CANADIAN ORGANIC GROWERS LIBRARY LIST – 2004 The lending library is operated by COG volunteers and is available to paid-up COG members ONLY at no charge. This list represents the collection as of January 2004, and replaces previous lists. Please use it when ordering. New additions will be listed quarterly in The Canadian Organic Grower magazine. When ordering, please use both title and category number. An order form is included at the end of this list. Donations of material related to organic growing are welcome. If you would like to assist with the library, please contact Leanne McCormick, COG Librarian, 374 Front St., #10, Port Stanley ON N5L 1E9, e-mail CATEGORIES 1. ARTICLES 2. BOOKS 3. BIODYNAMIC MATERIAL 4. INTERNATIONAL 5. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 6. CATALOGUES, ORGANIZATIONS, STANDARDS & BIBLIOGRAPHIES 7. PERIODICALS 8. REPORTS 9. RODALE RESEARCH REPORTS 10. BOOKLETS 11. TAPES & TRANSCRIPTS 12. INFORMATION FILES 1. ARTICLES Agricultural Science and Sustainable Agriculture: a Review of the Existing Scientific Barriers to Sustainable Food Production and Potential Solutions. Rod MacRae, Stuart Hill, John Henning & Guy Mehuys. McGill University, Quebec. 1989. Alternatives to Chemical Garden Sprays. Pollution Probe. An Alternative Vision for Canadian Agriculture. Lake, Wendy-Erin. Animal Rights Should Start With Farmers. Lorentzon, Betsy. The New Farm. Nov. 1981. Apocalypse Plough. Hughs, Joey. Elm Farm Research Centre. U.K. March 1999. Back To Eden (about Wes Jackson & the Land Institute). Eisenberg, Evan. The Atlantic Monthly. 1989. The Best of Enemies: Death by Natural Causes. Levin, D. & John Laing. Harrowsmith. Aug./Sept. 1982. Biocontrol Agents Prey on Pests and Pathogens. Walton, S. BioScience. Vol. 30, No.7, July 1980. Biodynamics: The "Other" Organic Gardening Method. The Mother Earth News. 1984. Booker T. Whatley: The $100,000 25-acre farm plan. Mother Earth News. 1982. Bramble Culture—raising canes: A primer in the planting and care of raspberries. Bennett, Jennifer. Harrowsmith. Building a Sustainable Quality Food Supply System: The Challenges and Opportunities. Smillie, J. . Building Soil Fertility Without Synthetic Chemical Fertilizers. Agroecoloy Program. U. of California. Can Organic Agriculture Feed the World...And is that the Right Question? Kirschenmann, Fred. Full text keynote address. 16th Annual Organic Conference. Guelph. Jan.25, 1997. Catch crops—catching nutrients before they leach away. Wallace, Janet. NSOGA. 1998. Collected Articles by Anne and Eric Nordell. Donated by Rudy Nagel. Commercialization of Transgenic Plants: Potential Ecological Risks. Snow, Allison A. & Paul Moran Palma. Bioscience. February 1997. Common Garden Pests Description and Life History of 13 Insects. Ecological Agriculture Projects. Comparison of alternative farming systems. I–Infiltration techniques. II–Earthworm population density & species diversity. III–Soil aggregate stability. Am. Jour. of Alternative Agriculture. Vol. 8, No. 1. 1993. Composting Fact Sheets. Peterborough Green-Up. 1995. Considerations in Mapping Soil Properties or What About This Grid-Sampling? Peterson, Dr. Todd and Dr. Nyle Wollenhaupt. Crop Insights. Vol. 6, No. 19. Pioneer HiBred International, Inc. 1996. Consumers' Perceptions of Organic Food Quality. Woodward, Lawrence and Angelika Meier-Ploeger. Elm Farm Research Centre. U.K. March 1999. Conversion from Conventional to Biological Dairy Farming: Economic and Enviromental Consequences at Farm Level. P.B.M. Berentsen, G.W.J. Giesen and M.M.F. H. Schneiders. Department of Farm Mangement, Wageningen Agricultural University, Netherlands. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 1998, Vol. 16, pp. 311-328. Great Britain. Cut Your Weed Control Costs In Half. The New Farm. 1986. Dangerous Liasons: the alarming disclosure of methyl bromide. Bonvie, Linda & Bill. Buzzworm. Vol. 11, No. 2. 1990. Decrease Pesticide Costs by Using Traps for Apple Maggot. Fruit Grower. April 1987. Earthworms: The Agriculturist's Friends. Ramsay, Jennifer & Stuart B. Hill. MacDonald Journal. Vol. 39, No.10. 1978. Earthworms, Our Allies. Soil Assn. Publication. Ecosystem Health—A Framework for Implementing Sustainability in Agriculture. Waltner-Toews, David. Bioscience. October 1996. Entomologists Probe Chemical Defenses and Natural Enemies. Bodde, T. BioScience. May 1982. Farm Facts Collection of Articles produced by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. Organic Crop Production: Disease Management, Insect Management, Weed Management, Soil Conservation Practices and An Introduction to Organic Fertilization in Saskatchewan. 1998. Food Safety: Examining the Roots of Controversy. Agroecology Program. U. of California. 1989. Free-range labeling can be misleading. Rogers, Susan. Harrowsmith Country Life. April 1995. Genetic Engineering in Agriculture: Another Green Revolution? Bodde, Tineke. BioScience. Vol. 32, No. 7. 1982. Genetic Enigineering in Agriculture and the Enviroment: Assessing Risks and Benefits. Paoletti, Maurizio G. & Pimental. Bioscience. October 1996. Greenspace Fact Sheets. Peterborough Green-Up. 1995 Growing Apples Organically. Speech by Alvin Filsinger. Health, Sustainability ans the Global Economy: The organic dilemma. A discussion by Lawrence Woodward, David Fleming and Hardy Vogtmann. Elm Farm Research Centre. U.K. August 1996. Hit and Misses. The Ecological Approach to Pest Control in Orchards. Gruys, P. The Netherlands. How to Lose $42 an Acre. Liebhardt & Culik. The New Farm. 1983. How to Save $42 an Acre. Liebhardt & Culik. The New Farm. 1986. Human Contributions to Terrestrial Nitrogen Flux: Assessing the Sources and Fates of Anthropogenic Fixed Nitrogen. Jordan, Thomas E. & Donald E. Weller. Bioscience. October 1996. Insect Pest Management for Organic Crops. Small Farm Program and Vegetable Research and Information Center ( Organic Vegetable Production in California Series ). University of California – Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2000. The Inside Scoop on Potting Soil: creating a compost-based recipe for regeneration. Dunphy, Paul. Harrowsmith. Feb 94. Lady Balfour Memorial Lecture. Delivered by HRH The Prince of Wales. Soil Association. 19 September 1996. Lawn Alternatives. Ecology Park Fact Sheets. Lawn Care Problems and Solutions. Kaplan, Abram. Wildflower. Winter 1987. A Little Phosphorus Goes A Long Way. DeVault, George. The New Farm. 1982. Low input milk and beef productiion in organic farming. Meili, E.A. Extension service of the research institute of organic farming in Frick Barenburg, Switzerland. 2002. The Man of the Tree: Richard St. Barbe Baker. Eyre, Wayne. Fall l984. The Mysterious Earth. Cheshire, Spencer. Canadian Audobon. Nov/Dec 1960. Natural Invaders: invasive plants in Ontario. Federation of Ontario Naturalists. Don Mills, Ont. 2 Natural Lawn Care. Probe Post. 1988. Naturally – Behind the Organic – Industrial Complex. Pollan, Michael. New York Times. May 13, 2001. Nitrates in Relation to Composting—7 uses of farm manures. Nitrogen fixing and keeping nitrogen in your soil. Wallace, Janet. NSOGA. 1997. Nutritional Benefits of Organically Grown Food. Kramer, Dee. Nutritional Quality of Organic Versus Conventional Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains. Worthington, Virginia. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol 7, #2, 2001, pp. 161-173. Ode to Slow The Italian ‘slow movement’. Williams, Megan. The Globe and Mail. April 28, 2001. On the Eve of a New Harvest: will the 1990's be the decade of organic farming in America? Mueller, William. Buzzworm. Vol 2, No. 5. Sept/Oct 1990. The Ontario Farmer. Excerpts of 35 articles on Organic Agriculture. Jan. 1988 to present. Organic Certification, Farm Production, and Marketing. Small Farm Program and Vegetable Research and Information Center ( Organic Vegetable Production in California Series ). University of California – Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2000. Organic Farmers Cultivate the Market. Henkes, Rollie. The Furrow. October 1995. Organic Farming and GMOs: We are lost without a ring-fence. Wolfe, Martin. Elm Farm Research Centre. U.K. March 1999. Organic Farming Series. Risser, James. Des Moines Register & Tribune. 1984. Organic Farming: Facing Choices at the Crossroads. Biotechnology and Organic Production and Processing. Dr. Charles Benbrook. IFOAM: Ecology and Farming. May 1998. The Organic Food Industry: Where we've been, where we are, & where we're going. Kirschenmann, Frederick. Speech at Organic Trade Assoc. dinner. 1995. Organic Foods vs Supermarket Foods: Element Levels. Smith, Bob. Journal of Applied Science. Vol. 45, No. 1. 1993. Organics Gaining Ground. Stoneman, Don. Better Farming. June/July 2001. Organic Lawn Care. Apple, Heather. Canadian Organic Growers. Organic—A Matter of Taste. Vogtmann, Dr. Hardy. Hessian Government Office. Germany. IFOAM Ecology and Farming. May 1996. Permaculture: Turn your Lawn into an Edible Landscape. Hemenway, Dan. Whole Life Times. 1984. Pest Control: a behavioural approach. Hill, Stuart B. Natural Life. No.24. December 1991. Pesticides and Ecosystems. Pimentel & Edwards. BioScience. August 1982. Pesticides and Human Health. The Ontario College of Family Physicians: Environmental Health Committee Newsletter for Family Physicians. May 1998. Plant Disease Management for Organic Crops. Small Farm Program and Vegetable Research and Information Center ( Organic Vegetable Production in California Series ). University of California – Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2000. The Plant Seed Development, Preservation, and Germination. Ed.: Rubenstein, I. Academic. 1978. Plate Bloomers—Considering Flowers as Food. Stewart, Anita. Harrowsmith. Potassium: A Case of Too Much, Too Often. DeVault. The New Farm. 1982. Producer Booker T. Whatley on Small Mixed Farming. Seber, B. Science. 1984. Regenerating a Tired Farm. Speech by Alvin Filsinger. A Revolution in Agriculture (re-mineralizing the soil). Role and Function of Humus in Soil with Emphasis on Adsorption of Herbicides and Chelation of Micronutrients. Stevenson, F.J. Bioscience. November 1972. Seeds of Disaster. HRH The Prince of Wales. Healthy Telegraph. 1998. Soil Biology and the Benefits of the Conservation Tillage. Clapperton, Dr. Jill. Rhizosphere Ecology Research Group, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. No Date. Soil Fertility Management for Organic Crops. Small Farm Program and Vegetable Research and Information Center ( Organic Vegetable Production in California Series ). University of California – Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2000. 