Monday, January 7, 2013
The Reorganization Meeting of the Allendale Board of Education was held in the Brookside
School Library on Monday, January 7, 2013. Mrs. Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
The flag salute was led by Mr. Boreman.
Mr. Boreman announced that, “The public has been duly informed of this meeting in accordance with Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of 1975 by posting at least 48 hours prior notice on the bulletin boards in Brookside School and Hillside School and by like 48 hours prior notice to the Borough Clerk, the designated newspapers, and interested parties requesting such notification.”
Mr. Boreman announced the official results of the Annual School Board Election held on
Tuesday, November 6, 2012, as per Board Attachment I. Mr. Boreman acknowledged Mrs.
Capano and Mr. McAuliffe were elected as members of the Allendale Board of Education, by votes of 1142 and 1096 respectively.
Mr. Boreman, Board Secretary, administered the Oath of Office to Mrs. Capano and Mr. McAuliffe
The Board Secretary opened the floor for nominations for President of the Board of Education.
A motion to open nominations for President was moved by Mr. Fliegel, seconded by Mr.
McAuliffe and unanimously carried by voice vote. Melissa Duncan was nominated for
President by Mr. Fliegel and seconded by Mr. McAuliffe. The Board Secretary called for other nominations; there were no other nominations. A motion to close nominations was moved by
Mr. Fliegel and seconded by Mr. McAuliffe, and unanimously carried by voice vote.
The Board, by roll call vote, unanimously approved the reelection of Mrs. Duncan as President of the Allendale Board of Education.
The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Duncan.
A motion to open nominations for Vice President was moved by Mr. Geraghty, seconded by Mr.
McAuliffe and unanimously carried by voice vote. The nomination of Mr. McAuliffe was made by Mr. Geraghty and seconded by Mrs. Duncan. Mr. Geraghty was nominated by Mr.
McAuliffe, and seconded by Mrs. Duncan. Mr. Geraghty declined his nomination for Vice
President. No other nominations were heard. A motion to close nominations was moved by Mr.
Fliegel and seconded by Mrs. Capano and unanimously carried by voice vote.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
The Board, by roll call vote, unanimously approved the reelection of Mr. McAuliffe as Vice
President of the Allendale Board of Education.
ROLL CALL Present: Mrs. Duncan, President
Mr. McAuliffe, Vice President
Mr. Fliegel
Mr. Geraghty
Mrs. Capano
Also Present: Dr. Michael Barcadepone, Superintendent, and Mr. John E.
Boreman, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Mrs. Duncan extended a welcome to all present.
No comments.
Meeting closed to the public for comments/questions on Agenda Items.
On motion by Mr. Geraghty and seconded by Mrs. Capano and carried by roll call vote, the
Board approved the following resolutions:
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the adoption of the current Bylaws, Policies and Regulations of the Allendale Board of Education for the 2012-2013 school year; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to approve adherence to Parliamentary Procedures at all Board of
Education Meetings.
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the curriculum and textbooks for 2012-2013 that are currently in use.
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the adoption of the mandated and permitted pupil records according to 6A:32-7.3 for the 2012-2013 school year, as follows:
Personal Data
Handicapped Pupil Rules and Regulations
Any other records required by the State
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the listing of Field
Trip Locations for the 2012-2013 school year, as per Board Attachment II.
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the District
Calendar for the 2012-2013 school year, as per Board Attachment III.
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Uniform
Memorandum of Agreement, 2011 Revisions, between Education and Law Enforcement
Officials for the 2012-2013 school year.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to approve the Organizational Chart for the Allendale District as per Board Attachment IV.
