MD050 Financials and Projects 11.5.10

aQuantive Financial Systems
Summary of New Features in Oracle Financials and
Projects 11.5.10 Release
Marian Crkon
Creation Date:
July 12, 2005
Last Updated:
March 9, 2016March 9, 2016
Document Control
Change Record
Change Reference
Marian Crkon
Original document
Mark Rudolph
Matt Lunquist
Sue Gray
Simon Marlor
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Document Control .................................................................................................................. ii
Background .............................................................................................................................. 1
General Ledger in Financials Family Pack F ....................................................................... 2
User Interface Enhancements in Major Transaction Windows ................................. 2
General Ledger Standard Reports Integration with XML Publisher ........................ 2
Assets in Financials Family Pack F ....................................................................................... 3
New Assets Features ....................................................................................................... 3
Cash Management in Financials Family Pack F.................................................................. 4
New Cash Management Features .................................................................................. 4
Payables in Financials Family Pack F ................................................................................... 5
New Payables Features ................................................................................................... 5
Receivables in Financials Family Pack F .............................................................................. 8
New Receivables Features .............................................................................................. 8
User Interface Enhancements ......................................................................................... 9
Internet Expenses Mini-pack 11i.OIE.H ............................................................................. 10
New iExpenses Features ............................................................................................... 10
Internet Expenses Changed Features .......................................................................... 11
Changed iExpenses User Interfaces ............................................................................ 12
Project Costing in Oracle Projects Family Pack M ............................................................ 14
New Project Costing Features ...................................................................................... 14
Changed Project Costing Forms and Windows ......................................................... 14
Changed Project Costing Workflows .......................................................................... 15
Changed Project Costing Programs............................................................................. 16
Project Billing in Oracle Projects Family Pack M .............................................................. 18
New Project Billing Features ........................................................................................ 18
New and Changed Project Billing Forms and Windows .......................................... 19
Changed Project Billing Reports .................................................................................. 20
Changed Projects Public APIs ...................................................................................... 21
Changed Project Billing Programs............................................................................... 21
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The purpose of this document is to provide a consolidated list of new features, functional pre-requisites, and
configuration steps delivered with the Oracle Applications 11.5.10 (Financials Family Pack F and Oracle Projects Family
Pack M) as they relate to the existing or newly implemented aQuantive Oracle Applications.
The goal was to highlight new features and functionality, which either impacts the existing aQuantive Oracle
Applications, or will be delivered under the current aQuantive Oracle implementation projects. It was the intent of this
document to include all features available in the above Family Packs, but focus on functionality applicable to
aQuantive only. Likewise, it was not the intent of this document to outline the patch application instructions and list of
required patches, but rather focus on the functional impact of the upgrade.
Following are the aQuantive applications impacted by the Financials Family Pack F, and Projects Family Pack M:
General Ledger
Internet Expenses
Time and Labor
Project Costing
Project Billing
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General Ledger in Financials Family Pack F
User Interface Enhancements in Major Transaction Windows
Oracle General Ledger improved the Enter Journals workbench and its related windows to streamline transaction
entry and management. These windows are now larger, display more information, have enhanced functionality, and
are more intuitive. Some windows were consolidated so users can review and manage transactions using fewer
Enter Journals
Journal Entry Inquiry window
Journals window
Batch window
The size of the window has increased.
The More Actions button and the More Actions window that it invoked
have been removed. The Post, Reverse Batch, Tax Journal, Approve
Batch, and Change Period buttons that were in the More Actions window
have been moved to the Enter Journals window.
Some of the access keys for the buttons have changed.
The size of the window has increased.
Some of the access keys for the buttons have changed.
The size of the window has increased. You can now view more journal
lines and more columns of information at one time.
The More Details window has been removed. The information that was
in the More Details window now appears in the Journals window.
The More Actions button and the More Actions window that it invoked
have been removed. The Post, Reverse Journal, Tax Journal, Approve
Batch, and Change Period buttons that were in the More Actions window
have been moved to the Journals window.
The Check Funds, Reserve Funds, and View Results buttons have been
added to the Journals window.
The Drilldown (renamed Line Drilldown) and T-Accounts options that
were accessed via the Tools menu can now also be accessed using the
new Line Drilldown and T-Accounts buttons in the Journals window.
Some of the access keys for the buttons have changed.
The valid values for the Balance Type field were A, B, or E. The valid
values are now Actual, Budget, and Encumbrance.
The size of the window has increased.
The More Actions button and the More Actions window that it invoked
have been removed. The Post, Reverse Batch, Tax Batch, Approve
Batch, and Change Period buttons that were in the More Actions window
have been moved to the Batch window.
Some of the access keys for the buttons have changed.