3 Soil Management and Soil Quality for Organic Crops. Small Farm Program and Vegetable Research and Information Center ( Organic Vegetable Production in California Series ). University of California – Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2000. Stoned in Sonoma: Bob Connard’s innovative rocky fertilizer produces smooth results. Gibson, Eric. California Farmer. 1996. The Seed Story. Doubleday Research Ass’n. Winter 83/84. A Study of the Cold Resistance of European Plums. Brierley & McCartney. U. of Minnesota. Ten ideas of how to get started in organic gardening. Wilson, Judine. 1982. Testing...Testing How We Did It. Culik & Liebhardt. The New Farm. 1982. The Terminator Technology: New Genetic Technology Aims to Prevent Farmers from Saving Seed. Rural Advancement Fund International. RAFI Communiqué. March/April 1998. Unequal Commoners and Uncommon Equity: Property and Community Among Smallholder Farmers. Netting, Robert McC. The Ecologist. Vol. 27, No. 1. Jan/Feb. 1997. The Unseen Life in Soil. Reschke, Peter. Ontario Farmer. 5 March 1996. The Use of Green Manure Crops in Improving Your Soil. 1988. Vegetables in Danger. Hills, Lawrence. Soil Assoc. 1981. Water Resources: Agricultre, the Enviroment, and Society. Pimental, David & others. Bioscience. February 1997. Weeding and Mulching. Date and author unknown. Weeds as Indicators of Soil Conditions. Hill & Ramsey. The Macdonald Journal. June 1977. Weed Management for Organic Crops. Small Farm Program and Vegetable Research and Information Center ( Organic Vegetable Production in California Series ). University of California – Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2000. Weeds, the Rhizosphere, and the Underground Story. Clapperton, Jill. Weeds as Teachers: Proceedings from a November 1995 Conference. Alternative Energy Resources Organization. Broadwater Printing Co. Townsend. Montana. 1997. Well Managed Meadows. Webster, Michael. Harrowsmith. 1984. What's Sustainable? Wilkins, Dave. Country Guide. April 1989. Wild Foods. Cohlmeyer. D. 1985. 2. BOOKS The Able Gardener. Yeomans, Kathleen, R.N. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1992. The Advance of Fungi. Large, E.C. Dover. N.Y. 1962 (1940). Alan Chadwick’s Enchanted Garden. Cuthebertson, Tom. E. P. Dutton. New York. 1978. The Albrecht Papers, Vol 1: Foundation Concepts. Albrecht, William. Ed.: Walters,Charles, Jr. Acres U.S.A. 1975. The Albrecht Papers, Vol 2: Soil Fertility and Animal Health. Albrecht, William. Ed.: Walters,Charles, Jr. Acres U.S.A. 1975. The Albrecht Papers, Vol 3: Hidden Lessons in Unopened Books. Albrecht, William. Ed.: Walters, Charles, Jr. Acres U.S.A. 1989. The Albrecht Papers, Vol 4: Enter Without Knocking. Albrecht, William. Ed.: Walters, Charles, Jr. Acres U.S.A. 1989. Another Season’s Promise, Hope and Despair in Canada’s Farm Country. Ingeborg, Boyens. Viking. Toronto. 2001. Annapolis Atmosfarm Workbook. A Componenet of the Annapolis Atmosfarm Outreach Pilot Project. Jones, Paul, Marsters, Amy and Despres, Renee. Global Climate Change and Clean Annapolis River Project. 2001. The Annual Garden. Loewer, Peter. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1988. The Apartment Gardner. Dworkin, Stan & Floss. Signet. N.Y. 1974. The Apple Grower: A Guide for the Organic Orchardist. Phillips, Michael. Chelsea Green, Vt. 1998. The Art of Natural Farming and Gardening. Engelken, Ralph & Rita. Barrington Hall Press. Iowa. 1981. 4 Additive Alert! What Have They Done to Our Food? A consumer's action guide. Holmes, Randee. Pollution Probe. McClelland & Stewart. Toronto. 1994. (Revised edition.) Additive Alert. Pim, Linda, R. Doubleday Canada Ltd. Toronto. 1979. Advanced Organic Gardening. Carr, Anna. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1982. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Breaking out of Traditions. Ison, Ray & Russell, David. Cambridge University Press. NY. 1999. Agro-alternatives: Alternative Farming Methods to Lower Input Costs and Enhance Sustainability. Eds.: Smith, Gary, PAg, and Wilma Groenen, MA. Canada–Saskatchewan Environmental Sustainability Initiative and the Sask. Research Council. Grand Valley Press. Moose Jaw. 1992. Agro-ecological Farm Plan. Do – it – Yourself Handbook. Elin Swym, EM Gywyn & Associates. Ontario Agricultural Training Institute. Guelph, ON. 1998. AgroEcology—The Scientific Basis of Alternative Agriculture. Altiere, Miguel A. U. of California. Berkeley. 1983 (also 1987). Alan Chadwick’s Enchanted Garden. All About Weeds. Spencer, Edwin Rollin. Dover Publications. 1957. Allotment Gardening: Sound Advice for Making the Most of the Second Garden. de Choisy, Kevin. Thorsons Publishers. Northhamptonshire. 1979. Alternative Agriculture. U.S. National Research Council. National Academy Press. Washington. 1989. Amaranth From the Past, For the Future. Cole, John. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1979. Amaranth Modern Prospects for an Ancient Crop. National Research Council. National Academy Press. 1984. An Acres U.S.A. Primer. Walters, Charles Jr. and C.J. Fenzau. U.S.A. 1979. An Agricultural Testament. Howard, Sir Albert. Oxford. 1943/Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1979. Another Season’s Promise Hope and Despair in Canada’s Farm Country. Boyens, Ingeborg. Viking. Toronto. 2001. Apostolic Farming. de Hueck Doherty, Catherine. Madonna House. Combermere, Ont. 1990. Arboretum America: A Philosophy of the Forest. Beresford-Kroeger, Diana. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor, MI. 2003. Back Garden Seed Saving: Keeping Our Vegetable Heritage Alive. Strictland, Susan. eco-logic books. Bristol, UK. 2001. The Backyard Berry Book: A hands-on guide to growing berries, brambles, & vine fruit in the home garden. Otto, Stella. OttoGraphics. Maple City, Mich. 1995. Backyard Market Gardening. Lee, Andrew W. Good Earth Publications. Vt. 1993. The Backyard Vegetable Factory—Super Yields From Small Spaces. Newcomb, Duane. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 982. Bakavi: Change the World, I Want To Stay On. Nickerson, Mike. All About Us—Nous Autre Canada Inc. Ottawa. 1977. The Basic Book of Organic Gardening. Ed.: Rodale, Robert. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1971. Basic Organic Gardening. Hunt, Marjorie B. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1982. Basic Techniques in Ecological Farming. Papers presented at the 2nd International Conference held by IFOAM in Montreal, 1978. Eds.: Hill, Stuart & Pierre Ott. Basal. Boston. StuttgartBirkhauser. 1982. Bees, Flowers and Fruit: The Story of Insect–Plant Relations. Mace, Herbert. Wyman & Sons Ltd. London. 1949. Beneficial Insects. Swan, Lester A. Harper and Row. N.Y. 1964. Berries: A Harrowsmith Gardener's Guide. Ed.: Bennett, Jennifer. Camden House. Camden East. 1991. Better Vegetable Gardens the Chinese Way. Chan, Peter. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1985. Biological Control by Natural Enemies. DeBach, Paul. Cambridge U. Press. 1974. 1st edition. Biological Control Programmes Against Insects and Weeds in Canada 1969-1980. Eds.: J.S. Kelleher & M.A. Hulme. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. 1984. The Biological Farmer A Complete Guide to the Sustainable and Profitable Biological System of Farming. Zimmer, Gary F. Acres, USA. Austin, Texas. 2000. Bioplanning A North Temperate Garden. Beresford-Kroeger, Diana. Quarry Press. Kingston, ON. 1999. The Blooming Lawn: Creating a Flower Meadow. Verner, Yvette. Chelsea Green. Vt. 1995. 5 Botany for Gardeners. Rickett, Harold William. Macmillan, N.Y. 1957. The Botany of Desire. Pollan, Michael. Random House. NY. 2001. Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties. Deppe, C. Little, Brown & Co. Toronto. 1993. Breeds and Breeders: A Guide to Minority Livestock Breeds in Canada. Chiperzak, Jy. Joywind Farm Rare Breeds Conservancy Inc. 1992. Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden. As told to G.L. Wilson. Minn. Historical Society Press. St. Paul. 1987. The Bug Book—Harmless Insect Controls. Philbrick, Helen & John. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1974. (1994 edition: The Gardener's Bug Book.) Build It Better Yourself. Editors of Organic Gardening and Farming. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1977. Building a Healthy Lawn. Franklin, Stuart. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1988. Building Healthy Gardens. Foster, Catharine Osgood. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1989. Building Soils for Better Crops (2nd Ed). Magdoff, Fred & Harold van Es. Sustainable Agriculture Network. Burlington, VT. 2000. Building Your Own Greenhouse. Freeman, Mark. Stackpole Books. Mechanicsburg, PA. 1997. Build-It-Yourself Homestead (Everything but the House). Rodale. 1973. Butterflies: How to Identify and Attract Them to Your Garden. Schneck, Marcus. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1990. Canadian Agricultural Policy. Fowke, Vernon. U. of Toronto Press. 1946. Canadian Gardening's Natural Gardens (with native plants). Editors of Canadian Gardening. Madison Press. Toronto. 1996. The Canadian Green Consumer Guide. Pollution Probe. McClelland & Stewart Inc. Toronto. 1989. The Canadian Plant Sourcebook. Ashley, Anne & Peter. Self-published. Ottawa. 1996. The Canadian Plant Sourcebook. Ashley, Anne & Peter. Self-published. Ottawa. 1990. Caring for Your Land. A Stewardship Handbookfor the Niagra Escarpment Landowners. Hilts, Stewart & Mitchell, Peter. Centre for Lnd and Water Stewardship, University of Guelph. 1994. Carrots Love Tomatoes. Riotte, Louise. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1975. The Chemical Free Lawn: The Newest Varieties and Techniques to Grow Lush Hardy Grass. Schultz, Warren. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1989. The Chicken Health Handbook. Damerow, Gail. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1995. Chicken Tractor: The Gardener's Guide to Happy Hens and a Healthy Soil. Lee, Andy. Good Earth Publications. Shelbourne, Vt. 1994 Chickens in your Backyard: A beginner's guide. Luttman, Gail & Rick. Rodale. Emmaus. Penn. 1976. A Child's Organic Garden. Fryer, Lee & Bradford, Leigh. Acropolis Pub. 1989. The Classic Garden. Rose, Graham. Summit Books. N.Y. 1989. Climate Changes and Forest Management in the Western. Editor: Mohammed H. I. Dore. Haworth Press. New York. 2001. The Coming Revolution in Agriculture. Harold Willis. Self-published. Wisconsin Dells, Wis. 1985. Community Supported Agriculture—1996 CSA Farm Network. Gilman, Steve, Coordinator. A Project of the Northeast Organic Farming Association, with the support of The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program of USDA. Stillwater, N.Y. 1996. Companion Plants and How to Use Them. Philbrick, Helen & Gregg. Devin Adair. 