NOTICE OF VARIOUS BID AWARDS July 10, 2008 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This shall advise you that the Board of Acquisition and Contract on July 9, 2008 accepted the bids of June 4, 2008 for furnishing the following to Broome County: BID TITLE: BID #: CA #: AMOUNT: TERM: Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies for various Broome County Departments and open to all Political Subdivisions 2008-064 1457-2 Various – per attached spreadsheets 8/1/08 - 7/31/09 Purchase order(s) will be forthcoming upon receipt of a certificate of insurance in compliance with the insurance requirements as stated in the specifications. Incorrect insurance certificates will cause delays in payment. If you have not submitted the proper insurance certificate, please send/fax a copy to Robert Murphy, Risk Manager, Broome County Office of Risk Management, County Office Building, 3rd Floor, 44 Hawley Street, P.O. Box 1766, Binghamton, NY 13902-1766. Phone: (607) 778-2402 Fax #: (607) 778-6117. IMPORTANT: Please include the bid title and bid number on the insurance certificate. Very truly yours, Janet R. Laszewski Purchasing Agent JRL:ksu Attachments(s) Distribution List Ron Barrett, DPW Kitty Bensing, Parks Karl Bergmann, Sr. Buyer Gloria Best, Sheriff Patrick Brennan, Deputy County Executive Wayne Brothers, Health Sue Brown, Highway Garage Vickie Bugonian, Dog Shelter Tami Carl, Public Defender Debra Conklin, Probation Joanne Conrow, Landfill Bill Davey, Sheriff Mike Dempsey, Highway Garage Tim Eaves, DPW Charles Ellsworth, Buyer Nancy Evans, Health C. Omarr Evans, Social Services Jim Fox, Library Cyndy Griffin, OET Patty Hagan, Mental Health Ed Hart, Parks Michelle Haus, Central Foods Cindy Picciano, WPNH Lisa Herrick, Audit Brian Hoffman, Forum Mike Holden, Arena Chris Jones, Social Services Brian Keefer, Transit Charles Miller, Transit Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 1 Jeffrey Kilment, Aviation Jenn Moses, DSS Jerry Murphy, Audit Barbara Nordstrom, Aviation Theresa O’Neill, Audit Purchasing, Bid File Nancy Redolphy, Risk Steven Reagan, WPNH William Schramm, Sheriff Pam VanOrnam, WPNH Keith Wittig, PSF Joe Zvolensky, Buyer Horwitz Supply 340 Upper Oakwood Avenue Elmira Heights, NY 14903 Phone: 767-9999 800-836-7110 Fax : 767-1998 Interboro Packaging Corporation 114 Bracken Road Montgomery, NY 12549 Phone: 845 457-2700 Fax : 845 457-1927 Political Subdivisions The Discovery Center 60 Morgan Road Binghamton, NY 13903 AWARDED VENDORS: Calico Industries 9045 Junction drive Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-2005 Phone: 800-638-0828 Fax: 301-575-0131 Central Poly Corporation 18 Donaldson Place Linden, NJ 07036 Phone: 908-862-7570 Fax: 908-862-9019 Ecolab, Inc. 370 N. Wabasha St St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 800-352-5326 Fax: 651-293-2682 ERC Wiping Products, Inc 19 Bennett Street Lynn, MA 01905 Phone: 800-225-9473 Fax: 781-593-4020 Hill & Markes Inc. 120 Edson St Amsterdam, NY 12010 Phone: 800-836-4455 Fax: 518-842-3449 Pyramid School Products 6510 North 54th Street Tampa, Fl 33610-1908 Phone: 800-792-2644 Fax: 813-621-7688 Riley Maintenance Systems, Inc. 3200 Lawndale Street Endwell, NY 13760 Phone: 786-3766 Fax : 786-2427 Sanico Inc. P. O. Box 2037 Binghamton, NY 13902 Phone: 773-0321 800-333-2635 Fax : 