English 1 Fall Semester Final Exam Review Guide

English 1 Fall Semester Final Exam Review Guide
Your final exam is comprehensive which means it covers material from quarter 1 and
quarter 2. You will need a #2 pencil for your exam.
Exam will be on Dec. 18th.
Topics Covered
The Writing Process
Topic Sentences
Types of Essays---narrative, persuasive, expository
Personal Correspondence---Business letter, Friendly letter, thank you letter, envelope, etc
Parts of Each---Heading, Inside address, salutation, body, closing, signature
Appropriate language
Envelope---return address, recipient’s address, stamp
Punctuation and capitalization
Study Skills
Test taking
Note taking
Of Mice and Men
Plot elements
Grammar---capitalization and spelling (review your grammar book, worksheets, and
spelling list)
Plot Chart and Plot Chart application
Literary Terms and examples from stories
Short Stories
“The Most Dangerous Game”--- setting, conflict, plot, theme, foreshadowing
“The Cask of Amontillado”---mood, setting, conflict, climax
“The Scarlet Ibis”---symbol, setting, point of view, theme, metaphor, simile,
“Blues Ain’t No Mockin Bird”--- characterization, dialect, point of view
“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”---character, point of view
“The Gift of the Magi”---conflict, theme, irony