Halter Classes - Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

Page No:
Personnel & fees…………………………………………..……………………
General Rules & Regulations …………………………………………………
Iowa Youth Code of Ethics……………………………………………………
Health Rules …………………………………………………………………..
Livestock General Rules ………………………………………………………
Herdsmanship …………………………………………………………………
Showmanship …………………………………………………………………
Beef …………………………………………………………………………..
Dairy/Dairy Goat ……………………………………………………………..
Dog ……………………………………………………………………………
Horse & Pony …………………………………………………………………
Pets ……………………………………………………………………………
Rabbits, Cavies, & Poultry……………………………………………………
Sheep/Meat Goat…………..………………………………………………….
Swine ………………….……………………………………………..………
Judging Schedule for Tuesday, June 21………………………………… …….
General Rules……………………………………………………………………
Design Elements & Art Principles………………………………………………
Ag & Natural Resources……………………………………………………….
Creative Arts……………………………………………………………………
Family & Consumer Sciences…………………………………………… ……
Personal Development…………………………………………………… ……
Science, Engineering & Technology……………………………………...……
Poster Communications………………………………………………….. ……
Challenge Classes (Butler County Classes only)………………………… ……
Sample Copyright letter………………………………………………………..
Chairman – Arlan Laube; Cole Chesnut, Inga Helmke, Jim Johnson, Mavis Johnson, Jodie Johnson, Alan Leerhoff, John Luhring,
Kathy Meyer, Katelyn Nolte, Mike Ruby, and LeAnn Schipper.
Sharon Schipper, Kim Junker, Melissa Freeseman, Lucille Leerhoff, Deb White, Margaret Harris, Jessica Lovrien, Shelly Janssen,
Mavis Johnson, Kerri Mohwinkle, Wanda Cordes, Sarah Cordes, Janice Shultz, Ruth Seehusen, Carolyn & Duane Johnson,
Dennis Schipper, Randall Kolder, Nolan Junker, Kristen Helmke, Sandy Ruby, Olivia Krull, Teresa Krull, Jim Johnson, Brian
Kruse and Susan Schrage
James Abbas, AGWSR; John Daniels, Aplington-Parkersburg; Dave Carlson, Waverly-Shell Rock; Dave Bowman, HamptonDumont; and Ron Zelle- Nashua-Plainfield.
Bill Arndorfer, County Extension Educator; Nancy Jensen, 4H County Youth Educator; Brenda Dix, Extension Office Manager,
and Ruth Kampman, Office Assistant
Beef and dairy ties (includes bedding) .......………………………………………… 10.00
Beef cow/calf & bucket bottle calves (includes bedding) ………………………… 5.00
Swine, Sheep, Goat pens (includes one bag of shavings) ………………………… 6.00
1. A Butler County 4-H'er must attend 50% or more of their local club meetings to be able to participate in the Butler
County Junior Fair. This policy started Feb. 1, 1987. Local 4-H club leaders will be required to report attendance to the
County Extension Office by June 7, 2011.
2. ENTRIES DUE: ON or BEFORE -TUESDAY, June 7, 2011 BY 4:30 P.M. - All Livestock/Animal Entries
No pre-entry required for - Non-Livestock Entries (Animals, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Creative Arts,
Family & Consumer Sciences, Personal Development, Science, Engineering & Technology, Poster
Communications, Challenge Classes
All above entries are to be made with the Butler County Extension Office, 320 N. Main St, Box 368, Allison. NO LATE ENTRIES
3. 4-H/FFA members are encouraged to purchase reduced priced wristbands at the Butler County Extension office by June 7, 2011.
4. Only projects which have been listed on the project enrollment summaries filed at the County Extension Office or with local
vocational agriculture instructors on or before May 1 are eligible for entry.
5. Entries are open to bona fide FFA and 4-H members who belong to an organized youth group in Butler County.
6. Eligibility: The summer after a 4-H/FFA member graduates from high school, or the equivalent of graduation, is the last summer
that the 4-H/FFA member can exhibit at the Butler County Fair. If a member drops out of school, the year he/she would have
graduated will be used.
7. All work must be done by active 4-H or FFA members, grades K-12, who have their enrollment form in the Extension Office or to
vocational agriculture instructor by May 1, 2011.
8. Divisions will be: in non-livestock classes: Little Clovers – youth in grades 3 & below; Junior - youth in grades 4, 5 & 6;
Intermediate - youth in grades 7-8; Seniors - youth in grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Livestock classes: (Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine,
Rabbit)-Junior - youth in grades 4, 5 & 6; Intermediate - youth in grades 7-8; Senior - youth in grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. (Dog, Goat,
Pet, Poultry)- Junior - youth in grades 4 - 8 and Seniors - youth in grades 9 - 12. (all grades above as of ‘10-’11 school year)
9. Little Clovers (K-2nd grade), may exhibit in all non-livestock areas, including Clothing Revue, Working Exhibits, Presentations
and Share The Fun events. They may also exhibit dogs, pets, and bucket/bottle calves. Little Clovers (3rd grade) may exhibit in all
of the K-2nd classes as well as rabbits and poultry. Participation ribbons will be given-no premium. No Little Clover exhibits can
receive Champion, Reserve Champion, Best of Division, or any other special awards.
10. NON-LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS: Butler County Extension will not be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged projects on display
in the Youth Building.
11. Failure to comply with any 4-H/FFA rules and regulations can result in disqualification, loss of premium money, and/or loss of
12. Premium money in the youth show is allocated on a lump sum basis. Therefore, the premiums in the livestock classes
are listed on a unit basis and premium money will be pro-rated according to total units, depending on the number of entries.
Youth are expected to be sincere, honest and act in sportsmanlike ways at all times. Youth represent the entire program and
their behavior reflects on their parents, leaders, club and the entire youth program. All adults involved with the youth
program, leaders as well as parents, are expected to set positive examples and serve as positive role models by what they say
and do. Any youth who breaks the code of ethics or allows another person (adult or peer) to talk them into violating the code
of ethics agrees to forfeit all prizes, awards and premiums. The youth may also be prohibited from exhibiting at this and
future exhibitions including the Iowa State Fair and other county, state or regional exhibitions.
Youth agree to follow these guidelines:
1. I will do my own work, appropriate for my age and physical and mental development. This includes research and writing of
exhibit explanations, preparing exhibits (such as sewing, cooking, refinishing, etc), care and grooming of animals, etc.
Adult assistance should help guide and support me, not do it for me.
2. All exhibits will be a true representation of my work. Any attempt to take credit for other’s work, alter the conformation of
animals, or alter their performance is prohibited. Copyright violation or allowing others to complete your exhibit is
considered misrepresentation and is prohibited.
3. I will treat all people and animals with respect. I will provide appropriate care for animals.
4. I will present exhibits that are safe for consumption. All food exhibits will be safe to exhibit and for judges to evaluate.
Other exhibits will be safe for judges to evaluate and for exhibition.
5. All food animals that may be harvested immediately following the show shall be safe for consumers, and shall have met all
withdrawal times for all medications, and be free of violative drug residue.
6. If any animal requires medical treatment while at the fair or exhibition, only a licensed veterinarian may administer the
treatment. All medications that are administered shall be done according to the label instructions of the medication used.
7. My animal’s appearance or performance shall not be altered by any means, including medications, external applications
and surgical procedures. Any animal that is found to have changed its appearance or its performance shall be disqualified
from the show, and have penalties assessed against the exhibitor, parent and/or guardian by the management of the fair or
8. I will follow all ownership and possession rules and, if requested, will provide the necessary documentation.
9. I will follow all livestock health requirements for this fair or exhibition, according to the state health requirements as
printed in the premium book of the fair or exhibition. I will provide animal health certificates from a licensed veterinarian
upon request from the management of the fair or exhibition.
10. By my entering an animal in this fair or exhibition, I am giving consent to the management of the fair or exhibition to
obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other substances from the animal to be used in testing. If the laboratory
report on the analysis of any sample indicates a presence of forbidden drugs, this shall be evidence such substance has been
administered to the animal either internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample tested by the laboratory to which it
is sent is the one taken from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved and all procedures of said collection and
preservation, transfer to the laboratory and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the
laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question and correctly reflects the condition of the animal at the
time the sample was taken, with the burden on the exhibitor, parent and/or guardian to prove otherwise.
11. I am responsible for my exhibit and I will not allow others to violate this code on my behalf. By my entering an exhibit in
this fair or exhibition I will accept any disciplinary action taken by the management of this fair or exhibition for any
violation of this code of ethics and any other rules of competition of the fair or exhibition without recourse against the fair
or exhibition.
12. I want my exhibit to be an example of how to accept what life has to offer, both good and not so good, and how to live with
and learn from the outcome.
13. I will not be involved in any illegal activities while participating in 4-H and FFA events, including but not limited to
alcohol, tobacco or drug use.
I agree to conduct myself in an honest, ethical, and upstanding manner and I understand that disciplinary actions will result if these
rules are violated. I understand that I am expected to represent the program in a positive manner. I have read, understand and agree to
follow this code of ethics, and any other rules of competition of the fair or exhibition as printed in its premium book.
No individual Certificate of Veterinary Inspection will be required on Iowa origin animals or poultry exhibited at County 4-H/FFA FAIR, but the
animals must be inspected when unloaded or shortly thereafter by an accredited veterinarian. All animals moving from out of state into an Iowa
county 4H/FFA fair must meet Iowa Animal and Livestock Importation requirements. Each show must have an official veterinarian.