1966. The Complete Herbal for the Dog and Cat. De Bairacli Levy, Juliette. Faber and Faber. London, UK. 1992. The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable. de Baircacli Levy, Juliette. Faber & Faber. London. 1991. The Complete Sprouting Book. Sellman, Rer & Gita. Turnstone Press. U.K. 1981. The Complete Urban Farmer: How to Grow Your Own Fruits and Vegetables in Town. Wickers, David. Penguin. 1976. The Complete Vegetable Gardener's Sourcebook. Newcomb, Duane. Avon Books. N.Y. 1980. Compost: Rodale Organic Gardening Basics. Rodale Press. Emmaus, PA. 2001. Compost. Seifert, Alwin. Faber and Faber. London. 1962. Composting: A Study of the Process and its Principles. Golueke, Clarence G., PhD. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1975. 6 Conservation Tillage in U.S. Agriculture Enviromental, Economic and Policy Issues. Uri, Noel D. The Haworth Press. NY. 1999. The Contrary Farmer. Logsdon, Gene. Chelsea Green. White River Junction, Vt. 1994. The Cook's Garden: Growing and Using the Best-Tasting Vegetable Varieties. Ogden, Shepherd & Ellen. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1989. The Cook’s Garden 100 Favourite Recipes and Expert Growing Advice form Canadian Gardening Magazine. Edited by Liz Primeau. Mc Arthur & Co. Toronto. 2003. Country Woodcraft. Langsner, Drew. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1978. Cover Cropping in Vineyards A Grower’s Handbook. University of California. Oakland, CA. 1998. Creative Propogation A Grower’s Guide. Thompson, Peter. Timber Press. Oregon. 2001. The Cultivation of Hemp: Botany, Varieties, Cultivation and Harvesting. Bosca, Dr. Ivan and Michael Karus. HempTech. Sebastopol, Calif. 1998. Development Dialogue: The Law of the Seed. Mooney, P.R. Dag Hammersköld Centre. Oslo. 1983. Development Dialogue: The Laws of Life. Fowler, C., E. Lachkovics, P. Mooney & H. Shand. Dag Hammersköld Centre, Oslo. 1988. Diary of a Compost Hotline Operator: Edible Essays on City Farming. Gillard, Spring. New Society Publishers. Gabriola Island, BC. 2003. Diet for a Small Planet. Lappe, Frances Moore. Ballantine. N.Y. 1975. Diseases in Field Crops in Canada. Edited by J. W. Martens, W. L. Seaman, T.G. Atkinson. The Canadian Phytopathological Society. Harrow, ON. 1994. Down To Earth Gardening. Hills, Lawrence D. Faber & Faber. London. 1975. Drip Irrigation For Every Landscape and All Climates. Kourik, Robert. Metamorphic Press. Santa Rosa, CA. 1992. Dry-Land Gardening: A Xeriscaping Guide for Dry-Summer, Cold-Winter Climates. Bennett, Jennifer. Firefly Books. Willowdale, Ont. 1998. Dwarf Fruit Trees: Their Propagation, Pruning, and General Management, Adapted to the United States and Canada. Waugh, F.A. Orange Judd Co. N.Y. 1906. Earthcare Ecological Agriculture in Saskatchewan. Earthcare Group. Ed.: Hanley, Paul. St. Peter's Press. Muenster. 1980. The Earthworm Book: How to Raise and Use Earthworms for Your Farm and Garden. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1977. Earthworms for Ecology & Profit, Vol I: Scientific Earthworm Farming. Gaddie, Ronald E. & Donald E. Douglas. Bookworm Publishing Co. Ontario, Calif. 1977. Earthworms for Ecology & Profit, Vol II: Earthworms & the Ecology. Gaddie, Ronald E. & Donald E. Douglas. Bookworm Publishing Co. Ontario, Calif. 1977. Easy Composting. Sussman, Vic. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1982. Ecological Fruit Production in the North. Hall-Beyer, Bart & Jean Richard. Library of Canada. 1985. Ecological Gardening. Harris, Marjorie. Random House. Toronto. 1996. The Ecology of Tropical Food Crops (2nd Ed). Norman, M.J.T, C.J. Pearson and P.G.E. Searle. Cambridge U. Press. 1995. Edaphos: Dynamics of a Natural Soil System. Sachs, Paul D. The Edaphic Press. Newbury, Vt. 1993. Empty Breadbasket? The Cornucopia Project. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 198l. Enduring Seeds: Native American Agriculture and Wild Plant Conservation. Nabhan, Gary Paul. North Point Press. San Francisco. 1989. English Farming. (Historical sketch) Russell, Sir John. Collins. London. 1941. The Family Cow. Van Loon, Dirk. Storey Books. Pownal, VT. 1976. Family Farming: A New Economic Vision. Strange, Marty. U. of Nebraska Press. Lincoln and London. 1988. Farmageddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology. Kneen, Brewster. New Society Publishers. 1999. Farm Folk City Folk. Herb Barbolet, Angela Murrills and Heather Pritchard. Douglas & McIntyre. Vancouver. 1998. Farmers of Forty Centuries. King, F.H. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1911. 7 A Farmer’s Guide to the Bottom Line A Handbook to the secure success and profits on the family-scale farm. Walters, Charles. Acres USA. Austin, Texas. 2002. The Farmer's Guide to the Internet. James, Henry. TVA Rural Studies. U. of Kentucky. 1996. Farming in Nature's Image: An ecological approach to agriculture. Soule, J.D. and J.K. Piper. Island Press. Covelo, Calif. 1992. Farms of Tomorrow: Community Supported Farms – Farm Supported Communities. Groh & McFadden. Kimberton, Penn. Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Assn., Inc. 1990. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Schlosser, Eric. Houghton-Mifflin. NY. 2002. Fatal Harvest The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture. Edited by Andrew Kimbrell. Island Press.Foundation for Deep Ecology. San Rafael, CA. 2002. Feeding a Billion Frontiers of Chinese Agriculture. Wittwer, S., Y. Youtai, S. Han and W. Lianzhend. Michigan State U. Press. 1987. Fertile Soil: A Grower’s Guide to Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. Robert Parnes, PhD. AgAccess. Davis, Calif. 1990. A Few Brass Tacks. (Agricultural policy.) Bromfield, Louis. Harper's. N.Y. 1946. Field guide to On-farm Composting. Dougherty, Mark. Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service. NRAES -114. Ithaca, NY. 1999. 52 Weekend Garden Projects. Bubel, Nancy. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1992. Five Acres and Independence. M.G. Kains. Ambassador Books Limited. Toronto. 1945. Food for the Future: Conditions and Contradictions of Sustainability. Ed.: Patricia Allen. John Wiley & Sons. N.Y. 1993. Food Irradiation: A Canadian Folly. Graham, Karen. Paper Birch Pub. 1992. Food, Farming and the Future. Sykes, Friend. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1951. Foolproof Planting, Haalpin, Anne. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1990. The Forest and the Sea (A Look at the Economy of Nature and the Ecology of Man). Bates, Marston. Time Inc. (Random House). N.Y. 1960. Forest Gardening: Cultivating an Edible Landscaping. Hart, Robert. Chelsea Green. White River Junction, VT. 1997. Forests—Wild and Managed: Differences and Consequences. A symposium held Jan. 19–20, 1990, at U.B.C., Vancouver, by Students for Forestry Awareness. Eds.: Pearson, Audrey F. & Derek A. Challenger. 1990. The Forgotten Pollinators. Buchmann, Stephen L. & Gary Paul Nabhan. Island Press. Washington. 1996. From the Good Earth. Ableman, Michael. Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated. NY. 1993. From Land to Mouth: Understanding the Food System—Second Helping (2nd edition). Kneen, Brewster. NC Press. 1993. From the Soil Up. Schriefer, Donald L. Acres, USA. Austin, Texas. 2000. From Vines to Wines. Cox, Jeff. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1988. Frost Country Gardening. Fraser, Marguerite J. Highway Book Shop. Cobalt. 1980. Fruits and Berries for the Home Garden. Hill, Lewis. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1992. Garden Planning and Design. Hunt, Francis P. Acro Publishing. N.Y. 1985. The Garden Primer. Damrosch, Barbara. Workman Publishing. NY. 1988. Garden Seed Inventory, 2nd Ed. Whealey, Kent. Decorah, Ia. Seed Savers Publications, 1988. Garden Seed Inventory, 3rd Ed. Whealey, Kent. Decorah, Ia. Seed Savers Publications. 1992. Garden Seed Inventory, 4th Ed. Whealy, Kent & Joanne Thuente. Seed Saver Pub. Decorah, Ia. 1995. Garden Walls, Fences and Hedges. Sheldon, Kathy. Lark Books. New York. 2001. The Gardener's Bug Book: Earth-Safe Insect Control. Pleasant, Barbara. Storey. Pownal, Vt. 1994. The Gardener's Guide to Plant Diseases: Earth-Safe Remedies. Pleasant, Barbara. Storey. Pownal, Vt. 1995. The Gardener's Weed Book: Earth-Safe Controls. Pleasant, Barbara. Storey. Pownal, Vt. 1996. Gardening for a Greener Planet. Erickson, Jonathan. Penn.Tab Books. Blue Ridge Summit. 1992. Gardening for the Future of the Earth. Shapiro, Howard-Yana. Bantam Books. New York, NY. 2000. 8 Gardening Indoors Under Lights. Kranz, Frederick & Jacqueline. Penguin Books. 1976. Gardening Secrets. Penrose, Kevin. Coles. 1976. Gardening with Compost. King, F.C. Faber & Faber. London. 1949. Gathering the Desert. Nabhan, Gary Paul. U of Arizona Press. Tucson, Ariz. 1985. 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Terrific Tomatoes. Foster, Catherine O. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1975. Textbook of Pomology. Gourley, M.S. J.H. MacMillan Co. N.Y. 1922. Three Farms: Making Milk, Meat and Money from the American Soil. Kramer, Mark. Bantam Books. N.Y. 1981. Tillage for Sustainable Cropping. Gajri, P.R., Arora, V.K. & Prihar, S.S. Haworth Press, Inc. Binghampton, NY. 2002. Tools for Organic Farming: A manual of appropriate equipment and treatments. Ed.: McRobie, G. Intermediate Technology Pub. N.Y. 1990. Tottering in my Garden. A gardener's Memoir. Keeble, Midge Ellis. Camden House. 1989. Tough Plants for Tough Places. Loewer, Peter. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1992. Transformation in Canada's Deep South: the creation of sustainable, regional culture through environmental, social, & personal restoration. Buchan, Jane. Blue Crow Books. Waterloo, Ont. 1996. Treat Yourself to Herbal Skin Care: A Guide to Creating Your Own Herbal Skin Care Products. Luce, Debbie. Herbs for all Seasons,. M.O.M. Printing. 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New York. 2003. The War On Weeds In the Prairie West An Environmental History. Evans, Clinton L. University of Calgary Press. Calgary, AB. 2002. 