General Ledger Standard Reports Integration with XML Publisher
Oracle General Ledger’s Account Analysis - (132 Char), Journals - General (132 Char), and Trial Balance - Detail
standard reports are now integrated with XML Publisher. Using XML Publisher allows you to leverage the formatting
features of a word processing application to design the layout of your report. You can personalize your report by
changing fonts, adding images, inserting headers and footers, creating borders, changing column widths, and reordering, adding, and deleting columns. This enables you to create professional-quality reports directly from the
general ledger, which ensures the integrity and auditability of the information.
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Assets in Financials Family Pack F
New Assets Features
Asset Workbench Form
The Asset Workbench form has been modified to allow a group asset to be disabled or enabled. The Disable check
box has been added to the Books window in the Asset Workbench. A disabled group will not depreciate and you
cannot perform transactions affecting the group asset.
Book Controls Form
The Book Controls form has been modified to define a new option called Allow CIP Members in Group Assets. When
this option is not checked, the application does not allow you to add CIP assets to group assets for the entire book.
Asset Inquiry
The Asset Inquiry feature has been enhanced with Advanced Search capability and additional search parameters. You
can also view attachments to assets, such as documents, images, and video and audio clips.
Mass Copy Enhancements
The mass copy feature is now able to copy transactions even if the corporate and tax books have different fiscal year
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Cash Management in Financials Family Pack F
New Cash Management Features
Batches Available for Reconciliation Report
A new report, Batches Available for Reconciliation Report, has been created. This report must be run to view batches
available for reconciliation. Batches available for reconciliation are no longer included in the Transactions Available for
Reconciliation Report.
Cash Forecasting Temporary Labor and Fixed Price Services
This feature enhances cash forecasting by adding new functionality to the Purchase Orders and Purchase Requisitions
source types. Cash Forecasting's new functionality will support the forecasting of three additional purchase line types:
Fixed Price Services, Rate Based Temporary Labor, and Fixed Price Temporary Labor.
Cash Forecasting by Transaction Currency
Discoverer Workbook has been changed to display forecast amounts in actual transaction currency as well as the
forecast currency.
Cash Positioning Performance Enhancement / Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue
Transactions Program
The concurrent program, Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions Program, can be run to
calculate the prior-day and overdue cash flows for worksheets to expedite the cash position.
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Payables in Financials Family Pack F
New Payables Features
Payables Open Interface Import Program
The Payables Open Interface Import Program now supports amount-based matching. It has new validations specific
to matching to a service-based purchase order receipt.
Invoice Validation
Invoice Validation has been modified to ensure that you have equivalent controls for matches to service-based
purchase order distributions as you do for matches to quantity-based purchase order distributions.
Bank Account Function Security Enhancements
Three new functions allow you to control each user's access to the three bank account types: Internal, Customer, and
Supplier. For example, you can grant a clerk who manages suppliers’ full access to supplier bank accounts but deny
that user access to all customer and internal bank accounts. These new functions control bank account access in
Oracle Payables windows and reports.
Payables Accounting Entries Program and Report Enhancements
Payables has improved the Payables Accounting Process so it no longer creates accounting entries with an error
status. Previously the accounting process created an accounting entry with an error status when the system built an
invalid account during accounting, or when the Validate Accounts program parameter was enabled and a transaction
had an invalid account. Users then needed to provide a valid account for the accounting entry in the Update
Accounting Entries window in Payables. Now, when the accounting process identifies an invalid account, the
accounting process does not create accounting entries for the transaction. The details of the transaction are still listed
in the exceptions report, enabling users to always resolve any invalid account issues before creating accounting
Payables also enhanced exception reporting in the Payables Accounting Entries Report. The report has a new
exception section that lists all transactions within the program parameters that could not be accounted.
Supplier Open Interface
Payables has added new open interface tables and concurrent programs to support the automated import of supplier
records from external sources. This feature offers the same validations as the Suppliers and Suppliers Sites window.
Supplier Open Interface Request Set
The Supplier Open Interface Request Set submits:
Supplier Site Open Interface Import
Supplier Site Contacts Open Interface Import
Supplier Site Attachments
Payables now supports the attachment of supplemental files at the supplier site level. This feature's functionality is
identical to that currently available at the supplier level.
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User Interface Enhancements in Major Transaction Windows
Oracle Payables improved the invoice and payment windows to streamline transaction entry and management. These
windows are now larger, display more information, have enhanced functionality, and are more intuitive. Some
windows were consolidated so users can review and manage transactions using fewer windows. The major changes
are as follows:
Changed Window
The Invoices window is now larger, which allows Payables to show more
invoice information all from the same window.