Quarantined animals or animals from quarantined herds cannot be exhibited.
Swine exhibitors at county fairs that do not require a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, must sign and present an owner affidavit that the animals
being exhibited did not originate from a quarantined herd and to the best of their knowledge, swine dysentery has not been in evidence in their herd
for the past 12 months.
All swine exhibited must be accompanied by a record of a negative pseudorabies test, the test having been performed within 30 days prior to show,
for swine originating from a Stage 4 or lower status county, subject to 64.35(2). No pseudorabies testing is required for swine originating from a
Stage 5 county (Iowa is Stage 5).
A. No testing is required for swine at an exhibition that involves only market classes, provided all swine are consigned directly to a slaughter
establishment from the exhibition. The site that the swine originate from must have a current monitored status in order for the swine to be transported
to the fairgrounds (statistical testing completed within the last twelve months or originate from a site in Stage III or higher area). Swine leaving the
exhibition from a market class must be consigned and moved direct to a slaughtering establishment.
All sexually intact sheep must have an individual Scrapie Flock of Origin identification tag. All sexually intact goats must be identified with an
individual Scrapie Flock of Origin identification tag or by an official tattoo registered with USDA (to register, call 1-866-USDA-TAG; 1-866-8732824).
All poultry exhibited must come from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid clean or equivalent flocks, or have had a negative Pullorum-Typhoid test within 90
days of public exhibition and the test must have been performed by an authorized tester. (SEE GENERAL SECTION 1.B)
All dogs and cats exhibited must have a current rabies vaccination certificate.
David D. Schmitt, D.V.M., State Veterinarian
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(Also see General Rules)
1. All livestock (with the exception of poultry, cats, and small pets) entries must have been enrolled on the Livestock Identification
Form for that species and on file in the Butler County Extension Office by May 16, 2011. Market beef must have been weighed and
identified on December 18, 2010. All hogs must be weighed, ear-tagged and enrolled on March 5, 2011. All market sheep must be
weighed and ear-tagged on April 30, 2011. All animals must be weighed and identified at the Butler County weigh-in sites to show at
the Butler County Jr. Fair. If the identification forms are received after May 16, that individual livestock may NOT BE exhibited at
2. All animals must be under 4-H'ers management the entire year. Members must notify the 4-H Youth Advisory Committee by May
15 if animals are kept somewhere other than at the member’s home. Exhibitors must provide the majority of care for the animals.
Committee will make spot inspections to insure animals are under the 4-H'ers management. Failure to comply will make animals
ineligible for Fair.
3. All 4-H/FFA livestock/animal entries must be made with the Extension Office, Allison, on or before TUESDAY, JUNE 7,
2011. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER JUNE 7, 2011. See Index Page for fees.
4. 4-H/FFA exhibitor pen/stall rental fees MUST be purchased at the time entries are made. NO entry accepted without correct fees.
5. An exhibitor showing in the Open Show will be required to pay the regular stall or pen rental. These arrangements should be made
through the Fair Secretary, NOT the Extension Office. Members who placed in the Blue group are eligible to show in the Open show
providing they then pay pen rental. EXCEPTION TO BLUE RIBBON RULE: Dairy showing in the Open Dairy Show. Junior show
comes after this open show. A youth’s livestock showing in the open classes will show under the rules of their respective classes.
6. Health requirements printed apply to the Junior Show.
7. Where purebred animals are concerned, registration papers must be in the 4-H'ers name or show a logical family relationship.
8. Stalls and pens will be assigned to each exhibitor. Animals must stay in designated pens or stalls unless permission is given to
NOTE: If you reserve more stall or pen room than actually required for your livestock, we reserve the right to take down reserved
stall card and fill those stalls or pens. At discretion of Superintendent, youth's animals can be moved to Open Class building for the day
of the Open Class show only, if they are to be shown in Open Class.
9. It is the intent that the 4-H/FFA member take responsibility for caring for and grooming his/her own animals. If assistance is
needed it should be aimed at helping the 4H/FFA member learn new skills and be done by a family member and/or another 4H/FFA
member. On the fairgrounds, during the Butler County Fair, the 4H/FFA member may only have assistance from an
immediate family member (this would include only a dad, mom, step-parent, brother, sister, step-sibling, grandparent, and
legal guardians) and/or another currently enrolled Butler County 4H/FFA member. No outside help will be allowed. This will
be enforced.
10. Any artificial means of removing or remedying physical defects of conformation in animals exhibited will be considered as fraud
and deception. No unnatural means of providing an animal feed, water or other fluid will be allowed. All animals giving evidence of
such treatment will be barred from exhibition at the Butler County Fair. Unethical fitting shall include any cutting or tearing of the
hide, cutting or tearing underneath the hide or removal of tissue in any attempt to alter the shape or appearance. It shall also include
attempts to disrupt or change normal dental development: dyeing or coloring hair; adding artificial tailheads, switches, polls, hair and
heels; as well as any attempt to change the conformation and degree of firmness by administration of fluids internally or externally in a
liquid or solid state. Transparent grooming materials only may be used. If a color or coloring agent rubs off an animal rubbed with
either a towel or hand, that animal will be disqualified.
11. No drugs or medication of any kind may be administered except by the order of the official Fair veterinarian. All animals are
subject to drug testing. All animals giving evidence of being medicated without prior approval will be barred from exhibition.
12. Only exhibitors, staff and superintendents will be allowed in the show ring during exhibiting.
13. All exhibitors are required to show their own livestock for judging. The only exception to this rule would be when an exhibitor has
more than one animal to show in a class, he must obtain another 4H/FFA member from Butler County to show for him. No adults or
supervisory personnel are permitted to show livestock for the exhibitors in this department.
14. A 4-H or FFA member will be permitted to have his or her projects shown at the fair by some other eligible Butler County 4-H'er or
FFA member if she or he is participating in the Youth for Understanding, American Field Service, State 4-H activity, church out-ofstate activities, hospitalization or other deserving programs as determined by the County 4-H & Youth Advisory Committee, providing
all fair projects that can be are completed by the member before leaving. The request for permission to do so is to be made in writing to
the members of the County 4-H & Youth Advisory Committee and is subject to approval by the Committee.
15. 4-H exhibitors are encouraged to purchase/wear the Butler County or State 4H/FFA T-shirts when exhibiting. T-shirts are available
at the Butler County Extension Office prior to fair or at the 4H Office at the fairgrounds during the fair.
16. Each exhibitor is responsible for the feeding and care of livestock exhibited. The Fair management and Junior Livestock
Show department will use diligence to insure safety of animals or articles entered for exhibition, after the arrival and
placement, but under no circumstances will they be responsible for any loss, injury or damage. It is the responsibility of the 4H/FFA member to secure any cage, pen or stall that they feel needs to be secured by lock.
to be placed outside DESIGNATED DOORS ONLY and in wagons if available. NOTE: the Butler County Fair Board will provide
initial approved bedding for beef, dairy, swine, sheep, and goats with your entry fees. If you need more bedding it can be purchased
from the fairboard.
18. For public safety, all fans must have a protective screen and have safe wiring. No fans will be allowed in the aisles. The use of butt
fans is prohibited in all barns. Only overhead fans located in the front half of stalling area will be allowed.
19. No 4-H or FFA member will be allowed to sleep in the livestock barns or on fairground property overnight.
20. Courtesy Rule – A maximum of 2 wash pens per family can be used at one time to wash livestock/animals. No feed or bedding is
allowed in wash area.
22. No livestock or exhibits will be released early for any reason other than sickness of the animal. In case of sickness, a written or
verbal statement from a licensed veterinarian is required for release. Premium will be forfeited if animal is removed early without 4H
staff approval.
23. All animals will be released on Sunday, June 26 at 4:00 p.m. Animals, stall cards, and bedding must remain in place until 4:00 p.m.
When animals are released, all bedding must be put in the center aisles before exhibitors leave the fairgrounds. Failure to comply with
this rule will result in premium being withheld. (Swine exhibitors – see special information regarding Sunday – rule 13, page 23.)
24. 4-H & FFA livestock will be judged on the plan where the judge groups each class into three groups – Blue, Red and White.
25. Butler County does not permit 4-H/FFA members to show the same animal at two different county fairs.
1. Individual 4H clubs/FFA chapters will be entered in each species in the herdsmanship contest.
2. Qualified judges will inspect the exhibit area and animal areas in barns during the day and afternoon. First inspection will be held
by 10 a.m. each day. Second inspection will be done prior to 6:00 p.m.
3. The herdsmanship award (1st place) will be awarded to the top club in each species that keeps stalls and pens clean, orderly, and
attractive as well as keeping the animals well groomed and cared for. Each club/chapter must have a minimum of an average of 80
points to be considered for 1st place.
1. Cleanliness of alleys, stalls and pens - Bedding-adequate, bright, clean and in place. Animals securely tied or penned. Manure
hauled and deposited in the proper place. Alleys swept clean of dust and bedding.
2. Arrangement of the Exhibit - Exhibits lined up in an attractive manner. Hay and bedding neat and orderly. Feed, show boxes,
and other gear stored neatly.
3. Appearance of Animals - Animals clean and brushed.
4. Stall Cards -Able to read from the alley, clean and neatly arranged.
Daily Herdsman standings will be posted. NOTE: Exhibitors are to put all bedding into alleys when animals leave the Fairgrounds
or premium will be withheld.
499-01-01 Herdsmanship
1st place clubs/chapters in each species (beef, swine, sheep, dairy, goat, rabbit & poultry) will be awarded premium: 1st place (5
units). Each exhibitor within the club that is chosen for highest herdsmanship award score will receive a special ribbon, no premium.
