SAMPLE ASSESSMENT REPORT ROY G. PERRY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY ASSESSMENT REPORT COVER PAGE MCEG 4123 ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 SEMESTER NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Paul O. Biney Revised: 12/03/2012 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Report Cover Page 2. Detailed Course Syllabus 3. End of Semester Outcomes Assessment Report (New Format) 4. Grade Sheet Showing Student and Class Performance in Outcomes 5. Supporting Outcomes Specific Assignments (Minimum of 2 per outcome except for Project Reports where one is enough) 5.1 5.2 5.3 Assignments assessing students’ ability to to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (outcome “c”) Assignments assessing students’ ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems ( Outcome “e”) Assignments assessing students’ ability to to communicate effectively, both written and orally (outcome g). 2 Detailed Course Syllabus (Distributed to Students at the beginning of the Semester) ABET Outcomes measured using course should be explicitly listed in the syllabus 3 PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENERGY SYSTEM DESIGN SPRING 2008 COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: COURSE NO: SECTION: PREREQUISITES: CLASS HOURS: CLASS ROOM: INSTRUCTOR OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN MCEG 4123 CREDIT: 3 HRS. 001 MCEG 3013 HEAT TRANSFER with Fluid mechanics MCEG 3023 THERMODYNAMICS II 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM MWF ROOM: 109 Gilchrist DR. PAUL O. BINEY (936) 261-9842 Rm 102 B C.L. Wilson Building AS POSTED COURSE DESCRIPTION: A design course emphasizing heat exchangers, heat pipes, heat reclamation devices, piping systems, and solar heating and cooling systems. TEXTBOOK: Design of Fluid Thermal Systems by William S. Janna, 2 nd Edition PWS Publishing Company. REFERENCES: 1. A Design of Thermal Systems@, by W.F. Stoecker, 3rd Edition, McGraw- Hill, Inc. 2. AElements of Thermal-Fluid System Design@, by Louis C. Burmeister, Prencice Hall 3. AThe Mechanical Design Process@ by David G. Ullman, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Company, Inc. To (1) introduce the concepts of the design process as it relates to thermal systems, (2) provide a brief overview of the analysis, optimization and selection of equipment used in thermal systems, (3) introduce the students to the analysis of a complete thermal system and optimization of system performance, and (4) encourage the student to review current research work in the area of thermal systems. COURSE GOALS: SKILLS TO BE ACQUIRED: Students passing Energy Systems Design would have acquired the following skills: 1. Ability for Written and oral communications. 2. Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired need. 3. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems in Energy Systems. CLASS PUNCTUALITY: The class roll will be checked within the first five minutes of the class period. Anyone who comes in after the roll is checked will be considered late. CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM Students are referred to the University Policy about cheating and plagiarism. It shall be the policy in this course to discourage cheating to the extent possible, rather than to try to trap and to punish. On the other hand, in fairness to all concerned, cheating and plagiarism will be treated severely wherever it is found. Because a large part of the learning experience comes from interaction with your peers, students are encouraged to discuss assignments with each other. The material submitted for grading must, however, be the product of individual or assigned group effort; anything else constitutes cheating. DESIGN: This is a design course and students will be put into design groups. Group dynamics will be very important. Each group of students will be given two major design projects which will require the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer, and functions, operations, selection and optimization of thermal equipment. A systematic approach to the design process will be essential. In addition to the two major projects each group will be tested on various component sizing and selection in the form of assignments. 4 REPORTS: The mid-term reports & the final project reports should be completely typed in a formal report format to be discussed in class. PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: All project assignment should be handed in on the due date. You may submit them typed or neatly handwritten. Students are responsible for organizing themselves in order to complete the design project. Each student in the group shall be responsible for any and all details of the design project. SERVICE PROJECT The course is designed to include one service project. A service project requires the class to spend an entire day off campus at a small or medium size manufacturing plant within 75 miles radius of Prairie View to provide engineering services to the plant. The services provided to the plant will include energy and waste assessment. On the day of the service project, the class will depart from campus at 6:00 A.M., and return by 6:00 P.M. Breakfast and lunch will be provided by the department on the day of the service project. Attending the visit to the plant and collecting the necessary engineering data constitute 5% of your grade, and writing the assessment report component assigned to you will constitute 5% of your grade. How Mechanical Engineering Courses Meet Department Objectives & ABET Criterion 3 Specific Objectives of the Mechanical Engineering Program are to produce graduates who will 1. 2. 3. 4. have successful careers in engineering and related fields, thereby, fulfilling the special purpose mission of the university in serving a diverse ethnic and socioeconomic population; be capable of advancing their careers by moving into other lucrative professions and leadership positions; successfully obtain admissions to pursue graduate degrees, and understand and maintain professional ethics and the need to safeguard the public, the environment, and the natural resources. Mechanical Engineering program Outcomes Program Outcomes and Assessment: The mechanical Engineering Program must demonstrate that its graduates have: a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. g. an ability to communicate effectively. h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j. a recognition of contemporary issues. k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Table 1 shows how Mechanical Engineering required courses contribute to the students’ knowledge and ability to meet the department’s program objectives and the program outcomes above. The outcomes measured in this course are c, e, and g. 5 Table 1 Course Matrix Showing Outcomes covered in Various Courses MCEG Courses 1021 Mech. Drawing & Desg. 2013 Thermodynamics I 2023 Materials Sci/Engr. 3011 Measurement Lab 3013 Heat Transfer 3021 Thermal Sci. Lab 3023 Thermodynamics II 3031 Manufacturing Lab 3033 Manufacturing Proc 3043 Machine Design I 3051 Professional Engr. 3053 Kinematic Design 3063 Fluid Mechanics 4043 Machine Design II 4063 Dynamic Systems 4093 Finite Element 4123 Energy System 4473 Senior Project I 4483 Senior Project II CHEG 3003 Economy Total of “contribution factor” a x 10 10 X 15 X x X X x 10 15 x 15 x x b 30 30 25 15 x x ABET Criterion 3 and “Contribution Factor” c d e f g h i 10 x x 15 10 X 10 20 15 x 15 x 10 x 5 15 x x x x x x x 5 x 10 x 20 10 x X 15 15 10 x x 20 15 5 x 20 10 10 x 15 x 45 30 25 50 25 30 45 30 25 50 x 20 j x x x 10 30 30 k 20 x x 10 x 10 x 10 5 10 10 x 10 x 25 x x x Course Objectives: 1. Teach students how to use basic engineering principles and design tools to design a Fluid- thermal system, component or process to meet a desired need Program outcome c. 2. Teach students how to prepare written technical reports and oral communications Program outcome g 3. Teach students how to use basic engineering principles to identify, formulate and solve engineering design problems. Program outcome g Course Outcomes Two major course outcomes will be assessed in this course using a number of performance criteria. The Course outcomes and their performance criteria are detailed below: Course Outcome 1: This outcome is the same as program outcome c Students will have the ability to design a system, a component, or a process to meet desired need The three performance criteria used to assess this outcome consist of 1. Ability to Define/Understand the Problem and then Plan the Project Students are able to: (i) Identify the customer and the needs. (ii) Identify and list the design objectives. (i) Identify the design constraints. (ii) Define the design strategy and methodology. (iii) Identify and break down work into tasks and subtasks and identify the personnel and deliverables for each. (iv) Develop a Gantt chart and critical path analysis for managing the project. (v) Establish major milestones for tracking progress and define performance metrics to measure success. 2. Ability to Conduct a Review of the Literature, Generate Ideas and Apply Creativity Students are able to: 6 (i) Identify the types of information needed for a complete understanding of all aspects of the project (Based on task described in the project planning). (ii) Gather information on relevant fundamentals, theory / concept (demonstrate technical competence) and relate them to the design. (iii) Provide the sources in a list of references properly cited in the literature review section and relevant sections of the report. (iv) Define functional requirements for design (Specific required actions needed to be performed for the design to be achieved). (v) Transform functional requirements into candidate solutions / mathematical modeling. (vi) Evaluate candidate solutions to arrive at feasible designs. 3. Ability to Perform Preliminary and Detailed Design Students are able to: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Identify applicable codes and standards for the design Perform relevant detailed analysis (engineering, mathematical, economic) in accord with applicable codes and standards. Develop final design specifications Do the design within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability Select materials/components/software/test equipment. Fabricate a prototype or a model (physical, software, hardware) of the design. Test or simulate the design and make necessary changes to obtain optimum design . Course Outcome 2 : This outcome is the same as program outcome e Students will have the ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. The three performance criteria used to measure this outcome include 1. Identify engineering/technical/computing problems Given a problem, the student is able to: (i) Understand the given problem and identify the subject area and concept involved. (ii) Convert the problem into a well labeled sketch (such as free body diagram, flow chart, functional block diagram, schematic diagram). (iii) Identify the system of units applicable to the problem. 2. Formulate/analyze engineering/technical/computing problems Given a problem, the student is able to: (i) Define the known and the unknown variables in the problem. (ii) State relevant laws and equations needed for the problem. (iii) List and apply assumptions to the relevant laws and equations to obtain the specific equations appropriate to the problem. 3. Solve engineering/technical/computing problems Given a problem, the student is able to: (i) Implement strategy to solve the problem. (ii) Solve the problem (showing consistent units throughout). (iii) Evaluate and interpret the result. Course Outcome 2.1 : This outcome is the same as program outcome g Students will have the ability to communicate effectively through oral presentations The four performance criteria used to measure this outcome include: 7 1. Ability to Organize, Plan, Design/Prepare and Use Appropriate Visual Aids for communication/Presentation (i) Students are able to organize presentation in well structured logical sequence making it easy for audience to follow the content with clear understanding. (ii) Students are able to prepare effective slides (adequate and relevant technical content and viewgraphs that are legible, completely labeled/annotated/dimensioned to illustrate important features of the work being presented) (iii) Students are able to use modern presentation techniques (may include visually enhanced transitions, animations, video, and sound clips). (iv) Students are able to stay within time limits 2. Ability to Articulate Subject Knowledge (Technical Content) (i) Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject. (This may be demonstrated by presenting literature review, originality, creativity, required standards, constraints, and other appropriate considerations such as economics, environmental, and societal impact) (ii) Students are able to prepare and display prototypes or models when they are necessary to support the presentation. (iii) Students respond clearly to questions in a professional manner after restating questions to audience 3. Appearance and Ability to Provide Good Oral Delivery Students are able to: (i) Use correct grammatical English and technical terms appropriate to technical area and audience; speak with clarity and confidence; (ii) Maintain good posture and eye contact with the audience ( should not read from prepared notes) and elicit the attention of the audience (iii) Dress appropriately for the occasion. Instructor may record the presentation for assessment display purpose, and must ensure to get consent for witness protection from the students. Course Outcome 2.2 : This outcome is the same as program outcome g Students will have the ability to communicate effectively through technical report writing The three performance criteria used to measure this outcome include 1. Ability to organize, plan and properly format a written technical report (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Students are able to organize report by categorizing ideas for the report into well and logically organized chapters, major sections, subsections and paragraphs blended within the larger units. Students provide Title Page, Abstract, and Table of Contents, list of Figures, and List of Tables properly formatted. Students provide figure number and title for each figure in the report, reference each figure, and completely discuss each figure in the report in accord with standards in the project manual. Students provide table number and title for each table in the report in accord with standards in the project manual, reference each table, and completely discuss each table in the report. Students properly cite references in the report and provide well formatted reference list at the end. Students prepare the written report in accord with standard report formatting provided in the Senior Projects Report Manual. 2. Ability to compose original texts and properly apply the conventions of written language. Students are able to (i) properly apply capitalization, punctuation, and penmanship, to communicate clearly (ii) Spell proficiently (iii) Apply standard grammar and usage to communicate clearly and effectively in writing including 8 (iv) using complete sentences, varying the types such as compound and complex to match meanings and purposes properly employing standard English usage in writing for audiences, including subject-verb agreement, pronoun referents, and parts of speech properly using adjectives (comparative and superlative forms) and adverbs appropriately to make writing vivid or precise properly using prepositional phrases to elaborate written ideas properly using conjunctions to connect ideas meaningfully Use available technology to support aspects of creating, revising, editing, spell checking, and publishing the report. 3. Ability to provide appropriate discussion, conclusions and recommendations Students are able to clearly (i) Summarize the goals, objectives, and indicate whether they were met. (ii) Summarize the results. (iii) Summarize constraints and codes and indicate whether they were met. (iv) Provide logical conclusions and recommendations (including strengths and weaknesses). Class Attendance Policy Prairie View A&M University requires regular class attendance. Attending all classes supports full academic development of each learner whether classes are taught with the instructor physically present or via distance learning technologies such as interactive video. Excessive absenteeism, whether excused or unexcused, may result in a student’s course grade being reduced or in assignment of a grade of “F”. Absences are accumulated beginning with the first day of class during regular semesters and summer terms. NOTE: For this class, attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. After the first week of class, students will be marked present, absent, late or excused absence. Absent, late, and excessive excused absence will count negatively towards your grade by reducing your class percentage according to the formula below; Absent =-1% per each class student is absent. Late = -0.5% per each class student is late Excused absence = -0.25% for each excused absence above 3 class periods (No penalty for first three excused absences). An excused absent will be given when accompanied by verifying records and approved by the course instructor GRADING SUMMARY Course Components PROJECT 1 (Report=20, Presentation=5) PROJECT 2 (Report=25, Presentation=5) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS & QUIZZES TEST 1 TEST 2 TOTAL % 25 30 15 15 15 100 All the items listed above will be used to test students in the abilities listed below. 1. Life-Long Learning and Creativity Problem definition and identification generate & evaluate concepts project planning. 2. Written and Oral Communications Project Reports Project Presentations 3 Identify, Formulate and Solve Engineering Problems Identify components, subsystems and engineering analysis to size these. 9 4. Design a system, component or process to meet a desired need. Design & sizing of subsystems Integration of subsystems Cost & economic analysis Component/System Optimization Working drawings & Specification POINTS 90 - 100% 80 - 89.9% 65 - 79.9% 55 - 64.9% 0 - 54.9% GRADE A B C D F The sequencing of topics to be covered in this course has been carefully done to provide a logical transition from one topic to another. Each topic builds on the previous topics and students are encouraged to ensure thorough understanding of earlier topics to aid them to understand the new ones being introduced. The plan of course described below was designed with the above objectives in mind. PLAN OF COURSE: The topics to be covered in Energy Systems Design and the approximate number of 1 1/2 hour periods assigned are as follows: TOPIC NUMBER OF CLASS PERIODS The Review of Fluid Mechanics 2 Piping Systems Design 4 Duct system Design 2 Sizing of Pumps for Piping Systems 4 Sizing of Fans for Duct Systems 2 Double Pipe Heat Exchangers 3 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 4 Cross-flow Heat exchangers 3 Heat Pipes 2 IMPORTANT DATES General Student Assembly Drop for non-payment Last day to withdraw from course(s) without record Automatic grade of “W” begins Last day to apply for May graduation Mid-Semester Exam Period Spring Break Founder’s day/ Honors Convocation Automatic grade of “W” ends Last day for Spring 2008 Semester Final Exam Period Final grades for Graduating students due Commencement Final grades for all other students due January 23, 2008 January 30, 2008 January 30, 2008 January 31, 2008 February 2, 2009 March 6-8, 2008 March 10-15, 2008 March 26, 2008 March 31, 2008 April 29, 2008 May 2-7, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 10, 2008 may 13, 2008 NOTE: 1. Please read the UNIVERSITY CLASS ATTENDANCE POLICY (undergraduate catalog, 2005-2007, pp. 111). 2. Please read the University Policy on Academic Honesty (undergraduate catalog, 10 2005-2007, pp. 111-116). DISABILITY REQUIREMENTS: Do you have any special needs in this class related to a disability? If yes, please contact your instructor as soon as possible. (Undergraduate Catalog, 2005-2007, p. 61) Any student who has, or believes they may have a disability that requires accommodations is advised to contact the Office of Students with Disabilities at 936-857-2610 in Evans Hall Room 315.) 11 ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE MEETING MEETING NUMBER DATE 1 2 3 01/14/08 01/16/08 01/18/08 01/21/08 4 01/23/08 5 01/25/08 6 01/28/08 3.1 3.2 3.3 01/30/08 3.4 7. READING ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION - THE DESIGN PROCESS Introduction Review of Thermodynamics: Fluid Properties and First law Distribution of Projects Group Formation Review of Thermodynamics::Second Law of Thermodynamics ML KING Holiday, NO Class Introduction to the Design process Review: Review of Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals of Heat Transfer PIPING SYSTEM DESIGN Piping and Tubing Standards Equivalent Diameters Flow in Ducts Pipe Friction Project Status Report & Presentation 1 8 02/01/08 3.5 3.6 3.7 9 10 2/04/08 4.1 2/06/08 4.1 4.4 4.5 ECONOMIC BASIS OF PIPING SYSTEM DESIGN Economic Pipe Diameter Economic Pipe Diameter Symbols for Piping Systems Pipes in Parallel 11 02/08/08 DUCT SYSTEM DESIGN Equal Friction & Static Pressure Methods 12 02/11/08 5.1 5.2 02/13/08 5.3 02/15/08 5.4 02/18/08 5.5 5.6 13 14 15 16 02/20/08 5.7 17 02/22/08 18 02/25/08 5.7 Minor Losses and Equivalent Length of Fittings Series Piping System Flow through Non-circular Pipes Design Project Review SIZING OF PUMPS FOR PIPING SYSTEMS Types of Pumps Pump Testing and Characteristic Curves Cavitation and Net Positive Suction Head Dimensionless Parameters for Pump Analysis Specific Speed and Pump Types Piping System Design Practices Project 1 Presentation 2 SIZING OF FANS FOR DUCT SYSTEMS Fans and Fan Performance: Testing Methods Static and Stagnation Pressures Average Velocity in Ducts ******************* TEST 1 ************** 19 Fan Characteristic Curves, Matching Fan and System PROJECT 1 DRAFT REPORT DUE 02/27/08 6.1-6.4 Heat Transfer Fundamentals 20 02/29/08 7.1 21 03/03/08 22 03/05/08 7.2 23 03/07/08 7.2 03/10-15/08 03/17/08 7.2 7.3 03/19/08 7.4 24 25 03/21/08 DESIGN AND SELECTION OF DOUBLE PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER The Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Description Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient Computation & Fouling PROJECT 1 FINAL PRESENTATION PROJECT 1 FINAL REPORT DUE Design Analysis for Sizing Double Pipe Heat Exchangers LMTD, Outlet Temperatures, Pressure Drop Design Analysis Procedure SPRING BREAK Temperature Profiles Effectiveness-NTU Analysis Design Considerations Project 2 Status Report & presentation 1 Good Friday/ Easter Holiday, NO Class DESIGN AND SELECTION OF SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS 26 03/24/08 8.1 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 03/26/08 03/28/08 04/31/08 04/02/08 04/04/08 04/07/08 04/09/08 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5-8.6 34 04/11/08 Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Description **************** TEST 2 *************** Analysis of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: Correction Factor Analysis of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: Tube & Shell Side Analysis of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: Outlet Temperatures Effectiveness-NTU Analysis Increased Heat Recovery Design Considerations and Optimum Outlet Temperature Analysis Project 2 Status Report & Presentation 2 DESIGN AND SELECTION OF PLATE & FRAME and CROSS FLOW HEAT EXCHANGERS 35 36 04/14/08 9.1 04/16/08 9.2 Plate & Frame Heat Exchanger Description Design Analysis of Plate & Frame Heat Exchanger DRAFT PROJECT 2 REPORT DUE 37 38 04/18/08 9.2 04/21/08 9.3 Design Analysis of Plate & Frame Heat Exchanger. Cross Flow Heat Exchanger Description & Design 39 04/23/08 DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS OF HEAT PIPES Operational Principles of Heat Pipes Design Analysis for Heat Pipes 40 04/25/08 Design Analysis for Heat Pipes 41 04/28/08 PROJECT 2 FINAL PRESENTATION PROJECT 2 FINAL REPORT DUE ENERGY SYSTEM DESIGN SPRING 2008 HOMEWORK COVER SHEET GROUP NUMBER _____________ ASSIGNMENT# __________ Assignment Title_____________________________________Due Date:__________________ No Group Member Name Group Member signature Brief Description of Work Assigned to Member % Completed by Member* Your Score 1 2 3 4 5 *100% means the member completed his/her assigned work. By signing this assignment cover sheet, I agree that the percentages stated in the % completed column reflect the contribution made by me and the other members of the group. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN MCEG 4123 SPRING 2008 SEMESTER Assessing ability to design a system, a component, or a process to meet desired need ASSIGNMENT TITLE:_____________________________________________________________ DUE DATE: ____________________ DATE SUBMITTED: _______________ Name of Student:____________________________ Title of Assignment:_______________________________________________________ Competency Area 1. Ability to Define the Problem Students are able to (i) Identify the customer and the needs, (ii) Identify and list the design objectives (iii) Identify the design constraints 2. Ability to Plan the Project Students are able to (i) Define the design strategy and methodology, (ii) Identify and break down work into tasks and subtasks and identify the personnel and deliverables for each. (iii) Develop a Gantt chart and critical path analysis for managing the project (iv) Establish major milestones for tracking progress and define performance metrics to measure success. 3. Ability to Conduct a Review of the Literature Students are able to (i) Identify the types of information needed for a complete understanding of all aspects of the project (Based on task described in the project planning). (ii) Gather information on relevant fundamentals, theory / concept (demonstrate technical competence) and relate them to the design. (iii) Provide the sources in a list of references properly cited in the literature review section and relevant sections of the report. 4. Ability to Generate Ideas and Apply Creativity Students are able to (i) Define functional requirements for design (Specific required actions needed to be performed for the design to be achieved) (ii) Transform functional requirements into candidate solutions / mathematical modeling. (iii) Evaluate candidate solutions to arrive at feasible designs. 5. Ability to Perform Preliminary and Detailed Design Students are able to (i) Perform relevant analysis (engineering, mathematical, economic) (ii) Develop final design specifications, and identify applicable codes and standards for the design. (iii) Select materials/components/software/test equipment (iv) Fabricate a prototype or a model (physical, software, hardware) of the design (v) Test or simulate the design and make necessary changes to obtain optimum design TOTAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN MCEG 4123 SPRING 2008 SEMESTER Max for this Assignment Student’s Score Assessing ability to communicate effectively through oral presentation ASSIGNMENT TITLE:_____________________________________________________________ DUE DATE: ____________________ DATE SUBMITTED: _______________ Name of Student:____________________________ Title of Assignment:_______________________________________________________ Competency Area 1. Ability to Organize and Plan communication/Presentation (i) Students are able to organize presentation in well structured logical sequence making it easy for audience to follow the content with clear understanding (ii) Students are able to stay within time limits 2. Ability to Demonstrate Subject Knowledge and Provide Sufficient Technical Content (i) Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject. (This may be demonstrated by presenting literature review, originality, creativity, required standards, constraints, and other appropriate considerations such as economics, environmental, and societal impact) (ii) Respond clearly to questions after restating questions to audience 3. Appearance and Ability to Provide Good Oral Delivery Students are able to: (i) Use correct grammatical English and technical terms appropriate to technical area and audience; speak with clarity and confidence; (ii) Maintain good posture and eye contact with the audience ( should not read from prepared notes) and elicit the attention of the audience (iii) Dress appropriately for the occasion. 4. Ability to Design/Prepare and Use Appropriate Visual Aids (i) Students are able to prepare effective slides (adequate and relevant technical content and viewgraphs that are legible, completely labeled/annotated/dimensioned to illustrate important features of the work being presented) (ii) Students are able to use modern presentation techniques (may include visually enhanced transitions, animations, video, and sound clips). (iii) Students are able to prepare and display prototypes or models when necessary TOTAL Max for this Assignment Student’s Score MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN MCEG 4123 SPRING 2008 SEMESTER Assessing ability to communicate effectively through technical report writing ASSIGNMENT TITLE:_____________________________________________________________ DUE DATE: ____________________ DATE SUBMITTED: _______________ Name of Student:____________________________ Title of Assignment:_______________________________________________________ Competency Area 1. 2. 3. Students are able to prepare a well organized and well formatted technical report Students provide Title Page, Abstract, and Table of Contents, list of Figures, and List of Tables Students provide Figure numbers and Titles, including discussing and referencing each Figure in the text. Students provide Table numbers and Titles, including discussing and referencing each table in the text. Students properly cite references in the report and provide well formatted reference list at the end. Students Provide appropriate and logical sub-headings under each section of the report Students prepare the written report in accord with standard report formatting provided in the Senior Projects Report Manual Students are able to use correct English grammar, spelling, and punctuation Students are able describe in details, their understanding of the problem by their written description of following: (i) Project scope Students are able to define and describe the scope of the work being reported (may include having sections on Problem Statement, Client Identification & Recognition of need, Recognition of & Knowledge of Relevant Contemporary Issues, and clearly indicating Goals and Objectives of the work being reported). (ii) Project plans and tasks Students are able to plan and track project by providing Task identification, Timeline, and Gantt Chart Student are able to use Modern Project Planning Tools (such as Microsoft Project Software) for planning, tracking, and execution of the project (iii) The literature reviewed Students are able to describe relevant topics for literature review Students are able to describe previous design or related materials, Students are able to describe the relevance of materials reviewed to project. Students are able to properly cite references used for literature review. 4. Students are able to present preliminary design by their written description of following Generation of Design Concepts, their evaluation, and rational for selecting best alternative Engineering specifications and preliminary design analysis Constraints. (This may include sections describing Regulations & Design Constraints considered in design, Economic, Environmental, Health, manufacturability & Safety constraints considered in design, Professional and Ethical Issues considered in Design as well as Social & Political Issues considered in design). 5. Students are able to present detailed system design/fabrication and technical details in report (i) Students are able to present in-depth analysis that considers regulations, codes and standards, Constraints, objectives, and goals (ii) Students are able to describe the use of modern tools in the analysis and design, drawings/schematics/ solid models, simulation and prototype or model development. (iii) Students are able to clearly describe economic analysis that may include fixed, running cost, amortized cost, unit cost, and other economic considerations. (iv) Students are able to describe the fabrication/Assembly/Simulation/Testing of the Model or Prototype (v) Students are able to document the physical or computer model, test results, and design verifications. 6. Ability to provide appropriate discussion, conclusions and recommendations Students are able to clearly (i) Summarize the goals, Objectives, and indicate whether they were met (ii) Summarize constraints and codes and indicate whether they were met (iii) Provide logical conclusions and recommendations (including strengths and weaknesses) TOTAL Max for Assignment Student’ s Score HOMEWORK SOLUTION FORMAT This section needs to be provided even if using EES to solve the Problem Problem Statement A rod 180 mm in diameter moves along its axis at 0.18 m/s inside a concentric cylinder 180.5 mm in diameter and 1.5 m long. The space between them is filled with an oil of specific gravity 0.85 and kinematic viscosity =10-4 m2/s. a) What is the shear stress at the rod surface? b) What is the viscous force resisting the motion? c) What is the power required to move the shaft at the specified velocity? KNOWN: L=1.5 m FIND: A rod of diameter D1=180 mm Rod moves axially with a velocity U=0.18 m/s Rod moves in a concentric cylinder of diameter D2=180.5 mm , and of length Space between filled with fluid of SG=0.85, and kinematic viscosity =10-4 m2/s Viscous force, Fvis, resisting the motion The shear stress, shear at the rod surface The power, P, required to move the shaft SCHEMATIC: Shaft U=0.18 m/s Oil L=1.5 m ASSUMPTIONS: Oil behaves as a Newtonian fluid PROPERTIES: Sgoil=0.85, ANALYSIS: Basic Laws/Equations: water=1000 kg/m3, oil=10-4 m2/s, U=0.18 m/s D1=180 mm D2=180.5 mm oil U , where D2 D1 , and oil oil oil 2 oil water Sg oil F A where A D1 L P FU Calculate oil and then and A using the appropriate equations Solution Plan above Calculate F from the values of and A Calculate P from the last equation after calculating F This Section can be done using EES Solution: oil water Sg oil (1000kg / m 3 ) (0.85) 850 kg / m 3 oil oil oil (850 kg / m 3 )(10 4 m 2 / s ) 0.085 kg /( m.s ) D2 D1 (180.5 180) mm 0.25 mm 0.00025 m 2 2 U 0.085 kg / m.s 0.18 m / s 61.2 N / m 2 0.00025m (a) oil (b) A D1 L (0.18 m) (1.5 m) 0.8482 m 2 F A (61.2 N / m 2 ) (0.8482 m 2 ) 51.91 N (c ) P FU (51.91 N ) (0.18 m / s ) 9.34 W COMMENTS: The shear stress and the force are not very large. A system like this can be used to measure the viscosity of a fluid if the force needed to move the shaft can be measured experimentally. End of Semester Course Assessment Report This summary contains the following Information 1. Performance Statistics Total number of students in class The class average performance (stated as %) in each course outcome assessed in this class and the two previous times course was assessed. The acceptable class average for the class in each outcome area as set by your Department. You cannot use any number of your choice Percentage of students who scored below the expected average in each outcome. 2. Implementation Summary Brief summary of plans implemented during the semester based on last assessment report 3. Perceived Problems Instructor’s critical evaluation of perceived problems that affected students’ performance. Realistic problems should be identified throughout the semester and summarized in this section of the report. 4. New Plans for Addressing Problems Instructor’s plans for addressing the perceived problems the next time the class is taught. These should be specific enough for another instructor to implement. Most of these should be things that, you, the instructor can implement to help students to improve. Be creative. 5. Overall Trend over last three assessment periods Instructors summary of overall performance trend for each outcome measured over the last three periods. 5. Were Expectations Met? Answer YES if the class average was above the expected average and the stated percentage of students scored at or above the expected average, else answer NO. END OF SEMESTER COURSE OUTCOME ASSESSMENT REPORT MCEG 4123-001 ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 SEMESTER Report Prepared by: Dr. Paul O. Biney Report Date: May 20, 2008 Semester Analysis Type Number of Students Sub-Outcome c.1 Sub-Outcome c.2 Sub-Outcome c.3 Outcome c Ability to Define/Understand the Problem and then Plan the Project Ability to Conduct a Review of the Literature, Generate Ideas and Apply Creativity Ability to Perform Preliminary and Detailed Design An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.” Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Spring 2008 Direct 9 Fall 2007 Direct 8 Spring 2007 Direct 7 Implementation Summary Perceived Problems Plans for Addressing Problems Overall Trend over Periods Were Expectations Met? Items implemented from previous report or after meeting previous instructor Perceived problems are directly related to the PC and the sub items under them Plans for address specific measures to address PC and their sub areas Ascertain if there were improvements over previous semesters Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 84.8 100 A lectures on the design process covering this performance criteria were given and notes distributed to students. The students had problems identifying the design constraints and in establishing major milestones for tracking progress and define performance metrics to measure success The following implementation: is recommended for Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 69.7 0 YES Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 68.9 45 The senior Project manual was distributed to students and discussed. The use of software in design analysis was emphasized, and the Engineering Equation Solver program was made available to students.. Students had difficulties in gathering information on relevant fundamentals, theory / concepts and related to the project. Information gathered were mostly not relevant to the project. List of references and citation of reference was not properly or adequately done. Even though students were introduced to EES, they still tried to do their analysis manually, and thus had several errors and iterations. Techniques for collecting and holding reference numbers in the report will be provided the next time course is taught. Distinction between design constraints and design requirements should be made clear to students. This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured, but students did very well. Class Average / Expected Hand calculations should be outlawed in complex design analysis. Analysis based on software should be mandated. Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 74.5 44.4 54.5 0 78 86 All of the implementation summary for the sub-outcomes were implemented for this outcome. Major problems were inability to identify constraints, establish milestones, tracking progress on Gantt chart. Also students lacked ability to gather relevant information, and cite references. Inability to do analysis on software All of the plans suggested for the suboutcomes will address the problems encountered for this outcome.. Additional tutorials on used of design software should be given. This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students performed below expected average NO This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students performed below expected average NO Students performance was slightly below the expected average but above the previous semester’s average. NO END OF SEMESTER COURSE OUTCOME ASSESSMENT REPORT MCEG 4123-001 ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 SEMESTER Report Prepared by: Dr. Paul O. Biney Report Date: May 20, 2008 Semester Analysis Type Number of Students Outcome e.2 Ability to formulate/ analyze engineering/technical/ computing problems Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Spring 2008 Direct 9 Fall 2007 Direct 8 Spring 2007 Direct 7 Implementation Summary Perceived Problems Plans for Addressing Problems Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 57.1 22 Outcome e.3 Ability to solve engineering/technical/computing problems Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 54.7 22 Items implemented from previous report or after meeting previous instructor The format for formulating and analysis of problems was distributed and discussed. EES and numerical techniques for solving nonlinear problems were discussed Perceived problems are directly related to the PC and the sub items under them Students lacked the basic understanding of the laws and equations needed for formulating and analyzing engineering problems in Fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics. Lack of understanding of basic assumptions on which equations and relevant laws are based. Students could not solve problems involving numerical approximation. When they tried, they stopped before there was convergence The following is recommended for implementation. Provide tutorials on EES and numerical analysis to students Plans for address specific measures to address PC and their sub areas Outcome e An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.” Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 55.9 22 63.9 25 62.4 29 The format for formulating and analysis of problems was distributed and discussed. EES and numerical techniques for solving nonlinear problems were discussed Perceived problems were as listed for the sub-outcomes The following is recommended for implementation. Pre-requisite subjects need to be briefly reviewed. Pre-requisite subjects need to be briefly reviewed. Students should be required to state all assumptions for any problems they formulate Students should be required to state all assumptions for any problems they formulate Provide tutorials on EES and numerical analysis to students. Overall Trend over Periods Ascertain if there were improvements over previous semesters Were Expectations Met? Class Average ≥75% and ≥70% of Students Performed at or Above Expected Average. This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was below expected average. NO This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was below expected average. NO Students performance was disappointing this semester since the average was lower than that of Fall 2007. Students have consistently scored below expected average. NO END OF SEMESTER COURSE OUTCOME ASSESSMENT REPORT MCEG 4123-001 ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 SEMESTER Report Prepared by: Dr. Paul O. Biney Report Date: May 20, 2008 Outcome g.1 Semester Analysis Type Number of Students g1: Ability to Organize, Plan, Design and Prepare and Use Appropriate Visual Aids for communication/Presentation Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Spring 2008 Direct 9 Fall 2007 Direct 8 Spring 2007 Direct 7 Implementati on Summary Perceived Problems Plans for Addressi ng Problems Overall Trend over Periods Were Expectati ons Met? Items implemented from previous report or after meeting previous instructor Perceived problems are directly related to the PC and the sub items under them Plans for address specific measures to address PC and their sub areas Ascertain if there were improvements over previous semesters Class Average ≥75% and ≥70% of Students Performed at or Above Expected Average. Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 82.9 100 Section in project manual presentation was reviewed. oral Outcome g.3 g.3: Appearance and Ability to Provide Good Oral Delivery Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 75.5 100 Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 83.8 100 Practice sessions in class on how to rephrase procedure, sample analyses done in lab and answers compared to that obtained by instructor at lab, and where time was a constrain, instructor performed analysis using first data point and provided the correct answers to students to use to check their analysis data. . Section in project manual on oral presentation was reviewed. Students were lacking in their ability to use modern presentation techniques such as visually enhanced transitions, animations, video, and sound clips) to provide effective delivery, and they did not practice enough to be able to stay within their time limits. Students did not amply demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the technical aspect of the subject . The following is recommended for implementation. Require students to include visual aids in their presentation. Video clip of one of their group meetings. The following is recommended for implementation the next time the course is offered. This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was above expected average. This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was just above expected average. YES on Outcome g.2 g.2: Ability to Articulate Subject Knowledge (Technical Content) Outcome Oral Communication g. Ability to communicate effectively orally. Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 80.7 100 All items listed under the sub-outcomes were implemented Major problems were as listed in the suboutcomes The instructor should: . Plans are as described in the sub-outcomes This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was above expected average. Student performance was above expected average and all the students scored above the expected average Students should be made to carefully plan the technical part of the presentation for the instructor’s review. YES YES YES END OF SEMESTER COURSE OUTCOME ASSESSMENT REPORT MCEG 4123-001 ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 SEMESTER Report Prepared by: Dr. Paul O. Biney Report Date: May 20, 2008 Semester Analysis Type Number of Students Outcome g.4 Outcome g.5 Outcome g.6 g.4: Ability to organize, plan and properly format a written technical report g.5: Ability to compose original texts and properly apply the conventions of written language g.6: Ability to provide appropriate discussion, conclusions and recommendations Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Spring 2008 Direct 9 Fall 2007 Direct 8 Spring 2007 Direct 7 Implementati on Summary Perceived Problems Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 69.6 44 Items implemented from previous report or after meeting previous instructor The project manual was distributed and the sections on organization and format for technical report were discussed. Perceived problems are directly related to the PC and the sub items under them Students’ ability to properly cite references used in their work was not good. Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 74.4 44 Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 67.9 0 The project manual was distributed and the sections and the importance of composition and conventions for written communication were discussed. Details on the content of discussion conclusions, and recommendations were discussed. Students did not do well in punctuation. Some sentences were incomplete and did not make sense, Several errors in subject verb agreement. Students failed miserably in identifying the major accomplishments in their project, and thus did not highlight the important results in their discussions and conclusions. The recommendation were also poorly done Outcome g Written Communication Average Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 70.6 44 All Outcome g Average for Oral & Written Communication Class Average / Expected Percent of students at or above average 75 75 75 70 70 70 Expected Class Average % Students meeting Expected Average 75.7 44 67.4 50 87.2 100 As stated for sub-outcomes g4, g5, and g6 As stated for sub-outcomes g1 through g6 As stated for sub-outcomes g4, g5, and g6 As stated for sub-outcomes g1 through g6 The instructor should: Plans for Addressi ng Problems Overall Trend over Periods Were Expectati ons Met? Instructor should provide techniques for recording and citing references to students. Plans for address specific measures to address PC and their sub areas Ascertain if there were improvements over previous semesters Class Average ≥75% and ≥70% of Students Performed at or Above Expected Average. The following is recommended for implementation the next time the course is offered. As stated for sub-outcomes g4, g5, and g6 As stated for sub-outcomes g1 through g6 This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was slightly below expected average. This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was slightly below expected average. This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was below expected average. Students performance was slightly above the expected average and there was improvement over the previous semester. Only 44% of the students scored at or above the expected average Only 44% of the students scored at or above the expected average Only 44% of the students scored at or above the expected average Instructor should make it mandatory for students to use editing features in MS Word, proof read their written report, and if possible let the report be peer reviewed especially within the group. This is the first time this sub-outcome was measured. Students’ performance was above expected average NO . Instructor should provide more detailed requirements of the contents of the discussion of results, conclusions and recommendations NO NO NO NO Grade Sheet Showing Student and Class Performance in Outcomes The computed semester average in each outcome as stated in the Assessment report are highlighted in boldface Grade Sheet Showing Student and Class Performance in Course Outcomes MCEG 4123 Energy Systems Design SPRING 2008 Semester Class Average Percent Students Above Expected Average 100.0 90.0 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 Class Average (%) Semester Class Average (%) Class Average 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 Percent Students Above Expected Average The Class averages for the outcomes shown here should match those listed for the outcomes in the End of Semester assessment Report 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 c1 c2 c3 c Outcom e c and Perform ance Criteria C1: Ability to Define/Understand the Problem and then Plan the Project C2: Ability to Conduct a Review of the Literature, Generate Ideas and Apply Creativity C3: Ability to Perform Preliminary and Detailed Design e2 e3 e Outcom e e and its Perform ance Criteria e1: Ability to identify engineering/technical/computing problems e2: Ability to formulate/analyze engineering/technical/computing problems e3: Ability to Solve engineering/technical/computing problems Grade Sheet Showing Student and Class Performance in Course Outcomes MCEG 4123 Energy Systems Design SPRING 2008 Semester Class Average Class Average Percent Students Above Expected Average 100.0 100.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 Class Average (%) 80.0 Class Average (%) Percent Students Above Expected Average 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 g1 g2 g3 Oral Comm Outcom e g (Oral Com m ) and its Perform ance Criteria Oral Communication G1: Ability to Organize, Plan, Design/Prepare and Use Appropriate Visual Aids for communication/Presentation G2: Ability to Articulate Subject Knowledge (Technical Content) G3: Appearance and Ability to Provide Good Oral Delivery g4 g5 g6 Written Comm Total Comm Outcom e g (Written Com m ) and its perform ance Criteria Written Communication g4: Ability to organize, plan and properly format a written technical report g5: Ability to compose original texts and properly apply the conventions of written language g6: Ability to provide appropriate discussion, conclusions and recommendations OUTCOME SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS USED TO ASSESS OUTCOMES (Provide at least two assignments used to specifically measure each outcome and justify the suitability of the assignments for the outcome being measured) ASSIGNMENTS FOR OUTCOME “c” Ability to design a system, a component, or a process to meet a desired need MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 Instructor: Dr. Paul O. Biney Title of Assignment TEST 2B Outcome c Ability to design a system, a component, or a process to meet a desired need Brief Description of the suitability of this assignment for the outcome Test 2B tests the students ability to design a piping system, sizing a pump, and sizing a flow meter for measuring the range of flow in the piping system. It also tests the students’ ability to make reasonable assumptions for sizing a heater for a fluid system. PRAIRIE VIEW A & M UNIVERSITY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SPRING 2008 Energy Systems Design SECTION 001 TEST 2B OPEN BOOK, CLOSED NOTES ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS FOR EACH PROBLEM, DIAGRAM WITH ALL STATE POINTS INDICATED SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY PROVIDED CLEARLY INDICATE EACH SUB-SECTION OF A PROBLEM DRAW A BOX AROUND EACH ANSWER PROVIDE UNITS ON ALL CALCULATIONS AND ANSWERS ANY DISHONESTY DURING THE EXAMS WILL RESULT IN “F” GRADE WORK ALL PROBLEMS ON THE QUESTION SHEETS AND DO NOT USE ANY SHEET OF YOUR OWN April 25, 2008 Name of Student: _______________________ INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Paul O. Biney This Test is specifically for assessing outcome c, performance criteria 3 32 SI Units should be used throughout the Test Using the project statement below, and the additional information provided, answer the questions The Civil Engineering department has an experimental set-up to measure the pressure drop and friction factor in pipes and fittings. The design of this set-up is old, and the flow through the fittings is achieved though a pump. The set up can only be used for water. You are required to design, build and test an improved experimental apparatus for fluid flow experiments in an undergraduate laboratory. When using water, the flow should be provided by a controlled hydrostatic pressure. The apparatus should be capable of experimentally determining: Friction factor in straight pipes in the range of 1000 < Red < 100,000, with pipes of at least four different diameters and two different roughness, with air and water as the fluids. Losses due to bends and loses in valves. Pump characteristics employing dimensionless variables with two similar variable-speed centrifugal pumps with different-diameter impellers to provide the water for the systems. Include appropriate modern instrumentation, control, and provision for calibrations of transducers used in the experiments. Also provide simultaneous visual representation of pressure drops as a function of the length of pipe and a detailed instructions for using the set-up. A group of students from the Civil Engineering Department proposed a preliminary system shown below containing only two different pipe sizes, 1” Sch 40 70 psia 1/2” Sch 40 14.7 psia Heater Water Level at Z=0.5m Compressor Pump Water Level at Z=0.75m Question 1 Size the pump for Reynolds number between 2000 and 10,000 by determining first the maximum and the minimum flow rates, and the maximum pump head, assuming the total minor loss coefficient is 35 and the total pipe length between the two tanks containing the pump is 2m. Assume 1" Schedule 40 pipe Question 2. Show how (including analysis) the pressure transducers and flow meters can be selected for this system. Question 3 Making reasonable assumptions, perform the analysis to size the heater if the water temperature needs to be varied from 25 oC to 90 oC during an experiment. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 Instructor: Dr. Paul O. Biney Title of Assignment Final Project Report Outcome Measured Using this Assignment Outcome c Ability to design a system, a component, or a process to meet a desired need Brief Description of the suitability of this assignment for the outcome The first project for the semester required the students to design an improved experimental apparatus for fluid flow experiments in an undergraduate laboratory. When using water, the flow should be provided by a controlled hydrostatic pressure. The problem statement and the students’ final report demonstrate their ability to design a fluid system to a need. The rubric, developed from the performance criteria for the outcome, used to assess this outcome is also provided to demonstrate student performance in the performance criteria areas. 43 DESIGN PROBLEM STATEMENTS Energy Systems Design Spring 2008 Design Project #1 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP FOR PRESSURE DROP AND FRICTION FACTOR MEASUREMENT IN PIPES & FITTINGS Assigned: Assignment Type: Reporting Requirements: Analysis Requirements: Final Project Presentation Final Project Report Due: 01/25/08 Group Project Status report every week Use EES for all design analyses and include parametric Studies of system 02/29/08, (for Design Phase) 04/11/08 (for Fabrication & Testing Phase) Project Statement The Civil Engineering department has an experimental set-up to measure the pressure drop and friction factor in pipes and fittings. The design of this set-up is old, and the flow through the fittings is achieved though a pump. The set up can only be used for water. You are required to design, build and test an improved experimental apparatus for fluid flow experiments in an undergraduate laboratory. When using water, the flow should be provided by a controlled hydrostatic pressure. The apparatus should be capable of experimentally determining: Friction factor in straight pipes in the range of 1000 < Red < 100,000, with pipes of at least four different diameters and two different roughness, with air and water as the fluids. Losses due to bends and loses in valves. Pump characteristics employing dimensionless variables with two similar variable-speed centrifugal pumps with different-diameter impellers to provide the water for the systems. Include appropriate modern instrumentation, control, and provision for calibrations of transducers used in the experiments. Also provide simultaneous visual representation of pressure drops as a function of the length of pipe and a detailed instructions for using the set-up. 44 GRADING SCHEME FOR DESIGN CONTENT Points Assigned Points Received 1. Ability to Define/Understand the Problem and then Plan the Project 15 14.1 (i) Identify the customer and the needs. 2 1.85 (ii) Identify and list the design objectives. 2 1.7 (i) Identify the design constraints. 1 0.95 (ii) Define the design strategy and methodology. 1 1 (iii) Identify and break down work into tasks and subtasks and identify the personnel and deliverables for each. 5 4.9 (iv) 2 2 (v) Establish major milestones for tracking progress and define performance metrics to measure success 2 1.7 2. Ability to Conduct a Review of the Literature, Generate Ideas and Apply Creativity 25 19.1 (i) Identify the types of information needed for a complete understanding of all aspects of the project (Based on task described in the project planning). (ii) Gather information on relevant fundamentals, theory / concept (demonstrate technical competence) and relate them to the design. (iii) Provide the sources in a list of references properly cited in the literature review section and relevant sections of the report. (iv) Define functional requirements for design (Specific required actions needed to be performed for the design to be achieved). 2 1.8 10 7.5 2 1 3 2.5 (v) 3 2.5 (vi) Evaluate candidate solutions to arrive at feasible designs. 5 3.8 3. Ability to Perform Preliminary and Detailed Design 55 44.8 (i) 5 3 (ii) Perform relevant detailed analysis (engineering, mathematical, economic) in accord with applicable codes and standards. (iii) Develop final design specifications (iv) Do the design within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability 35 31 5 5 3.5 3.5 (v) Select materials/components/software/test equipment. 5 3.8 (vi) Fabricate a prototype or a model (physical, software, hardware) of the design. (vii) Test or simulate the design and make necessary changes to obtain optimum design. ESD Score % Score PC1 14.1 94.00 PC2 19.10 76.40 PC3 44.80 81.45 TOTAL 78.00 82.11 % for PC Develop a Gantt chart and critical path analysis for managing the project. Transform functional requirements into candidate solutions / mathematical modeling. Identify applicable codes and standards for the design 45 94.0 76.4 81.5 “Construction of Experimental Set-Up” Energy Systems Design Literature Review Submitted by Nakita Bowman Lyawonda Bass Antyon James Whitney Livingston To Dr. Paul O. Biney Energy Systems Design Instructor Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering Prairie View A&M University April 30, 2008 46 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Energy Systems Design- Spring 2008 Group 2- Skyliners Dr. Paul O. Biney, Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Prairie View A&M University Dear Dr. Biney: The attached report contains the design and detailed analysis of the proposed fluid flow system in which students can perform various fluid mechanics experiments. The report includes the descriptions of each component within the system. These components were priced and analyzed for integration and efficiency with each other. Thermodynamic and Fluid Mechanics analysis was performed to determine how much power will be needed for each component of the system along with the determination of pipe sizes. We do ask that you take into consideration the hard work and effort which has been placed. We thank you for your patience and dedication. Group members are available to answer and address anything concerning this report or the proposed design. Sincerely, ______________________________ Nakita Bowman ______________________________ Lyawonda Bass, Team Leader ______________________________ Antyon James ______________________________ Whitney Livingston 47 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report was prepared using input from Dr. Paul O. Biney. We thank Dr. Biney for his constructive criticism and inspiration in providing insight and experience that has passed the test of time. We also thank Dr. Judy Perkins for her assistance regarding the existing design that is in use in the Civil Engineering department. She gave insight as to who our clients would be if we were to take this design to market, as well as what the client would possibly need for an effective design. Our group greatly appreciates the patience and dedication shown by these two extraordinary professors. 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………… ….. Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………… List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………………… List of Tables ………………………………………………………………………………… 1. PROJECT SCOPE ……………………………………………………………… 1.1 Project Statement……………………………………………………...…………………….…. 1.2 Client Identification and recognition of need………………………………………………..... .. 1.3 Project goals and objectives ………………………………..…………………………………… 1.4 Contemporary Issues Relevant to Project………………………………………………………. 1.5 Initial Project Constraints……………………………………………………………………….. 2. PROJECT PLANNING AND TASK DEFINITION ………………………………… 2.1 Task Identification ………………………………………………………………………….….. 2.2 Gantt Chart ………….………………………………………………………………………….. iii iv vi vii 1 1 2 4 4 5 5 5 13 3. LITERATURE REVIEW.…………………………………………...………………………… 3.1 Component Description……………………………………………………………………… 3.1.1 Instrumentation ……………….…………………………………….………………... 3.1.3 Pump …….. ……………….…………………………………….…………………… 3.1.4 Existing Fluid Bench Apparatus …. ………………………………………………… 3.1.5 Tubes (Of various sizes) and Fittings ……………………………………………… 3.1.6 Tank………………………………………………………………………… 3.1.7 Orifice Meter………………………………………………………………………….. 3.1.8 Venturi-meter…………………………………………………………………………. 14 15 15 19 20 21 21 21 23 4. PRELIMINARY DESIGN………………………… …………..……………………………. 4.1 Concept Designs………………………………………………………………………………… 24 5. DETAILED SYSTEM DESIGN……….…………………………….………………………… 5.1 Fluid Circuit System: Water……………………………………………………………………… 5.2 Fluid Circuit System: Air…………………………………………………………………………. 5.3 Fluid System: Justifications………………………………………………………………………. 5.4 Engineering Analysis……………………………………………………………………………... 5.5 Detailed System Depictions………………………………………………………………………. 5.6 Modern Instrumentation………………………………………………………………………… 5.6.1 Flow measurement Devices…………………………………………………………… 5.6.2 Flow Control Devices…………………………………………………………………. 5.6.3 Miscellaneous Modern Instrumentation………………………………………………. 5.7 Major Apparatus Components 5.7.1 Air Compressor……………………………………………………………………….. 5.7.2 Pump………………………………………………………………………………….. 5.8 Cost Analysis……………………...……………………………………………………………… 5.8.1 Orifice Plate ………………………………………………………………………….. 5.8.2 Orifice Plate Flow Meter……………………………………………………………… 5.83 Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor ………………………………………………...... 5.8.4 Sump Pump…………………………………………………………………………… 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Summary of Goals and Objectives……………………………………………………………….. 6.2 Summary of Constraints and Codes Met by Design……………………………………………. 6.3 Conclusion and Recommendations……………………………………………………………... LIST OF REFERENCES ………………………………………..……………………………………… APPENDIX A………………………………………..………………………………………………… 49 25 29 29 29 29 29 32 34 34 35 35 36 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 40 41 Table of Figures Figure 2.1- Gantt Chart………………………………………………………………………. Figure 3.1- Fluid Friction Apparatus………………………………………………………… Figure 3.2- Piezometer with Pressure Gauge………………………………………………… Figure 3.3- Pitot tube with pressure transducer………………………………………………. Figure 3.4- Natural Technovate Model 9009 Flow System Diagram………………………… Figure 3.5- Orifice Meter……………………………………………………………………... Figure 3.6- Orifice Flow Pattern……………………………………………………………… Figure 3.7- Venturi-meter…………………………………………………………………….. Figure 4.1- Experimental Set-up for Pressure Drop and Friction Factor Measurement in Pipes and Fittings …………………………………………………………..……. 13 15 16 16 21 22 22 23 Figure 4.4 Individual Concept Design 1 ………………………………………………………………. Figure 4.5 Individual Concept Design 2……………………………………………...……………….. Figure 4.6 Individual Concept Design 3…………………………………………..…..……………….. Figure 4.7 Individual Concept Design 4…………………………………………..…..……………….. Figure 4.8 Individual Concept Design 5.…………………………………………….. ……………….. Figure 4.9 Individual Concept Design 6………………………………………….…………………... 31 32 34 34 27 28 Figure 5.1 Fluid Circuit System; Water................................................................................... Figure 5.2 Fluid Circuit System; Air........................................................................................ Figure 5.3 Orifice Plate............................................................................................................ Figure 5.4 OM-CP-PRTRANS Pressure Datalogger............................................................... Figure 5.5 Level switches........................................................................................................ Figure 5.6 Blower ……………………………....................................................................... Figure 5.7 Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor …....................................................................... Figure 5.8 Sump Pump……………………………………………………………………… 32 33 34 34 35 36 36 37 50 24 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Table 2.1 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Project Planning………………………………………………………………....... Task Identification……………………………………………………………....... Water Analysis …………………………………………………………………... Air Analysis……………………………………………………………………… 51 4 6 30 31 1. PROJECT SCOPE 1.1 Project Statement The Civil Engineering department has an experimental set-up to measure the pressure drop and friction factor in pipes and fittings. The design of this set-up is old, and the flow through the fittings is achieved through a pump. The set up can only be used for water. You are required to design, build, and test an improved experimental apparatus for fluid flow experiments in an undergraduate laboratory. When using water, the flow should be provided by a controlled hydrostatic pressure. The apparatus should be capable of experimentally determining: Friction factor in straight pipes in the range of 1000< Red <100,000, with pipes of at least four different diameters and two different roughness, with air and water as the fluids. Losses due to bends and losses in valves Pump characteristics employing dimensionless variables with similar variable-speed centrifugal pumps with different-diameter impellers to provide the water for the systems. The system must be able to accommodate studying the effects of fluid temperature throughout the system. Include appropriate modern instrumentation, control, and provision for calibrations of transducers used in the experiments. Also provide simultaneous visual representation of pressure drops as a function of the length of pipe and detailed instructions for using the set-up. 1.2 Client Identification and recognition of need In completing a list of potential clients, the group asked, “What is the function of this equipment and where or what industry could it most likely be used?” This device would help benefit in all areas of engineering in providing engineering students the ability to construct fluid flow experiments within there related courses work, to gain a better understanding of fluid dynamics. Rev. D 1 5208 Any company closely related to the dynamic flow of a fluid, would be most benefited from this device. Not only could it measure the hydraulic pressure, but it could also measure the flow rate within the system as well. 1. Dr. P. Biney, Mechanical Engineering Professor - Energy System Design Professor 2. Undergraduate Engineering Students - Mechanical and Civil Engineering Students 3. Civil Engineering Department - Dr. J. Perkins, Department Head 4. Hydraulic Water Resources 5. Oil Industries 6. Educational Institutions - High School - Community Colleges As listed above, this flow device can be marketed to several entities. As mechanical engineering students at Prairie View A&M University we considered the Civil and Environmental Engineering department as a initial client. Although civil department was chosen as the initial client for marketing the hydraulic flow system, it will be used for both the mechanical as well as the civil department for laboratory purposes. To enable the students to use this device at Prairie View there are a few levels in the chain of command to surpass. After consulting with Dr. Perkins about this issue, it was stated that she is the deciding factor of which experimental devices will be placed in the civil engineering lab. In addition to price, there are other deciding factors that will determine if the client will choose the group’s device over our competitors. Dr. Perkins looks at other qualities such as customer service, warranty, types of discounts, installation fees, cost of delivery, and the company itself. After the client has decided on the company, she then considers the price. If the item costs $1,500.00 or less, then a departmental procard is used as method of purchase. On the other hand, if the item Rev. D 2 5208 exceeds $1,500.00 then three bids are made in addition to completing a purchase order for the completion of the sale. In the event bids have to be made, Dr. Perkins would have to contact the procurement service located in finance and admissions, which is linked to the purchasing department for approval. Although Dr. Perkins might have to contact the finance department to place the bids, the decision of the final bid is left up to her. In the end, all clients have different protocols in which they have to go by, and so does the group. This device was designed with the client in mind, and the group will ensure that everything that is conducted on behalf of our group will be done to ensure that this device is delivered customized to the client’s specifications and constraints. Client’s Need 1. The current system produces fluctuating readings due to the instability of the pump when measuring the pressure drop and friction factor during an experiment. - The client is seeking a more effective and improved experimental apparatus to measure the pressure drop and friction factor in pipes and fittings, which will result in a more accurate reading. 