AP Biology - SJDAHomework

AP Biology 2010
Week 7: Part I Transcription, Translation, and the Genetics of Microbes
Chapter 17: From Gene to Protein
Chapter 18: Microbial Models: The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria
College Board Performance Objectives:
Explain how the structures of nucleic acids relate to their functions of protein synthesis.
Describe transcription and translation and relate each to possible mutations.
Explain the structure and function of viruses.
Explain the major steps in viral reproduction.
Explain how viruses transfer genetic material between cells
Describe the structure and function of the lac operon.
College Board Lab Objectives:
Explain the principles of bacterial transformation and conditions under which cells can be
Explain how a plasmid can be engineered to include a piece of foreign DNA.
Explain how plasmid vectors are used to transfer genes.
Explain how antibiotic resistance is transferred between cells.
Explain how restriction endonucleases function.
Explain the importance of restriction enzymes to genetic engineering experiments.
Explain the use of plasmids as vectors to transform bacteria with a gene for antibiotic
resistance in a controlled experiment.
Demonstrate how restrictions enzymes are used in genetic engineering.
Describe the biological process of transformation in bacteria.
Calculate transformation efficiency.
Use multiple experimental controls.
Design a procedure to select positively for antibiotic resistant transformed cells.
Suggested Laboratory Experiments:
Biology AP* Laboratory 6, Molecular Biology 6–Colony Transformation adapted to p-glo plasmid.
Pacing Guide:
Chapter 17: From Gene to Protein—1.5 days
Chapter 18: Microbial Models: The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria—1 day
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AP Biology 2010
one gene-one polypeptide hypothesis
messenger RNA
primary transcript
triplet code
template stand
reading frame
RNA polymerase
transcription unit
transcription factors
TATA box
5' cap
poly(A) tail
RNA splicing
transfer RNA
ribosomal RNA
P site
A site
E site
translation initiation
translation elongation
translation termination
signal peptide
Ross 2010 SJDA
Key Words:
point mutation
base-pair substitution
frameshift mutation
lytic cycle
virulent virus
lysogenic cycle
reverse transcriptase
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
F factor
F plasmid
R plasmid
insertion sequence
regulatory gene
cAMP receptor protein
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AP Biology 2010
Weekly Assignment # 7
Chapter 17; From Gene to Protein
1. State the purpose of transcription. Briefly describe the process.
2. Why must the genetic code be written in triplets of nucleotides?
3. How many codons does this code allow?
4. Describe the relationship between a DNA triplet, a codon, and an anticodon.
5. What is the evolutionary significance of the genetic code?
6. What is meant by the concept of a "reading frame"?
7. Describe the role played by promoters and transcription factors in transcription.
8. How is the elongation of the new strand accomplished?
9. State the purpose of translation. Briefly describe the process.
10. How are tRNAs hooked up with the correct amino acid?
11. Describe the structure of a ribosome.
12. During translation, how is the reading frame established?
13. Explain the initiation step in protein synthesis. Include all the steps.
14. Describe elongation. Include all steps.
15. Describe the way in which the end of translation is signaled.
16. Explain what happens to eukaryotic mRNA during its post-transcriptional modification.
Include an explanation of introns and exons. Also include the purpose of both the 5' cap and
the poly-A tail.
17. What purpose is served by signal sequences?
18. Name and describe the different point mutations.
Chapter 18; Microbial Models: The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria
1. What forms can a viral genome take?
2. Distinguish between a capsid and an envelope.
3. What is meant by host range?
4. Describe the lytic and lysogenic cycles.
5. Scientists have discovered how to put together a bacteriophage with the protein coat of
phage T2 and the DNA of T4. If this composite phage were allowed to infect an E. coli, then
phages produced by this cell would have what type of DNA and what type of protein? Of what
use is an envelope to a virus?
6. What is a retrovirus?
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AP Biology 2010
7. What is a viroid?
8. What is a prion?
9. How might viruses have originated?
10. What is transformation?
11. A microbiologist found that some bacteria infected by a particular phage had developed the
ability to produce a particular enzyme which they could not make before they were infected.
Why did this occur? What is the term used for this phenomenon?