On motion by Mr. Fliegel and seconded by Mrs. Capano and unanimously carried by roll call vote, the Board approved the following resolutions:
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following appointments for the 2012-2013 school year:
Board Secretary – Mr. John E. Boreman
Treasurer of School Monies –
School Physician –
Psychiatric Examiner –
Attendance Officer –
District Qualified Purchasing Agent –
Public Agency Compliance Officer –
Affirmative Action Officer –
Ms. M. Alissa Mayer
Valley Health Services
Dr. Richard Hahn
Ms. Jo Ann Karamus
Mr. John E. Boreman
Mr. John E. Boreman
Mrs. Kristina Vassallo
Homeless Liaison –
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator –
Mrs. Kristina Vassallo
Ms. Jo Ann Karamus
Brookside School Anti-Bullying Specialist – Mrs. Kristina Vassallo
Hillside School Anti-Bullying Specialist – Mrs. Maria Ade
Substance Awareness Coordinator – Mrs. Kristina Vassallo
NJ Division of Child Protection &
Permanency (DCP&P), formerly DYFS – Mrs. Kristina Vassallo
Title IX Coordinator – Mr. Bruce Winkelstein
Section 504 Brookside Coordinator –
Section 504 Hillside Coordinator–
ADA Coordinator –
A.H.E.R.A. Designee –
Right to Know Officer –
Chemical Hygiene Officer –
Safety & Health Designee –
Indoor Air Quality/PEOSH Designee –
Integrated Pest Mgmt. Designee –
Mrs. Kristina Vassallo &
Mr. Michael Shaughnessy
Ms. Anastasia Maroulis
Ms. Jo Ann Karamus
Mr. Anthony DeMarco
Mr. Anthony DeMarco
Mr. Anthony DeMarco
Patricia Bombolevicz, R.N.
Mr. Anthony DeMarco
Mr. Anthony DeMarco
Board Committees –
Budget/Finance - Mr. Fliegel/Mrs. Duncan
Negotiations – Mr. Geraghty/Mr. McAuliffe
Education – Mrs. Duncan/Mrs. Capano
Buildings & Grounds – Mr. Geraghty/Mrs. Duncan
Technology – Mr. McAuliffe/Mrs. Capano
Policy – Mrs. Capano/ Mr. Fliegel
Strategic Planning –Mr. Fliegel/Mr. McAuliffe
BCSBA Delegate
NJSBA Delegate
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the adoption of the existing Contracts and Agreements to which the Allendale Board of Education is a party.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board designates The Ridgewood News and The Record as the official newspapers of record for Allendale District.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education authorize the Business Administrator to invest school district funds within statutory limitations and process bank wire transfers; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education approve the district’s participation in the Bergen County Banking Consortium (BCBANC) from July 1, 2012 through
June 30, 2013 and authorize the School Business Administrator to serve as a trustee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education designate Capital One as the bank for deposits and withdrawals for the Warrant Account, Payroll Account, Payroll
Agency Account, Unemployment Account, Student Council Account, Student Activities
Accounts, Award Fund Accounts and Lunch Account, and approve the use of a safe deposit box at Capital One, from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education approves the designated signatures on the above accounts, and the use of facsimile signatures where required and as needed, and as recommended by the Superintendent.
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following checking accounts and signature requirements for the Allendale Board of Education:
Pres. or Vice Pres./Bd. Sec. or Supt./Treas.(any 3)
Pres. or Vice Pres./Bd. Sec. or Supt./Treas.(any 3)
Treasurer/Board Secretary ALLN BOE PAYROLL AGENCY
Pres. or Vice Pres./Bd. Sec. or Supt./Treas.(any 3)
Treasurer/Board Secretary
Board Secretary, Advisor
LOUIS J. MURGIA AWARD FUND Supt./Board Sec./Brookside Principal (any 2)
BROOKSIDE SCH. LANG. ARTS GRAD. AWARDSupt./Bd. Sec./ Brookside Principal (any 2)
Board Sec./Hillside or Brookside Principal(any 2)
Board Sec./Hillside or Brookside Principal(any 2)
BE IT RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to make investment decisions, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:20-37 through 39, with the following depositories:
New Jersey Cash Management Fund
New Jersey Asset & Rebate Management Program
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the requisition of Taxes Schedule, pending approval by the
Treasurer of School Monies, as per Board Attachment V.
BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint the Business Administrator/Board Secretary as the Custodian of
Government Records for the 2012-2013 school year, as required by N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, et. seq., the New Jersey Open Public Records Law. Fees for such public documents requested are as follows: Letter size pages - $0.05 per page; Legal size pages - $0.07 per page; and other materials (CD, DVD, etc.) – actual cost of material.
BE IT RESOLVED, to reapprove the 2012-2013 Calendar of Executive Session Meetings for the
Allendale Board of Education, as per Board Attachment VI.
BE IT RESOLVED, to reapprove the 2012-2013 Calendar of Regular Session Meetings for the
Allendale Board of Education, as per Board Attachment VII.
BE IT RESOLVED, to authorize Elaine Greenan, Confidential Secretary to the Business
Administrator, to record minutes of the Board meetings in the absence of the Board Secretary.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, to adopt the uniform minimum chart of accounts distributed by the State and utilized by the District to prepare its 2013- 2014 school year budget.
BE IT RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to participate in the New Jersey State Contract Process; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to utilize State Contracts for purchases when feasible.
BE IT RESOLVED, to authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to solicit bids when required.
BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint Mr. John E. Boreman, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, as the Qualified Purchasing Agent, to exercise the duties of a purchasing agent pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-2b, with specific relevance to the authority, responsibility and accountability of the purchasing activity of the Allendale Board of Education.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education reaffirm the Allendale District's participation in the Educational Data Services, Inc. Cooperative Pricing System (Ed-Data), for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the 2012-2013 school year from its authorized vendors.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education reaffirm the Allendale District's participation in the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission (MRESC), for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the 2012-2013 school year from its authorized vendors.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Allendale District's participation in the Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission (HCESC), for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the 2012-2013 school year from its authorized vendors.
BE IT RESOLVED, to re-approve participation in the New Jersey State Contract Process and further authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to utilize State contracts, and associated approved contracts via New Jersey participation in the Western States Contracting
Alliance/National Association of State Procurement Officials ((WSCA/NASPO) for purchases; participate in cooperative purchasing ventures; solicit quotations and go out to bid as required under statute, and to approve, but not limited to, the following state contract vendors, for purchases during the 2012-2013 school year:
Hewlett Packard Company Public
Sector, Omaha, NE
Atlantic Tomorrows Office
School Specialty
Contract #
72605 T#M0002
Description of Goods/Services
Technology Equipment & associated software/licenses
Savin copiers
Computers & associated software/licenses
Industrial Supplies/Equipment
Meru 73981 Technology Equipment & associated software/licenses
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Allendale District's participation in the PEPPM (Pennsylvania Education Purchasing Program for Microcomputers):Technology
Bidding and Purchasing Program, for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the
2012-2013 school year from its authorized vendors.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Allendale District's participation in the Bergen County Cooperative Contract Purchasing System, for purchasing of supplies, and goods and services for the 2012-2013 school year from its authorized vendors.
BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint the firm of Fogarty & Hara as the Board’s Attorney for the 2012-
2013 school year; Fee Schedule - $165/hour for Partner and $145/hour for Associate.
BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint the firm of McManimon & Scotland, L.L.C., as the Board’s Bond
Counsel, for the 2012-2013 school year.
BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint the firm of Lerch, Vinci & Higgins as the District’s auditor for the
2012-2013 school year for a fee of $18,000 (including Statutory Annual Audit, CAFR, Audit of the School Cafeteria, GASB 34, RSI and MD&A); Standard Billing Rates: Partners $140-
170/hour, Manager $100-125/hour, Supervisor/Senior Accountants $80-100/hour, Staff
Accountants $70-80/hour, Other Personnel $45/hour.
BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint Debra Ginetto of Burton Agency as the Risk Management
Consultant to NESBIG for the 2012-2013 school year.
BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint The Maksin Group as insurance carriers for school time compulsory student accident coverage, with the Burton Agency as the Broker of Record.