17 The Water Garden Encyclopedia. Swindells, Phillip. Firefly Books. Toronto. 2003. Water Gardens. Ed.: Archibald & Patton. Camden House. Camden East. 1990. Water-Conserving Gardens and Landscapes. O'Keefe, John M. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1992. Weather Wise Gardening, Ortho Books. San Francisco. Chevron Chemical Co. 1974. Weeds of the Prairies. Alberta Environmental Centre and Alberta Agriculture. 1998. Weeds, Control Without Poisons. Walters, Charles Jr. Acres U.S.A. Kansas City. 1991. Weeds, Guardians of the Soil. Cocannouer, Joseph A. Devin-Adair. 1950. Weeds and Why They Grow. McCaman, Jay L. Self published. MI. 1994. The Weekend Garden Guide. Roth, Susan A. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1991. The Well Filled Cupboard. Downie, Mary Alice and Barbara Robertson. Lester and Orpen Dennys Ltd. Toronto. 1987. The Wheatgrass Mechanism. Science and the Imagination in the Western Canadian Landscape. Gayton, Don. Fifth House Publishers. Saskatoon. 1992. 2nd edition. The Whole Organic Food Book. Jason, Dan. Raincoast Books. Vancouver. 2001. Why We Do It Organic Farmers on Farming. Baltaz, Diane. Sand Plains Publishers. Ayr, ON. 1998. Wild Flowers. Press, Bob & Marian Short. Viscount Books. U.K. 1984. The Wildflower Gardener's Guide, Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Great Lakes and Eastern Canada Edition. Art, Henry W. Garden Way. Pownal, Vt. 1987. Wild Medicines of the Prairies. Howarth, David and Kahlee Keane. Root Woman & Dave. Sask. 1995. Wildlife in Your Garden. Logsdon, Gene. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1983. Windowsill Ecology Controlling Indoor Plant Pests with Beneficial Insects. Jordan, William H., Jr. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1977. Winter Greens, Solar Greenhouses for Cold Climates. Ed.: Craft, Mark A. Renewable Energy in Canada. 1983. The Winter Harvest Manual. Farming the Back Side of the Calendar. Coleman, Eliot. Four Season Farm. Harborside, Me. 1998. Woodlands for Profit and Pleasure. Forbes, Reginald D. American Forestry Association. Washington. 1976. Working With Nature. Brainerd, John W. Oxford U. Press. N.Y. 1973. World Hunger: Twelve Myths. Lappe, Frances Moore & Joseph Collins. Grove Weindenfeld. San Francisco. 1986. Worms Eat My Garbage. Appelhof, Mary. Kalamazoo, Mich. 1982. The Xeriscape Flower Gardener. Knopf. Johnson Publishing Co. Boulder, Colo. 1991. You Can Farm The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start and Succeed in a Farming Enterprise. Salatin, Joel. Polyface, Inc. Swoope, VA. 1998. A Year of Flowers. Loewer, Peter. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1989. Yearbook of Agriculture 1936. U.S.D.A. 1936. Your Organic Kitchen. Cool,Jesse Ziff. Rodale Press. Emmaus, PA. 2000. 3. BIODYNAMIC MATERIAL Agriculture. Steiner, Rudolf. Translated into English by George Adams. Bio-Dynamic Agricultural Ass'n. London, U.K. 1958. Bio-Dynamic Composting on the Farm. Blaser, Peter. Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Ass’n. Reprinted. 1984. A Bio-Dynamic Farm for Growing Wholesome Food. Lovel, Hugh. Acres U.S.A. Kansas City, Mo. 1994. Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Ass'n of Ontario Newsletters, 1982-1988. (Many issues missing.) Bio-Dynamics Gardening. Soper, John. Souvenir Press. London, UK. 1996. Bio-Dynamic Gardening and Farming, Vol. 1, 2, 3. Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried. Mercury Press. N.Y. l984. BiodynamicGreenhouse Management. Grotzke, Heinz.. Bio-Dynamic Gardening and Farming Association, Inc. San Franscisco, CA. 1998. 18 Bio-Dynamic Magazine. Fall 1970 to Fall 1987. Quarterly. (Many issues missing.) Bio-Dynamic Sprays. Koepf, H.H. Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Ass’n. 1971. The Compost Manufacturer's Manual. Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried. Summer 1955. Culture and Horticulture A Philosophy of Gardening. Storl, Wolf D. Bio-dynamic Literature. Wyoming, Rhode Island. 1979. Dirt Farmer’s Dialogue: 12 Discussions about Bio-Dynamic Farming. Pank, C.J. B-D Press. Sprakers, N.Y. 1976. How Much Compost Should We Use? Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried. Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Ass’n. Reprinted. 1984. Instructions for Making Bio-Dynamic Preparations. Keopl, H.K. Life to the Land: Guidelines to Bio-Dynamic Husbandry. Castelliz, Katherine. Lanthorn Press. U.K. 1980. Primer of Companion Planting. Gregg, Richard B. Wyoming, R.I. 1943. Soil Fertility. Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried. Lanthorn Press. U.K. 1983. Studying the Agriculture Course. John Soper. Bio-Dynamic Agriculture Ass'n. Lebendige Erde Magazine. 1982-83. (in German). Weeds and What They Tell. Ehrenfried E Pfeiffer. Bio-Dynamic Farming & Gardening Ass’n. Kimberton, Penn. 1970. What is Bio-Dynamic Agriculture? Koepf, Herbert H. Bio-Dynamic Literature, Wyoming, R.I. 1982. 4. INTERNATIONAL Agriculture and Development. Ministry of External Relations and International Development. 1988. Alternative Agriculture News. Henry A.Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture. Greenbelt, Md. Monthly. June l983 to present. The Apples of New York, Vol. 1 & 2. Beach, S.A. J.B. Lyon Company. 1905. British Woodland Trees, Edlin, H.L. Battsford Ltd. London, U.K. 1945. Concept for Ecological Pig Production in United Pens in Twelve-sided Climate Tents. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. Danish Institute of Agricultural Engineering. Research Centre Bygholm. Horsens. No Date. Ecology and Farming. IFOAM. 1998 Organic Animal Husbandry. Sandy Fritz & Thomas Andresen. Fritz and Associates. Australia. 1994. Permaculture Activist. Spring 1986 & May 1989 only. Replanting Paradise: Alternative Agriculture in Thailand. 1996. Resource Efficient Farming Methods for Tanzania. Workshop. U. Dar es Salaam. Morogoro, Tanzania. May 1985. Sustainable Agriculture: The Cuban Experiment. Global Exchange Delegation Members. Global Pesticide Campaigner. November 1993. The Transformation of Cuban Agriculture After the Cold War. Perfecto, Ivette. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture. Vol 9, No. 3. 1994. 5. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Beneficial Insects & Common Pests on Strawberry & Raspberry Crops. Agriculture Canada. Publication #1863/E. 1991. Best Management Practices. Horticultural Crops. Agriculture Canada. Earth Tones…The Book Federal Science for Sustainable Development. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2000. The Effect of Organic Mulches on Soil Moisture and Crop Growth. Gillespie, Swanton & Riddle. Agriculture Canada 1991. From Frontier to Mainstream Sustainable Agriculture in Canada. Agriculture Canada. 1985. Fruit Cultivars: a guide for commercial growers. OMAF. Publication #430. 19 Fruit Trees in the Home Garden. OMAF Factsheet. Ontario. Getting Started in Organic Farming. Manitoba Agriculture & Environment Canada. MG 3043. 1992. The Health of the Our Soils: Toward sustainable agriculture in Canada. Eds.: Acton, D.F. & L.J. Gregorich. Agriculture & Agri-Foods Canada. Publication 1906/E. !995. Help Yourself To A Soil Test. OMAF. Pub. #181. Home Storage Room for Fruits and Vegetables. Agriculture Canada. 1978. Introduction to Certified Organic Farming. REAP-Canada, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada & CFBMC. 2002. An Introduction to On-Farm Food Safety Practices. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. No Date. Livestock on Small Farms. Agriculture Canada. 1982. Marketing Opportunities: Export of Atlantic Canadian Organic Produce to New England. The Canadian Farm Business Managenment Council. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 1999. Nut Culture in Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture & Food. Publication #494. 1978. Orchard Grafting Methods. OMAF Fact Sheet. Organic Farming in Ontario. Martin, Hugh. OMAF Fact Sheet. 1992. Peach Climate in Ontario. OMAF. 1956 Save the Soil: A Study in Soil Conservation and Erosion Control. Saskatchewan Agriculture. 1982. The Planting of Hardwood Trees and Shrubs. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1974. Training and Pruning Fruit Trees. OMAF. Publication #392. 6. CATALOGUES, ORGANIZATIONS, STANDARDS & BIBLIOGRAPHIES Abundant Life Seeds. 1990, 1993. Alternatives to Chemicals NIC Natural Insect CONTROL. Stevensville, ON 2003. Canadian Environmental Network. Network News and Directory. 2000. Canadian Organic Growers Directory, 2000. Community Stories—Experiences and Observations in Linking Food Security and Heart Health Programming. Ontario Public Health Association. Toronto. March 1999. The Cook's Garden. Seeds & Supplies for the New American Kitchen Garden. Londonderry, VT. 1999. Cotswold Grass Seeds Direct. Organic Forage Seeds 2000. Gloucestershire, UK. Environmental Resource Book 2000 -2001. Ontario Environment Network. North Bay, ON. 2000. Farm Management Catalogue. Canadian Farm Business Management Council. Agriculture and AgriFood Canada. Ottawa, ON. 1999. Food Security in Ontario. Ontario Public Health Association. Toronto. March 1999. IFOAM Basic Standards for Organic Production and Processing. IFOAM. Tholry-Theley, Germany. 2000. The Knives & Forks Consumer's Guide to Eating Organics. Kett, Tracy. Knives & Forks, Advocates for Organic Agriculture. 1996. Moore Water Gardens. Water Lilies & Aquatic Plants. Port Stanley, ON. 1999. Natural Health Products, Canada, B2B Industry Guide. Fred Hayes, PhD. Contact Canada. 2001. Natural Pest Control Catalogue. 1994. National Organic Directory. California action Network/Community Alliance with Family Farmers. 1994. The North American Organic Dairy Directory and Farm Case Studies. Working Land Fund. Cambridge, Mass. No date. Oregon Tilth Directory 1996–97. A complete listing of Oregon Tilth Certified Organic Growers and Processors. Tigard, Ore. Organic Agriculture. National Standards of Canada. Canadian General Standards Board. 1999. Organic Agriculture Directory, 1989. Les Editions Humus Inc. et Canadian Organic Growers. 1989. The Organic Pages. Organic Trade Association’s North American Resource Directory. 1998. Organic Products from Argentina Fundacion EXPORT AR. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. International Trade and Worship. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1997. Organic Resource Guide (Third Edition). Ed.: Nimmo, Tomas L. Canadian Organic Growers. Ottawa. 1995. 20 Organic Agriculture Worldwide IFOAM Directory of Member Organizations and Associates. IFOAM. 