JOM Institute for the Joining of Materials

JOM Institute for the Joining of Materials
Founded in 1979
16th International Conference on the
Joining of Materials
7 International Conference on
Education in Welding ICEW-7
May 10-May 13, 2011
Sankt Helene Centre, Tisvildeleje, Denmark
Organised by
Supported by: ¤ IIW, Dansk Metal, Danish Welding Society DSL, FORCE Technology
For further information please e-mail, write or telephone:
JOM. Gilleleje Strandvej 28. DK - 3250 Gilleleje. Denmark.
Telephone: +45 48355458. E-Mail
Registration and the Sessions
May 10 , 2011
Registration Start 14.00h Sankt Helene, Bygmarken 30, DK- 3220Tisvildeleje
20.00: Dinner
May 11th, 2011:
Breakfast: 07.00-08.15
Opening Session: 08.30- 09.30.
Chair: Osama Al-Erhayem
Coffee break: 0930-10.00
Session I: 10.00- 12.00, Recent developments in joining technology
Co-Chairpersons: J K Kristensen, FORCE Technology, Denmark
S A L Salem, Iraq
Friction welded aluminium with stainless steel (304), M. A. Rijab, Baguba Technical InstituteMechanical Department, Iraq
Linear Friction Welding of Single Crystal Nickel-Base CMSX 486 Superalloy, O.T. Ola, O.A. Ojo,
P. Wanjara and M.C. Chaturvedi 1University of Manitoba, Canada
2National Research Council Canada, Canada
Welding of steel sheets treated by nitrooxidation, Maronek, M.1, Barta, J.1, Bartova, K.1, Drimal,
D.2, 1 Slovak University of Technology, 2 First Welding Company, Slovakia.
Friction Stir Spot Welding of TRIP steel, T.C. Lomholt1, J. Peterson2, R. Steel2, K. Pantleon1 and
M.A.J. Somers1, 1 Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, 2 MegaStir Technologies, U.S.A.
Comparative study between friction stir welding and tungsten inert gas welding processes, A
Hassan1, J Al-Jarrah2, N Al share1, 1Jordan University of Science and Technology, 2, Jordan
Metal - nonmetal joints produced by use of a pulse-magnetic field, Glouschenkov V.A., Grechnikov
F.V., Lazareva A.A., O. Al-Erhayem, Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Russia.
Type variety of technological pulse-magnetic installations for pulse welding and assembling, R.
Yusupov, V. Glushchenkov, A. Popov, Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Russia.
An evaluation of novel arc welding variants for welding of thin and thick section steels, C.H.J.
Gerritsen1 and T. Baaten2 1 OCAS NV/Arcelor Mittal Global R&D, 2 Belgian Welding Institute BIL,
Lunch: 12.15-13.15
Session II: 13.30- 15.15, Advances in materials, metallurgy, weldability
P. A. Colegrove, Cranfield University, UK
C.H.J Gerritsen, OCAS NV/Arcelor Mittal Global R&D Gent, Belgium
Implementation of rolling methods to reduce residual stress and distortion of welded joints. P A.
Colegrove1, H Coules1, L D Cozzolino1 and S Wen2, 1 Cranfield University, 2 Tata Steel, UK.
Effect of IMC growth in SnAgCuBi/Cu soldered joints, E Hodulova, B Simekova, E Lechovic, K
Ulrich, MTF STU, Slovakia
Mechanical and corrosion behaviours of two dissimilar fsw joints, E Bousquet1, A Poulon-Quintin2,
O Devos1, M Puiggali1, M Touzet1, 1 Université Bordeaux 1, 2 CNRS, Institut de Chimie de la
Matière Condensée de Bordeaux, France.
Impermeable low hydrogen covered electrodes: the weld metal diffusible hydrogen, microstructure
and mechanical properties, C T Vaz1, I Felizardo2, A Q Bracarense3, E C P Pessoa4
Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 2 (ELBRAS 3
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 4 Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Impermeable covered electrodes: influence of the polymer quantity on the composition,
microstructure and hardness of the weld metal, N De Laurentis1, C T Vaz2, A Q Bracarense3
University of Bologna, 2 IFMG/UFMG, 3 UFMG, Italy
Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Thermal Fatigue Crack Initiation from the Pipe in the Cyclic
Thermal Load, B-Y Lee, J-S Kim, S-Y Lee, Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea.
Coffee Break: 15.15
Session III: 15.45-17.15 Applications with close relevance to industry needs
J. S. Smith, The University of Liverpool, UK,
J Tusek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Improved welding control of automated fillet welding for ship structures using Artificial Neural
Networks(ANN), S.Beckett, M.J.MacPherson and N.A.McPherson, BAE Systems - Marine, UK
Intelligent welding automation and the potential of laser hybrid welding in the welding of large
thick-walled structures, J K Kristensen and K H Christensen, FORCE Technology, Denmark.
Production of moulds with two layers by welding for plastic injection, J. Tušek, A. Košnik2, T.
Muhič3, 1 Univerza v Ljubljani, 2 Hella Saturnus, 3 TKC, Slovenia
Joining electric cables, connectors and other components used resistance, laser, mechanical or
ultrasonic welding, J. Tušek 1, K. Pompe2, M. Hrženjak 2, 1 University of Ljubljana, 2 TKC, Slovenia.
