aviation - School Curriculum and Standards Authority

Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Syllabus review
Once a course syllabus has been accredited by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, the implementation of that syllabus will
be monitored by the Course Advisory Committee. This committee can advise the Board of the Authority about any need for syllabus
review. Syllabus change deemed to be minor requires schools to be notified of the change at least six months before implementation.
Major syllabus change requires schools to be notified 18 months before implementation. Formal processes of syllabus review and
requisite reaccreditation will apply.
Other sources of information
The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Manual contains essential information on assessment, moderation and
examinations that need to be read in conjunction with this course.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority website www.scsa.wa.edu.au and extranet provides support materials including sample
programs, course outlines, assessment outlines, assessment tasks with marking keys, past WACE examinations with marking keys,
grade descriptions with annotated student work samples and standards guides.
WACE providers
Throughout this document the term ‘school’ is intended to include both schools and other WACE providers.
This document may be subject to minor updates. Users who download and print copies of this document are responsible for checking
for updates. Advice about any changes made to the document is provided through the Authority communication processes.
© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2007.
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Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Aviation involves flying by mechanical means,
especially with heavier-than-air craft. The study of
aviation therefore encompasses the application of
skills and understandings about the nature of the
atmosphere, aerodynamics and the systems and
structures designed to achieve safe and efficient
Aviation has transformed the world in which we live.
Efficient and reliable air transport has changed the
way people travel, work, communicate and relate to
each other. Simultaneously, developments in military
aviation and aerospace technology have redefined
approaches to national and international security.
Aviation contributes significantly to the global
economy and both directly and indirectly affects the
lives of all the world's citizens. The nature and scope
of aviation is constantly changing, driven by major
developments in technology, science, education and
economics. In Australia, aviation has been
fundamental to overcoming problems associated
with the country’s physical size and population
The Aviation course draws from such diverse
disciplines as Science, Engineering, Environmental
Science, Social Science, Mathematics, English and
Information Technology. It encompasses a range of
concepts and draws together a broad variety of
skills, processes, understandings and strategies that
promote the safe and effective operations of the
aviation industry. The Aviation course provides
students with the opportunity to investigate the
importance of aviation to our society and learn the
skills and knowledge needed to make informed
decisions on issues relating to aviation and
associated industries.
The Aviation course is designed to stimulate and
foster intellectual curiosity and promote logical and
analytical thinking. It aims to equip students to
become informed citizens, able to participate in
discussions about challenging technological, social
and environmental issues. It enables them to
achieve their own potential in all aspects of aviation
and encourages them to achieve their personal best
in all undertakings, and to respect the achievement
of others.
The Aviation course caters for the learning needs of
all students, from those seeking a career in aviation,
science or engineering, to others pursuing an avid
interest in the subject. Achievement of the course
outcomes may be used by students in the selection
process for university and TAFEWA colleges.
Students undertaking relevant Vocational Education
and Training (VET) programs may use evidence of
their achievement of competencies toward
recognition of achievement of related course
The course also caters for students who do not wish
to pursue further studies beyond Year 12. Course
content is sufficiently diverse to provide students
with the necessary foundation to meet employment
needs in a range of occupations not limited to the
aviation industry.
Course outcomes
The Aviation course is designed to facilitate the
achievement of four outcomes.
Outcome 1: Aviation systems
interactions between aviation systems.
In achieving this outcome, students:
 understand the components of aviation systems;
 understand the interactions between aviation
Outcome 2: Aviation operations
Students apply processes to plan aviation
In achieving this outcome, students:
 collect, organise and interpret operational
information; and
 plan aviation operations.
Outcome 3: Aviation applications
Students apply a range of skills and processes to
perform specific aviation operations.
In achieving this outcome, students:
 apply
communication skills and processes appropriate
to aviation operations;
 monitor and evaluate variables in aviation
systems; and
 implement a course of action and manage
Outcome 4: Aviation development
Students understand the influences on aviation
developments and their impact on society.
In achieving this outcome, students:
 understand significant aviation developments
and their impact on society; and
 understand that significant aviation development
is influenced by the needs of society.
Course content
The course content is the focus of the learning
It is highly recommended that students studying
Stage 3 have completed Units 2A and 2B.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The course content is divided into four content
 aerodynamics
 performance and operation
 human factors
 aviation development.
Principles of flight
The nature of air as a fluid interacting with an aircraft
underpins the understandings of aerodynamics
(Bernoulli’s Principle, Newton’s Third Law of
Motion). Various factors affect the capacity to
generate and/or influence the aircraft lifting and
controlling forces (lift/drag formulae). The forces
acting on an aircraft or helicopter in all phases of
flight, including subsonic through to hypersonic
flight, turning, climbing, descending, cruise and
within space are explored, together with aircraft
controls and their effects in the air, on the ground
and in space, stability and instability of aircraft and
the ability of aircraft to manoeuvre.
Performance and operation
Since the first official powered flight in 1903, aircraft
have been powered by an array of different engines
ranging from the basic two-stroke reciprocating
engine to the supersonic combustion ramjet engine
(Scramjet). Knowledge of the basic structure,
principles of operation and operating procedures are
explored leading to a comprehensive understanding
of aircraft propulsion.
Aviation systems and structures
Aircraft range in size, type and complexity from
balloons, gliders and basic powered training
aeroplanes and helicopters to modern airliners and
sophisticated spacecraft. The physical structure and
design of aircraft must take account of the stresses
acting on an aircraft during every flight. Knowledge
of the evolution of aircraft systems and structures
leads to a clearer understanding of present design
and appreciation of future innovations.
Aircraft performance
The limiting effects of environmental conditions and
aircraft power factors are evaluated and applied to
the operation of the aircraft during ground movement
and throughout the flight. Aircraft limitations include
weight and balance of the aircraft through loading,
take-off and climb performance, altitude, endurance,
range and speed according to available engine
power and atmospheric conditions. A number of
processes are involved to select information
performance and operational data.
Aviation law
Aviation operations in Australia are governed by a
legislative framework that stems from association
with the International Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO). Knowledge of the structure of legislation and
other documents outlining aviation regulations and
requirements in Australia is examined. Rules and
regulations governing pilot operations are identified
and appropriate regulatory publications and
documents used to extract this information.
The fundamental function of aviation is to move
aircraft through the sky from one point to another in
Communication supports the safety of aircraft in the
air and on the ground. Understanding of basic
communication, interpretation of aviation charts and
forecasts, development of navigation processes and
techniques and applying meteorological influences,
and the development of correct use of radio
communication and phraseology, ensures safer
skies and airports.
Aviation skills
The following skills are developed progressively
across Stages 1 to 3:
Practical flight skills
 normal take-off and landing
 climb, descend, turns (Rate 1, 30, 45, 60
 use of flaps
 entry and recovery from power off stall
 interpretation of the Automatic Direction Finder
(ADF), VHF Omnidirectional Radio Beacons
(VOR), Instrument Landing System (ILS), Visual
Approach Slope Guidance System including TVASIS, VASIS and PAPI and Distance
Measuring Equipment (DME)
 homing using an ADF and identification of
Station Passage.
Process skills
 identify potential safety hazards
 communicate effectively with others in verbal or
written forms
 record observations verbally and graphically
 research and extract relevant information
 make reliable measurements and accurately
record data
 manipulate aviation navigation equipment to
derive information necessary to complete flight
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Human factors
Aviation safety
Aviation safety relates to the recognition of
responsibilities in operating and working with aircraft
and at airports. Knowing normal operational and
emergency procedures and processes and safety
management strategies protects lives in the aircraft
and on the ground. The provision of a secure
operational aviation environment, free from
deliberate interference due to sabotage or terrorism,
has become an area of increasing concern in both
commercial and military aviation. Lessons of safety
and security have been learnt from past incidents
and accidents. Case studies are used to identify
causal factors in aviation incidents and accidents,
and to investigate aviation occupational health and
safety (OSH) issues. Australia’s attitude towards
safety has proved outstanding. However, some parts
of the world have a less-stringent attitude toward
safety, resulting in aircraft losses and fatalities.
Human performance and resource management
The physical, psychological and emotional makeup
of the human organism places limitations on safe
human performance in aviation operations. This
strongly influences resource management in
aviation, including the effective use of human
resources, physical resources and information.
Resource management involves team strategies,
problem-solving strategies, clearly-defined tasks,
effective decision-making strategies, understanding
of culture within decision-making processes,
management, situational awareness and managing
workplace relations. Tools such as checklists are
utilised to self assess an operation and one’s ability
to perform it.
Aviation development
Aviation history and developmental influences
Many individual achievements and technological
developments have resulted in the rapid expansion
of the aviation industry. While early aviation was
driven by the desire to fly, subsequent advances in
technology have impacted significantly on aviation
development and our society. The recognition of the
achievements of pioneering individuals and an
understanding of the technological advancements in
aviation, provide an insight into the future trends of
air travel.
