ISSC 2004, Belfast, June 30 - July 2 Characterisation of Schottky Varactor Diodes for Pulse Compression Circuits Falah Mohammed , David Linton High Frequency Electronics Group, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 5AH UK E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Capacitance (f F) Abstract – The application of a non-linear lumped element circuit model for Schottky varactor diodes is presented in this paper. The nonlinear parameters of the GaAs varactor diode are extracted using small and large signal measurements. The modelled and measured results show strong agreement. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Different techniques are proposed for this purpose including equalization techniques [2]. An alternative solution using nonlinear wave transmission to I. INTRODUCTION compensate for the dispersion problem has been The need to transmit multigigabit data streams within reported [3] using Non-Linear Transmission Line optical networking equipment, such as routers and Technology (NLTL). The NLTL can compensate for switches, is driving the need to increase the dispersion by providing different propagation speeds aggregate bandwidth through a copper medium. The for the harmonic contents of the digital bit stream. It dispersion and attenuation in the copper medium can also regenerate the attenuated or lost harmonics increases significantly with the increase in due to the low pass filter properties of the digital transmission frequency. The large increase in interconnects. dispersion and attenuation which accompanies the The NLTL uses the non-linear CV characteristics of increase of the transmission frequency is a bottle the shunt mounted Schottky diode to achieve neck that limits the bandwidth in electro-optic nonlinear wave propagation properties. Typical C-V backplane systems. Typical dispersion and characteristics for the Schottky diode are shown in attenuation on FR4 multilayer printed circuit board Figure 1. (PCB) is 0.9 dB/in and 1.2 ps/in respectively [1]. With the large improvement of the bandwidth 500 which has extended to more than 10 Gbits/s for the 400 CV Characteristics OC192 standard, the communication channel designers now consider every single element in the 300 communication channel. Signal distortion arising 200 from attenuation and dispersion problems in the multilayer PCB in the electro-optic backplane can 100 lead to significant inter-symbol interference (ISI). The ISI is increased by the multiple reflections and 0 the low pass filter properties of the chip -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 interconnects in the backplane card which causes the Bias Voltage (V) loss of the high frequency components of the digital Figure 1 The Schottky diode CV characteristics. bit stream. To overcome this problem a digital bit stream is The schematic diagram and circuit diagram of the demultiplexed in the time domain to transmit the NLTL are shown in Figure 2. data at slower speeds and therefore reduce the In this paper the Schottky diode equivalent circuit distortion problems associated with the increase of model which is extensively used to study Schottky the transmission frequency. diode mixer [4]-[5] properties is used to model the Schottky diode for NLTL applications. The full nonlinear Schottky diode model is presented in this paper. Nonlinear characterization of the Schottky diode equivalent circuit parameters based on small and large signal measurements are also given. Analysis has been performed on two devices the Bookham 6×100 µm2 (device 1) and the OMMIC 3 40 µm (device 2) Schottky varactor diode. IV. SMALL SIGNAL MEASUREMENTS Small signal measurements were performed using the HP-8510B Vector Network Analyser (VNA) using the setup shown in Figure 4. HP-8510 GPIB Bus 8510B Coaxial Cables (a) Personal Computer Probe station Synthesised sweeper (b) Figure 2 (a) Schematic diagram and (b) the equivalent circuit of the NLTL. II. SCHOTTKY DIODE MODEL Basically the Schottky diode can be modelled by a nonlinear junction capacitance in parallel with a nonlinear junction conductance. The nonlinear capacitance models the Schottky diode under reverse bias conditions while the junction conductance models the diode under forward bias conditions. For accurate modelling, a series resistance and series inductance are considered in the Schottky diode equivalent circuit model. The Schottky diode equivalent circuit model is shown in Figure 3. Gj Rs S-parameter Test set Ls Cj Figure 3 The equivalent circuit model of the Schottky varactor diode. III. SCHOTTKY DIODE PARAMETER EXTRACTION The junction capacitance and the series resistance are the important parameters for the NLTL design. These two elements are extracted using small signal measurements under reverse bias conditions. The junction conductance is less important for the NLTL but it is extracted using DC measurements under forward bias conditions. The Schottky diode model is verified using large signal measurements. Figure 4 Small signal measurement setup The system was calibrated using the Line Reflect Match (LRM) technique to eliminate the systematic errors from the S-parameter measurement system. The LRM calibration technique requires the use of three calibration standards to transfer the Sparameter measurement plane to the probe tips. The standards are: 1. The reflect standard is either an open or short circuit. The open is preferred because the probe tips are left in air and no probe placement error occurs. 2. The match load standard is two separated 50 loads. 3. Thru line standard which is a 50 m length CPW line providing 1 ps electrical delay. Port extensions of 0.5 ps are added to each port to compensate for the delay caused by the thru line at each probe tip. The calibration standards are available on the Impedance Standard Substrate (ISS) with gold contacts and Ground Signal Ground (GSG) configuration. Devices 1 and 2 were measured using the Cascade 12000TM probe station where Rigid GSG 150 m Cascade probes are used for probing the cathode and anode pads of each Schottky diode. Reverse DC bias was applied to the device under test using the bias tee on the VNA. A photograph showing probe heads contacting the measurement pads is shown in Figure 5. profile can be approximated by hyperbolic curve fitting as reported by [6]. The non-linearities of the diode can be modelled by 212 (1) C d (V ) V 1 0.6 where is the nonlinearity constant which depends on the doping profile of the Schottky diode. Larger nonlinear characteristics can be achieved if this constant is increased. Increasing the value of is limited to the fabrication process of the Schottky diode. The value of this constant for device 1 is ( = 0.7) Device 1 V=2V V=0V Ohmic Device 2 Schottky Contact Depletion region The measured reflection coefficient S11 of device 1 at different reverse bias points is shown in Figure 6. Ohmic Schottky Contact Depletion region Ohmic N- active layer N- active layer Figure 5 Probe heads contacting the measurement pads for device 1 and device 2. Ohmic Figure 7 Cross section view of the Schottky diode shows the Schottky contact and the depletion region. For reverse bias voltages larger than 2V, the depletion region is almost fully depleted. If the depletion layer is fully depleted then the diode parameters are almost constant, therefore the reflection coefficient S11 will be almost constant and does not change with bias. Freq = 1.044 GHz Freq = 40 GHz Bias -2 V Bias 0 V Freq = 1.044 GHz Bias -1 V Freq = 40 GHz Bias 0 V Bias -1 V Bias -3 V freq (1.044 GHz to 40.00 GHz) Bias -2 V Figure 6 Measured reflection coefficient S11 for device 1 Schottky varactor diode at different bias points. Figure 6 shows that the capacitance is the dominant parameter of device 1 as the measured reflection coefficient is in the lower half of the smith chart. It can also be noticed from the figure that the reflection coefficient is affected by the reverse bias voltage as it is varied from (0 to 2V). Further increase in the reverse bias voltage has only a small effect on the measured reflection coefficient S11. This is because the depletion region under the Schottky contact experiences large non-linear characteristics as the bias is varied from (0 to 2V) because of the hyper-abrupt doping profile [6], Figure 7. This profile experiences large non-linearities because of the non-uniform charge distribution under the Schottky contact which is approximated by a Gaussian distribution [6]. The hyper-abrupt doping Bias -3 V freq (1.044 GHz to 40.00 GHz) Figure 8 Measured reflection coefficient S11 for device 2 Schottky varactor diode at different bias points. The measured reflection coefficient for device 2 is shown in Figure 8. The measured reflection coefficient S11 of device 2 shows similar observations as for those of device 1 (i.e. the diode has capacitive properties and the diode parameters vary as the voltage is varied from 0 to 2 V). The reason for this is that the depletion region exhibits strong nonlinear characteristics for voltages ranging from 0 to 2V. For voltages more negative than 2V the depletion region is almost fully depleted, therefore the diode characteristics are almost constant; hence the reflection coefficient is constant. A comparison between Figure 6 and Figure 8 shows the reflection coefficient curves for device 1 are different from those for device 2. The reason for this difference is in the doping profile. Device 1 uses a hyper-abrupt doping profile [7] whereas device 2 uses a delta-doped profile [8]. The series resistance of the Schottky diode is extracted from the reflection coefficient (S11), where it is the real part of the reflection coefficient according to equation (1) Figure 10 shows that device 2 has larger nonlinear characteristics between the reverse bias voltage range V to 2 V compared with device 1. The reason for that again refers to the delta-doping profile used in the device 2 foundry process. (2) Rs real (S11 ) The reflection coefficient is a function of the DCbias, and the series resistance is also a function of the DC bias. Because the Schottky diode resistance depends on frequency (skin effect which is basically in the metallization layers of the Schottky diode), the resistance is extracted at 5 GHz as a figure of merit. The series resistance of device 1 was 5.71 while it was 6.95 for device 2. The junction capacitance and the series inductance are extracted based on an ABCD matrix technique. The extracted CV characteristic and series resistance for both diodes are given in Figure 9. qV j nKT (3) I d I s e 1 where Id is the Schottky diode current, Vj is the voltage across the junction conductance, Is is the saturation current, K is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature and q is the electron charge. The measured IV characteristics for both device 1 and device 2 Schottky varactor diodes are shown in Figure 11. 