BE IT RESOLVED, to appoint Environetics Group Architects as the Allendale District’s
Architect of Record for the 2012-2013 school year: Fee Schedule - $165/hour for Partner and
$145/hour for Associate.
BE IT RESOLVED to approve the project cost of $1,695 for Karl & Associates, Inc., the
District’s Regulatory Compliance and Asbestos Management Company, for preparation of the 2012 Right-to-Know Survey Update for the District.
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve travel and related expense reimbursement for staff, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A-7.3, 7.4 & 7.5, and as per District policy for staff, for attendance at workshops and programs, not to exceed $1,500 per person, for the 2012-2013 school year.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education hereby establishes the school district travel maximum for the 2012-2013 school year not to exceed $30,000 and that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary shall track and record these costs to insure that the maximum amount is not exceeded.
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve travel and related expense reimbursement, as per District policy for staff, and as per contract stipulations for administrators, for attendance at out-of-district and IEP meetings, not to exceed $1,500 per person, for the 2012-2013 school year, for the following:
Jo Ann Karamus
Kristina Vassallo
Michael Shaughnessy
Barbara Bogdanski
Maria Ade
BE IT RESOLVED, to acknowledge receipt of the Code of Ethics material forwarded to the
District by the NJ School Boards Association; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to discuss N.J.A.C. 18A: 12-24.1; each Board Member will be asked to sign the ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT of the Code of Ethics for School Board
Members, and to forward the form to the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc. as the district’s Third Party
Administrator and Common Remitter Consultant for services in conjunction with the Tax
Shelter Annuity Companies and affiliated brokers, as follows:
MetLife AXA Equitable Valic AIG Lincoln
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the establishment of a Petty Cash Fund in the amount of $300 for the 2012-2013 school year.
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve Strauss Esmay Associates, LLP as the District’s Policy Services
Consultant for the 2012-2013 school year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to approve National Benefit Services, LLC (MGM Benefits Group and Eaton Financial Services), a Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission
(MRESC) vendor, to provide Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Services for Allendale District for the 2013 fiscal year.
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve an agreement with the Northwest Bergen Council for Special
Education (NWBCSE) Region I/Mahwah Board of Education, a Coordinated Transportation
Services Agency, for the purpose of transporting students in accordance with chapter 53,P.L.
1997 for the 2012-2013 school year. The services to be provided include, but are not limited to: the coordinated transportation of public, non-public and special education students.
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following resolution for membership in the NORTHEAST
WHEREAS, a number of Boards of Education in Bergen County have joined together to form a Joint Insurance GROUP as permitted by N.J. Title 18A-.18B; and
WHEREAS, said GROUP was approved effective July 1, 1985 by the New Jersey
Commissioner of Insurance and has been in operation since that date; and
WHEREAS, the Bylaws and regulations governing the creation and operation of this
Insurance GROUP contain elaborate restrictions and safeguards concerning the safe and efficient administration of the public interest entrusted to such a GROUP; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Allendale has determined that membership in the
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Allendale does hereby agree to renew membership in the NORTHEAST BERGEN COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD
INSURANCE GROUP and hereby accept the Bylaws as approved and adopted. The renewal term is from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2016; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Secretary/Business Administrator is authorized to execute the application for membership and the accompanying certification on behalf of the District; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Secretary/Business Administrator is authorized and directed to execute the Indemnity and Trust Agreement and such other documents signifying membership in the GROUP as are required by the Group's Bylaws and to deliver the same to the Executive Director.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Board is a member of the Northeast Bergen County School Board Insurance Group
(NESBIG) (hereinafter referred to as the Group) and;
WHEREAS, the Consultant has offered to the Board professional risk management consulting services consistent with the industry standard and possesses the requisite education, license, skills and experience and;
WHEREAS, the Board desires professional risk management consulting services and is relying on such representation and;
NOW THEREFORE, the parties in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein, agree as follows:
The term of this appointment shall commence on July 1, 2013 and shall run until June 30, 2016, and until a successor is appointed and qualified.
