I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E Unit Plan Template - NSW Unit Author First and Last Name: Katy Lumkin Region: Liverpool School Name: Liverpool Girl’s High School School City, State: Sydney, NSW If your Unit Portfolio is chosen to be uploaded to the Intel® Teach to the Future database, do you want your name displayed as the author? □ Yes □ No Unit Overview Unit Plan Title: What is change? Syllabus Outcomes This syllabus provides various approaches to understanding how images and objects are identified, created, categorised, interpreted, valued and made use of as works within the visual arts by individuals, societies and cultures. It is concerned with developing students’ abilities to make and study images and objects which have a range of meanings and purposes. These approaches encourage students to understand the works they make, and those of others, in terms of: • the deeply felt subjective experiences of individuals involved in making and responding to works, • cultural values and social meanings, • communicative value made possible by the use of symbols • meanings which may be possible when works re-contextualise other works. Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question: What is change? Unit Questions: What is metamorphosis and change? What artworks use metamorphosis and change as a theme? Content Questions: How, what, when and why is camouflage, decay/deterioration, transformation part of the change process? How do I use plan, research and present? What is a critique or evaluation? How do I write a critique on artworks for an exhibition that show change? What style of writing would I have to use for this brochure that is both informative but also an analysis? (higher order thinking). How do I implement the conceptual framework in my critique? (artist, artwork, world and audience) in my website. Unit Summary In this unit of work students will explore the concept of change by brainstorming and mind-mapping. They will research how artworks use metamorphosis and change as theme from a recommended list of artists and artworks. Students will produce a Power point presentation demonstrating information found from their research. © 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E Students will then further develop this into a critique on artworks for an exhibition on “Metamorphosis and Change” at a gallery in the form of a brochure. Students will research and provide a case-study on three artists and their artworks and create a website called “Framing the Artist” detailing art practice and a brief biography of the chosen artists. They will observe, discuss, analyse, and make critical judgments about artistic works. Teaching and Learning Strategies Bloom’s Taxonomy/Group Work Group Work Professional Learning Need more professional learning on designing rubrics specific to tasks. Year Level(s) Year 9 Visual Arts Special needs such as: Gifted, ESL Extension work for Gifted students in the form of investigation and research. ESL students will benefit by practising organisation of information and publishing the written word. Students with high needs will need structure and guided instructions when using programs such as Publisher and Power point. Smaller groups will need to be organised when going through these programs. Key Learning/Subject Areas Creative Arts/Visual Arts Procedures: Brainstorming and mind-mapping on what is change. From a given list of artists and artworks students compile resources for from the web, Encarta and reference books Compile resources from each program (Power Point/Publisher) eg. Sounds, animated gifs, images. Use storyboard design templates for compiling and sequencing slides for both Power Point and Web Site presentations. Use Power Point presentation to show students how to use the programs Teacher demonstrations to small groups and whole class on the use of programs. Evaluations and reflections from students and teacher. Approximate time needed: 10 weeks duration (10 x 70 minutes lessons) Prerequisite Skills: Conceptual Framework- artist/artwork/world/audience Frames: subjective, cultural, structural, post-modern Evaluations and Critiques Materials and Resources Technology - Hardware © 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E Camera Printer Video Camera Computer(s) Datashow Projector Digital camera Scanner DVD player Television/Averkey Internet connection Technology - Software CD-ROMs Database/spreadsheet Internet Web Browser Word processing Desktop Publishing Multimedia email software Animation software Printed Materials: textbooks, story books, manuals, reference materials etc. Supplies: Things that have to be ordered or gathered to implement your Unit Internet Resources: Works Cited Template – MLA Format Swinglehurst, Edmund The Art of the Surrealists Sydney Australia: The Book Company 1995. Craig, Diana. The Life and Works of Archimboldo Great Britain: Paragon Book Service Limited 1996. Harris, Nathaniel The Life and Works of Dali Book Service Limited 1994. Chees, Broos, Slade et al. In the Picture- Framing the Visual Arts Australia: Oxford University Press 1996. M.C. Escher – Works of Art London: Leopard Books – Random House 1994. “Monarch Butterfly Metamorphosis.” Metamorphosis. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 2001. Works Cited Escher’s Metamorphosis. < www.insite.com.br/rodrigo/images/ escher/metamorphosis.html >. Biography of M.C. Escher <http://www.mcescher.com/Biography/biography.html>. Dali Prints 8. < http://a-prints.com/d/dali8.shtml>. Archimboldo - Like Vegetable Faces <http://www.ashland.com/education/lesson_plans/week37.html>. Others: Excursion to the Australian Museum/ Taronga Zoo/Art Gallery of NSW Accommodations for Differentiated Learning Students with Special Needs: modified requirements, differentiated instruction and assessment, extended work time, guiding templates, support structures, and personnel. English as a Second Language (ESL) Student: Appropriate resources including Internet sites; a variety of ways available to demonstrate their learning, support personnel, help of peers Gifted Student: more challenging tasks, extended investigation in related topics of the learner’s choice, open-ended tasks or projects that allow for deeper analysis and evaluation of issues. Student Assessment: Refer to Rubrics and Self-Reflection Sheets designed for Power Point/ Web/Brochure Key Word Search: change, camouflage, metamorphosis, simulated textures, photomontage, grotesque, chaos, incongruous, symbol, Surrealism © 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E © Copyright NSW Department of Education and Training 2003. © 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE