 2 data collection and through liaison with the IF Project Lead. Permission to observe these meetings will be gained in advance from the chair, and before the meeting begins, from those attending. An information sheet detailing the study will be posted or faxed to the chair and those attending. Consent will be verbal. Observation of a range of multi−professional forums/team meetings/case conferences, responsible for monitoring and evaluating unscheduled bed days. It is not certain how many of these meetings will be observed. It is likely to be at least 4 in each of the 3 sites. Patient tracking: Patients (n=6 per site) meeting the inclusion criteria will be recruited via ward staff and IF project staff, for instance via those working in hospital wards/discharge teams and intermediate care teams. Professionals will be asked to help identify older people who would meet the criteria for 'patient tracking' and would be able and willing to apply the modified AEP criteria to screen people they are providing care/services to. A maximum of 6 patients and 6 carers will be recruited at this site in Westminster altogether. Staff would be asked to gain initial consent and give out a participant information sheet and obtain patient consent to be contacted by the researcher. In addition, a maximum of 6 key members of staff involved in the care of each patient will be recruited, i.e. 2 per patient on each of the 3 occasions that patients will be interviewed.Formal recruitment and informed consent will be undertaken by the researcher. At least 24 hours will be given for patients and their informal carers to consider partipation. Patients will be encouraged to discuss their participation with family and friends. Consent will be sought separately at each of the three stages of their journey through the health and social care system (process consent). Patients and patients' carers interviews will be conducted by researchers at a time and place convenient for respondent. A researcher will be working at each of the three sites and will be experienced at undertaking interviews with older people. The three researchers will be supported and trained by the core research team. Points to cover What other projects/studies have been carried out in this area, (if any)? What is your particular area of interest? How will your research add to any previous work undertaken? Points to cover Who are you targeting? How are you going to select your sample? How will you obtain consent of your target group? What will the research participants be expected to do? What arrangements are there to protect the confidentiality of information about research participants? Points to cover What research methods will you use in collecting your data? E.g. telephone survey, interview, questionnaire, case file audit, discussion group, internet survey etc. How are you going to recruit your participants? How will this comply with equal opportunities policy? Are you involving your partners in planning the research? Will the participants receive payment for their time? What potential benefits, risks or harm is there to your participants? 3 The first interview will take place in hospital/community-based service focused on preventing admission, the second and third in a place convenient to the patient, likely to be own home or care home. Max 1 hour. For face-to-face interviews of health and social care professionals, staff will be approached initially by the researcher either face-to-face by visiting workplaces or by telephone/email. An information sheet and consent form detailing the study will be given, posted or faxed to the participant. Written consent will be gained before undertaking interviews. In order to identify the staff most appropriate to be interviewed (caring for the tracked patient), we will select these staff following interview and discussion with the patient and the hospital/community team involved with the patient. The staff selected will be those most involved in care, e.g. the 'named nurse' in hospital or member of the intermediate care team in most contact etc. The patient will be specifically asked to give their consent for the member of staff to discuss their particular case. Staff: Interview will be conducted by researchers at a time and place convenient for respondent, and could also be undertaken by telephone if more convenient to participant. Likely to be place of work. Duration of interviews: 30−60 mins Consent and confidentiality - Please see attached information sheets, consent forms and invitation letters Methods (Ethics) The consent process has been outlined above. Participants will not receive payment for their time. The research will involve negligible risk of emotional harm to either patients or staff. Local evaluators will conduct all interviews. Data will be managed initially by the researcher allocated to each site, and will be anonymised at that point. Information from the interviews and field notes for all 3 sites will be collated for further analysis using a qualitative software package and analysed by the research team. 4 Has the research received approval from other bodies e.g. DH, DFES, University, college etc? If yes, please attach the evidence Yes__Copy of MREC approval letter attached No_ Data usage and storage Taped interview material, fieldnotes and Questionnaire data: Please see enclosed consent forms, information sheets and invitation letters for Phase 2. Dissemination: Interim and final reports will be delivered to SDO with all areas and individuals anonymised. Summary reports will be sent to project participants. Representatives from sites will be invited to participate in the workshops in Phase 3. Seminars will be given to policy makers, practitioners and managers. Conference presentations will be made to health, social care and other relevant audiences. Points to cover How are you proposing to use the research data? How will the data be used to inform and improve services? Will your data be used for any other purposes other than your study? How do you propose to store your data? E.g. on database, files etc How long would you keep the data collected? Who will own the data/research findings? What methods will you use in presenting the findings of your research? E.g. presentation, report, journal Is the data to be collected personal or sensitive and if so how will you obtain consent, from the participants and ensure confidentiality? How would you ensure compliance with the data protection legislation? Feedback How and when will you submit feedback on the outcomes/recommendations of the research to WCC’s Research Steering Group (RSG) and the people you have consulted with? A final report, summary reports from phases 1 & 2 and an overall final report will be delivered to SDO and project participants. Seminars will be given to policy makers, practitioners and managers. Timescale Date by which research approval is required: October 2007 Proposed research start date: November 2007 5 Anticipated research completion date: May 2008 Applicant’s signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ The completed application form should be sent to: Phillip Berechree, Acting Asst Director, Strategy & Performance Division, Children and Community Services, Westminster City Council, 64 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, SW1E 6QP Research Steering Group (RSG) Comments from the RSG on the research proposal that will be fedback to the applicant: 6