13 December 2010 Dear Parents, The term drew to a close with temperatures dropping lower than they have for many years. Although the end of term sporting programme took a real hit, on the positive side The School Site looked as stunning in Winter as I have ever seen it. With temperatures still as low as minus 10 by mid morning on several days it was certainly worth raising one’s head from the busyness of day to day routine to marvel at the deep Alpine blue sky and the hoar frost enshrouding everything, not to mention the icebergs on the Severn. The Photography Faculty were having a field day, anxious that this rare scene was not forgotten and one or two others (myself included) reached for their cameras. If nothing else it served to remind us all to enjoy the changing of seasons and life’s variety, richness and uniqueness for a moment rather than being focused on our own concerns and worries. Of course one can never enjoy what a severe Winter brings for too long in a community of teenage boys and girls. The inevitable snow battles which took place had their high spots and their low and it was a relief when a brief respite allowed a relative thaw and that the annual confrontation between the Sixth Form College and Shrewsbury had been kept to a small probing skirmish! So once again I sit in my study looking out over the changing face of Shrewsbury’s landscape. A pre-Christmas calm has alighted and my view from Grove Corner, providing the panorama that it is does once again, allows me time and space for reflection. The low Winter sun will also hopefully be allowing the hard worn playing fields to re-clothe themselves in green over the coming weeks before we embark on the short but snappy Lent Term with the promise of Spring on the horizon. My reflections moreover reveal a feeling that this has been a busy, eventful and successful term for many individuals and for The House as a whole. Many visitors from within and outside The School have remarked on the warm and friendly atmosphere of The Grove and this feeling has been particularly remarked upon in the end of term summaries which each boy has produced. After some of the relative turbulence of last year I too am heartened to have very much felt this too and that the boys are feeling much more settled. Of course, there will always be a few niggles between individuals but overall I can hear and feel a much closer harmony which is not easy to reach with such a diverse age group of boys. Long may this continue! Of course such a harmony always needs working on as does any relationship and this will continue to mean that each and every boy thinks about how his actions may affect another. In a close boarding community there is simply no space for selfishness. At times we all get it wrong but it is always following the periods of inner reflection and personal honesty in admitting that one has not got it quite right that we are then able to grow as people. It is this growth which is a preparation for life and which is one of the most important things which such an education can and should be nurturing. If Shrewsbury then is about nourishing and developing body, mind and soul let’s see how we are doing in the academic and sporting arenas which form the other two legs of this educational stool. Academically, I think I can say that we are just beginning to develop a more studious atmosphere in the House and that I have seen the green shoots of a better working ethos. This is hugely important but equally important is getting the work/play balance right. My aspiration continues to be to encourage the highest ambitions and striving for the best standards in everything that the boys do. Academically we need to get to the stage when actually it is not “uncool” to be working. We adults are all too aware that if university is to be the most appropriate form of education for our children then they are going to have to work even harder to ensure that they get the best results they possibly can if they are to have any chance on gaining a place. Following university they have got to make themselves even more employable than the next man. That ability to stand head and shoulders above the others will also come from the development of an inner confidence which can be conveyed without any traces of arrogance. It will effuse from the individual who has a character and personality underpinned with a richness and diversity of education. A multi-layered character which colours one’s being below the superficial crust and which has been developed through exploration of opportunities at such a place as Shrewsbury will open doors. This richness from diversity will be rooted not only in academic work but also in sport, drama, music, debating and art to name but a few of the opportunities. For many it will be a melange of all. The important thing is to get involved. This will not only get you noticed but make you far better placed to achieve in life after school. Hopefully the boys are learning the importance of taking personal responsibility for their work. For some a reality check is needed; top results will simply not just fall into their laps. Making best use of Top Schools time and working independently, doing more than the minimum, is key. Many will be revising this Christmas for trial exams on their return or for re-takes in the New Year. A good showing in the trials will really pay dividends for the Summer and they should not be underestimated. Even though the system allows AS retakes, for those