12/22/2010 KCFD #18 Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 7 Kitsap

Kitsap County Fire District #18
Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes
December 22, 2010
Poulsbo Fire Department
Poulsbo, WA
Darryl Milton
Martin Sullivan
Jim Ingalls
April Borbon
Mike Boyer
Brett Annear
David Ellingson
Conrad Green
Dan Olson
Lise Alkire
Jim Gillard
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Ingalls at 2pm.
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Ellingson moved to approve the December 22, 2010 agenda as presented
Commissioner Sullivan seconded the motion. Motion was called with a unanimous vote
to approve the agenda as presented.
Public Comment: None.
Executive Session:
At 4:55pm, Chairman Ingalls called an Executive Session for a period of 10 minutes to discuss
labor negotiations update and to evaluate the performance of a public employee. At 5:05pm, he
extended the Executive Session for 30 minutes. At 5:35pm, he closed the Executive Session and
reopened the regular meeting. No decisions were made.
Action Items:
1. Consent Agenda
A. 12/8/2010 Meeting Minutes
B. Vouchers (Account 90912/batch 383844 in the amount of $45,828.10)
C. Department Payroll (December $334,105.58)
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Commissioner Ellingson moved to approve Consent Agenda. Commissioner Sullivan
seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
2. Commissioner Payroll (December)
Commissioner Green moved to approve Commissioner Payroll for the month of
December in the amount of $2,288.00. Commissioner Milton seconded the motion. The
motion was unanimously approved.
3. Exempt/Confidential Employee Contracts
This item was postponed until the January 12, 2011 meeting.
Discussion Items:
1. DOE Contract
Mike Boyer from the DOE’s Clean Diesel program gave a presentation to the Board. The
program has been in existence since 2002 and has provided more than $36 million in
funds for school and transit busses, as well as city, county, and PUD vehicles in order to
reduce emissions and improve air quality. Now they are working on projects to reduce
engine idle time. Poulsbo Fire will be the first agency in their new fire service pilot
program; they will start with an idle reduction project for the district. This project will
provide health benefits for providers and patients. It will also save money on fuel costs,
engine wear and tear, and will extend life of engines, as well as reduce maintenance cost.
The grant will provide full funding for the project. They will fund the installation of idle
reduction technology on two fire engines and two medic units which will include an
auxiliary battery back-up system. Once the pilot program is completed, they should have
additional funds to complete the work for the entire fleet. There may also be funds to
repower engines as they age as well as funds to capture emissions in the bays.
Commissioner Green told Mr. Boyer that he has a problem with part 3, paragraph 2 of the
contract as it states that the DOE can unilaterally change the contract. BC Gillard
provided a hand out of an email response on unilateral change in the contract which Mr.
Boyer had provided earlier. Commissioner Green suggested the following revision to
part 3, paragraph 2: take out sentence two and add “it may be necessary to revise the
vehicle numbers and retrofit types based on equipment and vehicle specifications and
funding limitations. In that instance the department and the recipient will negotiate
revisions.” In sentence 3, delete everything after “part 1” and replace with “based on the
agreement of the department and recipient.” Commissioner Green stated that the contract
needs to be totally mutual. Mr. Boyer stated that they try to make contracts as flexible as
possible by giving the department complete control of procurement process and added th
that the changes could probably be made with no problem. Commissioner Green also
asked that he look at Appendix A general terms K and add that the District can terminate
for cause or financial cause; as written there is only right of termination by the DOE.
Also, Section Q states that disputes are to be submitted to the project officer who makes
final decision; he would like to see mutuality and fairness here as well.
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Brett is now installing catalytic converters and the DOC systems as part of the grant
process. He stated that four other departments have contacted Mr. Boyer about this
program. Mr. Boyer stated that his agency has a history of replacing things that are
beyond the warranty period. Brett stated that maintenance should be minimal and that
the batteries being used have a five year warranty. Mr. Boyer stated that the if the
District wants to participate, it needs to move quickly as the funding is only available
until June 2011. If they delay too long, the project may not be completed in time.
Chairman Ingalls stated that this will be decided at the first meeting in January. BC
Gillard asked if the bid process can start now if the bid states that it is “subject to
funding.” Chief Olson will ask attorney Brian Snure this question before the District
moves forward. BC Gillard stated that he is all ready to go with the bid process.