250 200 150 100 0.45 0.4 50 Current (A) 300 Capacitance (fF) 350 device 2 The junction conductance of the Schottky diode is extracted from the IV measurements. The IV characteristics of the Schottky diode are given by equation 3 [9]. device 1 0.35 400 device 1 V. IV-CHARACTERISTICS. device 2 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Voltage (V) 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 -9.6 -7.6 -5.6 -3.6 -1.6 Figure 11 Measured IV characteristics for device 1 and device 2 Schottky varactor diodes. 0.4 Voltage (V) Figure 9 The extracted CV characteristics for both device 1 and device 2 Schottky varactor diodes. Device 2 has larger nonlinearity compared with the device 1 since the capacitance of device 2 changes sharply over a smaller voltage range compared to device 1. The reason for this difference in nonlinearity is the difference in the doping profile where device 1 uses hyper-abrupt and device 2 uses a delta-doped profile. VI. LARGE SIGNAL MEASUREMENTS. 150 100 device 1 50 Inducatnce (pH) 250 200 device 2 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 Figure 11 shows that device 1 has much larger current compared to device 2 because device 1 has larger area compared to device 2. The ideality factor (n) and the saturation current are extracted based on the procedures outlined in [10]. The ideality factor (n) for device 1 was 1.2 compared to 1.09 for device 2. The saturation current for device 1 was 3 pA compared to 2.5 pA for device 2. 0 Bias Voltage (V) Figure 10 Extracted series inductance for device 1 and device 2 Schottky varactor diodes. The extracted Schottky diode model for both device 1 and device 2 was verified using large signal measurements. The large signal measurement system was calibrated to transfer the measurement reference plane to the probe tips for accurate measurements. A large signal with variable input power is injected through each Schottky varactor diode. The input signal frequency was 1 GHz and the diode was reverse biased at 1 V. The power of the fundamental and the second harmonic were measured using the Microwave Transition Analyser (MTA). The measured results are compared with the ADSTM harmonic balance (HB) simulation performed on the extracted model for device 1 and device 2. The measured and simulated (using ADSTM) fundamental and second harmonic power of device 1 and device 2 are shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13 respectively. 0 -5 Device 2 shows stronger nonlinearities in the extracted parameters because of its delta doping profile compared to device 1 which uses a hyperabrupt doping profile. The extracted Schottky diode model for both diode types was verified to the actual Schottky diode device by large signal measurements. The measured and modelled results show good agreement indicating that the nonlinear circuit model for device 1 and device 2 was successfully extracted. O/P Power (dBm) -10 VIII. -15 -2 0 This project has been supported financially by Solectron/C-MAC. The Schottky diodes were donated by Bookham and OMMIC. Freq . = 1 GHz, Bias = -1V -2 5 -3 0 mo d eled fund amental mo d eled s ec. har. -3 5 -4 0 meas ured fund amental meas ured s ec. har. -4 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT IX. REFERENCES -50 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Input P o we r (dB m ) Figure 12 Measured and simulated fundamental and second harmonic powers for device 1 Schottky varactor diode. 0 O/P Power (dBm) -5 Freq . = 1 GHz, Bias = - 1V -10 -15 -2 0 -2 5 -3 0 mo d eled fund amental -3 5 mo d eled s ec. har. -4 0 meas ured fund amental -4 5 meas ured s ec. har. -50 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Input power (dBm) Figure 13 Measured and simulated fundamental and second harmonic powers for device 2 Schottky varactor diode. Measurement shows good agreement with the simulated results for both device 1 and device 2 as shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13 respectively. VII. CONCLUSION The non-linear equivalent circuit model for the Schottky varactor diode is extracted. This model is an important step in the design of the NLTL circuit which is used for pulse compression circuit applications. Small signal measurements were bias dependent because the CV characteristics and the IV characteristics of the Schottky diode are bias dependent. The small signal measurements were bias dependent only up to 2 V for both device 1 and device 2. This is because the depletion region is fully depleted for bias voltages larger than 2 V, therefore equivalent circuit parameters become constant. [1] K. Lazaris-burner, B. Tailor, J. D’amborsia and M. Fogg, “Synergy Needed for 10-Gbps Backplanes,” CommsDesign, May 2002, G303523s0007. [2] Y. Takasaki, “Digital Transmission Design and Jitter Analysis”, Artech House, ISBN 0-89006503-9, 1991, p. 70. [3] F. Mohammed and D. Linton, “High Data Rate Pulse Regeneration Using Non-Linear Transmission Line Technology (NLTL)”, IEEE High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium, pp. 136-141, September 2001. 4] S.W. Chen, T.C. Ho, K. Pande, P. Rice, J. Adair and M. 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