David Abigt's Resume



P.O. Box 1669

Leander TX 78646-1669

VoIP: (512) 807-7190 (rings home and cells)

Home: (512) 690-9109

Email: dabigt_jobs@avatar42.us

Current as of 05/07/2009

Available Now

The fastest way to reach me during the day is by my VoIP phone (which rings all my phones).


I am looking for a job writing web-based Java applications on a Windows or UNIX platform.

I have over 24 years experience in writing software (almost 10 years with Java ) and supporting hardware.

In the past 8 years I have worked with most of the web and application servers in use today.

I have worked on many sites utilizing JSP s and EJB s plus many other simpler sites over the last 13+ years.

I started in hardware so I have been able to do the system administration on the systems for the projects I have worked on, where needed, and have created many of the tools to streamline the work flow.

My main focus has been automation of tasks both as internal applications and as part of commercial products.

My main strengths are developing interfaces between unrelated programs and finding ways to make the computer do the work.

Between assignments I continued learning by creating new tools to maintain my own web sites and web front ends for my personal databases.

A dynamic matrix of my skills , simple samples of code plus links to and descriptions of sites I have done can be found at http://www.dea42.com/jsp/skills.jsp


Languages : Java (JDK, JDBC, Spring, Hibernate, OJB, JNDI, JNI, Kawa, Eclipse, Jbuilder, VisualAge, Visual cafe, J++, IBM

Rational Application Developer 6, IBM Software Development Platform 7 and IntelliJ IDEA 3-5), JavaScript , perl, PHP, Ruby,

C/C++ (cc, Xlc, Borland C++, VC++), MS Developer Studio, Lisp, x86 Assembly - MASM, and BASIC

Web: Struts, Weblogic (4.5 -> 8.1), Resin, iPlanet, Jrun, Jserv w/ GnuJSP, Tomcat, WebShpere (2.0, 3.0, 6.0 and 6.1), Apache,

IBM httpd, Domino, IIS, Netscape Enterprise server, LDAP (U of Mich., IBM, Netscape and MS) and Web Services (SOAP)

Database: SQL Server 2000, Sybase, Oracle, DB/2, Magic, Access, MySQL and INGRES

Version control: CMVC, VSS, CVS, Vantive, ClearCase/ClearQuest, and PVCS

Automated QA: Watir, JFCUnit, HttpUnit, Selenium, JUnit, Fitnesse, QA Partner and I have used Winrunner and Loadrunner briefly.

Operating Systems: AIX (3.1.0 through 4.3.2), UNIX (BSD System V), Solaris (Sparc and x86), SunOS, HP/UX, DYNIX, Linux,

XENIX, Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT (WS, SRV, ESRV, WTS), Windows 2000,


Networking: Novell, TCP/IP (over Ethernet and Token-Ring), SMTP, SNMP, SNA, AFS, NFS, DS, YP/NIS, PC NFS, 3 COM

Ethernet, and NetBIOS

Other: Open Systems accounting, MS Office, InterLeaf (DOS, RT, and RS/6000), Autocad (lisp) CAD/CAM, ksh, csh, sh, sed and awk


Systems: IBM PC, IBM PS/2, IBM RT, IBM RS/6000, IBM Power PC, Sun Sparc, Sun Ultra Sparc, Sun 490, Sun PCX, Sun LX,

Sequent, TI 1500 / HP 9000, TI 4000, AT&T 6300, AT&T 7300, AT&T 3B Series, Altos 2086, Altos 986, Altos 586, Altos 515, and

Altos 8600

David Abigt's Resume


11/08 - 01/09

Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, AIX, HP/UX, Solaris and Linux servers.

SOFTWARE: Java (J2EE JDK 1.5, Eclipse, OSGI ), JavaScript , DB/2, Websphere 6.1, ClearQuest and CVS.


IBM - Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Kathy Hansen

Did maintenance fixes and enhancements to a web based application for distributing software to networked systems running various operating systems.

Worked on streamlining development environment and build processes.

Standardized and extended unit testing facilities.

07/08 - 10/08

Sr. Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Linux servers.

Austin Energy


- Austin, Texas

Jeff Bouthillier

SOFTWARE: Java (J2EE JDK 1.5, MyEclipse), Struts, JSP s, Hibernate (Annotations, Search, JPA), JavaScript , Oracle,

Websphere 6.1, Tomcat and Subversion.


Converted infrastructure Cold Fusion apps to java based solutions.

Trained Cold Fusion programmers in java methodologies.

Instituted standardized processes and policies including adding Maven to build system.