772-8663 NON-AWARDED VENDORS All American Poly Chemsearch, Div. of NCH Corp . Dash Medical Gloves Sam Tell and Son, Inc. The L. L. Clean Company dba: Towels by Doctor Joe Unipak Corp Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 2 Award Notice Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price Sanico 25Diaper Valley Wiping 25lb/Case 59.50 100% Cotton T-Shirt Knit rags, assorted sizes ERC Wiping Products JWR ERC 25lb/Case 28.75 3. Maslinn treated dust cloth, 17” x 24” ERC Wiping Products DC500 ERC 500/Case 67.50 4. Vinyl Disposable Gloves, Dura-Touch Seamless, Medium, 5 mil, 100 box - Ansell or equal Calico 29G15AM Calico 10/100/Case 22.32 5. Vinyl Disposable Gloves, Dura-Touch Seamless, Large, 5 mil, 100 box - Ansell or equal Calico 29G15APL Calico 10/100/Case 22.32 6. Vinyl Disposable Gloves, Dura-Touch Seamless, X Large, 5 mil, 100 box – Ansell or equal Calico 29G15AXL Calico 10/100/Case 22.32 Latex Gloves, rubber, .020, all purpose, assorted sizes,7 – 12 (One price) Order by size Hill & Markes ISL10020 Size # 2,4,or 6 Foodhandler 10/100/Case 32.66 8. Mop bucket, 26 qt., on 3 casters Riley MA2603 Marino Each 20.76 9. Plastic or Rubber mop bucket with down press wringer combo, 35 qt Riley MA2633y Marino Each 44.65 10. Plastic or Rubber mop bucket & wringer combo, 35 quart funnel type; Rubbermaid Wavebreak or equal Pyramid 335-39 Continental Each 42.45 11. Mop heads, 12 oz., webbed with wide 5” band, looped Calico 1369 Greenwood 12/Case 26.84 12. Mop heads, 16 oz., cotton wet mop with cut end Calico CM2016S Abco 12/Case 14.94 13. Mop heads, 24 oz., cotton wet mop with cut end Calico CM2024S Abco 12/Case 23.34 1. Diaper Cloth 100%, new material only, cotton white, not treated, assorted sizes 2. 7. Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 3 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 14. Mop heads, 32 oz., cotton wet mop with cut end Calico CM2032S Abco 12/Case 35.04 15. Small loop end wet mop w/5” headband – Blue only Golden Star ASB5SB or equal Pyramid ASB5SB Golden Star 12/Case 31.08 16. Medium loop end wet mop w/5” headband – Blue only Golden Star ASB5MB or equal Pyramid ASB5MB Golden Star 12/Case 34.08 17. Large loop end wet mop w/5” headband – Blue only Golden Star ASB5LB or equal Pyramid ASB5LB Golden Star 12/Case 43.08 18. Dust mop, looped endless twist, 5”x24”, anti-microbial Pyramid AJU241TW Golden Star 12/Case 68.48 19. Silk screened spray bottles for window cleaner, Stearns ST 9920 or approved equal Riley 321400 Portion Pac Each 1.91 20. Silk screened spray bottles for Mark E II solution dispenser, Stearns ST 9955 or approved equal Riley 160200 Portion Pac Each 1.58 21. Silk screened spray bottles for bowl cleaner liquid concentrate, Stearns ST 9962 or approved equal Riley 320500 Portion Pac Each 1.91 22. Baseboard Cleaning Pad, brown, heavy duty, 3M8541 or equal Riley 51645 Triple S 20/Case 11.48 23. Baseboard Cleaning Pad, black, extra HD, 3M8550 or equal Riley 51652 Triple S 20/Case 11.48 24. Dual Action Pad/Sponge, medium duty, Size: 3.6 x 6.1 Riley 51605 Triple S 40/Case 19.92 25. Scouring Pad, heavy duty, green, 6 x 9 Riley 51585 Triple S 60/Case 10.50 26. Squeegee, 24”, straight screw type Riley FS55624 Marino Each 7.10 Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 4 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or Pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 27. Squeegee handle to fit item #26 Riley FH360T Marino Each 2.38 28. Truck wash brush head Riley AB300F Marino Each 7.12 29. Truck wash brush handle, to fit item #28 Riley FH360 Marino Each 1.54 30. Bleach, chlorinated, minimum 5.25% sodium hypo-chlorite Calico 360 Austin 6/1gal/Case 9.44 31. Bowl cleaner, hydrochloric, 23%, Must also be Disinfectant & HIV II w/flip cap Hill & Markes SMZ03012 Simoniz 12/32oz/Case 15.85 32. Bowl cleaner disinfectant, color indicating, low acid Hill & Markes SMZ02012 Simoniz 12/32oz/Case 12.20 33. Bowl cleaner, liquid concentrate, Stearns ST816 or approved equal Ecolab NA Bath&Bowl Ecolab 100/1oz/Case 40.61 34. Foaming bathroom cleaner, spray can, aerosol, instant action disinfectant & deodorizer Pyramid 4103 Chase 12/17oz/Case 17.27 35. Disinfectant / deodorant spray. Spartan Steriphene, Lysol or equal Pyramid 4104 Chase 12/16.5oz/Cs 20.98 36. Enzyme odor digester / eliminator. Ramsey Kil-Odor w/Prozyme or equal Hill & Markes SMZD086004 Simoniz 4/1gal/Case 23.17 37. Extra strength cleaner/degreaser, Stearns ST732 or approved equal Sanico 53732 Stearns 72/2oz/Case 19.44 38. Degreaser/cleaner, orange peel, mist & wipe Sanico 54Cleanup Simoniz 12/32oz/Case 13.80 39. Buckeye Workout Muscle Cleaner or approved equal Sanico 54Cleanup Simoniz 5gal/Pail 17.50 Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 5 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 40. Comet liquid cleaner with bleach, industrial, or equal Riley 02291 Procter & Gamble 3/1gal/Case 39.84 41. Spic & Span one gallon dilutable liquid cleaner, or equal Riley 15004 Betco 4/1gal/Case 31.28 42. Spic & Span powdered cleaner or equal Hill & Markes PNG84959173 Procter & Gamble 12/27oz/Case 79.68 43. Window Cleaner, spray Hill & Markes SMZ08012 Simoniz 12/32oz/Case 12.80 44. Window Cleaner, Stearns #719 or equal Sanico 53719 Stearns 48/2oz/Case 19.20 45. Window Cleaner, Windex spray – NO SUBSTITUTE DRA90139X Dracket / Windex 12/32oz/Case 51.65 46. Furniture polish, aerosol, Pledge or equal Hill & Markes Hill & Markes CLRCS232 Claire 12/20oz/Case 23.91 47. Liberty Polish, metal cleaner / polish – NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 12Liberty Delta 12/32oz/Case 89.40 48. Stainless steel spray cleaner / polish Hill & Markes CLRCS234 Claire 12/20oz/Case 21.74 49. Lysol disinfectant, liquid deodorizer / cleaner or equal Hill & Markes SMZM2325004 Simoniz 4/1gal/Case 14.63 50. A-33, Airkem liquid detergent disinfectant, NO SUBSTITUTE Ecolab A-33 Airkem 5gal/Pail 44.00 51. Airx 75 disinfectant cleaner – NO SUBSTITUTE NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID 52. Disinfectant cleaner / deodorizer, EPA registered, effective against HIV-1. Simoniz Whiz or equal Sanico 54Whiz Simoniz 12/32oz/Case 13.80 Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 6 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 53. Disinfectant cleaner, Mark E-II portion, Stearns #757, or equal Sanico 53757 Stearns 72/2oz/Case 35.28 54. Germicidal Cleaner, quaternary disinfectant, dilution 1:25 Sanico 54Mintyfresh Simoniz 5gal/Pail 16.70 55. Germicidal cleaner, quaternary disinfectant, dilution 1:512 Sanico 54SynQuat Simoniz 4/1gal/Case 28.80 56. Twist n Fill, 3M quaternary disinfectant cleaner 25H NO SUBSTITUTE