Premium will be paid to the club.
1. Showmanship classes will be held in the beef, dairy, horse (halter), sheep, rabbit, poultry, dog, and swine divisions. Ribbons only
2. All 4-H and FFA exhibitors are eligible to participate. There is no entry before Fair. Exhibitors are to show up at the ring when
the class is called.
3. Animal type will not be considered except as it may affect the way an animal should be fitted and shown.
4. Showmanship is split into two divisions for dog:
Junior Showman
Youth in grades 4 - 8
Senior Showman
Youth in grades 9 - 12
Showmanship for Beef, Dairy, Horse, Swine, Sheep, Rabbit and Poultry is split into 3 divisions:
Junior showman
Youth in grades 4 - 6
Intermediate showman
Youth in grades 7 - 8
Senior showman
Youth in grades 9- 12
(all grades above as of 2010-2011 school year)
5. First and second place ribbons will be given in each class.
6. Showmanship will be judged on the following criteria:
Appearance of the animal - Condition, Grooming, Cleanliness and Clipping
Presentation of the animal - Leading, Posing, Showing to the animal's best advantage, Response to direction of ring master, Use of
necessary equipment
Appearance of the exhibitor - Proper clothing and shoes, alertness, and attitude
BLUE - 6 units; RED - 5 units; WHITE - 4 units
Refer also to General Livestock rules.
Refer also to General Rules.
FORMS DUE MAY 16, 2011 filed in the Butler County Extension office and shown accordingly. Beef must have tattoo number
recorded on Identification Form sheet to show in purebred class.
2. Tack space will be provided. Additional space to store tack need not be rented at time fair entry is made.
3. MARKET BEEF AND BEEF HEIFERS are to be stalled between 6:00-10:00 a.m. on Entry Day, June 22, and must
remain on the fairgrounds until released at 4:00 p.m., Sunday June 26. Beef weigh-in will begin at 11:00 a.m. on Entry Day,
June 22 with beef superintendent determining the weigh-in order.
4. BEEF COW-CALF and BUCKET BOTTLE CALF projects must be stalled by 7:00 p.m. Thursday, June 23 with
check-in from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
4H/FFA member exhibiting the animal must be present to check in animals with
superintendent. These animals are released after noon on Friday, June 24.
5. Each 4-H and/or FFA exhibitor may show a maximum of six calves of either sex in the market beef classes. All these market
beef must have been weighed at the Market Beef Weigh-in last December.
6. All market steers and heifers must gain 2.2 lbs. per day or better to qualify for a Blue ribbon.
7. All market beef must be dehorned, and a calf cannot exhibit over one inch of stub to be eligible to show.
8. All market beef are to be weighed at the scales and checked in beginning at 11:00 a.m.. Commercial breeding heifers will also
be weighed. Only one entry weighing will be permitted. Halter and rope only tack permitted on calf.
A. There will be a minimum weight of 875 lbs. for steers at fair time.
B. There will be a minimum weight of 825 lbs. for heifers at fair time.
C. There will be a Feeder Calf Class for those under the minimum weights.
D. Calves shown in the Feeder Calf Class cannot show for championship and they will get a reduced premium: (Blue- 41/2 units; Red- 3 units; White- 2 units.)
9. Using drugs or medications of any kind is not condoned except by the order of the official fair veterinarian. Unnatural means of
providing an animal feed or water, i.e., stomach pump, I.V., etc. is not condoned except by the order of the official fair veterinarian.
10. All Beef exhibitors must be in the designated fitting areas as defined by 4-H staff and/or fair board. On show day, absolutely
NO cattle will be allowed to be in or around livestock trailers before or during the 4-H beef show. ANY cattle in or around
livestock trailers on show day, before or during the 4-H beef show, will be immediately disqualified.
11. Judging starts Friday morning, June 24 promptly at 8:30 a.m. beginning with breeding heifers and then going to market
12. Classes 100-25-01 through 100-25-05 will be broken into workable weight classes - Lightweight, Middleweight and
13 Champion and reserve champion animals will be selected. Only blue ribbon animals will show for champion. Feeder calves
will not show for champion.
14. Market beef will be on test 186 days. Top calves in the rate-of-gain contest will be awarded: 1st- 10 units; 2nd- 8 units; 3rd- 6
units; 4th- 4 units; 5th- 2 units.
15. Commercial heifers in breeding classes will be shown by weight instead of age.
16. To be eligible to show as a Breed Market Steer, breed information must have been provided on the Identification Form at beef
weigh-in. The ID must have included breed, sire's name and sire's registration number. Original registration papers must be shown
at check-in time. Steers without necessary registration papers will be shown in the crossbred classes. Tattoos will be checked.
Steers must show sufficient characteristics of a breed to indicate it being sired by a registered bull of that breed. Breed steers will not
be lumped together when showing. Each breed will show separately even if that means only one in a class.
17. Beef heifers MUST be registered in their respective breed association to show in the beef breed classes. When registration
papers are involved, papers must be in the 4-H'ers name or show a logical family relationship.
18. Non-registered beef breeding animals will be shown in commercial classes 100-01-20 or 100-20-20.
19. Exhibits in cow-calf classes must be entered in the breed of the cow. The calf must be the offspring of the cow.
20. In the breeding heifer class, only blue ribbon heifers will be allowed in the championship drive. Breeding heifers will
be shown in their specific class, even if it means only one in a class (example-one angus heifer entered, it will show by itself in a
separate class).
21. Time of release - (refer to items #3 & #4 above). Each exhibitor must clean their stall areas into the alleys after their livestock
have been released unless otherwise notified. Failure to comply will result in forfeiting premium.
Red Angus
Polled Hereford
Maine Anjou
Other Breeds
Red Angus
Polled Hereford
Maine Anjou
Other Breeds
Bucket Bottle Calf (beef or dairy)
Market Heifers
Breed Market Steer
Market Steers
Showmanship - Ribbons Only
No entry cards needed for classes 100-30-30 through 100-30-34. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on grade
level in 2010-2011 school year.
Champion Junior Showman
Champion Intermediate Showman
Champion Senior Showman
BLUE - 6 units; RED - 5 units; WHITE - 4 units
Refer also to General Livestock rules.
Refer also to General Rules.
1. Grades will not compete with purebred unless five (5) or less are in one class.
2. Dairy heifers may be either purebred or grade.
3. All purebred animals must be owned and registered by the junior exhibitor, (logical family ownership is acceptable). Proof of
registration must be provided.
4. DAIRY CATTLE exhibits are to be entered and stalled by 2:00 p.m. on Entry Day, June 22. Dairy exhibitors MUST
check in with the Superintendent at this time. Youth with Open Dairy show entries must comply with open show rules.
5. Tack space will be provided. Additional space to store tack need not be rented at time fair entry is made on or before June 7,
6. Judging starts Thursday afternoon, June 23, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.
7. Special Ribbons will be presented in cow classes for the top cow in each milking class. The ribbon will be based on Mature
Equivalent Milk Production (ME). Members in cow classes will need to submit an entry form with the DHIA barn sheet showing
the most recent ME. Cows not on test can be entered by sending monthly milk weights (on monthly basis) to the Extension Office.
In mixed breed cow classes, the ribbon will be given to the top cow based on the ME superiority for the particular breed.
8. Breed champions will be selected.
9. All milking is to be done in the morning between 6 and 9 a.m. and in the afternoon from 5 to 8 p.m. Milk will be weighed by a
Dairy Cattle Superintendent.
10. Courtesy Rule for Dairy Goats – A maximum of 2 wash pens per family can be used at one time to wash livestock. No feed
or bedding is allowed in wash area.
10. Dairy will be released at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, June 26. Each exhibitor must clean their stall into the alleys after
their livestock have been released on Sunday afternoon unless otherwise notified. Failure to comply will result in forfeiting
ORDER OF JUDGING: 1st - Ayrshire; 2nd- Brown Swiss; 3rd- Guernsey; 4th - Holstein; 5th - Jersey; 6th - Milking Shorthorn,
7th - Commercial
Age breakdown for dairy classes will be as follows:
Junior Heifer Born Dec. 1, 2010 and over 4 months of age
Senior Heifer Born Sept 1, 2010 - Nov. 30, 2010
Junior Yearling Heifer Born March 1, 2010 - Aug 31, 2010
Senior Yearling Heifer - Born Sept 1, 2009 - Feb 28, 2010
Two Year Old Born Sept 1, 2008 - Aug 31, 2009
Three Year Old Born before Sept 1, 2008
Produce of Dam: minimum of 2 animals, heifer, cows, and/or bull calf - bull calves not to exceed 8 months at fair time, from a
former 4-H project.