New tab: General. Displays all of the summary display-only information from
the previous version of the Invoices window. The information is displayed in
four regions within the tab. The Status fields are rearranged and the region is
renamed to Invoice Status. The Summary regions have also been rearranged. A
new region called Approval Status has been introduced. This region has
information about the Invoice Approval Workflow status and the Pending
Approver (the person who received the notification requesting his/her approval,
but has not yet responded).
New tab: Holds. The Holds window was converted to a tab in the Invoices
window. New display fields were added to provide more PO details for PO and
receipt matched invoices to help users resolve quantity and amount holds.
New tab: Payments. All existing payments for an invoice are now displayed in
the Payments tab. Previously, this was a separate window.
New tab: Scheduled Payments. All information from the previous Scheduled
Payments window is now displayed in the Scheduled Payments tab. The layout
has some changes from the Scheduled Payments window. For example, you
now scroll to see all information rather than using tabs.
New tab: Prepayment Applications. Displays the prepayment applications.
Previously, this information was available only in the Apply/Unapply
Prepayments window. When viewed from the invoice to which prepayments are
applied, the Prepayment Applications tab displays the applied Prepayments.
When viewed from the Prepayment invoice, the invoices to which the
Prepayment is applied are displayed.
The Payments and Holds buttons were removed because those windows are
now easily accessible as tabs.
Users cannot update Invoice Number if the Gapless Invoice Numbering feature
is used for the supplier site.
The Distributions window displays more distribution records at once and is
wider to show more attribute columns at once.
Invoice Actions
The Invoice Actions window is now larger. The fields or their order were not
changed. The larger window displays realigned fields to make the UI clearer.
Apply/Unapply Prepayments
The Apply/Unapply Prepayments window is larger. The fields or their order
were not changed. The larger window displays realigned fields to make the UI
Invoice Gateway
Window name is renamed to Quick Invoices.
Associated UI components are renamed from Invoice Gateway to Quick
Window display is larger.
New button: Save and Next. When a user completes entry of an invoice, the
user clicks Save and Next to save the existing invoice to the interface table and
clear the window to start entry of the next invoice within the batch. Previously
the user used hotkeys or the toolbar to save the record and proceed to the next
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Changed Window
New region: Quick Invoices. Provides context information about the Quick
Invoices batch. The Create Invoices button was moved to this region to clearly
indicate that it will create invoices for the entire batch.
Instead of navigating to a second window to review invoices n the payment,
those invoices are automatically displayed in the new Invoices region of the
New button: View Processes. Navigates to the Requests window where the user
can review the status of the payment program. In previous releases, when a
user selects an action in the Payment Workbench that submits a concurrent
request, the system displayed a pop-up message that provided the request ID.
This behavior is modified as follows: The request ID is stored. When the user
clicks the View Processes button, the Requests form opens. The most recent
concurrent processes for the payment are automatically displayed.
Payments Actions
The Payment Actions window is larger and fields are reformatted to be clearer.
Payment Batches
New button: View Processes. Used to quickly navigate to the Requests window
to monitor the most recent concurrent processes for the payment batch.
Payment Batch Action
The Payment Batch Actions window is now larger and the fields are reformatted
to be clearer.
Supplier Sites
Payables now supports the attachment of non-structured data files to supplier
New checkbox: Gapless Invoice Numbering
New field: Selling Company Identifier
Match to Purchase Orders, Match to
New field: Match Basis. The value of the field will be either Quantity or Amount.
The value of this field is based on the value basis of the purchase order line's
type. If the Match Basis is Amount, all display information about the shipment
shows amounts rather than quantities.
Match to Purchase Order Distributions
If the Match Basis is Amount in the Match Basis field of the Match to Purchase
Orders window, then all display information about the distribution shows
amounts in the Match to Purchase Order Distributions window.
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Receivables in Financials Family Pack F
New Receivables Features
GL Transfer Program Controls for Business Users
GL Transfer Program Controls offer business users the convenience of scheduling GL Transfer Program run times, as
well as the ability to easily correct invalid GL accounts that are uncovered during the GL Post process. The Correct
Invalid GL Accounts window lets users perform mass and/or individual updates to invalid GL accounts. Enhancements
to the Unposted Items report help to identify the transactions that require modification.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Attention: You can run the Unposted Items report as a standalone request to identify items that use invalid
GL accounts. However, to correct these invalid accounts, you must run the General Ledger Interface
program and use the Correct Invalid GL Accounts window.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deposit Applications
Applying customers' deposits to their purchases is now more flexible. At the time of a customer order, deposit
information might not be recorded on the order. You can now add the deposit information after the invoice is
generated. You can add a deposit to any open invoice, including invoices that have been partially paid or credited.