Horwitz 328626 3M 6/2ltr/Case 248.83 57. Hydrogen Peroxide multipurpose cleaner. Betco Green Earth or equal Riley 33604 Betco 4/1gal/Case 37.89 58. Grout Safe 130 Concentrate hydrogen peroxide cleaner, Green Seal GS37 Certified - NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 3913004B Envirox 4/1gal/Case 68.00 59. Spray baseboard cleaner and wax remover Pyramid 4112 Chase 12/19oz/Case 24.99 60. Twist n Fill, 3M neutral cleaner 3H - NO SUBSTITUTE Horwitz 328580 3M 6/2ltr/Case 218.19 61. Concept 915, floor cleaner, neutralizer of calcium, Stearns #915 or approved equal Ecolab Prep Pak Ecolab 180/.5oz/Case 32.00 62. Pak-It F105 HD floor cleaner, water soluble pack, or equal Ecolab Sure-Pak Ecolab 180/.5oz/Case 37.00 63. Pak-It F100 Neutral floor cleaner, water soluble pack, or equal Ecolab Sure-Pak Ecolab 180/.5oz/Case 37.00 64. Spic and Span powder floor cleaner with bleach, or equal Riley 02010 Procter & Gamble 45/2.2oz/Case 25.85 65. Floor finish, 20-25% solids Hill & Markes SMZCS0750005 Simoniz 5gal/Pail 35.98 Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 7 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 66. Metal-Interlock Complete Floor Finish Sanico Ovation Simoniz 4/1gal/Case 23.96 67. Wax stripper concentrate Sanico 54ZStrip5 Simoniz 5gal/Pail 15.95 68. Castleguard Floor Wax, Bag in Box, Action Pack NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 46Castleguard Buckeye 5gal/Pail 105.00 69. Bet-608 Easy Task spray buff or approved equal Sanico 41Spraybuff Spartan 12/32oz/Case 21.48 70. Carpet cleaner, low foam for dilution Hill & Markes SMZP2669004 Simoniz 4/1gal/Case 18.29 71. Ink Remover for carpets, DSC Laser #348410, or equal Horwitz 348410 DSC 12/8oz/Case 31.65 72. Oil/Grease/Tar remover for carpets, DSC Invade #348415, or equal Horwitz 348415 DSC 12/8oz/Case 33.33 73. Rust remover for carpets, DSC Rust-Off #348430, or equal Riley 48024 Triple S 6/20oz/Case 37.15 74. Gum dissolver for carpets, DSC Exclude #348445, or equal Horwitz 348445 DSC 12/8oz/Case 31.65 75. Coffee cleaner for carpets, DSC Desolv #348405, or equal Hill & Markes SMZT3787012 Simoniz 12/32oz/Case 21.65 76. Carpet rinse agent, DSC Remove #348450, or equal Horwitz 348450 DSC 4/1gal/Case 36.17 77. Urinal Screens with block Hill & Markes HSP01901 Hospital Spec 12/Case 12.50 78. Stoko Refresh moisturizing foaming soap, Stockhausen #55009512, 800ml - NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 5029932 Stockhausen 6/800ml/Case 36.60 Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 8 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 79. Soap refills, Para-San Germicidal Hand Soap, SSS 71002, Medi-care, or equal. Must fit dispensers, 800ml, NO SUBSTITUTE ON SIZE Sanico 54Anti Simoniz 12/800ml/Cs 22.44 80. Soap refills, Sani-Fresh SSS lotion soap, or equal, must fit dispensers, 800ml - NO SUBSTITUTE ON SIZE Riley 83100 Triple S 12/800ml/Cs 21.59 81. Liquid soap dispensers, MUST FIT 800ml boxes NO SUBSTITUTE ON SIZE Sanico 54PhloDisp Sanico Each 4.50 82. Foaming hand soap refills to fit 1000ml dispensers. Betco Winning Hands or equal Riley 78129 Betco 6/1000ml/Cs 35.20 83. Dispensers for 1000ml foaming hand soap. Betco R1000 or equal. Riley 91821 Betco Each 4.00 84. Hand soap refill, Stockhausen Solopol-Gritty 2000ml or approved equal Riley 79262 Triton 6/2000ml/Cs 