Dairy Herd: three female animals owned and raised by exhibitor in regular 4-H project, any age, all one breed
Junior Heifer
Senior Heifer
Junior Yearling Heifer
Senior Yearling Heifer
Two Year old, not in milk
Two year old, in milk
Three year old & over
Produce of Dam
Dairy Herd
Junior Heifer
Senior Heifer
Junior Yearling Heifer
Senior Yearling Heifer
Two Year old, not in milk
Two year old, in milk
Three year old & over
Produce of Dam
Dairy Herd
Junior Heifer
Senior Heifer
Junior Yearling Heifer
Senior Yearling Heifer
Two Year old, not in milk
Two Year old, in milk
Three Year old & over
Produce of Dam
Dairy Herd
Junior Heifer
Senior Heifer
Junior Yearling Heifer
Senior Yearling Heifer
Two Year old, not in milk
Two Year old, in milk
Three Year old & over
Produce of Dam
Dairy Herd
Junior Heifer
Senior Heifer
Junior Yearling Heifer
Senior Yearling Heifer
Two year old, not in milk
Two year old, in milk
Three year old & over
Produce of Dam
Dairy Herd
Junior Heifer
Senior Heifer
Junior Yearling Heifer
Senior Yearling Heifer
Two Year old, not in milk
Two Year Old, in milk
Three Year Old & over
Produce of Dam
Dairy Herd
Junior Heifer
Senior Heifer
Junior Yearling Heifer
Senior Yearling Heifer
Two year old, not in milk
Two year old, in milk
Three year old & over
Produce of Dam
Dairy Herd
To enter in “Bucket Bottle Calf” class -- refer to 4H/FFA Beef Section of this fairbook
Milking Goats
Non-Milking Goat
Showmanship - Ribbons Only
No entry cards needed for classes 150-08-30 through 150-08-34. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on grade
level in 2010-2011 school year.
150-08-30 Champion Junior Showman
150-08-32 Champion Intermediate Showman
150-08-34 Champion Senior Showman
BLUE - 3 units; RED - 2 units; WHITE - 1 unit
Refer also to General Livestock rules.
1. Only 4-H members enrolled in the dog project and on Livestock ID's before May 16, 2011 are eligible. Proof of current rabies
vaccination is required for dogs.
2. Dogs should arrive at the Fair Grounds between 3:30- 4:00 p.m. Friday, June 24th and will be at the Fair only while they
are being shown on Friday. All dogs will be judged immediately after the Pet Show at the Livestock Arena.
3. All dogs to be exhibited at the fair must be kept on a leash and must not be taken near other livestock or into the exhibit buildings
on the fair grounds.
4. Dogs will be evaluated as follows:
A. All dogs should be well groomed, free of loose hair, fleas, lice and vermin. Toe nails should be of
suitable length and the ears and eyes clean and clear.
B. Obedience class will be judged as described under class listing.
C. Showmanship will be judged on: 1) Appearance of animal (health, condition and grooming); 2) Presentation of dog in ring;
3) Showmanship courtesy to fellow exhibitors; 4) Appearance of exhibitor.
D. Exhibitors should be able to answer simple questions on dog care.
5. If less than 5 dogs are entered, the County 4-H & Youth Committee reserves the right to obtain a judge from within the county.
6. Classes will be broken into Junior and Senior classes if sufficient entries are received. To be determined by Judge and Extension
200-20-01 FAMILY DOG - dog will recall on leash, sit and lead easily. Also to be judged on manners, condition and member's
knowledge of care.
200-20-02 PRE-NOVICE "A". For dogs and exhibitors in their first year of 4-H dog obedience training. Dog must not have
finished their third leg toward an AKC, CD degree. Dogs will heel, stand for examination and do the figure 8 all on leash. They will
recall on leash and do sits for one minute and downs for three minutes on leash.
200-20-03 PRE-NOVICE "B". For members who have completed 1 or more years of 4-H dog obedience training. Dogs must not
have completed their third leg toward an AKC, CD degree. Dogs must do the same exercises as dogs entered in class 200-20-02.
200-20-04 NOVICE. Open to dogs that have not completed their third leg toward an AKC, CD degree. (Except first year 4-H dog
obedience member with first year dog which earned its CD degree may show in class this class). Dogs must be able to do the
following exercises: heel and do figure 8 on leash, stand for examination off leash, heel free, recall off leash, long sit and long down
off leash. Dogs entered in this class may not be entered in class 200-20-02 or 200-20-03.
200-20-05 GRADUATE NOVICE. Open to dogs that do not have an AKC, CDX degree. Dogs must be able to do the novice
exercises (class 200-20-04) PLUS drop on recall and sits for 3 minutes and down for 5 minutes both with the handler out of sight.
Dogs entered in this class may not be entered in Class 200-20-02 or 200-20-03.
Showmanship - Ribbon Only
No entry cards needed for classes 200-20-15 and 200-20-17. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on grade level in
2010-2011 school year.
200-20-15 Champion Junior Showman
200-20-17 Champion Senior Showman
Refer also to General Livestock rules.
Refer also to General Rules.
1. Any 4-H or FFA member in Butler County who has enrolled in a horse or pony project AND has identified ALL of their horses,
ponies, or mules on the 4-H Horse Identification Form (4H-106 C) on file in the Butler Co. Extension Office by May 16, 2011 is
eligible to participate in the Halter and Performance classes.
2. The Fair Entry Card specifying which classes the member wants to show at halter and/or performance must be in the Extension
Office by June 7, 2011 by 4:30 p.m.
3. On a voluntary basis, each horse exhibitor may elect to leave one of their horses (MUST BE one they exhibit at the 2011 Butler
County Fair) in the horse barn at the fair grounds until check out Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Horses are to be stalled between
3:30 – 7:00 p.m. on entry day, June 22nd.
Horses must be stalled by 7:00 p.m. Mules are not required to be stalled at the
fairgrounds. You will provide your own bedding (wood chips or saw dust only), be responsible for keeping your stall clean, caring
for your horse, and cleaning out stall upon check out on Sunday, June 26th from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Stall must be cleaned out and
inspected by the superintendent before leaving or your premium money will be forfeited.
4. Check-in time for all horse/pony/mule exhibitors will be at the fair grounds between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Wednesday,
June 22. All exhibitors are to pick up exhibitor numbers, confirm or cancel classes at this time period.
5. No stallion two years old or older may be shown in the halter, performance or showmanship classes.
6. Judging starts Wednesday, June 22, promptly at 12:30 p.m.
7. Classes will be judged in three groups: Blue, Red, White.
8. Champion and Reserve Champion Halter will be selected from halter classes 250-01-01 through 250-04-05. No premium.
9. Unless otherwise specified, this show will be governed by "Guide for Light Horse and Pony Events in Iowa"
10. Show order of classes is subject to change at discretion of the Extension Staff
11. Exhibitor Apparel:
a. Exhibitor numbers are to be worn on the exhibitor’s back only in halter/showmanship classes. In performance classes,
including timed events, exhibitors’ numbers are to be worn on both sides of the saddle pad.
b. All 4-H youth participating in any riding classes must wear American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) and Safety
Engineering Institute (SEI) approved headgear with chin strap and properly fitted harness while mounted and riding, including
warm up. Every Time-Every ride. No caps, hats or scarves will be allowed to be worn under the helmet. Iowa State Fair and Iowa
State University make no representation or warranty, express or implied, about any protective headgear and caution riders that
death or serious injury may result despite wearing such headgear as all equestrian sports involve inherent dangerous risk and as no
helmet can protect against all unforeseeable injuries.
c. English attire:
Hunt Seat: ASTM/SEI approved helmets with fastened chin straps are required at all times while mounted.
Clothing must be clean, neat and appropriate for hunter classes. Riders must wear coats, boots and breeches. Clean shirts with
stock and pin or ratcatcher and choker preferred. The coat should be any tweed or melton (conservative wash jackets in season)
acceptable for hunting. Breeches should be of traditional shades of buff, gray, rust, beige or canary (jodhpur included) and high
English boots or jodhpur boots should be worn. Spurs of the unrowelled type, gloves, crops or bats are optional. The 4-H armband
or chevron is mandatory and the armband MUST be worn on the upper left arm.
Saddle Seat: Clothing must be clean, neat and appropriate saddle seat attire (informal or formal). Riders shall wear
a saddle suit or conservative solid coat with matching jodhpurs, tie, jodhpur boots and ASTM/SEI approved helmet. Spurs of the
unrowelled type, whips and crops are optional. Long whips are prohibited. The 4-H armband or chevron is mandatory and the
armband MUST be worn on the upper left arm.
d. Western attire: Clothing must be neat and clean. Riders shall wear ASTM/SEI approved helmets and boots. White long
sleeved shirts or blouses with buttons, zippers or snaps and a collar (tuxedo shirts allowed) are required. A necktie, kerchief or bolo
tie are permitted, but not required. Sleeveless shirts or blouses, turtleneck sweaters, sweaters, vests, etc. are not permitted. Pants
must be blue jeans and a belt under the loops is recommended. The 4-H armband or chevron is mandatory and the armband MUST
be worn on the upper left arm. Hair must be neat and securely fastened if long, so as not to cover the rider’s number.
e. Shorts are prohibited to be worn by exhibitors while mounted on a horse.
f. Penalties – Exhibitors who violate the dress code will be dropped one ribbon group. In the interest of safety when you are
mounted, you must wear a helmet, boots, long pants and appropriate attire and the horse must be properly tacked. This includes in
the warm-up arena. Any dispute will results in disqualification from your classes.
12 No parents or other adults are allowed to ride/work with horses, ponies, or mules at any time before or during the horse show
for any reason or the 4-Her will be disqualified from all classes. If parents or other adults help their 4’Her get their animal ready,
the 4-Her must be present and the adult is there to help and supervise while the 4-H’er does the actual preparation of the animal for
Halter Classes
HALTER: BLUE - 5 units; RED – 4 units; WHITE - 3 unit
250-01-01 Weanling colts, born in 2011
250-01-02 Yearling colts born in 2010
250 -01-03 2-year olds born in 2009
250-01-04 Aged mule, born in 2008 or before
Weanling colts, born in 2011
Yearling colts born in 2010
2-year old horses born in 2009
Aged horse, born in 2008 or before
Weanling colts born in 2011
Yearling colts born in 2010
2-year olds born in 2009
Ponies 14.2 hands and under, born in 2008 or before
Weanling colts, born in 2011
Yearling colts born in 2010
2-year olds born in 2009
Aged horses (mares) over 14.2 hands, born in 2008 or before.
