15. Control Unit True or False: 1. T/F – The control unit supervises the process of an micro-code moving through the pipeline. ANS : T 2. T/F – The fetch, decode, execute etc form the micro-code of a program. ANS : T 3. T/F – Micro-operation that occur out-of-order can be grouped. ANS : F 4. T/F – The PC is loaded with address in the IR register for the interrupt-processing step. ANS : F 5. T/F – Only indirect addressing mode instructions can trigger an extra cycle between fetch and execution cycles. ANS : T 6. T/F – Transfer of data between registers is also a type of micro-operation. ANS : T 7. T/F – Control also involves execution. ANS : T 8. T/F – The ALU and the data path are controlled by separate control units. ANS : F 9. T/F – The system bus also has control inputs to monitor the bus. ANS : T 10. T/F – The number of cycles for all instructions is fixed for a given architecture. ANS : F 11. T/F – Control signals are Boolean expressions of control inputs. ANS : T 12. T/F – Control signals to registers are an example of signals within the processor. ANS : T 13. T/F – The arithmetic and logic operation can cause exceptions that transfer control to the control unit. ANS : T 14. T/F – The more complex the architecture is, the more complex is the control unit. ANS : T 15. T/F – Execution under a condition can be executed in one cycle. ANS : T 16. T/F – Microprogramming is another version of implementing control signals. ANS : T Multiple Choice Questions: 1. The I/O and Memory interfaces are typically defined by A. Memory unit B. Control unit C. System bus D. None of the above ANS : C 2. The fetch unit does not keep track of this register A. MAR B. MBR C. Arithmetic registers D. Program counter ANS : C 3. Interrupt check test is performed only after A. Decode stage B. Fetch stage C. Execute stage D. Writeback stage. ANS : C 4. The first step in an interrupt cycle involves the transfer between A. PC and MBR B. MBR and IR C. IR and PC D. None of the above ANS : A 5. This cycle changes with the opcode of the instruction issued. A. Fetch B. Indirect C. Load D. Execute ANS : D 6. This register indicates the stage of instruction processing A. Fetch register B. Instruction cycle code C. Condition code D. None of the above ANS : B 7. This always follows the execution cycle A. Instruction cycle B. Commit stage C. Interrupt cycle D. Indirect cycle ANS : D 8. ALU function are activated by A. ALU unit B. Register banks C. Data bus D. Control unit ANS : D 9. What signals are used by the control unit to perform non-scheduled operations A. Clock B. Commit C. Flags D. None of the above ANS : C 10. This module interfaces to external devices A. Interrupt module B. Serial connection module C. Serial I/O module D. None of the above ANS : C 11. The control unit must keep in its control, the stage of A. Registers B. Resources C. All of the above D. Instruction cycle ANS : D 12. The disadvantage of hardwired approach is A. Increase control signals B. Decrease of number of control bits C. Boolean functions D. None of the above ANS : A 13. The processor decodes the instruction during A. Bus idle state B. End of fetch stage C. Beginning of execution D. None of the above ANS : A 14. SID signals of Intel 8085 accommodates devices that transmit A. Serially 1 bit at a time B. In Parallel C. Sequentially D. Randomly ANS : A 15. Control unit has a direct access to this register A. Architectural registers B. Symbolic registers C. Instruction register D. None of the above ANS : C 16. Decoding is performed for the instruction register to connect to A. System bus B. Data bus C. All of the above D. Control unit ANS : D Fill up the blanks: 1. _______________ are steps of execution of an instruction. ANS : Cycles 2. The ______________ causes instructions to be fetched from the memory. ANS : Fetch unit 3. Reading and writing to/from a register cannot happen in the ___________. ANS : Decode stage 4. In _________________ cycles, the same procedure is repeated every cycle. ANS : Fetch, Indirect and Interrupt 5. The _______________ cycle always happens after the interrupt cycle. ANS : Fetch 6. __________ control signal keeps track of the execution time/cycle time. ANS : Clock 7. The instruction register is also a ______________ input. ANS : Control 8. _____________ and ____________ are two major components of the control unit. ANS : , Transfer and control 9. _____________ are handled by the interrupt control module. ANS : Interrupts 10. _______________ is used to covert the encoded signal for implementation of the control signal. ANS : Decoder 11. Control signals between __________ and the processor are sent through the control bus. ANS : Registers 12. The ______________ unit takes action based on the result of arithmetic operations. ANS : Control 13. The ______________signals the start of each machine cycle from the control unit. ANS : Address Latch Enable 14. The timing of the clock is ______________ by the control unit. ANS : monitored 15. ALUs can be avoided for ________________. ANS : Control 16. __________________ involves the control unit to step through the execution of each program. ANS : Sequencing