Bank Account Function Security Enhancements
Oracle Receivables has strengthened internal controls by extending function security to the Bank Account Setup
window. You can now control user access based on internal, customer, and supplier bank account types.
Customer Credit Classifications
If customer credit standing directly impacts your business relationship with your customers, you can use the Customer
Credit Classification feature to assign and maintain credit classifications at the customer account level. You can
manage credit classifications using customer profile classes. Each customer within a customer profile class inherits the
credit classification of the group.
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User Interface Enhancements
Oracle Receivables has improved three major windows to streamline transaction entry and management. These
windows are now larger, display more information, and are more intuitive. Windows have been conveniently
consolidated, so that users can review and manage transactions using fewer windows. The following windows were
Transactions Header
Transactions Lines
Tax Summary
Sales Credits
Receipt Applications
Receipt Summary
Quick Cash
Credit Memo Applications
Revenue Accounting
Revenue Accounting and Sales Credits Window
Redesigned Find Windows
Transactions Overview
Redesigned Folder Windows
Receipt Applications
Receipt Summary
Credit Memo Applications
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Internet Expenses Mini-pack 11i.OIE.H
New iExpenses Features
Home Page
The Oracle Internet Expenses Home Page allows users immediate access to a variety of expense reporting
information, workflow notifications, and their corporate credit card account information. Employees are alerted to
changes and transactions that require their attention and these items are highlighted and linked, so that they can be
addressed in a timely and efficient manner. You can easily configure the application to include your own links in the
Shortcuts section.
Contingent Workers
Non-employees, such as contractors and temporary workers, can now enter expense reports into Oracle Internet
Expenses. The service providers who employ them are then paid directly through Accounts Payable. Contingent
workers can also be set up to approve reports, enter reports for others, and audit reports.
DBI Integration
Included in the daily business intelligence (DBI) suite of reports and portlets is a new Travel and Entertainment (T&E)
Top Spenders report. Cost center owners and other managers can quickly determine who the top spenders in their
organization are. This will help decision makers to assess both potential problem areas and policy violators. Note: DBI
Release 6.0, which contains this feature, is currently only available in a controlled release.
Audit Notes and Approval Communications
Internet Expenses Notes functionality enables expense report-related communications between the expense report
preparer, approver, and auditor, as well as auditor-only communications. Auditors can enter notes in the Audit
Expense Report page directed to the preparer or to another auditor. In addition, approval and rejection responses
entered through workflow notifications are captured as notes. The notes and communications provide a history of
management and payables approvals for the report.
The Notes functionality works with enhanced audit processing. Line level audit issues used in shortpay, adjust, and
reject flows are summarized in the expense report notes. The auditor can mark an expense line level issue with an
audit issue code. This information is available for the preparer in the workflow notification and is visible in the
application in the notes. In addition, a new configurable client extension supports retrieving information from other
sources and inserting them into the notes.
Audit Process Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to the Audit module:
Ability to reject the entire expense report.
Ability to request from the preparer more information regarding the entire expense report, without rejecting
it. The preparer can respond via workflow or withdraw the report to make corrections.
Ability to set up audit issue codes to communicate line level issues to the preparer in the shortpay, adjust,
and reject flows. This minimizes the auditor data entry, streamlines the audit process, and helps standardize
the expense business process. Audit issues with 'canned' instruction text are shown to the preparer in the
workflow notification and in expenses entry notes.
View Payables icon to see invoice and payment information for expense reports.
View amount totals for all displayed expense reports.
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A new Receive Receipt Packages page allows the audit clerk to capture just the receipt package received date
and report a filing number without the need to query the expense report lines.
Future-Dated Expenses
Expenses process owners can use the setup utility to define whether future-dated expenses should be treated as
warnings or errors during expenses entry. This ensures that expenses are not entered into inappropriate accounting
periods, which causes reimbursements to be delayed and accounting to be incorrect.
Usability Enhancements
Several usability enhancements were made, including browser Back button support and bubble text. In addition to the
Internet Expenses Back and Next buttons, you can now use the browser Back button to go back and make changes
while entering an expense report, unless the report has been submitted or items were deleted. Bubble text was
added for buttons and icons.
Quick Home Page Access
When you click on the Internet Expenses responsibility link, you are taken directly to the Expenses Home page.
Because you can access all functions from the Expenses Home page, there is no longer the need to show a list of
menu items.
Configurable Expense Report Numbers
The expense report number can be configured using the new Expense Report Number API to generate custom
expense report numbers. For example, the format of the expense report number can be configured to include such
things as employee ids and the date an expense report was submitted.
