Last Rev.: 17 MAY 08 Simple Pipe Flow : MIME 3470 Page 1 Grading Sheet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MIME 3470—Thermal Science Laboratory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Experiment №. 3 SIMPLE PIPE FLOW Students’ Names / Section № POINTS PRESENTATION—Applicable to Both MS Word and Mathcad Sections 10 10 10 GENERAL APPEARANCE ORGANIZATION ENGLISH / GRAMMAR ORDERED DATA, CALCULATIONS, & RESULTS—MATHCAD VARIABLE DEFINITIONS AND RAW DATA CALCULATIONS WITH DETAILED EXPLANATIONS GRAPH OF MOODY DIAGRAM AND EXPERIMENTAL POINTS 10 10 25 TECHNICAL WRITTEN CONTENT DISCUSSION OF RESULTS CONCLUSIONS ORIGINAL HAND-WRITTEN (NOT TYPED) DATASHEET TOTAL COMMENTS d GRADER— 10 10 5 100 SCORE TOTAL Last Rev.: 17 MAY 08 Simple Pipe Flow : MIME 3470 MIME 3470—Thermal Science Laboratory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Experiment №. 3 SIMPLE PIPE FLOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAB PARTNERS: NAME NAME NAME NAME NAME NAME SECTION № EXPERIMENT TIME/DATE: TIME, DATE The calibration curve of horif vs. Q for the sharp-edged, 5/8 orifice is in English units (gph vs. inH20). Points from that curve were roughly fitted with a curve. The data points and fitted curve are shown in the Figure 1. The equation for the curve is h(inH2O)= 3.2103Q +1.51104Q2+14109Q3 = f(Q); Q(gph) (3) 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 h 36 32 h fit( Q) 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OBJECTIVE—of this experiment is to observe the effects of pipe friction for three different flow rates in pipes of three different inside diameters. Calculations of pipe friction factor, f, and Reynolds number, Re, for the nine cases will be plotted on a Moody diagram, where said Moody diagram was generated using a function from Lab 1. INTRODUCTION—Fluids are usually transported through pipes from one location to another by pumps. In order to size a pump for a given application, it is necessary to predict the pressure drop which results from friction in the pipe and fittings. The study of pressure losses in pipe flow is the subject of this experiment. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS—The pipe flow test rig is shown in the Appendix. It contains a sump tank, used as a water reservoir, from which a centrifugal pump discharges water to the circuit. The circuit consists of three different diameter pipes made of plastic tubing. The circuit contains valves for directing and regulating the flow to make up various series and parallel piping combinations. The circuit has a provision for measuring pressure loss through the use of static pressure taps at useful locations which are to be connected to manometer limbs (manometer not shown in schematic). Finally, since the circuit also contains an orifice meter which is used as a flow meter. The flow rate can be determined as a function of measured pressure loss across the orifice meter. PROCEDURE1—Pressure Drop Through a Single Pipe: For three different flow rates measured in cubic meters of water per second, measure the pressure losses in inches of water for flow through individual pipes having inside diameters of 0.595, 0.804, and 1.150 inches. From these data, calculate the Reynolds number, Re, and pipe friction factor, f (aka Euler number). These dimensionless values are defined as follows: V D Re = (1) p g h f = (2) 2 L V L V 2 D 2 D 2 where, V velocity of flow, m/s D inside diameter of pipe, m kinematic viscosity, m2/s p friction pressure drop over length L, Pa = kg m1 s2 L length of pipe generating pressure loss p, m g acceleration of gravity, m/ s2 h manometer head due to friction pressure drop, m density of manometer fluid. NOTE: Pressure drop, p = gh, data will be taken using a manometer; i.e., a head difference,h in inH2O. However, the only pressure units that Mathcad uses are inches of mercury, in_Hg, and Pascals, Pa. So, being very careful of units, the student will have to convert from inches of water to inches of mercury. 1 There are PowerPoint files for all labs which use LabVIEW. Page 2 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 GPH Q Figure 1—Calibration curve for sharp edged orifice flow meter The student asks: given a value of horif, isn’t computing Q going to be difficult? The answer is: it’s not as difficult as one first thinks. For a given value of horif, the desired value of Q occurs when horif – f(Q) = 0. Mathcad has a function called root that finds the value that satisfies this equation (i.e. the point where the function crosses the abscissa and is zero).2 The only caveat occurs when there is more than one root. Then the “search range” should straddle only one root. (To know what search range to use, it is often convenient to plot the function.) Mathcad’s help describes a call to root as: root(f(var1, var2, ...),var1, [a, b]) Returns the value of var1 lying between a and b at which the function f is equal to zero. The followingi example should help: j i 1 3 CA LCULA TIONS: Calculate v olumetric flow rate for all 9 cases --use a root crossing function. First define calibration curv e function.: 3 4 2 9 3 fEng ( Q) 3.2 10 Q 1.51 10 Q 14 10 Q Example: If for Pipe 2 & Run 2 see plot at below. h orif 14.5 22 100 75 fEng ( Q) 50 fEng ( Q) h orif 25 22 0 0 25 50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Q NOTE: No units have been applied to h.orif as it has English units of "H2O and w e do not w ant Mathcad to conv ert it to SI. There is only 1 zero crossing ov er the entire range. This is true for all data v alues of h.orif. Use "root" to compute flow rate in GPH. Q 22 root h orif A s a check , note that Q 22 22 fEng ( Q) Q 0 600 315.909 fEng Q 22 14.5 NOW, apply units to Q of gal/hr and let Mathcad conv ert to SI: QSI 22 Q 22 gal hr QSI 22 3.322 10 4 3 -1 m s For the results, plot the followings: • The laminar friction factor curve (from Lab 1), • The turbulent friction factor curve (also from Lab 1) for relative roughness values of 0.05 and 0.000001 (smooth pipe), and • The nine points computed from the data. 2 There is also a handout on root finders. Last Rev.: 17 MAY 08 Simple Pipe Flow : MIME 3470 Page 3 ORDERED DATA, CALCULATIONS, AND RESULTS (Use sufficient comments so I can follow your work—I’m not a mind reader!) MATHCAD OBJECT--DOUBLE CLICK TO OPEN Last Rev.: 17 MAY 08 Simple Pipe Flow : MIME 3470 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Do not reiterate objective, theory, or procedure!—these have already been supplied. The student may discuss anything pertaining to problems in performing the lab and, of course, the results. However, grading is based on answers to the following questions: 1. In general, how do calculated values of friction factor compare with the Moody diagram? Answer here 2. Why do the discrepancies noted in Item 1 exist? Answer here Page 4 CONCLUSIONS (Based on Objective, Results, and Discussion) Last Rev.: 17 MAY 08 Simple Pipe Flow : MIME 3470 Page 5 APPENDIX - Data Sheet for Simple Pipe Flow Time/Date: __________________________________ Lab Partners: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Distance between pipe pressure taps, L: ________________ Temperature of water: ________________ 0.595 I.D. Run 1 2 3 d d 0.804 I.D. 1.150 I.D. horifice hfriction horifice hfriction horifice hfriction inH2O inH2O inH2O inH2O inH2O inH2O Last Rev.: 17 MAY 08 Simple Pipe Flow : MIME 3470 Page 6