2003. The OTA Pages: Organic Trade Association’s 1999 North American Resource Directory. OTA Press. Greenfield, Mass. 1999. Ottawa Organic Food Directory 2000. Canadian Organic Growers. Prairie Grown Garden Seed. Sask. 1992. The Regeneration Project. Rodale Institute. Emmaus, Penn. Regulations and Procedures for Pedigreed Seed Crop Production. Canadian Seed Growers’ Asociation. 2000. Richters Herb Catalogue. Ont. 2001. RUAB-Reference Utiles en Agriculture Biologique 1995. Centre D'Agriculture Biologique de la Pocatière. La Pocatière, Que. Seedway Organic Grower Vegetable Seed Catalog 2003. Elizabethtown, PA. Selected Bibliography on Organic vs. Conventional. Extracted from Internet listings and printed for <> (T. Nimmo). July 1997. Soya & Oilseed BLUEBOOK 2000 the annual directory to the world oilseed industry. Soyatech Publication. 2000. Vegetables and Fruits: A Guide to Heirloom Varieties and Community-Based Stewardship. Volume 1 and 2. Annotated Bibliography. Compiled by Susan DeMuth. USDA. Beltsville, Maryland. 1998. Vesey’s Seeds 2000 Catalogue. PEI. 7. PERIODICALS Acres U.S.A. Missouri. Monthly. Jan. 2001 to present. Alternatives: Canadian Environmental Ideas & Action. Vol. 29. No. 4. Fall 2003. The theme of this issue is “Food for All” with articles on organics, food policies, biotech politics and cooperative marketing. The Alternator: A generator for alternative currents in agriculture, energy & lifestyles. Slippery Rock U., Penn. Bimonthly. BC Organic Grower. COABC. Vernon, BC. Quarterly publication. Winter 2000 Bio-Bulle. Bulletin d'information du Centre de l'agriculture biologique. Quebec. Quarterly. 1990 to Mar. 1993 and Oct. 1995 to present. The Blue Planet: Southeastern Ontario’s Earth Connection. Lyn, ON. Spring 2003 – present. The Canadian Thistle An independent voice for organic agriculture. Saskatoon, SK. Summer, Fall 2000COGnition. Canadian Organic Growers Inc. Ottawa. Quarterly. 1984 to 1998. Earthkeeping (formerly The Christian Farmer). Edmonton, Alta. Quarterly. 1979 to Feb. 1992. Eco-Farm & Garden (formerly COGnition and Sustainable Farming). Canadian Organic Growers/ REAPCanada. Quarterly. Summer 1998 to present. Ecological Farmers Association Newsletter. Ambros Farms Inc. Tiverton, Ont. Quarterly. Feb. 1988 to present. Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin. Newbury, Berkshire, U.K. Bimonthly. Jan. 1995 to present. FarmFolk/CityFolk Newsletter. Working together for social justice and a sustainable food system. Vancouver, B.C. Bimonthly. Feb/March 1997 to present. Growing For Market. Fairplain Publications. Lawrence, Kans. Oct. 1995 to present (& a few assorted back issues). Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. Ed.: Poincelot, Raymond P. Haworth Press. N.Y. Quarterly. 1990 to 1994. The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener. Augusta, Me. Bimonthly. May/June 1994 to present.. Natural Life. Nov. 1976 to present (some issues missing). New Farmer and Grower: Britain's Journal for Organic Food Production. British Organic Farmers/Organic Growers Association. Bristol, U.K. Quarterly. Autumn 1994 to autumn 1997. Organic Farming. Britain’s Journal for Organic Food Production (formerly New Farmer and Grower). British Organic Farmers/Organic Growers Ass’n. Bristol, U.K. Winter 1997 to present. Organic FarmingResearch Foundation Bulletin. Santa Cruz, CA . Winter 2000 & Summer 2000. 21 Organic Gardening (formerly Organic Gardening & Farming). Emmaus Penn. Rodale. Monthly. Organic Times. NSOGA. Quarterly. 1994 to fall 1998. The Organic Way. HDRA. Coventry, UK. Spring 2002 to present. Ram's Horn. 1998 to present. Resurgence International forum for ecological and spiritual thinking. Cornwall, UK. Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 2002, Jan/Feb 2003 I year subscription will continue if there is interest. Rural Delivery. Liverpool, N.S. Monthly. July 1986 to present. Rural Voice. Blythe, Ont. Monthly. Aug. 1998 – Seed News: Heritage Seed Library. No. 39. Autumn 2003. HDRA Publishing. 8. REPORTS Canadian Species at Risk. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Nov. 2000. A Conference on Organic Agriculture in Manitoba. Summation of Presentations. U. of Winnipeg. February 26-27, 1999. Economic Comparison of Farming Systems with Alternative Weed Management Strategies: A Case Study Approach. Stonehouse, D. Peter, P.S. Gill, S.F. Weise & C.J. Swanton. U. of Guelph. Feb. 1993. Cultivating Communities Proceedings form the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress Victoria BC 2002. Canadian Organic Growers. Ottawa, ON. 2002 Exploring the Foodshed Concept with Organic Growers in Ontario: A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the U. of Guelph. Bennett, Cory. August 1997. Exploring OrganicAlternatives: Meeting the Challenge of Agriculture, Health and Community. Conference proceedings - February 1998. Univerity of Saskatchewan. Wordstream Associates. 1999. The Facts About Food Irradiation. Kock, Irene. Nuclear Awareness Project. 1988. Farming & Land Use in Canada, Ontario & the Region of Peel. 1977. Farming in Crisis: Family Farm vs. Agribusiness. Ed.: Pohlmann, M. Agricultural Alteratives & CUSO. 1990. Farming With Fewer Chemicals, a Farmer to Farmer Directory. Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement. Iowa. 1989. Gardening Without Chemicals '91. Toronto Chapter. Canadian Organic Growers. 1991. Genetically Engineered Plants: Releases and Impacts on Less Developed Countries—A Greenpeace Inventory. Meister, Isabelle & Dr. Sue Mayer. First Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Nov. 28–Dec. 9, 1994. Nassau, Bahamas. Nov. 1994. Getting the Bugs Out—Without EDB. Pim, Linda. 1984. Growing Global: Organic and New Crop Opportunites. Going Organic and the 5th Western Canadian Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Conference. Edmonton, AB. 2001. The Growing Season. Toronto Food and Hunger Action Committee Phase 2 Report. 2001. Growing the Organic Market Conference Proceedings. Guelph 2000 Conference. January 2000. Guidelines for the Organic Foods Industry. The Organic Foods Production Association of North America. 1988. Implementing a Sustainable Food System. Hill, Dr. Stuart B. McGill U. 1984. Intensive Agriculture & Environmental Quality: Examining the Newest Agricultural Myth. Hewitt, Tracey I. & Katherine R. Smith. Henry A. Wallace Insitute for Alternative Agriculture. Greenbelt, Md. 1995. International Acid Rain Caravan. Pollution Probe Project. Toronto. Summer 1982. International Conference on Farm Animal Welfare: Scientific Perspectives. Eds: Mench, J.A. & W.R. Stricklin. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics. Vol. 6. Special Suppl. 1&2. 1993. The International Conference an Ozone Depletion and Ultraviolet Radiation: Preparing for the Impacts (proceedings). Including Guide for SUNSafe Schools. Conference,Apr. 27–29, 1994. Victoria, B.C. Ed.: Heidorn, Keith C., PhD, ACM & Bruce Torrie, LLB. The Skies Above Foundation. Meeting the Organic Demand. Organic Agriculture Conference proceedings. Guelph, Ont. 1993. A Methodology for the Analysis of the Nitrogen Flows in a Dairy Farm. Moncayo, Fernando. MSc thesis. Dalhousie U. 1992. 22 Mobilization of Phosphorus in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems in Southwestern Ontario. Abboud, A.C. de S. PhD Thesis. Dalhousie U. 1992. The Myths and Realities of Pesticide Reduction: A Reader's Guide to Understanding the Full Economic Impacts. Jaenicke, Edward C., policy analyst. Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture. Greenbelt, Md. May 1997. Naturalization Project of Reforestation Test Plots near Ottawa, Ont. Maxson, L. 1984. A New Dawn of Farming. The Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota’s Formation and Growth. A joint publication of the Land Stewardship Project & the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota. 1998. (Includes a series of Fact Sheets: Holistic Resource Management, Livestock Concentration, Farm Policy, CSAs, Beginning Farmers, Sustainable Marketing, Rural Reinvestment, and Watershed Stewardship.) NPK Values of Organic Fertilizers. Penhallegon, Ross H. Lane Co. Extension Office. Eugene, Ore. Jan. 1993. On the Road to Brazil the Earth Summit. (National Round Table Series on Sustainable Development) U.N. Ass’n in Canada. Opportunites for the New Milliennium - going organic. Going Organic Conference. Edmonton, AB. 2000. Organic Agriculture: Breaking the Barriers. Organic Agriculture Conference. Proceedings. 1992. Organic Agriculture: Growing the Network. Organic Agriculture Conference. Proceedings. 1995. Organic Agriculture in Northern New England: Case Studies of Farms in MA, NH & VT. Mitchell, Frank. Self-published. Deerfield, N.H. 1994. Organic Agriculture in Ontario: Past, Present and Future. Keynote Address – E. Ann Clark with Tony McQuail, Jude Otis, Jahanna Wandel, Anne Macey, Alan Hall & Veronika Mogyorody. Guelph Organic Conference. January 2001. The Organic Approach to Home Gardening. Friends of the Earth. 1989. Organic Farming Comes of Age. Organic Agriculture Conference. Proceedings. 1996 Organic Farming Demystified. Organic Agriculture Conference. Proceedings. 1997. Organic Farming in the U.S. Principles and Perspectives. Parr, Papendick & Youngberg. USDA. 1982. Organic Farming, Food Quality and Human Health a review of evidence. Soil Association. Bristol, UK. 2001. Organic Food and Farming Myth and Reality Organic vs non-organic: the facts. Soil Association and Sustain. UK. 2001. Organic Food Production Regulations. Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. Food Production & Inspection Branch. Sept. 1995. (This is a draft of regulations establishing national certification standards for organic food production & regulating international & interprovicial trade in organic products.) Organic Goes Mainstream. 22nd Annual Organic Agriculture Conference. University of Guelph. January 23-26 2003. Organic Marketing Study. Kansas Rural Center. Armstrong, R., Fred Bentley & W. White. May 31, 1990. Organic Opportunities in the United Kingdom An Entry Strategy Overview. Market Development Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 2000. Organic Pest Control for Home and Garden. Pollution Probe Foundation. Organic Soil Amendments and Fertilizers. Chaney, David E., Laurie E. Drinkwater and G. Stewart Pettygrove. Div. of Agriculture & Natural Resources. U. of California. Oakland. 