The Consultant, for and in consideration of the amount stated hereinafter, agrees to provide to the
Board as follows:
A. Assist the Board in identifying its insurable property and casualty exposures and to recommend professional methods to reduce, assume or transfer the risk of loss.
B. Assist the Board in understanding and selecting the insurance coverages available from the Group and otherwise.
C. Review with the Board any additional insurance coverages that the Consultant advises should be carried but are not available from the Group.
Assist the Board in the preparation of applications, statement of values and similar documents requested by the Group, it being understood that this agreement does not include any appraisal work by the Consultant.
Review the Board’s annual insurance assessment as prepared by the Group and assist the Board in preparation of its annual insurance budget.
Review any loss and engineering reports and generally assist the Board in its loss containment objectives.
G. Assist where needed in the settlement of claims.
Such other matters pertaining to insurance and risk management as may from time to time be necessary.
The Board authorizes the Group to pay the Consultant as compensation for services rendered, an amount equal to 6% of the Board’s annual insurance assessments for property and casualty insurance and workers’ compensation as promulgated by the Group. The said fee shall be paid to the Consultant in four equal payments, at the end of each quarter, by the Fund (September 30 th , December 30 th ,
March 30 th and June 30).
The Consultant shall provide proof of insurance in form and amount satisfactory to the Board but which shall, in any case, meet the following minimum requirements:
(a) General Liability: $1,000,000
(b) Worker’s Compensation: Statutory requirements to be met
(c) Auto Liability: Minimum limits of $1,000,000, must include non-owned auto
(d) Professional Errors and Omissions: Minimum limit of $1,000,000
For any insurance coverage’s authorized by the Board to be placed outside the Group, the Consultant shall receive as compensation the standard brokerage commissions paid by the insurance company.
The premiums for said policies shall not be added to the Group’s assessment in computing the fee outlined in 3 above.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time by mailing to the other, written notice, certified mail return receipt, calling for termination at not less than thirty (30) days thereafter. In the event of termination of this agreement, the Consultant’s fees outlined in 3 above shall be prorated to date of termination.
No comments or questions.
Meeting closed to the public for comments/questions on Non Agenda Items.
On motion by Mr. McAuliffe and seconded by Mr. Fliegel and unanimously carried by voice vote, the Board adjourned the Regular Session to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters, legal and contractual issues and negotiations at 7:17 pm.
Mr. Boreman announced to the public that the Board expected to reconvene for the Regular
Session public meeting at 8:00 pm.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
The Regular Session of the Allendale Board of Education was held in the Brookside School
Library on Monday, January 7, 2013. Mrs. Duncan called the meeting to order at 8:01 pm.
ROLL CALL Present: Mrs. Duncan, President
Mr. McAuliffe, Vice President
Mr. Fliegel
Mr. Geraghty
Mrs. Capano
Also Present: Dr. Michael Barcadepone, Superintendent, and Mr. John E.
Boreman, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Mrs. Duncan extended a welcome to all present.
A Brookside teacher inquired about the process and protocol for the NHRHS student placements on tonight’s agenda; he was advised to contact the Brookside School Principal.
Mrs. Duncan, on behalf of the Board, recognized and congratulated Superintendent
Barcadepone for achieving his Doctorate.
Meeting closed to the public.
Dr. Barcadepone wished everyone a Happy New Year and recognized the Board Members for committing their time and efforts to the District as part of NJ School Board Recognition Month.
The District will be monitored for NJQSAC next Tuesday, January 15, 2013. Dr. Barcadepone thanked the administrators, Business and Superintendent Office secretaries, Buildings &
Grounds staff, teachers and Brad Siegel, Quad Curriculum Coordinator, for their diligence in preparing for the visit.
Mr. Geraghty reported that committee met this morning to continue the assessment of projects for inclusion in the 2013-2014 budget. A roof leak in the Grade 5 wing hallway over the break was quickly contained with minimal damage. Tree contractor is to return to complete additional tree removal and pruning. Closeout payments are on tonight’s agenda for the
Brookside 5 th Grade Ceiling and Lighting. Tank and Fitting Asbestos Abatement completed in the Hillside School Boiler Room over the break enabling continuation of HVAC/Boiler Control project.