Aged horses (gelding) over 14.2 hands, born in 2008 or before
Showmanship-Ribbons Only
Entry cards needed for classes 250-05-01 through 250-05-03. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on grade level
in 2010-2011 school year.
250-05-01 Senior Champion Showman
250-05-02 Intermediate Champion Showman
250-05-03 Junior Champion Showman
Performance : BLUE - 4 units; RED -3 units; WHITE – 2 units
The exhibitor must use one of their horses/ponies enrolled on the 4-H Horse Identification Form (4H-106 C) on file in
Extension Office by May 16, 2011.
A horse/pony may be used in like events only once.
A youth is limited to riding one horse in an event.
Youth will ride into the ring and walk out of ring.
Age to determine Junior or Senior division are: Junior youth in grades 4-7 and Senior youth in grades 8-12 as of 20102011 school year.
250-06-01 English Walk Trot
250-06-02 English Pleasure (Junior & Senior)
250-06-03 English Equitation (Junior & Senior)
250-07-01 Driving (Junior & Senior) (Parent or guardian riding in cart is required)
Junior Walk Trot
Senior Western Pleasure
Junior Western Pleasure
Two-Year Old and Three-Year Old in Training by 4-H’er (4-H’er must be in 7th or 8th grade) (Bits allowed: Snaffle,
Hack-A-More, or Bosal)
Senior Western Horsemanship
Junior Western Horsemanship
Reining Class (Junior & Senior)
Trail Class
(Junior & Senior)
Pole Bending (Junior & Senior)
Barrel Race (Junior & Senior)
BLUE - 3 units; RED - 2 units; WHITE- 1 unit
Refer also to General Rules. Refer also to Health Rules.
1. Entries must be made along with other livestock entries and are due in the Extension Office by June 7, 2011 by 4:30
p.m. Youth will be expected to make arrangements to see that appropriate cages, etc. for their pets are available and on the fair
2. Small pets and dogs will be displayed together at the livestock arena.
3. All pets and small animals will be checked in on Friday, June 24 between 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Pet judging will begin at 4:00
p.m., prior to the Dog Show at the livestock arena.
4. Owners will be expected to be on hand for judging. All pets will be removed immediately after the show.
----------------------------210-01-01 FAMILY CAT - cat will be judged on manners, condition and member's knowledge of care of animal.
210-04-02 OTHER FAMILY PETS - includes rabbits, pot belly pigs, dogs, gerbils, mice, hamsters, etc. Judged on manners,
condition and member's knowledge of the care of the animal.
Showmanship - Ribbon Only
No entry cards needed for classes 210-20-01 and 210-20-02. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on grade level in
2010-2011 school year.
210-20-01 Champion Pet Junior Showman
210-20-02 Champion Pet Senior Showman
BLUE- 3 units; RED- 2 units; WHITE- 1 unit
Refer also to General Livestock rules.
1. Entries must be made for rabbits, cavies and poultry along with other livestock entries and are due in the Extension Office by
June 7, 2011 by 4:30 p.m Cages presently housed at the Butler County fairgrounds will be used. If exhibitor does not wish to use
these cages, exhibitor is responsible to provide their own cage.
2. Rabbits, poultry and cavies are to be brought to the Fair grounds on Wednesday, June 22, between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
They will be placed in the designated housing area provided. Exhibits will be released Sunday, June 26, at 4:00 p.m. Rabbits,
poultry and cavies that do not stay until release time will forfeit premium money.
3. Judging starts Saturday, June 25, at 7:30 a.m. Exhibitor MUST be present for the judging. Rabbit judging will be held
first, followed by cavies (guinea pigs), and then the poultry show starting at 11:00 a.m.
1. Exhibitors are allowed three entries in each of the rabbit and cavies (guinea pig) classes with a maximum of 21 rabbits or guinea
pigs per exhibitor at the Butler County Fair. This maximum cannot be exceeded and includes all rabbits (fancy commercial, meat
pen and fryers).
2. Rabbits may be purebred or crossbred. If breed cannot be determined, then rabbits under 5 lbs. will show in fancy class and
rabbits over 5 lbs. in commercial classes or at the discretion of the superintendents.
3. Rabbits must be tattooed prior to coming to the fair and tattoo number must be recorded on the Small Animal Identification
Form. This form must be completed and to the Butler County Extension Office by May 16, 2011.
4. If rabbit has not been born by May 16, the doe must be listed on the Small Animal Identification Form and the young rabbit
needs to be tattooed prior to fair.
Commercial Rabbit Division (Breed examples include Californian, Palomino, Satin)
Single Young Doe (6 months of age and under)
Single Doe (over 6 months of age)
Single Young Buck (6 months of age and under)
Single Buck (over 6 months of age)
Fancy Rabbit Division (Breed examples include Dutch, Rex, Netherland Dwarf)
Single Young Doe (6 months of age and under)
Single Doe (over 6 months of age)
Single Young Buck (6 months of age and under)
Single Buck (over 6 months of age)
320-03-01 Single Fryer (under 10 weeks of age and 5 lbs. or less per rabbit)
320-03-02 Meat pen – (under 10 weeks of age and 5 lbs. or less per rabbit). Three rabbits to be of same breed and color and as
alike as possible.
No entry cards needed for classes 320-04-10, 320-04-15 and 320-04-20. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on
grade level in 2010-2011 school year.
320-04-10 Champion Junior Rabbit Showman
320-04-15 Champion Intermediate Showman
320-04-20 Champion Senior Rabbit Showman
310-01-01 Cavies (guinea pigs)
1. Exhibitors are allowed three entries per class in each of the poultry classes. All classes will consist of two birds (one female and
one male) with exception of market broilers and market layers.
2. Read Health Rules as they pertain to poultry. All poultry hatched in Iowa, brought into Iowa, and exhibited in Iowa must be
verified to be clean of Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella gallinarum. Pullorum-Typhoid-free tester will be available at the
fairgrounds. Those testing elsewhere will have certificates checked at fair check-in.
Market Turkeys
Market Broilers
Market Ducks
Market Geese
Market Layers
Bantam breeds
Standard breeds
Fancy Ducks
Fancy Geese
Other birds
Market Broiler Chick
Market Broiler Chicks (see rules below applying to this class only)
1. Exhibitor must purchase 25 birds from Hoover Hatchery in Rudd by April 21, 2011 deadline using Butler County
entry form. These purchased birds are the only birds eligible for this class.
Must enter at least 1 pen of 2 chicks.
No entry cards needed for classes 300-20-10 through 300-20-20. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on grade
level in 2010-2011 school year.
Junior Champion Showman
Intermediate Champion Showman
Senior Champion Showman
BLUE- 4 units; RED- 3 units; WHITE- 2 units
Refer also to General Rules.
Refer also to General Livestock rules.
General Rules
1. Entry cards must be at the Extension Office by June 7, 2011 with exhibitor information and class numbers filled in. Sheep/meat
goat ear tag numbers may be added at the time of fair check-in/weigh-in.
2. Breeding/Market Sheep and meat goat check-in will be from 1:00-2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22.
3. Judging starts Thursday, June 23 at 3:00 p.m. (or as soon as the dairy show ends) beginning with the market
lambs, then to the breeding sheep and then meat goats.
4. Courtesy Rule – A maximum of 2 wash pens per family can be used at one time to wash livestock. No feed or
bedding allowed in wash area.
5. Top ten rate-of-gain market lambs/meat goats will receive: 1st) 10 units + ribbon; 2nd) 8 units + ribbon; 3rd) 6 units +
ribbon; 4th) 4 units + ribbon; 5th) 2 units + ribbon; 6th through 10th) - ribbons only. The rate-of-gains are calculated
from County Fair weight minus the beginning weight divided by 53 days on feed.
6. Champion and reserve animals will be selected.
7. Sheep/meat goats will be released at 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, June 26. Each exhibitor must clean their sheep pen
into the alleys after their sheep have been released on Sunday afternoon. Failure to comply will result in forfeiting
Sheep General Rules
1. All market lambs must be docked, shorn and castrated to be eligible for weigh-in. Identification and weighing will be done
April 30, 2011. ALL MARKET SHEEP must be processed at this time to be eligible for entry at the Butler County Fair
2 . An exhibitor may show a maximum of four lambs shown as individual market lambs. They may be taken from classes 410-1002 and/or 410-10-03. An exhibitor may show a maximum of two “pens of three” market lambs. An individual purebred may be
shown from the Pen of Four Purebred.
3. All market lambs and breeding sheep must have been sheared over the entire body with a regular comb. Suggested fleece
length: A) Market lambs - 1/4 inch; B) Breeding sheep- 1/4 inch with 3/4 inch maximum. Exception: Wool breeds no maximum
4. Each exhibitor must designate before lambs are weighed on June 22 which lambs will be individuals, pens of 3 and carcass.
5. Lambs shown in the Feeder Lamb Class cannot show for championship and they will get a reduced premium: (Blue- 3 units;
Red- 2 units; White- 1 unit).
6. Exhibitors will be required to show registration papers for animals in purebred classes. Papers must be in exhibitors name or
show a logical family relationship.
7.. In the yearling ewe classes (410-01-04 and 410-04-07) if there are more than 8 entries in a class, they can be split between
yearlings that have lambed and those that have not at the discretion of the Sheep Committee.