1992. Pour l’avenir de qui? Une réponse à la proposition du gouvernement du Canada de règlementation de la biotechnologie en vertu de la loi canadienne sur la protection de l’environnement. Préparé par Mark S. Winfield et Brewster Kneen pour le caucus de la biotechnologie du réseau canadien de l’environnement. Mars 1996. Problems Facing Canadian Farmers Using Organic Methods. Kramer, Dee. COG presentation to Friends of the Earth. 1984. Proceedings of the Organic & Low-Spray Fruit Production Conference. Natural Organic Farmers Ass’n. of N.Y. 1987. Reducing Food Poverty with Sustainable Agriculture: A summary of New Evidence. Pretty, Jules and Hine Rachel. Centre for Enviroment and Society, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park. Colchester, U.K. 2001. 23 Reducing Nutrient Loss with Cover Crops & Composting. A NSOGA crop improvement handbook and report of the 1996–97 on-farm trials. The Rehabilitation of Degraded Agricultural Land Using Organic Methods. Gillis, Robert. U. of Waterloo. 3rd year Geography Report. 1987. Report & Recommendations on Organic Farming. USDA Study Team on Organic Farming. 1980. Stevan. Counsel to the Canadian Environmental Law Association. 1988. Setting a New Direction: changing Canada's agricultural policy making process. Toronto Food Policy Council. April 1995. Seven Case Studies in Sustainable Agriculture. Patriquin, D., L. Edwards, M. Gimby, P. Jobin & S. Samson. A Report to the Science Council of Canada. 1991. Sharing the Lessons of Organic Farming. 1998 Conference Proceedings. U. of Guelph. Jan. 30–31, 1998. Soil Conditions and Food Quality. Ed.: Hill, Stuart B. Package of reports. Sowing Seeds For Change: Sustainable Agriculture, Biodiversity and Food Security (workshop Proceedings). USC Canada. Guelph, Ont. 1994. Stories of Micro Food Enterprises & Impications for Economic Development. Verhagen, Annette & Ruth Knight. Toronto Food Policy Council. 1995. A Study of Potential Market Niches for Canadian Organic Producers. Canadian Organic Growers. 1990. Sunrise Agriculture in the Northeast: Foundations of a Sustainable Agriculture for the 21st Century. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. 1987. A Survey of Biodiversity Conservation Guidelines for Agricultural and Other Rural Regions of Canada (prepared for the Biodiversity Convention Office Enviroment Canada, Ottawa). Mosquin, Ted. Ecospherics International Inc. & Mosquin Bio-Information Ltd. Lanark, Ont. March 1996. Sustainable Agriculture in Canada: A Scenario of the Future. Van Bers, C. MA Thesis. U. of Waterloo. 1991. Sustainable Agriculture: Its Policy Effects on the Future of Canada and Ontario's Agrifood System. Conference Proceedings. Univ. of Guelph. 1990. Sustainable Profits and Environmental Benefits with Pastures Proceedings of a Grazing Conference for Farmers. Editor Ralph Martin. Nova Scotia Agriculture College. 2001. Think Before You Spray: Alternatives to Chemical Pesticides. Ed.: Judith Stamp. Pollution Probe Foundation. Toronto. 1983. Think-tank on the future of organics in B.C. Summary of Proceedings. Co-facilitators: Herb Barbolet & Heather Pritchard. Reporter: Cathleen Kneen. Bowen Island, B.C. Nov. 28–30, 1995. Towards an Ecological Diet for Canadian Consumers—Some regulatory barriers and citizen action strategies. Rubin, Ken. 1995. Transgenic Crops: An Environmental Assessment. Henry A. Wallace Center for Agricultural and Environmental Policy. Winrock International. Arlington, VA. 2001. Twenty Years and Growing - 2001 Guelph Conference Proceedings. Understanding the True Cost of Food: Considerations for a Sustainable Food System. Proceeding of Institute for Alternative Agriculture 8th Annual Scientific Symposium. Washington, DC. March 1991. Value & System: Notes Toward the Definition of Agri-Culture. Hooker, C.A. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics. Vol. 7. Suppl. 1994. Vegetable Garden Research (4 volumes). Allan, Ken. The Garden Research Exchange. Kingston, Ont. 1990. 1991. 1992/93. 1994/95. Washed, Peeled, Contaminated: pesticide residues in ready-to-eat fruits & vegetables. Wiles, R. & C. Campbell. Washington, D.C. Environmental Working Group. 1994. Why Aren’t We Winning the Toxic Battle? Paul Muldoon. Intervenor. CELA. Toronto, ON. Jan-June 2002 Volume 27, Numbers 1-2. 9. RODALE RESEARCH REPORTS, Rodale Press, Inc. Legume Sod Interplanting, 80-10. 24 Small-Scale Fish Culture Systems Methods for Increased Production, 81-10. Soil Growth of Sprouts for Eating, 80-6. 10. BOOKLETS Alternatives to Peat. The Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. Coventry, U.K. Alternative Fly Control Livestock Technical Notes. ATTRA(Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas). Fayetteville, AR. Alternative Beef Marketing Livestock Technical Notes. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Beef Farm Sustainability Checklist. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Backyard Bonanza: Introduction to Intensive Gardening. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1979. Basic Book of Organic Gardening. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1985. Basic Formula to Create Community Supported Agriculture. Van En, Robyn. Great Barrington, Mass. 1992. Beneficial Organisms Associated with Pacific Northwest Crops. A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication. Idaho, Washington & Oregon. 1999. Beautiful Bountiful Landscapes. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1985. Best Methods for Growing Fruit & Berries. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1963 & 1981. Best Ways to Improve Your Soil. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1978. The BioFriendly Gardening Guide. Hessayon, Dr. D. G. PBI Publications. Herts, U.K. 1990. Building Structures For and Raising Pheasants. Ontario Min. of Natural Resources. A Citizens’ Guide to Biotechnology: helping citizens have a real say in the development of biotechnology in Canada. Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy. Toronto, ON. 2002. Comfrey for Gardeners and Small Holders. Hills, L. Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. U.K. 1985. The Community Garden: A Practical Guide to Allotment Gardening. Ontario Horticultural Ass’n/OMAF. 1985. Composting: The Basics. City of Peterborough and Peterborough Green-up Fact Sheet. Consolidating the Commodity Chain: . Organic Farming and Agribusiness in Northern California. Buck, Daniel, Christina Getz and Julie Guthman. Food First. c/o Subterranean Company. Monroe, Ore. 1996. The Control of Internal Parasites in Cattle and Sheep. Duval, Jean. Ecological Agriculture Projects/Conservation Council of New Brunswick. 1997. Cover Crop Gardening: Soil Enrichment with Green Manures. Garden Way Booklet A5. Pownal, Vt. 1977. Dairy Products On-Farm Livestock Technical Notes. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Designing for Permaculture. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. DIG: Diversity in Gardens. Rempel, Sharon. Edmonton, AB. 1999. A Farmer’s Guide to Reducing Nutrient Loss Using Catch Crops. Wallace, Janet. NSOGA. 1998. FiBL Dossier Organic Farming and Genetic Engineering: How to Keep Organic Farming GMO-free. Karin Nowack Heimgartner, Regula Bickel & Eric Wyss In cooperation with: bio inspecta, Oka-Institut e. V., BAWAL, Elm Farm Research Centre & BioSuisse. 2003. Flowers Everywhere. Rodale. Emmaus Penn. 1984. Forests in Permaculture. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Fruit Pest and Disease Control. Hills, Lawrence D. Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. 1983. Gardening with Green Manures. The Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. Coventry, U.K. Gardening With People With Disabilities. Developed by City Farmer, Canada's Office of Urban Agrculture. Vancouver, B.C. Gene Futures 2. GE: The Flawed Technology. Elm Farm Research Centre. Berkshire, UK. March 2003. Gene Futures Bulletin: Debating the Use of GE Crops in the UK. Elm Farm Research Centre. Berkshire, UK. No. 65 February 2003. Genetic Engineering A Laggard Technology Lagging behing farmers’ innovation and nature’s intelligence. Navdanya. Systems Vision. New Delhi, India. August 2002. Grass-Based and Seasonal Dairying Livestock Production Guide. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Give Your Seeds a Better Start. Roe, Richard D. Rodale Reprint. Glamor Green Vegetable Booklet. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1984. 25 Green Manuring. Soil Ass’n. U.K.80. Growing Garden Seeds. Johnston Jr., Robert. Johnny's Selected Seeds. 1976. Harmony Foundation’s Green Garden Project: Guide to Organic Gardening. Smith, Sarah-Jane and Coreen Fodor. Harmony Foundation of Canada. Victoria, B.C. 1998. Harvest Book. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1975. Herb Growing. Hills, Lawrence D. Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. 1990. The Hidden Costs of Beef. Fox, Dr. Michael W. & Dr. Nancy E. Wiswall. Humane Society. Washington, D.C. 1989. Hooped Shelters for Finishing Hogs Livestock Technical Notes. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. How to Grow Alfalfa. USDA Farmer's Bulletin 1283. Reprint from 1922. How to Grow Great Alfalfa and Other Forages. Willis, Dr. Harold. A-R Editions, Inc. Wis. 1983. How to Grow Heritage Wheats and Save the World! Rempel, Sharon. Edmonton, AB. 2002. How to Save Your Own Vegetable Seeds. Heritage Seed Program. 1990. How to Translate Soil Tests into Soil Treatment. Rodale reprint. The humble (wintering over) underrated (largely root) vegetable book. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1984. Insect Emergence Times. Rodale Reprint. An Introduction to Biodynamics How to Grow Health by Building the Soil. Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried E. Society of Biodynamic Farming and Gardening in Ontario Inc. Richmond Hill, ON. No date. An Introduction to Permaculture. Mollison, Bill, Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Lighting for Plants & People. Avant Gardener. Vol 27, No.12. 1995. Looking at Livestock. Soil Ass’n. U.K. 1977. Make Compost in 14 Days. Rodale Booklet. Emmaus, Penn. 1982. Making Pastures Produce. New Farm. Rodale reprint. 1983. Making the Best Apple Cider. Proulx, Annie. A Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin. Pownal, VT. 1980. Meeting the Nutritional Needs of Ruminants on Pasture Livestock Technical Notes. Fayetteville, AR. Money for Old Leaves. Rodale Reprint. On-Farm Composting. Lynch, Derek, PAg. NSOGA. 