Internet Expenses Changed Features
Enhanced Approval Rules using Oracle Approvals Management
A tighter integration with Oracle Approvals Management (AME) offers a robust solution to expense report
management approval. The OIE Expense Reports transaction type and numerous AME attributes are now pre-seeded
in the product, making it easier to enable rules-based management approval in your implementation. In addition,
Internet Expenses includes three new configurable client extensions to support approval for enhancements, such as
line level accounting or Oracle Projects integration: AME Header-Level Approver API, AME Line-Level Approver API,
and AME Custom Cost Center Approver API.
Enhanced Approver Entry
Employee supervisors can now be defaulted during expenses entry. As the user sees who the default approver is, they
can redirect the expense report, if necessary.
Enhanced Adjustment and Short Pay Processes
Numerous enhancements were made to adjustment and short pay (policy non-compliance) processes. Adjusting a
cash or credit card line creates an itemization and a personal line. Shortpayment of a cash or credit card itemized line
creates a shortpay for all the related lines that belong to the same receipt.
Enhanced Expenses Itemization
Numerous enhancements were made to the itemize expenses functionality. In particular, employees can remove and
duplicate lines, edit original expense data, itemize promotions and discounts as negative amounts, and easily review
completed itemization using sub-numbering.
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Paperless Audit Rules
The paperless audit rule was changed to include other expense lines that do not require receipts.
Audit List Rules
The Receipt package received after the maximum number of days rule was changed. In the past, the application only
evaluated expense reports that were submitted within the last 30 days. With this change, this 30-day restriction was
removed. For important related information, see Instructions for Applying this Patch.
Enhanced Approval Rules using Oracle Approvals Management
Expense reports can be sent to cost center owners for approval when no one in the cost center hierarchy approved
the expense report. Expense reports can also be sent to cost center business managers. The AME Cost Center
Approver API and AME Cost Center Business Manager API were added to support these features.
Usability Enhancements
Various usability improvements were made. See Changed User Interfaces under New and Changed Components for
more information.
Manager Reporting
Managers and other reporting users can now save search results to a spreadsheet file. This allows users to use the
data for better spend and trends analysis.
Changed iExpenses User Interfaces
Workflow Notifications
All notifications related to the Expenses and Credit Cards workflows were enhanced as follows:
The notifications now use OA framework regions, thus allowing customers to configure the user interface
using the Oracle Applications Personalization Framework.
All information header information, notes, and instructions that were in y table were moved. Header
attributes were moved to be next to the From, To, etc information. Instruction messages are now in a new
Instructions region. FYI-type information is displayed in Information or Warning boxes at the top of the
Expenses And Violations Reporting
An Export button was added so that users can save search results to a spreadsheet file.
Credit Card Transaction History
An Export button was added so that users can save search results to a spreadsheet file.
Changed HTML Pages
Pages with the Go button
The Go button was removed from the General Information, Select Corporate Credit Card Transactions, and
Expense Lines Details pages.
Pages with the Done button
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For all pages that had a Done button, the button label was changed to Apply.
Button Hot Keys
Hot keys support is provided for most standard buttons. For buttons with an underlined letter, users can hold
the Alt key and press the underlined key to invoke the button. Users can also navigate back and forth
between subtabs by holding the Alt key and pressing the < or > keys.
Expenses Home page. The following changes were made to this page:
Shortcuts section was removed and links were converted to buttons.
Alerts section was removed.
Track Submitted Expense Reports page was moved to be the first table on the page.
Manage Expense Reports page
The Last Audited By query criteria and list of values on the Manage Expense Reports page are based on the
FND username and not the person (employee) name. When defined, the column shows the person name.
However, if users of the Audit module define personalized views that contain Last Audited By as a query
criteria, then when upgrading from 11i.OIE.H to 11i.OIE.I (or later) you must redefine the query criteria, since
the old view query criteria would not find any records.
Expense Reports history search page
New functionality was added to the Expense Reports (history search) page. This includes defaulting the
preparer's Name search criteria, enabling the Status field as a poplist, and improving the user interface
layout. To enable this new functionality and to provide for future enhancements, the page was reimplemented using Oracle Applications Personalization Framework. As a result, users who created any
personalized views on this page will need to redefine these views after the upgrade.
Approval Communications subtab
The Approval Communications subtab name has changed to Approval Notes. This change appears in the Audit
Expense Reports page, Review and Confirmation pages, and in the Approval Communication Languages
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Project Costing in Oracle Projects Family Pack M
New Project Costing Features
Labor Cost Processing for Contingent Workers
You can optionally process contingent worker labor as supplier costs or labor costs. When processing cost as labor,
contingent worker timecards must be entered. The following entry methods are supported:
Oracle Time and Labor (OTL)
Transaction Import/Microsoft Excel Upload
Pre-approved Expenditure Batch Entry
When one of the first two entry methods are used, contingent worker timecards can be linked and validated against
purchase orders to ensure that cost does not exceed the agreement amount. When timecards are entered in OTL,
receipts can be automatically generated against the purchase order to record consumed amounts. Payment on
Receipt functionality provided by Oracle Purchasing enables you to automatically generate invoices to pay the
contingent worker suppliers.