2. CBRC Recommendations
Chief Olson provided a handout of the CBRC’s Strategic Recommendations for the
District’s 2011 Action Plan. In the plan, he combined the questions that the CBRC was
tasked to answer in black, the group’s answers in blue, the action that is needed in red,
and the status in light red. The commissioners were asked to review the document and
provide input to Chief Olson before the next meeting. The goal of the document is to
show tangible action towards the recommendations made by the CBRC. Chief Olson
added that final decisions on any of the items in the plan are up to the Board and not the
3. NKFR Study Update
Chief Olson reported that he has been meeting with Chief Smith to develop questions for
the interview with the potential study contractors. Currently they have 22 questions, but
would like to narrow the number of questions to 12. The sub-committee will reduce the
number of questions before the interviews. The sub-committee will meet on January 4th
at noon to review questions. Commissioners Ingalls and Milton, as well as Chief Olson,
will represent Poulsbo at this meeting. Commissioner Ingalls suggested sending the list of
questions to the candidates before the interview so that they can come prepared.
4. Tri North Facility Position
Chief Olson reported that Chief Smith has started developing an inter-local agreement for
the Tri-North Facility position; the document will be sent to the attorney for review. It
was determined that Poulsbo Fire and Bainbridge Island Fire will purchase the services of
NKFR’s facility person for a fee instead of the three districts being the person’s coemployers as this will alleviate many legal issues.
5. Premera Contract Update
The contract that was signed by the KRMG authorizes Primera for all fire districts so it
wasn’t necessary to have a signature on the PFD contract with Primera. The last motion
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on this issue was to authorize the signing of the contract with Primera; however, Chief
Olson stated that it needs to be clear that the Board is authorizing Primera to provide the
service of medical insurance for the District.
Commissioner Ellingson moved to authorize Primera to perform services as outlined in
the contract. Commissioner Milton seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously
6. Service Level Delivery Report for 2009
Chief Olson provided a copy of the District’s 2009 Annual Report to the Board. This
document was reviewed at a previous meeting. Chief Olson added that some changes
were made to fix the tables that had been cut off in the previous document. He further
added that response times in the document are from dispatch to arrival and do not reflect
turn out time. Chief Olson stated that other time elements not accounted for yet include
the time from the tires stopping to the time that the responders reach the patient or are
ready to fight the fire. He said that turn out time goals are in the average range of other
districts in the area; these goals will be put in Action Plan for 2011. Chief Olson thanked
Kathy for her hard work on this document; she created all of the statistics in the
document from available data.
7. Medic Unit Re-chassis
Chief Olson reported that in the 2011 budget funding has been authorized for the rechassis of a medic unit. He noted that the Ford 6.0 chassis has had problems; however,
CKFR has switched to the Chevy engine which has an excellent record. The Board needs
to decide soon which chassis to select because Ford will not be making the 6.0 engine
next year, but there is still time to get one of the few 2011 6.0 engines that are left.
Chief Olson stated that CKFR has had good experience with their medic units although
they are a bit smaller than the PFD units. Brett stated that he has concerns with the short
history of using Chevy chassis’ in the fire service. Another concern is the cost of
modifying the box to fit a new chassis. He stated that the Qualified Vehicle Modifier
program ensures that there are fewer problems when a unit is re-chassied, however he is
unsure how extensive the Chevy QVM program is. Often there are warranty issues if the
maker of the chassis and box are different companies. Brett added that the District must
used diesel engines and Chevy is one of the only other options for these types of engines.
Changing to a Ford F-series engine could possibly create ride, ride height, and turning
radius issues. It was noted that the 2011 engines will have a higher cost because of new
EPA regulations. Lifeline can do the re-chassis and the company offers a warranty for all
parts. If another company does the work on the Lifeline box, it will lose the lifetime
warranty. Chief Olson suggested that the Apparatus Committee and a couple of
paramedics go to CKFR to learn more about their Chevy units and talk to the staff about
how they are working for them; the Board concurred. Brett will also follow up with
CKFR mechanics on their experience as well.