1998. On Farm Research Guide 2nd Ed. Rempel, Sharon. Heritage Wheat Project. The Garden Institute. Edmonton, AB. 2003. On the Slug Trail. The Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. Coventry, U.K. The Organic Approach to Home Gardening: how to maintain your lawn, garden & landscape without chemicals. Rubin, Carole. Friends of the Earth Canada. 1989. Organic Gardening in Alberta. McIssac, Patricia. The Garden Institute of Alberta. Calgary, AB. Organic Sprays and How to Use Them. Rodale Reprint. Oriental Brassicas. The Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. Coventry, U.K. The Permaculture Alternative. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. The Permaculture Community. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Permaculture for Fire Control and Permaculture for Millionaires. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Permaculture for Urban Areas and Urban-Rural Links. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Permaculture in Arid Landscapes. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Permaculture in Humid Landscapes. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Permaculture on Low Islands, Permaculture on High Islands, & Permaculture on Granitic Landscapes. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Permaculture Techniques. Mollison, Bill. Yankee Permaculture. U.S.A. 1981. Pesticides, Agriculture and the Environment: A WWF Series. World Wildlife Fund Canada. Toronto. 1997. Quick Ways to Better Soil. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1988. Quick Yielding Fruits. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1982. Raising Organic Seed: A Handbook for Growers. Northern Plains Sustainable Agricultural Society and the North Dakota Department of Agriculture. Fullerton,ND. 2003. Ratite Production: Ostrich, Emu and Rhea Current Topics in Sustainable Agriculture. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. 26 A Review of Humus and Humic Acids. Senn, T.L., & Alta R. Kingman. South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Clemson U. Clemson, S.C. March 1973. Rotational Grazing Information Package. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Rogues and Roguing Cereal Crops. The Canadian Seed Growers’ Association. No Date. Saving Seed: Genetic engineering & your food supply. Wallace, Janet, Editor. NSOGA. 1999. Secrets of Master Gardeners. Rodale booklet. Emmaus, Penn. Soil Fertility for Organic Farmers. Ardapple Kindeburg, Eric and Beth. Ozark Small Farm Viability Project. Mt Judea, Ark. 1991. Soil Fertility: The Soil Ecosystem, Soil Chemistry, Soil Management. Smillie, Joe. Eaton Valley Agricultural Services. Dawson Pub. Quebec. No date. Soil Tests & the Organic Garden. Rodale reprint. 1984. Starting an Allotment. The Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. Coventry, U.K. Strawberry Culture. Eastern U.S. Reprint of 1919 USDA Bulletin. Sustainable Beef Production Livestock Technical Notes. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Sustainable Chicken Production Livestock Production Guide. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Sustainable Community Development: An Introductory Guide. Yap, N.T. Ontario Environmental Network. 1989. Sustainable Hog Production Livestock Production Guide. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Sustainable Pasture Management Livestock System Guide. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Sustaianble Sheep Production Livestock Production Guide. ATTRA. Fayetteville, AR. Switching to a Sustainable System. Kirschenmann, Frederick. Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society. North Dakota. 1988. Ten Top Trends in Agriculture, and How You Can Cash in on Them. Eds.: New Farm. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1993. Three Hundred Expert Tips & Techniques. Eds.: Organic Gardening. Rodale. Emmaus, Penn. 1993. Timely Pest & Disease Control. The Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. Coventry, U.K. Topical Tips—December, January & February. The Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. Coventry, U.K. Toward an agricultural ethic which is personal, community responsible, globally appropriate, practical, undeniable, and pleasing. McAllester, Bonner J. U. of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension System. Pittsfield, Mass. 1993. Treating Mastitis Without Antibiotics. Duval, Jean. Ecological Agriculture Projects. Ste Anne de Bellevue, Que. 1994. Under Cover: A Guide to Using Cover Crops in the Maritimes. Wallace, Janet & Jennifer Scott. NSOGA. 1996. The Value of Weeds. Soil Ass’n. U.K. 1982. Vitamin – A Deficiency Green solutions vs Golden Rice. Shiva, Vandana & Singh, Upsana. Diverse Women for Diversity, Navdanya & Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology. Systems Visions. New Delhi, India. 2002. Weeds, How to Control Them. Reprint of 1931 USDA Bulletin. Why, Where, When & How to Make Compost. The Henry Doubleday Research Ass’n. Coventry, U..K. Wide Row Planting: The Productive Miracle. Raymond, Dick. Garden Way. Pownal Vt. 1977. 11. TAPES & TRANSCRIPTS Agriculture Where We Are/Want to Go. Summit on the Environment. Toronto. 1989. Audio Cassette. Answering Questions on Organic Gardening. Perlmutter, Mary. CBC Radio Noon. Toronto. 1980. 1981. 1983. 1984. 1985. 1988. Audio Cassette. Building Consumer Commitment: Communicating the Environmental Benefits of Organic Products. 3rd IFOAM Conference. Baltimore, Md. 1993. Audio Cassette. The Changing Organic Market. Natural Products Expo West. Anaheim, Calif. 1992. Audio Cassette. Chemical-Free Agriculture. Harding, Thomas. CBC Radio Noon. Toronto. 1985. Audio Cassette. 27 Ciesa: Teaching and Research Center of Sustainable Agriculture. A proposal for living off the land. Protyecto Ciesa. Rio Negro, Argentina. 2002. Controlled Rotational Cover Cropping in the Bio-Extensive Market Garden. A slide presentation by Ann & Eric Nordell at the 1996 P.A.S.A. Conference. 52 min. VHS Video. Effect of Plant Breeders' Rights. Mooney & Wilde. COG Conference. 1984. Audio Cassette. The Essentials of Producing Organic Certified Seed. Northern Plains Sustainable Agricultural Society and the North Dakota Department of Agriculture. 2003. Video. Ethiopia: Feeding the future (The seeds of survival story). USC Canada. 1995. VHS Video. The Farmer-to-Farmer Video Series: strategies for sustainable agriculture. Frederick, M.D. Rooy Media & the Rodale Institute. 1991. 6 VHS Videos: Field Crops IPM (Integrated Pest IPM for Vegetables & Management) For Apples Small Fruits Rotational Grazing High Value Marketing Vegetables Field of Greens. Parts 1 to 5. 2 VHS Videos. Grounds for Change: School Ground Naturalization. The Evergreen Foundation. 1995. 15 min. VHS Video. Fragile Harvest. Seeds of Tomorrow. The Desert Doesn't Bloom. Food Allergy War. VHS Video. From Field to Table: Connecting Farmers, Consumers & Communities. Kneen, Brewster. Field to table debate & keynote address. Edmonton. Mar. 1995. 3 audio tapes. From The Ground Up. Green & Growing. Winnipeg, Man. 1994. 30 min. VHS Video and Teacher's Guide. (Both video & guide also available in French. See Vert: La Croissance below.) Getting the Most From Your Garden. Rodale. 1981. Beta Video. Global Warming: Hot Times Ahead? Dir.: Engle, Harrison. Churchill Films. Canada. 1990. VHS Video & Discussion Guide. Growing Good Food. Rogers Cable. Kitchener, Ont. 1991. VHS Video. Growing Season. Wellington, Nicholas. 1993. 25 min. VHS Video. Guelph Arboretum. Ambrose, John. COG Conference. 1984. Audio Cassette. Guelph Organic Conference 1996. Audio Cassettes: Organic Dairy Production (Ineke Booy & Agro-Ecosystem Landscaping (Henry Kock) Martin de Groot) Commercial Tree Fruit Production (John Organic Poultry Production (Gerald Gardiner) Poechman) Farm Gate Sales (Bob Cobbledick) Organic Training, Apprenticeship & Skills Growing Vegetables Bio-dynamically (Bruce Exchange (Tony McQuail) Blevins) Tending the Home Orchard (Shelley Holistic Veterinary Practices for Companion Paulocik) Animals (Dr. Sharon Kopinak) Keynote address: The Organic Challenge Ahead (Tom Harding, President, OCIA) Guelph Organic Conference 1998. Complete set of Audio Cassettes: The Art, Science and Promise of Biointensive IPM (Charles Benbrook) Bio-dynamic Farm Production (Traugher Groh) Cropping Options for 25 Acres or Less (OMAFRA Specialists) CSA Purchasing Programs as Organized by Consumers (Randi Cherry) From the Roots Up: Establishing Urban Gardening Programs (Katrina Simmons) 28 Growing Organic Spelt within a Three- to Six-Year Crop Rotation (Harro Wehrmann) Growing Vegetables Bio-dynamically (Gunther Hauck) Holistic Veterinary Practices for Companion Animals (Dr. Sharon Kopinak) How Big Green Women Market to Planet X (Myra Palmer & Donna Broadhead) How CUSO Creates Bridges Between Canada and Overseas (Brenda Doner & friends) Keynote Presentation: Facing Choices at the Crossroads (Charles Benbrook) Linking Local Experience in Agroecosystem Management for Developing Countries (Ricardo Ramirez) A Grazier’s Guide to Management Intensive Grazing (Ann Clark) Organic Grains Marketing Panel (W.G. Thompson & Sons; American Health & Nutrition; moderated by Hugh Martin of OMAFRA) Organic Training, Apprenticeships and Skill Exchange (Tina Fraser) Public Forum: The Agri-Business Challenge to Organic Agriculture (Charles Benbrook, Debra Boyle, Rod MacRae and Tony McQuail) Setting Up Mixed Organic Livestock Systems, Including Beef, Lamb, Pigs, Horses, Etc. (Tony McQuail) Starting Up a Small- to Medium-Scale Organic Greenhouse (David Neufeld) Sustainable Farming in Milawi (Rose Janson) A Whole-Farm Approach to Weed Control for Market Gardeners (Eric & Anne Nordell) Guelph Organic Conference 1999. Complete set of Audio Cassettes: Conserving Organic Food for Winter Storage: Preserving, Drying, Root Cellars (COG) Control of Internal Parasites in Ruminants (Jean Duval) Creating the Farm Your Children Will Want (Joel Salatin) CSA Case Study: Expenses, Budgets & Cash-flows (Lorenz Eppinger) Establishing a CSA Project as an Alternative Social & Economic Model (S. Moore and C. Eichman) How to Get Your Farm Certified (Janine Gibson) How to Grow Vegetables Biodynamically on 10 Acres or More; CSA Training & Apprenticeships (Cory Eichman) How to Mulch, Compost and Recycle Nutrients for a Market Garden of Five Acres or Less (Cathy Hansen) How to Start a Home Organic Garden (Katrina Simmons) IPM for Apple Production (Annette Verhagen) Marketing Quality Organic Soybeans (Jon Cloud) Medicinal & Aromatic Plants—Growing, Processing, Marketing (Dinah Ceplis) Operating an Organic Greenhouse (David Cohlmeyer) Organic Agriculture—A Good Model for Global Food