8. If five or more sheep of one breed are shown, a separate class will be set up.
9. All commercial breeding ewes must have been tagged with an official 4-H tag at an official vertificaton site by May 15.
Meat Goat General Rules
1. Meat goats will be exhibited in the Sheep/Meat Goat show on Thursday, June 23. Dairy goats will be exhibited at the dairy
2. All meat goat exhibits must be weighed/ear tagged at the Sheep/Meat Goat Weigh-in. Identification and weighing will be done
on April 30, 2011. ALL MEAT GOATS must be processed at this time to be eligible for entry at the Butler County Fair and the
rate of gain contest.
3. Only wethers and does may be shown in meat goat classes. All male meat goats must be castrated by the April weigh-in date.
4. Horns are not allowed. Horn removal must be done before goats are brought to the fairgrounds.
5. Market sheep and meat goats must weigh 40 pounds or more upon entry at fair to be shown in the meat class. All market
sheep and meat goats under 40 pounds will be shown in a feeder class. These animals not weighing 40 pounds at fair are not
eligible for rate of gain contest awards. Market sheep and meat goat classes will be broken out according to final weights at the
6. All goats must have a scrapie flock ID before they can be shown at the Butler County Fair.
Market Sheep:
Feeder lamb (ewe or wether) 89 lbs. or less will show first
410-10-02 Market lamb (ewe or wether) Minimum weight 90 lbs.
410-10-03 Pen of three market lambs (ewe or wether).
Breeding Sheep:
410-01-01 Purebred ram lamb (any breed).
410-01-02 Purebred yearling ram (any breed) born Sept. 1, 2009- Dec. 31, 2010)
410-02-03 Purebred ewe lamb (any breed)
410-02-04 Purebred yearling ewe (any breed) born Sept. 1, 2009- Dec. 31, 2010)
410-03-05 Flock of four purebred, must include both sexes.
410-04-06 Commercial ewe lamb.
410-04-07 Commercial yearling ewe, born Sept. 1, 2009 - Dec. 31, 2010.
Meat Goat:
420-10-02 Meat Goat
Sheep/Meat Goat Showmanship - Ribbons Only
No entry cards needed for classes 410-10-27 through 410-10-31. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on grade
level in 2010-2011 school year.
410-10-27 Champion Junior Sheep Showman
410-10-29 Champion Intermediate Sheep Showman
410-10-31 Champion Senior Showman
Champion Junior Meat Goat Showman
Champion Intermediate Meat Goat Showman
Champion Senior Meat Goat Showman
BLUE- 4 units; RED- 3 units; WHITE- 2 units
Refer also to General Livestock rules.
Refer also to General Rules.
1. All market and derby hogs must have been ear tagged and weighed on March 5, 2011 at the 4H/FFA Swine Weigh-in to be
eligible to show at the Butler County Junior 4H/FFA Swine Show.
2. All swine exhibitors must be FSQA Certified in order to show at the Butler County Fair. All exhibitors must also have
appropriate COOL Affidavit forms filled out and MUST have Premise ID farm numbers. The following forms must be
submitted to the Butler County Extension Office by June 7, 2011 (a copy of each is in your fair packet bag):
 Livestock Entry Cards with exhibitor information and class numbers filled in (Swine eartag numbers may be
added at the time of fair check-in)
 Hormel Exhibitor Swine Affidavit (front and back completely filled in, signed, dated)
 Swine Owners Affidavit stating swine did not originate from a herd under quarantine
3. Swine exhibits should arrive at the fairgrounds between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 22.
4. Members should try not to bring hogs to the fair which weigh less than 220 lbs., as ALL HOGS MUST BE SENT TO
MARKET and light hogs are difficult to market. Hogs weighing less than 220 lbs. will not be eligible for champion or
reserve champion honors in the carcass contest.
5. Each exhibitor must designate before weigh-in on June 22 which hogs will be individuals, pen of 3, carcass and derby.
6. Exhibitors are allowed to enter a maximum of two pens of three market hogs, four market individuals and three Derby
7. The four market individuals may be selected from the pen of three or from other duly enrolled hogs listed on the Swine
Identification Sheet filed in the Extension office, but NOT from the pen of Derby hogs.
8. Members exhibiting market hogs in the Individual Market Hog and Pen of Three classes will sell their hogs to market and
will designate ONE animal per exhibitor as their carcass hog. This hog will compete in the Carcass Contest (class 450-10-30)
for the following premium: 1st) 8 units + ribbon; 2nd) 6 units + ribbon; 3rd) 4 units + ribbon; 4th) 2 units + ribbon; 5th thru
10th) - ribbon only. Scanning will be limited to derby hogs and one carcass hog per exhibitor.
Judging starts Thursday morning, June 23 at 8:30 a.m.
10. Derby hogs will be shown in classes divided by beginning weight in March. Live champion derby hog will compete for
overall champion individual.
11. RATE-OF-GAIN CONTEST: All hogs shown at the Butler County Junior Fair will automatically be entered in the
Rate-of-Gain contest (109 days on test). Premium: 1st) 10 units + ribbon; 2nd) 8 units + ribbon; 3rd) 6 units + ribbon; 4th)
4 units + ribbon; 5th) 2 units + ribbon; 6th thru 10th) - ribbon only.
12. Courtesy Rule: A maximum of two wash pens per family can be used at one time to wash livestock at fair. No feed or
bedding are allowed in wash area.
13. Swine will remain on the fair grounds after the swine show. All swine pens must be cleaned out on Friday, June 24th by
1:30 p.m to provide a clean atmosphere for fairgoers. Hogs will be sold on Sunday, June 26 or when scheduled by packer.
After hogs have been loaded on the semi for market Sunday afternoon each exhibitor is again required to clean their swine
pens into the alleys and may proceed with this procedure immediately upon loading the hogs on the truck. (Swine area only—
area will be gated). Clean-up measures must be completed and failure to comply will result in forfeiting premium.
Showmanship - Ribbons Only
No entry cards needed for classes 450-25-01 through 450-25-05. Member must show his/her own animal. Age is based on
grade level in 2010-2011 school year.
450-25-01 Champion Junior Showman
450-25-03 Champion Intermediate Showman
450-25-05 Champion Senior Showman
(Note: One entry card must be completed for EACH hog in this class.)
(Up to three entry cards may be used)
450-10-01 Derby Hogs - limit of three per exhibitor.
automatically entered in the rate-of-gain contest.
All derby hogs are shown only in the derby contest, but are
(Note: Exhibitors should complete one entry card for each individual pig and
only one entry card for pen of three.)
450-10-04 Individual Market Hog - limit 4 per exhibitor; suggest exhibitor bring hogs weighing 220 lbs. minimum.
Pen of Three Market Hogs - limit two pens per exhibitor. Suggest exhibitor bring hogs weighing 220 lbs.
JUDGING SCHEDULE, Tuesday - JUNE 21, 2011
For both boys and girls in Animals, Ag & Natural Resources, Creative Arts, Family & Consumer Sciences, Personal Development,
Science, Engineering & Technology, and Poster Art Communication projects
----------------------------FOR ALL PROJECTS:
8:15 – 8:30
Judges Orientation
Leaders Helping: Margaret, Deb, Lucille, Sandy, Ruth
8:30 – 8:30
Janice, Teresa, Olivia, Sarah
9:00 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:00
County Council Helping: Cole, Melissa, Carissa K, Ty,
10:00 – 10:30
Tiffany C, Taylor
10:30 – 11:00
West Point/Jefferson
11:00 – 11:30
Conflicts with above schedule
11:30 – 12:30
12:30 – 1:00
Leaders Helping: Mavis, Kerri, Jessica, Sharon, Kim,
1:00 – 1:30
Melissa, Sue, Carolyn, Kristin, Shelly
1:30 - 2:00
Shell Rock
2:00 – 2:30
Golden Eagles
County Council Helping: Jodie, Tiffany A, Inga,
2:30 - 3:00
Conflicts with above schedule
Katelyn, Carissa S, Andrea
NOTE: Judges will judge one major project in each of the areas. If a member has exhibits in three different project areas, for instance,
they will need to go to three different judges. This will enable exhibits in a project area to be more uniformly judged.
Division II - NON-LIVESTOCK 4-H EXHIBITS, Elements & Principles
See also GENERAL RULES (page 3)
1. Divisions will be: Little Clover - youth grade K-3; Junior - youth in grades 4, 5, & 6; Intermediate - youth in grades 7 & 8;
Senior - youth in grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 (all grades as of ‘10 - ‘11 school year).
2. All exhibits must be entered and in place by 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 21 and must be removed beginning at 4:00 p.m. and before
5:00 p.m. Sunday, June 26. Exhibits not removed between 4:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. on June 26 will forfeit premium. Arrangements
should be made with friends to have exhibits picked up if you are unable to do so.
3. Each individual member must be responsible to check in their exhibits at the Youth Building on June 21, and take their exhibits to
the appropriate judge. After judging, exhibits are to be taken to the Ribbon Table in the Youth Building so ribbons can be attached.
Members then take their exhibits to the designated club areas in the Youth Building for display where they are required to stay until
check-out time on Sunday.
