European Training Foundation
Teachers and Trainers in Vocational Education and
Training in the Future Member States
A joint conference of the European Training Foundation, Cedefop
and the Danish Ministry of Education
Hotel Hvide Hus
Aalborg, 21st – 22nd November 2002
Programme Thursday 21st November 2002
Plenary session
Venue: Hotel Hvide Hus
Vesterbro, 2
DK – 9000, Aalborg
8:30 – 9:00
Registration of participants
Chairperson: Anne E. Jensen, Member of European Parliament
9:00 – 9:30
Welcome addresses
Torben Kornbech Rasmussen, director, International Unit, Ministry of
Education, Denmark
Stavros Stavrou, Deputy Director, Cedefop
Peter de Rooij, Director, European Training Foundation
A. “Teachers and Trainers in an enlarged European Union”
9:30 – 9:50
Future objectives of education and training systems in Europe
Eleni Spachis, European Commission, DG Education and Culture
9:50 – 10:30
Teachers and Trainers in the European Union: challenges and priorities
Misia Coghlan, Eurydice
Training professions, new stakes, new practices
Anne de Blignières, Professor, Université Paris-Dauphine
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:20
The TTnet Network
Mara Brugia, Cedefop, TTnet co-ordinator
11:20 – 11:40
Teachers and Trainers in the Future Member States – An overview
Henrik Faudel, European Training Foundation
11:40 – 12:00
Q&A session
B. “An example of TTT reform in the Future Member States”
12:00 – 12:40
From a pilot project to a national strategy for TTT: and example from
Latvia and Lithuania
Inta Vadone, Ministry of Education and Science, Latvia
Kestutis Pukelis, Vytautas Magnus University; Lithuania
12:40 – 13:00
Q & A session
Programme Thursday 21st November 2002
C. “Workshop Discussion”
14:30 – 17:00
Interpretation provided
Theme 1 “Skills and Qualifications for Teachers and Trainers”
Facilitator: Anna Gammaldi, TTnet Italy
The Fento-standard and the NVQ in the United Kingdom
Stuart Bradley, TTnet UK
A National Standard
Asta Pundziene, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Consultation-based joint skills analysis in schools
Susanne Gottlieb, The Danish Institute for Education and
Training of Vocational Teachers, Denmark
Marta Alves, TTnet Portugal
Emil Paun, Romania
14:30 – 17:00
Theme 2 “Teacher and Trainer Training systems and quality”
Facilitator: Eddy Donders, TTnet Belgium
Comparative presentation between Denmark, Germany,
Søren Nielsen, European Training Foundation
The role of school based staff development in teacher training
George Zachariades and Ioannis Zenios, Cyprus
The Turkish VET teacher training system and future changes
Aydyn Özyar, Turkey
Claudia Montedoro, TTnet Italy
Juraj Vantuch, Slovak Republic
Programme Thursday 21st November 2002
14:30 – 17:00
Theme 3 “Developing skills for knowledge society including
ICT: the role of teachers and trainers”
Facilitator: Peter van Shijndel, TTnet Netherlands
eLearning – teachers and trainers
David Gray, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
ICT in education – the role of teachers and trainers
Joze Rugelj, Slovenia
Qualifying teachers for IT based learning programmes and the
IT class room
Jesper Laustsen, Aalborg Technical College, Denmark
Françoise Gérard, TTnet France
Pavel Petrovic, Czech Republic
14:30 – 17:00
Theme 4 “Teacher career opportunities”
Facilitator: Tamàs Köpeczi-Bòcz, Hungary
How to attract and retain good teachers
Ronald Sultana, Malta
Professionalisation of the VET teachers
Pia Cort, TTnet Denmark and Auli Härkonen, TTnet Finland
How to attract young people to the teaching profession
Hans Kasper Kivilo, Estonia
Ken Marsh, TTnet United Kingdom
Anita Lanka, Latvia
17:00 – 17:15
Coffee Break
Plenary Session
17:15 – 17:45
Chairperson: Mr Stavros Stavrou, Deputy Director Cedefop
Reports from the workshops and conclusions
Dinner at Hotel Hvide Hus
Programme Friday 22nd November 2002
Plenary session
D. “Teachers and trainers in Denmark, visit to Aalborg Technical College”
Departure from Hotel Hvide Hus by bus
9:15 – 9:45
Chairperson: Karl-Axel Skjolstrup, Aalborg Technical College, Denmark
Welcome and Presentation of Aalborg Technical College
The Danish vocational education and training model
Recruitment, pedagogical development strategies, resources and TT planning
at Aalborg Technical College
Michael Johansen, Vice Director, Aalborg Technical College
9:45 – 10:15
Initial teacher training
Theoretical practical training and assessment
Jette Harrebye, The Danish Institute for Education Training and Vocational Teachers
Practical pedagogical training at the college
Gerda Mariager, Aalborg Technical College
10:15 – 10:45
Continuing teacher training
Pedagogical strategic planning organisation of continuing and in-service TT. A
practical example from the Craft & Technology Department
Niels Kjeldsen, Head of department, Aalborg Technical College
10:45 – 11:15
Reform of the VET sytem
The role of the Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational
Teachers: central planning and implementation
Jette Harrebye, The Danish Institute for Education Training and Vocational Teachers
Planning and Implementation at college level
Michael Johansen, Vice Director, Aalborg Technical College
From definition of needed pedagogical competencies to practical
implementation: An example from the Technology and Communication
Gerda Mariager, Aalborg Technical College
11:15 – 11:30
Coffee Break
Programme Friday 22nd November 2002
11:30 – 12:30
A tour of the college in three groups
An ICT based open learning centre
The project based learning model
The IT integrator department
Return to Hotel Hvide Hus by bus
12:45 – 14:00
Lunch break
Plenary Session
E. “The integration of the Future Member States into TTnet activities”
Chairperson: Mr Peter de Rooij, Director, European Training Foundation
14:00 – 14:20
Mara Brugia, TTnet Co-ordinator, Cedefop
14:20 – 16:00
Working groups, parallel workshops
Group one: Françoise Gérard, TTnet France
With interpretation
Group two: Ken Marsh, TTnet United Kingdom
Group three: Claudia Montedoro, TTnet Italy
Group four: Auli Härkönen, TTnet Finland
16:00 – 16:15
Coffee Break
16:15 – 17:15
The extension of the TTnet Network: the way forward
 Conclusions from workshops Françoise Gérard, Ken Marsh, Claudia
Montedoro, Auli Härkönen
 Discussion and synopsis
17:15 – 17:45
Final conclusions
Stavros Stavrou, Deputy Director, Cedefop
Peter de Rooij, Director, European Training Foundation