Workplace Safety and Health Officer Application Professional Work Review Write-up Please complete the following template, sign, scan, and save it as a PDF format for submission. SECTION A: PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Academic Qualifications Highest Academic Qualification Name of Awarding Institution Country of Awarding Institution Year of Completion WSH Qualifications (Please tick the relevant qualifications and furnish details accordingly) Qualification Awarding Institution Year of Completion Specialist Diploma in WSH awarded by WDA’s accredited Training Centre Recognised equivalent to Specialist Diploma in WSH: Advanced Certificate in WSH awarded by WDA’s accredited Training Centre Other WSH qualifications: SECTION B: CURRENT COMPANY PROFILE AND ROLE Please briefly describe in no more than 500 words your current company profile/nature of business and your current role. Professional Work Review Write-up template version 2.0 correct as at 3 July 2013 SECTION C: DEMONSTRATION OF WSH EXPERIENCE All responses should be limited to no more than 500 words. (i) Please describe the WSH legislative requirements that are most relevant to your field of work and how they have been applied/complied in your workplace. [You should demonstrate knowledge of WSH legislative requirements relevant to your field of work by citing examples of WSH regulations and how they are applied.] (ii) Please describe one WSH risk which you had identified and addressed. [You should demonstrate understanding of risk management concepts, risk assessment process, risk matrix, and hierarchy of controls with examples.] Professional Work Review Write-up template version 2.0 correct as at 3 July 2013 (iii) Please describe one workplace accident/incident you have encountered and how you identified and addressed the root cause of the accident/incident. [You should demonstrate accident/incident investigation experience and your role in the investigation team, including explanations of the investigation process, methodology, and outcomes derived from the investigation.] (iv) Please describe your experience in setting up and implementing a WSH Management System including the challenges faced and how you overcame the challenges. [You should demonstrate understanding and experience in at least one WSH Management System.] Professional Work Review Write-up template version 2.0 correct as at 3 July 2013 SECTION D: RELEVANT WSH EXPERIENCE Please complete the following table as accurately as possible. A Date of Employment1 B Company C Designation and Contract Title D Job scope 2 E F G Duration of Employment3 Extent of WSH Contribution4 Months of WSH Contribution 50% (50/100) x 12 [(F/100) X E] (if applicable) Example: 1/1/2008 To 31/12/2008 AAA (S) PTE LTD Site Supervisor WSH Roles 12 months Condominium Project at Lorong BBBB 1) Site Inspection 2) Accident Investigation 3) Safety Committee Member 4) Toolbox Meeting 5) ETC = 6 months Non-WSH Roles 1) Assist Project Manager to monitor work progress 2) ETC Total Employment Duration __________ months Total Duration of WSH Experience __________ months 1 Please indicate start and end date of employment. Please highlight your job responsibilities for each appointment (both WSH and non-WSH) in point form. 3 Please indicate the total duration of employment by number of months. 4 Please estimate the percentage of time spent in each appointment on WSH related issues only. 2 Professional Work Review Write-up template version 2.0 correct as at 3 July 2013 DECLARATION I, _________________________________ holder of _________________ (NRIC/FIN/Work Pass No.) hereby declare that the information contained in this professional review write-up is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that my application will be rejected if any information provided was misrepresented, and that legal actions may be taken against me if I had knowingly provided any false information. __________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Name Signature Date Professional Work Review Write-up template version 2.0 correct as at 3 July 2013