4. CONFERENCE JUDGING BEGINS AT 8:30 A.M. June 21 (see schedule). Exhibits are to be brought for judging by the member
who made the exhibit. A 4-H or FFA member will be permitted to have his or her projects shown at the fair by some other eligible
Butler County 4-H’er or FFA member if she or he is participating in the Youth for Understanding, American Field Service, State 4-H
activity, church out-of-state activities, hospitalization or other deserving programs as determined by the County 4-H & Youth
Advisory Committee, providing all fair projects that can be are completed by the member before leaving. The request for permission
to do so is to be made in writing to the members of the County 4-H & Youth Advisory Committee and is subject to approval by the
Committee. If a member is not available, they must have written statement indicating reason. Also, when the 4-H’er is absent, writeups are required answering the three conference judging questions below in detail. Little Clovers will go to a special judge and
receive participation ribbons.
NOTE on CONFERENCE JUDGING -- Questions that will be asked in the conference judging experience include: 1)
What was your goal? 2) What were the most important things you learned; 3) How did you learn it?
5. Attention: Expressive Arts/Visual Arts, Clothing, Home Improvement classes: Special Rule: Art elements and principles
of design are the foundation of design whether putting together fabrics for clothing and quilts, selecting furnishings for a room, or
creating a drawing. Design elements are line, shape, form, color, and texture. Design principles are balance, proportion, rhythm,
emphasis, and unity. When application of design elements and art principles must be explained, the following guidelines shall be
a. Members in grades 4-6 are responsible for using a minimum of one design elements within their exhibit.
b. Members in grades 7-8 are responsible for using a minimum of two design elements within their exhibit.
Youth must explain how the specified element/s is used in the exhibit. While not evaluated or given a higher ribbon placing for using
more than required, youth may discuss additional elements used in the exhibit.
c. Members in grades 9-10 are responsible for using a minimum of one art principle and the element or elements used in the
selected principle.
d. Members in grade 11-12 are responsible for using a minimum of two art principles and the elements used in the selected
Youth must explain how the element or elements are used to illustrate the selected principle. See “Design Elements and Art
Principles” for a more detailed explanation. While not evaluated or given a higher ribbon placing for using more than required
principle, youth may discuss additional principles and corresponding elements used in the exhibit. The gold card will no longer be
used to discuss Design Elements and Art Principles. They are to be included as part of your “things you’ve learned and how you’ve
learn it”.
6. There is no limit on the number of entries per member in each non-livestock class, with the exception of Photography.
Photography has a limit of 10 entries.
7. Each article exhibited must be the work of an active 4-H member done after fair June 2010 and member must be enrolled in the
project during the current 4H year. (Oct. 2010 to Sept., 2011)
8. All entries must be properly tagged & tags securely fastened BEFORE arrival at fair grounds.
9. All parts of each exhibit are to be labeled with member’s name, age, club name and class number.
10. A youth's exhibits are eligible for State Fair if member is in 5th grade or above as of ‘10-’11 school year. If selected to go to State
Fair, articles that are larger than what will fit in a car are the EXHIBITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY to get to and from the State Fair.
11. Because Junior division (grade 4 as of ‘10 -’11 school year) exhibits are not eligible for State Fair, exceptional quality exhibits
will receive an "Outstanding Junior Exhibit" ribbon.
12. Display box dimensions are not to exceed 10"x 12"x 14" for Foods section and 28"x 22" height/width and 12" in depth for other
13. Poster and banner dimensions are not to exceed 22" x 28", except poster art which must be 14” x 22”.
14. Chart or graph boards and model displays etc. are not to exceed 4'x 4' in size. Size is determined by measuring the flat (unfolded)
15. When an explanation is requested, the intent is that it be brief. It can be shared using file card, paper, poster or audio cassette*,
unless otherwise stated. ( * )Exhibitor must provide equipment to hear it.
16. Establishing criteria for school involvement in the 4-H project:
- The design must be by the 4-H'er.
- The work must be done predominately by the 4-H'er.
- The 4-H'er must be intending that the project be predominately a 4-H project, and constructed and
designed to meet his/her 4-H objectives.
- The item can be a class project.
- The 4-H'er must be enrolled in the appropriate 4-H project.
- If questions arise, contact the Extension Staff.
17. Noxious weeds, endangered or threatened wild flowers, nests and small songbird feathers should NOT be used in any exhibit.
Pheasant, duck goose and quail feathers, "legally taken" are acceptable.
Noxious weeds include: Canada Thistle, Bull Thistle, Musk Thistle, Buckthorn, Field Bindweed (Creeping Jenny), Hoary Cress,
Horsenettle, Leafy Spurge, Cocklebur, Wild Sunflower, Curled (Sour) Dock, Perennial Sowthistle, Quackgrass, Russian Knopweed,
Tall Thistle, Buckhorn Plantain, Velvetleaf (Buttonweed, Butterprint), Wild Carrot, Wild Mustard.
18. Original use by a 4-H’er of copyright materials may not be used in 4-H exhibits. A copyright design is not allowable
because in the fair setting the exhibit is on public display and that infringes on copyright laws. Exhibits that do not comply
with size guidelines, copyright, and/or safety procedures will not be accepted for entry, evaluation, or display at the Butler
County Fair. Exhibitors must include permission from the copyright holder/owner when using copyrighted materials. See
sample letter for copyright/trademark use at the end of the 4H part of the the fairbook.
19. Premium will be paid in the following manner in the Child Development, Clothing, Food and Nutrition, Home Improvement,
Visual Arts, Issues, Poster Art, Personal Development, Mechanical & Engineering, Agriculture and Natural Resource exhibits: Blue
ribbon = $1.00; Red ribbon = $.75; White ribbon = $.50
If you plan exhibiting in either Home Improvement or Visual Art, you will need to know information on design elements and art
principles. Some clothing exhibits need this also. For the County Fair you will need to be able to talk to the judge about what
elements or principles apply to your exhibit. If your exhibit is selected for the Iowa State Fair, you will need to include
information about which design elements and art principles are in your exhibit when you do your write up.
Design Elements:
Color – describe in terms of hue (the color’s name), value (lightness or darkness of the color), & intensity (brightness or
dullness of color).
Line – shows direction, leads the eye, outlines an object, divides space, communicates a feeling or mood (straight, curved,
thick, thin, horizontal, vertical, diagonal)
Shape – when lines connect (square, circle, triangle, diamond, rectangle, oval)
Space – this is the actual space an object occupies – the background, which is sometimes called negative space
Texture – the smoothness or roughness of the surface
Art Principles:
Balance – Formal (created when each side of a design is the same) & Informal (created when one side is different from the
Emphasis – attracts your eye to the most important part of the design
Proportion – the relationship of object size to each other
Rhythm – forms a path the eye follows
Unity – when a design is complete – all parts belong together
Non-Livestock Division Classes
Section 5 – Animals
Animal Science – An exhibit (other than the animal itself) that shows the learning about a large or small
animal including beef, dairy cattle, dairy goats, dogs, horse & pony, meat goats, pets, poultry, rabbits, sheep
and swine. Ownership of the animal is not required.
Veterinary Science – An exhibit that shows learning about keeping animals healthy.
Section 6 – Agriculture and Natural Resources
510- 05-30
Crop Production – An exhibit that shows learning about the growth, use, and value of field crops.
Environment and Sustainability – An exhibit that shows the connections between humans and their
environment including energy, stewardship, conservation, entomology, fish and wildlife, or forestry. Includes
Horticulture – An exhibit that shows learning about the growth, use and value of plants, small fruits,
vegetable and flower gardens, and landscape design
Outdoor Adventures – An exhibit that shows learning about backpacking, biking, camping, canoeing,
fishing, hiking or other outdoor activities.
Safety and Education in Shooting Sports – An exhibit that shows learning about safe and
responsible use of firearms and archery equipment or wildlife management. (The exhibit may not include
actual firearms; archery equipment allowed if tips are removed from arrows).
Other Agriculture and Natural Resources – An exhibit that shows learning about agriculture or
natural resources and does not fit in any of the classes listed above.
Section 6 – Creative Arts
Music – an exhibit that shows learning about musical performance, composition and arrangements,
instruments, musical styles or history
Photography – an exhibit, either photo(s) or an educational display, that shows learning about photography
from choosing a camera to modifying your photo. Still photos only, not video.
1. Photography may be either black and white or color. They may be processed from negatives, slides, or
digital cameras and computer manipulation programs. Photographs must have been taken since the county
fair of the previous year.
2. Mounted photos can be (a) flush-mounted (no board showing) on mounting board, or (b)with mount borders
(window mat or flat mount directly on board). Exhibitors may cut their own mounting boards, use ready-cut
window mats or have matting done professionally. 4-H’ers are responsible for design decisions such as
border, color and size.
Framed photographs (including floating frames) will not be judged.
3. Non-mounted photos may be exhibited in a clear plastic covering.
4. A series is a group of photographs or slides (3 to 5) that are related or tell a step-by-step story. Photographs
must be mounted together in story order or sequence. Slides should be numbered.
5. Digitally altered photos should include a copy of the photo before changes.
6. Subject matter of photographs must be in good taste and be appropriate for public display in a 4H setting.
Visual Arts – An exhibit that shows learning through original art, exploration of an art technique, or study
of any other visual arts topics.
1. Exhibits made from kits or preformed molds will not be accepted. Exception: Preformed molds
(greenware, whiteware) may be used to provide the appropriate surface for a process technique or application
of original design.
2. If the exhibit is a finished art object, the source or inspiration of the design, design sketches, or other
process for creating the object and design must be included.
3. Original works of art must be a creative expression of a design unique to the artist, or represent a significant
modification to an existing design to make a new and original statement by the artist.