Production and Security (Salatin, Johnson, Roberts, Robson and Nimmo) Organic Hemp Marketing—Opportunities & Challenges (Jerry Przytyk) Soil Fertility Planning (Lawrence Andres) Organizing CSA Consumer Purchasing Programs (Ben Bennett & Guelph Food Alternatives) Pastured Poultry (Joel Salatin) Permaculture Gardening (Roger Samson) The Pros and Cons of Establishing Land Trusts for CSAs (Marthann Robson, LL.B.) Short and Long Crop Rotations for Organic Grain Operations (Joe Scrimger) Soil Fertility Planning for an Organic Farming System (Joe Scrimger) A Whole-Farm Approach to Weed Control (Anne and Eric Nordell) Guelph Organic Conference 2000. Complete set of Audio Cassettes: Building a Sound Organic Marketing Strategy. Richard Graham Building Organic Matter With Crop Rotation. Ted Zettel Canadian Organic Agricultural Sector: Group Network Planning Session. Roger Samson (Moderator) Certified Organic Egg Production. Peter Thiesen Certified Organic Hemp Production & Marketing. Ruth Shamai Cold Cellars for Organic Winter Storage. Ann Brown Commercial Greenhouses: Perfecting the System. David Cohlmeyer 29 Community Shared Agriculture Marketing Panel. Lorenz Eppinger, Holly MacKay & Others Compost & Plant Diseases. Jean Duval Discussion on Organic Livestock Husbandry. Sharon Kopinak Feasibility of Organic Dairy Goat Production. Carol Thomas Growing Techniques for Sustainable, One-Acre Organic Garden. Cathy Hansen Growing Vegetables in the Other 8 Months. Eliot Coleman & Barbara Damrosch Healing Herbs – Ancient Traditions to Modern Medicine. Pat Crocker How to Start a 50-Share How Beginning Farmers Get Into Organic Agriculture. Rupert Jannasch CSA, Question & Answer. Martha Laing Interactive Farmer Panel om Biotechnology. Tony McQuail (Moderator) International Development & Organic Farming, A Western Perspective. Celia Guilford Introduction to BioDynamic Orcharding. Hugh Williams Open Pollinated Corn Plant Breeding & Seed Saving. Victor Kucyk Organic Market Opportunities for the Coming 10 Years. Eliot Coleman Permaculture, Agroforestry & The Forest Garden. Gregoire Lamoreux A Processor’s View of Organic Grain Quality Control. Tom Manley Simple Tools & Simple Greenhouses. Eliot Coleman Soil Fertility: Case-History of Forage Based Rec. Fran McQuail Start-Up Challenges for Commercial Organic Greenhouses. David Cohlmeyer Stewardship Session: Faith, Spirit & the Land. Gerald Poechman & Ted Zettel Tillage Equipment Tune-Ups for Better Weed Control. Dave Reibling Year-Round Landscapes for the Northern Gardener. Barbara Damrosch Guelph Organic Conference 2001. Complete set of Audio Cassettes: Advanced Seminar – Organic soil Fertility, Crop Rotations & Planning for Profits (Entz & Martin) Advanced Seminar – Organic Vegetable Producvtion ( Courtens) Analysis Session – So You Have an Organic Product Ready for Market? (Godfrey) BioDynamic Animal Husbandry (Schmidt) City Harvest – The Commercial Viability of Urban Agriculture (Baker) Corporate Agendas, Government Policy & the World Trade Organization – Can Organic Survive? (Kneen) Farmer-Academic-Trade Collaborative Forum on Critical Issues Confronting the Organic Sector (Macey) Farmer-Driven Seed-Saving & Plant Breeding (Bender) From Conventional to Organic – The Steps to a Sound & Profitable Transition ( Cloud) Growing Organic Herbs for Home-made Cosmetics & Gifts (Oliver-Rodgers) How to Market Organic Cotton & Other Fibers to the Conscious Consumer ( Burda & Pothier) International Organic Farming Analysis & Report – Can Organic Feed the World? (Geier) Introduction to BioDynamics (Kleinsasser) Keynote: The Road Ahead for Organic Agriculture (Clark & McQuail) The 1 – Acre Organic Garden as a Lifestyle Income (Hansen) Organic Certification Explained, From Paperwork to the Inspection (Warner & IOIA Panel) Organic Dairy Management Techniques (Behar) Organic Orcharding Interactive Panel (Paulocik) Organic Processor-Grower Forum: Quality, Volume, Contracts, Regulations & the Marketplace (Manley & Desjardins) Organic Soybean Production in a 3-year Crop Rotation (Shengley) Public Forum Panel – Global Challenge for Organic Farming Systems (Clark ,Kneen, Geier & Nimmo) Retail/Chef Workshop – The Importance of Buying from Organic Farmers (Eberhardt) Seed of Our City – Linking Biodiversity with Cultural Diversity in Community Gardens (FoodShare Panel) SOILFOODWEB – Compost & Resource Management (Ingham) 30 Stewardship Session – Faith, Spirit & the Land (Zettel & others) Using Pastureland to its Strength – A New Approach to Grazing Management (Clark) Veteran Organic Farmer Interactive Panel – The Challenges of Our First 10 Years (Shengley & McQuail) Willing Workers on Organic Farms – Apprentice Opportunities Across Canada (Van Hueval) 2002 Organic Conference & Trade Show January 25 – 27, 2002 Complete set of cassettes Advanced Crop Rotation Planning, Incorporating Manure Management & Cover Crops. Martin DeGroot Agro-Ecology, Landscape & Biodiversity/How to Incorporate Stewardship Principles. Henry Kock Agro-Ecological Villages as a Development Stategy. Reap Canada Facilitators BioDynamics A/Basic Intro to BioDynamic Farming Principles. Hugh Lovel BioDynamics B/Beyond Basic BioDynamic/Establishing Your Farm. Hugh Lovel BioDynamic Preparations & Their Future. Johann Kleinsasser Building Optimum Soil Fertility on Large Organic Farms. Joe Scrimger Canada’s Native Food Wisdom From Many Perspectives/Ceremonial, Edible, Medicinal, Landscape. Ken Parker Can Organics Save the Farm Economy? Rundgren, Clark, Orchard, Scrimger, Nimmo CSA’s OrganicFood Boxes, Distribution in City & Other Issues. Toronto FoodShare Equine Power for Energy-Efficient Organic Farming. Ken Laing Financing Strategies to Establish & Grow Small Organic Processing Businesses. Tom Manley Homeopathy in Organic Livestock Production. Fernando Moncayo Organic Certification for Traders & Marketers/Gearing up for Global Markets. Joe Smillie Organic Crop Management Solutions dor Rehabilitating the Farm You Just Bought. Joe Scrimger Organics/Europe – Lessons for North American Agriculture – Keynote. Gunner Rundgren Organic Foods & Better Human Nutrition, An Open Discussion. Dr. Tom Barnard, MD Organic Greenhouse Problem-Solving/Question & Answer. David Cohlmeyer Organic Livestock Marketing & Promotion 101/Getting Started/Going it Alone. Gayl Creutzberg Organic Livestock Question & Answer – Advanced. Dr. Fernando Moncayo Organic Marketing, Product Development & Market Research. H. St.-Jacques & L. Godfrey The Organic Soil Test – Advanced. Joe Scrimger Organic Trade Strategy /Issues, Planning, Future Action. Randy Whitteker Organic Soybean Handler Panel/Tricks of the Trade. Alex Mills & Ted Shelegy Organic Trade Strategy /Issues, Planning, Future Action. Randy Whitteker Raising the Bar on Organic Spelt Productiion/Hard vs Soft Varieties for the Food Industry. Jon Cloud Restoring the Landscape Using Analog Forestry & Organic Certification. Reap Canada Stewardship Session/Faith, Spirit & the Land. Ted Zettel & Other Organic Farmers Vegetable Production on 12 Acres for a 300-Family CSA - Advanced. Elizabeth Henderson Youth Opportunities over Seas in Organic Agriculture. Reap Canada How to Maintain Heritage Varieties. Perlmutter, Mary. COG Conference. 1984. Audio Cassette. The Insect Alternative. Nova. USA Public Television & Natural Science Foundation. 1978. Transcript. Interview With Martin Cuilik of the Rodale Research Centre. Giangrande, Carol. CBC Radio Noon. Toronto. Audio Cassette. Introduction a L’agriculture Biologique Certificee. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. CFBMC and COG. 2002. Introduction to Certified Organic Farming. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. CFBMC and COG. 2002. Issues Related to Bill C33: Plant Breeders' Rights. Wilde, Keith. COG Conference. 1984. Audio Cassette. 31 Local Agriculture & the Global Environment Conference. Panel discussion & keynote address by Nettie Wiebe. Edmonton. Feb. 1994. 2 Audio Tapes. Natural Products Expo ’92: Retailing in Rural Areas. Anaheim, Calif. 1992. Audio Cassette. Natural Products Expo ’92: Danny Wells Open Session. Anaheim, Calif. 1992. Audio Cassette. Organic Certification—Service Industry or Control Body? 3rd International IFOAM Conference. Baltimore, Md. 1993. Audio Cassette. Organic Farming – Food for Life. Soil Association. Bristol, UK. 2000. Video. Organic Farming Series. Dorman, Dale, MSc, P. Ag. Alberta. 3 Volumes. Videos. Organic Field Crop Videos. Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. COG/OMAF. 1993. Videos. Organic Web Pages. List prepared by Organic Farm Services. Spring 1998. Outstanding in Her Field: A Video By and About Women in Sustainable Agriculture. Fraser, Johnson, Martin-Wood & Rezanowich. Media Network Society. Victoria, B.C. 1995. VHS Video. Permaculture for 5 Acres or More. Jeeves, Andrew. NOFA Conference. 1982. Audio Cassette. The Polyface Farm Video. Polyface Farm, Inc. Swoope, VA. 2001. Potato Research. Coffin, Bob. COG Conference. 1985. Audio Cassette. Seed Dialogue. Mooney & Wilde. Audio Cassette. Seds for the Future: A Farmer-Researcher Dialogue on On-Farm Plant Breeding. A project of the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society in partnership with Heritage Wheat Project. Sweep. Soil and Water Environmental Enhancement Program. Agriculture Canada. 1990. VHS Video. Vegetable Farmers and their Weed-Control Machines. UVM Extension System & U. Mass Extension. Vert: La Croissance. (See From The Ground Up above.) 1994. 30 min. French language VHS Video and Teacher's Guide. What's On The Table? A Question For Everyone. Conservation Council of New Brunswick. 1995. 30 min. VHS Video. 12. INFORMATION FILES Community Shared Agriculture Gardening with Children Wes Jackson (founder of the Land Institute) Pestcides Plant Gene Resources Program Plant Patenting The Purple Martin Radishes 20th Century Disease ORDER FORM FOR LENDING LIBRARY - PLEASE PRINT COG members may borrow up to five items per month. The lending period is one month. Included with your borrowed material is a note indicating the due date. Please remember, another COG member may be waiting. 32 By agreement with Canada Post, the library is able to mail books to you at a reduced rate, and return postage is free. The self-adhesive label addressed to the COG library MUST be used when returning material. The blank self-adhesive label is for your own return address. PLEASE ASSUME THAT THE RETURN JOURNEY WILL BE ROUGH. MAKE SURE THAT LIBRARY ITEMS ARE SECURELY WRAPPED. 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