12. Describe conjugation.
13. What is a plasmid?
14. What are transposons?
15. Describe the basic concept of the operon.
16. Carefully explain the role of the following in the lactose operon of E. coli:
a) promoter
b) regulator
c) operator
d) structural gene
e) repressor protein
17. Explain how the lac and trp operons differ.
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AP Biology 2010
Week 7 : Part II Eukaryotic Genomes and DNA Technology
Chapter 19: The Organization and Control of Eukaryotic Genomes
Chapter 20: DNA Technology
College Board Performance Objectives:
 Explain how genetic information is organized in the eukaryotic chromosome and how
the organization contributes to both continuity and variability in the genetic
 Explain some mechanisms by which gene expression is regulated in prokaryotic and
eukaryotic genomes.
 Explain some mechanisms by which gene expression is regulated in prokaryotes and
 Explain current recombinant technologies.
 Explain some practical applications of nucleic acid technology.
 Explain the legal and ethical problems that may arise from technology applications.
College Board Lab Objectives:
 Explain how gel electrophoresis separates DNA molecules present in a mixture.
 Use electrophoresis to separate DNA fragments.
 Design a procedure to select positively for antibiotic-resistant transformed cells.
 Determine unknown DNA fragment sizes when given DNA fragments of known size.
 Determine the identity of an unknown sample of DNA.
Suggested Laboratory Experiments:
Biology AP* Laboratory 6, Molecular Biology—Gel Electrophoresis (Adapted to determining
who is guilty of a crime.)
Chapter 19: The Organization and Control of Eukaryotic Genomes, pp. 344–363
Chapter 20: DNA Technology, pp. 364–387
Pacing Guide:
Chapter 19: The Organization and Control of Eukaryotic Genomes—1 day
Chapter 20: DNA Technology—2 days
Biology AP* Lab 6, Electrophoresis—2 days.
Block Scheduling
Eukaryotic Genomes can be accomplished in one block, DNA Technology in one block, and Gel
Electrophoresis Lab in one block.
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AP Biology 2010
Key Words:
 histones
 nucleosome
 herterochromatin
 euchromatin
 multigene family
 gene amplification
 differentiation
 genomic imprinting
 histone acetylation
 enhancers
 DNA-binding domain
 oncogenes
 proto-oncogene
 tumor-suppressor genes
 genetic engineering
 biotechnology
 restrictions enzymes
restriction fragment
sticky end
DNA ligase
cloning vector
nucleic acid hybridization
expression vector
complementary DNA
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
gel electrophoresis
restriction fragment length
polymorphisms (RFLPs)
Human Genome Project
DNA fingerprint
trangenic organism
Assignments for Chapters 19& 20
Chapter 19 Genome Organization
1. Briefly describe the levels of DNA packing in eukaryotic cells.
2. What are histones?
3. Describe a possible use for repetitive sequences.
4. Describe and give an example of a multigene family.
5. Draw a diagram of a typical eukaryotic gene and describe the function of each of the
following: enhancer, promoter, exon, intron, cap site, poly-A site, leader, trailer.
6. How can the life of a mRNA be extended? Why would a cell do this?
7. What is gene amplification? When would this technique be used by a cell?
8. Explain the purpose of DNA methylation.
9. Explain the role of oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes in the development of cancer
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DNA Technology
Chapter 20 Expression in Eukaryotes
1. What are restriction enzymes and what natural purpose do they serve?
2. What is a vector? Name two common vectors that are used in DNA technology.
3. Briefly outline the steps involved in using bacteria and plasmids to clone a gene.
4. How is cDNA made and why is it sometimes necessary?
5. How can a probe be used to locate a gene of interest once it has been cloned?
6. Explain how gel electrophoresis can be used to separate and visualize DNA fragments.
7. Describe the Sanger method for sequencing DNA.
8. Describe the polymerase chain reaction.
9. Describe the techniques of Northern and Southern blotting.
10. How are these techniques useful?
11. How can restriction fragment length polymorphisms be used as genetic markers?
12. Briefly explain how DNA technology can used in each of the following areas:
a) diagnosis of disease
b) gene therapy
c) vaccines and pharmaceuticals
d) forensics
f) environmental applications
g) agricultural uses
13. Briefly discuss some ethical and safety concerns surrounding the use of DNA technology.
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