No report at this time.
Mr. Fliegel reported that, as per the Reorganization Meeting requirements, all financial agreements and contracts have been reapproved. The planning process for 2013-2014 Budget continues and the next meeting date is scheduled for January 28, 2013.
Mrs. Duncan reported that the next meeting date is scheduled for January 10, 2013.
Mr. McAuliffe reported that the committee is scheduled to meet this week.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
Mr. Geraghty reported that the Committee reached a tentative agreement; response from the
AEA is pending.
Mr. Fliegel reported that the deadline to gather questions from the community is January 15,
2013, for report to the Board at the January 28, 2013 meeting.
Mrs. Duncan attended a meeting this morning, facilitated by Brad Siegel, Quad Curriculum
Coordinator, for staff, students and parents, on the use of technology to support curriculum and how to modify. Mr. Barcadepone expressed his pride in the confidence of the middle school student participation.
On motion by Mrs. Capano and seconded by Mr. Geraghty and carried by roll call vote, the
Board approved the following resolution:
Mrs. Duncan ABSTAIN on Executive Session
Mr. McAuliffe
Mr. Geraghty
Mr. Fliegel
Mrs. Capano
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the minutes of the following meetings:
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Executive Session
Regular Session
On motion by Mrs. Capano and seconded by Mr. Geraghty and unanimously carried by roll call vote, the Board approved the following resolutions:
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to retroactively approve the following to serve as volunteer assistant basketball coaches for the 2012-2013 season:
Ashley Lopes
Michael Mulanaphy
Girls’ Basketball
Boys’ Basketball
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the placement of the following Northern Highlands Regional High School students who have aspirations to become teachers and who participate in NHRHS’s Tomorrow’s Teacher to work under the mentorship of the Brookside School teachers shown below for the Spring Semester
(hours/dates to be worked out between the student and the teacher):
Greg Dworkin
Nick Peterson
Marcus Russo
Josh Taylor
Grades 6-8 History
Grades 6-8 (Any Subject)
Grade 5 Spanish / ESL
Grades 6-8 Special Education
Mrs. Laura Boggio
Mrs. Elaine Jones
Mrs. Goodwin
Mrs. Merchant
On motion by Mr. Geraghty and seconded by Mrs. Capano and carried by roll call vote, the
Board approved the following resolutions:
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the HIB decisions for the following case(s):
Brookside School
Brookside School
Case #1213-8 December 2012
Case #1213-9 December 2012
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the following:
WHEREAS, the New Jersey School Boards Association has declared January 2013 to be
School Board Recognition Month, a time that all residents might acknowledge the contributions made by our local school board members; and
WHEREAS, the Allendale Board of Education is one of 586 local school boards in New
Jersey that sets policies and oversees operations for public school districts; and
WHEREAS, the Allendale Board of Education embraces the goal of high-quality education for all New Jersey public school students; and
WHEREAS, New Jersey’s local school boards help determine community goals for the education of approximately 1.4 million children in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade; and
WHEREAS, New Jersey’s 4,800 local school board members, who receive no remuneration for their services, act as advocates for public school students as they work with administrators, teachers and parents for the betterment of public education; and
WHEREAS, school boards strive to provide the resources necessary to meet the needs of all students, including those with special needs; and
WHEREAS, Boards of Education provide accountability to the public; they communicate the needs of the school district to the public; and they convey to school administrators the public’s expectations for the schools; and
WHEREAS, New Jersey can take pride in its schools, which rank among the nation’s best in indicators such as high school graduation rates, class size, college entrance exam participation, and Advanced Placement offerings and test scores. Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education, does hereby recognize the services of local school board members throughout New Jersey as we join communities statewide in observing January 2013 as SCHOOL BOARD RECOGNITION MONTH; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Allendale Board of Education urges all New Jersey citizens to work with their local boards of education and public school staffs toward the improvement of our children’s education.