The timecard attributes determine how cost is calculated in Oracle Projects. When a timecard entry is linked to a
purchase order, cost amounts are calculated using rate information stored on the purchase order. When the timecard
is not related to a purchase order, cost rates are derived from the costing rules and cost rate schedules defined in
Oracle Projects.
Expense Report Processing for Contingent Workers
The transaction flow for expense reports is the same for contingent workers and employees. All expense report entry
methods available for capturing employee expenses are also supported for contingent workers. The only difference is
in payment processing. The payee for contingent worker expense reports is the contingent worker supplier rather
than the worker incurring the expenses.
Future-Dated People
You can enter actual project transactions for future-dated people only after they become active. In a future-dated
expenditure batch, you can enter people who will be active as of the transaction dates.
Changed Project Costing Forms and Windows
The following table lists changed forms/windows in Oracle Project Costing in this release:
Form/Window Name
Allocation Rule / Source Resources
Enables you to select the allocation source resources from a resource list or
a resource breakdown structure
Allocation Rule / Source Resources
Enables you to select the allocation basis resources from a resource list or
a resource breakdown structure
Expenditure Inquiry: Find Window
The employee list of values will now include contingent workers
Expenditure Inquiry: Project
Expenditure Items
Purchase order displays the following three new attributes for a transaction
related to a contingent worker:
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Form/Window Name
PO Number
PO Line Number
PO Price Type
A new attribute called Person Type is added that shows whether the
person is an employee or a contingent worker
If the transaction is for a contingent labor the contingent worker number
will be displayed under the existing Employee Number field.
Implementation Options: Currency Tab Enables you to enter the default values for the exchange rate date type
and exchange rate type for the operating unit
Implementation Options:
Expend/Costing Tab
A new option called Interface Contingent Worker Labor Costs enables you
to decide if contingent worker costs should be interfaced to GL.
The existing option Interface Labor Costs has been changed to Interface
Employee Labor Costs
A new option called Import Contingent Worker Timecards with Purchase
Order Integration enables you to decide if contingent worker costs should
be interfaced as labor costs or as supplier costs.
Labor Cost Overrides
The employee list of values will now include contingent workers
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry:
The employee list of values will now include contingent workers
Projects: Transaction Controls window
Added the following two new transaction control options:
Review Transactions
The employee list of values will have a new attribute called Person Type
that distinguishes between employees and contingent workers.
Person Type: Enables you to control costs for employee or
contingent worker
Workplan Resources Only : Restricts charges to only those
resources scheduled to work on a task
The following four attributes have been added to enable you to enter
contingent workers:
Purchase Order Number
Purchase Order Line Number
PO Price Type
Person Type
Changed Project Costing Workflows
The following table lists changed workflows in Oracle Project Costing in this release:
Budget Account Generator. Added new parameter called Person Type to derive budget account
Expense Report Account Generator. Added new parameter called Person Type to derive debit account
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Changed Project Costing Programs
The following table lists changed programs in Oracle Project Costing in this release:
Program Name
PRC: Create and Distribute Burdened Transactions
This process was modified as follows:
PRC: Distribute Expense Report Costs
PRC: Distribute Labor Costs
PRC: Distribute Total Burdened Costs
PRC: Interface Expense Reports to Payables
Autoaccounting will now have a new function Person Type
parameter to derive separate debit accounts for employee
and contingent worker related burdened transactions
Funds checking of burdened transactions will now include
contingent worker timecards
AutoAccounting will now have a new Person Type parameter to
derive separate accounts for employee and contingent worker
related expense reports.
The process was modified as follows:
Calculates the labor cost based on PO rate for a contingent
worker if PO information is provided on the transaction
When budgetary control is enabled, PO commitment is
relieved for a PO integrated timecard during the labor costs
AutoAccounting will now have a new Person Type parameter
to derive separate accounts for employee and contingent
worker related timecards
The process was modified as follows:
AutoAccounting will now have a new Person Type
parameter to derive separate accounts for employee and
contingent worker related burdened costs
For encumbrance liquidation, the process checks the funds
for a contingent worker related cost distribution line
The process was modified as follows:
AutoAccounting will now have new Person Type parameter
to derive separate credit accounts for employee and
contingent worker related expense costs
The process will now validate if there is a valid supplier
and supplier site for the contingent worker
PRC: Interface Labor Costs to GL
AutoAccounting will now have new Person Type parameter to
derive separate credit accounts for employee and contingent
worker related labor costs
PRC: Interface Supplier Costs
This process was modified as follows:
PRC: Interface Total Burdened Costs to GL
If the Implementation option does not allow contingent
worker labor costs to be imported, then all supplier costs
will be imported as payable invoices or receipts
If the Implementation option allows contingent worker
labor costs to be imported, then only the non-recoverable
tax and the variances portion will be imported
The process was modified as follows:
AutoAccounting will now have new Person Type parameter
to derive separate debit accounts for employee and
contingent worker related total burdened costs
Will also relieve encumbrances for contingent worker
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Program Name
related labor costs
PRC: Interface Usage and Miscellaneous Costs to GL
When burdened transactions associated with a contingent
worker timecard is interfaced to GL, encumbrance is moved
from purchase order encumbrance to actual.
PRC: Transaction Import
The process was modified as follows:
Import of uncosted and unaccounted contingent worker
related timecards is allowed only if the Implementation
option allows contingent worker labor costs
Contingent worker labor transaction is validated with the
purchase order, if PO information is recorded on the
Amount check is done to ensure that costs on the
transaction does not exceed the available PO amount
A new attribute called Person Type classifies the person as
an employee or contingent worker
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Project Billing in Oracle Projects Family Pack M
New Project Billing Features
Customer at Top Task
Customers can now be defined at the top task level. This allows you to invoice customers for specific project work by
top task. Additionally, if all the customers of a project are not known up front or change over time, you can add
additional customers on the project by associating them with new top tasks.
Invoice Method at Top Task
Invoice methods can now be defined at the top task level. This allows you to invoice customers with different
methods (e.g., fixed price and time & materials) within the same project. You can specify multiple invoice methods for
a project by overriding the project level invoice method by top task.
Invoice Line- Level Write- Off
You can create invoice write-offs at the invoice line level. The line-level write-off can be applied by prorating an
amount across selected lines or by entering an amount by line. This allows you to write off invoice amounts for
specific line items on an invoice as opposed to prorating the amount across all lines on the invoice.
Invoice Concessions
You can now manually apply a credit amount against a customer invoice. Invoice amounts can be easily credited to
the customer without adjusting any supporting transactions. Concession invoices are processed like existing credit
memos. Also, concessions can be applied at the invoice header or invoice line level. Line level concessions can be
applied by prorating the amount across selected lines or by entering an amount by line.
Accounts Receivable Exchange Rate Conversion Attributes
You can now use the project functional currency conversion attributes to convert to Accounts Receivable (AR)
functional currency. AR uses these conversion attributes to derive the exchange rate based on the invoice date. The
exchange rate is used to convert the invoice transaction amount to AR functional amounts for invoice lines.
Future-Dated Person
You can assign a future-dated person as an agreement administrator.
Billing Review in HTML Interface
The Billing Review page now provides you access to the project billing summary information, as well as the ability to
review and approve draft invoices, in a HTML interface. The Billing Review page consolidates project billing
information to provide a comprehensive billing summary, including funding backlog, accrued revenue, invoiced
amounts and unbilled items. All invoice summary amounts and draft invoices for the project can be grouped by
customer. You can also review and approve individual invoices online, including drilling down to the details of each
You can perform the following functions via the web page:
View Billing Summary – Revenue, Funding Backlog, Invoice Collections, Invoicing Status
View Invoice Summary by Customer
Review and Approve Invoices
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New and Changed Project Billing Forms and Windows
The following table lists the new form added to Oracle Project Billing in this release:
Form/Window Name
Task Billing Setup
Enables you to enter billing setup for top tasks
Agreements-Fund Projects
The following new fields have been added to the Show Field list in the
Fund Projects form:
 Control Item Number
 Control Item Summary
 Control Item Type
Billing Extensions
A new check box called Concession Invoice Processing has been added
Invoice Lines
1) The following new fields have been added:
 Credit Amount: Enables you to enter the credit amount for each
invoice line.
 Total Credit: Displays the total of Credit Amount field.
2) A new button called Credit is added. The button enables you to apply
Write-Off or Concession at invoice line level.
Invoice Summary
1) The Project Distribution Rule field has been removed from Show Field
2) The following new fields have been added to the Show Field list:
 Revenue Accrual Method
 Project Invoice Method
 Invoice Method at Top Task
Invoice Summary - Credit Invoice
A new option called Apply Concession is added to the Credit Invoice
window. The option enables you to apply concession at invoice header.