Joining and Repair of Aluminium-Steel Mixed Joints, SF Goecke, M Hübner and M Szczesny
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
Offline programming for short batch robotic welding, Z Pan, J Norrish, N Larkin, University of
Wollongong, Australia
Dinner: 19.00-20.30
May 12th, 2011
Breakfast: 07.00-08.15
Session IV: 08.30- 10.15 Weld quality, structural properties and environmental
K Nishimoto, Osaka Umiversity, Japan
G Huismann, HS University Hamburg, Germany
Ultrasonic Technique and Equipment for Residual Stresses Measurement, Y. Kudryavtsev and J.
Kleiman, Integrity Testing Laboratory Inc., Canada
Measurement of ultrafine particles in emissions from welding processes, K. Fuglsang, L. K. Gram, and J.
Klæstrup Kristensen, FORCE Technology, Denmark.
Fatigue Improvement of Welded Elements by Ultrasonic Impact Peening, Y. Kudryavtsev,Integrity
Testing Laboratory Inc., Canada
Research to establish a systematic approach to safe welding procedure development using austenitic filler
material for fabrication of high strength steel. L Kuzmikova, J Norrish, H Li, M Callaghan, University of
Wollongong, Australia.
Coffee Break: 10.15
Session V: 10.35- 11.15, Education, training, Qualification & Certification of
welding personnel
C Mayer, IIW, France
N Cole, AWS, USA
IIW global approach for qualification of welding personnel, C Mayer, IIW, France
AWS's approach to ensure the qualification of welding personnel, N Cole, AWS, USA
Lunch: 11.15-12.00
The Bus leaves Sankt Helene 12.05 sharp!!
Visit of the historic City Hall of Elsinore and reception
Return to Sankt Helene from Elsinore: 16.00
Conference Dinner and music: 18.30-01.00
May 13th, 2011
Breakfast: 07.00- 08.15
Process Session VI: 08.30-10.00 monitoring, sensors, control.
J Norrish, University of Wollongong, Australia
M Maronek, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
CAMWELD- An Integrated Monitoring System for Arc Welding, V Kumar 1, J Smith 2, J Tapp 3
TWI Ltd, 2 University of Liverpool, 3 Triton Electronics Ltd, UK.
A camera-based sensor system for precise seam tracking and closed-loop weld pool control in arc
welding, J Liu1, Z Fan, S I Olsen, K H Christensen1, J K Kristensen1, FORCE Technology,
A Pulsed laser camera system for weld pool observations, M.A. Houghton1, J. Lucas1, W. Lucas2 and
J. S. Smith1, 1 The University of Liverpool, 2 Independent Consultant, UK.
Optimizing gas usage in arc welding A. H. Jørgensen, L. Skovfo, Migatronic A/S, Denmark
Monitoring GTAW Process Using Spectroscopy and Change Detection Algorithms, S C Alfaro and
D V Bebiano, Fundação Universidade Darcy Ribeiro, Brazil.
Coffee Break: 10.00
Session VII: 10.15- 12.30 Mathematical modelling and simulation
M Chatuvedi, University of Manitoba, Canada
E Hodulova, MTF STU, Slovakia
Prediction of hardness in HAZ of low-alloy steel produced by temper bead welding using neural
network, l Yu 1, Y Nakabayashi 1, S Itoh 1, M Kameyama 2, S Sirano 3, N Chigusa 3, K Saida 1, M
Mochiduki 1 and K Nishimoto 1, 1 Osaka University, 2 Japan Power Engineering and Inspection
Corporation, 3 The Kansai Electric Power Co., Japan
Prediction of weld pool shape and influence of joint preparation angle for new GMAW processes, J.
Chen1, C. Schwenk1, C.S. Wu2, M. Rethmeier1, 1 BAM Germany, 2, Shandong University, China.
Prediction of weld bead width in GMAW process using fuzzy logic, M Aghakhani1, M Mahdipour
Jalilian2, A Karami2,E Hayati2, M M Jalilian2, 1 University of Razi, 2 University of Razi
Kermanshah, Iran.
Simulation of the resistance upset welding of fuel cladding made in ODS steel, F Corpace1,2, A
Monnier1, A P Quintin2, J-P Manaud2, 1 CEA, DEN, DM2S, SEMT, LTA, 2 CNRS, Université de
Bordeaux, France.
Optimization of dilution in gas metal arc welding process using genetic algorithm, M Aghakhani1,
E Mehrdad2, E Hayati2, M M Jalilian2, .A Karbasian2, 1 University of Razi, 2 University of Razi
Kermanshah, Iran.
An Evaluation of the Reliability of Standard Preheat Calculations for a Direct-Quenched and
Tempered Steel, S Heikkilä1, A Kyrolainen1, J Komi2, D Porter2, M Lehtinen2, P Karjalainen3
Raahe Region Technology Centre Oy, 2Rautaruukki Oyj, 3University of Oulu, Finland
Effect of polarity on the heat transfer to the wire electrode in MIG aluminum welding, G Huismann,
HS University, Germany.
Metal transfer modes in MIG/MAG welding: Through detailed description to a revised
classification,V Ponomarov, A Scotti, Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil.
Reducing spatter and lowering heat input in short arc welding, J L Skovfo, A H Jørgensen,
Migatronic A/S, Denmark
Lunch 12.30- 13.30 and farewell to JOM 17 in 2013