Course units
Each unit is defined with a particular focus and
suggested learning contexts through which the
specific unit content can be taught and learnt. The
cognitive difficulty of the content increases with each
stage. The pitch of the content for each stage is
notional and there will be overlap between stages.
Stage 1 units provide bridging support and a
practical and applied focus to help students develop
skills required to be successful for Stage 2 units.
Stage 2 units provide opportunities for applied
learning but there is a focus more on academic
Stage 3 units provide opportunities to extend
knowledge and understandings in challenging
academic learning contexts.
Unit 1AAVN
The focus for this unit is on basic aviation concepts
in contexts related to glider operations. Regardless
of their formal aviation education, most students
have an awareness of aircraft and the aviation
industry. Teachers should therefore select learning
contexts that are applicable to the interests of their
students and enhance their previous understandings
of aviation knowledge.
Students gain an understanding of aerodynamic
principles associated with non-powered craft,
identifying aerodynamic structures and flight controls
incorporated into their design.
Students learn about glider instrumentation, radio
phraseology used in the local flying environment,
pertinent authorities which regulate glider operations
Students investigate the development of manned,
non-powered aircraft and their impact on society.
Unit 1BAVN
The focus for this unit is on basic aviation concepts
in contexts related to ultralight and sport aviation.
In this unit students are introduced to aircraft
structures and the forces acting on powered aircraft
during flight.
Students examine engine arrangements and their
respective cycles, engine instrumentation and the
aerodynamic principles associated with propellers.
Rules and regulations related to ultra light aircraft,
radio phraseology associated with flight, and
meteorological factors which effect aircraft
performance are explored. Physiological factors and
performance and operation are introduced.
Students investigate the development of sport
aviation and its impact on society.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit 2AAVN
Unit 3BAVN
The focus for this unit is on aviation concepts in
contexts related to flying training: general
aviation. Students understand the aerodynamic
principles associated with Bernoulli, Coanda Effect
and Newton; the disposition of forces in specific
flight manoeuvres; the various types of aircraft
stability; and how aircraft are flown to achieve
specific flight characteristics.
The focus for this unit is aviation concepts related to
flying training operations and general aviation. In
this unit, students further their understanding of
principles of flight associated with supersonic and
rotary wing.
Students understand various aircraft systems. They
also identify specific flight instruments and examine
their purpose, operation and limitation. The
development of the internal combustion aircraft
engine and aviation careers are also explored.
Unit 2BAVN
The focus for this unit is on aviation concepts in the
contexts related to flying training: general
aviation. Students understand the principles
associated with aircraft engines, examining the
internal combustion engines and various reaction
engines. Students investigate different types of
propeller design and their operating limitations and
supplementary propulsive devices fitted to
reciprocating engines.
Students understand the purpose and necessity of
civil aviation publications and identify specific rules
and regulations governing flight in and around
controlled and uncontrolled aerodromes.
Students understand the principles, purpose and
need for radio communications in aviation. Radio
telephony is examined.
Students become conversant with an array of
loading and performance charts used in the general
aviation industry and determine the legal
requirements for loading and centre of gravity
calculations. Specific aerodynamic principles to
achieve specific flight characteristics are examined.
Students investigate the evolution of the specific
reaction engines. The evolution of the jet airliner and
jet fighter are also explored.
Students examine human physiology pertinent to
flight and the cause and effects of inappropriate
consumption of drugs and alcohol. Visual and
physiological deficiencies and their implications for
flight are also explored. They consider the effects of
toxic substances and acceleration forces on flight
crew and issues associated with flight crew resource
Students examine various aircraft navigation and
electronic aids and gain an understanding of how
these are used in flight operations.
Students investigate the development of Threat and
Error Management (TEM).
Time and completion
The notional hours for each unit are 55 class contact
hours. Units can be delivered typically in a semester
or in a designated time period up to a year
depending on the needs of the students. Pairs of
units can also be delivered concurrently over a one
year period. Schools are encouraged to be flexible in
their timetabling in order to meet the needs of all of
their students.
Refer to the WACE Manual for more information
about unit and course completion.
Teacher support materials are available on the
School Curriculum and Standards Authority website
extranet and can be found at www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Unit 3AAVN
The focus for this unit is aviation concepts in
suggested learning contexts related to flying
training: advanced aviation.
Students understand terminology associated with
navigation and learn how to prepare a map for visual
navigation. They learn about map projections, how to
complete flight plans, and navigation principles.
Students explore the formation and interaction of
weather on aviation operations and the rules
regarding visibility.
Students investigate a number of current aviation
issues and their impact on society.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Vocational Education
and Training
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is
nationally recognised training that provides people
with occupational knowledge and skills and credit
towards, or attainment of, a vocational education
and training qualification under the Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Schools seeking to link delivery of this course with
units of competency must read the training package
rules for the relevant units of competency and
associated qualifications on the Training.gov.au
website: www.training.gov.au. This should be done
in consultation with the RTO they are in partnership
with for certification of the competencies in order to
establish suitability of units intended for integration
with this course.
When considering VET delivery in WACE courses it
is necessary to:
 refer to the WACE Manual, Section 5: Vocational
Education and Training, and
 contact education sector/systems representatives
for information on operational issues concerning
VET delivery options in schools.
Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF)
AQTF is the quality system that underpins the
national vocational education and training sector and
outlines the regulatory arrangements in states and
territories. It provides the basis for a nationally
consistent, high-quality VET system.
The AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for
Registered Training Organisations outline a set of
auditable standards that must be met and
maintained for registration as a training provider in
VET integrated delivery
VET integrated within a WACE course involves
students undertaking one or more VET units of
competency concurrently with a WACE course unit.
No unit equivalence is given for units of competency
attained in this way.
VET integrated can be delivered by schools
providing they meet AQTF requirements. Schools
need to become a Registered Training Organisation
(RTO) or work in a partnership arrangement with an
RTO to deliver training within the scope for which
they are registered. If a school operates in
partnership with an RTO, it will be the responsibility
of the RTO to assure the quality of the training
delivery and assessment.
The content in this course may align with content in
specific VET units of competency from a nationally
recognised training package. Achievement of units
of competency achieved in this manner may lead to
the completion of a full or partial AQF qualification.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The WACE Manual contains essential information on
principles, policies and procedures for school-based
assessment and WACE examinations that needs to
be read in conjunction with this document.
School-based assessment
The table below provides details of the assessment
types for this course and the weighting range for
each assessment type.
Teachers are required to use the assessment table to
develop their own assessment outline for each unit
(or pair of units) of the course.
This outline includes a range of assessment tasks
and indicates the weighting for each task and each
assessment type. It also indicates the content and
course outcomes each task covers.
If a pair of units is assessed using a combined
assessment outline, the assessment requirements
must still be met for each unit.
In developing an assessment outline and teaching
program the following guidelines should be taken
into account.
All assessment tasks should take into account
the teaching, learning and assessment
principles outlined in the WACE Manual.
There is flexibility for teachers to design schoolbased assessment tasks to meet the learning
needs of students.
The assessment table outlines the forms of
student response required for this course.
Student work submitted to demonstrate
achievement should only be accepted if the
teacher can attest that, to the best of her/his
knowledge, all uncited work is the student’s
Evidence collected for each unit must include
assessment tasks conducted under test
conditions together with other forms of
assessment tasks.
Assessment table
All stages
Type of assessment
Investigations in aviation include: research work in which students plan an investigation; conduct an
investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures, data and findings; and
communicate their conclusions.
Investigation plans, procedures, data and findings may be communicated in any appropriate form, including
written, oral, graphical and electronic, or combinations of these.
Types of evidence may include: validation exercises based on laboratory work, brief, formal investigation or
laboratory report, report of literature search, exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second-hand data, reports of simulated laboratory or flight activities, electronic, video or audio presentation
of findings and recommendations, self- or peer-evaluation tools and observation checklists.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in aviation to analyse and interpret data, solve problems and answer
questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of factual information, including aviation law. It is expected that
assessment tasks include items that allow students to respond at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative tests and
examinations, comprehension and interpretation exercises, and exercises requiring analysis and evaluation
of both qualitative and quantitative physical information.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes.
Assessment of students engaged in an activity: on the spot evaluation of a performance.
Managing, planning, interpreting and adapting aviation operations to ensure optimum performance.
Types of evidence may include observation checklists, evaluation tools (self, peer), portfolio and practical
flight simulation activities.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Standards Guides
Schools report student achievement in a completed
unit at Stage 1, 2 or 3 in terms of grades. The
following grades are used:
Standards for this course are exemplified in
Standards Guides. They include examination
questions, annotated candidate responses at the
‘excellent’ and ‘satisfactory’ achievement bands,
statistics for each question and comments from
examiners. The guides are published on the
Authority’s web site at www.scsa.wa.edu.au and are
accessed under Examination materials. An extranet
log-in is required to view the guides.