51.90 85. Liquid hand soap, Stockhausen Estesol #83311, 2000ml Softbottle, NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 5083311 Stockhausen 6/2000ml/Cs 41.88 86. Antibacterial hand soap, with individual pump bottle, SoftSoap #26017 or equal Horwitz 26017 SoftSoap 12/8oz/Case 22.96 87. Liquid hand soap, with Coconut oil concentrate Sanico 54Liquid Simoniz 4/1gal/Case 13.92 88. Heavy Duty pumice hand soap for mechanics, with emollients and phosphate free; Zep Reach or equal Sanico 54RTWTPum Simoniz 4/1gal/Case 36.00 89. Foaming hand sanitizer, 15oz aerosol to fit Purell 9699 dispenser Ecolab Digisan Hand Sanitizer Ecolab 12/15oz/Case 88.88 90. Total body shampoo, Dial 3986 or equal Sanico 54Body Simoniz 4/1gal/Case. 21.40 91. Two component laundry detergent w/oxygen bleach, Integra Harmony 79PYL3547 – NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 37PYL3547 Integra 4/1gal/Case 103.60 Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 9 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 92. Concentrated liquid laundry detergent: Integra 37PYL3515 NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 37PYL3515 Integra 4/1/gal/Case 186.00 93. Concentrated oxygenated bleach: Integra 37PYL3010 NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 37PYL3010 Integra 4/1gal/Case 123.32 94. Concentrated sour softener: Integra 37PYL3531 NO SUBSTITUTE Sanico 37PYL3531 Integra 4/1gal/Case 170.00 95. Touch free odor control and cleaning system for urinals and toilets, Triple S Merlin AutoHygiene Kit or equal Riley 74291 Triple S Each 117.96 96. Cleaner / deodorizer dispenser for touch free control system Merlin HygieneMaster or equal Riley 74181 Technical Concepts Each 59.40 97. Cleaner / deodorizer refills for touch free control system dispenser Riley 74138 Triple S 6/Case 36.19 98. Continuous odor management dispenser for restrooms, Triple S OmniAir #74359 dispenser or equal. Riley 74359 Triple S Each 6.70 99. Fragrance refills for odor management dispensers Riley 74361 Triple S 6/Case 40.40 100. Black stripping pads, 13”, 3M or equal Riley 51062 Triple S 5/Case 6.03 101. Red buffing pads, 13”, 3M or equal Riley 51153 Triple S 5/Case 6.03 102. White polishing pads, 13”, 3M or equal Riley 51216 Triple S 5/Case 6.03 103. Black stripping pads, 17”, 3M or equal Riley 51073 Triple S 5/Case 9.00 104. Red buffing pads, 17”, 3M or equal Riley 51157 Triple S 5/Case 9.00 Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 10 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 105. White polishing pad, 17”, 3M or equal Riley 51220 Triple S 5/Case 9.00 106. Blue Ice burnishing pad, 20”, 3M or equal Riley 51030 Triple S 5/Case 11.79 107. White polishing pad, 20”, 3M or equal Riley 51223 Triple S 5/Case 11.79 108. Liners, plastic, clear, 13”x4”x17”, 4gal, regular, 6 mic, 9.6#, high density, coreless roll Calico 9930011 Calico 50/40/Case 12.04 109. Liners, plastic, clear, 15”x9”x23”, 7-1/2 -10gal, regular, 8 mic, 9.1#, high density, coreless roll Interboro 2424-R Interboro 1,000/Case 11.98 110. Liners, plastic, clear, 24”x33”, 16gal, regular, 8 mic, 9.1”, high density, coreless roll Calico 9970081 Calico 50/20/Case 14.06 111. Liners, plastic, clear, 16”x14”x36”, 20-30gal, extra heavy, 13 mic, 19.4#, high density, coreless roll Calico 9970015 Calico 25/20/Case 19.64 