taking their ASs for the first time this year, I would urge them to make this the first and last time making sure they do as well as they possibly can first time round. This is the only way they can set themselves up for a top A2 performance the following year. On the sporting side there have been many notable individual successes. We are still holding The School Captains of Football, Fives, Hockey and Rowing which must a be a record. In Football we also produced the goalkeepers for every A team in each year group this term which must also be a first. Charlie Pilkington has led the 1stXI with great energy and they have enjoyed a more remarkable season than they probably imagined. We still managed to field a greater number of players for the 1st and 2nd XI than any other House as well as a higher percentage at 15 and 16 level. It was particularly good to see George Ellery and Max Pragnell making their debut performances for the 1st XI not forgetting to mention Jack Stacey and Rory Mucklow. Max is also to be congratulated for being selected for the ISFA National Team in his age group together with Charlie Pilkington. Jonny Morgan, Ares Yiu, Ben Gould and Ollie Brown received Headmaster’s Sports Commendations for their individual successes this season. The trouble with having so many key players at School level means that we never do as well in the Leagues. Having said that we were delighted to enjoy a successful season in B Leagues in which the junior boys proudly managed to come second overall. In the end of term House matches we won 1st House for the 3rd year in a row and it was just unfortunate that the 15s lost in the final against Ridgemount. Pitches unusable here the matches were played on an all weather pitch close-by in sub-zero temperatures and, following this well fought final, several were well ready for the imminent cricket tour to Australia. The Director of Sport did a tremendous job in keeping sport going as much as possible during the prolonged cold spell and bringing forward the inter House Fives matches was a feature of this. I am pleased that, despite many not playing since the Lent term, we have managed to get through to the semi-finals next term. In House Swimming the Senior Team came a close second again ably led by the Facey brothers. Our House contribution to School rowing is also increasing again undoubtedly inspired by Fiennes Davey, The School Captain of Boats, but also by the enthusiasm of some of the 3 rd and 4th Formers, not to mention our 6th Form entrant, Linus Plassmann, who is a strong member of the Top Squad. I must also congratulate Samson Yick who has brought some superb Badminton skills with him from Hong Kong, very quickly proving himself as a success at School level but also in representing Shropshire. I gather that the County Coach “cannot believe” his luck! We also have a rising running star in the guise of Tom McHugh. Tom has excelled in the New Boys Race, in The Tucks and in the inter House Paperchases at the end of term. This term many of you were able to see the House Play “How to disappear completely and never be found” by Fin Kennedy and superbly directed by our own Peter Middleton. We saw some great performances by some known talent such as James Halliday who must be congratulated on being quite outstanding but also some fresh young faces who came out of the woodwork. David Pritchard made his most memorable debut performance while we will not forget the likes of Nick Thompson, Jak Hannaby and Alex Moore to name but a few. What was most encouraging was to see the up and coming talent in the 3rd Form which bodes extremely well for the future. Behind the scenes work, of course, made this performance possible and sterling performances from Ben Gould, Hugo Wright, Ambrose Li, Chris Edwards and Jeremy Yiu should not go unmentioned. Sadly this will be the last Middleton Production for The Grove – more about that later! I still have an aspiration to put on a junior play in the Summer directed by the 6th Form and I now feel that we are in a position to do this well. In the House Music Competition I congratulate James Halliday and George Nugee on the energy they put into our renditions. We can be proud of our performances and I am reliably informed that if it had not been for one particular judge who had performed in Sweeney Todd in the West End then we would have gained a top place. Again I sense that we have some up and coming talent which will enable us to rise phoenix-like once more. In the Inter House Senior Debating we lost only by a small margin in the semis finals after a spirited performance ably led by Angus Thompson. The junior debating will start in earnest next term and I know there is a chance of equal success, if not better, from the more junior years. It has been a pleasure to welcome the new 3rd Form intake this term who are a super bunch with a diversity of talents. We were sorry to lose one owing to language problems but are hopeful that he will return following an intense period of language training during the remainder of this year. Early on they showed their spirit of adventure in a high level confidence course locally. Many showed real courage in conquering their fears of heights, me included I like to think. Despite my 25 years of flying helicopters, nothing is scarier than the “Leap of Faith” at Albrighton, I can tell you.We had a great weekend with them at Talagerwyn in early November with some more high rope course adventures, again sir put to shame by the agility and fearlessness of the boys, including my son. The mountain biking was also challenging and special thanks to Paul Kaye for organising this trip and also Matron and husband, Peter, whose tireless cooking and overall help was much appreciated by the boys. I do continue to try to encourage the junior boys in particular to sign up to weekend activities which are all on offer. Too many are still content to idle their weekends away as mushrooms endlessly “gaming”. At weekends I do try to keep off their backs but I would be grateful also for your encouragement in encouraging them to sign up to weekend trips and excursions. This next term I have said that each boy in the lower school should participate in at least one activity and I hope this receives your support. If the boys are not willing to take part in what is laid on then I am afraid I cannot accept the “I am bored” murmurs which creep out from the mouths of some not able to help themselves in a society which seems to wallow in the need for second hand entertainment on tap. You might like to warn the boys that I will continue to be strict on the DVD watching and gaming outside of permitted times. Not knowing the promulgated rules is no excuse…! You will remember how keen I am that Shrewsbury produces gentlemen and boys whose manners in general are beyond reproach. I am pleased to see that these aspirations are starting to bear fruit although there are one or two whose boorishness continues to rear its ugly head when the ”rule of the mob” occasionally takes over. To these few, my message will continue to be clear. Good manners and gentlemanly behaviour cost nothing and have in the past been qualities which have made the Salopian stand out. I hope that this will continue to be the case. I know many of you will be wondering what is happening about refurbishment. As you know The Grove is part of the ongoing School programme and the main part of this will be taking place in 2012. In the meantime we are nearing the end of a whole House re-paint, we have a new wooden floor in the Hall and this holidays should see some re-carpeting. I am working on plans for making more bedsit space and hope to present these to the Bursary and the Chairman of Governors next term. The latter is taking a personal interest which has also been greatly helped by the letters which some of you have sent to him. I will keep you posted but rest assured that I will not let this lie. As usual, a few nitty gritties. Many thanks for the support which you have given me regarding pocket money. This has worked well this term and most are far better at managing themselves and, indeed, seem to have a greater responsibility and awareness of the value of things knowing that they cannot just charge as they like to the bill. I will continue to only give money to boys who have pocket money from you. If they do need extra and it is appropriate that this is charged to the bill then I will always check with you first. I know that some of you do like to charge pocket money to the bill. I am happy to do this providing it is a one–off amount for pocket money at the beginning of term or again at half-term rather than a weekly or more regular email requesting this. Ideally boys arriving with cash in an envelope at the beginning of term is what I would like to achieve. Matron has noticed this term that some boys’ kit is not marked and this is especially true of sports kit which is expensive and does tend to get “borrowed”. Your help in this regard is much appreciated. If the boys do buy kit during the term then Matron is only too happy to name this herself but the boys must ask her. Can I also ask that your sons do not return with expensive casual clothes or indeed too many items. We do our best not to shrink jerseys but mistakes do happen. Neat and tidy (undyed) hair on return to School is also something I would be grateful for your support in. Enough of that! It goes without saying that it has been a real privilege and a joy to look after your sons again this term – well most of the time anyway!!! We now have a really great group in the House. The top year are setting a very good example and have shown a great deal of care to the younger boys in helping them and encouraging them. To me the most important thing is that the House all work and play hard together with a spirit of determination and fun with the aim of reaching the highest standards in everything they do. I have seen huge strides in all of these this year and long may it continue. I congratulate the boys on this! Special thanks go to the Tutor Team, Matron, Joan Bovill and the Ladies all of whom work so hard to make this all work. I am also hugely grateful to Peter Middleton for all of his untiring support again this term. I congratulate him on his appointment as Housemaster of Riggs next September but also know that he will be sorely missed by me and the House. He will leave big shoes to fill and Riggs can look forward to him without any trepidation – definitely their gain. It has also been a pleasure to welcome our Resident Tutor, Will Simper, this term who has settled in very well and is a proving to be a wonderful support in so many ways. And, of course, thank you to you all for your consistent and unwavering support. A final thank you to Fenella, Zak and Georgiana for their continued support and understanding which counts for more than anyone will ever know. May I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! With my very best wishes,