Excellent achievement
High achievement
Satisfactory achievement
Limited achievement
Inadequate achievement
Each grade is based on the student’s overall
performance for the unit as judged by reference to a
set of pre-determined standards. These standards
are defined by grade descriptions and annotated
work samples.
The grade descriptions for this course are provided in
Appendix 1. They can also be accessed, together
with annotated work samples, through the Guide to
Grades link on the course page of the Authority
website at www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Refer to the WACE Manual for further information
regarding grades.
WACE Examinations
In 2013, students in their final year who are studying
at least one Stage 2 pair of units (e.g. 2A/2B) or at
least one Stage 3 pair of units (e.g. 3A/3B) are
required to sit an examination in this course, unless
they are exempt. For 2014 and 2015, examinations
for all Stage 2 pairs of units (e.g. 2A/2B) are optional.
WACE examinations are not held for Stage 1 units
and/or Preliminary Stage units. Any student may
enrol to sit a Stage 2 or Stage 3 examination as a
private candidate.
Each examination assesses the specific content
described in the syllabus for the pair of units studied.
Details of the WACE examinations in this course are
prescribed in the WACE examination design briefs
(pages 27–31).
Refer to the WACE Manual for further information
regarding WACE examinations.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is on basic aviation concepts
in contexts related to glider operations. Regardless
of their formal aviation education, most students
have an awareness of aircraft and the aviation
industry. Teachers should therefore select learning
contexts that are applicable to the interests of their
students and enhance their previous understandings
of aviation knowledge.
Students gain an understanding of aerodynamic
principles associated with non-powered craft,
identifying aerodynamic structures and flight controls
incorporated into their design.
Students learn about glider instrumentation, radio
phraseology used in the local flying environment,
pertinent authorities which regulate glider operations
Students investigate the development of manned,
non-powered aircraft and their impact on society.
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of glider operations,
teachers may choose one or more of the suggested
learning contexts (this list is not exhaustive):
 hang gliding
 gliding
 ballooning
 model aircraft building (gliders).
aerodynamic structures incorporated into the
design of manned non-powered aircraft
forces acting on a glider during turns, climbs,
and descent.
Control systems
 primary controls of a glider
 purpose and function of each control system
 three axes of movement.
Aircraft systems
Flight controls
 mechanics of primary controls
 specific non-conventional controls associated
with gliders.
Flight instruments
 purpose and operation of instruments required
for non-powered flight, pitot-static system.
Performance and operation
Glider performance
 environmental factors and their consequences
which affect aircraft performance such as
temperature, state of the atmosphere, terrain,
wind, air density, surface and length of runway.
Launch mechanisms
 methods of launching a glider including a tow
launch and a winch launch
 advantages and disadvantages of powered
 basic meteorological terms and concepts.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below:
Glider operations
 meteorological conditions conducive to glider
 orographic uplift and thermals as applied to
glider operations
 theory of ridge soaring.
Aircraft general knowledge
 types of aircraft
 terminology of aircraft
 wing types
 empennage types
 roles of aircraft.
Radio phraseology
 phonetic alphabet
 simple radio calls required for glider operations.
Unit content
Non-powered principles of flight
 aerodynamic principles related to non-powered
 forces acting on a glider
Aviation authorities
 role and authority of International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO), Civil Aviation Safety
Authority (CASA), Air Transport Safety Bureau
(ATSB), Air Services Australia
 roles and responsibility of the Gliding Federation
of Australia.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
 purpose
Regulations (CAR), Civil Aviation Orders (CAO),
Aeronautic Information Publication (AIP) and
Civil Aviation Advisory Publication (CAAP), their
usefulness in aviation operations.
Aviation skills
Microsoft Flight Simulator—Cessna 172
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the Aviation
course. The table provides details of the assessment
type, examples of different ways that these
assessment types can be applied and the weighting
range for each assessment type.
Practical flight skills
 general handling of aircraft
 correct identification of runway
 straight and level flight
 climbing, descending
 demonstrate normal take-off and landing.
Type of assessment
Process skills
 identify potential safety hazards
 record observations verbally and graphically.
Aviation development
Glider development
 development of manned, non-powered aircraft
through to the modern day.
VET integrated units of
Units of competency may be integrated in
appropriate learning contexts if all AQTF
requirements are met. No unit equivalence is
awarded for units of competency achieved in this
way. Please refer to the VET section at the front of
this syllabus for further information.
Investigations in aviation include: research
work in which students plan an investigation;
conduct an investigation; process and
interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures,
data and findings; and communicate their
Investigation plans, procedures, data and
findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral,
graphical and electronic, or combinations of
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, brief,
formal investigation or laboratory report, report
of literature search, exercises requiring
qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second-hand data, reports of simulated
laboratory or flight activities, electronic, video
or audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer-evaluation
tools and observation checklists.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in
aviation to analyse and interpret data, solve
problems and answer questions in supervised
classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate
use of terminology, understanding and
application of concepts, quantitative skills and
knowledge of factual information, including
aviation law. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to
respond at their highest level of
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and
summative tests and examinations,
comprehension and interpretation exercises,
and exercises requiring analysis and
evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative
physical information.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Assessment of students engaged in an
activity: on the spot evaluation of a
Managing, planning, interpreting and adapting
aviation operations to ensure optimum
Types of evidence may include observation
checklists, evaluation tools (self, peer),
portfolio and practical flight simulation
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is on basic aviation concepts
in contexts related to ultralight and sport aviation.
In this unit students are introduced to aircraft
structures and the forces acting on powered aircraft
during flight.
Students examine engine arrangements and their
respective cycles, engine instrumentation and the
aerodynamic principles associated with propellers.
Rules and regulations related to ultra light aircraft,
radio phraseology associated with flight, and
meteorological factors which effect aircraft
performance are explored. Physiological factors and
performance and operation are introduced.
Students investigate the development of sport
aviation and its impact on society.
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of ultralight and sport
aviation, teachers may choose one or more of the
suggested learning contexts (this list is not
 ultralight aircraft
 home-built or kit aircraft
 dirigibles
 model aircraft building (powered).
Piston engine
 engine arrangements
 engine terminology: cylinder, piston, gudgeon
pin, connecting rod, valve, crankshaft,
crankcase, pushrod, rocker arm, four stroke
cycle, two stroke cycle.
 basic aerodynamics of a fixed pitch propeller.
Aircraft systems
Engine controls
 operation of the engine throttle and mixture
 effect of throttle and mixture changes on aircraft
Engine instruments
 function of the tachometer, fuel gauge, oil
pressure gauge, oil temperature gauge.
Performance and operation
Aircraft performance
 effect of atmospheric conditions on engine
 effect of atmospheric conditions on overall
aircraft performance.
Local weather
 local weather patterns
 local weather hazardous to aircraft operations
including mechanical turbulence, dust devils
 formation of land and sea breezes.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below:
Radio phraseology
 radio calls necessary for circuit operations at a
non-towered airfield.
Powered aircraft
 disposition of forces on a powered aircraft in
straight and level flight
 design traits used to improve inherent stability.
Ultralight operations
 aircraft requirements for ultralight operations
within Australia
 pilot requirements for ultralight operations.
Aircraft structures
 truss, semi-monocoque, monocoque structures,
terminology associated with aircraft structures,
materials used in aircraft construction
 relative advantages and disadvantages of
different structure types and materials used in
aircraft structures
 structures and materials commonly used for
ultralight and sport aviation aircraft.
Experimental aircraft
 regulations pertaining to Experimental aircraft
 operations allowed under the Experimental
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Basic navigation theory
 aviation navigation terminology
 symbols associated with World Aeronautical
Charts (WAC)
 navigation ruler and protractor measurement of
distance and track on WAC.
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the Aviation
course. The table provides details of the assessment
type, examples of different ways that these
assessment types can be applied and the weighting
range for each assessment type.
Aviation skills
Microsoft Flight Simulator—Cessna 172
Practical flight skills
 general handling of aircraft
 correct identification of runway
 straight and level flight
 climbing, descending
 demonstrate normal take-off and landing.
Stage 1
Process skills
 identify potential safety hazards
 record observations verbally and graphically.
Human factors
Introduction to physiology
 introduction to the eye, ear and respiratory
 effect of altitude on the human body
 situational awareness in all phases of flight.
Aviation development
Sport aviation
VET integrated units of
Units of competency may be integrated in
appropriate learning contexts if all AQTF
requirements are met. No unit equivalence is
awarded for units of competency achieved in this
way. Please refer to the VET section at the front of
this syllabus for further information.