4. Exhibition of derivative works created by a 4-H’er is prohibited without the written permission of the
original copyright holder/owner. Use of copyrighted or trademarked designs, images, logos, or materials in
4-H visual art exhibit is prohibited unless written permission has been obtained from the copyright or
trademark holder/owner. For additional information, see 4-H Exhibit Copyright Information at
Section 7 – Family & Consumer Sciences
Child Development – An exhibit that shows learning about children. Examples: child care, growth and
development, safety and health, children with special needs, and careers in child development
Clothing and Fashion – An exhibit that shows learning about style, fashion, design, thrifty spending,
wardrobe planning, types of fabrics, and clothing care. Exhibits may include constructed or purchased clothing
and accessories.
Sewing and Needle Arts – An exhibit that shows learning and skill in sewing, knitting, crocheting, or
other needle arts, the use and care of fabrics and fibers, or the construction of clothing and other items.
Consumer Management – An exhibit that shows learning through savvy budgeting, comparison
shopping, money management, and consumer rights and responsibilities.
Food & Nutrition – An exhibit that shows learning through cooking, baking, eating, and choosing healthy
foods, including safety practices. Exhibits may include prepared products or educational displays.
See also 4H 3023 “Inappropriate Food Exhibits for Iowa 4-H Fairs” for additional information regarding
prepared and preserved food products.
1. Any exhibit considered to be a food safety risk or portray a food safety risk will not be accepted,
judged or displayed.
2. All food products/exhibits should be appropriate for human consumption.
3. Food product exhibits must be prepared, baked or cooked using only food grade utensils and
4. Products that require refrigeration will not be accepted, judged or displayed.
5. Meat jerky products are prohibited.
6. The recipe must be included for any prepared food exhibit; credit the source of the recipe.
7. Preserved foods must include the Food Preservation Exhibit Label. Only food processed after
August 1, 2010 is acceptable. Current USDA and/or Iowa State University guidelines for home food
preservation must be used.
8. Preserved food exhibits must include two product samples. One will be opened for evaluation and
discarded; the second will be placed on display and returned to the exhibitor. All perishable food
products will be discarded when removed from display.
9. Prepared foods should be placed on a firm disposable plate or flat cardboard. Place food product
exhibit in a reclosable plastic bag with entry tag fastened outside the bag. Include 5-6 cookies, bars,
muffins, 1 cake, or loaf of bread.
10. The use of alcoholic beverages in the preparation or production of 4-H food exhibits is NOT
Health – An exhibit that shows learning through food choices, safe activities and skills such as first aid and
CPR, careers, and healthy lifestyle choices.
Home Improvement – An exhibit that shows learning in planning, improving and caring for your home
living space. Exhibits may include new or refinished/reclaimed/restored items.
Other Family and Consumer Science – An exhibit that demonstrates learning about a family and
consumer science topic that does not fit any previous Family & Consumer Science class listed above.
Section 8 – Personal Development
Citizenship – An exhibit that shows learning about or contributing to your community, your country or your
Communication – An exhibit that shows learning about written, oral, and visual communication skills in
their many forms.
Leadership – An exhibit that shows learning about leadership skills and influencing others in a positive
Self-Determined – An exhibit that shows learning as part of your 4-H adventure and does not fit any other
Section 9 – Science, Engineering and Technology
Digital Storytelling – Any exhibit that demonstrates the application of technology to produce a creative
movie/film/video. Exhibits may include a finished movie or video, creation of a detailed storyboard, editing
techniques using digital video software, production techniques, or other display to share what was learned.
Copyright permission must be obtained for any non-original material included as part of a film/movie/video.
Mechanics – Any exhibit that shows skills or learning in automotive, electrical, small and large engines,
tractors, welding, and restoration.
Woodworking – Any exhibit that shows learning about wood, woodworking techniques, and safe uses of
woodworking tools and machines. Exhibits may include newly constructed or refinished/reclaimed/restored
wood items.
Science, Engineering & Technology – Any exhibit that shows learning about or helps explain how
science and technology help us interact with the world. Topics include aerospace, biological and chemical
sciences, computers & networking, earth and climate, geospatial mapping (GPS/GIS), robotics, or any other
application of Science, Engineering, or Technology.
Section 10 – Poster Communications
4-H Poster Communication Exhibit
1. Only one poster per 4-H’er may be entered.
2. All posters must be designed on, or affixed to, standard poster board or foam core board – size
minimum of 14” x 20” or maximum of 15” x 22”. Posters may be vertical or horizontal. Posters may
be any medium: watercolor, ink, crayon, acrylic, charcoal, oils, collage.
4. Posters CANNOT be 3-dimensional. Materials used to make the poster may NOT extend more
than 1/8” above the poster or foam core board.
5. Each poster MUST have the completed Poster Communication Exhibit Report Form attached to
the back (available in your fair packet or at the Extension Office)
5. Posters CANNOT use copyrighted material or exact copies of other promotional designs, such as
the Iowa 4-H Youth Conference theme logo.
6. 4-H’ers may include the 4-H clover in the poster.
7. The themes for “Communicating Through 4-H Posters” are:
a. 4-H is …… (open to 4-H’er’s interpretation)
b. Join 4-H
c. Aiming for Adventure (2011 Iowa 4-H Youth Conference theme)
d. Nothing Compares (2011 Iowa State Fair theme)
Section 11 – Challenge Classes
(Not Eligible for Iowa State Fair)
Photography Challenge Class (Butler County in Pictures)
1. No goal sheets needed.
2. Any 4-H’er is eligible to enter.
2. All photos submitted must be taken in Butler County after June 2010.
3. Photos must be black/white
4. Photos won’t be returned.
5. Captions must be included telling where photo was taken and limited to 75 words or less.
6. Photos will be judged (but not conference judged) on Tuesday, June 21
7. Members may bring two Photography Challenge photos.
8. Blue, red, white ribbons will be awarded and premium will be given. Little Clovers will receive
Participation Ribbons
Food & Nutrition Challenge Class (Snickerdoodles)
1. No goal sheets needed.
2. Any 4-H’er is eligible to enter.
3. Members may enter only one exhibit.
4. Entry cookies (3 cookies) should be on firm paper plate or cardboard labeled with entry tag. Place
in plastic bag.
5. Entries will be judged (but not be conference judged) on Tuesday, June 21
6. Purpose of this class is to use the recipe below – make, bake and present your best product.
7. Blue, red, white ribbons will be awarded and premium will be given. Little Clovers will receive
Participation Ribbons
Use only the recipe below:
1 ½ cups sugar
½ cups butter, softened
½ cup shortening
2 eggs
2 ¾ cups flour
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
Directions: Heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix sugar, butter, shortening, and eggs in a large
bowl. When thoroughly mixed, stir in flour, cream of tarter, baking soda and salt. Shape
dough by rounded teaspoonful into balls. Mix 3 tablespoons sugar and 1 tablespoon
ground cinnamon and roll the balls in mixture. Place 2” apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 8-10 minutes or until set. Immediately remove from cookie sheet. Cool completely.
Makes 4 dozen.
Horticulture Challenge Class (Container Garden)
No goal sheet needed.
Member must start with wooden box between 10-15 inches square.
Add at least 5-6 small plants suitable for space limitations.
Add garden accessories, at least 3 to enhance garden.
Any member is eligible to enter.
Gardens will be judged (but not conference judged) on Tuesday, June 21
Blue, red & white ribbons will be awarded and premium will be given. Little Clovers will
receive participation ribbons.
Duct Tape Creations Challenge Class
1. Open to all 4-H’ers
2. Limit of one entry per person
3. Entries must be brought in Tuesday, June 21
4. Make something out of duct tape. NO other materials may be used. The item can be a belt, bag,
dress, or anything else made out of duct tape. Use your imagination!
5. No goal sheet is needed. Class will be judged on creativity, workmanship, appearance, and
6. Class will be judged (but not conference judged) on Tuesday, June 21.
7. Blue, red & white ribbons will be awarded and premium will be given. Little Clovers will receive
participation ribbons.
Poster Challenge Class
Open to all 4-H’ers
Poster must be 14” x 20”
Cannot be 3-dimensional.
No label needed/no goal sheet needed.
Must be on theme “Join 4-H”
Poster will not be returned
Poster will be judged (but not conference judged) on Tuesday, June 21
Blue, red & white ribbons will be awarded and premium will be given. Little Clovers will
receive participation ribbons only.
Sample Letter for Copyright/Trademark Use
City, State, Zip
To Copyright Holder
Street Address or Box No.
City, State, Zip
Dear Copyright Holder:
I am a 4-H member in ______________ County, Iowa. 4-H is a non-formal youth education program
connected with Iowa State University Extension. I am learning about _____________ (drawing,
sculpting, welding, quilting, etc.) in my 4-H activities.
I would like permission to use ____________ (your logo, trademark, copyrighted ad, painting, etc.) in
my _______________-(watercolor, pencil sketch, pottery, quilt, woodworking, etc.) item.
Materials to be used: (your logo, trademark, copyrighted ad, painting, etc)
Taken from: (sports item, tractor, packaging container, magazine, or book, including publisher, date,
page, etc.)
My finished item may be exhibited at the Butler County Fair and Iowa State Fair in the 4-H (visual
arts, etc.) show. This item will not be sold or reproduced for profit.
Please sign both copies of this form as provided below and return one to me in the self-addressed
envelope enclosed. If you have any additional conditions of use, please include at the bottom of this
If you are ot the holder of these rights, please advise me the name and address of the party I should
4-H’ers Name typed below signature
___ Permission is granted as stated above.
Printed Name
_____ Permission is not granted.
The credit line should read: ___________________________________________________________