Streamlined development process toward an Agile model.

Converted initial Java framework using Hibernate XMLs to Hibernate Annotations / JPA EJB 3.0 framework

Created Lucene / Hibernate Search module to be used by all new applications.

04/07 - 04/08

Sr. Contract Programmer

Visa/Inovant - Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Will Coombes

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Linux servers.

SOFTWARE: Java (J2EE JDK 1.5, Eclipse based IBM Rational Application Developer 7), Watir, Spring MVC, JSP s,

Hibernate, JavaScript , DB/2, Websphere 6.1 Win XP CVS, ClearCase and ClearQuest.


Acted as senior member of team to create an application to link several legacy applications with centralized authentication and data replication.

Application was actually multiple applications running on separate servers linked via a messaging system.

Created framework for adding Watir tests to the unit testing framework.

Created custom tag standards to reduce development time and improve testability of applications.

Instrumental in finishing conversion to Agile Scrum environment.

Worked on improving database performance through better table layout and normalization of data.

David Abigt's Resume

10/06 - 04/07

Sr. Contract Programmer

KITS - Round Rock, Texas

Mgr.: Charles Whitley

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Linux servers.

SOFTWARE: Java (J2EE JDK 1.4 & 1.5, Eclipse based IBM Rational Application Developer 6 and IBM Software

Development Platform 7), JFCUnit, Selenium, JUnit AWT, Swing, Struts, JSP s, Hibernate, Oracle 10g, WebShpere 6.0 &

6.1 Win XP CVS, ClearCase and ClearQuest.


Worked in DOD high security environment

Acted as senior member of team adding enhancements to original Swing based product and created new web based ones.

Worked on both client and server side code.

All clients connected to web services via SOA and or ESB frameworks.

Conducted interviews of new programmers.

Trained Swing developers in Struts and other web based methodologies.

Wrote JNI interface from our application to NetViz application.

Implemented JFCUnit and Selenium frameworks to improve scope of Test Driven Development(TDD)

Did database design and implementation of new applications.

08/05 - 10/06

Sr. Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Linux servers.

BMC Software


- Austin, Texas

Chris Marich

SOFTWARE: Java (J2EE JDK, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA 5), JUnit, Fitnesse, Struts, JSP s, JavaScript , Jboss, Oracle (9i,

10g,Xe) Win XP and WinCVS.


Fully implemented Agile Scrum environment including Test Driven Development(TDD) and Fitnesse framework.

Added enhancements to current product for web based Infrastructure Monitoring.

Clients and servers linked via a SOAP like architecture using JMS messaging.

Used Velocity Templates to create easily customizable alerts.

Fixed many issues with former versions including drastically improving database performance.

I created tools that helped automate performance testing, troubleshooting customer?s installations.

Streamlining the maintenance process in both java and SQL.

I also acted a mentor for the third level maintenance team.

David Abigt's Resume

03/05 - 08/05

Sr. Contract Programmer

Dell Financial Services - Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Joyce Crocker

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Linux servers.

SOFTWARE: Java (J2EE JDK, Jbuilder, IntelliJ IDEA), HttpUnit, JUnit, Struts, JSP s, JavaScript , Oracle, Spring,

Hibernate, Weblogic 8, Win XP, and WinCVS.


Created maintenance screens for database tables and batch processes to load and process database accounting transaction records.

Limited Agile environment with Test Driven Development(TDD).

I wrote a tool to generate virtually all source files for maintenance screens. (It generates everything from the

Hibernate XML files to the JUnit action tests including validation XML stanzas for any screen that manipulates one table at a time from a table list and a connection to the DB.)

Converted java methods to PL/SQL to improve transaction throughput.

07/02 - 12/04

Lead Developer / Architect

Metrowerks - Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Jim Trudeau

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Linux servers.

SOFTWARE: Java (J2EE JDK, Jbuilder, IntelliJ IDEA), Struts, JSP s, JavaScript , Oracle 8i, Resin, Apache, Weblogic 6,

Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Win 2000 and XP, Red Hat, and WinCVS.


Created more ?powered? based sites and other product driven Struts based sites.

Setup and ran the maintenance team (5-6 people).

Established coding guidelines and methodologies for the group.

Started as contractor and was only developer converted to perm / kept from original dev group of all contractors.

Wrote and maintained eCommerce module which included Web Services (SOAP) interfaces which were used by all the customer sites.

Conducted interviews of new programmers and ongoing reviews of contract personnel.