Invoice Summary – Run Process
The following new checkboxes have been added for Regenerate Invoices
option in Run Process window:
 Adjusting Revenue Run
 Release Draft Revenue
Projects – Currency: Billing Tab
A new field called Use Project Functional Currency Conversion Attributes
for Receivables Functional Currency has been added
Project Customers
A new check box called Default Top Task Customer has been added. The
check box enables you to set the customer to be the default customer for
all the top tasks.
Project Expenditure Items – Run Project
Streamline Requests
1) A new checkbox Adjusting Revenue Run has been added for the
Generate Draft Revenue option
2) The following new fields have been added for the Generate Draft
Invoice option:
 Invoice Date
 Invoice Generation Option
 Exclude New Transactions
 Delete Only Unapproved Invoices
Project Funding Inquiry – Funding History
The following new fields have been added to the Show Field list in Funding
History form:
 Control Item Number
 Control Item Summary
 Control Item Type
Projects - Revenue and Billing Information
The Distribution Rule field has been removed and the following new fields
 Revenue Accrual Method
 Invoice Method
 Customer at Top Task
 Invoice Method at Top Task
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Form/Window Name
Revenue Summary – Run Process
The following new checkboxes have been added for Regenerate Revenue
option in Run Process window:
 Adjusting Revenue Run
 Release Draft Revenue
New Project Billing HTML Pages
The following table lists new HTML pages added to Oracle Project Billing in this release:
Page Name
Displays project level summary of billing related information grouped by
the following categories:
 Revenue
 Invoice Collections
 Invoicing Status
The page displays the invoices for the project and enables you to drill
down to the details of the invoice. The page also summarizes the invoices
by customer where multiple customers are funding the project and enables
you to search for the invoices.
Invoice Details
Displays invoice header level details and invoice lines. Enables you to
approve the invoices and drill down to the invoice line details, withholding
basis amount details, and retention invoice details.
Invoice Line Details
Displays invoice line details for each invoice line
Retention Invoice Details
Displays retention terms of the project for each retention line of a
retention invoice
Review Related Invoices
Displays all related invoices that need approval at the same time and
enables you to approve all the related invoices displayed in this page and
drill down to the details of the invoice.
Withholding Basis Amount Details
Displays withholding basis amount details for each retention line of a
project invoice
Changed Project Billing Reports
Report Name
AUD: Project Configuration
The Distribution Rule field has been removed and the following new fields
are displayed in the report:
 Revenue Accrual Method
 Invoice Method
 Customer at Top Task
 Invoice Method at Top Task
 Default Top Task Customer
AUD: Task Details
The following new fields are displayed in the report:
 Customer Name
 Customer Number
 Revenue Accrual Method
 Invoice Method
MGT: Project Billing Status
The field name Billing Method has been changed to Project Invoice Method
and a new field Invoice Method at Top Task has been added in the report.
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Changed Projects Public APIs
The following table lists the changed public API in Oracle Project Billing in this release:
API Name/Description
Name: Project Maintenance API
Description: This API maintains
projects and tasks
pa_project_pub add_task: The procedure is modified to include the following two
 p_invoice_method
 p_customer_id
create_project: The procedure is modified to process parameters
passed from Load_Project
load_project: The procedure is modified to include the following two
update_project: The procedure is modified to process parameters
passed from Load_Project
update_task: The procedure is modified to include the following two
Changed Project Billing Programs
The following table lists changed programs in Oracle Project Billing in this release:
Program Name
PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Range of Projects
The Distribution field has been removed and the following new
fields added in the Draft Revenue Generation Eligibility report:
 Revenue Accrual Method
 Project Invoice Method
 Invoice Method at Top Task
PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
The Distribution field has been removed and the following new
fields added in the Draft Revenue Generation Eligibility report:
 Revenue Accrual Method
 Project Invoice Method
 Invoice Method at Top Task
PRC: Generate Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects
The Distribution field has been removed and the following new
fields added in the Draft Invoice Generation Eligibility report:
 Revenue Accrual Method
 Project Invoice Method
 Invo/li>
PRC: Generate Draft Invoices for a Single Project
The Distribution field has been removed and the following new
fields added in the Draft Invoice Generation Eligibility report:
 Revenue Accrual Method
 Project Invoice Method
 Invoice Method at Top Task
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Program Name
PRC: Submit Project Streamline Process
The following new parameters have been added:
 Adjusting Revenue Run
 Release Draft Revenue
 Exclude New Transactions for Invoice
 Delete Only Unapproved Invoice
 Invoice Date
 Invoice Generation Option
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Please refer to Oracle Metalink for more information about the Oracle Applications 11.5.10 (Financials Family Pack F
and Oracle Projects Family Pack M).
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