112. Liners, plastic, clear, 40”x48”, 45gal, extra heavy, 22 mic, 17#, high density, coreless roll Central Poly CP4048 Central Poly 150/Case 18.90 113. Liners, plastic, clear, 40”x48”, 40-45gal, regular, 16 mic, 20.4#, high density, coreless roll Hill & Markes SPEC404816N Spectrum 250/Case 21.99 114. Liners, plastic, red, 40”x48”, 40-45 gal., printed “Infectious Waste:, 16 mic, 20.4#, high density, coreless roll Calico 9930153 Calico 25/10/Case 24.44 115. Liners, plastic, black, 43”x48”, 56 gal., regular, 22 mic, 21.1#, high density, coreless roll Liners, plastic, black, 38”x60”, 60 gal., regular, 22 mic, 20#, high density, coreless roll Calico 9930363 Calico 200/Case 22.84 Calico 9930189 Calico 25/6/Case 19.94 Riley 5021 Vondrehle 96/Case 32.79 116. 117. Toilet tissue, roll, 4 ½ x 4 ½ , 2 ply only, 500 sheets/roll Must be 4-1/2” wide rolls Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 11 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 118. Toilet Tissue, 12” Jumbo rolls, 2-ply Sanico 15122PLY Metro Paper 6/2000’/Case 23.94 119. Toilet Tissue, 9” Junior Jumbo rolls, 2-ply Sanico 1592PLY Metro Paper 12/1000’/Case 21.96 120. Toilet tissue, 9” Junior Jumbo rolls, 1-ply Sanico 15MJT1991 Metro paper 12/2000’/Case 21.96 121. Paper Toilet Seat Covers Hill & Markes HSPDS5000 Hospital Spec 20/250/Case 26.14 122. Hand towels, multi-fold, 9 ½ x 9 ¼ not bleached Hill & Markes CASC25010 Cascades 16/250/Case 13.67 123. Hand towels, multi-fold, 9 ½ x 9 ¼, bleached Hill & Markes CASC22215 Cascades 16/250/Case 16.16 124. Hand towels, roll, 8” wide, 800’, bleached Sanico 15P708B Putney Paper 12/800’/Case 37.98 125. Hand towels, roll, 8” wide, 600’, not bleached Sanico 15P726N Putney Paper 12/600’/Case 25.96 126. Hand towels, roll, 8” wide, 350’, not bleached Hill & Markes CASC25054 Cascades 12/350’/Case 14.44 127. Hand towels, roll, 10” wide, 800’, white, GP #89460 enMotion High Capacity or equal Riley 810B Vondrehle 6/600’/Case 32.65 128. Hand towels, center pull, 650’, 2-ply, North River or equal Riley 65076 Vondrehle 6/650’/Case 23.30 129. Facial tissue, 100 sheets per box, 2-ply, Cascade #g4062, or equal Hill & Markes CASC47112 Cascades 30/100/Case 12.64 130. WypAll L40 Wipers, Kimberley-Clark #05701, 1008/cs, NO SUBSTITUTE Hill & Markes KIM05701 Kimberley Clark 1008/Case 30.10 Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 12 Award Notice – (Cont’d) Item # Description Vendor Name Vendor/Mfg. Catalog # Proposed Mfg. Size of Case or Pkg. Case or Pkg. Price 131. Maxi Pads or equal Pyramid 147 Gards 250/Case 24.95 132. Tampons, Tampax or equal Pyramid T500 Tampax 500/Case 48.73 133. Trash can liners for Willow Point Nursing Home. 24x33, 12-16 gal., 6 mic, High Density, natural color, coreless rolls, 12.28 lbs/case, performance standard in lbs – dry load 20 and wet load 12. Mfr. Heritage Bag #Z4833RNQR01 or WPNH Approved Equal. Reference page 11 of bid specs. Central Poly CP2433H Central Poly 1000/Case 14.30 Hill & Markes HIMP4048229 Heritage 150/Case 23.45 134. Trash can liners for Willow Point Nursing Home. 40x48, 40-45 gal.,22 mic., High Density, natural color, coreless rolls, 21.85 lbs/case, performance standard in Lbs. – dry load 120 and wet load 60. Mfr. Heritage Bag #Z8048UNQR02 or WPNH Approved Equal. Reference page 11 of bid specs. Maintenance (Janitorial) Supplies - 13