Type of assessment
Investigations in aviation include: research
work in which students plan an investigation;
conduct an investigation; process and
interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures,
data and findings; and communicate their
Investigation plans, procedures, data and
findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral,
graphical and electronic, or combinations of
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, brief,
formal investigation or laboratory report, report
of literature search, exercises requiring
qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second-hand data, reports of simulated
laboratory or flight activities, electronic, video
or audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer-evaluation
tools and observation checklists.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in
aviation to analyse and interpret data, solve
problems and answer questions in supervised
classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate
use of terminology, understanding and
application of concepts, quantitative skills and
knowledge of factual information, including
aviation law. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to
respond at their highest level of
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and
summative tests and examinations,
comprehension and interpretation exercises,
and exercises requiring analysis and
evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative
physical information.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Assessment of students engaged in an
activity: on the spot evaluation of a
Managing, planning, interpreting and adapting
aviation operations to ensure optimum
Types of evidence may include observation
checklists, evaluation tools (self, peer),
portfolio and practical flight simulation
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is on aviation concepts in
contexts related to flying training: general
aviation. Students understand the aerodynamic
principles associated with Bernoulli, Coanda Effect
and Newton; the disposition of forces in specific
flight manoeuvres; the various types of aircraft
stability; and how aircraft are flown to achieve
specific flight characteristics.
Students understand various aircraft systems. They
also identify specific flight instruments and examine
their purpose, operation and limitation. The
development of the internal combustion aircraft
engine and aviation careers are also explored.
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of flying training: general
aviation, teachers may choose one or more of the
suggested learning contexts (this list is not
 flight training operations
 survey work
 agricultural flight.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
components of an aircraft, aircraft terminology
forces acting on an aircraft in flight
flight controls
lift generation using Bernoulli Theory and
Newton’s Third Law
manoeuvring an aircraft in flight and on the
aircraft stability, wake turbulence.
 aerofoil, span, chord, camber, thickness/chord
ratio, relative airflow, angle of attack, angle of
incidence, wing loading, total reaction, lift, drag,
lift/drag ratio, laminar flow, turbulent flow,
boundary layer.
Design features
 purpose of aerodynamic design features:
anhedral, dihedral, aspect ratio, sweepback,
wash out, spoilers, flaps, vortex generators, trim
 purpose and function of unconventional controls:
stabilators, ruddervators, elevons, flaperons,
canards, and speedbrakes.
Lift and drag
 theories of lift generation: Ski Effect, Newton’s
Third Law, Bernoulli’s Theory and Coanda Effect
 lift and drag formulae and terminology:
coefficient of lift, coefficient of drag, dynamic
pressure, static pressure, total pressure
 graphical representation of total drag: induced,
and profile drag
 use of graphs of lift, drag, lift/drag ratio and
power required/power available to determine the
maximum lift and minimum drag speeds and the
speeds that result in the best endurance, glide
distance and cruise range.
Flight manoeuvres
 disposition of forces of an aircraft in level flight, a
climb with power, descent, glide and turn
 relationship between speed, angle of bank, turn
radius and rate of turn in a balanced, level turn
 rule of thumb to determine approximate bank
angle for rate one turn
 purpose and use of frise and differential ailerons
 aerodynamic characteristics of stalling and
Performance considerations
 flying an aircraft to achieve maximum range and
 using graphs to determine stall speed, best
range, best endurance, maximum level flight
 calculating load factor and wing loading.
Stability and control
 factors affecting directional stability: position of
centre of gravity, size of the fin and rudder
 factors affecting lateral stability: high and low
wing configurations, dihedral, sweepback
 factors affecting longitudinal stability: position of
centre of gravity, movement of centre of
pressure, changes in thrust, tailplane movement
 spiral instability, static and dynamic stability,
 purpose of trim tabs, balance tabs, anti-balance
tabs, servo and anti-servo tabs, aerodynamic
balance and mass balance
 stability and controllability during ground
 propeller torque, slipstream, gyroscopic effect,
asymmetrical effect and ground effect.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Performance and operation
Aviation development
Engine development
 petrol and diesel aircraft engines.
Engine instruments
 purpose and operation of the following
instruments: tachometer, oil temperature and
pressure gauge, fuel pressure gauge.
Gyroscopic flight instruments
 purpose, operation and limitations of the
following gyroscopic instruments: attitude
indicator, direction indicator, turn coordinator.
Pressure instruments
 purpose, operation and limitations (errors) of the
pitot static system including the airspeed
indicator, altimeter and vertical speed indicator.
VET integrated units of
Units of competency may be integrated in
appropriate learning contexts if all AQTF
requirements are met. No unit equivalence is
awarded for units of competency achieved in this
way. Please refer to the VET section at the front of
this syllabus for further information.
Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS) and
Head Up Display (HUD)
 development of EFIS/HUD glass cockpit
 advantages and disadvantages of each on
aircraft operations
 presentation of information in EFIS and HUD
 ergonomics and flight safety.
Aircraft systems
purpose and operation of the following systems:
ignition, lubrication, induction, fuel, electrical,
hydraulic, carburation, fuel injection.
Engine malfunctions
 identify faults and corrective action to be taken in
the following systems: hydraulic, electrical, fuel,
ignition and vacuum.
Aviation skills
Microsoft Flight Simulator—Cessna 172
Practical flight skills
 general handling of aircraft
 straight and level flight
 climbing, descending
 medium turn, rate1 turn
 demonstrate a normal take-off and landing.
Process skills
 identify potential safety hazards
 record observations verbally and graphically
 communicate effectively with others in verbal or
written forms
 research and extract relevant information.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the Aviation
course. The table provides details of the assessment
type, examples of different ways that these
assessment types can be applied and the weighting
range for each assessment type.
Stage 2
Type of assessment
Investigations in aviation include: research
work in which students plan an investigation;
conduct an investigation; process and
interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures,
data and findings; and communicate their
Investigation plans, procedures, data and
findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral,
graphical and electronic, or combinations of
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, brief,
formal investigation or laboratory report, report
of literature search, exercises requiring
qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second-hand data, reports of simulated
laboratory or flight activities, electronic, video
or audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer-evaluation
tools and observation checklists.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in
aviation to analyse and interpret data, solve
problems and answer questions in supervised
classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate
use of terminology, understanding and
application of concepts, quantitative skills and
knowledge of factual information, including
aviation law. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to
respond at their highest level of
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and
summative tests and examinations,
comprehension and interpretation exercises,
and exercises requiring analysis and
evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative
physical information.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Assessment of students engaged in an
activity: on the spot evaluation of a
Managing, planning, interpreting and adapting
aviation operations to ensure optimum
Types of evidence may include observation
checklists, evaluation tools (self, peer),
portfolio and practical flight simulation
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Performance and operation
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is on aviation concepts in the
contexts related to flying training: general
aviation. Students understand the principles
associated with aircraft engines, examining the
internal combustion engines and various reaction
engines. Students investigate different types of
propeller design and their operating limitations and
supplementary propulsive devices fitted to
reciprocating engines.
Students understand the purpose and necessity of
civil aviation publications and identify specific rules
and regulations governing flight in and around
controlled and uncontrolled aerodromes.
Students understand the principles, purpose and
need for radio communications in aviation. Radio
telephony is examined.
Students become conversant with an array of
loading and performance charts used in the general
aviation industry and determine the legal
requirements for loading and centre of gravity
calculations. Specific aerodynamic principles to
achieve specific flight characteristics are examined.
Students investigate the evolution of the specific
reaction engines. The evolution of the jet airliner and
jet fighter are also explored.
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of flying training: general
aviation, teachers may choose one or more of the
suggested learning contexts (this list is not
 flight training operations
 aerobatic and joy flights
 charter flights
 emergency or rescue operations.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described as
follows. This is the examinable content of the course.
Internal combustion engine
 components of an internal combustion engine
 principle of operation of an internal combustion
diesel and petrol engine
 necessity of valve lead, lag and overlap
 engine timing
 variety of internal combustion engines including
horizontally opposed, in-line, rotary and radial.
Fixed pitch propeller
 aerodynamic principles associated with fixed
pitch propellers
 changing angles of attack of propeller blades
during acceleration
 limitations of fixed pitch propellers
 effects of propeller operation including
slipstream, torque, gyroscopic and asymmetric.
Superchargers and turbochargers
 function and purpose of superchargers and
Constant speed unit
 principles of operation of constant speed unit
 coordinated use of throttle and propeller pitch to
maintain a desired power setting
 variation of propeller design including full
feathering and reverse pitch.
Engine handling
 correct operation of start-up and shut down of
aircraft engines
 correct use of mixture control, manifold pressure
(MAP) and engine RPM
 use of incorrect fuel octane
 purpose and operation of engine gauges:
exhaust gas temperature (EGT), MAP, cylinder
head temperature (CHT).
Reaction engines
 Newton’s Third Law and its application to
reaction engines
 operation and development of turbofan, turbojet
and turboprop and propfan
 use, advantages and limitations of these engines
in current jet transport aircraft
 issues associated with the operation of these
 operation of ramjet, pulsejet and rocket engine.
Radio wave propagation
 principles of radio wave propagation including
amplitude and cycle
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
characteristics associated with radio wave
propagation in the ultra high frequency (UHF),
very high frequency (VHF), high frequency (HF)
bands and medium frequency (MF) band
definitions: frequency, attenuation, reflection,
determining approximate VHF range using rule
of thumb.
Radio telephony
 phonetic alphabet
 local radio procedures and phraseology for
circuit flying and flights to/from the training area
 distress and urgency transmissions
 radio failure procedures.
Basic radio controls
 operation of radio controls.
 radio phraseology in relation to operation in the
circuit Class D controlled and non-controlled
airports, Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
(CTAF) and local training area.
Radio practical operation
 obtaining appropriate radio frequencies
 operating a typical light aircraft radio system/s
 use of squelch control to eliminate background
 radio phraseology in relation to transmission of
time, cloud amounts, aerodrome visibility,
readability scale
 urgency and distress messages used in radio
 purpose of the following documents: CAR, CAO,
AIP and CAAP, En-route Supplement Australia,
Notice To Airmen and Aeronautical Information
Student pilot licence privileges and limitations
 requirements, recency and limitation of a student
pilot’s licence.
 significance of taxiway and runway markings,
legs of a circuit
 Registered, Certified, Authorised Landing Area
and Helicopter Landing Site
 Windsock, dumbbells, white cross.
Flight rules and conditions of flight
 visual flight rules (VFR) including: VMC and
altimetry below 10,000 ft
 regulations pertaining to smoking, drugs and
 aerodrome operations, separation minima,
operation in the vicinity of an aerodrome, light
Air service operations
 pilot responsibilities including: carriage of
passengers, fuelling of aircraft, ground
authority of pilot in command, pre-flight aircraft
Emergencies and SAR
 difference between an accident and incident
 terminology: Search and Rescue Time
(SARTIME), Uncertainty Phase (INCERFA),
Alert Phase (ALERFA), Distress Phase
(DETRESFA), extract emergency procedures
from En-route Supplement Australia (ERSA).
 emergency locator transmitter (ELT) frequency
 purpose and function of the ELT.
 airspace classifications used in Australia for
terminal and en-route airspace including
controlled and non-controlled aerodromes used
by general aviation aircraft
 terminology: Flight Information Region, Flight
Information Area, Flight Information Service, Air
Traffic Control, Control Area, Control Zone,
Controlled Airspace, radio reports, broadcasts,
VFR lanes of entry, Prohibited, Restricted and
Danger (PRD) areas, CTAF
 controlled aerodromes
 operational requirements for CTAF and towered
Aircraft performance
Airframe limitations
 speed limitations: normal operating speed (Vno),
manoeuvre speed (Va), turbulence penetration
speed (Vb), flap operating speed (Vfo), flap
extension speed (Vfe)
 limit and design load factors.
Take-off and landing performance
 pressure and density height
 factors which affect take-off and landing
 take-off and landing distances for a Cessna 172
and a Piper Turbo Lance.
Airworthiness and aircraft equipment
 use and purpose of a maintenance release.
Aircraft loading
 loading terminology including: arm, moment,
datum, station, index unit, centre of gravity
(CoG), CoG limits, basic empty weight, zero fuel
weight, ramp weight
 Alpha loading system.
Loading charts
 deriving loading information from loading charts
(Alpha, Bravo and Charlie)
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
determining centre of gravity (CoG) position
within limits (and possible redistribution if found
to be out of limits).
Cessna 172 performance charts
 use of Cessna take-off and landing charts to
determine either distance required or maximum
take-off or landing weight
 use of Cessna performance charts to determine
centre of gravity
 configuring an aircraft to achieve maximum
endurance and range.
VET integrated units of
Units of competency may be integrated in
appropriate learning contexts if all AQTF
requirements are met. No unit equivalence is
awarded for units of competency achieved in this
way. Please refer to the VET section at the front of
this syllabus for further information.
Aviation skills
Microsoft Flight Simulator—Cessna 172
Practical flight skills
 general handling of aircraft
 straight and level flight
 climbing, descending
 medium turn, rate1 turn
 demonstrate a normal take-off and landing.
Process skills
 identify potential safety hazards
 communicate effectively with others in verbal or
written forms
 record observations verbally and graphically
 research and extract relevant information.
Human factors
Medical factors
 conditions leading to sudden incapacitation
including heart attack, stroke, food poisoning
 causes and effects of fatigue in flight including
noise and vibration
 effects
amphetamines, opiates, aspirin, antihistamines
sedatives, antibiotics and alcohol on aircrew
 causes and effects of dehydration
 effect of blood donations on aircrew performance
 aviation legislation relating to the use of alcohol
and illicit drugs by aircrew, aircraft maintenance
staff and ATC personnel.
Aviation development
evolution of the airliner or military combat aircraft
impact of the jet airliner or military combat
aircraft on the world
current and future development of the airliner or
military combat aircraft.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the Aviation
course. The table provides details of the assessment
type, examples of different ways that these
assessment types can be applied and the weighting
range for each assessment type.
Stage 2
Type of assessment
Investigations in aviation include: research work
in which students plan an investigation; conduct
an investigation; process and interpret data;
evaluate their plan, procedures, data and
findings; and communicate their conclusions.
Investigation plans, procedures, data and
findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral,
graphical and electronic, or combinations of
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, brief,
formal investigation or laboratory report, report
of literature search, exercises requiring
qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second-hand data, reports of simulated
laboratory or flight activities, electronic, video or
audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer-evaluation tools
and observation checklists.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in aviation
to analyse and interpret data, solve problems
and answer questions in supervised classroom
These tasks require students to demonstrate
use of terminology, understanding and
application of concepts, quantitative skills and
knowledge of factual information, including
aviation law. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to
respond at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and
summative tests and examinations,
comprehension and interpretation exercises,
and exercises requiring analysis and evaluation
of both qualitative and quantitative physical
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Assessment of students engaged in an activity:
on the spot evaluation of a performance.
Managing, planning, interpreting and adapting
aviation operations to ensure optimum
Types of evidence may include observation
checklists, evaluation tools (self, peer), portfolio
and practical flight simulation activities.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is aviation concepts in
suggested learning contexts related to flying
training: advanced aviation.
Students understand terminology associated with
navigation and learn how to prepare a map for visual
navigation. They learn about map projections, how to
complete flight plans, and navigation principles.
Students explore the formation and interaction of
weather on aviation operations and the rules
regarding visibility.
Students investigate a number of current aviation
issues and their impact on society.
Suggested learning
Within the broad area of flying training: advanced
aviation, teachers may choose one or more of the
suggested learning contexts (this list is not
 flying training operations
 regular public transport
 domestic
 international.
Unit content
It is recommended that students studying Stage 3
have completed Stage 2 units.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Performance and operation
Maps and documents
 maps and documents in air navigation: World
Aeronautical Chart (WAC), Visual Terminal Chart
(VTC), Visual Navigation Chart (VNC), En-route
Chart (ERC) Low, Planning Chart Australia
(PCA), En-Route Supplement Australia (ERSA)
including Prohibited, Restricted and Danger
areas (PRD).
Map projections
 properties associated with Mercator and
Lamberts conformal conic projections
 difference between great circles and rhumb lines
 locating points on the Earth’s surface using
parallels of latitudes and meridians of longitude
 difference between geographic and magnetic
 magnetic variation and isogonal.
Basic navigation principles
 track
appropriate navigation equipment
 estimating track and distance without equipment
 performing
calculations mentally and using flight computer
 conversions of units including feet/metres,
nautical miles/kilometres, pounds/kilograms, US
gallons/litres/kilograms of Avgas
 determining
components given a wind velocity and direction.
Principles of map reading
 map to ground, ground to map, topographical
features, 10 minute markers.
Air navigation
 principles of operation, characteristics and
limitations of magnetic compasses
 use and limitation of the magnetic compass
 applying magnetic variation and deviation to the
operation of the compass
 use of flight computer to calculate triangles of
velocities, track and ground speed, conversion of
calibrated air speed (CAS) to true air speed
calculations, conversion of fuel volumes given
specific gravity, 1-in-60 rule, calculation of
density height and pressure height, altitude
 basic navigation terms including: heading,
indicated air speed, calibrated airspeed, true air
speed, wind velocity, track, ground speed, drift,
estimated time of departure, actual time of
departure, estimated time of arrival, actual time of
arrival, estimated time interval, actual time
interval, air position, dead reckoning position, fix,
bearing and relative bearings, position lines and
cross wind component.
 terms associated with time: Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC), local mean time, local
standard time, local summer time
 conversions between local mean time, UTC, local
standard time and summer time
 effects of Earth’s rotation and revolution around
the Sun in relation to beginning and end of
daylight and period of daylight
 effect of changes of longitude on local mean
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Flight planning
 terminology: area QNH, local QNH, QFE,
transition layer, transition level, flight level
 planning a flight and completing a flight plan with
considerations given to route selection, cruising
altitudes, departure time, weather, terrain aircraft
performance, alternate aerodromes, beginning
and end of daylight.
Atmospheric and general wind conditions
 divisions of the atmosphere and Earth’s general
wind circulation.
Stability, cloud and precipitation
 atmospheric stability and instability, adiabatic
process, environmental lapse rate
 humidity,
 cloud formation processes, including calculation
of cloud tops and bases and temperatures at
various levels
 classification of cloud types
 describing cloud cover measuring in OKTAs.
Pressure systems and wind
 variation in atmospheric pressure
 formation of pressure systems
 pressure systems terminology including high,
low, ridge, trough, col
 local winds including land and sea breezes,
katabatic and anabatic winds, and fohn winds.
Air masses and fronts
 air masses affecting Australia
 synoptic charts interpretation
 weather associated with pressure systems
 frontal systems.
Aviation skills
Microsoft Flight Simulator—Cessna 172
Practical flight skills
 general handling of aircraft
 straight and level flight
 climbing, descending
 medium turn, rate1 turn, steep turn
 demonstrate flight transition from climb to level
 demonstrate flight transition from level flight to
cruise descent
 demonstrate normal take-off and landing.
Process skills
 identify potential safety hazards
 communicate effectively with others in verbal or
written forms
 record observations verbally and graphically
 research and extract relevant information
 make reliable measurements and accurately
record data
 operate and interpret indications on aviation
navigation equipment
 devise accurate flight plans.
Aviation development
current issues that affect aviation including
aerodrome noise abatement, aviation security,
unmanned air vehicle (UAVs), reducing aircraft
greenhouse gas emissions
future development of aviation in relation to
current issues.
Hazardous weather
 occurrence and formation of thunderstorms, low
cloud, fog (advection and radiation), poor
visibility, turbulence, thermals, dust devils, wind
shear, tropical cyclones
 effect of hazardous phenomena on safe aviation
Aviation meteorological services
 interpretation of the following specific weather
reports and forecasts: ARFOR, TAF, TTF,
 seasonal weather conditions in different regions
of Australia with respect to visibility, prevailing
winds, typical cloud patterns and precipitation,
seasonal pressures and frontal systems, and
tropical cyclones.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the Aviation
course. The table provides details of the assessment
type, examples of different ways that these
assessment types can be applied and the weighting
range for each assessment type.
Stage 3
Type of assessment
Investigations in aviation include: research
work in which students plan an investigation;
conduct an investigation; process and
interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures,
data and findings; and communicate their
Investigation plans, procedures, data and
findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral,
graphical and electronic, or combinations of
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, brief,
formal investigation or laboratory report, report
of literature search, exercises requiring
qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second-hand data, reports of simulated
laboratory or flight activities, electronic, video
or audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer-evaluation
tools and observation checklists.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in
aviation to analyse and interpret data, solve
problems and answer questions in supervised
classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate
use of terminology, understanding and
application of concepts, quantitative skills and
knowledge of factual information, including
aviation law. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to
respond at their highest level of
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and
summative tests and examinations,
comprehension and interpretation exercises,
and exercises requiring analysis and
evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative
physical information.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Assessment of students engaged in an
activity: on the spot evaluation of a
Managing, planning, interpreting and adapting
aviation operations to ensure optimum
Types of evidence may include observation
checklists, evaluation tools (self, peer),
portfolio and practical flight simulation
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is aviation concepts related to
flying training operations and general aviation. In
this unit, students further their understanding of
principles of flight associated with supersonic and
rotary wing.
Students examine human physiology pertinent to
flight and the cause and effects of inappropriate
consumption of drugs and alcohol. Visual and
physiological deficiencies and their implications for
flight are also explored. They consider the effects of
toxic substances and acceleration forces on flight
crew and issues associated with flight crew resource
Students examine various aircraft navigation and
electronic aids and gain an understanding of how
these are used in flight operations.
Students investigate the development of Threat and
Error Management (TEM).
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of flying training: advanced
aviation, teachers may choose one or more of the
suggested learning contexts (this list is not
 flying training operations
 general aviation.
Unit content
It is recommended that students studying Stage 3
have completed Stage 2 units.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Rotary aerodynamics
 principles of lift and drag
 flight manoeuvres
 principles associated with helicopter operation
including gyroscopic precession, retreating blade
stall, coning, coriolis effect, tail rotor drift,
 comparison of forces acting on fixed wing aircraft
and helicopters in flight
 helicopter controls
 transition from one stage of flight to another.
Supersonic aerodynamics
 aerodynamic principles related to subsonic,
transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flight
 comparison of supersonic and subsonic
aerodynamic principles
 Mach Number and Critical Mach Number
 aerodynamic structures incorporated into the
design of subsonic and supersonic aircraft.
Performance and operation
Navigational aids
principle of operation, purpose and limitation of
the automatic direction finder (ADF) and VHF
omni-range (VOR)
principle of operation, purpose and limitation of
the Distance Measuring Equipment (DME),
Inertial Navigation System (INS), Global
Positioning System (GPS), Primary Surveillance
Radar (PSR), Secondary Surveillance Radar
(SSR), Instrument Landing System (ILS), Visual
Approach Slope Guidance Systems (T-VASIS,
VASIS, PAPI) and Automatic Dependent
Surveillance Broadcast (ADSB).
Performance and operation of PA32-RT
 use of Piper Turbo Lance take-off and landing
charts to determine either distance required or
maximum take-off or landing weight
 use of Piper Turbo Lance performance charts to
determine fuel, time and distance to climb and
descend, TAS, cruise power settings, rate of
climb, and centre of gravity
 aerodynamic principles to achieve maximum
endurance and range.
Aviation skills
Microsoft Flight Simulator—Cessna 172
Practical flight skills
 general handling of aircraft
 straight and level flight
 climbing, descending
 medium turn, rate1 turn, steep turn
 demonstrate flight transition from climb to
level flight
 demonstrate flight transition from level flight
to cruise descent
 demonstrate flight transition from level flight
to glide
 demonstrate normal take-off and landing
 entry and recovery from power off stall
 interpretation of the information displayed by the
Automatic Direction Finder (ADF), VHF
Instrument Landing System (ILS), Visual
Approach Slope Indicator System (T-VASIS,
PAPI) and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
 homing to a station using an ADF and
demonstrating station passage.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Process skills
 identify potential safety hazards
 record observations verbally and graphically
 communicate effectively with others in verbal or
written forms
 record observations verbally and graphically
 research and extract relevant information
 make reliable measurements and accurately
record data
 operate and interpret indications on aviation
navigation equipment
 devise accurate flight plans.
Human factors
 function of the respiratory and circulatory system
 causes, symptoms and remedies of hypoxia and
 causes and effects of decompression sickness
after scuba diving and its relation to flight.
The ear
 basic physiology of the ear
 role of the semi-circular canals in visual
meteorological conditions (VMC) and instrument
meteorological conditions (IMC)
 physiological effects of noise
 effects and dangers of spatial disorientation.
stages leading to G-LOC
aircraft categories and/or types in which G-LOC
is likely to occur.
Threat and Error Management (TEM)
 definition of threats and errors and their effects
on safe flight
 factors which affect decision-making and
situational awareness including stress, pilot
assertiveness, communication skills, judgement
 threats to safe aviation including aircraft design,
maintenance, air traffic control, meteorological
factors, quality of training
Aircraft accident review
 common causes of aircraft accidents.
Aviation development
TEM in the aviation industry
 the development of TEM from the Teneriffe
accident in 1977 to present day
 the integration of TEM into flight crew training
 reasons for incorporating threat and error
management into aircraft operations.
The eye
 basic physiology of the eye
 standards and effects of visual acuity required of
a pilot
 effects of myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism,
deficiencies, hypoxia, and carbon monoxide
poisoning on visual acuity
 problems in flight associated with colour
blindness, smoking, drugs and flicker vertigo on
night vision
 effects of colour vision defects in aviators
 common visual illusions that affect aircrew.
Toxic substances
 sources, symptoms and effects of carbon
monoxide poisoning, and the effect of breathing
air contaminated by other noxious products
including fuel.
 causes, symptoms and treatment for motion
G-LOC and acceleration forces
 effects on the human body due to positive and
negative accelerations (G-forces)
 G-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) and
methods of reducing adverse effects of G-LOC,
such as pressure suits
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The three types of assessment in the table below are
consistent with the teaching and learning strategies
considered to be the most supportive of student
achievement of the outcomes in the Aviation course.
The table provides details of the assessment type,
examples of different ways that these assessment
types can be applied and the weighting range for
each assessment type.
Stage 3
Type of assessment
Investigations in aviation include: research work
in which students plan an investigation; conduct
an investigation; process and interpret data;
evaluate their plan, procedures, data and
findings; and communicate their conclusions.
Investigation plans, procedures, data and
findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral,
graphical and electronic, or combinations of
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, brief, formal
investigation or laboratory report, report of
literature search, exercises requiring qualitative
and/or quantitative analysis of second-hand
data, reports of simulated laboratory or flight
activities, electronic, video or audio presentation
of findings and recommendations, self- or peerevaluation tools and observation checklists.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in aviation
to analyse and interpret data, solve problems
and answer questions in supervised classroom
These tasks require students to demonstrate use
of terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of
factual information, including aviation law. It is
expected that assessment tasks include items
that allow students to respond at their highest
level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and
summative tests and examinations,
comprehension and interpretation exercises, and
exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of
both qualitative and quantitative physical
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Assessment of students engaged in an activity:
on the spot evaluation of a performance.
Managing, planning, interpreting and adapting
aviation operations to ensure optimum
Types of evidence may include observation
checklists, evaluation tools (self, peer), portfolio
and practical flight simulation activities.
Suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Examination details
Stage 2 and Stage 3
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Written examination design brief
Stage 2
The Aviation examination comprises a written examination worth 80% of the total examination score and a
practical (performance) examination worth 20% of the total examination score.
Time allowed
Reading time before commencing work:
Working time for paper:
ten minutes
two and a half hours
Permissible items
Standard items:
pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape,
eraser, ruler, highlighters
Special items:
non-programmable calculators approved for use in the WACE examinations
Supporting information
Section One
16% of the total examination
The questions cover a range of skills and content from units 2A and 2B.
15–25 questions
Suggested working time: 30 minutes
Section Two
Short answer
64% of the total examination
This section could include both open and closed questions. The questions
could have sub-parts that increase in complexity, allowing the candidate
to demonstrate depth of knowledge across the course.
20–30 questions
Suggested working time: 120 minutes
The questions could require answers comprising short paragraphs, dot
points and diagrams. Wherever appropriate, the candidate should be
encouraged to use examples and fully labelled sketch maps and diagrams
to illustrate and support their responses.
Where stimulus or support material is provided, it could include diagrams,
short excerpts from journal articles, screen captures, photographs, maps
and charts.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Practical (performance) examination design brief
Stage 2
The Aviation examination comprises a written examination worth 80% of the total examination score and a
practical (performance) examination worth 20% of the total examination score.
Arrival time
Candidates are required to report to a supervisor at the examination centre 20 minutes before the scheduled
examination time. The supervisor will record the candidate’s attendance and direct the candidate to a
preparation area.
Preparation time
Candidates will have 15 minutes to review the flight data before the examination.
A flight simulation of 20 minutes will follow the 15 minute preparation time.
Permissible items
To be provided by the supervisor: computer preloaded with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (or later),
Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick
20% of the total examination
Duration: 20 minutes
Supporting information
The candidate is required to simulate a flying sequence in a Cessna 172
aircraft using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or later. The sequence will
comprise a series of non-aerobatic manoeuvres that can be legally
accomplished in an actual Cessna 172 in the time allocated.
The candidate will be assessed on their ability to complete the manoeuvres by
complying with the examiner’s instructions. These will be given in a manner
similar to that expected from a Flight Instructor who is instructing in a real
If the candidate is unable to comply with any particular instruction, the marker
will guide the candidate through the required action, but the candidate will not
receive any marks for that part of the sequence.
If, due to inaccurate manipulation, the candidate loses control of the aircraft or
the aircraft moves outside the limits of the 'exercise area', the marker will
assume control and return the aircraft to its correct attitude within the intended
pattern. The candidate will not receive any additional penalty specific to the
marker's intervention.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Written examination design brief
Stage 3
The Aviation examination comprises a written examination worth 80% of the total examination score and a
practical (performance) examination worth 20% of the total examination score.
Time allowed
Reading time before commencing work:
Working time for paper:
ten minutes
two and a half hours
Permissible items
Standard items:
pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape,
eraser, ruler, highlighters
Special items:
non-programmable calculators approved for use in the WACE examinations, navigation
plotter (or ruler and protractor), flight computer
Supporting information
Section One
16% of the total examination
The questions cover a range of skills and content from units 3A and 3B.
15–25 questions
Suggested working time: 30 minutes
Section Two
Short answer
64% of the total examination
This section could include both open and closed questions. The questions
could have sub-parts that increase in complexity, allowing the candidate
to demonstrate depth of knowledge across the course.
20–30 questions
Suggested working time: 120 minutes
The questions could require answers comprising short paragraphs, dot
points and diagrams. Wherever appropriate, the candidate should be
encouraged to use examples and fully labelled sketch maps and diagrams
to illustrate and support their responses.
Where stimulus or support material is provided, it could include diagrams,
short excerpts from journal articles, screen captures, photographs, maps
and charts.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Practical (performance) examination design brief
Stage 3
The Aviation examination comprises a written examination worth 80% of the total examination score and a
practical (performance) examination worth 20% of the total examination score.
Arrival time
Candidates are required to report to a supervisor at the examination centre 20 minutes before the scheduled
examination time. The supervisor will record the candidate’s attendance and direct the candidate to a
preparation area.
Preparation time
Candidates will have 15 minutes to review the flight data before the examination.
A flight simulation of 20 minutes will follow the 15 minute preparation time.
Permissible items
To be provided by the supervisor: computer preloaded with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (or later),
Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick
20% of the total examination
Duration: 20 minutes
Supporting information
The candidate is required to simulate a flying sequence in a Cessna 172
aircraft using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or later. The sequence will
comprise a series of non-aerobatic manoeuvres that can be legally
accomplished in an actual Cessna 172 in the time allocated.
The candidate will be assessed on their ability to complete the manoeuvres by
complying with the examiner’s instructions. These will be given in a manner
similar to that expected from a Flight Instructor who is instructing in a real
If the candidate is unable to comply with any particular instruction, the marker
will guide the candidate through the required action, but the candidate will not
receive any marks for that part of the sequence.
If, due to inaccurate manipulation, the candidate loses control of the aircraft or
the aircraft moves outside the limits of the 'exercise area', the marker will
assume control and return the aircraft to its correct attitude within the intended
pattern. The candidate will not receive any additional penalty specific to the
marker's intervention.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Appendix 1: Grade descriptions
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 1
Understanding and applying concepts
Explains concepts about aircraft systems and operation, and describes the properties of simple aviation
systems. With guidance, compares the validity of ideas. Explains ideas and supports statements with
evidence. Demonstrates critical, analytical and logical thinking skills when creating original solutions to
Analyses a problem to identify significant variables and offer solutions. Selects effective resources for
specific data collection. Processes data accurately, assesses their validity and accurately follows
instructions. With guidance, critically analyses most of the data.
Communication skills
Communicates information and concepts logically and consistently, using correct terminology and
conventions. Presents work accurately in planned, organised formats. Records and presents data in
written responses using appropriate formats.
Selects from a range of skills to perform aviation tasks related to aircraft take-off and landing performance.
Demonstrates independence when solving a range of unpredictable problems. Recognises responsibilities
within a task.
Understanding and applying concepts
Explains concepts about aircraft systems and operation, and describes the properties of most simple
aviation systems. States ideas and supports points with brief evidence. Demonstrates emerging critical
and logical thinking skills when creating original solutions to problems.
Analyses a problem, identifying most variables and offering straightforward solutions. Selects
predominantly effective resources for specific data collection. Processes data and assesses their validity,
with a few inaccuracies. Follows instructions. Analyses most of the data with guidance.
Communication skills
Communicates ideas and information using simple and appropriate aviation terminology, but with frequent
errors in use of conventions. Presents work in organised formats, satisfying most requirements.
Performs aviation tasks related to aircraft take-off and landing performance. Demonstrates independence
when solving a limited range of unpredictable problems. Recognises key responsibilities within the task.
Understanding and applying concepts
Explains key concepts about aircraft systems and operation. Describes major properties of simple aviation
systems. Comments on key features of reasoning, e.g. comparisons, causes and examples. Identifies
major errors in reasoning and, in most instances, explains what is wrong. Recognises that there are gaps
in the reasoning; however, does not explain the underlying assumptions clearly or accurately.
With guidance, analyses a problem, identifies some variables and offers simple solutions. Selects
resources for specific data collection. Processes data and assesses their validity, but with several
inaccuracies. Follows most instructions.
Communication skills
Communicates in simple, everyday language with occasional correct use of simple terminology and
conventions. Presents work in mostly organised formats.
Performs aviation tasks related to aircraft take-off and landing performance, with guidance. Solves a
limited range of problems. Identifies some responsibilities within the task.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 1
Understanding and applying concepts
Recalls concepts about aircraft systems and operation, and explains the properties of simple aviation
systems but with little detail. Identifies key features of reasoning, e.g. causes and examples. With
guidance, identifies major errors in reasoning and explains what is wrong. Recognises that there are gaps
in the reasoning; however, does not clearly or accurately explain the underlying assumptions.
