A Study Guide and Review Questions for Book 6: “Hector returns to

Literature, Culture, and the Humanities --- The Iliad
Mr. Wasilewski, Mrs. McHugh, and Mrs. Lulis
A Study Guide and Review Questions for Book 6: “Hector returns to
You should be able to:
 describe the intensity of the fighting
 name the key Achaean fighter at this point in the action
 recognize that the gods are no longer involved in the fighting
 compare and contrast Menelaus and Agamemnon’s treatment of Adrestus
 further describe the character traits of Menelaus and Agamemnon based
upon their treatment of Adrestus
 explain the fate of Adrestus
 understand the significance of Nestor’s advice
tell what impact Nestor’s words had upon the Greeks and the Trojans
summarize Helenus’ request of Aeneas and Hector
give the details of the message Helenus asks Hector to take to their mother
explain the Greek response to Hector and the other Trojans as Hector
returns to the city of Troy
understand Hector’s words to the troops to continue fighting
identify with the “no man’s land between both armies” (121)
explain why Glaucus and Diomedes come together in a face to face
explain why Diomedes calls Glaucus his friend (223)
realize what was exchanged between Diomedes and Glaucus and why
Glaucus and why Glaucus got the bad end of the deal
appreciate the description of Priam’s castle.
characterize the mother-son relationship between Hecuba and Hector
understand why the Trojans are making offerings to Athena
understand Athena’s response to the offerings
visualize Hector as he enters Paris’ home
visualize Paris as Hector enters his home
compare and contrast Hector and Paris as men and as warriors
have a deeper understanding of Helen’s character and her assessment of
understand how much responsibility Helen really accepts for the Trojan
understand how Hector looks upon himself in relationship to his country
explain Hector as a husband and as a father
explain Andromache and her fears
compare and contrast Helen’s pleas to her husband and Andromache’s
pleas to Hector
understand the connection between Achilles and Andromache’s entire
Please note: I have had to vary the translations that I use for the Iliad, the page numbers may be an estimate
and not an exact reference.
Literature, Culture, and the Humanities --- The Iliad
Mr. Wasilewski, Mrs. McHugh, and Mrs. Lulis
appreciate how, despite killing her father, Achilles showed some respect to
appreciate why Homes has included this family scene focusing on Hector,
Andromache, and Astyanax
better understand Hector’s assessment of Paris
How do thoughts that Helen expresses in Book six contrast with Paris’ actions in Book
Hector tells Andromache that he would feel deep shame if he did not fight the Achaeans.
What do his feelings indicate about the values that are part of Trojan society?
By saying that no one, brave man nor coward, has escaped fate, what is Hector indicating
about his own mortality and his part in his mortality?
Whom do you consider the braver man—Hector or Achilles? Explain your thinking and
support your answer by offering evidence from The Iliad.
Applying concepts to a new Situation
The Greek playwright Sophocles wrote, “Fate has terrible power. You cannot escape it
by wealth or war. No fort will keep it out, no ships outrun it.” In your opinion, how does
the contemporary view of fate differ from the ancient Grecian view of fate that is present
in Book Six?
Critical Thinking and Reading—Comparing and Contrasting Characters
According to the heroic code of ethics, male characters in The Iliad must fight to win for
glory for their families and for themselves. Each hero, however, responds differently to
the warrior code he learned since childhood. Consider how differently Achilles and
Hector behave as heroes.
In a well-crafted answer, explain whether Achilles or Hector is characterized as being
more human? Contrast Achilles’ reasons for wining glory with Hector’s reasons.
Finally, since heroism is so critical to both individual’s cultures, which man is more
Please note: I have had to vary the translations that I use for the Iliad, the page numbers may be an estimate
and not an exact reference.