On motion by Mrs. Capano and seconded by Mr. Geraghty and unanimously carried by roll call vote, the Board approved the following resolutions:
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve payment to Dr. Ellen Platt, Platt Psychiatric, Cedar Grove, NJ, for psychiatric evaluation services and report, scheduled for January 14, 2013, for Special
Education student #000112, costs not to exceed $2,000 (Basic student psychiatric consultation: $600), as per fee schedule and documentation provided for additional costs, as deemed necessary, as per the student’s IEP and as recommended by the Child Study Team.
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to retroactively approve payment to Mrs. Amy Ledow (Allendale Substitute Teacher) for ten (10) hours per week of home instruction services, at the rate of $40.00/hour, ($400/weekly) for Special Education student
#000112, as required by NJ State law, beginning Friday, January 4, 2013, and as recommended by the Child Study Team.
On motion by Mr. Geraghty and seconded by Mrs. Capano and unanimously carried by roll call vote, the Board approved the following resolutions, as amended:
BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the Bill List dated January 7, 2013 in the amount of 161,456.03, as per Business Attachment III.
BE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve unavoidable travel and costs as related in this resolution which are educationally necessary and fiscally prudent and are related to and within the scope of the employee’s current responsibilities and promotes the delivery of instruction or furthers the efficient operation of the school district. The reimbursements listed in this resolution are in compliance with state travel reimbursement guidelines as established by the Department of the Treasury and Board of Education policy in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1.1 et. seq. for the following seminars/workshops:
J. Karamus
J. Boreman
E. Greenan
M. Barcadepone
A. Taveira
B. Winkelstein
C. Biebrich
Conference/Seminar Title
Obstacles & Opportunities:
Addressing the Transition to
NJ Department of Agriculture
Contracting with Food Service
Mgmt. Companies Training
BYOD Implementation
Suspected Apraxia & Early
Intervention (Cross Country
Bergen CC
Paramus, NJ
Hills BOE Office
Randolph Twp.
School Dist.
Randolph, NJ
Holiday Inn,
Saddle Brook, NJ
Date of
K. Vassallo
McKinney Vento Homeless
CIACC Liaison Training
Paramus, NJ
M. Barcadepone
J. Boreman
J. Goodman
Security Visit
(Allendale Police Dept. attending)
Garfield HS, NJ
Education of 01/17/13
*Does not include mileage and sustenance as they are contractual.
**NCLB Title II Funding will be utilized to cover the costs of these workshops.
On motion by Mr. Geraghty and seconded by Mr. McAuliffe and unanimously carried by roll call vote, the Board approved the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, to acknowledge that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary requested, and reviewed proposals received, for Tank and Fitting Asbestos Abatement in the
Hillside School Boiler Room; and
Allendale Board of Education
Reorganization Meeting/Regular Session
January 7, 2013
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to approve the award of the contract to Four Strong Builders,
Inc. for Hillside School Boiler Room Tank and Fitting Asbestos Abatement for $23,300 as per
Board approval from December 10, 2012 meeting.
An Allendale parent inquired about district security and Mrs. Duncan informed her about the many discussions at this morning’s Buildings & Grounds committee meeting, and Dr.
Barcadepone advised that he and administrators, along with the Allendale Police Department, have met with vendors for security equipment demonstrations and for recommendations and changes. The District already has NJDOE approval for security and communications improvements for the current year.
A parent whose child is enrolled in the afterschool care program also inquired about security measures; she recommended hiring a greeter. Dr. Barcadepone advised that items already under review included changing entry and visitor pass procedures using a Visitor Management
System; this may be installed as early as February.
Meeting closed to the public for comments/questions on Non Agenda Items.
On motion by Mr. Fliegel and seconded by Mr. McAuliffe and unanimously carried by roll call vote, the Board adjourned the Regular Session at 8:26 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
John E. Boreman
Business Administrator/Board Secretary