Identifies few variables and offers limited solutions, even with significant guidance. Selects few resources
for specific data collection. Follows instructions more often than not. Uses limited terminology associated
with aircraft operation.
Communication skills
Offers limited and often incomplete responses. Uses simple language in responses, rather than
aviation/technical terminology. Provides some evidence to support answers, e.g. diagrams, pictures and
tables; however, these selections are often irrelevant. Presents work in disorganised, often inappropriate,
Performs aviation tasks related to aircraft take-off and landing performance, however only with close
supervision. Demonstrates limited problem solving skills and minimal recognition of responsibilities.
Understanding and applying concepts
Recalls concepts about aircraft systems and operation but with key errors and misconceptions. Offers
minimal descriptions of simple aviation systems. Identifies major features of reasoning, e.g. simple causes
and effects. Identifies major errors in reasoning, with support; however does not explain what is wrong.
Makes superficial comments with very simple statements and relies heavily on teacher guidance.
With considerable guidance, identifies some relevant information and makes some concluding statements.
Uses little aviation terminology associated with aircraft operation.
Communication skills
Communicates ineffectively, rarely completing responses, offering evidence or using aviation terminology.
Demonstrates limited aviation skills and lack of recall of procedures. Relies heavily on teacher guidance.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 2
Understanding and applying concepts
Synthesises broad and detailed concepts about aircraft systems, performance and operation in a range of
operational contexts, to solve problems. Evaluates the validity of aviation information by assessing the
value of the evidence presented. Demonstrates well-developed analytical thinking skills when exploring
issues. Organises material and presents clear and coherent arguments supported by evidence.
Analyses a problem to identify significant issues and develop a plan of action. Uses resources
appropriately. Accurately follows instructions. Recognises inconsistencies and suggests ways of reducing
Communication skills
Logically and coherently communicates detailed information and concepts. Uses correct terminology and
conventions. Constructs clearly labeled graphs from the data provided, and uses appropriate charts to solve
Effectively applies a range of skills when performing aviation tasks. Demonstrates increasing
independence when solving a range of unpredictable problems. Recognises and acts upon responsibilities
within a task.
Understanding and applying concepts
Applies broad concepts about aircraft systems, performance and operation in a range of operational
contexts. With guidance, evaluates the validity of aviation information by assessing the value of the
evidence presented. Demonstrates analytical thinking skills when exploring issues. Organises material and
presents arguments that are clear, coherent and supported by evidence in most instances.
Interprets a problem to identify issues of concern. Makes specific suggestions for improving the outcome in
a given scenario. Collects appropriate information, organises it and uses data effectively.
Communication skills
Communicates information and concepts logically, using correct terminology and conventions. Constructs
clearly labeled graphs from the data provided.
Applies a range of skills to perform aviation tasks. Demonstrates increasing independence in most
instances when solving a defined range of unpredictable problems. Recognises and acts upon most
responsibilities within a task.
Understanding and applying concepts
Applies concepts about aircraft systems, performance and operation in a range of operational contexts.
With guidance, evaluates the validity of aviation information by assessing the value of the evidence
presented. Demonstrates some analytical thinking skills when exploring issues. Organises material and
presents arguments clearly, supporting key points with some evidence.
Interprets a defined problem to identify issues of concern. Makes general suggestions for improving the
outcome in a given scenario. Collects limited information but organises it and uses data appropriately.
Communication skills
Communicates information in little detail; uses some correct terminology and conventions. In most instances,
constructs clearly labeled graphs from the data provided.
Applies a limited range of skills to perform aviation tasks. Demonstrates some emerging independence
and solves a range of unpredictable problems. Recognises responsibilities within a task.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 2
Understanding and applying concepts
Recalls and applies aspects of aircraft systems, performance and operation in a range of operational
contexts, with a few inaccuracies.
Comments on key features of reasoning, e.g. comparisons, causes and examples.
With guidance, interprets a defined problem to identify issues of concern. Makes a few suggestions for
improving the outcome in a given scenario. Collects very limited information, but organises it and uses
data appropriately.
Communication skills
Communicates information using simple terminology, but makes frequent errors in the use of conventions.
Performs aviation tasks relying on guidance and close supervision; applies a limited range of skills.
Demonstrates limited independence when addressing a defined range of unpredictable problems. Shows
limited recognition of responsibilities.
Understanding and applying concepts
Recalls and applies a small number of aspects of aircraft systems, performance and operation, in a limited
range of operational contexts. With guidance, comments, on some major features of reasoning, e.g.
comparisons, causes and examples.
With considerable guidance, identifies some variables and offers solutions, although these are typically
very limited. Follows instructions but uses little or no data.
Communication skills
Communicates ineffectively, rarely using aviation terminology.
Performs aviation tasks related to aircraft take-off, landing performance and aircraft loading only under
close supervision. Demonstrates very limited problem solving skills and shows little recognition of
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 3
Understanding and applying concepts
Synthesises broad and operational concepts about aircraft systems, performance and operation offering
detailed scientific explanations. Uses complex models to effectively explain the dynamics and interrelationships of stability and control. Applies complex thinking and problem solving to aircraft systems and
processes. Evaluates and applies particular types of reasoning using appropriate methods, e.g. giving
causal explanations, justifying decisions and presenting complex arguments.
Clearly delineates the relevant issues and factors when conducting an investigation. Uses precise
terminology in synthesising information from a variety of sources into diverse forms. Selects and uses
appropriate resources. Collects data independently and assesses their validity and accuracy. Collects
information, organises it logically and uses data in a range of forms.
Communication skills
Communicates information effectively, logically and coherently; uses correct terminology, acronyms and
Consistently applies theoretical concepts and appropriate technology and aviation skills, with minimal
supervision, to complete aviation operations in a range of situations. Finds solutions for technical problems
and manages resources responsibly and efficiently.
Understanding and applying concepts
Synthesises broad and operational concepts about aircraft systems, performance and operation, offering
detailed explanations. Uses models to explain the dynamics and inter-relationships of stability and control.
Evaluates the validity of information by assessing the value of the evidence presented. Demonstrates welldeveloped analytical thinking skills when exploring issues and presenting arguments.
Analyses a problem to identify significant issues and develop a plan of action. Uses resources
appropriately. Accurately follows instructions.
Communication skills
Communicates information logically and coherently; uses correct terminology, acronyms and conventions.
Applies a range of skills to perform aviation tasks effectively. Demonstrates increasing independence
when solving a range of unpredictable problems. Recognises and acts upon responsibilities within a task.
Understanding and applying concepts
Applies general and operational concepts about aircraft systems, performance and operation offering
explanations. Uses models to explain the dynamics and interrelationships of stability and control, but with
limitations. Uses valid information to develop reasoned responses. Demonstrates some critical and
analytical thinking skills.
Interprets a problem to identify issues of concern. Makes specific suggestions for improving the outcome in
a given scenario. Collects appropriate information, organises it and uses data effectively.
Communication skills
Addresses components of the question systematically, but with limited application of concepts.
Communicates information and concepts using correct terminology and conventions more often than not.
Applies a range of skills to perform aviation tasks. Demonstrates increasing independence, in most
instances, when solving a range of unpredictable problems. Recognises most responsibilities within a task.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 3
Understanding and applying concepts
Applies basic and operational concepts about aircraft systems, performance and operation, offering simple
explanations. Uses models to explain the dynamics and inter-relationships of stability and control, but with
inaccuracies. Identifies problems but offers only limited options to develop solutions. Shows limited
evidence of original and logical thinking.
Interprets a defined problem to identify issues of concern. Makes general suggestions for improving the
outcome in a given scenario. Collects limited amounts of information; organises information and uses data
Communication skills
Uses relevant terminology and conventions, but responses are often incorrect or incomplete.
Applies a limited range of skills to perform aviation tasks. Demonstrates limited independence when
addressing unpredictable problems. Recognises some responsibilities within a task.
Understanding and applying concepts
Applies basic and operational concepts about aircraft systems, performance and operation, offering brief
explanations. Uses models to explain the dynamics and inter-relationships of stability and control but with
frequent errors. Identifies key problems and errors, but offers few options to develop solutions. Shows
minimal evidence of original or logical thinking.
Interprets a defined problem, with guidance, to identify issues of concern. Makes limited few suggestions
for improving the outcome in a given scenario. Collects limited amounts of information; organises the
information, but uses data inappropriately or ineffectively in most instances.
Communication skills
Communicates ineffectively, rarely using aviation terminology.
Requires guidance and close supervision when applying a limited range of skills to perform aviation tasks
or when addressing unpredictable problems. Recognises few responsibilities within a task.
Aviation: Accredited September 2009 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015