01/01 - 8/01

Sr. Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, AIX servers. powered.com


- Austin, Texas

David Rioux

SOFTWARE: Java (J2EE JDK, Kawa), JSP s, JavaScript , Oracle 8i, Resin, Apache, Weblogic 5 and 6, Win 2000, and



Rewrote online education (story server) sites to use a JSP / EJB (MVC) model.

Streamline and standardized development process to reduce development time and improve testability of applications.

David Abigt's Resume

09/00 - 12/00

Sr. Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Sun Sparc stations.

SOFTWARE: Java (JDK, Jbuilder), Java Server Pages ( JSP ), Oracle 8i, Weblogic 4.5.2, Win 2000, and StarTeam 4.2.


- Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Apolak Borthakur

Created a document exchange site for lawyers using EJB s as a control interface to an Oracle database.

Streamlined interface between application and Oracle accounting system.

07/00 - 9/00

Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Sun Sparc stations.



- Austin, Texas

Nancy Black

SOFTWARE: Java (JDK, Jbuilder), Java Server Pages ( JSP ), (Netscape) iPlanet web, application and directory servers,

Oracle 8i, NT, and VSS.


Created various ecommerce web based applications for clients including driver license renewal system .

Implemented LDAP interface for applications.

06/00 - 07/00

Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs.

CDS - Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Emmett Olive

SOFTWARE: Java (JDK, Jbuilder), Java Server Pages ( JSP ), JavaScript , IIS, JRun, NT, MS Access and VSS.


Created web based applications to customize mail and monitor click throughs.

Came up with design to vary graphics resolution in emails by timing first image download.

04/00 - 06/00

Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs, Sun Sparc stations.



- Austin, Texas

Dave Skeen

SOFTWARE: Java (JDK, Jbuilder), Java Server Pages ( JSP ), Apache, Tomcat, NT, CMVC, and ksh.


Created web console for control application (Compass). Basically using JSP s with local beans to present forms and servlets to take the data from the forms to stuff the bean and call action methods.

David Abigt's Resume

01/00 - 03/00

Contract Programmer


- Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Mike Nels

HARDWARE: Intel based PCs

SOFTWARE: Java (JDK, JNDI, Jbuilder), Java Server Pages ( JSP ), JavaScript , Weblogic 4.5.1, NT, VSS, Sybase, and ksh.


Rewrote personalized message system from chained JSP s to a system that also utilizes servlets and entity and session EJB layers to create an API for future applications to use.

10/98 - 01/00

Contract Programmer

IBM - Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Mounir Bsaibes/Ron Bell

HARDWARE: RS/6000, Sun Sparc, Sun Ultra Sparc, and Intel based PCs

SOFTWARE: Java (JDK, JNDI, JNI, Jbuilder, J++, Visual Age), Java Server Pages ( JSP ), JavaScript , WebSphere (2.0 and 3.0), AIX, NT, Solaris, CMVC, DB2, and ksh.


Rewrote ecommerce application from perl with flat files to java and JSP with DB2 via Enterprise Java Beans.

I worked on all parts of project from DB changes through all the layers to HTML layout.

Designed, wrote, and maintained application with GUI (AWT) front end that reads a list of commands from an

LDAP directory which then are processed as LDAP JNDI or C API (via JNI) operations to create automated clients which can be easily changed by the user.

Also designed, wrote, and maintained other applications to automate reloading of LDAP directory data and administration of code.

I setup and maintained web site for department including creating web interfaces into the defect tracking system.

Automated creation of code documentation and project status.

06/98 - 07/98

Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: NT x86 systems

SOFTWARE: NT, PVCS, Java (JDK 1.1.4,J++, Visual Cafe, VisualAge, and JDBC, swing), JavaScript .


Cornerstone Retail Solutions - Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Ron Bell

Created a GUI (AWT) report module for a Point Of Sale system implemented in a client/server model via RMI with

JDBC connections to the databases.

David Abigt's Resume

11/97 - 06/98

Contract Programmer

HARDWARE: NT x86 systems

SOFTWARE: NT, PVCS, perl, C, C++, Java (JDK, J++, JDBC, swing), JavaScript , and ksh (mks).


Trilogy - Austin, Texas

Mgr.: Jay Sacco

Worked on automating the build process and making it conform to a more object orientated design.

Setup and administrated PVCS version control system.

Wrote applications to enhance usability of PVCS.

Acted as resource for junior developers to debug build and integration problems.


Indiana University / Purdue University at Indianapolis

Majors: Electronics and Chemistry

Repair Certified: Dell, IBM, Compaq, Tallgrass, AT&T, C. Itoh, Tandon, and HP