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Informational Items:
1. Monthly Operations Report (November)
The Monthly Operations Report for November was included in the meeting packet.
Chief Olson reported that there were 332 calls which is a little higher than normal due to
the Thanksgiving week storm. The ratio of ALS to BLS was 60-40 which is average.
The CPR which was noted in the significant incidents section was a save made by a
Poulsbo police officer who initiated CPR when a person at a marathon went into cardiac
arrest; the quick initiation of CPR was critical to the patient’s survival. Chief Olson
suggested that the Board publically recognize the officer for this save.
2. Monthly Overtime Report (November)
Chief Olson provided a handout of the Monthly Overtime Report for November. There
was $22,500 spent on overtime for the month. Previously overtime has been around
$14,000. The reasons for the overtime included two paramedics who are on extended
medical leave for on-the-job injuries and the impact on paramedic minimum staffing.
The storm caused $5,000 in overtime. Chief Olson added that dual classification usually
results in one and a half to two overtime shifts per month, which costs the District
approximately $1,800 per month. Overall, there were 129 hours of paramedic overtime
due to minimum staffing and the two paramedic injuries and a total of 442 hours of
overtime in November. The Board needs to look at options to address issues which lead
to overtime in order to minimize costs. The group discussed changing minimum staffing
based on need; for example, only having minimum staffing from 8am to 8pm when
statistics show need is highest and allowing the Chief to reduce minimum staffing at
night when there is statistically less need. Chief Olson will talk to attorneys Snure,
Younker and the bargaining unit about this option.
Commissioner Ellingson moved to have minimum staffing in effect from 8am to 8pm
then give Chief Olson the discretion to go below minimum staffing beyond that time,
based on his perception of the risk and need in the community. Commissioner Green
seconded the motion.
Chief Olson asked for time to discuss this issue with the District’s attorneys and
bargaining unit.
Commissioner Sullivan moved to table the motion until Chief Olson can do more
research and return to the Board with options. Commissioner Milton seconded the
motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
3. Monthly Financial Report (November)
The Monthly Financial Report for the month of November was included in the meeting
packet. ASM Alkire reported that income and expenses are on track. There was $4.4
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million in rollover for November; she projects that the interim financial reserve will be
$1.3 to $1.4 million dollars to cover first quarter expenses for 2011.
4. CIAW Inter-local Agreement
A copy of the CIAW Inter-local agreement was included in the meeting packet. The
insurance carrier requested that the Board pass a resolution to approve the agreement
which was done. Now there needs to be a motion to sign the ILA with CIAW.
Commissioner Milton made a motion to authorize the Chair to sign the inter-local
agreement with the CIAW. Commissioner Ellingson seconded the motion. The motion
was unanimously approved.
Commissioner’s Comments:
Commissioner Ingalls reported that April will be moving and will no longer be working for the
Board as of the end of this month. He thanked April for her service to the board. He wished
everyone a Merry Christmas.
Commissioner Milton thanked the Chief for his hard work over the past year which has been
very challenging. He thanked April for her work with the Board and wished everyone happy
Commissioner Ellingson stated that is has been a challenging year and he is appreciative of the
group of commissioners and how well they work together. He thanked everyone for their work
over the past year and wished them all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Commissioner Sullivan thanked everyone and wished them a Merry Christmas and Happy New
Commissioner Green stated that he is very impressed with the quality of the people at Poulsbo
Fire from the top to bottom. He added that both the Chief and Lise show great leadership. He
thanked April for her work for the Board and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Lise thanked April for her work and thanked the Board for their support.
Chief Olson thanked April and Lise for their work over the past year. He stated that he has a
great board to work with and is pleased with what they have accomplished.
Public Comment: None.
Good of the Order:
Next Regular Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 1600
Organizational Meeting
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Efficiency Study Meeting with NKFR/Kitsap Fire District 18, January 13, 2011 at 1300
Location TBD
Kitsap Commissioners and Chiefs Legislative Day, Monday, January 17, 2011
Snure Saturday Seminars, February 26, 2011 0800 Lynnwood Embassy Suites Hotel
Commissioner Green made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:35pm. Commissioner
Sullivan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Lise D. Alkire
KCFD #18 Secretary to the Board