The Aerospace & Defence

Advanced Design System
European Learning Week
Munich, GERMANY, April 20-24, 2009
Dear Customer,
Are you interested in getting more productive? Are you getting all the value that ADS can
Join us for the 2009 ADS Learning Week in Munich starting on Monday April 20th, 2009! Over the
course of the entire week we will offer a continuous series of training classes covering a wide range of
topics about ADS Circuit, EM and Signal Integrity.
The schedule is modular and consists of two separate tracks (one for EM Simulation, the other for
Circuit Simulation and Signal Integrity), allowing you to choose any combination of topics. You can
register for one or more days at your convenience. These classes cover a wide selection of material
used in the popular Agilent EEsof Customer Education classes and will be led by qualified Agilent
Instructors. Computers will be provided by Agilent for those who do not plan to bring their own laptop.
Please find below registration information and detailed agenda. Seating is limited and will be assigned
on a first-come, first-serve basis. Take the first step towards increasing your design efficiency by
signing up as for the instructions below. You can consider the registration form as a formal quotation
from Agilent. The cost of classes is 300 Euros per day. Lunch and refreshments are served during the
training days.
Looking forward to meeting you in City,
Irene Bachelard
Customer Education Manager, Agilent EEsof Europe
Training Location
Techcom Training Centre
Bajuwarenring 12a
82041 Oberhaching
20 minutes from downtown Munich by
And 5 minutes by bus shuttle from
the Furth S-Bahn station.
40 minutes away from Munich airport.
Advanced Design System
European Learning Week
Munich, GERMANY, April 20-24, 2009
Detailed Agenda
Track 1 – Electromagnetic Simulation
Track 2- Circuit and Signal Integrity
Using ADS as a Layout Tool for RF / uW
Introduction to ADS - Circuit modeling and DC
simulation – S-Parameter simulation
Learn how layouts are created in ADS using design
synchronization, manual entry, AEL macros and import.
Understand technology files and editing procedures
Proficient use of the physical design user interface is a prerequisite for optimal application of the Momentum simulation
Creating own library elements by using spice- or S-Parameter
models and extending them by adding package parasitic. Test
the DC response of the model with curve tracer template and
do frequency domain S-Parameter and noise analysis with your
own defined element
Momentum for Beginners
Harmonic balance simulation – Circuit
envelope simulation
Momentum Advanced Topics 1
Momentum Advanced Topics 2
EMDS – ElectroMagnetic Design System
Learn how to convert layouts into EM simulation models.
Understand how to use Momentum RF and coarse meshing
techniques to perform highly efficient, perturbational
optimization. Layout Components for circuit cosimulation are
briefly introduced. Simulate antennas and compute their
properties such as gain and far fields.
Layout Component Parameterization is the basis for EMcircuit-system cooptimizations. Learn the two techniques to
convert static to parameterized layouts. Compare traditional
“puzzle-piece” modeling approaches to large scale modeling.
Understand and efficiently use thick conductor modeling
using LTCC spiral inductors as an example.
Use slot layers to efficiently model multilayer PCB and CPW
structures. Learn the different grounding concepts such as
ground references, differential signaling, ground at infinity.
Perform pure differential and mixed-mode (common differential) S-Parameter simulations using schematic
templates and DDS equations.
Learn how to create 3D CAD models suitable for full-wave
EM simulation and how to set up ports and boundaries. Use
the 2D port solver to analyze the transmission line modes
and their characteristic impedance and propagation
constants for single and coupled systems. Learn to properly
setup 3D adaptive simulations for accurate S-Parameter
computations using ADS or the standalone UI.
Introduction to ADS nonlinear simulation techniques. Use the
Harmonic Balance simulator to simulate 1dB Compression
point and IP3 of amplifiers and mixers.
Efficiently simulate digitally modulated RF-Signals with the
Circuit Envelope Simulator
Signal Integrity analysis – Channel
Learn how to use transmission lines and all components of the
ADS PCB interconnect library (via,multi-layered lines, etc.).
Learn how to accurately characterize (crosstalk, and coupling)
your PCB interconnect model. Include driver and receiver I/O
models (IBIS) models in the simulation of your PCB channel.
Learn how to export accurate SPICE models for SPICE like
simulators using ADS Broad Band SPICE model Generator.
Signal Integrity analysis – Channel
performance evaluation
Learn how to locate and qualify the discontinuities of your PCB
interconnect system using TDR and TDT measurements.
Measure JITTER and NOISE performances of your system.
Learn how to easily compute and display EYE diagram
performances with ADS’ EYE PANNEL tool. Learn how to
evaluate differential systems by doing a mixed mode SParameter simulation within ADS. A brief introduction of EM
simulation will be given here as a pre-requisite to Friday
session of TRACK # 1.
Advanced simulation techniques: Data Access
Component and statistical analysis
Data Access Component overview and illustration of several
practical examples of its usage for reading in data from a file.
Demonstration of the different statistical analysis techniques of
ADS, such as Sensitivity, Yield and DOE on an X-Band
amplifier to increase the robustness of your design
Advanced Design System
European Learning Week
Munich, GERMANY, April 20-24, 2009
REGISTRATION FORM: Please mention if you plan to bring your own laptop
Please choose the dates you want to attend in either track. Please ensure that you choose just 1 track for each
day of participation
Track 1 - Electromagnetic Simulation
 Yes, I will attend track 1 the whole week
Track 2 - Circuit and Signal Integrity
 Yes, I will attend track 2 the whole week
20 April
Using ADS as a Layout Tool for RF/uW
 Introduction to ADS – Circuit Modeling and DC
Simulation – S Parameter Simulation
21 April
Momentum for Beginners
 Harmonic balance simulation - Circuit envelope
22 April
23 April
24 April
Momentum Advanced Topics 1
Momentum Advanced Topics 2
EMDS – Electromagnetic Design System –
Standalone and Integrated into ADS
 SI analysis with ADS
Time and Frequency domain simulation, TLines and
Crosstalk, using IBIS and SPICE models.
 SI analysis with ADS
TDR/TDT, Noise and Jitter, Differential mode simulations
 Advanced simulation techniques: Data Access
Component and statistical analysis
Please note: The below information is required in order to register each attendee.
The daily training costs 300€
Register NOW!
To register, please fill in all the required fields (marked with *),
and send the registration form per e-mail to
or fax the registration form to + 33 1 64 53 57 66
Full name (First name, Last name)*:
Company Name*:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Your Purchase order number /
Invoice Currency
 Euros  USD  GBP  other: ………………………….
 Visa Card  Master Card
Billing Address*:
Please check with your accounts
payable dept if you are unsure.