2. The current system experiences instability in the flow readings, due to the lack of constant flow of fluid into the system and a loss of water, due to the poor performance of the pump. - The client wants to replace the old system with a new more efficient and accurate system that will conserve/minimize the loss of water during an experiment. - The client wants to upgrade to a system that will eliminate the problem encountered when the pump is the main source for pumping the water in to the tank, which will achieve greater accuracy when conducting experiments and collecting data. The new design will replace the need for a pump to create enough pressure and velocity for moving fluid through the apparatus. The pump will be used to move the water from the sump tank to the main water tank. A tank with a constant head will be added to achieve fluid flow to the fittings. Modern instrumentation will be added where the readings will be collected using a data acquisition system and will also allow for higher accuracy. Rev. D 3 5208 3. The current system set-up can only be used for water. - The client wants the new system to be able to use water as well as air to measure the pressure drop and friction factor in pipes and fittings. Using both fluids will allow the experimenter to observe the difference in pressure drop and friction factor between a gas fluid and a liquid. The system must also be able to accommodate studying the effects of fluid temperature throughout the system. 4. The current system is outdated and needs new and improved instrumentation to conduct a variety of experiments for the undergraduate engineering students. - The client wants the apparatus to be capable of being used to experimentally determine: Friction factor at different diameters and roughness using air and water Losses due to bends and valves. Pump characteristics Effects of fluid temperature on the head loss, pressure drop, and friction factor through the piping system and fittings in the project - The client wants a sump tank for leftover water to flow, with an attachment of a pump, to allow the water to be pumped back to the main tank. 1.3 Project Goals and Objectives Successfully design, test and build a functional user-friendly and improved apparatus for fluid flow experiments and that will exceed the expectations of our clients and that will be easy to market to our clients. Air and water are able to enter the device at a constant flow rate All the water within the devise can be reused from the sump tank Water or Gas enters the device at room temperature 20°C and remains at 20°C throughout the pipeline A pump will transport the water from the sump tank to the main tank Water or gas enters the device at room temperature at 20°C and is raised to 170°C within a reasonable amount of time Rev. D 4 5208 Objectives: 1. The experimental set up should be relatively inexpensive. 2. Air and water are to be accepted as fluids. 3. Water flow should be provided by a controlled hydrostatic pressure. 4. A range of 1000 < Red < 100,000 should be acceptable for friction factors in straight pipe with four different diameters and two different roughness. 5. The losses due to valves and bends are to be assessed. 6. The temperature effects due to head loss, pressure drop, and friction factor are to be assessed. Table 1.1 Project Planning Objective Inexpensive Air or water as fluids Measurement Basis manufacturing cost for existing set up and industry average fluid flow through pipes Units Dollars Liter/s or m/s Friction factor for variable pipe diameters Reynold’s number and roughness 1.4 Head loss Losses in bends and valves M Pressure Pressure in system Psi Temperature Initial temperature and final temperature °C, Btu Contemporary Issues Relevant to Project Prairie View A&M University is known for its engineering department. With thousands of students applying to the university each year, several hundred will become engineering students. Therefore it is vital that the equipment that represents this department is in top condition. The students at Prairie View are studying to become engineers and will be competing against other Rev. D 5 5208 well known universities, on how much they have learned during the course of the four years at the university. Issues that face graduating students, is that some of the advanced equipment that other universities and corporate America use, is not available to the students here at Prairie View. College is designed to prepare you for the working world, but if practicing with outdated equipment is what the department calls preparing them, then how are they to measure up to the competition. With new and improved devices this design will provide advanced technology and equipment to allow students, not only here at Prairie View, but at other instructions the ability to step into the 21st century and conduct experiments in an effective manner. 1.5 Initial Project Constraints The fluid friction apparatus shall be able to operate with both water and air. When handling water, it is to be controlled by hydrostatic pressure, and no pumps are permitted to control water from the tank into the apparatus. The apparatus should enable the students to determine the friction factor in pipes, losses due to bends and valves, and pump characteristics. The pipes in the apparatus need to be of such diameters that a Reynold’s number in the 1000 < Red <100,000 range can be achieved, must contain at least four different diameters, and two different roughness. Must have modern instrumentation that facilitates calibration. The apparatus needs to allow for visual representation of pressure drops as a function of the pipe length. The student needs to include comprehensive instructions for set up and operation. There needs to be a device that measures the pressure drop. The experiment must have an indicator that alerts when the water level is low, and indicator that kicks the air compressor on when the pressure is low. Rev. D 6 5208 2. PROJECT PLANNING AND TASK IDENTIFICATION 2.1 Task Identification The purpose of the Project Tasks and Schedule, shown in Table 2.1, was to subdivide the tasks needed to complete the entire project in an allotted time period. The primary software used to describe the project tasks was Microsoft Project which was used to develop the project schedule and Gantt chart. Table 2.1 describes in detail the project tasks. Figure 2.1 shows the Gantt chart and describes the tasks that were designated to persons within the group responsible for completing each task as well as assigns a date that each task needs to be completed. The Skyliners used the Gantt chart to effectively track and motivate the team to stay within the time constraints set forth in the chart. The team strived to deliver on the dates specified. The Gantt chart shown in Figure 2.2, is a way for the entire team to know what was expected of them, as well as kept team members abreast of what their fellow team members were working on. Rev. D 7 5208 Table 2.1 Task Identification Task Description Objectives Deliverables Duration Start Date End Date Responsible Person From the details of the design, determine who our potential clients are. Provide detail list of client’s procedures taken for obtaining our product. 1week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Lyawonda A list of needs provided from the problem statement. 1 week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Whitney To successfully design, build and test an improved user-friendly apparatus for fluid flow experiments that will exceed the expectations of our clients. List of goals to help us achieve our clients satisfaction 1 week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Antyon Define objectives that will allow us to complete our project design List of objectives that complies with the problem 1 week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Antyon Problem Formulation 1. Recognizing the Need Identify the client Determine what the client’s desired needs are. 2. Defining the Problem Identify goals that we seek to achieve for the design project Identify objectives for the design project Rev. D Review the project statement to gain understanding of what the client needs is. 8 5208 Task Description Objectives Deliverables Duration Start Date End Date Responsible Person 1 week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Nakita 1 week 2/01/08 2/08/08 Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda statement Identify constraints for the design project Project Planning 1.Design Criteria Dividing the project into task and sub-task State the objectives of each task Estimate the personnel, time, and other resources needed to meet the objectives Develop a sequence for the Rev. D Research areas that will determine the success or failure of the design. List of detailed constraints related to the design project Outline tasks and sub-tasks needed for a constant flow of future productive work Task tables outlining the tasks and subtasks to be completed Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda Set forth objectives to complete, related to each task Tables listing task objectives Outline scheduled time and days needed to complete each task Gantt Charts and weekly status reports every Friday 9 1 week 2/01/08 2/08/08 Nakita, 1week 2/01/08 2/08/08 Nakita 5208 Task Description Objectives Deliverables Duration Start Date End Date 1 week 2/01/08 2/08/08 Responsible Person task. Create a task flow Gantt Chart system that will allow us to see what task are completed and what task are left to complete Literature Review 1.Literature Review Complete an exhaustive literature review covering all aspects of the new design apparatus a. Modern Instrumentation Research for modern instrumentation to use for design b. Equations Rev. D Perform a literature review analyzing existing setups and evaluate the components that will be useful for our design Research modern measuring instrumentation devices that can replace the devices on our current apparatus Gather detailed 1 week information from course text books, web & journal articles, other reference material related to our design. A list of modern instrumentation 1 week that will be needed in the design 02/06/08 02/13/08 Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, 02/06/08 02/13/08 *Air gas flow meter *Piezometer (Pitot Tubes) *Shutoff Valve 10 Lyawonda 5208 Task Description Objectives Deliverables Research useful equations pertaining to fluid flow Research all appropriate equations that will allow us to analytically create a design and give us a numerical point of view as to what is expected in the construction phase of the design. A list of equations that are related to pressure drop, friction loss, and how the energy equation relates to fluid flow c. Pumps Research all ideas for a pump that would be appropriate for our design d. Compressors Research all ideas for a compressor that would be appropriate for our design e. Existing fluid flow apparatus Research all existing fluid flow apparatus Rev. D Duration Start Date End Date 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 Responsible Person Nakita Research a pump that will be able to transport the waste water from the experiment back to the water tank Research a compressor that will be able to transport air/gas throughout the apparatus An outline of pump specifications and related calculations obtained from the system. An outline of compressor specifications related to calculations obtained from the systems. 11 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 Nakita 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 Antyon 5208 Task Description Concept Generation 1.Creative Thinking Sketch project related designs 2. Generation Alternative ideas. Determine if new ideas will meet the needs of the design Concept Evaluation 1. Concept & Functional Evaluation Develop Evaluation Criteria Rev. D Objectives Deliverables Research all existing similar apparatus to find out all components and instrumentation that would help aid in designing our apparatus An outline of existing experimental apparatuses that are similar to current design and shows high levels of effectiveness and efficiency. Think of ideas that are new and improved Create ideas that will allow you to think out side the box Determine areas of importance within Duration Start Date 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 Three individual concept designs for the system 1 week 2/06/08 2/15/08 Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda List of possible alternatives that would either improve efficiency or lower the price 1 week 2/06/08 2/15/08 Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda List of criteria and point 12 End Date Responsible Person Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda 1 week 2/26/08 5208 3/4/08 Task Description and assignments of a weight or point scale for each criteria Objectives Deliverables the project and client specifications that must me met system Duration Start Date End Date Responsible Person Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda Determine criteria weight Outline criterion accordance to level of importance Comparison of total points for each concept and list of weight criteria showing level of importance 1 week 2/26/08 3/4/08 Discern which design/component is best based on design constraints; ensure that all goals and client needs have been met with design Present each individual task as an updated portion of the overall report consisting of analysis and specs for each part 4 weeks 1/25/08 2/29/08 Nakita To create a digital and visual Detailed 3D NX3 model of 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon Design Analysis Dividing the apparatus into parts and assign each part as a task Detailed Design Model in NX3 or CAD drawing Rev. D 13 5208 Task Description Tubes/pipes, valves, fitting specifications Tank placement and type Objectives Deliverables representation of the design Ensure system integration system Specified pipes and tubes Specified water tank, and location in drawing Instrumentation selection Ensure system integration and that the tank will function Material Selection List of selected Find instruments for instrumentation that the design will accomplish the client goals Make sure that all materials will integrate into the system Ratings of pipes, fittings, and flanges To exhaust all options, and ensure that the tools that have been selected are the best for the tasks List of alternative parts or methods; if found Duration Start Date End Date Responsible Person 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon 4 weeks 1/25/08 2/29/08 Nakita Refinement For each assigned part, search for alternative parts or methods that will Rev. D 14 5208 Figure 2.1 Gantt Chart Rev. D 15 5208 Figure 2.2 Gantt Tracking Chart Rev. D 16 5208 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Comparable to embarking on a road trip, one needs to find directions of how to get to one’s destination. When beginning this project, the group broadened their knowledge of the system at hand by conducting a literature review and finding background information on all components and existing fluid bench apparatuses. Many books, journals, and other websites were surveyed and compiled for later review and comprehension as this project progressed. This literature review will give a brief overview of the parts included in this system design. In this section one will find included information about the components needed for the system to operate. 3.1 Component Description The fluid flow apparatus is composed of many components. This section will outline how each component operates as well as the function of each component included in the existing bench apparatus that will be described in section 3.2. Each part is a component in the overall system that will aid in the objectives of this experiment, which are to be outlined in the sections following. This experiment will validate the Bernoulli’s principle using these components; all of which will be described in the following sections. The Bernoulli’s Equation, neglecting minor losses, as listed in Equation (3.1), p u2 zH g 2 g (3.1) Where p is pressure u is velocity z is elevation H is head loss G is gravity p is density will be utilized throughout the rest of the report. 3.2 Existing Fluid Bench Apparatus 17 This setup and experiment is performed mainly to help students studying fluids determine the velocity along the centerline in a pipe from the measurements of pressure head and total head. This experimental setup will allow the students to validate the Bernoulli equation along a centerline within a pipe. Finally, this experiment will allow the students to determine the flow rate using a venturi-meter. Cornell University has an existing experimental apparatus currently being used, and the model revealed relevant instrumentation that may be needed in the design. Their apparatus, pictured in Figure 3.1, consisted of a flow control valve, which is used to control the amount of water/air that is coming from the source into the pipes, a venturi-meter, which is used to measure liquid flow rates and a shutoff valve. Also included in their apparatus was a test section of tubing with pressure taps and a pressure transducer [1]. This is an idea that still needs further research for our apparatus but will definitely be considered in the final design. The main components on this apparatus have been listed in Figure 3.1 in the Natural Technovate Model 9009 Flow System Diagram. A more in depth analysis and survey will be conducted throughout this chapter. [6] As listed in Figure 3.1, the pipe sizes displayed were utilized by the group Sections 3.3 and 3.4 has a review on different types of pipes and how pipes are utilized in a system such as this. This experimental setup covers hydrostatics, calculating things like the 18 Reynold’s Figure 3.1 Natural Technovate Model 9009 Flow System Diagram number, pressure loss in straight pipes, Bernoulli’s number, and understanding flow through pipes. All of this experiment will help demonstrate the Bernoulli principle and show how it is applied to measure flow rate using a venturi-meter. The venturi-meter is a device for measuring discharge in a pipe and is described in section 3.6 in detail. Due to its design, it allows for a pressure difference, and when the pressure differences are measured, the discharge can be calculated. Due to the fact that velocity on the walls of the tubes have a velocity of zero, the Bernoulli’s equation reduces to equation (3.2). H P z g (3.2) 19 This will allow for the velocity head to be calculated. A pitot tube, described in section 3.13.1 converts the velocity head to pressure head and the equation becomes (3.3) Hp P Hv z g (3.3) Where Hv is the velocity head. This is measured in the pitot tube by the pressure taps to be described in section 3.13.1. The difference in Ht and H is equal to the velocity head. Applying the Bernoulli equation with the states as designated in section 3.6 in the Figure 3.3 of the venturi-meter, from point 1 and 2 the equation would be (3.4) p1 u12 p 2 u 22 z1 z2 g 2 g g 2 g (3.4) Considering that the elevations, z1 and z2 are along the same centerline and the setup is horizontal, the elevations are equal (z1=z2). Once employing the continuity equation, (3.5) Q u1 A1 u2 A2 (3.5) Where Q is Volumetric Flow Rate A is the wetted perimeter Area The equation can be solved for a velocity u1 or u2 and substitute into the Bernoulli’s equation. Once rearranged the equation is (3.6, 3.7, and 3.8) u2 u1 A1 A2 (3.6) 2 p1 p 2 u12 A1 1 g 2 g A2 (3.7) 20 And after finally canceling out factors, 2g u2 P1 P2 g D 1 2 D1 4 (3.8) Using the manometer’s readings the equations for this apparatus at locations 1 and 2 on (3.9, 3.10) P1 gh1 Pa (3.9) P2 gh2 Pa (3.10) Where Pa is atmospheric pressure. Thus when substituting in and rearranging an equation for pressure drop, it can be obtained by (3.11 and 3.12). P1 gh1 P2 gh2 (3.11) P1 P2 g h1 h2 (3.12) 3.3 Piping & Piping Material Pipes will be used in the apparatus to convey water and air throughout the apparatus. The pipes are integrated by various valves, fittings and elbows. As water moves through the system, pressure losses occur due to water contact with pipes, valves, and fittings. The four factors that determine friction losses in pipe are: 1. The velocity of the water: Water velocity is measured in feet per second. As velocity increases, pressure losses increase. Velocity is directly related to flow rate. An increase or decrease in flow rate will result in a corresponding increase or decrease in velocity. 2. The size (inside diameter) of the pipe: Smaller pipe causes a greater proportion of the water to be in contact with the pipe, which creates friction. Pipe size also affects velocity. Given a constant flow rate, decreasing pipe size increases the water’s velocity, which increases friction. 21 3. The roughness of the inside of the pipe: Pipe inside wall roughness is rated by a “C” factor, which is provided by the manufacturer. The lower the C value, the rougher the inside and the more pressure loss due to friction. 4. The length of the pipe: The friction losses are cumulative as the water travels through the length of pipe. The greater the distance, the greater the friction losses will be. 3.4 Pipe Material Effect on Frictional Losses Fluids in motion are subjected to various resistances, which are due to friction. Friction may occur between the fluid and the pipe, but friction also occurs within the fluid as sliding between adjacent layers of fluid takes place. The friction within the fluid is due to the fluid’s viscosity. The articles in this section will explain in further detail the material’s effect on frictional losses. 3.4.1 Resistance to fluid flow When fluids have a high viscosity, the speed of flow tends to be low, and resistance to flow becomes almost totally dependant on the viscosity of the fluid, this condition is known as ‘Laminar flow’. Before the pipe losses can be established, the friction factor must be calculated. The friction factor will be dependant on the pipe size, inner roughness of the pipe, flow velocity and fluid viscosity. The flow condition, whether ‘Turbulent’ or not, will determine the method used to calculate the friction factor. The starting point must be to find the fluid’s viscosity. This will be the factor that has most effect on the pipe’s losses. 3.4.2 Effect of the inner roughness of the pipe The inner roughness of the pipe can create eddy currents. This increases the friction between the pipe wall and the fluid. The relative roughness of the inside of the pipe is used in determining the friction factor to be used. Sample roughness of commercial pipes are outlined in Table 3.1. Relative roughness = Inside pipe roughness Inside pipe diameter Table 3.1: Average Inner Roughness Of Commercial Pipes 22 Steel tube Copper tubing Glass tubing Polythene Flexible P.V.C. Rigid P.V.C. Cast iron tube Concrete tube 3.5 0.0460 mm 0.0015 mm 0.0001 mm 0.0010 mm 0.2000 mm 0.0050 mm 0.2600 mm 2.0000 mm Pump Summary A pump by definition is a machine that is used to increase the pressure of fluids in a system [4]. A pump is used for several circumstances such as to increase the pressure and transport the fluid from a lower altitude to a higher one, i.e. pumping the fluid from the sump tank to the main tank at a higher elevation, a feat that would be possible without at least the application of a pump. A pump provides work by creating pressure to transport fluids from one point to another, and adds no extra power to the system; it consumes energy and creates work. A pump operates as a system- a pump requires components that are driven and require power, components that drive and provide power, a transmission device that transmits power, and an auxiliary system that takes care of other items such as lubrication, cooling systems, sealing. The pump will contain a transmission device such as a coupling that will transmit the pressure created in the pump to the system, as well as a driver or motor to provide power and build pressure. [5] Pumps are used throughout society for a variety of purposes. Today, the pump is used for irrigation, water supply in residential, gasoline supply, air conditioning systems, refrigeration (usually called a compressor), chemical movement, sewage movement, flood control, marine services, etc. Because of the wide variety of applications, pumps have a variety of shapes and sizes: from very large to very small, from handling gas to handling liquid, from high pressure to low pressure, and from high volume to low volume. There are many types of pumps that fall under two categories: positive displacement and dynamic. There are many other types of pumps that fall under these subcategories, but the group will concentrate on surveying only a few. Comparing positive displacement pumps versus dynamic pumps, one would find that where positive displacement pumps increase pressure by 23 operating in a closed space in a fixed volume; by comparison, dynamic pumps increase the pressure using rotating blades that increase the fluid velocity. The relationship between the head, amount of power, and the pump efficiency are the same for all pumps, what changes is the specific machinery installed on that pump and what kind of output it can accommodate. A positive displacement pump is a “constant flow, variable head” type of device, and is commonly used in the oil industry. Reciprocating pumps increase the pressure by using some type of pulsating action [5]. Its purpose is to convert energy of an electric motor or engine into velocity or kinetic energy and then into pressure of a fluid that is being pumped. Various amounts of liquid are transported even by differential pressure. Positive-displacement pumps operate by forcing a fixed volume of fluid from the entering pressure section of the pump at the inlet into the discharge zone of the pump. These pumps generally tend to be larger than equal-capacity dynamic pumps. Positive displacement pumps frequently are used in hydraulic systems at pressures ranging up to 5000 psi. A principal advantage of hydraulic power is the high power density (power per unit weight) that can be achieved. They also provide a fixed displacement per revolution and, within mechanical limitations, infinite pressure to move fluid. In contrast, dynamic pumps usually have lower efficiencies than positive displacement pumps, but also have lower maintenance requirements. Dynamic pumps are also able to operate at fairly high speeds and high fluid flow rates.[6] When determining the size of the pump that is needed, a couple of calculations are needed. Parameters that are taken into consideration are displayed in Table 3.2.[6] Table 3.2 Parameters Needed to Calculate Parameter Inlet pressure Outlet pressure Volume flow rate Total head Difference Density absolute vis cos ity Length Reynold’s Number Symbol p1 p2 Q H L Re Units kPa kPa m3 s m kg/m3 N*s/m2 m -- Also needed are the size, diameter, and schedule of the pipe, the area of the pipe and the length. 24 These parameters will be used in calculating the size of the pump that will be needed for the specific application. These are the variables that will be needed to use the Bernoulli’s equation as listed below in Equation (3.12) P1 V 12 P 2 V 22 V2 fL Z1 Z2 [ k ] hp g 2g g 2g 2g D (3.12) Substituting the known values, one can calculate the velocity. Using the appropriate Reynold’s numbers, the friction factor can be calculated. The Bernoulli’s equation will have to be applied between two known states, that includes the pump. The two states would be upstream and downstream to include the pump head in the calculations. Defining states 1 and 2, the pump head can be determined. After converting this into power, this result be used to purchase a pump that can operate at that level. 3.6 Venturi-meter The venturi-meter is used to measure the flow through the pipe and to determine the flow rate through a pipe. Differential pressure is the pressure difference between the pressure measured at 1 in the pipe and at point 2 located at the narrow throat (position 2) in Figure 3.2 [7] 1 2 Figure 3.2: Venturi-Meter Due to its design and functionality, the venturi-meter serves as one of the more accurate meter to measure the flow due to the reduction of head loss in contrast to the orifice meter. The simplified design lends for more effective and accurate readings. The meter uses a tapering 25 throat in the pipe which then expands back to the original pipe diameter. As one measures the pressure head at both points (1 and 2) on the meter, we can calculate the velocity of the fluid. 3.7 Orifice Meter An orifice meter measures pressure by restricting the flow with a plate that has a bore aligned in the middle of it. There are two points, a upstream and b downstream of the orifice plate on Figure 3.3, where the pressure is measured and compared. The difference in pressure, dp, is read and the pressure will then be known [8]. b a Figure 3.3: Orifice Meter As fluid flows through the orifice meter the pressure builds up when the fluid goes through the bore at a high velocity. Figure 3.4 shows the typical flow pattern for the orifice meter. Figure 3.4: Orifice Flow Pattern 26 The orifice meter is a specific type of ventri-meter (section 3.6) It creates a known pressure drop in the existing assembly, so that other calculations can be completed. 3.8 Valve A ball valve (like the butterfly valve and plug valve are one in the family of valves called quarter turn valves) is a valve that opens by turning a handle attached to a ball inside the valve. The ball has a hole, or port, through the middle so that when the port is in line with both ends of the valve, flow will occur. When the valve is closed, the hole is perpendicular to the ends of the valve, and flow is blocked. The handle or lever will be inline with the port position letting you "see" the valve's position. [1] Ball valves are durable and usually work to achieve perfect shutoff even after years of disuse. They are therefore an excellent choice for shutoff applications (and are often preferred to globe valves and gate valves for this purpose). They do not offer the fine control that may be necessary in throttling applications but are sometimes used for this purpose. 3.9 Sizing and Selecting a Tank Selecting the pressure tank total volume for typical systems will consider the pump capacity. The system will commonly function using a differential pressure switch to control the system pressure at or above the minimum required system pressure. To effectively size the tank, one must select the pump capacity, tank type and pressure switch settings to determine the total tank volume. Total tank volume is not a measure of tank acceptance volume, which is typically considered to be available water volume. Total tank volume is a measure of the total tank size required to provide the required available water. The total tank volume will vary depending on tank type. The pressure tank will operate between the pressures set to the pressure switch. 3.10 Air Compressor An air compressor, Figure 3.5, is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume by increasing the amount of air in the control volume (the volume of the container remains the same, that volume inside becomes “crowded”). Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are compressible, the compressor also reduces the volume of a gas. The air compressor will provide hydrostatic pressure control needed to regulate the flow of water through the pipes and the air compressor will be used to convey compressed air through the system as a working fluid. 27 Figure 3.5: Air Compressor 3.11 Modern Instrumentation By reviewing these articles and examining some experimental apparatus’ that are similar and provide some of the same type of results that are desired, a list of some of the instrumentation that would be appropriate for our set-up has been compiled and listed below: Air-gas flow-meter Liquid flow-meter Differential pressure gauge Piezometer (Pitot Tubes) Shutoff valve A test section of piping with pressure taps and a pressure transducer As an upgrade to the existing apparatus, modern flow measurement devices were researched to include modern instrumentation, controls, and provisions for calibrations of transducers used in the experiments. Also instrumentation to provide simultaneous visual representation of pressure drops as a function of the length of a pipe was researched as well. This section discusses some of the modern instrumentation that is available to solve these design feats. 3.11.1 Level Switch A very modern device that ensures a steady flow of water throughout an apparatus’ is a level switch, pictured in Figure 3.6. These will be small switches that can attach to a pressurized tank or to a sump tank. Level switches work by setting off alarms letting the user know that the tank that it is connected to has a low water level or is close to the capacity. This modern device not 28 only indicates that there is a low water level in the tank, but it can be programmed so that when a low level alarm is set off, it will then activate a pump and re-circulate water from the sump tank to the pressurized tank, or back to the user’s desired location. Figure 3.6 Level Switch Level switches, also commonly referred to as a float switch, is a device that senses the level of a liquid in a water tank. The level switch is a specialized type of pressure switch, which is capable of sensing pressure with a plastic tube. In a washtub, for example, the plastic tube runs from the level switch within the control console and continues down the outside of the tub’s bottom. The plastic tube in a level switch is filled with air. In the example of the tub, the water enters the inside of the tub, and some of it gets into the plastic tube within the level switch. The water in the plastic tube then climbs and places pressure on the air inside. In turn, this causes the air pressure to increase. Ultimately, the air pressure reaches a point at which it triggers the level switch. With the use of a bleeder valve, this will attach the level switch to the tank for easy measuring. [3] A level switch is usually available in both small and large sizes. In addition, level switches can range from simple to very intricate designs. The simplest form of level switch involves a mercury switch located inside a hinged float. A more complicated model utilizes complex sensors with a power supply source of electricity connecting from the outer area of the tank. In general, a level switch is adjustable. It is also possible to purchase a two-stage level switch. This kind of level switch can be quite handy because it can prevent flooding. With a two-stage level switch, the liquid within an object rises up to the trigger point at the first stage. After a pump is activated, the liquid will continue to rise if the pump is blocked or if it 29 fails to operate correctly. In this case, the second stage of the two-stage level switch goes into effect. At this stage, the level switch will turn the pump off, set off an alarm, or both. A level switch can also be versatile enough to detect wet and dry conditions. In addition, it can detect liquid to liquid interfaces and can determine whether a substance is foam, air, or liquid. 3.11.2 Modern Flow Measurement Devices One of the topics that the Skyliner’s group decided to gather more information on is the modern flow measurement devices. As stated in the project statement, the new apparatus needed to include modern instrumentation, controls, and provisions for calibrations of transducers used in the experiments. Also the design should provide simultaneous visual representation of pressure drops as a function of the length of a pipe. While looking into modern flow measurement devices, the group narrowed down the flow instrumentation research to liquid and gas flow meters. Numerous types of liquid and gas flow meters are available for closed-piping systems. In general, the equipment can be classified as differential pressure, positive displacement, velocity, and mass meters. Differential pressure devices (also known as head meters) include orifices, venturi tubes, flow tubes, and flow nozzles that can all be connected to a data acquisition system and computer. Pitot Tubes and Static Pressure Taps (Pitot-Static Tube) To measure the pressure drops across the pipes, including bends and losses due to valves, a pitotstatic tube was researched. The basic pitot tube simply consists of a tube pointing directly into the fluid flow. The basic instrument consists of two coaxial tubes: the interior tube is open to the flow, while the exterior tube is open at ninety degrees to the flow. A manometer or differential pressure gauge can be used to measure the difference between these two pressures and using Bernoulli's equation the flow rate of the fluid can be calculated. The exterior tube, with an opening parallel to the flow, will register the Static Pressure. The interior tube, with an opening perpendicular to the flow, will register the Stagnation Pressure. Stagnation pressure is made up of Static Pressure plus Dynamic Pressure caused by the force of the fluid flowing into the tube interior. By measuring the pressure difference between the Static Pressure, exterior tube, and the Stagnation pressure, interior tube, allows the velocity of the fluid flow to be determined. 30 Figure 3.7: Pitot Tube Differential Pressure Devices The use of differential pressure as an inferred measurement of a liquid rate of flow is well known. Differential pressure flowmeters are the most common units in use today. The basic operating principle of differential pressure flowmeters is based on the premise that the pressure drop across the meter is proportional to the square of the flow rate. The flow rate is obtained by measuring the pressure differential and extracting the square root. Differential pressure flowmeters, like most flowmeters, have a primary and secondary element. The primary element causes a change in kinetic energy, which creates the differential pressure in the pipe. The unit must be properly matched to the pipe size, flow conditions, and the liquid's properties. And, the measurement accuracy of the element must be good over a reasonable range. The secondary element measures the differential pressure and provides the signal or read-out that is converted to the actual flow value. Flow tubes are somewhat similar to venturi tubes except that they do not have an entrance cone. They have a tapered throat, but the exit is elongated and smooth. The distance between the front face and the tip is approximately one-half the pipe diameter. Pressure taps are located about onehalf pipe diameter downstream and one pipe diameter upstream. Flow Nozzles, at high velocities, can handle approximately 60 percent greater liquid flow than orifice plates having the same pressure drop. Liquids with suspended solids can also be metered. However, use of the units is not recommended for highly viscous liquids or those containing large amounts of sticky solids. 31 Insertion gas flow meters are popular and commonly used gas flow measuring device .These devices offer high accuracy measurements over an extremely large flow range. The meters have no moving parts and are virtually maintenance-free. Insertion gas flow meters are suitable for most gas types, including air, natural gas, flare gas, and stack gas. One of the topics that the group decided to gather some research on is the instrumentation that will be needed for the apparatus. One of the major components that needs to be incorporated into the design is the ability of the apparatus to be able to use both air and water for the working fluids. With that being said, some of the first instrumentation components that are needed are an air-gas flow-meter and a liquid flow-meter. These devices will be used to measure the volume of air or water that is needed for the operator. Piezometer As pictured in Figure 3.2, to measure the pressure drops across the pipes, including bends and losses due to valves, a piezometer, or pitot tubes with an attached differential pressure gauge can be used [2]. The basic pitot tube simply consists of a tube pointing directly into the fluid flow. The basic instrument consists of two coaxial tubes: the interior tube is open to the flow, while the exterior tube is open at ninety degrees to the flow, as depicted in Figure 3.3. A manometer or differential pressure gauge can be used to measure the difference between these two pressures and using Bernoulli's equation the flow rate of the fluid can be calculated. The exterior tube, with an opening parallel to the flow, will register the Static Pressure. [3].The interior tube, with an opening perpendicular to the flow, will register the Stagnation Pressure. Stagnation pressure is made up of Static Pressure plus Dynamic Pressure caused by the force of the fluid flowing into the tube interior. Figure 3.8: Pitot tube with Pressure gauge 1 32 In conclusion, by performing this necessary literature review it was possible identify the critical instrumentation components that may be needed in our design. Continued research needs to be conducted, especially in the area of provisions for calibrations of transducers, but for the most part the necessary instrumentation for our apparatus to perform within the given constraints have been identified. 33 4. Preliminary Designs and Analysis 4.1 Fluid Circuit System and the Bernoulli’s Equation The Bernoulli’s equation is the first step in solving for all the unknowns in this piping system. The Bernoulli’s equation is taken between two points of known values where the unknowns can be solved for. The Bernoulli’s equation is only valid if it is assumed that the fluid is incompressible (fluid velocity less than 1/3 the speed of sound) and inviscid flow (the point in question along the flow is going to be away from where the flow and object come into contact). The Bernoulli’s equation is as follows: P1 V12 P2 V 22 V2 fL Z1 Z 2 [ k ] hp g 2g g 2g 2g D Bernoulli's equation density kg g gravity m m3 s2 Z 1 height of state1 m Z 2 height of state 2 m P1 pressure at state 1 Pa P 2 pressure at state 2 Pa V 1 velocity of the fluid at state1 m V 2 velocity of the fluid at state 2 m s s f frictional loss L length of the pipe m K min or losses D diameter of pipe roughness of selected pipe material f friction factor Re Re ynold ' s number hp pump head m 34 (4.1) 4.2 Valve Evaluations Due to the fact that the system design will utilize both air and water, the ball valve will be most suitable for this task. The ball valve is the only valve that will allow and interchange between fluids, such as air and water within the system. Ball valves are used extensively in industry because they are very versatile, with pressures that are able to reach up to 10,000 pound per square inch and temperatures up to 200 Deg C. Sizes from 1/4" to 12" are readily available, they are easy to repair, operate manually or by actuators. Due to the previous specifications, on standard ball valves, the Skyliners determined that any particular valve would do. Because of that reason, it was decided to base there chosen valve for the system based on price alone. Prior to concluding that the ball valve would be the better choice for the experimental set-up, The Skyliners where considering applying the butterfly valve as well. After research, we realized that the butterfly valve will not be suitable for the given project, resulting in going with the ball valve. Table 4.1 shows various ball valves that were considered while completing this project. For each pipe diameter, there were 3 different prices given for every company. Row 1 of Table 4.1 has the 3/8”,1/2”,3/4”, 1”diameters for the listed Marine Deal vendor at the various different prices. This was done for two other vendors as well. One valve that stood out the most was the “B Ball Valve” from ACE hardware. This vendor was chosen due to the fact that their prices were reasonable for the given project. Not only are the prices reasonable, but they are available for an in town purchase. In addition to that the chosen ball valve is able to withstand pressures up to 600 pound per square inch and 150 pound per square inch of steam. 35 PARTS 1 2 3 3/8” Ball Valve ½” Ball Valve ¾” Ball Valve 1” Ball Valve Full Port ½” Ball Valve Full Port 1” Ball Valve Full Port ¾” Ball Valve B Ball Valve ½” B Ball Valve 1” B Ball Valve ¾” B Ball Valve 3/8” VENDOR Marine Deal Table 4.1 VALVES ADDRESS PHONE # Carlsbad, Ca 92009 United States PRICE $12.00 877-406-4562 $19.99 $19.00 $35.00 $6.18 AZ Parts Master 11480 Hillguard Road Dallas, TX 75243 214 261-1050 $14.45 $19.98 $13.49 ACE hardware 2906 Hwy 290 Waller, TX 77484 936-372-9183 $20.99 $14.99 $9.49 4.3 Tank Evaluations The water tank that the Skyliners were looking for must hold upwards of 15 gallons of water. Due to the fact that the preexisting design holds 15 gallons of water. The Skyliners wanted the new design container to hold a minimum of 15 gallons of water and a maximum of 30 gallons for the design. Below are up to thee different tanks that were able to fit well within the system. Listed in Table 4.2 row 1 is a tank that measures a size of 15 inches in diameter and 48 inches in height, which is considered to be a reasonable price compared to other researched tanks, priced at thousands of dollars and more. As for the double wall tank listed in row 2 of Table 4.2, some of the specifications showed the tank size as having a diameter of 23 inches and a height of 23 inches, and holding up to 18 gallons of fluid, which is one of the required specification of the design project. The price for standard purchases is $199.99 with $100.00 for shipping. Bring the total to $299.00. Because the company is not an actual store, and a web based company, a physical address was not provided. The listed tank also is impact and corrosion resistant. The top surface of tank has designated 36 locations to accommodate meters and pumps. In addition to that this tank can withstand the temperatures provided by the client at 170 degrees F. Of the previously mentioned tanks it is believed that the tank listed in row 3 of Table 4.2 provided from the “The Tank Depot” appears to be one of the best choices. Although tank 3 is a plastic tank, it is capable of holding up to 45 gallons, which is more than the required amount, but could be used to conduct more experiments due to its size and capacity. It is also capable of withstanding temperatures of 180 degrees F, which is slightly more than the required temperature required by the client. The tank stated in row 3 of Table 4.2 also has a diameter of 18 inches and a height of 51 inches. The tank can also hold a pressure of 125 pound per square inch, which is more than two times than the required pressure for the given design which is 60 pound per square inch. This tank is ASME approved and requires no insulation. Not to mention that this tank is the cheaper of the three tanks listed in Table 4.2. For the sump tank, the overall design is the same. Because the given manufactures specialize in tanks, with the given specifications, the company that was chosen for the main tank will be suitable for the sump tank as well. Last but not least, the final recommended part listed in Table 3 is the “Vertical Water Tank” listed in Table 4.2 row 3. Again the above stated parts are recommended parts that are believed to fit well within the given design project. PARTS 1 2 3 4.4 Vertical PreCharged Water System 18 Gallon Double Wall Tank 45 Gal. Vertical Water Tank Table 4.2 TANKS VENDER ADDRESS PHONE # PRICE 14950 North Freeway Houston, TX 77090 800-221-0516 $144.99 Plastic-Mart n\a 866-310-2556 $299.99 The Tank Depot Tank Depot of Texas, Inc. Houston,TX 77015 866-926-5603 $64.00 Northern Tool + Equipment Level Switches Evaluation Table 4.3 contains specifications for three different level switches that can be used in the design. Line 1 of Table 4.3 is a versatile switch that can be mounted in either the top or bottom of the 37 tank, and are available with either 1/4" NPT or 1/8" NPT mounting threads. Materials of construction include Stainless Steel, Brass & Buna, Polypropylene, Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Teflon. Standard switches include the choice between a SPST or SPDT reed switch, and 24" of 20awg PVC lead wires. Line 2 of Table 4.3, shows the Madison Company's comprehensive line of level sensors includes single- and multi-point level switches, continuous level and conductivity sensors, non-contact sensors, optical level detection switches and more. The wide selection of materials offers reliable and durable level sensors for all liquid environments, as well as a full range of other application conditions. Madison engineers can incorporate temperature sensors into level sensor designs, offering combination sensing and cost savings for many applications. Line 3 of Table 4.3 shows the ultrasonic level transmitter the system is ideal for monitoring liquid level in storage tanks at various levels as well. Among the three level switches that were listed in Table 4.3, the level switch that was mentioned in line number 3 was the one group 2 decided would best fit within the design. This particular level switch fits within the required qualifications for this experiment. This device can with stand a pressure of 80 pounds per square inch, and can withstand temperatures up to 180 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and can be immersed in fluids for measurements. On the other hand group two is not able to make a caparison due to price, given the fact that there was no price provided or has been received as of yet, for the given part. A detailed purchase requisition of the vender information and prices for purchase has been provided in the appendix of this report. PARTS 1 Stainless steel LS-11-040 2 Continuous Level Sensor 3 Ultrasonic Level Transmitters Table 4.3 LEVEL SWITCHES VENDER ADDRESS PHONE # PRICE n/a 800-789-2851 $42.25 27 Business Park Dr., Branford, CT 06405 7380 Craft Goodman Frontage Rd. Olive Branch, MS 38654 800-466-5383 n/a 866-776-8265 n/a Innovative Components Madison Company Protank Liquid Handling Products 38 4.5 Preliminary Concepts This section encompasses all of the parts that have been outlined and how they would be integrated for the group’s first concept design. The group agreed that this system would not be the optimal design due to the fact that the system could not be run continuously and repeatedly. Both the water and air were redrafted and can be found in detail in Chapter 5. Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The water from the system is sent to the tank and when Tank #2 depressed its lever is raised and water is free to flow due to pressure difference. The guide is air tight with the walls of the tank and when it is lowered it provides the needed force to create flow in the water. The glove valve is closed while 4 is opened and the guide is lowered for water flow when 4 is open 3 is closed and the guide is raided to fill thank #2. The gate valve is open to allow fluid flow and closed to fill tank 2. The motor which drives the guide to create fluid flow or to fill the tank. The entire apparatus is placed on a grid to allow for easy transportation. 39 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. Observation tank to prevent 2-phanse flow. Pressurized Vessel provides air flow to the system Needle valves used to block flow or allow flow to the desired line. Pitot Tube Housing used to house the Pitot Tube which measures the flow velocity Throttling valve used to adjust the flow 40 5. DETAILED SYSTEM DESIGN 5.1 Engineering Analysis In our project statement the client requested a Reynold’s number range of 1000<Red<100000. After a few initial calculations it was strongly recommended that the client reduce the range to 1000<Re<10000. With the Reynold’s number reduced the group was able to compute more realistic values for the system. The results of the engineering analysis were utilized in computing the flow rates and pressure drops of the chosen pipe diameters for the fluid mechanic analysis. The results of the fluid analysis were also necessary to select the instrumentations and components of the apparatus. The first steps were to determine the flow rates and pressure drops. In determining the flow rate, the Reynold’s number equation (5.1) will be needed. Re VD (5.1) The minimum velocity (Vmin) will be calculated using the above Reynold’s number by substituting the first pipe diameter used in the system of 3/8 nominal schedule 40. The inner diameter of the 3/8 nominal schedule 40 pipe is substituted for D and the values for and are known from Table B.1 in the ESD textbook. The following calculations of equations 5.2 were performed to determine Vmin. 1000 1000 kg *V *.01252m m3 0.89*103 ( N * s 2 ) m (5.2) Where V 0.071086 With the velocity calculated the flow rate, Qmin can now be computed using the equation 5.3. 41 Q min AV D2 *V 4 (.01252) 2 Q min *0.071086 .000008746 4 (5.3) The same calculations are used to determine Qmax. When computing Qmax the inside diameter of the biggest pipe 1” nominal schedule 40 is used as well as our maximum range for Reynold’s number of 10000. Equation 5.4 calculates the Vmax, used to obtain the Qmax in equation 5.5. 10000 1000 kg *V *.02664m m3 0.89*103 ( N * s 2 ) m (5.4) Where V 0.334804 Q max AV D2 *V 4 (.2664) 2 Q max *0.334804 .00018612 4 (5.5) The values for Qmax and Qmin are used in the selection of the instrumentation and components used in the apparatus. Due to extremely low flow rates it was recommended by an engineer at Omega Inc. that we employ the use of an orifice plate to determine the calculated flow rates. Before the maximum and minimum pressure drops can be calculated, the friction factors for turbulent and laminar flow, equation 5.6 must be calculated. 42 Haaland ' s Equation for Turbulent flow 6.9 ( )1.11 ]2 Re 3.7( D) Equation for La min ar flow f {0.782 ln[ f (5.6) 64 Re The values for ∆Pmin and ∆Pmax are calculated by using the following equations 5.7 and 5.8: L V 2 P f D 2 3.5 1000(0.071086) 2 P min 0.064 (5.7) 0.01252 2 P 45.2 Pa L V 2 P max f D 2 3.5 1000(0.334084)2 P max 0.033 (5.8) 0.02664 2 P max 243.05Pa 43 Table 5.1 contains the group’s fluid analysis for the remaining pipe diameters in the apparatus. The fluid analysis in this chart was performed using Figure ??. Table 5.1: Fluid Analysis Water Analysis Nominal Inside Diameter 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 0.01252 0.01252 0.0158 0.0158 0.02093 0.02093 0.02664 0.02664 Reynolds Number 1000 10000 1000 10000 1000 10000 1000 10000 Velocity 0.071086 0.710863 0.056329 0.563291 0.042523 0.425227 0.033408 0.334084 Flow Rate( gal/min) Flow rate(m^3/sec) 0.138554032 1.385540323 0.174852533 1.748525328 0.231624273 2.316242729 0.29481465 2.948146502 8.7471E-06 8.7471E-05 1.10387E-05 0.000110387 1.46227E-05 0.000146227 1.8612E-05 0.00018612 Friction Factor 0.064 0.035737494 0.064 0.034744349 0.064 0.033790682 0.064 0.033149979 Pressure Drop(Pa) 45.20485175 2524.231407 22.49193269 1221.043053 9.675877267 510.8663901 4.692403764 243.0516972 Pressure Drop (psi) 0.006556512 0.366114523 0.00326223 0.177100084 0.001403389 0.074096061 0.000680586 0.035252218 Air Analysis Nominal 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 Inside Diameter 0.01252 0.01252 0.0158 0.0158 0.02093 0.02093 0.02664 0.02664 Reynolds Number 1000 10000 1000 10000 1000 10000 1000 10000 Velocity 1.252396 12.52396 0.992405 9.924051 0.749164 7.491639 0.588589 5.885886 Flow Rate ( cfm) Flow rate(m^3/sec) 0.43 2.41 0.74 4.12 0.98 5.46 1.25 6.95 0.000154106 0.001541062 0.000194479 0.00194479 0.000257623 0.002576232 0.000327906 0.003279064 Summation Table 44 Friction Factor 0.064 0.035737494 0.064 0.034744349 0.064 0.033790682 0.064 0.033149979 Pressure Drop(Pa) 14031.27553 783504.0927 6981.341435 379003.3779 3003.325851 158569.419 1456.489902 75441.57757 Pressure Drop (psi) 2.035096202 113.6394336 1.012573762 54.97064993 0.435602381 22.99890853 0.211249295 10.94204641 5.2 Detailed System Design Depictions: Figure 5.1 Fluid Circuit System Water Figure 5.2 Fluid Circuit System Air 45 Water Tank Air Tank Air Compressor Figure 5.3 Isometric view (Both Apparatus) 5.3 Fluid Circuit System: Water The front side of the apparatus uses water as the fluid which flows through the specified pipes outlined in the project statement. The system uses an air compressor as the hydrostatic pressure regulator as requested by the client, to provide the necessary pressure to force the fluid throughout the selected pipes. A valve is located at the tanks exit to allow for adjustments in the systems flow rate. Pressure taps are located on each line in which the differential pressure can be established. An orifice plate is used at the circuit’s exit in which the flow rate can be calculated by creating a known pressure drop and solve for the flow rate using Figure 5.1 The fluid is then transported to the sump tank where it awaits transportation back to the tank via a centrifugal pump. Level switches are located on the tank and sump tank to monitor fluid levels. When the fluid level within the sump tank reaches a maximum user set height it activates the pump. 46 Pressure Gauge Flow Control Valves ¾” Tankless Water Heater ½” High-level Switch ” Low-level Switch ¾” ¼” 1” 1” Sump Tank Flow meter with throttle valve Figure 5.4: Water Apparatus 47 5.4 Fluid Circuit System: Air The back side of the fluid circuit system runs air as the desired fluid. The air is contained within a pressurized vessel. The compressed air is supplied by the same compressor used on the front side by shutting the front side shutoff valve and opening the valve for the air circuit. The air is then run through any one of the desired pipes specified in the project statement and returns to the vessel. The desired pipe is chosen by shutting the valves that allow flow through the other piping. Pressure taps, an orifice meter, and pressure transmitters are also used on this circuit to determine the flow rate and differential pressure. A blower was recommended for the apparatus to clear the line of any condensation before the circuit is ran. Pressurized Vessel Bleeder Valve(Release air to atmosphere) 1 1/4” Flow meter with throttle valve 1” Blower ¾” Flow Control Valves ½” ½” ½” Air Compressor Figure 5.5 Air Apparatus 48 5.5 Fluid Circuit System: Justifications A front and back side for air and water is chosen for reliability and best practice. It is against best practices to run compressed air and water through the same lines. Compressed air is at a much higher pressure and would not be successfully blocked off by the same valve ratings and the piping would have to be upgraded to deal with the compressed air’s high pressure. Under deposit corrosion could also lead to erroneous values when performing air analysis. Pressure transmitters were chosen in combination with a data logger for their accuracy and reliability. Using pressure transmitters and a data logger allows the user to specify the number of readings they would like to take in the time window of their choice. Our selected transmitter and data logger allows the user to log temperature, pressure, differential pressure, and flow rates using a featured software package as well as calibrate the equipment to their specifications. Readings are taken as frequent as needed and able to be saved in a file. 5.6 Compressor Analysis In order to accurately size the compressor analysis had to be performed to determine the accurate range of power we would need for our apparatus. Before any calculations could be performed certain parameters and information had to be known. We had to accurately identify the compression states, compressor operating temperatures, and the properties of state one and two. The compressor compresses from atmospheric pressure to 80psi and the initial compression temperature is 70degrees Fahrenheit. With this information known we can now use the standard Brayton cycle equation assuming k=1.4 to solve for T2. 80psi was recommended by an engineer at Maxus. After viewing our apparatus and fluid analysis the engineer, Richard Colfax, stated that for an apparatus of this size based off his experience an 80psi compressor should be the maximum size we’ll need. This is analyzed in our compressor calculations. 49 COMPRESSOR ANALYSIS State 1 P1 14.7 psi P 2 80 psi State 2 T 1 70 F T2 ? Assumptions: K=1.4 (standard value) P2= 80psi (pressure used in similar apparatus) Equation: T 2 T1( P2 ) ( k 1) / k P1 ) (1.41) / 1.4 860 R 400 F 14.7 Using the density of air ( 0.0735 lbm ) and Qmax the mass flow rate can be calculated ft 3 m Q max 0.0735 lbm (0.116 ft 3 ) 0.0085 lbm ft 3 s s Solution: T 2 530 R(80 h1@ P1, T 1 128.34 h 2 @ P 2, T 2 206.46 W m(h2 h1) 0.0085(206.46 128.34) 0.664 btu W 2390 Btu hr s 700 watts 0.95hp Note: These analysis are based on the most extreme case assuming that air is the fluid and apparatus being used. It was assumed that to perform the calculations for the compressor that the ideal standard brayton cycle equation should be used. The value for Q was selected from our maximum flow rate. P2 was selected by reviewing similar apparatus’ and their compressors. The compressor for our apparatus will have to provide at least 0.95horsepower in order to adequately account for our system. Craftsman makes a 1hp air compressor that can deliver a maximum pressure 125psi. The craftsman 1hp 7gallon portable air compressor is available from sears for $159.99. 50 Figure 5.6 Craftsman 1hp air compressor 1 5.7 Pump Analysis The following analysis was performed in order to determine the pump head needed for our apparatus. The maximum flow rate for water was used from our fluid analysis with the following properties and given values. PUMP ANALYSIS State2 State1 Figure 5.7 Pump analysis 51 Known: Water 62.4 lbm ft3 1in nominal sch 40 Equation: 1.94 slug ft3 1.9 x10 5 lbfxs ft 2 ID=0.08742ft A=0.006002ft2 L=8ft P1 V 12 P 2 V 22 V2 fL Z1 Z2 [ k ] hp g 2g g 2g 2g D P1=14.7psi ∆Z=6.5ft P2=80psi The height difference between states1and2 is 6.5ft. The pressure at state 1 is atmospheric pressure while state 2 is the 80psi as used in our compressor calculations which provides our hydrostatic pressure. 80psi was chosen through our research on similar apparatus’ and their compressors as well as working with industry professionals. With the velocity solved for we can now determine the Reynold’s number and friction factor. The length of the pipe between the two states is 8ft. Q max 1.095 ft s A VD (1.94)(1.095)(0.08742) Re d 9, 740 10, 000 1.9 x105 0.00015 0.0017 D 0.08742 Q max 0.006573 ft 3 s V 6.9 0.00015 1.11 2 f {0.782 ln[ ( ) ] 0.033 10, 000 3.7(0.08742) k the min or losses from state 1to 2 k k90 elbow kinlet kexit k 2.31 144 P 2 P1( ) V 2 fL ft 2 hp Z [ k] g 2g D (80 14.7)(144) 1.095 0.033(8) hp (6.5) [ 2.31] 1.9(32.2) 2(32.2) 0.08742 153.7 6.5 0.17(5.33) 161.106 ft lbf * ft hp 161.106* Qg 66.15 s hp 89.17Watts 0.122horsepower 52 Our pump will need to deliver at least 0.12horsepower to transport the water from the sump tank to the supply tank. Note: All calculations performed here were used following example 5.2 in our ESD book. Qmax was chosen using our highest flow rate and our Reynold’s number was used based on the client’s specifications. The pump analysis have been analyzed and assessed and the pump required to pump the water from state 1 (sump tank) to state 2 (the supply tank) can be selected. Dayton 4RU76 centrifugal pump is light weight, small, and meets the needs of our fluid apparatus. The Dayton pump is 1 hp which is more than enough for our system and costs $269.65 Figure 5.8: Centrifugal pump 5.8 Heater Analysis To determine the size of tankless water heater needed a thermodynamic analysis was performed. The client specified that the water be heated to a minimum temperature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit. HEATER ANALYSIS The maximum flow rate is retrieved from the fluid analysis table ? Known: Q max 0.00018612 m3 0.00657 ft3 s s T1 represents the temperature at state1 (room temperature). T2 is specified by the client. 53 Parameters: T 1 70 F T 2 170 F The first law of thermodynamics is used to determine the heater power required to heat the water from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. (h2 h1) Equation: Q m Using the density for water and the maximum flow rate the mass flow rate is computed. (0.00657 ft3 ) 0.410 lbm ft3 s s Using the thermodynamic steam tables the enthalpies are computed using the given temperatures. Solution: m Q 62.4 lbm h1@ T 1 38.09 btu lb h2 @ T 2 137.97 btu lb Q m (h2 h1) 0.410(137.97 38.09) 40.95 btu lb 147,423 btu hr 43.2kw Note: Qmax represents our highest flow rate for our apparatus. T2 was selected by the client as the desired temperature. Our heater needs to provide at least 286K btu/hr to the fluid in our system in order for the desired temperature to be reached. From our analysis our heater must provide at least 43.2kw of power in order to heat the water from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Bosch tankless water heaters was selected due to their efficiency, power output, size, and cost. Figure 5.9 Bosch tankless water heater 54 5.9 Apparatus Instrumentation 5.9.1 Orifice Plate An orifice plate is used on both the air and water side of the apparatus to determine the flow rate. The orifice plate creates a known pressure drop and through the Bernoulli’s equation the flow rate can be determined. P1 and P2 are measured and both diameters (Di and Do) are known. With the properties of the fluid known and applying figure 5.10 to states 1 and 2 the flow rate can be solved. All measurements and data recorded by the orifice plate will be sent to a programmable logic controller (PLC)/Data acquisition system and recorded. Figure 5.10 Orifice plate diagram The information that is needed to choose an orifice plate is the diameter of the pipe in which is mounted and the flow rate that the orifice plate has to accommodate. To create a higher or lower drop, the orifice plate can be changed according to the hole in the center (Do). Based on our calculated volumetric flow rate of 2.948 gallons/min, the orifice plate will be chosen with the accommodating diameter size. 55 Figure 5.11 Orifice Plate 5.9.2 Pressure Transducers When selecting our pressure transducers we first determined our minimum and maximum differential pressures which were found using our fluid analysis Table 5.1. Our air compressor will provide a pressure of 80psi within the tank which will force flow through the desired pipes. When selecting our pressure transducers we spoke to a technical sales associate, Bob Lydecker, who told us for our chosen ranges we would need the transducer in Figure 5.11. The PX303 is used in combination with the data acquisition to provide the user with data such as differential pressure, P1 and P2, as well as flow rate and temperature of the fluid. Figure 5.12 Px303 Pressure Transducer 56 The PX303 connects to pressure taps located upstream and downstream of the orifice plate as well as taps located on our different lines. A small shutoff valve is required for each tap and once the transducer is connected (screwed union) the valve is opened and the pressure can be read. Other pressure transducers have to be calibrated by the manufacturer for the users desired application however, the PX303 can be calibrated by the user and the pressure specifications can be altered which is why the PX303 is so widely used and produced. Figure 5.12 provides the company specifications for the PX303. The manufacturer’s specifications are listed as follows: Zero Balance: ± 0.4% FS SPECIFICATIONS (±0.2%) 5V Output (10V Output) Span Tolerance: ±0.8% FS (±0.4%) Excitation: 9 to 30 Vdc Long Term Stability: ±0.5% FS (14 to 30 Vdc) unregulated Typical Life: 100 million cycles Output: 0.5-5.5 (1-11) Vdc Operating Temperature: Accuracy: 0.25% FS (linearity, 0 to 160°F (-18 to 71°C) hysteresis, repeatability Compensated Temperature: 30 to 130 °F (-1 to 54°C) Total Thermal Effects: 1% FS max Proof Pressure: 200%, 13000 PSI max Figure 5.12 Manufacturer Specification 5.9.3 Data Acquisition System The OM-PRTEMP101 and OM-CP-PRTEMP110 are miniature, battery powered, standalone, temperature and pressure dataloggers. These dataloggers are a major leap forward in both size and performance. Its real time clock ensures that all data is time and date stamped. The storage medium is non-volatile solid state memory, providing maximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged. Its small size allows it to fit almost anywhere. Omega has software that records all the information, and keeps track of them. 57 Data can be printed in graphical or tabular format and can be exported to a text or Microsoft Excel file. The OM-CP-PRTEMP101, Figure 5.13, is one of Omega’s most widely used recording and logging systems. The specifications are outlined in Figure 5.14, including the temperature range of the data logger from -40 to 176F. An engineer and salesman at the Prairie View power plant stated that the inlet water temperature was around 62 to 66F and the desired temperature was specified for 170F. As one can see these temperature ranges are successfully captured with the data logger. Although the pressure range for the data logger states its ranges from 0 to 30 pound per square inch atmospheric with a pressure resolution of 0.002 Mr. Richards stated that the acquisition system can be calibrated for a higher pressure range using the provided software package which works with Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. The acquisition system communicates with the PC using a USB or PC serial, RS-232C COM. Figure 5.13 OM-CP-PRHTemp101 58 Specifications Temperature Sensor: semiconductor Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5°C (0 to 50°C) Temperature Resolution: 0.1°C Temperature Range: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) Pressure Sensor: Strain gage Pressure Accuracy: 1% FSR at 25°C Pressure Resolution: 0.002 psia Pressure Range: 0 psia to 30 psia Temperature Effect on Pressure Span/Offset: relative to 25°C going from 0 to 50°C; ±2.0% max, ± 0.4% typical Temperature/Pressure Calibration: Digital calibration is available through software Calibration Date: Automatically recorded within device to alert user when calibration is required Recording Interval: 2 sec to 12 hours selectable through software Figure 5.14 Acquisition system specs. The average price for a Takagi tankless water heater is $1300.00. If the client was willing to lower the desired Reynold’s number to 10,000 the team would be able to consider companies with more reasonable prices. The Noritz 1321 tankless water heater can provide a maximum heat rate of 380,000btu/hr however; the Noritz 1321 series costs $4,599.00! Amazingly the Noritz was the cheapest heater we could find to provide the necessary heat rate. Upon further research it was determined in class that this heater would be adequate if and only if the incoming water was always 70degrees Fahrenheit. Further analysis were performed to determine an appropriate heater. Figure 5.15 Noritz 1321 series 5.8 Cost Analysis 5.8.2 Orifice Plate Flow Meter 59 The orifice plate listed below is a PVC Orifice Plate for Use with Gases. Specifications for this device, is listed as the following [10]: Orifice plate flow meter for 1” line size 0.300” bore 0.29 Beta 20” d/p W/C Air capacity: 5.24 SCFM @ 14.7 paia 8.11 SCFM @ 20 psia 14.8 SCFM @ 100psig; 1 lb Priced at: $195.00 5.8.3 Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor [11]: For a single stage air compressor, specifications are as fallows: Tank size 60 gallons Power 15.6 CFM @ 90 psi Priced at: $950.00 5.8.4 Sump Pump: For a sump pump motor, specs are: Submersible Plastic Sump/Utility Pump, HP Rating 1/4, Voltage @ 60 Hz 115, Current @ 115 VAC 2.3 Amps, Automatic/Manual Switch, Off Point 1.65 Inches, On Point 5.7 Inches, Water Flow @ 5 Feet of Head 32 GPM, Shut Off @ 22.8 Feet, Discharge NPT 1 1/4 Inches, Maximum Soild Handling 1/8 inch, Maximum 60 Temperature 77 Degrees F, Cord 16/3 x 10 Feet, Fits 8 Inches in Diameter, Diameter 7.9 Inches, Height 11 Inches Priced at: $138.00 For ease of reading, all of the totals for the cost anaylsis have been situated in one chart, Figure 5.16. This chart shows how much of each item is needed, what each item will cost, and the name of each item. The total cost of the system is $2329.86. Cost Analysis Quantity Instrumentation Vendor Unit Price 2 Pressure Transducer Omega $300.00 1 Data Acquisition System Omega $299.00 1 Tankless water heater Bosch $649.99 1 Air Compressor Craftsman $159.99 1 Centrifugal Pump Dayton $269.65 2 Level Switches Protank $124.99 Fittings ACE 16 Total Price n/a 8 3/8" valve $9.49 8 3/4" valve $14.99 8 1/2" valve 8 1" valve 2 Air Tank $13.49 ACE $20.99 $64.00 Water Tank $64.00 1 Sump tank Tank depot 2 Orifice Plate Emerson $26.00 $137.17 10ft 3/8" pipe n/a $35.40 10ft 3/4" pipe n/a $32.30 10ft 1/2" pipe n/a $29.00 20ft 1" pipe Metal depot TOTAL n/a $79.40 $2,329.86 Figure 5.16 Cost Analysis 61 34 6. RESULTS & DISCUSSION 6.1 Summary of Goals and Objectives Due to our lack of understanding and comprehension of the project and its components time became a major factor. However, we were able to accomplish many of our project goals including a detailed design, engineering analysis, system components, and instrumentation. We were able to choose our instrumentation by successfully figuring out our needed diameters. Although we did not have a clear understanding of the material in the initial stages of the project we now have a grasp and true understanding of parameters and requirements of the project. 6.2 Summary of Constraints and Codes met by Design After talking to a number of engineers in the industry it was established that we would need separate systems for compressed air and water. Although possible, it is not reliable and against best practices. The liquid hold-up left in lines would create erroneous readings in the calculations for air. The same is true when performing the necessary calculations for water. 6.3 Conclusion and Recommendations After conducting the initial stages of this project including and not limited to planning, concept generation, detailed design, and implementation it is safe to say that we now have knowledge in project management. For future references we believe that performing the experiment from Fluid Mechanics and truly explaining its components would give the students a better understanding of what the project requires. Also, I believe that more time and clearer explanations should be given initially in order to produce work to the teacher’s expectations. We believe that this project helped students to gain a true appreciation and understanding of the type of work that will be required by mechanical engineers in today’s industry. As justification for Skyliners finalk design decisions, first all fittings, lines and valves were selected according to the maxinmum pressure. Second, separate lines are required for air and water fluids due to the fact that liquid hold up in lines can damage air measurements and air pressure calls for a different line and fitting ratings. Third a pressure gauge is installed on the tank to monitor the desired pressure and show visual representation of the pressure changes. 62 Fourth, high and low level switches to maintain fluid flow at all times by setting off alarms within the system. Lastly, pipe diameters were chosen ensuring turbulent flow using Bernoulli’s equation. 63 REFERENCES [1] Cornell School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, “Measuring the Friction Factor in Small Pipes”,, (No date) [2] TQ Education and Training, “Fluid Friction Apparatus”,, (No date) [3] Speedace Info, “Pitot Tube”,, (1991) [4] Dixon, S.L., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1998 [5] Forsthoffer, William E., Pumps, Kidlington, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2005 [6] Cussons Technology, “Fluid Mechanics Laboratory”,, (2007) [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [] 64 Appendix A EES Analysis 65 ASSIGNMENTS FOR OUTCOME “e” Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. (As it relates to Fluid Mechanics) 66 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 Instructor: Dr. Paul O. Biney Title of Assignment TEST 1 Outcome Measured Using this Assignment Outcome e Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. Brief Description of the suitability of this assignment for the outcome The questions on this section of Test 1 tests the students ability to identify relevant laws and equations, formulate the solution methodology, and solve the resulting engineering equations in fluid systems 67 PRAIRIE VIEW A & M UNIVERSITY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SPRING 2008 Energy Systems Design SECTION 001 TEST 1 OPEN BOOK, CLOSED NOTES ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS FOR EACH PROBLEM, DIAGRAM WITH ALL STATE POINTS INDICATED SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY PROVIDED CLEARLY INDICATE EACH SUB-SECTION OF A PROBLEM DRAW A BOX AROUND EACH ANSWER PROVIDE UNITS ON ALL CALCULATIONS AND ANSWERS ANY DISHONESTY DURING THE EXAMS WILL RESULT IN “F” GRADE WORK ALL PROBLEMS ON THE QUESTION SHEETS AND DO NOT USE ANY SHEET OF YOUR OWN February 27, 2008 Name of Student: _______________________ 68 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Paul O. Biney QUESTION 1 [50 Points] You work for a process plant and have been assigned the enviable task of analyzing the proposed piping system shown in Figure 1. A pump moves engine oil from a supply tank to a press. The press needs 0.002 m3/s of oil to operate properly. Both the pump inlet and outlet lines are made of 2-nominal schedule 40 PVC pipe, with a total length of 10 m. The pressure of the oil delivered to the press must be 250 kPa. Atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa. The properties of the oil are Density : =850 kg/m3, dynamic viscosity: =6.5 kg/(m-s). Assume g=9.81 m/s2 After being used in the press, the oil is discharged to an elevated tank at the top of the press that is open to atmosphere. The return line from this tank to the supply tank is 1-1/2 in Nominal diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe, 20m long, The height H =2 m, and the pipe entering the press is 0.5 m below the surface of the oil in the left tank. i. ii. Clearly identify the location of states 1 and 2 for the supply line and apply the Bernoulli Equation with frictional head loss, minor loss and pump head to determine the pump head in meters if the total minor loss coefficient in the supply line is K=20 Determine the power required by the pump in kW. 69 H=2 m Return Line: 1-1/2-nominal schedule 40 PVC pipe, L=20 m ∑K=10 for supply line Properties of oil Density : =850 kg/m3, Dynamic viscosity: =6.5 kg/(m-s). 0.5 m P=250 kPa Supply Line: From left tank to hydraulic press inlet 2-nominal schedule 40 PVC pipe, L=10 m ∑K=20 for supply line Figure 1 Pumping System for Hydraulic Press Solution 70 0.002166 0.92 m/s 6340 0.0351 18.53 m 0.31 71 QUESTION 2 [50 Points] For the problem statement and Figure shown in Question 1, i. Clearly identify states 1 and 2 for the return line and calculate the flow rate in m 3/s through the return line if there is no pump in that line. Assume the total minor loss in return line is K=10. ii. Will you recommend that a pump be placed in the return line? Justify your answer. 0.001314 6436 8339 0.035 0.00158 ii. The flow in the return line is only 0.00158 m3/s while the flow in the supply line is 0.002 m3/s. Thus a pump will be needed in the return line . 72 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 Instructor: Dr. Paul O. Biney Title of Assignment TEST 2 Outcome Measured Using this Assignment Outcome e Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. Brief Description of the suitability of this assignment for the outcome The questions on this section of Test 2 tests the students ability to identify relevant laws and equations, formulate the solution methodology, and solve the resulting engineering equations in fluid systems. 73 74 75 76 77 78 ASSIGNMENTS FOR OUTCOME “g” Ability to communicate effectively (Written and Oral) (Demonstrated by Parts of Final Project Report & Presentation Slides) 79 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 Instructor: Dr. Paul O. Biney Title of Assignment Front end of final report including table of content and Project Scope chapter, List of References for written communication Outcome Measured Using this Assignment Outcome g Ability to communicate effectively (written) Brief Description of the suitability of this assignment for the outcome Information provided is a portion of the final project report that demonstrates students ability to communicate through formal technical report writing, and the rubric used to score this outcome for one of the groups. 80 Grading Scheme for Written Communication 81 “Construction of Experimental Set-Up” Energy Systems Design Literature Review Submitted by Nakita Bowman Lyawonda Bass Antyon James Whitney Livingston To Dr. Paul O. Biney Energy Systems Design Instructor Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering Prairie View A&M University April 30, 2008 82 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Energy Systems Design- Spring 2008 Group 2- Skyliners Dr. Paul O. Biney, Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Prairie View A&M University Dear Dr. Biney: The attached report contains the design and detailed analysis of the proposed fluid flow system in which students can perform various fluid mechanics experiments. The report includes the descriptions of each component within the system. These components were priced and analyzed for integration and efficiency with each other. Thermodynamic and Fluid Mechanics analysis was performed to determine how much power will be needed for each component of the system along with the determination of pipe sizes. We do ask that you take into consideration the hard work and effort which has been placed. We thank you for your patience and dedication. Group members are available to answer and address anything concerning this report or the proposed design. Sincerely, ______________________________ Nakita Bowman ______________________________ Lyawonda Bass, Team Leader ______________________________ Antyon James ______________________________ Whitney Livingston 83 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report was prepared using input from Dr. Paul O. Biney. We thank Dr. Biney for his constructive criticism and inspiration in providing insight and experience that has passed the test of time. We also thank Dr. Judy Perkins for her assistance regarding the existing design that is in use in the Civil Engineering department. She gave insight as to who our clients would be if we were to take this design to market, as well as what the client would possibly need for an effective design. Our group greatly appreciates the patience and dedication shown by these two extraordinary professors. 84 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………… ….. Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………… List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………………… List of Tables ………………………………………………………………………………… 1. PROJECT SCOPE ……………………………………………………………… 1.1 Project Statement……………………………………………………...…………………….…. 1.2 Client Identification and recognition of need………………………………………………..... .. 1.3 Project goals and objectives ………………………………..…………………………………… 1.4 Contemporary Issues Relevant to Project………………………………………………………. 1.5 Initial Project Constraints……………………………………………………………………….. 2. PROJECT PLANNING AND TASK DEFINITION ………………………………… 2.1 Task Identification ………………………………………………………………………….….. 2.2 Gantt Chart ………….………………………………………………………………………….. iii iv vi vii 1 1 2 4 4 5 5 5 13 3. LITERATURE REVIEW.…………………………………………...………………………… 3.1 Component Description……………………………………………………………………… 3.1.1 Instrumentation ……………….…………………………………….………………... 3.1.3 Pump …….. ……………….…………………………………….…………………… 3.1.4 Existing Fluid Bench Apparatus …. ………………………………………………… 3.1.5 Tubes (Of various sizes) and Fittings ……………………………………………… 3.1.6 Tank………………………………………………………………………… 3.1.7 Orifice Meter………………………………………………………………………….. 3.1.8 Venturi-meter…………………………………………………………………………. 14 15 15 19 20 21 21 21 23 4. PRELIMINARY DESIGN………………………… …………..……………………………. 4.1 Concept Designs………………………………………………………………………………… 24 5. DETAILED SYSTEM DESIGN……….…………………………….………………………… 5.1 Fluid Circuit System: Water……………………………………………………………………… 5.2 Fluid Circuit System: Air…………………………………………………………………………. 5.3 Fluid System: Justifications………………………………………………………………………. 5.4 Engineering Analysis……………………………………………………………………………... 5.5 Detailed System Depictions………………………………………………………………………. 5.6 Modern Instrumentation………………………………………………………………………… 5.6.1 Flow measurement Devices…………………………………………………………… 5.6.2 Flow Control Devices…………………………………………………………………. 5.6.3 Miscellaneous Modern Instrumentation………………………………………………. 5.7 Major Apparatus Components 5.7.1 Air Compressor……………………………………………………………………….. 5.7.2 Pump………………………………………………………………………………….. 5.8 Cost Analysis……………………...……………………………………………………………… 5.8.1 Orifice Plate ………………………………………………………………………….. 5.8.2 Orifice Plate Flow Meter……………………………………………………………… 5.83 Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor ………………………………………………...... 5.8.4 Sump Pump…………………………………………………………………………… 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Summary of Goals and Objectives……………………………………………………………….. 6.2 Summary of Constraints and Codes Met by Design……………………………………………. 6.3 Conclusion and Recommendations……………………………………………………………... LIST OF REFERENCES ………………………………………..……………………………………… APPENDIX A………………………………………..………………………………………………… 85 25 29 29 29 29 29 32 34 34 35 35 36 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 40 41 Table of Figures Figure 2.1- Gantt Chart………………………………………………………………………. Figure 3.1- Fluid Friction Apparatus………………………………………………………… Figure 3.2- Piezometer with Pressure Gauge………………………………………………… Figure 3.3- Pitot tube with pressure transducer………………………………………………. Figure 3.4- Natural Technovate Model 9009 Flow System Diagram………………………… Figure 3.5- Orifice Meter……………………………………………………………………... Figure 3.6- Orifice Flow Pattern……………………………………………………………… Figure 3.7- Venturi-meter…………………………………………………………………….. Figure 4.1- Experimental Set-up for Pressure Drop and Friction Factor Measurement in Pipes and Fittings …………………………………………………………..……. 13 15 16 16 21 22 22 23 Figure 4.4 Individual Concept Design 1 ………………………………………………………………. Figure 4.5 Individual Concept Design 2……………………………………………...……………….. Figure 4.6 Individual Concept Design 3…………………………………………..…..……………….. Figure 4.7 Individual Concept Design 4…………………………………………..…..……………….. Figure 4.8 Individual Concept Design 5.…………………………………………….. ……………….. Figure 4.9 Individual Concept Design 6………………………………………….…………………... 31 32 34 34 27 28 Figure 5.1 Fluid Circuit System; Water................................................................................... Figure 5.2 Fluid Circuit System; Air........................................................................................ Figure 5.3 Orifice Plate............................................................................................................ Figure 5.4 OM-CP-PRTRANS Pressure Datalogger............................................................... Figure 5.5 Level switches........................................................................................................ Figure 5.6 Blower ……………………………....................................................................... Figure 5.7 Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor …....................................................................... Figure 5.8 Sump Pump……………………………………………………………………… 32 33 34 34 35 36 36 37 86 24 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Table 2.1 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Project Planning………………………………………………………………....... Task Identification……………………………………………………………....... Water Analysis …………………………………………………………………... Air Analysis……………………………………………………………………… 87 4 6 30 31 1. PROJECT SCOPE 1.1 Project Statement The Civil Engineering department has an experimental set-up to measure the pressure drop and friction factor in pipes and fittings. The design of this set-up is old, and the flow through the fittings is achieved through a pump. The set up can only be used for water. You are required to design, build, and test an improved experimental apparatus for fluid flow experiments in an undergraduate laboratory. When using water, the flow should be provided by a controlled hydrostatic pressure. The apparatus should be capable of experimentally determining: Friction factor in straight pipes in the range of 1000< Red <100,000, with pipes of at least four different diameters and two different roughness, with air and water as the fluids. Losses due to bends and losses in valves Pump characteristics employing dimensionless variables with similar variable-speed centrifugal pumps with different-diameter impellers to provide the water for the systems. The system must be able to accommodate studying the effects of fluid temperature throughout the system. Include appropriate modern instrumentation, control, and provision for calibrations of transducers used in the experiments. Also provide simultaneous visual representation of pressure drops as a function of the length of pipe and detailed instructions for using the set-up. 1.2 Client Identification and recognition of need In completing a list of potential clients, the group asked, “What is the function of this equipment and where or what industry could it most likely be used?” This device would help benefit in all areas of engineering in providing engineering students the ability to construct fluid flow experiments within there related courses work, to gain a better understanding of fluid dynamics. Rev. D 1 5208 Any company closely related to the dynamic flow of a fluid, would be most benefited from this device. Not only could it measure the hydraulic pressure, but it could also measure the flow rate within the system as well. 1. Dr. P. Biney, Mechanical Engineering Professor - Energy System Design Professor 2. Undergraduate Engineering Students - Mechanical and Civil Engineering Students 3. Civil Engineering Department - Dr. J. Perkins, Department Head 4. Hydraulic Water Resources 5. Oil Industries 6. Educational Institutions - High School - Community Colleges As listed above, this flow device can be marketed to several entities. As mechanical engineering students at Prairie View A&M University we considered the Civil and Environmental Engineering department as a initial client. Although civil department was chosen as the initial client for marketing the hydraulic flow system, it will be used for both the mechanical as well as the civil department for laboratory purposes. To enable the students to use this device at Prairie View there are a few levels in the chain of command to surpass. After consulting with Dr. Perkins about this issue, it was stated that she is the deciding factor of which experimental devices will be placed in the civil engineering lab. In addition to price, there are other deciding factors that will determine if the client will choose the group’s device over our competitors. Dr. Perkins looks at other qualities such as customer service, warranty, types of discounts, installation fees, cost of delivery, and the company itself. After the client has decided on the company, she then considers the price. If the item costs $1,500.00 or less, then a departmental procard is used as method of purchase. On the other hand, if the item Rev. D 2 5208 exceeds $1,500.00 then three bids are made in addition to completing a purchase order for the completion of the sale. In the event bids have to be made, Dr. Perkins would have to contact the procurement service located in finance and admissions, which is linked to the purchasing department for approval. Although Dr. Perkins might have to contact the finance department to place the bids, the decision of the final bid is left up to her. In the end, all clients have different protocols in which they have to go by, and so does the group. This device was designed with the client in mind, and the group will ensure that everything that is conducted on behalf of our group will be done to ensure that this device is delivered customized to the client’s specifications and constraints. Client’s Need 5. The current system produces fluctuating readings due to the instability of the pump when measuring the pressure drop and friction factor during an experiment. - The client is seeking a more effective and improved experimental apparatus to measure the pressure drop and friction factor in pipes and fittings, which will result in a more accurate reading. 6. The current system experiences instability in the flow readings, due to the lack of constant flow of fluid into the system and a loss of water, due to the poor performance of the pump. - The client wants to replace the old system with a new more efficient and accurate system that will conserve/minimize the loss of water during an experiment. - The client wants to upgrade to a system that will eliminate the problem encountered when the pump is the main source for pumping the water in to the tank, which will achieve greater accuracy when conducting experiments and collecting data. The new design will replace the need for a pump to create enough pressure and velocity for moving fluid through the apparatus. The pump will be used to move the water from the sump tank to the main water tank. A tank with a constant head will be added to achieve fluid flow to the fittings. Modern instrumentation will be added where the readings will be collected using a data acquisition system and will also allow for higher accuracy. Rev. D 3 5208 7. The current system set-up can only be used for water. - The client wants the new system to be able to use water as well as air to measure the pressure drop and friction factor in pipes and fittings. Using both fluids will allow the experimenter to observe the difference in pressure drop and friction factor between a gas fluid and a liquid. The system must also be able to accommodate studying the effects of fluid temperature throughout the system. 8. The current system is outdated and needs new and improved instrumentation to conduct a variety of experiments for the undergraduate engineering students. - The client wants the apparatus to be capable of being used to experimentally determine: Friction factor at different diameters and roughness using air and water Losses due to bends and valves. Pump characteristics Effects of fluid temperature on the head loss, pressure drop, and friction factor through the piping system and fittings in the project - The client wants a sump tank for leftover water to flow, with an attachment of a pump, to allow the water to be pumped back to the main tank. 1.3 Project Goals and Objectives Successfully design, test and build a functional user-friendly and improved apparatus for fluid flow experiments and that will exceed the expectations of our clients and that will be easy to market to our clients. Air and water are able to enter the device at a constant flow rate All the water within the devise can be reused from the sump tank Water or Gas enters the device at room temperature 20°C and remains at 20°C throughout the pipeline A pump will transport the water from the sump tank to the main tank Water or gas enters the device at room temperature at 20°C and is raised to 170°C within a reasonable amount of time Rev. D 4 5208 Objectives: 7. The experimental set up should be relatively inexpensive. 8. Air and water are to be accepted as fluids. 9. Water flow should be provided by a controlled hydrostatic pressure. 10. A range of 1000 < Red < 100,000 should be acceptable for friction factors in straight pipe with four different diameters and two different roughness. 11. The losses due to valves and bends are to be assessed. 12. The temperature effects due to head loss, pressure drop, and friction factor are to be assessed. Table 1.1 Project Planning Objective Inexpensive Air or water as fluids Measurement Basis manufacturing cost for existing set up and industry average fluid flow through pipes Units Dollars Liter/s or m/s Friction factor for variable pipe diameters Reynold’s number and roughness 1.4 Head loss Losses in bends and valves M Pressure Pressure in system Psi Temperature Initial temperature and final temperature °C, Btu Contemporary Issues Relevant to Project Prairie View A&M University is known for its engineering department. With thousands of students applying to the university each year, several hundred will become engineering students. Therefore it is vital that the equipment that represents this department is in top condition. The students at Prairie View are studying to become engineers and will be competing against other Rev. D 5 5208 well known universities, on how much they have learned during the course of the four years at the university. Issues that face graduating students, is that some of the advanced equipment that other universities and corporate America use, is not available to the students here at Prairie View. College is designed to prepare you for the working world, but if practicing with outdated equipment is what the department calls preparing them, then how are they to measure up to the competition. With new and improved devices this design will provide advanced technology and equipment to allow students, not only here at Prairie View, but at other instructions the ability to step into the 21st century and conduct experiments in an effective manner. 1.5 Initial Project Constraints The fluid friction apparatus shall be able to operate with both water and air. When handling water, it is to be controlled by hydrostatic pressure, and no pumps are permitted to control water from the tank into the apparatus. The apparatus should enable the students to determine the friction factor in pipes, losses due to bends and valves, and pump characteristics. The pipes in the apparatus need to be of such diameters that a Reynold’s number in the 1000 < Red <100,000 range can be achieved, must contain at least four different diameters, and two different roughness. Must have modern instrumentation that facilitates calibration. The apparatus needs to allow for visual representation of pressure drops as a function of the pipe length. The student needs to include comprehensive instructions for set up and operation. There needs to be a device that measures the pressure drop. The experiment must have an indicator that alerts when the water level is low, and indicator that kicks the air compressor on when the pressure is low. Rev. D 6 5208 2. PROJECT PLANNING AND TASK IDENTIFICATION 2.1 Task Identification The purpose of the Project Tasks and Schedule, shown in Table 2.1, was to subdivide the tasks needed to complete the entire project in an allotted time period. The primary software used to describe the project tasks was Microsoft Project which was used to develop the project schedule and Gantt chart. Table 2.1 describes in detail the project tasks. Figure 2.1 shows the Gantt chart and describes the tasks that were designated to persons within the group responsible for completing each task as well as assigns a date that each task needs to be completed. The Skyliners used the Gantt chart to effectively track and motivate the team to stay within the time constraints set forth in the chart. The team strived to deliver on the dates specified. The Gantt chart shown in Figure 2.2, is a way for the entire team to know what was expected of them, as well as kept team members abreast of what their fellow team members were working on. Rev. D 7 5208 Table 2.1 Task Identification Task Description Objectives Deliverables Duration Start Date End Date Responsible Person From the details of the design, determine who our potential clients are. Provide detail list of client’s procedures taken for obtaining our product. 1week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Lyawonda A list of needs provided from the problem statement. 1 week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Whitney To successfully design, build and test an improved user-friendly apparatus for fluid flow experiments that will exceed the expectations of our clients. List of goals to help us achieve our clients satisfaction 1 week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Antyon Define objectives that will allow us to complete our project design List of objectives that complies with the problem 1 week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Antyon Problem Formulation 1. Recognizing the Need Identify the client Determine what the client’s desired needs are. 2. Defining the Problem Identify goals that we seek to achieve for the design project Identify objectives for the design project Rev. D Review the project statement to gain understanding of what the client needs is. 8 5208 Task Description Objectives Deliverables Duration Start Date End Date Responsible Person 1 week 1/30/08 2/06/08 Nakita 1 week 2/01/08 2/08/08 Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda statement Identify constraints for the design project Project Planning 1.Design Criteria Dividing the project into task and sub-task State the objectives of each task Estimate the personnel, time, and other resources needed to meet the objectives Develop a sequence for the Rev. D Research areas that will determine the success or failure of the design. List of detailed constraints related to the design project Outline tasks and sub-tasks needed for a constant flow of future productive work Task tables outlining the tasks and subtasks to be completed Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda Set forth objectives to complete, related to each task Tables listing task objectives Outline scheduled time and days needed to complete each task Gantt Charts and weekly status reports every Friday 9 1 week 2/01/08 2/08/08 Nakita, 1week 2/01/08 2/08/08 Nakita 5208 Task Description Objectives Deliverables Duration Start Date End Date 1 week 2/01/08 2/08/08 Responsible Person task. Create a task flow Gantt Chart system that will allow us to see what task are completed and what task are left to complete Literature Review 1.Literature Review Complete an exhaustive literature review covering all aspects of the new design apparatus b.Modern Instrumentation Research for modern instrumentation to use for design b. Equations Rev. D Perform a literature review analyzing existing setups and evaluate the components that will be useful for our design Research modern measuring instrumentation devices that can replace the devices on our current apparatus Gather detailed 1 week information from course text books, web & journal articles, other reference material related to our design. A list of modern instrumentation 1 week that will be needed in the design 02/06/08 02/13/08 Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, 02/06/08 02/13/08 *Air gas flow meter *Piezometer (Pitot Tubes) *Shutoff Valve 10 Lyawonda 5208 Task Description Objectives Deliverables Research useful equations pertaining to fluid flow Research all appropriate equations that will allow us to analytically create a design and give us a numerical point of view as to what is expected in the construction phase of the design. A list of equations that are related to pressure drop, friction loss, and how the energy equation relates to fluid flow c. Pumps Research all ideas for a pump that would be appropriate for our design d. Compressors Research all ideas for a compressor that would be appropriate for our design e. Existing fluid flow apparatus Research all existing fluid flow apparatus Rev. D Duration Start Date End Date 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 Responsible Person Nakita Research a pump that will be able to transport the waste water from the experiment back to the water tank Research a compressor that will be able to transport air/gas throughout the apparatus An outline of pump specifications and related calculations obtained from the system. An outline of compressor specifications related to calculations obtained from the systems. 11 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 Nakita 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 Antyon 5208 Task Description Concept Generation 1.Creative Thinking Sketch project related designs 2. Generation Alternative ideas. Determine if new ideas will meet the needs of the design Concept Evaluation 1. Concept & Functional Evaluation Develop Evaluation Criteria Rev. D Objectives Deliverables Research all existing similar apparatus to find out all components and instrumentation that would help aid in designing our apparatus An outline of existing experimental apparatuses that are similar to current design and shows high levels of effectiveness and efficiency. Think of ideas that are new and improved Create ideas that will allow you to think out side the box Determine areas of importance within Duration Start Date 1 week 02/06/08 02/13/08 Three individual concept designs for the system 1 week 2/06/08 2/15/08 Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda List of possible alternatives that would either improve efficiency or lower the price 1 week 2/06/08 2/15/08 Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda List of criteria and point 12 End Date Responsible Person Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda 1 week 2/26/08 5208 3/4/08 Task Description and assignments of a weight or point scale for each criteria Objectives Deliverables the project and client specifications that must me met system Duration Start Date End Date Responsible Person Antyon, Whitney, Nakita, Lyawonda Determine criteria weight Outline criterion accordance to level of importance Comparison of total points for each concept and list of weight criteria showing level of importance 1 week 2/26/08 3/4/08 Discern which design/component is best based on design constraints; ensure that all goals and client needs have been met with design Present each individual task as an updated portion of the overall report consisting of analysis and specs for each part 4 weeks 1/25/08 2/29/08 Nakita To create a digital and visual Detailed 3D NX3 model of 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon Design Analysis Dividing the apparatus into parts and assign each part as a task Detailed Design Model in NX3 or CAD drawing Rev. D 13 5208 Task Description Tubes/pipes, valves, fitting specifications Tank placement and type Objectives Deliverables representation of the design Ensure system integration system Specified pipes and tubes Specified water tank, and location in drawing Instrumentation selection Ensure system integration and that the tank will function Material Selection List of selected Find instruments for instrumentation that the design will accomplish the client goals Make sure that all materials will integrate into the system Ratings of pipes, fittings, and flanges To exhaust all options, and ensure that the tools that have been selected are the best for the tasks List of alternative parts or methods; if found Duration Start Date End Date Responsible Person 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon 26 days 1/25/08 2/29/08 Antyon 4 weeks 1/25/08 2/29/08 Nakita Refinement For each assigned part, search for alternative parts or methods that will Rev. D 14 5208 Figure 2.1 Gantt Chart Rev. D 15 5208 Figure 2.2 Gantt Tracking Chart Rev. D 16 5208 6. RESULTS & DISCUSSION 6.1 Summary of Goals and Objectives Due to our lack of understanding and comprehension of the project and its components time became a major factor. However, we were able to accomplish many of our project goals including a detailed design, engineering analysis, system components, and instrumentation. We were able to choose our instrumentation by successfully figuring out our needed diameters. Although we did not have a clear understanding of the material in the initial stages of the project we now have a grasp and true understanding of parameters and requirements of the project. 6.2 Summary of Constraints and Codes met by Design After talking to a number of engineers in the industry it was established that we would need separate systems for compressed air and water. Although possible, it is not reliable and against best practices. The liquid hold-up left in lines would create erroneous readings in the calculations for air. The same is true when performing the necessary calculations for water. 6.3 Conclusion and Recommendations After conducting the initial stages of this project including and not limited to planning, concept generation, detailed design, and implementation it is safe to say that we now have knowledge in project management. For future references we believe that performing the experiment from Fluid Mechanics and truly explaining its components would give the students a better understanding of what the project requires. Also, I believe that more time and clearer explanations should be given initially in order to produce work to the teacher’s expectations. We believe that this project helped students to gain a true appreciation and understanding of the type of work that will be required by mechanical engineers in today’s industry. As justification for Skyliners finalk design decisions, first all fittings, lines and valves were selected according to the maxinmum pressure. Second, separate lines are required for air and water fluids due to the fact that liquid hold up in lines can damage air measurements and air pressure calls for a different line and fitting ratings. Third a pressure gauge is installed on the tank to monitor the desired pressure and show visual representation of the pressure changes. 17 Fourth, high and low level switches to maintain fluid flow at all times by setting off alarms within the system. Lastly, pipe diameters were chosen ensuring turbulent flow using Bernoulli’s equation. 18 REFERENCES [1] Cornell School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, “Measuring the Friction Factor in Small Pipes”,, (No date) [2] TQ Education and Training, “Fluid Friction Apparatus”,, (No date) [3] Speedace Info, “Pitot Tube”,, (1991) [4] Dixon, S.L., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1998 [5] Forsthoffer, William E., Pumps, Kidlington, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2005 [6] Cussons Technology, “Fluid Mechanics Laboratory”,, (2007) [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [] 19 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET ENERGY SYSTEMS DESIGN SPRING 2008 Instructor: Dr. Paul O. Biney Title of Assignment Project presentation Slides for Oral communication Outcome Measured Using this Assignment Outcome g Ability to communicate effectively (Oral using PowerPoint Presentation) Brief Description of the suitability of this assignment for the outcome Project presentation Slides for Oral communication The slides and performance criteria based rubric for grading the oral presentation is provided to demonstrate student performance in oral presentation. 20 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Energy Systems Design SPRING 2008 SEMESTER Oral Presentation Title of Presentation: Design of Fluid Flow system for measurement of pressure drop and friction factors for incompressible flow in pipes and fittings Date of Presentation: April 30, 2008 Name of Examiner/Appraiser: Dr. Paul O. Biney Excellent Below Expectations (60-69.9%) Average meets minimal expectations 70-79.9 Very Good Meets Expectations 20 40 59 60 65 69 70 75 79 80 85 89 90 95 99 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ √□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ √□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □√ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □√ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ √□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Presenters dress appropriately for the occasion. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Average for this Performance Criteria 90.1 Performance Criteria Not Acceptable (0-59.9%) (80-89.9%) Exceeds Expectations (90-100%) 1. Ability to Organize, Plan, Design/Prepare and Use Appropriate Visual Aids for communication/Presentation Presentation is organized in well structured logical sequence making it easy for audience to follow the content with clear understanding. Slides are well prepared and are effective in helping audience to understand. (adequate and relevant technical content and viewgraphs that are legible, completely labeled, annotated, dimensioned to illustrate important features of the work being presented) Modern presentation techniques are used (may include visually enhanced transitions, animations, video, and sound clips). Average for this Performance Criteria 2. Ability to Articulate Subject Knowledge (Technical Content) Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the technical subject. (This may be demonstrated by presenting literature review, originality, creativity, required standards, constraints, and other appropriate considerations such as economics, environmental, and societal impact) Prototypes or models are prepared and displayed when they are necessary to support the presentation. Questions are responded to in a clear professional manner after restating questions to audience Average for this Performance Criteria 3. Appearance and Ability to Provide Good Oral Delivery Correct grammatical English and technical terms appropriate to technical area and audience are used; and presenters speak with clarity and confidence Good posture and eye contact with the audience are maintained ( should not read from prepared notes) and elicits the attention of the audience 82 78.8 √□ □ □ □ □ □ √ □√ □ □ GRAND AVERAGE FOR OUTCOME 21 22 23 24 25 26